Queen of the South (2016–…): Season 2, Episode 5 - El Nacimiento de Bolivia - full transcript

Teresa, James and El Guero go to Bolivia in search El Santo, the mysterious cult-like leader who could be their new supplier.

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CAMILA: Previously
on "Queen of the South"...


We need to ship cocaine
up the coast.

You're going to help us.

Divorce papers.

You sign this,
I'll leave you in peace.

Divorce or war?

Then war it is.

So what's this all about?

You and your people
will work for me.

Yeah, but you want a war,
I'll give you--


MAN: Boaz is a wild card.


You're the rat?

But you knew he was alive.


Then we only have
one hole to dig.

You do need a new supplier,

and I can connect you with one.

It's El Santo.

You need to go to Bolivia.

(eerie music)


Is he as bad as they say?

El Santo--Epifanio
was always terrified of him.

Yeah, Epi, back in '95,
he did this deal with Igor,

the Russian, for a large
shipment of Kalashnikovs,

and he didn't realize
El Santo was involved.

The crate got seized
by U.S. Customs.

Epi, he didn't want to pay;
he came home

and found his entire house staff
strung up like wet laundry.

What did Epifanio do?

He paid.



Those seats have covers
on them.

Cut it open.


So we don't get robbed

like a bunch
of gringo tourists.

TERESA: Your connect, Leo,
can we trust him?

Leo's the best in Bolivia.

Give me back my knife.


(phone ringing)

I've been trying to get
ahold of you for two days.

I had to shake the DEA
before I got to Bolivia.

Went Fast and Furious
on their asses.

Yeah, La Paz
ain't changed much.

We're almost at
the meet point now.

I want to thank you for agreeing
to use your boats for this run,

for your loyalty.

GEORGE: This ain't about
loyalty, Señora.

I almost lost two good men
in your clumsy little tango

with the feds.

This is about finishing
what we started.

I understand.

I'm prepared to offer a 10%
increase on our arrangement.

No, let's call it
a gentlemanly 20,

and also I'm gonna have to put

a little clock
on this here arrangement.

You and your people
got 72 hours to get the goods

to the border,

or me and my boats
are Cambodia-bound.

Fine. Three days.

But if you leave early,
I will hunt you down

to the ends of the Earth,
Your Highness.

Con un chingo
de respeto, Señora.

I think I see
your power trio right now.

(phone beeps)

(tires squeal)

Welcome to La Paz, bitches!


Come on!

These are the papers
you'll need

to get your coke
through to the border.

We're supposed to be
from Chile?

Chillax, teen dream.

You ain't doing
a funny accent or nothing.

Can we do it in three days,
you think?

If your El Santo connect
is legit,

eh, it should be fine.

It's legit.

We'll meet with
my connect at the bar,

we'll get to El Santo,
and then we are

out of La Paz and gone.

Keep your wits about you, girl.

This ain't Culiacán.

Spiders in this web,

they ain't the kind
that wait for the fly.

There's your bar.

Get to it.

And loosen up a little.

You three blend in
about as much as a piranha

at a poodle party.

(upbeat electronic music)


It's a cocaine-cocktail bar.

Tourists come here
to party 24/7.

Why the fuck
are we meeting here?

Why not just meet
at the police station,

give him a challenge?

Where's your connect?

What does he look like?

You see them?

Look, I don't want
to spook him off, okay?

I'll go take a look.

You guys just wait here.


Fuck that.


Spanish conversations)

(gun cocks)

Hola, mi amor.

Leo, it's been a minute.

(gun cocks)


She's Leo?

(dramatic music)


(upbeat electronic music)


I told you,
if I ever saw you again,

I'd kill you.


I don't know what this is about,
but whatever it is--

Step back, puta.

This is between me
and lover boy.

(speaking Spanish)

Shit, Leo!

We have $100,000 for you
to connect us to El Santo.

It's either this or a bullet.


I'll spare him.

But only because
I know you're gonna

get skinned alive anyway.

Are you gonna make
the introduction or not?

Are you willing to die
to meet him?

