Qin Dynasty Epic (2020): Season 1, Episode 29 - Qin Dynasty Epic - full transcript

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=Qin Dynasty Epic=

=Episode 29=


(Top General of Qin, Meng Ao)
Huang Xie!

(Top General of Qin, Meng Ao)
Do you still remember me, Meng Ao?

(Chancellor of Chu, Lord Chunshen, Huang Xie)

Meng Ao!

You just never go away, don't you?




(Chancellor of Han, Zhang Ping)

Charge forward!




Hold on tight.

Let's charge out!







Hurry, retreat!


Don't come near to me.

Surround him!


(Chief Guard of Qin, Fan Wuji)
Aren't you Crown Prince of Yan?

(Crown Prince of Yan, Dan)

I am.

It's you, Mr. Fan Wuji.


Why don't you just release me?

You also know

that your king and I are good friends.

We grew up together.

He surely wouldn't kill me.

Since you're his good friend,

come with me to Xianyang.

Meet with His Majesty.

I'm sure he

would surely want to see you.

Look at me.

It would be bad to see me this way.


Release me.

I would

never forget

your favor.

Crown Prince.

You're too kind.

Release him.

Give him a good horse.

Thank you, sir.

I'd never forget

this favor.

Crown Prince, my name is Fan Wuji.

I remember it, Mr. Fan.

Let's go.


(King of Qin, Zheng)


Long live Your Majesty!

Long live great Qin!

Long live Your Majesty!

Long live great Qin!

Long live Your Majesty!

Long live great Qin!


(Longtai Palace, Handan, Zhao)

Where's my water?


(King Daoxiang of Zhao, Yan)

Ying Zheng.

Ying Zheng.

I've lost this time!

Next time,

I'd surely capture you alive!

(Daliang, Capital of Wei)

(King Jingmin of Wei, Zeng)

(Official of Wei, Wei Zhan)

(Lord Longyang of Wei)

Move the capital?

(Royal Palace, Ying, Capital of Chu)

Move the capital?

You lost the battle,

but you want me to move the capital?

During the late king's reign,

Qin and Chu have been
in friendly terms for 20 years.

We never battled with each other.


If Qin invades us,

it must pass through Meng'ai.

It's a natural stronghold.

Qin can't get in.

(King Kaolie of Chu, Wan)
The other way

(King Kaolie of Chu, Wan)
is behind Wei and Han's territory.

We formed an alliance
with those two states

to easily defend against our enemy.


Wei gave Xuyi and Yanling

to Qin.

If Qin sends its troops,

they only need to travel
over 160 miles to get here.

Our capital is in danger.

If we move the capital to Shouchun,

Qin must travel thousands of miles
to get there.

We'd await our exhausted enemy
at our ease.

We won't be afraid of Qin then.

But Shouchun

is your fief.

In Chu's territory,

all the land and citizens are yours.

Only if you go to Shouchun

can you distance yourself
from the Qu, Jing and Zhao family,

and not be under their control.


used to be my fief.

It would be your capital from now on.

Aside from that,

you have any other ideas?

Did the three families agree?

I had a way to convince
those three families.

Have they agreed?


They are also willing

to go to Shouchun to preserve
their power.

At this point,

we can only move the capital.

Chu moved its capital to Shouchun.

The King of Zhao doesn't value
Pang Nuan anymore.

Han, Wei and Yan are badly drained.

Within ten years,

(Chief Clerk of Qin, Li Si)
the states wouldn't

have the capability to collaborate
and battle against Qin anymore.

What are the officials saying?

They all admire your astuteness

and courage.

The citizens are all complimenting you,

hoping that you'd govern
the nation soon

and lead them to peace.

I intended to propose that

to Queen Dowager after I got married.

But the battle delayed the matter.

Since that's what the citizens want,

I'll talk to Queen Dowager about it.

Your Majesty.

How about using the imperial banquet

to ask Queen Dowager to move
to Zhangtai Palace?

If the officials in the imperial family
mention it,

your chances might be greater.

You're hale and hearty at your age.

That's Qin's blessing.

Prime Minister,

you're teasing me again.

(Chief Minister of Qin, Yao Gu)
Prime Minister.

(Prime Minister of Qin, Lv Buwei)
His Majesty will be 20 soon.

He's energetic and vigorous,

like an eagle with its wings extended.

Prime Minister.

Why don't you

pass the power to His Majesty?

Since we defeated the five states,

the courage and talent

of His Majesty caught
people's attention.

Even the officials are saying

that compared

to the late King Zhaoxiang,

His Majesty's demeanor

is even greater.

His Majesty is brilliant,

and the officials support him.
Qin is so lucky.


By the way,

Prime Minister,

there's a banquet
at Zhangtai Palace tonight

for the imperial family.

We have nothing to do with it.

We should celebrate as well.

How about

having a drink with Meng Ao?

I'm free.

All right.

I'm free.

All right.

Prime Minister, let's go.

Prime Minister, after you.

Let's go drinking.

