Quarry (2016–…): Season 1, Episode 6 - His Deeds Were Scattered - full transcript

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- Baby?





What's going on?

Is someone out there?

Mac'? Will you please tell me what's going on?

Baby? Wait, baby.

Do I need to call the oops?

Mac, if someone is out there,
I'm calling the cops.

Mac, you're scaring me.

Mac, you're... (GASPS)


Mac, you need to come back inside, baby.



Baby, please.

Mac, please.


Baby, can you hear me?

Baby, can you come back inside?

Mac, everything's okay, okay?

Even/thing's okay.

MAN; Dixie ville Rides and Games.
This here's Burkhalter.

MAN 2: Hey, Burkhalter, Credence around?

BURKHALTER: Who's this?

Ifs Eugene, man.
They got my ass locked up dawn here.

Hey, ifs Linwood.

CREDENCE: What the fuck you doing
calling here, boy?

EUGENE: Credence.
Credence, how's ii going, man?

CREDENCE: It was going a lot better
till this here.

EUGENE: Hey, you see the news?

They got me locked up
for beating on the nigger boy.

CREDENCE: Of course I saw
the goddamn news, Linwood.

That's why I don't wanna have
nothing to do with you calling my number.

EUGENE: Now, Credence, don't hang up, man,
I got a lead on something.

CREDENCE: I don't need none of your leads.

This bullshit you've gone
and stepped your mats in

ain't bullshit you're gonna track
into my house, you got me?

EUGENE: I just need a little help
to get out of here.


CREDENCE: Steer your narrow ass
clear of me, Linwood. You understand?

EUGENE: Credence, I met an old boy.

He might be able to
get you in line on something.

Now, you got the connections
to help me get out of here.

- CREDENCE: I ain't helping you for shit.

EUGENE: Credence, this boy is saying
he got a lead on some white horse.

Credence? Credence?

Fm here. What you got?


EUGENE: I can put you in touch with him
if you can help me get out.

- CREDENCE: How much you talking?
- A goddamn lot of it.

EUGENE: As much white horse
as you could want.

And all you gotta do
is hem me get out of here.

CREDENCE: So, I get you out.

Why am I supposed to believe
you ain't gonna do me like you done before?

EUGENE: Credence, damn, man.
That was a long time ago.

I told you, my sister's boy...

CREDENCE: I don't give a good God damn
about your sister's boy.

I'm saying who is it
you're gonna hunk me up with,

and how am I supposed to trust him?

or you?


Dude, where you going?


Hey, watch it.

Guys, hey! Come on, come on.

I fucking loved you!


- NAOMI: You decent?
- Come on in, Mama.

Well, it's about time you got up, sleepy bug.

The early bird can keep all them nasty worms.

You okay?


Well, it's called mother's intuition
and mine is firing like the Fourth of July.

You know if you can talk to anybody,
you can talk...

I can talk to Mama, I know.

You got mail.

- You want some breakfast?
- What?

Got eggs, bacon, grits.
Just give me a minute.

So, did I say anything?

JONI: Not a word.
Barely got you to come back in the house.

Well, between the mattress and the phone,
I'm on a roll, huh?

Yeah, it was terrifying.

You really think I would've hurt you, honey?

I don't think you would've known
it was me you were hurting.


Yeah, well, it was just a bad dream, okay?

Bad dreams don't involve
swinging a loaded shotgun around.

(STAMMERS) I'm sorry, Joni, okay?

You wanna punish me, huh,
for something I don't remember doing?

Mac, calm down, please.
It's okay. I'm not mad at you.

I'm not. I'm worried about you.

I'm okay.

I'm okay.

I'm fine, Joni. Come on.
Hey, it was just a nightmare, that's all.

Okay? It's not gonna happen again, okay?
Especially once I'm done with all this.

You know, just go back to normal.

- Okay?
- Mmm-hmm.

- You take a look at the classifieds yet?
- No.


- What?

What'? Come here.


Come here, Come here.


