Primeval (2007–2011): Season 1, Episode 1 - Leapin' Lizards - full transcript

Evolutionary zoologist Professor Nick Cutter has still not come to terms with the disappearance of his wife Helen eight years ago. She is on his mind when he goes to the Forest of Dean with his friends Stephen Hart (an expert tracker) and Connor Temple (an archaeology student and avid conspiracy theorist) to investigate some reports of a large animal at large there. After finding some damage done by something large with claws they retire to a local hotel bar where Cutting is approached in a matter sure to get his immediate attention by Claudia Brown, a young employee of the Home Office, and the four set off back into the forest to try to find whatever made those claw marks and did that damage. Coincidentally, peroxide blonde Abby Maitland, a zoo keeper devoted to reptiles (especially lizards, iguanas, and chameleons), hears that day from her boss that, despite her dedication to her work, she'll soon be out of a job because of budget cuts. Meanwhile she takes on a visit to a local household on the edge of the Forest of Dean where a young boy has an unusual reptile pet that he found in the forest. This turns out to be a hitherto unknown species of flying lizard, so she sets off with the boy who intends to show her where he found it. Thus the protagonists of this series meet up in the forest and encounter their first Anomaly, and one or two of the dinosaurs that have arrived in the present day by walking through it. Brown has to call in the authorities and we meet James Lester, the arrogant Downing Street troubleshooter who "will be leading the response" of the British government to these discoveries. Indue course, Nick Cutter and a Special Forces minder step through the Forest of Dean anomaly, and discover that more than one person, including Helen Cutter, had indeed been in the prehistoric landscape on the other side and that at least one of them had not survived. Meanwhile, a carnivorous dinosaur rampages through a local school after hours, when the only people about are one small boy in detention, and the teacher minding him who (of course) is dismissive when he says "Miss, there's a dinosaur in the playground!" --- until, that is, it starts trying to smash its way into the classroom where they are cowering.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Hey, let me in!

Professor Cutter!


Professor Cutter...

Connor Temple.

I'm sorry, I've never heard of it.

I think you want archeology, if you go
around that way

to the right and keep
walking it's on your left.

It's not a place, it's my name.
I'm one of your student.


Why... why don't I recognize you?

I've never actually turned up for the seminars.


Don't touch anything.

This is my laboratory technician,
Stephen Hart.

- Hi.
- Hi.

Actually, that's my dissertation.


See, I argue the all life on earth

derive from organisms carried
by alien spacecraft.

It's pretty sexy stuff.

It's a work in progress.


Tell me... what this is.

A fish?


This is sarcopterygian.

There's no trace of him in the fossil
record for 17 million years...

and then suddenly one just pops out
in the middle of the Indian Ocean.

Totally inexplicable
in modern evolutionary terms.

Darwin provides most
of the answers.

It's the pieces that don't fit

that interest me.

See, that's why I was wondering
whether you'd seen this.

Some sort of giant
undiscovered predator.

Oh! No no no no.
This, this is the real thing.

Connor, you should get a life,
go to a bar, meet a nice a girl

Life will seem a lot less confusing.

I've already got a girlfriend.
Sort of.

It does not, really...

The point is there's an eye witness,
he claims to have seen it.

People claim to have seen the Lochness monster.

It doesn't mean that it's there.

Not now. Obviously,
'cause it died years ago.

The goverment hid the
body away, they covered the whole thing up.

This is just a hoax.
Forget it.

Your wife wouldn't have
ignored it.

My wife was a serious

She wasn't some gullible, monster hunter.


It's ok.

I just thought you might...

wanna check it out, that's all.

It's not as the Forest of Dean
is far away though.

The Forest of Dean?

If we leave now,
we could be there by lunch.

Come on guys, what are you
waiting for?

Some *** and a Frank Sinatra record?

How are Brad and Angelina?

Totally gay,
but otherwise fine.

They should be mating by now.

Maybe they just don't fancy each other.

Abby... a word.

Abby I'm sorry.

The sponsors pulled out and I...

I have to slim down the reptile

And my jobs plumbs under the
heading of instant loss, right?

There's an attachment
going on the *** house.

I can put in a word for you.

I'm a lizard girl Tim, and you
know that.

Hello, Tim Parker.

