Prime Suspect (2011–2012): Season 1, Episode 1 - Pilot - full transcript

Jane gets a rough start in her new New York homicide squad when she questions her new colleagues' work on a mysterious murder case. After complaining to her lieutenant about not getting cases, Jane manages to find a unique angle to help solve a crime. Meanwhile, Jane goes to her father for advice.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
♪ ♪




[Ringtone beeps]

Hey. So how'd it go?

Ah, you know, good.
Pretty good.

See? The more you do it,

the more the nicotine will
work itself out of your system,

and the easier it'll be.

You know,
it's the first day.

Let's not go crazy here,

All right, cool. Hold on.
[Taxi radio playing loud]

- What, a parade just break out?
- What? No.

I'm in a cab. Hold on.
Prince and Houston, please.

[Cell phone rings]

Can you turn this down?
'Cause I think it's broken.

Huh? Hello?

Sir, can you turn this down,

[Speaking russian]

Hey, so how far did you go?

I did the, uh...
I did the loop.

- [Speaking russian]
- It was far. I don't know.

Hey, pardon me.
Sir, no smoking.

Country is free, huh?

Tell me about it
while you put it out.

- Maybe I put you out.
- Pardon me?

- [Speaks russian]
- Hey!

[Tires screech]
That's right.

You see?
Now put it out!

I'm not in the mood!
Thank you.

Oh, and, sweetheart,

I'm not a whore, or that
second thing you called me.

I don't know what it is,
but I know it's bad.

Hey, you know what, maybe
try one of those patches today.

I don't think the gum's
getting the whole job done.

I'm sorry.
I love you, all right?

- I love you.
- I'll speak to you later.



What about instead
of getting another gun,

you try enjoying
the ones you got.

Good morning, heathens.

Hey, skip.

- Hey. Thanks.
- Hey, skip.

- So what floor's this thing on?
- All the way up, skip.

She fought hard, huh?

- Hard like Manny Pacquio.
- I'd fight hard too.

Far as she knew,
the kids were next.

Yeah, you're right.

And the kids were where?


You're kidding me.

The kids were...
Whole time.

Yeah, that's gonna be fun.

You all right there,

Don't forget the ceiling,

I gotta take such a dump. Ooh...

- Family friend, he found her.
- Uh-huh.

- Curtis hall.
- Hull.

- Hall.
- Like Bobby hull.

- Hall.
- Right.

So we got him out there,
and the kids are upstairs

in their room
with the nanny.

Can I get an ETA
on the husband, Lou?

How come the nanny wasn't
with the kids this morning?

How come the kids are with their
mom when she's getting killed?

- Dentist.
- Huh. Lucky girl.

Well, not if she got, like,
a root canal, you know?

Well, right.
Murder and root canal is a push.

Call the husband again, Lou.
I want him here right now.

Nobody go in there
for 40 days and 40 nights.

You gotta be kidding me
right now.

Here's the story.

Hull says that he and
the husband have been friends

since medical school.

Hull also says
that he and the husband

are supposed to be playing
raquetball at 8:00 a.m.

Except, 7:30 a.m., he's over
at Lenox Hill in scrubs.

He's like some kind
of surgeon.

Maybe "raquetball" is code

for nailing your wife
while you're at work.

Maybe, baby.

He's a thoracic surgeon.

What is that? Is that like
dinosaurs or something?

Hey, gentlemen?
You're kidding me here, right?

You got a case?
Are you kidding me?

You're gonna do this again?
Listen to me.

My name was on top of the board
going out of here last night.

So do you want to
explain to me

how it is that you have a case
and I don't?

Well, you see, Jane,

when a bad man
does a murder,

and someone calls
the police,

you see, the responding officer
then will call his sergeant.

And then that sergeant
will then call...

A homicide detective.

And I'm sorry, but
that homicide detective

was not you.

It's true.


Can I talk to you?

Yeah. Sure.

Skip, it's on this time.
It's on.

Who's got two thumbs,
was the Brooklyn college

intramural ping-pong champion,

and also could give
a rat's ass?

Wait, hold on.
We gotta call Rosie.

How old is she?

- Four years old.
- Four years old.

