Price of Passion (2017–2018): Season 1, Episode 15 - What I Could Not Say (Söyleyemediklerim) - full transcript

Yeter, she confesses to Asli, who she shot Namik. This dangerous mystery ends with Idil telling Ferhat the truth. Yeter, in the face of Ferhat's questioning gaze, will she explain why she shot Namik?

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Please forgive me.

I am such a mess nowadays.

I promise,
I will make it up tomorrow, okay?

Happy birthday again,
have a great year, see you.

Okay, dear.

Are you scared?

I am not...

Not from you, I am not...

To be honest, I was scared at first.


What do you mean with ‘good’,

What do you mean?

It’s just good.

What are you trying to do?

Do I have to do something?


Don’t you do anything, Ferhat.


I, I don’t get it, really.

What do you want to know?


First you took me to the airport...

Then you came back.

I am not trying to do anything...

Do you hear me?

What are you trying to do?



I am trying to understand you, Ferhat.

Don’t try to understand...

There is nothing
to understand, okay?

It will be like this.


Oh wait, let me tell you...

“Be near, but don’t me next to me.”

Is this it? Is this a riddle?

Gordian knot.

Did I do anything wrong?

You did a big wrong, doctor.

What is it then, tell me?

So that I know what
did I do wrong...

Do you know what I’m fighting
within me, do you realise?

Don’t fight with yourself, doctor...

You will lose.

I already did...

I lost everything
I had in this story.

That’s why, tell me already
what you want from me...

Do you hear me, say it.


Oh, Mr. Namık...

You are looking very good.

What are you doing here?


I am here to see the last
nail you put in my coffin.


I better congratulate the groom.

Father. Do you know this Mr. Namık?

I will meet him soon.

He is my friend’s
relative after all.

Right? I’ll be back soon.


What is it?

Are you uncomfortable?

Yes, of course,

I always made you uncomfortable.

An old sin.

A past whim...

That you can’t get rid of...

Always a burden to you...

Isn’t that so?

You are drunk...

Go home.

Let me call the guys,
they better take you home.

Which ‘home’?


The one that you fired me from?

Or Necdet’s house?

The house that you left
me with Ferhat in my belly?

Which house would take me?

I told you so...

If you turn your back
to a loving woman...

You are facing the hell.

Remembering the old stories,
doesn’t help anyone, Yeter.

No one...

You are right...

I was madly in love with you, Namık.

You stole my youth.

My dreams.

My hopes...

I took it all on the chin...

I said “there’s nothing much to do,
such as love”...

Neither Ferhat, nor Yiğit
called me ‘mother’ for years.

When do you become a mother, huh?

When you get pregnant?


When you give birth?


A woman is only a mother when
her children call her ‘mother’...

You, you stole my
motherhood as well.

What are you doing, Yeter?

The thing I was supposed
to do years ago.

Put that gun away.

I will ask only one question...

Did you...

Did you ever feel that

you loved me, even for a second?


Thank you very much.

For what?

For the answer you
gave to my conscience.




This is...

This one is for me.

Come on.

This took too much,
let’s go back up.

I am not going anywhere!

Don’t raise your voice at me here.

Then don’t make me...


That is enough...


What does it change if you hear?

May be nothing...

But I won’t lose anything.

What do you want from me, Ferhat?

I mean, I love you, do you get it?

Namık Emirhan is shot.

Go to the 10th floor immediately!



Help us!

Help us!

Help us!

Come on, Asli,
come on, sister, answer,

say something,
say you are okay, I beg you!


Hello, attorney.

There was an armed assault
in Namık Emirhan’s wedding.


What happened?

Are there any dead or wounded?

Is everyone okay?

I don’t know, attorney.

Asli won’t answer,
now I am going over there.

Okay, I am coming.

Yiğit, what happened?

I don’t know, I don’t know,

I think there was an armed
conflict in Namık Emirhan’s wedding,

I don’t know,
I have to go there now!


Did something bad happen to anyone?

I don’t know.

Help me, please!

Someone help!

Help us!

Help us!


-Asli help!
-Okay, calm down.


Abidin, go check outside.


Is he alive?

Yes, he is.



What is it? Any updates?

Could you find out anything?

No, attorney.

Except that Namık Emirhan is shot.

Okay, we will find out...


Guys, you better wait outside.

Father, what’s going on?

Ayhan, go and get Asli.

Go on, girl.

But don’t let anyone know.


Brother. Yiğit.

They are coming.

Night manager and safety manager,
here, quickly!

Take everyone home, Abidin.

Yes, cousin...

Asli. Come with me.

What are you doing here?

Come with me.



Don’t worry, Yeter.

It will pass.

It will all pass.

I don’t know what
you’ve been through,

but I can guess.

Just be patient.

Everyone pays, sooner or later.

Who are you?

Mrs. Yeter?



What are you doing here,
what’s going on?

I, I shot Namık.



How is that possible?

Oh, Namık!

Oh, Namık!


Go home, now.

Mute, keep your eyes open.

-Okay, cousin.
-Where is Asli?

