Queen of the South (2016–…): Season 2, Episode 10 - Que Manden los Payasos - full transcript

James and Teresa compete for Camilla's trust. A new revelations causes Teresa to reevaluate everything. Epifanio plans on leaving the cartel but not before he punishes Cortez.

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TERESA: Previously on
Queen of the South...

CAMILA: Sinaloa has a right
to know who you are.

EPI: What?

CAMILA: Isabela has a right to
know about your hypocrisy.

-Where's Cole?
-Do I know you?

You know exactly who I am.

Teo did a good job of
hiding your ownership

in shell corporations.

I'll give you 3 million
for 100 keys.

If all goes well
with my customers,

I'll take the rest of it
and deliver 27 million.

How would you like
to own my business?

I will sell it to you.

POTE: (speaking Spanish)

ALONZO: Teresa Mendoza.
This is Agent Loya.

Our offer's still on the table

if you choose to
cooperate against Camila.

TERESA: Are you okay?
-Only if you have a gun.

(gunshots, man yelps)

(gun fires)

Look what we have here.

Camila Vargas,
you're under arrest.

(dramatic music)

(somber music)


Next in line.


(woman speaks indistinctly
over PA)

What do you
need me to do?

You're gonna cover for me.

Keep things status quo
while I'm here.

Work alongside James.

Whatever you need, I'm ready.

You are, Teresa.

You're here because of me.

I called the DEA agent.

You saved my life.


(indistinct chatter)

(ominous music)


I just made a deal.

You'll get
extra protection in here.

You think we can trust them?

I mean, if we bought them,
someone else can too.

Our guy in the
Sheriff's Department trusts him

You'll be safe.

Cole said it's a bad search.

You'll be out in a couple days.

Until then, you and Teresa

will be working together,
holding up things.

The priority is
to assure our associates

that everything's well.

Excuse me.

TERESA: I'll be right back.

The minute I'm gone,
you end up in here?

She's not ready, Camila.

I can handle the business alone.

If it wasn't for Teresa,

we wouldn't have
anything worth protecting.

Hi. Excuse me.

Where you from?

You got a lot of balls,
coming at a stranger like that.

That woman I was talking to,

she comes from a very important
family in Sinaloa.

Lil Traviesa.

Lil T.

Teresa Mendoza.

I have
business to discuss.

So let us get to it.

I'm selling all my business
to you, Boaz.

You'll have complete ownership.

Colonel Cortez will remain
as your operational partner.

Reynaldo will keep the pipeline

with the product
coming from Colombia.

And I will retain no supervisory
nor veto power,

as long as it doesn't

interfere with my duties
as governor.

What if your duties include
stopping my business?

Our people rely on
the cocaine production

for their survival.

I'm a pragmatist.

I have no desire to end that.

As long as
you conduct yourself

as a proper businessman,

we have no issues.

I'm sure Boaz understands

how profitable stability is

and will make a fine partner.

Being a cabrón is a choice.

But with all this money,

I'm sure I can be a nice guy.

(soft chuckling)

CORTEZ: I'm wondering, Governor,

when a great warrior
decides to retire,

how long before he misses
the thrill of the battle?

If he doesn't have
the fight in him any longer,


My family will be
my priority, but...

I have one condition.

Camila is in jail, and
her business will be crippled.

You did an excellent job,

(brooding dramatic music)

You may continue
going after her business,

but not her life.



Congratulations, gentlemen.

We will celebrate this--

and our new union
with a charreria

at my brother's ranch.

A gentlemen's affair.

I look forward to it.


(crickets chirping)

(distant horns honking)

Let me take the lead
with George.

Anything about Camila,
it's just a blip on the radar.

Maybe I can help.
He trusts me.

He knows I'm her right hand.

We get this and we go.

(country rock music
over speakers)

GEORGE: Whoa-boy!



There she is!


Come on, Bilal.

I got company.




Bilal, go check on the shipment!