[Speaker phone]
Hi, daddy.

Hey, Happy Birthday, Rosie.

Both: Happy Birthday, Rosie!

Who's my girl?

If I kept blowing off
the catching order

and grabbing someone's cases,
what would happen? Anything?

What are you
asking me for, Jane?

I'm not taking the case away
from those guys now.

They got momentum.
I don't mess with that.

Is what you said
the first time.

I'll make it right, okay?

You just gotta be patient.

We gotta show them
that you can hang.

Is what you said
the second time.

[Police radio chatter]

All: ♪ she looked so sweet
from her two white feet ♪

All right, next one down
the pike is yours, Jane.

All right?

So let's go get a snack already.
I ate.

You know, there's plenty
of people in this squad

could use some help
if you want to do case work.

It's not just about
who gets to wear

the whitest hat
all the time.

I never said it was.
[Guys still singing]

Hey! What are you doing
out here?

Knock it off.
[Door shuts]

All: ♪ she's the star
of the county down ♪

- Happy Birthday.
- We love you, Rosie.

- I love you, daddy.
- We do love you.

Love you, baby.

- Hey, need a hand?
- Somebody saying I do?

Not you specifically, no.

All right.

Meet Russell Moss.

Russell Moss... Him and his girl
go to the top of a building

on 152nd, right?

- Uh-huh.
- Long story short,

he throws the girl
off the roof.

Or so is my surmise since
Russell's pretending he's deaf.

So what do you want to do?
We go in together?

You want me to take a shot
alone? What's your feeling?

No, no.

Actually, I need someone
to go out to Brooklyn

to pick up his stuff.

If you could.

Russell been keeping up
with his parole officer?

Never had one
as far as I know.

A lot of people say
they never had one, but they do.

Look at this, it's all
prison-issued stuff.

Dannemora...They give out
these gray sweatshirts.

He lets Robert keep his stuff
in there too.

Who's Robert?


Yeah, they cousins.

Does he stay here with him?
Is he here?

- Mm-mm.

Look, I have Russell.
Now I need Robert.

Give me a call
if you see him, all right?

Might not even be me here,

I... I understand.
You're busy.

You're a busy man.
I get it.

It's a lot of work
or one guy.

Hey, you know what...

Sir, would you be willing
to be deputized?

Are you up for that?

- Uh...
- For your country?

Who... who gonna do that, you?
What do we do?

You have to take and oath.

Uh, I don't know.
Maybe. Yeah.

Mr. Moresco,
can you please stand?

Put your hand
on the emblem, please.

Right between the pilgrim
and the Indian.

All right.

Repeat after me, sir.

[Clears throat]


Raymond Moresco...
Raymond Moresco...

- Do solemnly swear...
- Do solemnly swear...

To uphold the laws
and constitution...

To uphold the laws
and constitution...

Of this great state
of New York.

Of this great state
of New York.

So help me God.

You are hereby deputized
from this moment onward

by detective Jane Timoney
of the NYPD.

Welcome to the fight,
Mr. Moresco.

Robert Moss comes back here,
call me.


- 38-year-old
Courtney Edgecourt

was raped and murdered
this morning in her home.

No arrest has been made,
but sources say

a family friend
is being questioned

in connection with the case.

Here's tom
with a Metro update.

All right, first up,
we got a pattern of rapes

on the east side, which
Kachenko, from SVU here,

is gonna tell us about.

Yeah, okay, starting
at 87th and Lex,

continuing here, here,
and so forth.

These are all push-in type

And this guy's a real freak.
I mean, he does it all.

After the sex, we're talking
multiple stab wounds

to the legs, buttocks,

At least 20 per Vic.
He's not a happy camper, hmm?

Hey, uh...
Look at this.

You probably already noticed,
but, uh,

your rapes are clustered
near the Townhouse murder, huh?

What's your take on that?

My thinking is
all ours are 20s, single.

All rental apartments.

No kids, no money.

Besides, I thought you had
the guy... the husband's friend.

What's his name,
Curtis Hull?

- Okay, but I mean, how many
push-in maniacs are there

working in the same
20-block radius, really?

At least two,
it looks like.