My mom is not around either.

I want to go to the hospital.

Take me...

Mom, you heard Ferhat.

It doesn’t matter if
we wait at home or hospital.

But I can’t just sit at home idly.

Mother, my uncle is shot.

We don’t know if
we are still in danger.

Home is the safest place.
Come please!

Where is Yeter, did you see?

Yes, she is not around.

What are we going to do now?

Listen, girl...

What happened, has happened.

Yeter shot Namık.

I invited you here,
because only you can protect her.


What will I do?

Now go to the lobby from the stairs.

Okay, then when you go home,

tell them that you’ve
found Yeter at the restroom,

she was drunk and throwing up.


You will remain calm,
everyone will believe in that.


If they find out Yeter did it,
she will be in big trouble.

I don’t know who are you
and why do you do it, yet...

Come on.

Asli, I shot Namık.

It’s okay.


Okay, don't say that now.

We are leaving, okay?

You know more about
this family than I thought.


I do.

I am curious,
why don’t you tell me more...

Ferhat goes to jail.

Then he passes your trust test.

Then we come here
to talk to Mr. Namık.

And, you protect Mrs. Yeter.

What’s going on?

This is such an old story, dear.

I will tell you all
when the time comes.

But now we don’t have time.

We better get going.

-Let’s go...

What are you doing here.

Come on.
We are going home, hurry up.

Where are you going?

I am going with you.


Forgive me.

Armed assault.

A bullet hole.

He is shot in his abdominal cavity.

Bullet is still in there.

Blood type AB+.

Save him please...


Where have you been?

A disaster happened!

They shot Namık, did you know?

We do, we do.

Go on, go on.

Get in the cars,
go home, go on, go on!

Come, Gülsüm.


You should go to the hospital.

Save him.

Okay, don’t you worry,
he is in safe hands.

You should go anyway.

You’ll let me know.

Okay. Abidin...

When will you listen, Asli?


Where did you get lost?

I went to the restroom.

I saw Mrs. Yeter there, she
was feeling bad I took care of her.

She didn’t look good,
she didn’t look good at all, yes.

She was bad...

I am sorry...

We can call home if you want to,

they will bring you some clothes.

I know who shot him and why.

Are you sure?

Did you see it?

I did not...

But I know.

Who is it?

Yeter Aslan.

Yeter Aslan?


How can you be so sure
if you didn’t see it?

She has so many reasons
to shoot Namık...

She has so many reasons
to kill her brother.

-Is that so?


A word please?

God, who would do that?

Who? Who would hurt my brother?

What if something happens to Namık?

What if?

Vildan, call the hospital.

Okay, I am calling mother.

He quit the mayor elections.

His troubles and
enemies are endless.

Is this how it will happen
all our lives, is this?

Instead of hospital,
I better call Yiğit.

Mr. Cem, maybe they
learned something.

Any news?

No, he won’t answer.

He will call when he sees.

Whoever did it, may God punish him!

Mr. Namık is strong.

He will get better, I hope.

I hope.

Come on, stop being so sad,
get back to yourself.

My uncle will be fine.

And they will find who did it
and they will punish the attacker,

please, don’t be like this.


I did it.


I shot Namık.

What are you talking about, mother,
You shot it?

What are you saying, mom?

For some reason, only the
cameras in that floor were broken.

Is that so?


There are no records...

This is a planned attack.

I see, so it is organized...


Keep me updated.

Are you leaving, sir?

I am waiting for trial, captain.

And I’m not the
prosecutor in this case...

It’s wrong that I am here.

But again, keep me updated.

Okay, don’t worry.


Come here, girl, come sit with me.

Are you feeling better, dad?

Thank God...


Will you explain things to me now?

Like what?

Like Ferhat.

I thought my father
found his companion finally,

but you know a lot
about Ferhat’s past.

His mother, his uncle...

Is this a coincidence?

Father, I am asking so
that I don’t do anything wrong...

On which side are we?

Friends of everyone but Namık.

Why but Namık?

Because Namık is
the enemy of everyone.

Father, did you know that
Mrs. Yeter would attack Namık?


Am I being questioned, daughter?

I see, dad...

Will you stay here or go tonight?

I will go soon.

You better go to bed.

Be there for our friends...

For a short time, we’ll be away,

but we’ll be watching
them all the time.

How did you save Mrs. Yeter?

Good night, dear.

Good night, daddy.

And this one.

This one is for me.


Take her to the room.

You are alive.

You lucky dog!

Oh, God.


Mom, tell me something.

Why would someone shoot her brother?

Why did you do such a thing?

Mom, say something!

How is he?

You better ask who shot him,
not how he is.

I told Yiğit too.

What are you talking about?

The one who shot him is Yeter Aslan.

What nonsense are you talking about?

What has Yeter have anything to do
with this, why would she shoot him?

Find out the reason yourself.


Killer is here.

How dare you, how can you come here!

What are you doing, get back!

What are you doing?

Stay out of this.

Stay out of this!

What are you doing;
We are in a hospital!

What is this woman talking about?