We know the risks.

Show me the finder's fee,


You sure this is all you want?

I told you why we were coming.


I'll make the call.

Are you an idiot?

Why the hell didn't you tell us
Leo was your ex-girlfriend?

We don't have options
down here.

It's the only chance we got
at getting to El Santo.

We're here on business,
all right?

Whatever happened between us
is not important.

It's not important?

She's probably calling
the hit squad right now.

She wouldn't do that.


Does she know about me?

No, of course not.


It's done.

What now?



We wait.

(solemn music)


You said it was an emergency.

Walk with me.

What's this about?

This arrived at my office
this morning, care of me.

Open it.

The mail clerk that opened that

saw the white powder,

thought it was anthrax.

He almost called the FBI.

I'm sorry.

My husband sent this to you
to screw with me.

He knows your firm is handling
my trawler company.

The feds are literally
combing through my garbage

looking for something,

to connect you to the cartels.

I don't do...
sloppy, Camila.

You don't deserve this.

I'll take care of it.

This will never happen
again, okay?

Just trust me.

(dramatic music)

(sighs, mutters in Spanish)

(upbeat electronic music)

LEO: (snorting, sighs)


Thank you.



When are El Santo's people
showing up?


(La Luz's "Call Me in the Day"


I love this song.

(women vocalizing)

* Before the sun goes down


* If it's getting late


* I won't pick up the phone


* Well, you see me

* Only on the need...

What are you doing, Leo?


(speaking Spanish)


* When you're feeling mean


* As a boulder
slowly gaining speed *

* On down a hill


* In your path


* Nothing I could do

You think I don't know
who you are, hmm?

You think you took him
from me?

(inhales sharply) You didn't.

You didn't.


You never had him.

He had you.


He left me the same way
he left you.

Now it's just business.


Just like you.


(cell phone rings)

That's my connect.

Where are you going?

I'm just gonna let them know
everything's all right.

Uh-huh, why don't you
bring your connect in here?

LEO: That's not how it works.

This is my city.

You want El Santo?

Follow my lead.


You burn us, I'll find you.


I don't like it.

We don't have a choice.

She'll--she'll come through.

She's crazy, but I could
always depend on her.

(men yelling in Spanish)

(people screaming)


GUERO: Soldiers. It's a raid.

Come on. This way.

(soldiers yelling)

(dramatic music)

We're surrounded.
Follow me.


(speaking Spanish)


Let's blend in.

GUERO: Leo sold us out.

(soldiers yelling)

MAN: (speaking Spanish)

(soldier shouts)



A little bunny told me I could
find two machos in here...

And one pretty Mexicana,

looking to traffic cocaine
from my city.


You didn't happen to see
somebody like that, have you?

No, we just came here
to party.



Mind if I sit?

Seeing as you're just
here to party...


Not to do business...


Go on.











I'm good. Thank you.

I've had enough.


I said, "again,"
mi fresa.


(heartbeat thudding)


(piercing eerie sounds)


You sure you're not
the Mexicana I'm looking for?

(heartbeat pumping rapidly)

In that case,
you came to party...


Let's party.


No, no...

-Wait, wait.
-Get the--

We got 100 grand.

Just take it.

We'll leave.
You'll never see us again.

The money's under the table,


(breathing heavily)

(indistinct murmuring)



It's done.

(soldiers shouting)



Hey, hey, look...
(speaking indistinctly)

Hey, look at me.
Stay with me, stay with me.

-Gotta get her out of here.
-Get her up, come on.

Get her up. I got you.


We need something
to slow her heart.

Bring her over here.

(exciting music)

(speaks indistinctly)

Go search the crowd for
something to bring her down.

It's a coke bar.
There'll be something.


We need to cool you down.




There you go.

Deep breaths. Deep breaths.


I'm here. I'm here.

If I don't make it
out of Bolivia--

You're gonna be fine. Stop it.
I'm with you, okay?

You have to promise me
that you're gonna let him go.

Don't kill Guero.

JAMES: What'd you find?
What'd you get?

I got some pills.