This Townhouse murder case
is really something else,

right, skip?

Reg, my son,
I am crazy about this case.

To quote the poet,

I like this case
like Patton liked war.

It's a press case for sure.

A kind of case like this
is where the grade is made.


A case like this...
You gotta deserve.

I don't know, some people
don't seem to think so.

You know,
I heard that too.

Yeah, well, what would you
tell those people, skip,

assuming they could hear you?

I'd tell 'em a story.
The story of the beef trust.

A squad is only as good
as its beef trust.

- True.
- True.

Because the beef trust
only cares about the work.

Knock on doors,
follow leads,

hear the words on the street.

They don't bang bureau chiefs
to transfer out of midtown.

Subtle, Reg. Very subtle.
Yet relevant.

You know, let us commemorate
our fellowship

with the adding of liquor
to ice.

There it is.

- That's a good idea.
- Good idea.

That's an even better idea.

[Door shuts]

It has nothing to do
with our being divorced, Matt.

I would never let our son
stay in a home

where the tv wasn't mounted
no matter whose it was.

Okay, so fine.
I mean,

we were thinking about
mounting the tv anyway, so...

Also the instant boiling water
thing on the kitchen sink...

So something designed for a
world without six-year-old boys.

I guess we can ask the super
to disable it.

I mean, I know you use it, but...
Oh, no, that's okay.

Is it gonna be hard for you
to not use your phone

around Owen, Jane,
with your job and everything?

We really try to not
use our phone around him.

I'm sure Matt's told you.

- Uh-huh.

Um, so if we take care
of the tv and the instant-hot,

then Owen can start
spending the night here, yeah?

Yeah, that is the idea.

I can't believe
that I almost forgot.

I know that uniformed
policemen carry their guns,

but I wasn't sure if that
that meant that you do.

- It does.
- I wasn't sure.

But so where is your gun?

Well, there's only
her duty weapon.

The detectives used to have to
keep them on them all the time,

but not since when,
like, the 80s?

So now when she goes
off shift,

she just locks it
in her desk at work.

I mean, that'll do, right?

Why wouldn't it do,

Come here.
I want to show you something.

Owen's not getting into this.

Matt pretty much can't
get into it.

But if you still feel
uncomfortable, that's fine.

I'll deal with it
however you want.

But you needed to know
because...This is here.

I mean, I don't ev...


Hey, come here for a minute.
No, no, no, no.

Don't even talk to me
right now.

There's no way that he's gonna
get into that thing.

So they didn't see Hull.

The mom locked 'em
in the closet first.

They also didn't
not see him.

If this is Hull,
and he's been throwing a hump

into Mrs. Edgecourt
for however long, then why rape?

'Cause the autopsy says
it is.

Oh. I'll tell you what.

This Hull is coming across
as pretty credible so far.

Look, I gotta choose between
a guy with blood all over him

or a player to be named later,

I'm going with the blood.

What crawled up your ass
and died?

Jane did.

Yeah. On account of you guys
taking her cases

and leaving me
to clean up your mess.

Thanks a lot for that.

Yeah, yeah, yeah,
very funny. Yeah.

And I got news
for you two dummies.

She's a good detective.

She's good at something,
all right.

This about her
and Costello? Huh?

Obviously you two guys
only care about the two of them

having been an item
or whatever.

But Jane got the transfer off
how she handled

the murder in the park...
off closing a good case.

Costello didn't get it
for her.

He didn't ask about it.

He never came into it.
Hand to God.

Listen, I'm not a stooge.

Aw, come on, Kevy.
We know that.

You're a survivor.

And she's an empty suit.

It's great to see you.

It's feeling like old times
up in here.

Listen, in need
the OCC report

on the Madison Avenue rapist,

and the names and addresses
of all the victims

because I'm gonna talk
to them myself.

Okay, then you're saying
something, and I hear you.

Yeah. I think
the Townhouse killer

and the Madison Avenue rapist
are the same guy.

- What does SVU think?
- They don't.

So they won't show you
the report.

I didn't ask.

Because you thought
old Evrard'll

let you mosey up in here
and read

the chief of d's copies?
- Uh-huh.

Oh, this is an outrage.