Ask me, son...

But say,

“did you shoot my uncle, mother”.

Of course, she did.

And tell your reasons!

Tell him!

-You shut up!
-İdil, silence.

I said stay out of this!

How many times should I tell you!

You know Mr. Namık won’t like it

when he hears you are saying this?

Oh, Ms. Bride.

You got in the mood.

Namık is fighting for his
life in there, do you think I care?

Mr. Namık will not die.

If you keep talking,

imagine what he will do to you...

Brother Yiğit.

I am Gülsüm.

Listen please.

Go to the hospital now.

Help my mother.

What’s the problem?

My mother did it.

She shot my uncle,
she said it herself.

Please do something, help her.

Brother Abidin.

Can you take me to the hospital?

Sure, let’s go.

Where are you going?

Azad, let’s have tea together.

I asked you a question.

Now answer me...

Did you shoot him?

Ask the way I wanted...

Say “did you shoot my uncle,

Mrs. Yeter.

Let me remind you,
you have right to be silent.

We are going to need to
take your statement as well.

One of you, say ‘mother’.

For God’s sake.


Take Mrs. Yeter.

Mrs. Yeter.


How is he?

We took out the bullet.

There is no
life-threatening situation.

He is fine. He’ll get well soon.

Thank you.



Brother, come, let’s have a tea.

You are not fine.

Would you like to see a doctor?

I don’t...

All I want is,

my sons to call me ‘mother’...

Can that doctor help with this?


Can he solve my problem?

You told Gülsüm that
you shot Namık Emirhan...

Is that true?


What should I say?

What do you want to hear?

The truth.

If your mother was a killer,

would you be happy about it?

Because that’s what she deserves?

Or would you be sad?

Or would you feel nothing?

Huh, Yiğit?

Mrs. Yeter.

Answer my question.

I’ll use my right to be silent...


Why aren’t they out already, captain?

Does giving a statement
take this long?

You know it better.

You’ve given a lot of statements.

It’s not a problem to us,
don’t you worry.

The attorney will inform you.

Do you know anything, Asli?

No, I don’t.

I don’t feel like it.


That’s it, sister, enough.

What are you talking about, brother?

What is this?

Constant attacks, bullets, killing.

This can’t go on like this.


Please, this is not the best time.

Not at all.

It will never be the time, sister.

Every day, there is a new incident.

something happens to someone.

My heart is always in my boots.

Should I wait for something
to happen to you, Asli?

Okay, brother,
but it’s not like that.

This is life.

No one knows what’s coming for them.

No one.

Come on, please.

We will talk about
these later, please.

Asli, we will talk now.

You live in the same house.

He got shot...

Listen, I don’t care
that you love this man.

You will end this, sister.


What are you talking about?

What are you saying, brother?

Dear, he couldn’t give up on you,
took you to the airport.

He wanted you to get out of this.

Now it’s your turn.

End this.

Stay out of my decisions,
I am not interfering with yours.

Have I ever done such a thing?


If this is about Ebru...

What, Ebru?

Why Ebru?

Because she was fooled,

it doesn’t change the fact
that she put a gun against my head.

It doesn’t make her innocent.

You were about to
get married to a killer.

But you did, huh?

If you didn’t get into this family,

you wouldn’t have a gun against
your head, do you understand, Asli?

-I said you will end this!

Stay out of my decisions.

And don’t tell me what to do!



My mom will be fine, right, brother?

You may leave, good night.

Good evening, attorney.

Open your mouth.


Well done.


Is lying a sin?

It’s a big sin.

You shouldn’t say it at all?

Sometimes you do...


For instance, to reconcile two people.

What else?


To save someone’s life...

Why do you keep asking this?

I broke the window in the market.

I saw it, I know.

So, you lied.

I saved your life!

Open your mouth.


Well done, son...

Let’s wipe it...

Cem is right.

It’s my decision.

You’ve chosen the wrong one.

And it’s my wrong.

You can make it right.

Do you think so?

Unfortunately, no longer.

Why not?

What are you trying to do?


Do you want to drive me crazy?

Is that what you want?


You took me to the airport,
then you came back after me...

Kissing, hugging, then you
turn your back. What are you doing?

I didn’t take you to the airport.

It’s my life.

I turned back to my own life there.

But it didn’t change anything,
as you can see.

Maybe you don’t want to change it.

Yes, I am listening, attorney.

About what?

Don’t get me mad, son.

Don’t get me mad!

Did Yeter shoot my uncle?

I can’t give you information
about the investigation.

Prosecution will do the
necessary investigation...

Of course, we will get Mr. Namık’s
statement once he is awake.

That’s the most important part.

So, you won’t tell?

I don’t think I have
to tell you anything...


As I said,
the investigation will be done,

and I am not the
prosecutor of this case.

Why, Namık?

She was about to kill you.

You won’t say anything
to anyone, İdil.

Why not?

Because they will know
the reason is love?

Because they will find out
that you are Ferhat’s father?


-Or are you still?

You should go home...

Go change.

-Go on.

You should get some rest.