I miss you, girl.

(friendly growl)


TERESA: Hi, George.

Oh, it's nice of y'all to visit.

I thought Camila might have been

keeping you in
the cage with her.

About that,
she'll be out in 48 hours.

It's a bullshit charge.

Business is status quo.

Oh, status quo, huh?

What say you, princepesa?

I got your assurances on that?


Well, hell,

if Leia says let it ride,

then I'ma put all my chips
on the fuckin' table.


Who's the Wookie?

No offense meant, brother.

Chewbacca's the single
greatest wingman

in the history of the universe.

Oh, come on!
Let's do some business.

BILAL: (speaks Somali)

(speaking Somali)

What's wrong?

(speaks Somali)

-We got a problem.
-(shouting Somali)

(gun cocks)

(tense music)


No! No! No!

GEORGE: God damn it!


The hell!

No! No! No! No!


They killed my men
and took the shipment!



BILAL: I looked all around.
The cargo's gone.

Our entire shipment
from El Santo.

El Puño

Boaz Jimenez's main enforcer.

I took care of him when
you guys were down in La Paz.


is payback.

(soft brooding music)

JAMES: We'll take care of it.

We'll get you more protection--

I don't give a rat's ass
about your cocaine!

That's my boys down there!

We have commitments,
payments to El Santo.



You don't want to threaten me.

I want to burn you
down right here!

Look at me.

This is not about business.

These were your friends.


Whoever did this
is going to pay for it.

We're gonna handle it.

GEORGE: You bet you are.


Why the DEA would blow their wad

on this mosquito-bite charge
is beyond me.

It's textbook bad search.

They planted the gun

and a whole whopping
eighth of an ounce of coke,

neither of which
they can prove is yours.

It's laughable.

It's still a felony.

But you're
a first-time offender.

You have 48 hours
till your bail hearing,

and then you go free.

The prosecutor

will drop the indictment,
and the DEA knows this.

This will crumble, Camila.

Have you spoken
to your wife yet?

Not yet.

We have nothing
to worry about with her.

(soft laugh)

She confronted me.

She knew where we were meeting,
and when.

Somebody fed her
that information.

Uh, Kelly Anne knows

what crossing me will get her.

I've got you covered.


Well, I didn't say
your protection

would come without a cost.

I'm gonna need to
think about this.

Keep looking for alternatives.

If the DEA does come up with
something on your business

in the next 48 hours,

this... is your only option.

I'm not a stupid woman.

I'm a Longhorn
with a law degree.

And I live a lifestyle that
most people would kill to have.

And you don't get those things
by being a stupid woman.

Kelly Anne,
what did you do?

(distant chatter)


I confronted Camila Vargas.

After you showed me
that picture

of her and my husband.

And I--I followed him,
and I waited.

And obvious--she--
she denied everything.

But then I went home
and I saw on the news

they're just
slaughtering people.

They're just slaughtering
people like sheep.

And I don't know what the fuck
I'm supposed to do!

-It's okay. Okay!
-What am I supposed to do--

It's okay.

Take a seat.
It's okay.

You made a mistake.

(soft brooding music)

Now, I can protect you,

but I'm gonna need
your help to do it.


We're looking for a smoking gun.

Paperwork connecting
Camila to Colibri Trawlers.

Your husband's firm
handled the deal.

Everything about the company's
ownership records

are buried offshore.

But Cole might still have
those papers in his possession.

So you want me
to search my house,

because then you
won't need a warrant.

If you find those papers,
we keep Camila behind bars.

Then we'll talk about how we
keep you safe in the long run.


(soft dramatic music)

Boaz hit us 'cause
he thinks Camila's weak.

I'm gonna arrange
a sit-down with him.

We broke him out
of DEA custody last year, so

that should earn us
enough good will.

Strike a truce.

I mean, we need a deal,
not more bloodshed.

Pote took out his enforcer.

This is not about money.
It's personal.

