Qin Dynasty Epic (2020): Season 1, Episode 14 - Qin Dynasty Epic - full transcript

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=Qin Dynasty Epic=

=Episode 14=

So you want to be Crown Prince,
My lord.

All the states know
how talented you are, sir.

You're the only one in Zhao
who can recommend me

to be Crown Prince.

You're too kind.

How am I capable of doing that?


Do you want to see Zhao perish then?

Why do you say that?

My second elder brother Zhao Yi

is just after his own gain.

He never cares about others

and their welfare.

In the future,

if he rules Zhao,

will he be capable

of leading troops in attacking Qin?

Can you?

It's not that I'm boasting.

I'm young,

but I have
the ambition of attacking Qin.

And now,

Qin made a young man their king.

I'm even more confident

in leading our troops to attack them

and expand our territory.

Sir, here.

Appointing an heir is His Majesty's
sole decision.

Besides, it's not up to me
to say anything about it.

His Majesty is in the prime of his life.

Even if he appoints a Crown Prince,

we don't know
when he can ascend to the throne.

Zhao Yi is not talented indeed.

Sir, do you think

that he should ascend to the throne just
because he's two years older than me?

And Zhao has always
promoted talent over age.

As long as you help me,

I can surely become Crown Prince.

My lord,
stop giving Official Mao a hard time.

I don't think he can do anything

about the appointment of an heir.

It's not that I'm boasting.

Regarding the appointment of an heir,

if I say something about it, I can...

If you say something about it,
what will happen?

Let's drink.

Let's drink.

(Qin, Xianyang, Yide Pavilion)
You can't leave!

-Come back!
-Come back!

-You can't leave!
-Let go!

Let go of me!

Hey, you!

You want to eat for free?

You've come to the wrong place!

When did I eat for free?

You kept increasing the price.

Tell me.

How did I increase the price?

Let everyone be the judge.

-Yes, tell us.
-Tell us.

-Yes, tell us.
-Tell us how he did it.

I just had one cold
and one hot dish and one pot of wine,

and he wants ten taels of gold for it.

Isn't that ridiculous?

Before you came,

didn't you check

what kind of place this is?

Who cares?

I passed by,

I was hungry,

and I wanted to eat and drink.

If I knew that you're a dishonest shop,

I wouldn't have come.

In this place,

we don't just charge
for food and drinks.

For the lights in the shop,

the music from the band,

the soft seat made in Chu,

should I charge for those too?


since you sat down until you left,

The total number of times

you've looked at this female attendant

is 84.

You're looking at her again?

85 now.

Shouldn't I charge you for that?

I think you're not from around here.

I'll give you a lesson.

The Yide Pavilion

has been in Xianyang
for almost 100 years.

Those who come here

are either
from the imperial family, nobility,

or major officials.

Each person should spend
at least ten taels of gold.

That's the rule.

You don't believe me?

You can ask everyone.


No ordinary person would dare
to come to this shop.

Young man, consider yourself unlucky.

-Consider yourself unlucky.

I won't pay!

-This is extortion!
-Pay up!

You won't pay?

Beat him up.

Don't panic.

Don't panic.


Can I intercede?

Based on how you look,

you seem to have insight.

Go ahead.

All right.

If you ask him for money,

he won't give it to you.

What will you get

by beating him up?

This is what we'll do.

I'll give you a riddle.

Guess the answer.

If you get it right,
I'll pay on his behalf.

If you get it wrong, let him go.

Besides, I'm afraid local authorities
will get involved

if a fight happens on streets.

What do you say, everyone?

-Guess it.

Guess it.

All right, I'll do it.

All right.

Listen carefully.

There's black, white and yellow.

A leather robe is on its body.

The Prime Minister passes in front of it

and doesn't greet it or raise his head.

Guess an object.

Black, white, yellow.

What is it?

Could it be money?


Robed in leather.

It's not even scared of Prime Minister.

It's the king.

It's not the king.

Black, white, yellow?

You can't guess it, right?

I can't.

Then he can go.