W hat?
I'll call you back, ok.

Ok, bye.

Letters. From people wanting
the zoo to collect their animals.

Why do people buy exotic pets
if they don't want them?

Everything alright?

I'll handle this if you'd like.
It's my field.

I know the Forest of Dean pretty well.

Anyway, so about this

Yeah. A six months project
starting the life cicle of parasites...

in elephant ***.

Sounds unmissable.

** I caught a glimpse of it on the monitor.

Can you imagine how much
force it took to rip this thing open?

Look at the size of the marks!

You know, if you want my opinion
I think it is...

You don't, do you?

Well, if I found these gauges
in the wild I'd be certainly...

be looking for a large predator.

But we're in the Forest of Dean.

It was huge and it was so fast,
it was gone across the yard in a second.

Look, there's blood.


Come and give me a logic
explanation for this.

It's a hoax, obviously.

Just a... a difficult one to come off.

Can I say something?

Is he alright?

Helen Cutter came to this area
eight years ago to investigate...

a creature site seeing.

She disappeared in the forest, her body was
never found.

Just **, no blood,
***, nothing. She just vanished.

We never expected to a personal call.

All part to your zoo services, Mrs Trent.

It's only a lizard.

I see you like dinosaurs, Ben.

They're awesome.

His name's Rex.

I found him in the forest.

Looked over in a book
and it said it's a flying dragon from southeast Asia.

Draco volans, he's not a draco volans.


In fact, I don't know what he is.

What? I thought you
were an expert.

Well, I am. If I'm right you've discovered
a completely unique species.

Oh, cool!

I need you to show me exactly
where you found him.

Oh, it's too cold for him.

He must have scaped from a private
from a private zoo or something.

I found him around here somewhere.

This way.


- Slow down, wait for me.
- Maybe it was a leopard.

They sometimes put their preys up in the
trees and come back for it later.

Don't be silly, Ben.

How many leopards are they in the forest to date?

I don't care.

It's weird, I'm getting out there.

Ben, hold on.
Wait for me.

...someone as pretty as you, I must admit though,
I've never seen one myself.

Hey, why don't we have
a drink here?

Excuse me.

Don't panic.

Just told that slime ball
over there you were my boyfriend.

One more sleazy pick-up line and I was gonna have to kill him.

Well, I am very glad
I was here to help.

I'm Nick Cutter.

Actually, I know who you are.

Claudia Brown, Home Office.

I saw you at the hotel.

I'm hoping you can do
me a favor professor.

Another one?

I suspect this is why
we're both here.

I get dozens of rogue animals
sightings every year.

You'd be doing me a big favour
if you could just confirm this is all nonsense.

I can't dismiss the evidence,
out of hand.

Surely you're not giving this
monster story any credibility.

Just trying to keep an
open mind.

People always say that,
as if that's such a good thing

It really depends how
you define monster.

A wild panther might look
pretty terrifying on a dark night.

Is that what we're dealing with?

My best guess... if it
exists at all.

The last sighting was somewhere
near the forest.

Would you care to join the search?

I suppose I owe it to the tax payers to do more than

sit in in my room
ans suck the mini bar dry.

This database contains constantly updated information
on all extinct vertebraes.

I've been building it every spare second since I was 14.

This is impressive.

It's pretty cool, huh?

And slightly sad.

You know we're not talking
about a wild cat, don't you?

This is Claudia Brown
from the Home Office.

She will be coming with us.

I knew it, it's a cover up?

What is he talking about?

Connor never met a conspiracy theory
he didn't like.

Ben, slow down!



Come on Rex,
come back.

Ow Rex,
you can listen.


Rex, come here!
Stop messing around.

If there really were some creature
around here,

wouldn't journalists
have found it by now?

They wouldn't know
what they were looking for.

But you do.

Since Steven tracked the wounded animals through
the rain forest

for up to 10 days at a time.

Not to mention wrestled an anaconda
and saved the whale.

Maybe there is something here
maybe there isn't.

Frankly I doubt it.


Okay, now I'm getting

the compass is going haywire.

Ben, what on earth is going on in there?

I want this mess tidied up now.

Ok Rex.
Which way now?


Don't move.

Is it real?

Some kind of experiment, maybe.

