Queen of the South (2016–…): Season 1, Episode 3 - Estrategia de Entrada - full transcript

Camila tests Teresa's loyalty on a major drug operation; Camila makes a move to take over Epifanio's cartel; Brenda plots her escape.

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WOMAN: Previously on
Queen of the South...

If you leave me now,
you die.

I'll deliver the drugs
that your mule didn't.

Where do I know you from?

I was Guero's girlfriend.
He's dead.

-My name's Aveline.

You just stick close to me
and I'll help you out.

I'm a mule now.

You follow me,
you'll end up just like me.

What did she do to

EPIFANIO: That puta and
stole from me.

If you find this girl,
let me know.

I'm going to be governor
of Sinaloa,

and you're gonna help me
get there.

No, it's my business too.

You want to take over
a trawler company,

and you want to hide this
information from your husband

because of an impending divorce?

CAMILA: More like war.

Still nothing
on Guero's girlfriend.

POTE: But we did get
a cell phone ping.

EPIFANIO: You take care of this
personally, César.


I'm just supposed to keep
looking for this girl

that means nothing to you,
whom you need alive, preferably,

and who needs to be made
an example of?

You know this Mendoza
Keep an eye on

I think she might be more useful
than I

(soft music)

♪ ♪

One day you're gonna come home
and I won't be here,

'cause I'll be dead.

-Don't say that.
-You know that, right?

♪ ♪

Right now, you're gonna swear

by this holy thing
that you got in your hand

that you really get it.

So you know
I never lied to you.

♪ ♪

I swear.

(dramatic music)

♪ ♪


From what I'm feeling,

this is as good
as your day's gonna get.

Her name is Teresa Mendoza.

She's from Culiacán.

Was a
in the Buelna Mercado.

Spent the last five years
as a money changer

on Calle Juarez.

She lived with Guero here.

I got in, looked around.


How did Guero steal
from Epifanio?

How did he do it?

The details I got were

they had someone
with the

They were getting back
seized cocaine,

re-selling it
for themselves.

Who took them out?

Batman got Guero.

Gato and Pote,
they dealt with Chino.

What about her family?

Mm, you won't be able
to get to her through that.

Epifanio already killed off
anything she cared about.

He has men everywhere
looking for her.

California, Florida,

Whatever he wants her for,

it's very important.

Important enough to pretend
she doesn't mean anything.

(dramatic music)

♪ ♪

(tense music)

♪ ♪

(both speaking Spanish)

(indistinct chatter in Spanish)

You have five new messages.

First message.

BRENDA: Teresita, it's
Where are you?

Call me
when you get this message.

I want to know you're okay.

I don't know what happened
to you.

You got to call.

WOMAN: Next message.

BRENDA: I still haven't heard
from you.

I'm getting really,
really worried.

Shit, Teresa.

I'm gonna turn my phone off
to save the battery.

Leave a message for me.
(phone vibrating)

(phone beeps)

She didn't answer again?

No, she answered, that's why
I'm talking to her right now.

Why are you asking me
stupid questions?


Of course she didn't answer.

Drink some water, mijo.
You need water.

(GPS device beeping)

(speaking Spanish)

(both chuckle)


(both speaking Spanish)

(phone ringing)

TERESA: Brenda?
It's me, Teresa.


Oh, my God, you're alive.

BRENDA: What happened to you?
Where are you? Are you okay?

Yes, I'm fine.
Just listen to me.

BRENDA: Why'd it take you
so long to call me back?

You know how many messages
I left?

You leave me here
thinking you're dead and

You know how upset Tony was?

I'll explain everything

Just listen to

Guero told me
all our phones are theirs.

They have
their own cell phone network.

Towers, everything--
all can be tracked.

Guero's, Chino's, mine,

Do you understand
what I'm saying?

Turning it off
to save battery

is what saved your life.

They can actually be hearing us
right now.

You have to destroy
your phone

and go to
the crazy green place, okay?

I don't--I don't know
what you're talking about.

I don't even know
what that means.

Do you understand what I mean
by crazy green place?


Yeah. Yeah, I know.
I know, yeah.

Just smash your phone and


(speaks Spanish)

Come here, mijo.

(speaking Spanish)

(tense music)

♪ ♪

(indistinct chatter in Spanish)



♪ ♪

Get in the car, Tony.

-But it's not our car.
-Are you even my son?

Get in the pinche car!

♪ ♪

(door ajar alarm beeps)

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Keep your head down, Tony.

♪ ♪

You okay, mijo?

Are you hungry?
Do you want to eat something?

You let Mommy know, okay?

Okay, we're okay.

(indistinct chatter)

Thank you...

for putting me here.

Tina, Julie, get dressed.
Savings Club.

Am I doing something today?