Tell me the answer.

If it's a suitable one,
I'll let him leave.

All right.

All right.

Actually, the answer is very easy.

It's a dog.

And it's one of those

who will wag its tail

when it sees officials or nobilities.

When it sees ordinary citizens,

it won't stop barking.

A snobbish dog.


You dare to call me a dog?

Beat him up!

Sir, don't panic. I'll protect you.

I'm used to these things.

Who dares to come near me?


Official Wang Wan.

What's going on?

He wouldn't pay after eating,

and he took advantage of a woman.

Lao Ai?


Hurry, serve the wine.

Serve the wine.


Why didn't you say that you're
from the Prime Minister Residence?

Then we wouldn't have
a misunderstanding.

I can't embarrass Prime Minister.

Based on what you said,

you're still angry.

This is what we'll do.

All the wine, food,

and women

are on me.

Enjoy yourself fully.

Just don't take what happened to heart.

Who cares about that?


Are you also
from the Prime Minister Residence?

I'm not.

I couldn't enter
the Prime Minister Residence.

Based on what you said,

you're also

harboring a grievance.

Did someone
in the Prime Minister Residence

offend you too?

I'll get going first.


If you need anything, just tell me.

Here, sir.

Thank you for your help today.

I, Lao Ai, won't forget

your great kindness.

There's no need.

I just don't like
seeing snobbish people.


Here. Cheers.

Here, sir.

Sir, here.


I'm Wang Wan.

I'm Qin's Presenter.

May I ask your name?

I'm Li Si from Chu.

Li Si?

Li Si from the Jixia Academy?


Please accept a bow from me.

I've heard about you.

I've long heard
that Xunzi's two best students,

Li Si and Han Fei,

are both greatly talented scholars.

Today, I'm able to meet one of them.

What an honor.

You're too kind.

Sir, take your seat.

Please take your seat.

When did you come to Xianyang?

What are your plans?

I've been in Xianyang for many days.

I have no plans yet.


Tomorrow, I'll inform Prime Minister.

I'll ask him to meet you.

Based on your talent,

he'd surely value you.

Sir, there's no need.

Didn't you come to Qin

to become an official?

I have my own ways.

I don't need a recommendation

for Prime Minister to meet me.

What are you doing?

What are you doing?

Prime Minister will come out shortly.


Who did this?

They vandalized the wall.


Those two words.

Does it say Li Si?

Yes, that's right.

Li Si.

Why are so many people

gathering there?

Prime Minister.

I don't know who vandalized the wall.

I've already asked someone to erase it.

What did it say?

It says...

Go and take a look.


Prime Minister.

It says,

with contributions from six generations,

Qin has been strong
for hundreds of years.

It has become
the leader among the states.

However, it doesn't really lead them.

In over 500 years,
the states have been in chaos.

The people are seeking for unification

in accordance with the times.

Qin's territory spans thousands
of miles,

with millions of elite warriors,

promotes reward and punishment,
and has great topography.

The kings and officials of
the six states cannot compare to yours.

I, Li Si, would like to
meet the King of Qin

to talk about governance techniques

for unification to fulfill
its heavenly destiny

of eliminating the six states
and giving peace to the people.

Qin must unify all the states.

Li Si wrote that?

Prime Minister.

I've met Li Si.

He's just

a reckless book worm.

Prime Minister.

Li Si

is a greatly talented scholar.

I've also heard about him.

Prime Minister.

Li Si was the scholar

whom Zheng Huo and I weren't able

to invite last time.

Has Li Si come to my residence?


He did, but I sent him away.

You're blocking me from choosing talents

for Qin.

I don't dare to do that.

I'll go and find Li Si now.

Even if I have to
search the entire Xianyang,

I'll make Li Si come to your residence.

If you can't do that,

leave my residence.

Prime Minister, don't be angry.

I'll surely ask Li Si to come here.

Here, Prime Minister.


Queen Dowager, cheers.

We're family.

Don't be too polite.

Thank you, Queen Dowager.