You're gonna be late getting Marcus
and Andrea's gonna be here any minute.

- Baby. Mac.
- It's okay.

She can watch, huh. Come on.




How are you doing, Marcus?

With what?

You know, everything.

Your friend, your dad.

You know, you've been through a lot, Marcus.

I'm good.

You know, my mama died
when I was about your age,

so I know how tough it can be.

How'd she die?


- Did you cry?
- Some.

Do you still miss her?

Yeah. Yeah, yeah, I do.

MARCUS: So, did, um...

Did you and my dad
do missions and stuff together?

Yeah, yeah, we went on
all kinds of different missions.

Was Quan Thang a mission?

Yeah, that was a mission.


But like I said, Marcus,
we went on all kinds of missions.

Well, did my dad kill people?

Your daddy was a hero, Marcus.

- And he was one of the best men I ever met.
- Yeah.

But then he got shot.

He did.

You know, Dr. King got shot, too.

He did, by a bad man.

Like Eugene Linwood?

Yeah, that's right.

Just like Eugene Linwood.


My friend... His mom is gonna
pick me up after school.

Okay, Marcus. Well, uh...

- I'll pick you up tomorrow morning.
- Okay.

Oh, and I'm sorry your mom died.

- Thanks, Marcus.
- Bye, Mr. Mac.




- Ratliff.
- SHERIFF: Ratliff, this is Sheriff Denny Lunce,

- Jim Wells County, Texas.
- Yes, sir.

We worked together
on that murder case a few years back.

You know, that Memphis boy
who followed his mistress down here

and killed her at the altar with her new beau?

- You remember that?
- I never forget a love story.

How the hell you doing, Denny?

Good, good, good.
Listen, ! got a question for you.

Y'all happen to be looking
for a feller with one leg?

We are looking for a fella with one leg.

Well, we got a fella with one leg.
Which leg you looking for?

- Uh, right leg.
- Right leg.

Was that go! a right leg
or missing a right leg?

- Got one, missing left.
- Missing left.

Yep. We got a fella down here
with a right leg and no left.

- His name Rickey Suggs'?
- Yeah, hold on.

This is Detective Olsen here.
Do you know if his name is Rickey Suggs?

Yeah, yeah, it's Richard Ronald Suggs.
Tennessee ID.

- Does that sound like your fella?
- That's the one.

Can you hold him?

Ain't too much left to hold.
He's deader than armadillo shit.

Y'all send your prints down here.
We?! make sure they match, okay?

We'll do that, Denny. Thank you much.

You got it.

Well, shit.

Dean Hoggard and Arthur Solomon,
consider justice served. (CHUCKLES)

- Don't look like that.
- Like what?

Like a man that
don't understand the difference

between winning and losing.


WOMAN: Reggie, can you lower my treble
just a pinch?

REGGIE: I sure can.


Thank you, Reggie. Are we ready?

Tape roll.

One, two, one, two, three, four.



Hey' man.

- What's up?
- We gotta talk.

Hey, I'm sorry, brother.
It was a last-minute switch.

Hey. It was an honest mistake.

You know the last time you had me in?

- It ain't been that long.
- Three and a half months.

It's been slow, man. What can I say?

- It ain't slow today, is it?
- My hands are tied, man.

I didn't know Slick was gonna call that dude.
I don't even like that dude.

Motherfucker shows up a half hour late
and you're kicking me out?

I will get you back in there soon, man.
I promise.

Shirley ain't staying in the pocket.
Bernard is dragging ass on his tempo.

All right, but, hey, thank you.
All right? I'll take a look at it.





Popular Tunes. Hold on.

Little Spirit of Memphis.

All right, man. That's $6.97.


Uh-huh. Let me check.

Is there a Mac Conway here?


I'm Mac Conway.


- Hello?
- THE BROKER: Hello, Quarry.

- You gotta be fucking kidding me.
- Any good new releases?

Yeah. Yeah, there's a Carpenters album
with your name on it.

What do you want?

Tom Lee Park, one hour.