It's always about money.

Till it isn't.

I think we should
speak to Camila before--

There's no way.

So here's what's happening.

I'm gonna meet with him.

You're gonna sit tight.
And that's it.

(car chiming)

POTE: You don't need guns
to sit tight.

I told Camila I wanted
to be her partner.

She asked me to handle
business while she was gone.

Are you with me?

Always the hard way.

(speaking Spanish)

Claro que sí.

I'm sorry to
interrupt your business.

It's not business.
This is pleasure.

I'm designing a home.

Architecture intrigues me.

I don't know much about it.

Oh, but you do.

The building
is just like a business.

If the foundation is weak,

the structure
will never be stable,

and eventually, everything
will come tumbling down.

(soft brooding music)

Camila's charges are weak.

She'll be out
in a couple of days.

This won't affect our business.

Except for the disruption
of her distribution routes

through Corpus Christi.

Give me one good reason

I shouldn't back out
of this right now.

This is a temporary situation.

It's being handled.

-By you?

The attack on our ships
wasn't a setback.

It's an opportunity
for both of us

to expand our business.

How so?

Guarantee me you won't
stop distributing our product

and I'll tell you.

You asking me to close the deal

before you even pitched.

That's a rather bold move,
Miss Mendoza.

It's not bold.

It's smart business,

for both of us.

My brother...

(horse nickers)

My brother used to
love the horses.

Not so much.

This place smells like shit.

(speaking Spanish)

Given the situation at hand,

I thought it best
not to add fuel to the fire.

You struck while
Camila was in prison,

because you think
she's vulnerable.

Let me assure you,
she's not.

And yet the blood
of a dozen dead mayates

taints the waters,

while I benefit from the fruits

of a deal you made
with the madman, huh?

An attack on our transportation

is a direct attack on us.

And that warrants retaliation.

(clicks tongue)

But you're not here for that.

I'm here to save bloodshed
on both sides.

(horse neighs)

And to make a deal
which we can both benefit from.

(speaking Spanish)

The moment that your buyers
try our product,

they won't go back to yours.

We got the connect
with El Santo.

And one stolen shipment's
not changing that.

(soft dramatic music)

So what are you proposing?

We'll not expand into
your territory in West Texas.

And you and Epifanio will
cease any and all moves

against our business

That's your offer?

I get to keep
what I already have?

If this lasts for 60 days,

no moves on either side,

we can negotiate a wholesale

for some of
the Bolivian product.


That's if you can move Epifanio.

(speaking Spanish)



Phoenix. Mesa. Scottsdale.

You don't fly there.

Too many
independent contractors.

I don't do well with chaos.

Because it's run
by Boaz Jimenez.

It's 30% of his business

that no one has challenged.

I have connections
on the streets

that would take care of sales,

and muscle to back it up.

You got a street gang?

You've lined up infrastructure
and some heat to protect it.

And with Las Sombras,
we will have soldiers

in every single city
in the Southwest.

We'll take his territory without
firing even a single bullet.

Is this Camila's plan?



(soft music)


Camila underestimates you,

We have a deal?

I'll have my people
do some research

and take a look at the numbers.

Tell Camila the money
will be delivered on schedule.

And our arrangement
will continue as planned.


(glasses clink)


(Snow Tha Product's
"Not Tonight")

* Turn up the bass

SNOW: * Babe
show me what you like *

* Ay, I put money
I can match it for ya *

* I'm in this (...)
and don't wife it *

* Looking like a brick and all
them zippers on a jacket on ya *

* He got a thang
for a Latin chick *

* He wanna hear
a little Spanish *

* I told 'em it ain't (...)
to practice it *

(pounds table)

SNOW: * Walk up with the clique
and I ain't *

* Looking like the side in this
I'm the opposite *

* 'Cause I'm the main event
And bossin' in it *

* As the time been tickin'