Where's my apple fritter?

Women DTs lurk and wait
to blow up

the careers of good cops.

I mean, you scratch
your batteries,

and it's a hostile
work environment.

We've seen that happen, right?

No, look,
Danny Costello aside...

- Yeah?
- I am telling you,

that is who your Janie is.

She's one of us till
it suits her not to be,

and eventually,
it always does.

Let me tell you something...

What was that?

"Oh! Ow!"


- Jay.
- Jay! Jay!

- Jay.
- Jay, what are you doing?

Jay. Jay.

- Hey!
- Call an ambulance.

Hey, get us a bus!
Get us a bus!


Stay with us. Jay!

- Augie!
- Jay, stay with us. Jay!

They were prepping him
for surgery, but he didn't...

he died.

I know it's hard to talk
about it right now, sir.

Then why are we?

Because letting the ball drop
on the Townhouse murders

seems like the only thing that
could make a bad thing worse.

A case that was yours
to begin with, right?

I'm not denying
that's a part of it, all right?

He was sitting in the chair
you're sitting in last night.

Your colleague, with one
of the highest closure rates

in department history.

My friend,
whose baby girl

turned four yesterday!

What kind of a woman...
what kind of a person are you

that you come in here
like this today

and ask for that man's job?

I haven't decided anything.

When I do,
I'll let you know.

Get out.

[Glass rolls on floor]

Dad? Dad?

- Yeah?
- Hey.

Ah, that's all of 'em,
all right.

If you don't have
enough room, I can just...

I do. Of course.
Of course.

Mother of God,
what flavor is that?

A minty watermelon thing.

Do me a favor and
stick with cinnamon, please.

Don't get fancy on me.

The cinnamon has
my tongue burnt off.

Well, it's better than
a sharp stick in the eye.

How's the detective that had
the heart attack... Kearney?

Keating. Dead.

Oh, jeez. Kids?

- I told you. A boy,
a four-year-old girl.

Well, we'll do a whip-around
down at the bar.

Should be good
for a few hundred.

Yeah. I asked for his job
this morning.


And I made an enemy
out of my boss for life,

pretty much.

What's your source
of information on that?

Is it you?

I just thought
I gotta ask now,

while they're distracted,
before they can regroup. Right?

I thought that was my only
chance, but maybe it wasn't.

Maybe I should have waited.

Maybe I shouldn't have asked
at all.

Or maybe I should have called
Dan Costello

and asked him
for the job

because that's what they all
think I do anyway!

No, you're just uncomfortable

because you didn't
get an answer, Janie,

not because you're instincts
were bad.

Remember Curtis Mayfield?

It might not come
when you want it,

but when it does...
It'll be right on time!

The Townhouse case,
the task force...

I'm giving it to her.

Here, have another pop.

[Ice rattles in glass]

I'm sorry.

Now who's an empty suit,

[Door opens, shuts]

Let's go down
and have a pint or four,

and talk about how much
we miss smoking.

The point is,
we thought you had cancer,

that you were dying.

All I am saying is

what if your Dr. Geller
trots out the same X-ray

with the shadowy mass
for all of his patients

that have a bad habit?

Dad, stop looking
for excuses to smoke.

All right?
You asked me to quit.

I quit.
I don't want to quit.

Do I look like
I want to quit?

But I'm doing it for you.
I'm not gonna do it alone.

Do not flake on me.

I'm not kidding you,
I will frame you for something.

Get it?
[Cell phone rings]


Okay. Great.

Thank you, sir.





According to the NYPD, since the brutal
murder of Courtney Edgecourt

in her upper east-side home,

handgun carry licence applications
have gone up by 600%.

Mrs. Edgecourt was
raped and killed

in front of her two children.

As yet, no arrest
has been made.

He was a good detective,
a husband, and a father,

and I'm very sorry
for everyone's loss.

I think we can all agree
that the best way

to honor his memory is to work
this case till it goes down.


That being said,
detective Duffy,

can you please tell us
where we're at right now?

Autopsy showed semen
and rape.

We're waiting for the DNA
to tell us whose semen.

But you think
it's Curtis Hull's, yeah?

You want to dive in?