Come with me.

I don't know
how much shit you're in,

but I know
what you're trying to do.

And what am I doing?

You're trying to
yourself with Camila.

But the second that
become valuable to

the second she takes
an interest in

it's gonna be harder for you
to get

So be careful.

What am I supposed to do?

So you did a good job.
She was

Just do small things
when you're asked.

She'll get bored of you.

(dramatic music)

♪ ♪

(phone vibrating)

-Why aren't you at Savings Club?

JAMES: I'm on my way.

Take Teresa.

Why would I do that?

I want your opinion on her.

I want you to dig deeper.

I appreciate

But she's got no experience.
I can't take the risk.

It's important to me.

Just like staying out of jail
or not getting killed is to me.

She has no idea
what she's doing.

CAMILA: James.

I want her to trust you.

You're good at that.

It's not an option.

JAMES: Okay.

(tense music)

♪ ♪

Camila wants you
to go with us.

Come on.

See what I mean?

♪ ♪

(phone ringing)

CAMILA: Isabela.

I miss you so much.

How are you?


Very busy.

-What's new, right?
-And you?

How are you doing?

I'm good. Just heading over
to my world lit class.

I can't wait to see you
next week.

Listen, about next week--


CAMILA: This is as hard for
as it is for you, Isabela.

And I was really looking forward
to seeing you.

It's just--it's work.

It's always work.

CAMILA: Something unexpected
fell in my lap and...

it just needs
my full

I just don't
it's the right time

for me to visit.

You know what?
Forget it.

CAMILA: Isabela--
(phone beeps)

(phone beeps)

(phone ringing)

(phone beeps and ringing stops)

(phone line trilling)

(tense music)

♪ ♪

You stay here.

This is your cell phone now.

If anything happens--
you see something strange,

something makes you
feel weird,

some dude walks past
with his dog twice, you call.

There's a preset number.

What's going on in there?

You said you wanted a job.

So you got it.

(door ajar alarm beeps)

♪ ♪

I forgot, Helen.

Look, I said I'm sorry.

HELEN: I just want to go out
and celebrate.

Look, you know how buried
I've been down here.

HELEN: You know what?
You're a jerk.

Give me a break. Look,
we'll celebrate this weekend.

HELEN: Come on!
-Don't call me that.

I said don't call me that.

HELEN: You know what?
I'm hanging up.


(disconnected tone)
Ah, God!

Don't look at me like that,

-I'm not your wife.
-All good, James?

-Better than you, it seems.

(tense music)

♪ ♪

(phone ringing)

(both speaking Spanish)






TERESA: Brenda?

Teresa, where are you?
Why aren't you here?

'Cause I'm in America.

-What does that mean?
-Listen to me, I can't talk.

I'm in the middle
of something here, okay?

Do you have any money?

Around 6,000

Buy a burner phone.

Leave the number with
the receptionist at the

and I'll call for it later.

Take the rest of the money

and find a coyote who can
take you to Dallas, Texas.

(speaks Spanish)

Listen to me.
Just trust me, okay?

Come to

(speaks Spanish)

I don't like gringos.
Last time I checked,

there was a lot of gringos
in Texas.

♪ ♪

Good to go?


BILL: That's Keegan.
He's always here.

No, he's not.



He just got promoted
from produce.

He's been here coming up
on two years now.

♪ ♪

Just get here.
And leave me the number.

I have to go.


No, no, no, wait!

♪ ♪

(speaking Spanish)



♪ ♪

What's your name?
Where are you from?

Who do you work for?
Who do you work for?

You don't think
we know what you're doing?

You got drugs coming out
of that Savings Club.

(speaking Spanish)

Where are you from?

I'm from Mexico.

(Ramirez speaking Spanish)

-Who do you work for?
-(speaking Spanish)



RAMIREZ: She doesn't work
for anybody.

She crossed the border
a few days ago looking for work.


You're working
for Camila

(speaking Spanish)

-And I know it.
-(speaking Spanish)

And you are going to say it!

(speaking Spanish)

You and your friends
are going down hard, darling!

Federal time!

(speaking Spanish)

This is my boss.

And by the third ring,
I answer it.

And you're done.

QUEEN: A snitch is a snitch.

♪ ♪

Don't do it.

(phone continues ringing)

(speaking Spanish)

♪ ♪

Can you hear me, Teresa?

Get out of the van.


♪ ♪

That thing you did yesterday,

swallowing the drugs,

I was impressed.

But even a rabbit will chew off
its own leg

to get out of a trap.

I needed to know
I can trust you.

Now I know I can.

♪ ♪

(horn honks)

JAMES: I didn't even know
that was gonna happen.

The thing you need to understand
is that's who she is.

And the second you think
you know where you're at,

the ground shifts
underneath you.