You're working hard on state affairs.

Take care of yourself.

The late king gave me
a huge responsibility.

How would I dare not to work hard?

He was really right in choosing you.

All right.


I can't.

You can hold your alcohol.

I know that.

I can't anymore.

Queen Dowager, cheers.

Are you still single?

Your wife died early.

Don't you want to find someone

to take care of you?

You're managing the state affairs
for Zheng.

Naturally, you don't have time
for your own affairs.

I'll help you take care of it.

Among the daughters of officials,

if you like anyone,

tell me.

I'll talk to them on your behalf.

Thank you, Queen Dowager.

There's no one I like at the moment.

Mr. Li, please come to
the Prime Minister Residence.

What's the matter, Mr. Li?

You're inviting me.


What is it again?

Since you're inviting me,

the 1,000 taels of gold...

I don't want it.

There's no need.

Then this goat...

Prime Minister is accepting this goat.

Since I owe you a favor,

I'll help you take good care of it.

Mr. Li, let's...

Mr. Li, this way please.

This area is...

It's the Top Dorm.

Then the Regular Dorm...

It's over there.

I'll stay in the Regular Dorm.

Mr. Li.

You must stay in the Top Dorm.

I've already made arrangements.

I like the Regular Dorm.

You're good-for-nothing.

The late king passed away.

Zheng and I

are all alone now.

In Xianyang,

you're the only old friend we have.

If you have time,

come to Ganquan Palace more often.

You all may go.


(Zhao Ji is thinking)

(that in a big place like Xianyang,)

(she really needs someone powerful)

(for her and Ying Zheng to rely on.)

(And Lv Buwei is the best choice.)

I'm serious.

In this imperial court,

you and I are old friends.

Come visit me more often.


Old friends.

I'll visit more often.

I'll come more often.

Queen Dowager, cheers.

Mr. Li.

Don't touch me.

Mr. Li.

You've stayed
in the Regular Dorm for many days.

Go to the Top Dorm with me.

All right?

Otherwise, I'll feel

ill at ease.

Ill at ease?

You're afraid that Prime Minister
will blame you

if he finds out.

Look at you.

You're like a mirror.

Nothing can escape from you.

Prime Minister...

Prime Minister wants me
to take care of you

and treat you well.

How would I dare to disobey him?

But you keep staying
in the Regular Dorm.

How can I explain that?

You can.

Just tell him

that I'm the one who wants to stay here.

Who would believe that?

Who would choose to stay
in a Regular Dorm

if he can stay in the Top Dorm?

Mr. Li, you...

If you act this way,

Prime Minister will think

that I'm giving you a hard time.

Am I right?



I once...

I was wrong.

It was my mistake.

You're a magnanimous person, Mr. Li Si.

Come with me

to the Top Dorm.

Let's go, Mr. Li. I'm begging you.

Top Dorm.

Follow me.

All right, let's go.

I'll help you up.


I can go to the Top Dorm with you

on one condition.

Tell me.

1,000 taels of gold.

Give me 1,000 taels of gold,

and I'll go to the Top Dorm.

What are you talking about?

1,000 taels of gold?

Where would I get

1,000 taels of gold?

No way.

the Prime Minister Residence's Steward.

And you love money so much.

You won't move

without 1,000 taels of gold?

I won't.

Li Si.

Then stay here.

I won't see you out.

Kind sir.

Stop sleeping.

Stand up.

1,000 taels of gold.

I'll give you 1,000 taels of gold.

Move there right now!

It's a deal.

It's a deal.


I'm doing this

to let you know

that this is my way

of making people listen to me.

Is Li Si staying in the Top Dorm?

Prime Minister.

He's all settled there.

Ask Li Si to come.

I want to see him.




Arrange a banquet here today

for Li Si

like we would for a top guest.

Prime Minister.

Li Si is just a commoner.

If we entertain him as a top guest...

All right, top guest.

I don't understand.

Why do you value Li Si so much?

Then tell me.

Why do I value you?