I assume you do want
to dive in.

I do want to, yes.

Hello there, Mr. hull.

Is the DNA back yet?

Takes a little time,
I'm afraid.

Longer than it takes
on tv.

Anyway, I just wanted to
ask you about your rap sheet.

The charges of soliciting

Not here.

As you wish.

I didn't try
to hide that, okay?

The other two detectives
asked me about them too.

Read their notes.
I did.

I was just wondering why
you didn't mention

that the prostitutes
were men.

I used to be in vice,
Mr. Hull.

Those other detectives
did not.

So maybe they're not
as good as I am

at knowing which kind
of hookers stroll where.

51st and 2nd Avenue.

Cadman Plaza near the courts
in Brooklyn...

I know where I was.

It just might have been
a thing to mention

to the other detectives

since they didn't pick up
on it themselves.

It might have helped them
to see

that you would never
rape a woman.

They didn't want help.

And I'm not hurting my family
any more than I already have.

Not to prove something
that the DNA will prove for me.

Those kids are
my godchildren.

Did you know that?

And now, because
of you people,

they think I'm the one
who did it.

You know what...

Don't come here again.

I won't.


I mean, are we gonna
look the place over?

What are we doing?

You were here the first time

that Keating talked
to the kids?


So it was you, Keating,
the kids,

but no child psychologist,

There was no psych report
in the file.

Did he even call one?

Did you? No. Right?

So whatever they've told you
will be open

to calling "coerced."

It didn't matter, okay?
[Knocks on door]

They said they don't know anything.
They said they never saw the guy.

And you were satisfied
with that?

- I was.
- Yeah. Yeah, I know.

It doesn't matter, okay.
They said they didn't...

- yes?
- Hi there.

Detective Jane Timoney.

I'm the new detective
on the case.

Hold, please.

You call this guy.

His name is Dr. Kevin Hynes.

He's great with kids.
He's great in court.

He's waiting for your call.

Tell him to meet us
down here now.

Pardon me.

I was just in the closet

and I noticed that the carpet
was worn down right in front,

and the door didn't
touch the floor,

so you can see right
under there.

You can see a lot.

Caleb, I think you looked.

I would have looked.
I'm pretty sure you did.

Hey, this one's
a 12-gauge.

I have one just like it.

A Remington 870

Very cool.

I used to have this one
called a Mossberg,

but it gave me problems.

And the Remington racks louder
than the Mossberg.

You now what "rack" is?
Huh? This thing.

[Imitated shotgun pump]

You don't have those.

Those what?
The guns?

Sure I do.

See that?
It's like that one. Huh?

You can touch it
if you want.

Why are you drawing
pictures of guns, Caleb?

You don't want to say?

You afraid you're gonna
get in trouble?

Is that what it is?

Let me guess,
you're drawing them

because you're thinking
about using them.


Everybody here,
they want to protect you

from this awful thing.

But you don't want
to be protected.

You're angry,
and you want to be angry.

And you're not gonna
get in trouble for that.

Not with me.

So tell me about the man
that you saw.

I would kill him with this.

I would help you.

Listen, we were wrong.

You found an angle,
worked the kid.

Good job.
Let's go

good job.

Could I ask you something?

You ever worry that someone
might drop a house on you?

Car's not gonna
drive itself, is it?

I guess you don't.
All right.

- Let me call you back.
- Hey, boss,

you're gonna want
to hear this.

I talked to the edgecourt

The appeal-proof way
this time.

They described the man
who murdered their mother

as a young male, dark hair,
with a slight accent,

and as not being
Curtis Hull.

As of now, Curtis Hull is
off the table.

As of now,
our prime suspect

is a guy we haven't met.

A guy who lives
in the neighborhood

or works in the neighborhood
or both.

A guy who was part
of the scenery

until suddenly he's not.

Okay? So, gentlemen,
we're going back to square one,

starting over
till we find him.

So everybody get on board
right now

because this is happening.

I just want a couple of
your rape victims

to look at our sketch.

What's the problem?

We handed over
what we have.

We cried and we hugged
and we shared with you.

But we're not getting our vics
all confused

by showing 'em your
eight-year-old's fingerpainting.