I told you, be careful.

Now you know what I mean.

The last time
I'm gonna talk about this.

(tense music)

♪ ♪

Who's the guy with the hose?

The one you just nodded

♪ ♪

We own him.

If I ever see him
watering his plants,

and he doesn't stop
by the time I get there,

I keep driving.

♪ ♪

There's our buyer.

♪ ♪

What are you doing?

-I want to meet him.
-No, you don't want to meet him.

If he sees your face,
he knows you.

She knows you know him.
See how that works?

If I know too
I'm indispensable.

If I know too little,

Did you listen
to a word I said?

♪ ♪


Who's she?

She's new.
She's running with me.

I don't like "new," James.

I like faces I know.

Where's Aveline?



I don't like this.

Look, if you have a problem,
take it up with

I can sell this load

♪ ♪

All right.

You vouch for her?

You take responsibility
for her.

♪ ♪

-Keep it close.

-I won't be long. Thank you.
-Thank you, sir.

(soft piano

♪ ♪


So, what have you got?

That trawling company
you want to quietly buy.

-Gulf of Mexico.

They're willing to sell.

Hell, they're practically
willing to give it away.

Two of their boats
are in dry dock for repairs,

and they can't afford
to fix them.

The other two
are barely seaworthy.

They got three bank loans.

Two sisters run it now
for the

She's got cancer.

She's not long
for this

They're looking to get
move back to

where their brother

And you got all that
in just 24 hours?

I like to dig.

I can see that.


sometimes you find things
you don't expect.

Your husband,
for example,

has his big toe stuck in most
of the shipping in the gulf,

and I think we both understand
what he's

and it's not

You neglected
to tell me that.

Because it's not relevant.

Ah, when you said you wanted
to keep this from your husband

it was because of this fact.

Not because you're trying

a little something
off the books for

I never said
I was trying to hide

a little something
off the books.

Yes, but you led me to believe
that that was the

You have a history
in asset distribution.

It's not my fault
that most of that business

is between
husbands and wives,

and you just assumed
that it was my case too.

When I agreed to do this,

I didn't mean antagonizing

one of the largest businessmen

I don't get my hands

Oh, but your hands
are not dirty,

just your fingernails.

There was a fisherman
in the region.

He had three

He complained
about some of the other boats

violating harbor passage rules
without penalty.

The next week,
they found some of him--

most of
in an oil barrel.

Now I believe you can probably
buy his company too.

Guess whose boats
were violating the rules.

Everything my husband has,
I helped him build.

So if you're afraid of him,

you have to be afraid
of me too.

He won't know what happened
until it's too late.

I need boats for shipping.

And all you need to know is
that I'm fortifying my business

in a large and meaningful way.

And that by the time
he figures that out,

he's gonna have bigger problems
on his plate

than the lawyer that quietly
filed shell corp documents,

believe me.

You said you work
on percentages, right?

That's what you said?

For your loyalty,

I'm willing to give you
a piece of...

whatever I bring.

And let me make
one thing clear.

Even the smallest
percentage number,

the one that's running
through your head right now,

the one you're hoping
I will agree to,

even if you cut
that number in half,

and then cut it in half
once more,

you would be able not only
to lease an entire floor here,

but to buy
the whole damn building.

(tense music)

♪ ♪

Will you be staying
for lunch?

♪ ♪

Can we see the wine list,

♪ ♪

(truck beeping)

(tense music)

♪ ♪

Keep your mouth shut in here.

♪ ♪

GRACE: ♪ One
makes you larger ♪

♪ And one pill
makes you small

♪ And the ones
that mother gives you ♪

♪ Don't do anything at all ♪

♪ Go ask Alice ♪

♪ When she's ten feet tall ♪

90% pure.

There's 100 kilos
as promised.

I just need to check the
and we can all go home.

GRACE: ♪ Chasing rabbits ♪

♪ And you know
you're going to fall ♪

♪ Tell 'em
a hookah-smoking caterpillar ♪

♪ Has given you the call ♪

♪ Call Alice ♪

♪ When she was just small ♪

♪ ♪

♪ When the men
on the chessboard ♪

♪ Get up and tell you
where to go ♪

♪ And you've just had
some kind of mushroom ♪

All right.
Let's wrap it up.

Let's unload.

GRACE: ♪ And your mind
is moving low ♪

♪ Go ask Alice ♪

♪ I think she'll know ♪



Can I see the money?

GRACE: ♪ When logic
and proportion ♪

Is there a problem?

I don't know.

Something feels off.

Can I see it?

GRACE: ♪ And the White
is talking backwards ♪

♪ And the Red Queen's off
with her head ♪

♪ Remember what
the dormouse said ♪

(tense music)

♪ ♪

This one is fake.