Even if Qin has elite warriors
and brave generals,

we lack talents for governance

and diplomatic relations.

Before, Zhang Yi and Su Qin

traveled the world

and ruled the world.

Even if I'm young,

I'm good with words.

In terms of diplomatic relations,

I'm comparable to them.

As your follower,

I'll be learning techniques
in governance.

Before I turn 20,

I'd surely be very talented.

You've taken me in

because you have a sharp eye for talent.

It's rare to meet someone who knows you.

One who can read people is valuable.

You still need more time

to be talented in governance.

But Li Si

is ready.

What a compliment for him.

I refuse to accept that.

In the banquet today,

I'll surely test Li Si.

Sir, Li Si is here.

Prime Minister is
personally welcoming you.

Greetings, Prime Minister.

This way please.

Prime Minister, you're so courteous.

I don't deserve such treatment.

You do.

Please take a seat.

Prime Minister, go ahead.

Have a seat.

You must have had a long
and hard journey.

I have a question.

Please teach me.

Junior Attendant, please go ahead.

To unify the states in ten years,

how many troops do Qin need?

One million is enough.

Where would
the one million troops come from?

From its citizens.

Qin's population

is just over five million.

For one million troops,

then one out of five people

must become a soldier.

With over five million population,

it's already a huge nation.

It's considered

20 or 30 percent
of the world's population.

Even Qi's and Chu's population

cannot compare to that of Qin.

Currently, Qin's territory
spans thousands of miles,

with millions of elite warriors.

And Qin's laws promote reward
and punishment.

It has a topographical advantage.

Other states cannot compare to it.

So why can't Qin win?

Why won't it attack?

Why can't it defeat those who resist it?

What should it be worried

in unifying the states?

Men in Qin from 16 years old

to 60 years old

can be military resources.

Why worry about
the millions of soldiers needed?

That's easy to say.

If everyone becomes a soldier,

where would the food come from

if no one engages in farming?

That's easy.

Whoever has a huge land
has lots of grains.

Whoever has a huge nation
has lots of people.

The number of population

depends on the number
of farmlands you have.

How much food
can the farm lands produce?

If it produces a lot,

it can feed a lot of people.

If the population is huge,
we'd have more soldiers.

Do you think

that Qin has enough lands?

It may have a lot,

but it can produce more food.

Since Duke Xiao changed the law

and abolished the well-field system,

Qin encourages wasteland reclamation,

and lands have become fertile
in Guanzhong,

the heavenly province of Bashu.

But on my way to Xianyang,

I still saw

a huge amount of uncultivated land.

And the reason is due

to difficulty in irrigation.

The reason Bashu is called
a heavenly province

is because its Prefecture Chief Li Bing

and his son introduced farming reforms

as the nation's foundation.

Strengthen it and use it wisely,

then nature can't make you poor.

With enough resources in times of need,

then nature can't harm you.

Cultivate yourself
and not get tired of it,

then nature
can't bring disaster upon you.

Mr. Li, you're knowledgeable
about water channels?


My strength doesn't lie
in specific areas.

Great talents don't pay attention
to trivial matters.

Mr. Li, you haven't mentioned

where the millions of soldiers
would come from.

From the six states.

Build water channels, expand farm lands,

accept homeless people
from the six states.

Why be worried about
the millions of soldiers?


My thoughts

are the same as yours.

What a great talent.

Everyone, a toast to Li Si.

Gan Luo.



What a great talent.

A great talent.

(Han, Zhao)


(Zhao, Yan)



(Qi, Chu)



(Han, Zhao, Yan, Qi, Chu)

Your Majesty.

Wei's army banner is here.

Bring it in.



Prime Minister has arrived.

Greetings, Godfather.

Greetings, Your Majesty.


Godfather, take a look.

The army banners
of all six states are here.


when we eliminate one of them,

(Han, Zhao, Yan, Qi, Chu, Wei)
we will remove its army banner.

When all six army banners are gone,

Qin will rule all of them.

I came here today to inform you

that the flooding disaster is settled.