Mr. Ferhat, the patient is awake.

Get well soon, Mr. Namık.

Thank you, daughter-in-law.

Are you okay?

I am, I am...

Did Yeter shoot you?

Get well soon, Mr. Namık.

If you feel better,
I should take your statement.


Go on.

If you’ll excuse us.



Can you describe what happened?

Yeter Aslan?

It’s me.

I am arresting you
for the charges of

attempted murder of Namık Emirhan.



Are you okay?

Who is it?

A very old acquaintance.

You really got us
worried last night.

Why did you do something
crazy like that?

I said who is it?

Everything is going to be okay.

Don’t worry.

Just don’t do anything crazy.

And, this is for me.


Don’t worry.

It is going to be okay.

Everything is going to be okay.


Is Namik okay?

He is okay.
He’s fine don’t worry.

Did he talk?

Did he say anything?

No, he didn’t.

I’ll call you.

I am sorry, again.

We were interrupted, uncle.

Who shot you?

Was it Yeter?


What are you talking about?

Are you out of your mind?

Your fiancée said it was Yeter.

Idil is very upset.

Apparently, she doesn’t
know what she’s talking about.

Don’t think about
such stupid things.


Fine then we won’t think
about such stupid things.

I am sure you saw who did it

as you got shot on the
front side of your torso.

Who was it?

I told the cops,

I was in my room, preparing.

Then I felt like
someone got in the room.

And I turned around.

There was a guy wearing
a mask on his face.

And he just started to shoot.

You know the rest.

And you are shooting lies.

A masked guy?

Obviously, you are really old, uncle.

You used to tell better lies.

You used to shoot them better.

How could you say
it was a masked guy?

When we find the guy who shot me...

By the way, I am sure your
dear brother will find him soon,

we can ask him about,

why he was hiding his face.

Is it okay?


It is not.

It is not, but anyway.

Hello, are you guys available?

We are.

Get well soon.

Thank you, dear.

Asli, can you come with me?

Who is she?

She was wearing a
mask so I couldn’t see.

Did Yeter shoot you, uncle?

Who is Yeter?

Is she your mom?


Yeah, Ferhat.

How is he? Is my uncle awake?

My uncle is okay.

Well, did the cops talk to him?

Did he remember who shot him?

Okay, okay, Ferhat.

We all feel sorry.

Have they found the shooter?

No, he didn’t see.

That’s what he said to Ferhat too...

May God damn whoever it was.

Their children too.

Mom, please, don’t beat yourself up.

He is alright.

Whoever did it, they are
going to be found and will pay for it.

Abidin, take me to the hospital now.

I am coming with you.

No, I need to take
Gulsum and the baby.

You and Vildan may go,
we can join you later.

Fine, do whatever you want.


Do you want a cup of coffee, dear?


You are not here.

Sorry honey, I didn’t hear you.

Are you thinking about Mrs. Yeter?

One can’t have such
a darkened heart, Suna.

How can anyone shoot their brother?

You and your brother
hit each other every day.

Not with bullets though.

What do you mean?

You don’t need a bullet
to hit your brother.

You don’t need a bullet for anyone.

If you ignore someone
that means they are dead.

Aren’t you two like that?

You think it is the same thing?

Fine, it is not...

Do you really believe that?

Well, an attempted murder
on the wedding night.

All the security cams were off.

It seems like a typical
mafia face off but...

What about the aftermath?

I don’t think Mrs. Yeter
could shoot anyone.

We’ll see.

Let’s see what Namik Emirhan
says in his statement.

I think what I said about
you and brother was a bit harsh.

I am sorry.


Make me a strong cup
of coffee we can be even.


There is a café nearby.

We can go there so
you can get some fresh air.

Okay, it would be really good
actually as last night was so rough.

I guess my father knows
that family really well.

Still you don’t
know much about them.

I know a lot and nothing
at the same time.

When I ask my father something,

he says it is a long story
which he doesn’t want to tell

and I don’t ask more
thinking he knows better.

It is interesting why he
cares so much about Mrs. Yeter.

I wonder for how
long he’s known her.

Mrs. Yeter?

Forget about it.


I hope he gets well soon.

Thank you.

How is Namik?

Can we see him?

You can,
the room 1132, down the hall.

Are you okay, Ferhat?

I am okay, fine.

Go on, visit him.


We had to leave early last night,
as we needed to work.

Again, I hope he gets well soon.

Thanks, appreciated.

Let’s go.


What do you want, man?

Excuse me, but I need
to ask you something.

Go on.

Is there a gas station nearby?

Turn right on the second exit,

you’ll see the station
500 meters away on your right.

Thank you, brother.

Dear uncle.

Get well soon.

Thank you, dear.

Dear Namik, it is really
hard to bear this sight.

I am fine, sister, it is okay.

Yeter, aren’t you going to say,
get well soon?

Get well soon.


One second, one second.

We were really scared, dear uncle.

I am fine, it is okay.

Ma’am, they stopped
in the same place again.

Nobody met them.

Oh really?

So? What did you do?