* Now I'm 'bout to
block the hit *

* Some day, some day,
some time I'll find someone *

* Someone to tell me I'm
somewhat, somewhat *

* Doing all right,
doing all right *

* Somewhere, somewhere
I'ma find me that *

* Someone, someone
that somebody that *

* One day, one day
will be the love of my *

* Life, love of my life

* But not tonight though

* Hey,
I'm only here for a minute *

* Bet you want a girl
that keep it hella independent *

* I know you gotta like
a girl that this appealing *

* If you caught up
in the moment *

* Then I'll get you
in your feelings *

* Tell your boys that
you gonna meet 'em later on *

* Both of us are drunk
so, taxi, leave the meter on *

* First time you out in Cali

* Never tried
no weed this strong *

* So you gonna have
some stories to tell *

* When you take your ass
back home *

* One time, one time
Snowy-owie show you *

* What it's like leave
you sleep like the codeine *

* Call the umpire, get you out
and get you rolling *

* Get your (...) you gotta go I
got a flight up in the mornin' *

* Some day, some day
sometime I'll find *

* Someone, someone
to tell me I'm *

* Somewhat, somewhat
doing all right *

-* All right
-* Turn up the bass!

(indistinct chatter)

(door slams)

Let's go.

(tense music)


MADDOG: Camila Vargas.

Always heard
you were a scary bitch.

What do you want?

Let's start

with whatever you have.

Make it weekly.

Call your friends.

I don't have any friends.


I can't help you girls.

(ominous dramatic music)

(soft scoff)

Wrong answer.

Excuse me?

(blow lands)



(tense music)


"I can't help you girls."

You think you're talking
to your puta daughter?



(blows land)


(both grunting)

(choking, crying)

You're dead now, bitch.


Looks like somebody
fucked you up, esa.

She's with us.

(dramatic music)

Drop the shiv.

Before I put it in your eye!


Thank you.

Thank Teresa Mendoza.

She hooked this up.

(speaking Spanish)

Never better.

Yes, Colonel, please invite
all your men to the celebration.

Listen, I'll have to
call you back.

(phone beeps)

Oh, no!
Mi'ja! Mi'ja!

(dramatic music)


No, mi'ja, no.

-I'm here now.


Mi'ja, no.

(speaks Spanish)

(soft groan)



(somber music)



What's the matter with you?

(breathes shakily)


I'm sorry.
It--it's okay.

It's okay.
It's okay, it's okay.



I'm giving it all up.

The entire business.

I'll just be governor,

and your father.

There will be no more crocodiles

for you to ever worry about.

I'm gonna do everything right.


(somber music broods)

When I was little,

like five or six,

I--I used to
stare out that window.

And you would ask me
what I was thinking.

I remember.


I used to love that.

Tell me, mi'ja,

what is it that you are
thinking about now?




When Cortez took her,

I thought he was gonna kill her.

I was so scared.


everything just hurts.

You just rest, hm?

I'll just sit here
right next to you.

You just rest.

Here's payment for next week,

in case you're still in.

The homies got you covered.

Them bitches know not to

even fuckin' look at
Camila Vargas again.

Thank you.

And about that Arizona thing,

I talked to my uncle
Big Travieso.

Your uncle's the boss?

El mero mero.

He took care of me
when my moms got shot.

I'm sorry.

Not as sorry as
the piece-of-trash

puto that shot her.

But Big T's down to talk.

He's been trying to mess with
the cartels for a minute now.

Okay, I'll let you know.

And thank you again
for taking care of Camila.

She won't forget it.

Neither will I.

Camila's lucky to have you.
You one bad bitch.

See you soon.

-God, are you okay?

Starting to
feel like myself again.

What happened?

Some girls tried to kill me.

And then the women
Teresa arranged to protect me,

they did their job.

I'm running out
of ways to thank you.

Just glad you're okay.

Where are we with Devon?

-I spoke with him...
-You spoke with him?


He was worried
about you being in prison.