Autumn's harvest won't be
affected much.

We have sufficient supplies
in the National Treasury.

At this point, we can send the army

to go east of the Hangu Pass

and recover the land we lost.


That's great.

(Han, Zhao, Yan, Qi, Chu, Wei)

In the imperial court tomorrow,

I'll command Top General Meng Ao
to lead the troops.

(Yan, Qi, Chu, Wei)

Meng Ao and Biao Gong have
already arrived in Hangu Pass.

The troops are already gathered.

They mobilized the troops today.

(Chu, Wei)

So the troops have
already been mobilized.

Meng Ao attacked Zhao

and recovered Taiyuan,
Sanchuan and Shangdang.

(Chu, Wei)

Biao Gong attacked Wei
and recovered Juanyi.

Let me
and the generals handle the battles.

Please don't worry.

This is a good arrangement.

I'm not worried.

I have another thing to report,
Your Majesty.

(Chu, Wei)

Please go ahead.

The abolishment of the law
of "Merit by Decapitation".

Please explain further.

(Han, Zhao, Yan, Qi, Chu, Wei)
This law was proposed by Lord Shang

to motivate the people of Qin back then
to go into battle,

and use extreme ways
to shock our enemies.

(Chu, Wei)

After over 100 years of battle,

the people of Qin have already

become motivated
and experienced in battles.

(Qi, Chu, Wei)
There's no need to motivate troops

to make battle accomplishments.

And the law of "Merit by Decapitation"
has revealed its shortcoming.

Since people in those territories

are afraid of massacres by the Qin army,

they do everything they can to resist,

causing more injuries and deaths

to the Qin army.

Aside from that,

in order to
have more battle accomplishments,

some troops were even competing
for our enemies' chopped-off heads.

It has negatively affected

Qin and its troops' reputation.

Then how do you think

we should account for
battle accomplishments?

By the number of lands taken.

At the same time, the general can report

the merits of his troops.

Your Majesty, think about it.

If we kill all the citizens
of the six states,

what is the use of having empty cities

and farm lands?

I've decided

(Han, Zhao, Yan, Qi, Chu, Wei)

to command the troops we'd capture
from the six states

to do work in farming,

produce food and make tools.

In abolishing
the law of "Merit by Decapitation",

(Qi, Chu, Wei)
will attract

homeless people from the six states.

It will surely
increase Qin's national power.

You have Qin's long-term development
in mind.

I'll surely support you.

You know the technique of governance,

have a great ambition,

and traveled a long way to Qin.

I'm afraid

you didn't come here
just to be my follower.

I came to Qin
in accordance with the times.

Among all the states,

even if all the kings have the ambition
for unification,

only Qin

is capable of doing it.

With my talent,

I'm willing to do what I can

to increase Qin's power.

Qin is a place

where talents from everywhere
can showcase their talents.

You're Xunzi's student.

You've studied in Jixia for many years.

The scholars are
currently writing a book.

You must be very familiar with that.

I know a little bit.

But I prefer

to assist great leaders,

and let all the citizens live in bliss.

Writing a book

isn't what I want to do.

That's a bit short-sighted.

This book is being written

is to establish the policies
Qin will use to rule

the unified nation.

Let me show you a portion of it.

♪I remember the cold wind last night,
look at the world♪

♪It's boundless and vast♪

♪Each year is sad and very tumultuous♪

♪Military exercises at the plateaus,
horses drinking by the Yangtze River♪

♪Communicating the unification
of the country♪

♪Brandishing the safety of the world♪

♪The land was given to officials for
500 years, lives flourished and decayed♪

♪Ruined structures, sorrows, heroes'
tears, I must have great ambition♪

♪In the vast mountains and rivers,
the weather keeps changing♪

♪Bring peace to the world, build a
new universe, be like the sun and moon♪

♪Armed for battle,
the soldiers are unstoppable♪

♪A land consumed by war,
the beginning of the king's law♪

♪Follow the footsteps of
our ancestors and martyrs♪

♪A great nation's
iron-willed representative♪