"A very worthy negro."

- Excuse me?
- Tom Lee. Black fella.

Saved all them people
from drowning in the river.

- Named this here park after him.
- Yeah, I know who Tom Lee was.

Got something for you.

Wait. The Eugene Linwood?

Being released this afternoon.

You're fucking kidding me. How?

Insufficient evidence.

This city is gonna explode.

You don't think
I should've taken the contract?

I think Eugene Linwood
is a pussy inbred peckerwood

who almost killed a boy with a crowbar.

And I think he deserves the worst
this world has to offer him

and whoever's paying to have him killed
I think is a goddamn hero.

Could say the same
about the man who pulls the trigger.

- Okay, so I'm on direct?
- Scout and direct, actually.

THE BROKER: Linwood's getting
more ink than Elvis.

Just as many people in this town
think he's a hero as want him dead.

QUARRY: I'd say probably
more of the former.

THE BROKER: And I use two men,
twice the chance of being detected.

QUARRY: Well, then it should count towards
twice my debt, huh?

You're doing the work of two men.

Don't see why you shouldn't
get double the credit.

- So, 10.
- Eight.

Yeah, had to try.

"His good deeds were scattered everywhere
that day and into eternity."

Crazy, isn't it?

Because of this one person,
Tom Lee, one person...

Thirty-two people got to live lives,

eat a great meal, cry at a beautiful song,

fall in love' get married,
have children, grandchildren.

Well, you'll be fine.

JONI: Linwood? Eugene Linwood?

You can't do this. It's too dangerous.

Ain't much of a choice, Joni.

Why can't we just ask Ruth about the money?

No, absolutely not.

- How would you explain it to her? Mmm-mmm.
- The same way you explained it to me.

It's different, Joni. You know why.

- She's Arthur's wife.
- So you wanna explain 10 her

that her husband, the father of her children,
was murdered trying to kill people for money?

She knows he was involved in something bad.

- Mac, aren't you doing this to protect them?
- That's exactly right.

Doesn't she have a right to know
that her children are in danger'?

They aren't in danger
because I got it taken care of.

She can keep the money
that you already worked off.

I said no, Joni.

I said no, okay?
I'm not putting them through it.

Arthur's name's been drug
through enough mud.

And they're moving on.
You should, too, okay?

- This is my problem now.
- Our problem, Mac.

- RUTH: Hey.
- It's our problem.

I switched with Pally
so I could have y'all in my section.

How you doing?

Lunch rush dying down.
Get to go on my break soon.

- Ruth, can we ask you something?
- RUTH: Oh, hang on.

Felix? Come here.


I want you to meet some friends of mine.
This is Mac, and his better half, Joni.


- Felix is one of my regulars.
- One of her favorite regulars.

Second favorite. Mrs. Quails tips better.

You ought to tip her better.

What's that?

Just saying if you're one of her regulars,
why don't you tip her the best?

-(CHUCKLES) I was just making a joke.
- MAC: I know.


Excuse him.
He sometimes forgets his manners.

FELIX: Well, then I guess I should leave you
to serve your friends here.

It was nice meeting you.

MAC: Hey, nice to meet you.
JONI: Nice meeting you, too.

RUTH: What?

No. Uh-uh, he comes in here every morning.

JONI: I wonder why that is.

Because it's close to his house,
and he likes the biscuits and gravy.

- What was your question?

Is there fresh coffee?

Oh, if there wasn't, I wouldn't be standing up.
I'll be right back with some.

MAC: Ifs not like this Linwood character
doesn't deserve it.

JONI: Okay, yeah, maybe he does,

but that means you have to be
the one to do it?

MAC: It could've been Marcus.
It almost was Marcus, Joni,

and now they're gonna
let this guy go free today.

I'd be doing the world a service.

Well, apparently,
I'm just not as comfortable as you are

with the notion of you killing
other human beings.


Joni. Joni. Joni! Hey. Hey, baby? Baby.

Look. I'm gonna go home.