Hybrid, throwback.

Who are you?

Abby Maitland. I'm a keeper at Wellington zoo.

It's a reptile, 5 or 6 tons at least.

Large supertemperal bosses,
huge osteodame on its back.

And it must be some kind of an apsent.

Stay in his field of vision,
you're making him nervous.

I was right, there was a dinosaur
in that warehouse.

Whatever it is, it's classified until
we figure out what the hell to do about it.

Bloody hell.

There's 2 of them?

Where did that come from?

No, I can't use the police,
this is too sensitive.

There are lives at stake here.

Listen, I don't need you to tell
how junior I am. Ok?

You're just gonna have to trust me.

Now get somebody down here fast.

I'll be making a complaint.

She's filled his head with all sorts of
stupid ideas.

But just look at the state
of his room.

It was a dinosaur.

The simple truth is Miss
Maitland got carried away.

Ben's pet was nothing more exotic
than draco volans, flying lizard.

There was a monster though.

It chased us.

Tell 'em Abby.

I don't really know what happened Ben.

We just got frightened, that's all.

But I saw the past!

Prehistoric times.
I was there.

You saw the past?

There was desert and rocks and things.

I blame the telly.
Excuse me.

I know you feel bad
about lying.

But if word of this gets out
who knows what the consequences might be.

You'll both have to sign the official
secret's act.

Since when has this become an
official secret?

About 10 minutes after I finally persuade
my boss not to have me sectioned.

Right now, we have a
far more urgent problem.

That creature we saw may be
many things.

But it's certainly not a ruthless predator
that drags its prey up in trees.

You can't be sure of that.

He can.

It's a herbivor, pure vegy.

You mean there's another one
out there?

What did Ben mean when he
talked about seeing the past?

These animals have to be coming
from somewhere.

What are you saying?

I'm saying...

That the answer is in that forest.

And maybe Ben found it.

You know this is gonna win me
the Nobel prize.

We don't know what we're dealing with yet.

Come on. It looks like a dinosaur
and behaves like a dinosaur, it's a dinosaur.

It's the missing link to the
ancient past.

And I discovered it.

S tephen!

Where is it going?

Let him go.
Let's scare him.

Let's see where he thinks
it's safe.

Where's it gone?


My pen!

That explains the compass
going crazy.

What could cause a magnetic
field so powerful?

Maybe it's an alien spaceship.

How you feeling?

Confused, frightened, exhilarated.


You don't think they'll hurt him?

Of course not.

Everything we've seen about the animals
so far is consistent...

with vertebraes that last appeared in the fossil

record hundreds of millions of years ago.

You mean they're like creatures from the past?

No, they are creatures from the past.

Brilliant. It's brilliant.

Oh, that was my front door key.

Cutter, we have to go now.

You got your own

They didn't see what we saw.

And they don't know what you know.

You're thinking about Helen.
Aren't you?

It explains everything.

Except why she didn't come back.

Claudia Brown, Home Office.

Yes, I've seen your file.

James Lester. I'll be in charge of coordinating
our response.

You shouldn't have brought them here.

They have no security clearence.

I don't like civilians in
these situations.

How many situations like
this have you had?

How do we know they're not responsible
for this in someway?

That's not possible.

You spend your entire career
planning for just about every crisis imaginable

up to and including alien invasion.
Then this happens.

So much for thinking
outside the bloody box?

Something large has been through here.

I'm not hm.. really outdoorsy.

I got sinus issues and allergies.

I'll write you a list.

We can't rely on the army
to find this creature.

So just keep looking.

It's so close I can sense it.

Shouldn't we just wait for
the professor?

This phenomenon, professor,

Claudia tells me you have an explanation.

A theory.

Boyd's experience proves that
there's a concrete landscape...

on the other side of the

And I think it's the earth many
millions of years ago.

And this anomaly, as you call it,
is a door between

time zones in the world's history?

Let's suppose this remarkable theory is correct,

What are the immediate risks?

Famine, war, pestilence, the ends of the world
as we know it, the usual stuff.

I think I can do without the facetiousness.

I can't do without standing in some
anemic office ***

talking to a civil servant pen pusher

when I should be exploring the most

significant phenomenom in the history of science.

Technically I'm not actually
a civil servant.