I pretended that I was
asking about some gas station.

He was outside of the car again.

She was nursing the
baby in the backseat.

What did you just say?

What did you say?

She was the same girl?

Long curly hair?

Yes ma’am.
She is around my age.

The guy was kind of irritated
with me so I made a bolt.


Vildan dear,
I need to talk to Yeter.

Okay, dear uncle,
again, get well soon...

My God, where is she?

Well done, my sweet baby.

We can go now...

Who was that guy?

He asked about where the gas
station was so I sent him there...

Well, Gulsum,

can we leave Kamil to sister
Zeynep for a couple of hours?

So we can go to the hospital.

Yeah, of course.

My little bunny can
stay with his aunt Zeynep.

Yes, mom?

Where are you?

We are going to take Kamil home,
then visit the hospital.

Are you at the hospital?


The connection was lost.

Do you feel sad that
you couldn’t kill me?

Your wounds will heal in time,
don’t worry.

But you think the wounds
you made on me will ever heal?

I don’t know.

I shot you three times
for my three kids.

I was going to shoot
myself too, but...

What happened?

Your life is too valuable to you?


I am not going to tell
anything to the police

or anyone.

Am I supposed to thank you?

That my life depends on your words.

Am I supposed to feel grateful that,

you won’t let me go to jail?

Maybe I don’t feel any of
these as I am being ungrateful?

Listen, Yeter,

You are so tired.


That house thing
was something stupid,

let’s forget about it.


I have forgiven you.

Oh, have you?

You are so generous.

I wish I could be like you.

But I just can’t forgive you.

So, do you get along
with Mrs. Yeter?

You know, they say women
don’t like their mother-in-law.

I don’t know.

It is no different than others.

Let’s call it typical.

I am sorry that
I am being so curious.

No, don’t worry about it, please.

You have an interesting family.

I have.

It was weird how
I got into the family too.

It is a long story,

maybe I’ll tell you if
we get to know each other better.

Anytime you want.

Mom, what are you doing here?

Weren’t you at the hospital?

I should put Kamil to sleep.

Did you nurse your baby,
Ms. Gulsum?

Did you feed your child?

Listen to me,

on the wedding night all
the records of 10th floor’s

surveillance cameras were deleted.

And you didn’t notice whatsoever.

But you have to
give me those records.

Mr. Ferhat, I can’t give you the
other records without permission.

We need permission
from the prosecutor office.

Or I’ll get into trouble.

Fuck it.

Where are you, Yigit,
where are you, brother?

You were supposed to
visit a wet nurse, right?

Well, well, well.

-You little snake!

My stupid son!

I pity you. I just pity you.

Mom, alright.

As you know the truth now,
don’t tell anyone, okay?

Is that so?


You want to father Gulsum’s bastard.

Or is he your kid?

In the name of God,
what are you saying, mom?

Tell me, girl, whose bastard is he?

Mom, watch your mouth!

Listen to me!

Listen to me, Mr. Abidin.

That soppy girl’s
fooled you big time.

It is obvious.

But, what’s going to happen
when Ferhat finds out?



Run now.

Do you think you can
run and save yourself?

Mom, that’s enough!


You can yell at me only anyway.

You have no dignity, how
could you accept this, just how?!

Alright then, whose bastard is that?

Who is the father?

I am!

I am his father!

But not like the way you think.

Yes, his mother is Gulsum
and father is some other guy.

But it is not that it matters to me,

what matters to me is...

Kamil is my son, mom.

He is mine!

Well, well, well.

How could you embrace him like that?

I embrace him, mom,
and I will continue to do it.

When I open up my heart,
whoever would like to come in,

I will greet them with open arms.

But you can’t understand it,
can you, mom?

You won’t.

Is that so?


what will Ferhat say about it?

What will you tell him?

His cousin!!

I am the one who’ll pay the price.

It is none of your business.

So far, you have never been a
real mother to me even a single day,

just be a mother to me today.

Keep your son’s secret.

This can be a trial
of motherhood for you.


You are not happy again, right?

Let me tell you something.

Which is more important...

Your motherhood or my fatherhood?

Just think about it.

What’s the situation?

Namik is fine,
he had a narrow escape.

Anything else?

Ferhat is investigating it.

Namik’s fiancée said
it was Yeter who shot him.

Namik refused it

and gave the statement to
the police according to that,

but Ferhat probably won’t let it go.

What’s the boy doing?

He went to the hotel to
question the head of security.

He shouldn’t be
suspicious about Yeter.

Or he will find out eventually.

He is a smart boy.

What do you want us to do, Mr. Azad?


Get a nice bouquet for Namik.

And put in a note saying,
get well soon...

Get a nice and small
package for these,

with a note saying:

You will get history soon.

As you wish, Mr. Azad.

As you can’t forgive me,

you will try it again at
the first opportunity, right?



Hello, Namik.

Who is it?

Never mind who it is.

Soon we’ll be face to face anyway.

Who is it?


Everyone should think that,
this is a mafia showdown, okay?