(Queen Dowager of Qin, Zhao Ji)

(Queen Dowager Huayang of Qin)

(Lord Weiyang of Qin, Ying Xi)

(Secondary Marquis of Qin)

(Lord Weiwen, Ying Sheng)

All of you

are part of the imperial family.

Have a drink with me

for Qin

and for the Ying family.

(Queen Dowager Xia of Qin)

(Madam Mi Hua of Qin)

(Madam Li Qiu of Qin)

Your Majesty.

If I'm not mistaken,

you're already 20.

Uncle, you have a good memory.

I am.

We should do the Coming of Age Ceremony.

You have already married.

According to our ancestors' rites,

you should have the ceremony.

This matter

needs to be approved by Mother
and godfather.

Ying Xi,
you're the Minister of Imperial Affairs

and the leader of the imperial family.

Tell us,

if Zheng should have

the ceremony.

His Majesty has gifted talent.

Pang Nuan led the five states'
elite warriors last time

to attack Zuicheng

and Xianyang was in danger.


he stayed calm,

delegated resources and detained spies.

And he ordered Wang Jian

to lead men to break out
of the encirclement,

so we got the opportunity

to defeat our opponents.

His Majesty's extraordinary tactics

can be compared to Duke Mu's.

And he is very ambitious.

He wants to unify the states.

We should follow what the people want.

Have the ceremony and let him govern soon

to let him accomplish great things
for Qin.

Please allow His Majesty

to have the ceremony
and govern the court.

I have no objections

to that, of course.

It's just that this is a very
important matter.


must still

inform his godfather,

Prime Minister, first.

Queen Dowager is brilliant.


Drink with me again.

Prime Minister.

Prime Minister.

Bad news.


of your followers want to leave.

They're leaving, Prime Minister.


What is the reason?

They said...

(Steward of Qin's Prime Minister's Residence,
Zheng Huo)

They said His Majesty would govern soon.

You'd lose your power.

They wouldn't listen
to what I was saying.


Prime Minister.

Someone from Ganquan Palace came.

Queen Dowager is summoning you
to the palace in the afternoon.

She has urgent matters
to discuss with you.


Lv Buwei, greet the Queen Dowager.

Prime Minister, rise.

Thank you, Queen Dowager.

Prime Minister.

You've grown lots of white hair.

It seems like you've been exhausted.

Due to the late king's favor,

you and His Majesty entrusted me

with an important task.

There's a lot of work to do,

but I don't dare to slack off.

Queen Dowager.

The honey syrup is here.

Prime Minister is here too.

If I knew it,

I would have prepared another one.

Give it to Prime Minister,

for nourishment.

Prime Minister, drink it while it's hot.

(Chief Palace Attendant of Qin, Lao Ai)

Queen Dowager, why did you ask me

to come?

I told you to assist His Majesty

in handling state affairs.

I'm wondering how His Majesty is doing.

Zheng has been working hard
and he made significant progress.

I heard about it too.

I heard that Zheng

is very revered

by the officials.

Quite a few of them

already proposed

to let me permit Zheng

to govern the state soon.

What is your opinion, Queen Dowager?


only have one son.

Zheng is all grown up now.

The entire nation is supportive of him.

As his mother,

I'm happy for him.

Even if I'm the regent,

letting Zheng govern the state

is an important matter.

I think

I need to hear

your opinion

before I'd feel at ease.

What is your opinion?


is independent and strives
to improve himself.

The citizens would surely
benefit from him.

You think Zheng is independent
and strives to improve himself too?

That's great.

All right.

At the beginning of next year,

let's do the Coming of Age Ceremony

for Zheng.

Your Majesty.

There's no need for courtesy.

I just went to Ganquan Palace.

Mother told me

that Prime Minister already agreed.

They'll do my Coming of Age Ceremony
at the beginning of next year.

Your Majesty.

What did Prime Minister say?

Who cares?


(Meng Tian)
it's already confirmed

that His Majesty will govern.

It's going to happen.

(Meng Yi)

Meng Tian, Meng Yi.

The National Hunt is coming.

Go home and prepare.


Tell Qiang Lei, Wang Jian, Yang Duanhe

to go with me.


invite Chengjiao,

my younger brother,

who always wanted to join battles.





Here, let's celebrate.


Your Majesty!

(Prince of Qin, Chengjiao)
I shot that deer!

I shot it!


Nice one!


(Censor of Qin, Wang Wan)
Your student is so good at archery.

Prince Chengjiao has only
been interested in riding and archery.

He hasn't

been studying much.

He's outstanding

in the hunt though.

Your Majesty!

A wild horse!

Nice horse!

Whoever tames this horse

will be rewarded!

His Majesty has orders!

Whoever tames this horse
will be rewarded!


Your Majesty.

Let's take a look.

Chengjiao! Hold on tight, don't fall!




Your Majesty.

I tamed the horse

you couldn't tame.

What a great man of Ying family!

My younger brother is outstanding!


You tamed the wild horse,

so you're its owner now.