I'm gonna look in the paper at the classifieds.
I'm gonna find a job, all right?

One that has about a $20,000 bonus in it.


Hey. Hey, Joni.


Pop your lips for me.

Come on.



Sol peel out and I look over,

and Cliff's sliding out the window
as I'm going,

-so I hit the gas instead of the brake.

And he goes flying out the window, ham,

-belly-flops onto the street.
- Oh, my gosh, I remember that.

His face was all scraped up,
and his neck, and his arms.

He told my parents
he fell down playing basketball.

He was lying to your parents, sweetie.

Oh, Jesus, you we
were little-juvenile delinquents.

Yeah, trust me,
you don't even know the half of it.

Well, my mom always said
that you were trouble.

Oh? Oh, yeah? Ms. Kathy said that?

That's probably why
I had such a big crush on you.

- You had a crush on me?
-(CHUCKLES) Oh, my God.

I was moon-eyed.

- I'll show you my journals.



I don't even know how
me and Cliff lost touch.

You know, I went off 10 college at UT.

And we got together one Christmas.

It was sophomore... Junior year.

(INHALES SHARPLY) And then one summer,
I called your parents' house.

Nobody answered.

That was pretty much it until...

Yeah, until.

I'm glad you called, Tommy.



What are y'all gonna do with this place?


This house. Y'all gonna sell it?

I don't really know yet.

My lease ended last month,

so I've just son of been squatting.

A girlfriend of mine may move in with me.

Of course, considering what happened here,
I may just burn it to the ground.

Could go either way at this point.

What are you doing?

(SIGHS) Sorry. I just...

No, I just...

I just never seen anyone but him hold that.

This feels wrong. I'm sorry.

As opposed to
sleeping with his sister in his house?

- Well, that is not what I meant.
- It's fine, Tommy.

It's not like he can play it anymore.

I was gonna sell it at the estate sale.

That felt wrong.


Hey, what was that girl's name
that you asked me about?

Uh... Joni Conway. Why?

Well, apparently, Cliff wrote, like,
a dozen songs about her.

TOMMY: Hmm... Hmm?

Thank God he was better
at writing about music

than actually writing it.

- Can I borrow this'?
- Mmm-hmm.

You can take it.



Come on, come on, come on. (SIGHS)

Son of a bitch.


- FELIX: Ruth?
- Oh, I'm sorry.

It's just... The damn thing won't turn over.

Ain't nothing to be sorry about.

- Better pop the hood.
- Oh, thank you.


FELIX: Okay.

- Give it a go.
- Okay.



No, no.

- I think it's flooded, honey.

- All right, bus it is.
- Oh, no, ma'am.

A city bus does not deserve
to be graced by your presence.

- I'm right here. Come on.

It's fine, Felix. Not the first time,
won't be the last time.

You're not taking the bus, Ruth.

- Come on.
- Thank you.

- I appreciate it.
- Ain't nothing to it.

Over here.

RUTH: Right here.

Well, thank you again so much.

- You are a lifesaver.
- You're welcome.

I was just gonna head back over,
see if I can get it going again.

Oh, you don't have to do that.

Come on, I hate it when we fight.


- Y'all go on and get inside now.
- Excuse me?

I know you ain't deaf, boy.
I said go on and get inside.

- Why?
- Curfew's sundown.

Everybody inside till morning.

A curfew? What in the world for?

Mama, come look.

Breaking news Eugene Linwood,

arrested in the alleged beating
of a 13-year-old boy,

has been released
with officials citing a lack of evidence.

Oh, my God.

- Mr. Linwood, did you beat that boy?
- EUGENE: No, ma'am, I did not


MARCUS: That's a lie. He's lying.

I don't know nothing about beating that boy.

I had nothing to do with beating that boy,
but I will tell you what,

I'd like to shake the hand of {he man what did.

- MAN: You're going to hell!

As a result of local unrest,
the Memphis Police Department

has issued a mandatory citywide curfew.