So what happens
when the DNA comes back

and shows it's all
the same guy?

Maybe it will
and maybe it won't.

Till then it's every squad
for themself.

All I know is after months
of 'round the clock

on some seriously brutal,
brutal rapes,

forgive me if I don't want
to wake up

and see homicide get credit
when the headlines say

"east side killer nabbed," huh?

Heh heh, you gonna
get killed tonight, buddy.

See, I've got 500 on Perez knocking
you down in the first round.

- Is that right?
- Yeah.

Do you got me
knocking you down

in the parking lot after?

'Cause that might be
a good bet.

All right, listen up, guys.

tonight's smoker
is now a benefit

to help Jay's wife and kids
cover their expenses.

So if I don't see you there,

don't bother coming in
to work tomorrow. Right?

You better kill Perez tonight.
I mean, you kill him!

Okay? We're gonna be
your alibi.

Good. I'm gonna need
an alibi.

Good luck tonight.

You too.


♪ ♪

- Come on, pay up.
- I don't have any money.

In the interest of working

every available angle
on the case,

that task force will be led
by detective Jane timoney,

so at this time I'll turn
everything over to her.

- Can you talk into the mics?
- Yes.

[Crowd roaring]

The suspect
has been identified

as a male hispanic,
5'9", slim build and young,

slight accent,
and carries a folding knife.

If you saw something
or you know something,

please call crimestoppers
at 1-800...

does this mean Curtis Hull
is out of the picture?

Yes, it does.

[Crowd roaring]


Stay down!

[Bell rings]

[Crowd clamoring]




How'd it go?

Oh, okay. How 'bout
I buy you guys a round?

Oh, detective timoney!

You say the nicest things.

- Where's Reg?
- He's upstairs.

[Tv announcer
reporting on race]

Champ coming in,
champ coming in!

Playin' a champ.

You been here
this whole time?

Did you even watch?
I watched.

I would like to buy the champ
a drink, please.

Don't you take her money,

Tell that bitch
it's no good in here.

- Hey, yo. Hey, yo. Hey, hey.
- You want drinks?

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

- I'll buy drinks.
- Are you kidding me?

She wants to work homicide,
let her go back to midtown.

Or you could wave your ass
at the commissioner this time.

Maybe you'll get a transfer
to Scotland yard.

Acting like
it's coming to you.

Walking all over
the memory of a great man.

Jay Keating's heart exploding

was the best thing
that ever happened to you,

and we all know it.

So stop expecting his guys
to give you respect.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪




I know you're
still mad at me,

and you can be mad at me
again tomorrow,

but can you talk to me
for a minute, please?


[Phone ringing]



- Uh-huh.

Am I still your deputy?

Oh. You're in for life,
Mr. Moresco.

What... what's going on?

They had you on the tv,

um, with the press conference,

uh, uh, with the drawing?

Yeah, yeah. Did...
did you recognize it?

No, not me.

One of the guys here

says he thinks he dated
your guy's mom.

Wow, okay.
Can you keep him there?

Yeah. Are you kidding?

I got the guy a pizza.

I get money back for that?

From the mayor himself.

I'm bringing it to you
right now.

Attention all units
in the Queens North Borough

responding to the vicinity
of 435 and 20th,

mobilization point is now
21st and Steinway.

[Radio chatter continues]

Homicide CO
to CO Queens emergency.

All units in position?

[Police radio chatter]

[Helicopter flying overhead]

Make the call.


Buenos noches, senora.

Yo soy
el detective Evrard Velario

de la policia
del Nueva York.

Es idalis Ayala?

No hay problema.

Necesitamos hablar
con su hijo Victor.

Look, we don't want
any trouble.

We just need to speak
to your son, okay?

Mama's giving me some grief.

I'll give her some grief
in a minute.

[Speaking spanish]


She says he's coming out.

All right.
Everybody stand by.

He's coming out.
Copy that.

[Police radio chatter]

Ask... ask her where...
where... where...

[speaking spanish]

Don't mess with us, okay?

I told you, we need him
out here right now.

She says he came out.

She says he's standing
right in front.


Ask her the address.
Ask her the address.