I am sending you some small gifts,

whoever gets suspicious about Yeter,
show them the gifts.

What Yeter?
Who is it?

Aren’t you supposed to be in jail?

I am in a jail.

I am glad you think like that.

I am the guardian
who will torture you

as long as you live in that house.

I won’t do much for that.

Seeing me and Namik happy together
is a torture for you anyway, right?

Get out of my way.

You are wrong, honey.

You stand in my way.

And I know how to run you over.

Just bring it on then.

Don’t worry about that.

They, why do you think
Mrs. Yeter shot Mr. Namik?

I don’t know.

Actually, I wonder about this.

Your dad...

How did he know Mrs. Yeter
would shoot Namik?

As I said, he is full of secrets.

There are so many
stories for him to tell,

but he will never tell us
unless he wants to.

And I’ll be just waiting.

I see. We’ll see and wait then.

Tell me, girl,
whose bastard is he?

But, what’s going to happen
when Ferhat finds it out?

Just run now!

My son.

Forgive me.

I am sorry.

Thanks again for coming here.

-Don’t mention.

Asli, how is he?

I talked to the doctor, he is going
to stay here for only one night.

Just one bullet hit him.

That’s good.

So he can rest at home, right?

-Of course.
-Okay, see you then.

Get in the car.

Don’t mention please.

Where have you been?

I had things to do, doctor.

Well, I hope he gets
well soon, Ferhat.

We will see that if everything
will be well or no.

What does it mean?

We are going to find out
who the masked shooter is.

Let’s go.

I am coming.

I guess, we shouldn’t
tell anything to Ferhat

about Mrs. Yeter for a while,

he has some suspicions.

Okay, I am aware of it,
I won’t tell.

I am gone then.

It is such a disgrace.

You have no shame, don’t you?

We didn’t know anything
about the tricks

you were playing in this house.

Anyway, you got off lightly,

Ferhat didn’t try to kill her.

Now, we have to give
that bastard for adoption,

nobody will marry her
while the baby is around.

And we can find someone
for Gulsum to marry,

someone we wouldn’t
care for their flaws.

We can’t let her live like that.

We should be wary
of our family’s honour.

What did you get by spilling it out?

Huh? What did you get?

Are you overjoyed?

My daughter almost
died because of you.

Like anyone believed that.

Your daughter doesn’t
have the guts to kill herself.

Shut up, just shut up.

If you say one more thing,
I will kill you.

Mrs. Yeter, what are you doing?

The pot calling the kettle black.

This is disgraceful, shame on you.

It is good that Namik is not here,

otherwise, he would just kick you out

without waiting for
her to get married.

-Just shut up.
-Mrs. Yeter.

-Shut up!
-Mrs. Yeter!

Mrs. Handan,
will you shut up, please?

You stay out of it!

You have never been suitable
enough for the family anyway.

You are right.

I have no intention
to be suitable anyway.

You are much more
suitable to the family.

You should go home now.

I’ll go back to that home
only with you, Namik.

Are you hungry?

Okay, I’ll get something for you.


Who is it?

Namik? Have you got my gifts?

I said who is it!

Don’t hurry.

Now, you should call Ferhat
and tell him about the gifts.

Tell him that,
someone who doesn’t forget

an old matter tried to kill you.

And you are supposed
to clear the air about Yeter.

What if I don’t do that?

You will.

Alright, get well soon.


The ones who had me shot sent me

some flowers to say get well soon.

And a broken pencil.

And there is a note saying,
you’ll be history.

How are you?

I don’t know how I am.

Yes, you are right but,

you could see it was coming.

You know your brother, Gulsum.

He made a lot of noise.

I knew it was coming.

If you weren’t here,
it would have been different.

I am glad you are here.

Don’t think about it now, come on.


You should think about your baby.

Think about how to be a good mother,

how to make him laugh.

But to do that you
need to be laughing...

Don’t get up...

Yes, Ms. Ayhan?


Then, son, ask me,
did you shoot my uncle, mom?

Kamil is not the son
of Safiye and Abidin,

he is Gulsum’s son.

Just shoot me!

Because that’s the
only way for you to get in!

Shoot me!

She gave up on her life to
prevent you from being a fratricide.

Now can’t you give up on your anger?

Father Azad, where are you?

I am at home, son. Come over.

I was going to call you.

I appreciate that.


Ferhat is on his way.

And Asli?

So she is.

I and Ferhat,
should talk man to man.

Dad, what are we doing?

We, are building trust.

That’s the first thing.

We’ll think about the rest.

When are you going to tell me about
Mrs. Yeter’s matter?

I need to find a lawyer.

I understand.


Gulsum, get up dear, come on.

I need to sleep for a while, mom.

It is not a good time to sleep,
get up dear, we are leaving.

What do you mean we are leaving?

Where are we leaving for?

We can’t stay in this house anymore.

It is too shameful to live here.

We put your brother to shame too.

Do we have to stay and get insulted
by Handan the witch every day?

Get up.

I leave from here under one condition.

What condition are
you talking about, Gulsum?