But the deal was too good.

And his first payment
is on the way.

He'll take the rest
of the metric ton in a week.

$30 million.

Well done.


JAMES: We got some bad news.

Boaz hit King George.

Killed some of his men and
stole a quarter of the shipment.

We need George's boats
to make good on the deal.

I trust you struck back.

We don't want our rivals
to think we're weak.

We don't have the resources
to go to war right now.

So I sat down with him,
came to some terms.

We're good.

You came to terms?

He's gonna stay out of our area.
We won't expand into his.

Gets them off us,
so we can operate

until we decide
what we want to do next.

So he basically
gave you permission

to do what
we were already doing.

You've got enough
going on in here.

What I did, I did
to protect your interests.

I'm so fortunate
I had Epifanio

and now you to do that.

I will clean up

the mess with Boaz
when I get out.

And until then,

I want you
to transport the money

that Teresa secured from Devon.

Keep the trains moving.

And no more judgment calls.

What's going on?

I told you to sit tight.
You run to Devon.

I tell you I've got
Camila's protection.

You go behind my back

and make deals with hoodrats.

And it worked.

Where were your people
when they jumped her?

Devon is our money.

She said she wanted that
locked down.

She's not thinking straight.

I've been protecting her
since you were

scrambling for change
in Culiacán,

waiting for that
pretty boy pilot

to show up and save your ass.

Is this about business
or something else?

I chose Camila.
You chose Guero.

You know,

Camila likes you
because she can control you.

But the truth is,

you are a sloppy,
inexperienced girl

who lets her emotions
affect her judgment.


You're upset because
I work with Camila.

And you work for her.

(cell phone rings)
That's what you think.

-Teresa, it's Kelly Anne,

um, Cole's wife.

Uh, listen,
I know this is out of the blue,

but you need to come to my house
as soon as you can.

Kelly Anne, I'm sorry, but
this is really not a good time--

Teresa, please, I need you to
come see what I found right now

or you might end up in prison.

(dramatic music)

(mariachi music playing)


(scattered cheerful yelping)

(cheers and applause)

(speaking Spanish)

(chattering in Spanish)

(scattered cheers)

(scattered applause)

(singing "Despedida" in Spanish)

(scattered cheers and applause)

So we are in agreement over
the terms we have discussed.


(Cortez continues singing)

Your wife's product,


Don't worry.

Shipment from La Paz
has been interrupted.

We didn't hurt nobody.

That mattered.

(singing Spanish)


(cheers and applause)


(scattered cheers)

Come on, hurry.
Get in.

(papers rustling)

What is this?

These are the
ownership documents

filed in the Cayman Islands
for Camila's Trawler company.

TERESA: Why is my name
all over these?

Because, uh...
(soft laugh)

According to this,
you own Colibri Trawlers.

(music broods)

I never signed these papers.

This has to be fake.

Well, it's overseas,
but it's a legit,

legal-filed corporation,

and they can hang you with this.

Camila's trying to set you up

to take the fall
for her business.

(dramatic music)

Why are you showing this to me?

We're both in deep shit
because of them.

I figure maybe we
can help each other out.


This had to be Cole.


KELLY ANNE: Oh, God, he's home.

He's supposed to be at work.

Come on.


Whoa, no-no-no!
There's an alarm.

Listen to me.
You go out there.

Disarm the alarm
and distract him, okay?

-Please, Kelly Anne, go.

-Okay, okay.
-Just go.

(footsteps recede)


(door opens)

Hey, what's going on, darling?

You look a little flushed.

No, I j--
I thought you had that meeting.

So I didn't think you were gonna
be home till later tonight.

Well, surprising my bride
should be a good thing.

-(soft laugh)
-Come here.

(soft laugh)


-Let go of my--
-Why is my office alarm off?

-Let me--
-Why? Why?

Who have you been talking to?

Let go of me.

TERESA: Let her go.

I said let her go.