[Speaking spanish]

435 21st.
Not 20th, 21st.

That's one block over,
heading North.

All right,
guys, stand down!

Move one block North!
Wrong address!

Let's go!

Actual address, 435!

Stand down!
One block North!

435 21st street!

21st street! 435!


[Tires squealing]

[Police radio chatter]

Are you kidding me?

Wrong address!

[Horn honking]

Hey, hey,
look out, look out, look out!

Is that him?

There he is!
Yeah, that's him! Go!


I got him.


[Horn honks]

Look out!
[Brakes screech]


[Police radio chatter]



Manhattan East homicide,
emergency message to central.

Suspect is headed South
on 4th Avenue.

Repeat, suspect is headed South
on 4th Avenue at 21st.

Detective Timoney
in pursuit.








Get over here!

[Groans] [Sirens]

Stay down!
Over here!

Perp's in custody!
Repeat, perp's in custody!


[Police radio chatter]

- Let him up!
- Get up!

Let's move!

Get up!


Get him the hell
out of here!

- Do you...?
- What?

Do you have a cigarette?


Detectives said in addition
to Courtney Edgecourt's murder,

Ayala is being charged

with eight counts of rape
in the first degree

in connection with
a string of attacks

on the Eastside
this past year.

Up next, traffic and weather
at five minutes past the hour.

I miss him.

Hey, Reg.

Buy you a free coffee?

Terrible day, huh?


They're always
pretty terrible, though.

How many of these do you
think you've been to?

Some days, it feels
like all of them.

Too many to count.

After 9/11?

I had three funerals
the one day.

Plus, a tree branch fell
on my mom's house.

I had to get up on the roof
in my dress blues

'cause I didn't have
any time to change.

It ever make you think
about quitting?

Nothing ever makes me think
about quitting.

What, you?

I'll always want
to be a cop.


This squad,
it's my home.

And you're invading it.

I know you miss
your friend.

Maybe try to figure out how much
of this has to do with that.

You know what?

By the time you're done,

I bet you'll end up thinking
I'm your favorite.

'Cause at least
I'm honest.

So am I.

You need a new home.

Like fun I do.

But if I did, you're not the man
who's gonna give it to me.


Don't forget to put
some money in the tip.

So your father
just took 'em all?

He have a gun safe too?

He actually
bought me mine.

But so the list is done.

The super disabled
the insta-hot today.

Did he lock
the garbage chute too?

No, I already told you,
it's at the end of the hall.

- Other tenants use that too. Not just us.
- Oh, well, then so wait to talk to him

after Owen goes down it

Know what?
I'm gonna hit the restroom.


If the waiter comes,
get me a Bourbon.

What kind?

The kind with alcohol.

What happened to your arm
and your... your face?

Good day at work.

What about those bodies
on the beach in Long Island?

It's a big deal, right?

I'll bet you wish
you were working on that.

Hmm, not so much.
I'm good for now.

How about we talk about
your burglary charge instead?

Want to?

I mean, there is a certain
school of thought that says

an engagement
gets broken up,

the girl should give back
the ring with you there.

That doesn't mean you get
to break into her place

and take it back.

Plus, apparently
an engagement camera

and what, an engagement
shearling coat?

- All right. I, um,
I-I see what this is.

You're very perceptive,

Except when you
are driving drunk

and clipping
side view mirrors

and falafel deliverymen
on Cornelia street,

but besides then,
you're terrific.

Listen to me.
I work terrible hours.

I often have to
leave things early.

I arrive to things late.

I get phone calls
in the middle of the night

and all day long.

I've never been shot,
but I have been stabbed,

and I got lye thrown
in my face once.

And I'm a homicide detective,

Not a policeman
or a policewoman.

I'm also
not a divorce lawyer,

but I know about
going to court.

[Glass slams on table]

So what day is Owen
coming to our house?



♪ ♪

Guess what.
Owen's coming over Thursday.

Are you serious?

Yeah. They were
so cool about it.

Thanks, you guys.

That's fantastic.

That's... thank you, Tricia.
That's wonderful. It is.

Thanks. Wow,
this is amazing.

I'm so hungry.
Crab leg?