Let’s go and stay in
my brother Yigit’s place.

Dear, your brother Yigit
doesn’t even talk to us.

How can we go to his place?

Maybe he does.

Maybe he shows mercy.

Mom, he is my elder brother.

Thanks, I appreciate.

Enjoy it...

Gulsum is in a bad situation now.

I mean,

the relationship between

her and her brother
must be difficult.

It is. Very difficult.

Ferhat is very sad also,

but there is one thing
I can’t understand,

why would you like to hurt
people around you when you are hurt?

It makes no sense.

He is a difficult man.

He is.

But you love him so much.


Well, it is obvious that
you two love each other very much.

Does it really look like that?

Sometimes you get a clearer picture
if you look from a distance.

You can’t see if
you are too close.

Don’t worry, it is just
my dad doing target practice.

Your father does that too?

God, I just can’t get rid of guns.

I have to get used to them though,
but I just can’t...

Thank you.

I can’t shoot around you.

Your uncle,
has got someone really angry then.

That’s what he said.

What do you mean?

You mean, you don’t believe him?

There are lots of things
bugging my head, father Azad.

When there are some certain things,

suspicion doesn’t come up.

Suspicion brings its own evidence.

Once you get suspicious
about something,

even some unrelated things
seem like evidence to you.

And it gets you on the wrong track.

We are leaving.


Actually, this is the best decision.

Good riddance.

What is going on?

Where are you going?

Don’t be ridiculous,
you can’t do that!

This is the right
thing to do, Abidin.

We better leave so
someone can be happy.

Aunt, Gulsum...

You’ve started it and
you have to take care of it.

It is much better for everyone.




Where are you going?

I can talk to my mother
and Ferhat too.


We have no choice, son.

Listen, we are trouble
for all of you, can’t you see?

You have enough troubles anyway,

so this is the best thing to do.

Aunt, please don’t go.

Gulsum, say something.

Tell her that you don’t want to go.

Besides, what about Kamil?

We’ll find a way.

But I have no strength anymore.

But, where are you going?

To my brother Yigit.


Hey, Abidin!

I heard what happened.

They shot my uncle?


There is a question that
I have been asking to myself

and can’t find an answer.

I think to myself and ask this,

why don’t I just shoot
that bastard Cuneyt?

Is your blood worth anything?

Tell me!

Listen, one day I’ll get
tired of asking that question.

And that day, it will be your last.


I won’t have soup,
I want meat balls and French fries.

Baby, finish your soup first
then you can have them, come on.

-I’ll get it.

Come on Ozgur, otherwise,
you can’t have meat balls.

We’ve swallowed our
prides and here we are...

Either let us in or just
shut the door so we leave.

Yigit honey, who is it?

Mrs. Yeter? Gulsum.

We are having dinner,
come in please.

I better put two more
plates on the table.

Come in.

Come in...

Look who are here, baby.

Your grandmother and aunt are here.

What’s going on?

There is not a soul around.

Where have you been?


Are you worried about the
guy you are going to divorce?

No, I am not.

My uncle got shot.

I wish that was the only problem.

There is more?

The house was turned upside down...


What about Gulsum?

Kamil is not Abidin’s son.

So we heard.

He is Gulsum’s son.

Well, well, well.

That little witch.

Who is the father then?

Why does it matter?

Don’t you understand
what I am saying?

I do actually,
but I am not surprised.

I knew there was
something wrong with her.

She was hiding something.

What about Ferhat, did he hear that?

I told you, it was a catastrophe.

You really don’t understand me.

Well then, Mr. Ferhat,

you better stop showing
off and take care of your sister.

You are not going out often,
father Azad?

Maybe you are troubled
with something inside.

The devil looks after his own, son.

Don’t worry about me.

Now, I have a question for you.

Which one is more difficult,

being a guardian or a prisoner?

I guess,
it depends on who we talk about.

No, it doesn’t.

Being a guardian is more difficult.


Because, a guardian is
convicted to a be guardian.

There is no good conduct,
amnesty or remission.

Son, be a prisoner of love.

You can get an amnesty,
you never know.

Don’t be a guardian to yourself,

you may just waste
and lose your life.

I can’t believe what happened.

Anyway, don’t let
the soup get cold, go on.

What about the meat balls?

Baby, have the soup first,
then the meat balls,

we talked about it already, come on.

Let me make him
taste it a little bit.

Open your mouth.

Way to go, dear.

Now you are eating,
thanks to your grandma.

We are really bothering you.

Sorry for that.

Please Mrs. Yeter,
don’t even mention it.

Just calm down a bit,

anything can be solved by talking.

The damage is done anyway.

We are thinking about
going back to Bolu.

Where did that come from?

We have an old house there.

It has been vacant for years.

Yigit remembers the place.

We will figure something out.

Please, no way.

No, right honey?

Say something.

Enjoy it.

Have the soup, don’t let it cool,
I’ll be right back.

Yigit, what are you doing?

I am not doing anything.

Exactly, you are not doing anything.

Why aren’t you doing anything?

What am I supposed to do, Suna?