(brooding dramatic music)


You set me up.


You're as clueless as she is.

Set you up?

That was your boss's idea.

What about the other paperwork
in Camila's name?

That's to protect me.

See, you and I,
we work for the same person.

And only one of us
is stupid enough

to think that Camila

won't throw you to the wolves
to save her own ass.

-Don't call her stupid--

The only thing your ungrateful,

traitorous ass needs to do

is pack your shit now,

or pray she kills me.


Let's talk turkey.

Maybe we put the gun down,

figure a way out
for all parties involved.

(gun fires)


(brooding music)

(breathing shakily)

(gun drops)

(crying shakily)


(mariachi music playing)

Felicidades, Colonel.

(both speaking Spanish)


Are you all right?


It's--it's a lot
of excitement today.

But I'll have plenty
of time to relax very soon.

You know,

I still cannot comprehend

how do you walk away
from your life's work?

My life's work's
my family.

And their failures
are my own.

You are far
too hard on yourself, compa.

You once called Camila

my weakness.

And you were correct, Colonel.

Had anyone else done
the things that Camila did

on our so-called war,

the solution
would have been obvious.

Get rid of her once and for all.

My heart didn't let me do this.

But apparently your
sicarios in Dallas

had no such obstacle.

The word I received
is that they tried to

take her life.

So you think I defied you
by ordering this.

Oh, no.
No, my friend.

I've seen you in action.

If you had truly
wanted her death,

it would have happened.

(both speaking Spanish)


We all die at some point.



(speaking Spanish)

(speaking Spanish)




Okay, we need some help
in here right now.

No-no-no-no, I don't want to
dampen the celebration.


I just need to
get some fresh air.

(mariachi music continues)


(speaking Spanish)

(brass mariachi music)



(men screaming)




(muffled screaming and gunfire)

(pistol fires)

(horse nickers)



I can't have this mess.
(soft laugh)

'Cause Cole--he's--he's so--
he's just so damn anal.

They get little spots
and he doesn't--he just--

-he hates--
-Kelly Anne, you're okay.

(glass shatters)

(ambient music)

They're all gonna come after me.

Camila, the DEA, everybody,
they're all gonna come after me.

And I don't know what
I'm supposed to do.

Listen to me, okay?

As soon as my friend is done,
you're gonna come with me.

I will keep you safe.


You're gonna be fine.


Why would you do that for me?

Because I know how to survive.

Trust me.

Nice shot for a gabacha.

I need you to watch her for me.

I have to speak to Camila
about this paperwork.

You think she set you up.

Why are you going there?

I need to see it in her face.


(distant chatter)

I'm glad you're here.

You know, Cole hasn't
answered my phone calls,

and that has me worried.

Maybe you can reach out
to his wife?

-Do something.
-I don't need to.

She reached out to me.


She found paperwork

on some of your companies

in a safe

in Cole's office.


(soft brooding music)

He put everything in your name.

(very soft laugh)

Why would he do that?

I don't know.

Maybe he was just
trying to protect himself,

in case the DEA came after him.

Did she say anything else?

Anything about
the trawler company?



That's all she said.

I know that's the thing that

would put you
in prison for life.


Should I have her look for it?


The DEA is all over her.

I want you to be safe.

Why would Kelly Anne call you

and show you all this?

She thinks you're having
an affair with her husband.


Are you?

With my attorney?


I know better than that.

And after everything
I've done for you,

you should know better
than to ask me that.


I trust you more than anyone.

I would never lie to you.

(brooding music builds)

I'm sorry.

It's okay.

These are stressful times.

You've done well.

I'm proud of you.

(very soft laugh)

I'll be out soon.

There's so much work
to do together.

Much to celebrate.

I look forward to it.

Me too.


I have to go.

Take care.



(gentle ambient music)


(Javier Solís' "Despedida")

SOLIS: * (singing Spanish)


(speaking Spanish)

(speaking Spanish)




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