All citizens are expected to be in their homes

and to remain there
starring at 8:00 this evening

through 6:00 a.m. tomorrow.

Officers will not hesitate
to arrest any citizen breaking curfew.

If you witness any signs of violence,

-please notify local authorities.
- Here we go again.

JONI: That's gonna be fixed.

The construction seems solid.

- Roof got any leaks?
- Nope.

And we do all the landscaping.
We maintain the pool.

I still can't believe
he built that thing by himself.

Yeah, well, you don't know
your son too well, then.


Well, if you're gonna show it,
it's a little too personalized.

People walk in,
you don't want them to see your house.

You want them to see their house.

How much do you think we can get for it,

We're still figuring that part out.

Nobody's gonna buy it
with that McGovern sign out front,

that's for God damn sure.

Well, we can take that down.

And then there's the public school.

Yeah, I hear it's a good one.

You been reading
that paper of yours, sweetheart?

That school's gonna be 80% black
come January.

We might find a nigger family to sell to.

But even then, you'd be getting 70,
75% of your purchase price.

I think there's already some moving in
across the way.

Probably a good idea
that y'all are cutting your losses.

We're not trying to out our losses, Lloyd.

Then why you want out?

Y'all looking to upgrade? Having kids?

No, not any time soon. Nothing like that.

Is that why he came to see me
and asked me for money?

- He did?
- Yeah.

Now, all this?

What's going on with y'all?

Nothing. It's just time for a change. That's all.


Eight five.

Eight thousand five hundred?

- Depending.
- That's good.

Well, I guess it's okay.

I'm not gonna charge you
for the listing, obviously.

That's very sweet, Lloyd.

I got a sign out in the truck we can get out.

See if you can get some nibbles
if you think y'all are ready.

Yeah. Uh...

Do you think maybe
we could list it without a sign?

- Do what, now?
- I just wanna test the waters on this.

Maybe a classified ad with your number?

He doesn't know you're doing this, does he?

He's, uh... He's attached to the place.

Everything it meant to him, to us.
I am baby-stepping him into the idea.

Kind of hard for me to sell a house
that I can't let people know I'm selling.


You're a good woman, Joni.

I hope my son realizes how lucky he's got it.

Danny, if you give me your baseball cards,
I'll bring them along.

- Along where'?
- On wishing days.

You like this show?

- BOY ON TV: Everyone's a comedian.
- Yeah?

They all look the same to me, too.

MARCUS: How could they do this to us?

Like we're the ones
who did something wrong.

Far as they're concerned, we did.

Do they have a curfew
in the white neighborhoods, too?

What you think?

RUTH: Marcus, a hand, please?

Watch your show. I got it.

BOY ON TV: He's practically sinile.

WOMAN ON TV; The word is "senile."

MS. Ruth?

Oh, um...

There's a basket
full of fresh laundry in the bedroom.

Can you pass me a towel?

Nice and clean.

- You see it?
- Yeah.

- Here you go.
- Oh, thank you.


BOY ON "N". That's what I was afraid of.

WOMAN ON TV: Bye, Danny.

OFFICER: Hell you think
you're doing out here, boy?

Hey, I'm just playing basketball.

OFFICER: I don't give a good God damn
what you're doing.

You're violating curfew.

All that ain't necessary, now.

Hey, stop right there!

I'm telling you, boy, do not move!

Or what?
You gonna shoot me in front of him?


We already seen a white man
drag his friend off a bus

and beat him damn near dead this week.

Same white man y'all let walk free
about an hour ago.

A curfew's a curfew.

Yeah, and I'm sure you're
on your way to Germantown now

to tell those folks to get inside, ain't you?

You're both breaking the law, boy.

"Boy" me one more time.

Take your son and get back inside.

You know we didn't do anything.

What's that?

We didn't do anything.

Some white man did something
and we can't even go outside our own house.

Not exactly fair, is it?

How old were you when they killed Dr. King?

- Nine.
- So old enough to know

what's going on around here, then, huh?

Why you didn't listen to that cop?