Here, here...

Take these. Take these.

It's Benadryl; it's gonna help
slow your heart down.

-(breathing heavily)


JAMES: We need to get her
to a hospital

and then get the hell
out of Bolivia.

Yeah, and what about
El Santo, huh?

It's over!

You're just gonna
pull the plug?

You failed.
You almost killed her.

There we go.
There we go. Good.

That's what this
is really about. Good.

Stop it! (gasping)

We need to find Leo.

You're in no state,

and she tried to kill you,

TERESA: I didn't come
all this way for nothing.

I know where to find her.


(breathing heavily)


CAMILA: It was Boaz's fault.

He's working with Epifanio.

They screwed our shipment
in Galveston.

We wouldn't be in this situation
if he hadn't betrayed me.

We need to send the Jimenezes
a message.

It's gonna be very difficult.

Their security's gonna be
on high alert.

You're close to his enforcer,
aren't you?

El Puño?

He trained me.

I'm godfather to his daughter,

back in Chihuahua.

Well, then you shouldn't
have a problem

getting close to him.

I'll handle Epifanio.

You handle El Puño.

What's the message?

No message.

Just bring me his head.

(tense music)


MAN: (singing in Spanish)


(dog barking,
people speaking Spanish)

Sure you don't want
to wait in the car?

It's safer inside.

Let's go.

GUERO: It's all the way
at the top, on the left.

JAMES: What makes you think
she still lives here?

GUERO: She was born
in this house.

Means a lot to her.

She'll be here.


You sure you're all right?

I'll rest at the top.

Let's go.


(door bangs, lock clatters)




GUERO: Her parents
were killed by the cartel.


GUERO: That guy takes himself
a little too seriously.

You need to back off,
give him some space.

He's not used to
having to compete.

Is that what we're doing here?

You know what I mean.
Just be careful.

They already don't trust you.


I see the way he looks at you.


He saved my life.


That's it.


We hit a snag
with Guero's connect.

He's gonna have to stick around
a little longer.

I'm not surprised.

He's not stupid.

He's stalling.

Do what you have to do.

CAMILA: And then I want you
to take care of Guero.

Just keep Teresa out of it.


GUERO: I should have
told you about Leo.


She's still in love with you.

Well, that don't excuse
what she did.

No, it doesn't.

But she didn't do it to me.

She did it to you.

WOMAN: Let me go!

(indistinct arguing)

What? You're gonna shoot me?
(speaks Spanish)

Let her go.

(shouts in Spanish)

(breathing heavily)

-That's for trying to kill me.
-Hey, hey, hey, hey!


Let me go!

I want to talk to her.


(indistinct chatter)

I understand you

because I've felt that pain too.

But it disappeared.

I was told he was dead.

I had to run for my life.

I did things
I thought I never would,

things I'm ashamed of.


But I was only trying
to survive, just like you.

I know he hurt you.

I can see that.

But you don't want him dead.

Otherwise, the soldiers
that you called

would have done it
at the bar.

If we don't make this deal
with El Santo,

Guero's going to die.

My boss is gonna kill him.


If you have any feelings
left for him,

you have to help us.


We deserve better than him,


El Santo...

has a guy who has to vet you
before you meet him.

They call him El Dentista.


I'll make an appointment.

(Spanish hip-hop music)







(engines revving)

(indistinct chatter)

Teresa Mendoza.



(speaks Spanish)




It's okay. I'll go.


This is bullshit.


Don't be nervous.

What is this?

An examination.


It's part of his process.

El Santo?



I represent Camila Vargas.

She sent me to make a deal
with El Santo.


(eerie rattling noises)


This way.


This way.


Wide. Very wide. "Ah."


You're a long way from home.

Your mercury fillings...

these are only used in Mexico.

I can also tell

that you're not a Mexican
or an American Federale.

They have
the best dental plans.

I suggest
you take your friends

and leave this brutal place.

Tell this Camila Vargas that
your best efforts run adrift.

Thank you, Doctor,
but we've come too far

to turn back now.


I'm a very good dentist.