They're ripping you off.

All U.S. money paper
weighs a gram.

-This one is too light.
-I don't see it.

You don't see it,
you feel it.

The difference between
a real one and a fake

-is the paper.
-Are you sure?

I was a money changer
for five years in Sinaloa.

-My life depended on it.
-It still does.

You accuse these men
of cheating us

-and it's a mistake?
-In Sinaloa...

you don't make a mistake
with your bosses' money.

I spent five
in the hospital.

I'll never make
that mistake again.

♪ ♪


Something the matter?

(clears throat)

♪ ♪

I'm gonna need
to weigh this bill.

You think I'm cheating you?

I don't know.

But the girl thinks
the bill is fake.

So then you won't mind
if I weigh it.

Just to be safe.

You're embarrassing me.

If she's wrong,
I demand reparations.

♪ ♪

Weigh the bill.

It'll be less than a gram.

♪ ♪

LOPEZ: That doesn't make sense.

Let's try it again.

Find me another one.

♪ ♪

Here's another one.

♪ ♪

Are you ripping me off,

-No, no.
-Are you ripping me off?

It wasn't me, I swear!

How do we know
you didn't put it in there

when we went to get the coke?

No, James, Lucian's the other
one that I let handle

the money besides me.

No, no, no, I've been working
for you for almost nine months,

Mr. Lopez.
You know me.

I never cheated you.

you want to check my

Here, take the damn keys.

I have never stolen
from anyone in my life, ever.

Don't check his house,
check his car.

I knew a man
who hid it in his car

'cause then he wouldn't
have to collect

when he had to run.

Check his car.

Check it.

Check every inch.

♪ ♪

(speaking Spanish)

♪ ♪

What can we do
to make this right?

He stole from us.

What do you think
we should do?

♪ ♪

Just let him go.

That's the wrong answer.

♪ ♪

(tense music)

♪ ♪

What will they do to him?

It's already done.

♪ ♪

Where are you going?

This is not the
to the warehouse.

Camila wants to see you.

♪ ♪

CAMILA: Teresa.

Come and have a seat.

You know, this bottle...

comes from my favorite
mezcaleria in Oaxaca.

It's good.

You should try some.

James told me
what happened today.

You took a big risk.

How come you knew
those bills were counterfeit?

I saw something was wrong.

What did you see?

One of the
kept cracking his

He was nervous.

Guero taught me to look out
for those things.

This is for you.

It's okay.

You can open it.

(dramatic music)

♪ ♪

Thank you.

But no.

You saved me $50,000 today.

♪ ♪

This is not a gift.

-You earned it.
-I don't want it.

♪ ♪

I know you don't want
to be here.

♪ ♪

I know how much it must have
hurt to lose Guero.

You know nothing about me.

No, but I know about loss.

You are not the only one
that lost everything

when you left Mexico.

I lost my

My business.

Now I'm losing my

♪ ♪

Everyone and everything

I spent a lifetime building.

♪ ♪

So this is yours.

You can take it or not,
it's your call.

I'll have James
save it for you

while you make up your mind.

But it's yours.

♪ ♪

Keep it...

as part of the debt I owe you
for bringing me here.

I'm tired.
Can I go?

I'll have James
take you home.

This is not my home.


when life gave you a choice
about what to do

with the man that stole
from us,

you chose mercy.

That was the wrong choice.

Women in this business,
we cannot afford to look weak.

Don't ever make
that mistake again.

♪ ♪

(Latin music plays over

♪ ♪

(dramatic music)

♪ ♪

Come on.

I mean, you don't actually
believe in this stuff, do you?

♪ ♪

I'll do anything
to protect

♪ ♪


(Latin music plays)

♪ ♪


(dramatic music)

♪ ♪

Come here, mijo.
Come on.

(phone vibrating)

(men speaking Spanish)

I don't even want to tell you
what I'm going through

right now, you asshole.

I know.

Are you stuffed
like a greased pig

under the seat of a bus with
people that smell like shit?

I need a shower.
I need to change clothes.

And I need to eat something
with meat in it,

so whatever
you're going through,

you multiply that shit
by a thousand

and you're nowhere near
where I am.

BRENDA: I can't do this, Teresa.

You have to do this, Brenda.

I know you're scared.

(somber music)

♪ ♪

They're gone, Brenda.

♪ ♪

Guero, Chino.

♪ ♪

If you stay
Epifanio will find you.

♪ ♪

And Tony.

♪ ♪

You have to do this.

This better be worth it,

You tell me.

You got to tell me.

Is America as bad
as everybody says it is?

(mouse trap

(tense music)

♪ ♪


You're gonna love it here.

♪ ♪

Te quiero.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

(typewriter keys clacking)

(bell dings)