Why didn't you?

RUTH: Hey. What are you two doing out here?

Marcus, get inside right now. Come on.


I guess it's time for me to head home.

I'd ask you to stay, but...

-(SIGHS) I don't think it's appropriate.
- Yeah, I understand.

You'll be okay?

They're in rare form tonight.

Ain't nothing rare about it, unfortunately.

I'll be fine.

I'll come by the cafe in the morning
and we'll get your car started.

- Okay.
- Good night.

Take care.



I-25. I-25.

NAOMI: Memphis is as crooked
as the river is long.

Did you see the picture
of that poor little colored boy's face?

Did you see? He looked like
a spilled can of Beanee Weenees.

That child is lucky to be alive.

Someone ought to drag
Eugene Linwood's ass behind a truck!

- Mama.

B-12, B-12. What?

He's shiftless and no good.

B-12. Someone ought
to bring him into the neighborhood.

He'd get a... Oh, I have B-12.

He'd get the fat hand of justice.

Mama, are you gonna talk about
Eugene goddamn Linwood all night?

I'm sorry. Forgive me, Mr. Grump.

- O-64.
- What the hell are you doing, anyway'?

What is all that?

- A proposal.
- What do you mean, proposal?


Who's the lucky boy? Is it Gary?

- Is it...
- No, Mama, it's not that kind of proposal.

- It's a work proposal.
- G-37. 6-37.

Well, I thought you didn't wanna do
that kind of work no more.

That's the idea.

All right, well... (EXHALES)

I guess you're gonna show 'em
how the cow eat the cabbage.

G-60. G-60.

Oh, my God, this is one away.

This is a $15 card. You wait and see here.
Oh, my God, one away.

G-53. Onto the G-53.

- WOMAN: Bingo.

NAOMI: Oh, come on, now.

That's rigged, isn't it?


Check that card again.

Look at her, if she smiles any more,
her feet gonna fall out.

Look at... Oh!

I'd check her numbers.

"I don't know how it happened." Bitch.



EUGENE: How's it going?

EUGENE: I said how's it going
on getting my ass out of here?

- Credence, are you there?

CREDENCE: Damn, Linwood, you calling me
from under the goddamn ocean?

EUGENE: Fm at the jailhouse phone.
Shut up!

CREDENCE: You in such a rush to get out,
what you gonna do?

EUGENE: What you think I'm gonna do?
I'm gonna go down...


And get me some... Tail.


What you think Fm gonna do?
Fm gonna go down...

- And get me some... Tail.

What you think I'm gonna do?

I'm gonna go down to Caesar's
and get me some...




How you doing?




Who the fuck are you?

Hey, I know you. Where do I know you from?

(GROANS) Ah, fuck.




Today, President Nixon
took an important step

toward peace with Vietnam.

Operation Linebacker, a US air campaign

that targeted North Vietnamese
supply strongholds and transportation...

MELBA: You think about me today?

The President ordered a halt to all bombing
above the 20th parallel...

No. Turn that off.

Shut up. I know you did.

The continuous bombing effort,
active since May of this year,

was highly successful, making use of ..

How'd it go at the studio today?

The end of the campaign
could be the beginning of a new era...

What? Just trying to see
when this curfew is over.

I said turn that shit off, Melba.

- I don't wanna see it.
- You don't talk to me like that.

Now, I broke curfew to come over here
and have sex with your ass.

The least you can do is show some respect.


What's wrong with you?

- Just go home.
- There's a curfew.

God damn it, Melba, I said go the fuck home!

God ain't never made a nigger
angrier than you.






- QUARRY: It's done.
- Already?

Yeah. Yeah, I know, "care and caution."

But I didn't have a choice.
I had to make a move on this one.

You say you had to move, son,
you had to move.

Just so happens I have the client right here.

I'll pass on the good news.

How's it feel?

Like the worlds
a better place without him in it.

Tell that client of yours that he's a hem.

It's all you, son.


"His good deeds were scattered everywhere
that day and into eternity."