And I'll give you ten carts worth
of grass

and ten jars of good wine.

Fan Wuji.


Take care of that.


Thank you, Your Majesty.




(Han Ni)

You're back?

Are you tired from the hunt?


I tamed a wild horse today.

Even His Majesty couldn't tame it,

but I did.

His Majesty couldn't tame it?


His Majesty fell

from that wild horse.

I charged forward

and tamed that wild thing.

I already brought it back
to Yichun Palace.

Wouldn't that

embarrass His Majesty?

I outshone him.

Even Prime Minister

and the officials saw it.


You were foolish.

The two of us

were able to live in peace

without worrying about food and clothes

because of His Majesty.

How can you

embarrass His Majesty
in front of everyone?

Aren't you afraid of causing trouble?

His Majesty

isn't a narrow-minded man.

He gave that horse to me
in front of everyone,

and he even gave me
ten jars of good wine

and ten carts of grass.

Even if His Majesty doesn't

intend to do so...


tomorrow morning,

present the horse to His Majesty.

It doesn't matter what His Majesty

wants to do with it.


It's my horse.

I've already given it a name,


What do you think?

Is it nice?

You don't know what's good for you.

It's just a horse.

No one would care about it

except for me.

By the way,

what time are we having dinner?

Promise me first.

Tomorrow morning,

give the horse to His Majesty.

Where are you going?

Since you're not cooking for me,

I'll go to Grand Queen Dowager.

Come back.

Chengjiao, come back!

Currently, all the officials
and citizens

are on His Majesty's side,

wanting him to govern soon.

(Zheng Yi)
But I think

they have their own motives.

Of course.

All these years,
Queen Dowager is the regent

and I govern the nation.

The Ying imperial family
didn't get any benefits.

They just want to get more advantages

after Zheng governs.

And the generals are just waiting

to be given titles
after accomplishing battle merits.

And Li Si...

If you use

Li Si wisely,

he can be a good governing official.


Can't Queen Dowager see through
these things?

She's just a woman.

She's the regent Queen Dowager,

yet she doesn't know

how to use the highest power

in the nation.

That's why we must let her understand

that without me,

Ying Zheng's throne wouldn't be stable.

She can lose her fortunes anytime.

Do you have a plan then?

You mean...

All Queen Dowager sees and hears

are compliments to His Majesty

and the officials' support.

Like this board full of white pieces,

there are no threats,

so everyone is happy and carefree.

If a different-colored piece comes in

and becomes a threat to His Majesty,

Queen Dowager will surely be scared

and feel overwhelmed.

At that moment,

she'll surely

rely on you.

Fan Wuji, why did you come here?

Today, Meng Tian and Meng Yi went to the
palace to go out with His Majesty.

His Majesty especially allowed me

to take the day off.

That's why I came to visit you.

You've been with me

before I came to Qin.

When did you learn all these courtesies?

I am who I am today

all because of you.

Just speak up.

Prime Minister.

You and His Majesty

both agreed

Top General to go into the battle.

Can you send me with him

as an assistant general?

Don't go this time.

Stay in Xianyang.

Why, Prime Minister?

I need you more.

Top General's going to battle.

He can surely kill enemies
and take cities

to expand Qin's territory.

I hope what you said will come true.

At Top General's age,

he's still serving the nation.

I feel bad about it.

Your Majesty, don't worry.

I can still manage.

Battling with the six states

is better

than staying at home.

I have to stretch my muscles.


I can live longer this way.

Then I wish that you'd have

great accomplishments again.

I'll be here in Xianyang

awaiting your victorious return.

Your Majesty, Prime Minister,
please wait for my good news.

Meng Tian, Meng Yi.

This time,

you'll be going along with Top General.

You must take good care of him.


Please take care yourself too.

Just focus on the battle.

Don't think about me.

I need you to accomplish things
for Qin.

After your victorious return,

I'll ask Prime Minister

to give you your rewards.

Thank you, Your Majesty.

Your Majesty.


Top General, take care.


Let's go out to battle!


Fan Wuji.

Your Majesty.

What are the citizens talking about?

I shall find out.

Zheng Yi!

Invite Mr. Yao Gu to the residence.


♪I remember the cold wind last night,
look at the world♪

♪It's boundless and vast♪

♪Each year is sad and very tumultuous♪

♪Military exercises at the plateaus,
horses drinking by the Yangtze River♪

♪Communicating the unification
of the country♪

♪Brandishing the safety of the world♪

♪The land was given to officials for
500 years, lives flourished and decayed♪

♪Ruined structures, sorrows, heroes'
tears, I must have great ambition♪

♪In the vast mountains and rivers,
the weather keeps changing♪

♪Bring peace to the world, build a new
universe, be like the sun and the moon♪

♪Armed for battle,
the soldiers are unstoppable♪

♪A land consumed by war,
the beginning of the king's law♪

♪Follow the footsteps of
our ancestors and martyrs♪

♪A great nation's
iron-willed representative♪