More a troubleshots** without
portfolio in the PM's office.

You mean you're a goverment

Colorful, but a surprisingly accurate.

And there's something else
you should know.

I intent to find out what

happened to my wife whatever the risks.

So I'm going through the anomaly
and if you want to stop me

then you'll gonna have to shoot me.

I hope it won't come to that.


What do you think of Abby?

She's ok. Why?

I was picking up some heat
between us.

You get an instinct for these
kinds of things.

I thought you already
had a girlfriend.

She's more of a... penpal really.

She lives in the Gambia.

It's practical for a night out.


Do you think Abby likes me?

Why don't you ask her yourself?

Alright, I might.

It's not everyday you meet
a potential girlfriend.

And find a dinosaur.



You really shouldn't handle a
lizard like that.

Let the experts do their job.

They don't know what
they're doing.

Your really shouldn't mess
with an angry lizard.

I'm terrified.

Do they even know he can fly?

F ly?

Grab it!

Watch the door!


- He can fly.
- Hmm, pretty well.

He's going up.

I think we have to take a view...


Don't do it, Rex.

It's not your world out
there anymore.

Try some of this.

You'll love it.

I promise.

Rex, come back!


Good decision, Rex.

Those risks you were talking about,
there's one I didn't tell you about

running down your back.

It's so perfect.

What's this?

I think the scientific terms
is really bad news.

The lizard's DNA confirms your theory.

The creature's a living fossil.

Under the circumstances
I'm going to allow your

exploratory mission into the anomaly

I'm taking the lizard back.

Creatures that don't belong here
should be returned to their natural habitat.

It's a disclaimer.
We don't want any nasty lawsuits if you don't come back.

Ok, my best guess?
The creature we found is some kind of scutossauro.

Like permian era.

That footprint, definitely not the same animal

If we are talking permian then

little charmer is the prime suspect.

It's a gorgonopsid.

It's a compact killing machine
and it's got incredible power, Steven.

If it's still out there,
then you have to find it.


What about you?

You are the hunter, me I'm more
logistics and you know backup.

Sooner you finish your detention, Ben,
sooner we can both go home.


Miss, there's a dinosaur in the playground..

Really Ben, how old are you now?

Now we gotta get out.

Ben, sit down now.

There's a dinosaur.

Miss, come on.

Don't open the door.

Don't open it!

Pick on someone on your own size.

- You called Steven again?
- He's not answering.

It's 18.15, I want you back no late
than 2000 hours.

If the first contact works out, we'll take it from there.

What's he doing here?

This is captain Ryan, he's a Gulf war veteran

with extensive desert experience.

We don't know how dangerous
it'll be on the other side of the anomaly.

No argument, Cutter.

He goes as well.

Please take care of him.

Look out for yourself too.

Yeah, we'll be fine.

Whatever happens, bring him back.

My pen.

The magnetic field didn't take it.

You know, this is getting weaker.

Give me an hour.
Give me one hour alone.

I've got a radio.



Professor! Over here!

My God.

People, somebody's been here before us.

Whatever it was it didn't get far. Over here.

H.C. It's Hellen Cutter.

Is that her?

No, it's a man.

How did he die?

I don't know.

It's time to go.

Well, I can't help there, i've got to find me wife.

We have to go.

I'm staying.

Sorry professor.

Don't do that again.

The anomaly is disappearing.

Quick! Do you wanna be trapped here forever?

I'm staying here to look for my wife.

I'm not leaving you behind.

What are you gonna do? Shoot me?

Ok, if you stay I'll stay.

That's just childish.




Get back.

Whad did you see?

You're not gonna believe it.

What was it like?

- You get him up.
- God, you oughta see it.

Oh my God!




Steven! Catch!

We developed the film in the camera you brought back

It's her, it's Helen.

I'm sorry for your personal loss, professor.

This camp that you discovered,

there were no clues to
who made it or what it was for?

The thought that someone's been there before us is far from

and I used to think that EU common agricultural policy was far

Still, at least the immediate crisis is over.

Some force out there ripped the boundaries of space and times to shreds.

Maybe its happen before in wich case

every single thing we thought we knew about the universe is wrong.

Or this is the first time in which case, what changed? What happens next?

Believe it's very very far from over.