Top of my class.

But the majority of my time
is not spent fixing teeth...

But pulling them...

So that those who are
meant to be forgotten

can no longer be identified.

A car will pick you up

Give this to the driver.

God go with you, mi'ja.


Where's this cab gonna take us?

He didn't say.

You're getting in this car?

TERESA: It's the only way
to El Santo.


-(speaking Spanish)

(soft music playing over radio)

(tense music)


(dramatic melody playing)


(tense electronic music)

(indistinct chatter)



I thought I heard someone.


(door closes)


It's a test.

We're being vetted, watched.

I'm gonna take a look around,

make sure
we're not being ambushed.

-No, we should stay together.
-I won't be long.

TERESA: Then we'll all go.
Come on, let's go.

No, no, you need to wait here in
case El Santo's people show up.

If anyone gets in trouble,
you fire three shots, okay?




(music swells)

Hey, look at this.

What is it?

It's El Santos' Bible.

I've heard about this thing.

He wrote it for his followers.


Let me see.

Yeah, he's not just
a drug dealer;

he runs some sort of
whacked-out cult.

(murmurs in Spanish)

(woman laughs)

(giggles, speaking Spanish)

(gun clicks)


(phone buzzing)





MAN: ¿Jefe? Jefe?

(gunshots, men grunting)

(bodies thudding)




(blade slicing)

They're not planning
on me leaving Bolivia.

You know that, right?

Camila and James want me dead.

I'm not gonna
let them kill you.


I don't know you anymore,
do I?

I'm not the same girl
you left behind.

Yeah, I know.

(firework screeches)

What's that?

It's gotta be
some type of signal.



Teresa, wait!


(exciting music)


-Hey, come on, go this way.


(men shouting in Spanish)

So your family still doesn't
know who killed Manuel.

It's best
that stay between us.

But now I'm paying
for his funeral.

(speaks Spanish)

But it's the least I could do.

No expense spared.

Rest in peace, Manuel.

And long live the new king,

(speaking Spanish)


(gags softly)


So I take it you got your mask.

If this is
some kind of threat...


-It's a declaration.

You declared it once before,
and I'm still standing.

One dead soldier...

changes nothing.

CAMILA: It's a declaration
of independence.

And one more thing, my love.

Next time you want to send me
a personal message,

leave our lawyers out of it.

-Listen, I--
-(phone beeps)

He got the message.

(Camila chuckles)

-(speaks Spanish)

I gave you a chance
to leave,

but you dug in deeper.

Like ticks.

So now,

you require the flame.

If it's more money you want,

let me talk to my boss.

We can figure something out.

I don't cut deals
with traffickers, Sancho.

I want one thing

and one thing only.

El Santo.

We don't know him.

-It's true.

We came here
looking for El Santo.

We failed.
We don't know him.



After the moment we had
back at the bar,

I know you made
the connection.

This marrana told me.

She doesn't know
what she's talking about.


This puta here
said you don't know

what you're talking about.

Should I cut
your lying tongue--

Leave her alone!

We gave you money.

We can't get you
what you're asking for.

Tell me how to find El Santo.

Tell me how to find El Santo.


Let Teresa go.


Let her go.


-Or she'll end up--

(gasps) No!

(breathing heavily)


Did you think the fire
would be pretty, Mexicana?


We don't know
how to get to El Santo.

We know as much as you do!


In exactly one minute,

I want you to kill
both those men.

MAN: Sí, Capitán.

-My people...
-(chair scraping)

Are drowning in drugs,


spiritual perversion.

El Santo is the water
pouring into their throats.

And they only have me
to protect them.

I will kill anyone...

Everyone who tries
to hurt my country.

It's the only home I have.


You only have a few seconds
before your men are dead.

Give me El Santo.




Oh, well.

(gunshot, body thudding)



(tense music)


(shells clattering)

(muffled gunfire)



(music swells)


(water dripping)

(man coughing weakly)





(metallic scraping)

Oh! (sobbing)


(indistinct chatter echoing)

(dark music)


Captioned by CaptionMax