Your mom and sister are
here to share a meal on your table

and you are just sitting there with long
face, like saying, eat the damn meal.

You just can’t let them have
even a little bit of soup.

Is it you?

Is it Yigit Aslan that never stops
preaching about justice and law?

Is it the man I love, Yigit?

Suna, I don’t know what to do.

I know you don’t.

And as you don’t know,
you are doing the worst thing.

I really don’t know when I and
Asli can breathe a sigh of relief.

Look at me.

Look at me.

Now we are going back to the table

and have some meat balls and fries.

Then it is up to you

if you caress your sister’s
hair or hold her hand.

But you are going to tell her that,

I’ll be there for
you and it’ll be okay.

Otherwise, you and she will fall
out with each other big time.

Do you understand?

Just so you know.

Do you want another one?

Yes, if it is not too much trouble.


Welcome, dear.

Thank you.

What gives? Why are you here?

I invited her.

To talk about Yigit and you
know how things are in your house.

She needs some space.

Ayhan, I completely forgot about it.

I need to go back to the school.

I can drive you there, daddy.

Alright, the place is yours.

We are leaving now.

Ah, it can’t be like this.


Yes, Abidin?

To where?

Okay, fine.

Thanks, Abidin.

See you.

Who is going where?

It is none of your business.

If Abidin calls you,
then it is my business.

Just tell me who is going where?


Your sister took your mother
and went to your brother’s place.

Is that okay?

You don’t even care so
it is really none of your business.

Maybe it is better...

Yeah, much better.

I am leaving now.

If you want to take them to
the airport, you know the address.

But this time you’ll have
to face me, just so you know.

Let me help you, sister Suna.

No need, dear, it is done anyway.

But you can get us some tea

because your brother Yigit
can’t live

without drinking tea after dinner.

We are being a burden for you.

Don’t go on saying
that or I’ll be angry.


It is good that you haven’t
got an ID card for the baby.

Now we can name him Necdet.

If you want that too, of course.



Thank you, Gulsum.

Thank you, son.

Enjoy it.

Grandma, how old is he?

He is too young,
not even one year old.

My dad was little like that too?

He was.




Ferhat is outside, waiting for you.


Are they okay?

They are going to be, come in.


How are you?

Baby, brush your
teeth and go to bed.

It is late.

But I am not sleepy.

Come on, it is late.

Don’t pfff at your mom.

Come on, baby,
say good night to everyone.

-Good night.
-Alright, go on.

Good night.

I am sorry that they are here.

I am used to it.

Anyone who runs
away from your malice,

comes to me.

They just run to me without thinking
whether I will let them in or not.

That’s fine.

Thank God we have someone nice
and good like you in our family.

I appreciate it.

One can’t be born good or evil,
Ferhat Aslan.

You become good or evil.

I didn’t have a chance to be good.

And it’s your excuse.

I wanted it, okay? I wanted it.

So, I chose to be evil, right?


You made a choice.

That’s what it is.

I had to make a choice, Yigit.

Shhh, Gulsum.

Please don’t.

Everything will be okay,
don’t you trust me?

We’ll take care of it, okay?

We are going to go tomorrow anyway.

Maybe you will never
see your brother again.

Where to?

Just tell me this,

if it wasn’t for Asli,

would you still come here?


Have you ever tried
to talk to Gulsum

to see how she is
doing or Mrs. Yeter?

I made my choice.

Do you understand?

The day you left me,
I made my choice.

They stayed with you.

Look at them now.

Mrs. Yeter is suffering
the consequences of her choice.

I think the only
victim here is Gulsum.

Maybe everyone is
happy with their choices.


Fine, fine then.

I better leave you
guys alone in your world.

It is okay for me.

Have you found out
who shot uncle Namik?

I will when I go back to the office.

Obviously, you are after it.

You called me, but I am
sorry that I couldn’t answer.

You know that,
I am on a compulsory leave.

But you have some
suspects in your mind.

Sometimes prosecutors
don’t talk too, Ferhat Aslan...

Alright, go home now.

Don’t worry about Asli.

Taking her home is not a big deal.

Ferhat, are you available?

What’s it about?

I mean,

will you talk about who
Ebru is or who shot my uncle?

If you will, then we can talk.

I will talk about them all.

But it is about Asli.

We need to talk.

Where are you?

Don’t be in sackcloth
and ashes please.

Don’t think of troubling things.

It will be okay.

Ferhat would rather
die than forgive us.

Don’t even bother.

He hates me.

I know it for certain.

Come on now, dear.

How could he hate his sister?

Do you think he would come here
if he hated you or wrote you off?

Don’t be like that.

I’ll talk to Ferhat and handle it.

All we need is a little bit of time.


Thank you, dear.

Thank you too, Suna.

You have taken us in.

Don’t even mention it.

Maybe you guys should
stay here tonight,

would it be okay for you?

Of course, it would be okay, Asli.

Stay here.

Don’t be sad please.

I’ll take care of it somehow.

Just get some sleep, okay?

I’ll come back again.

-Are you leaving?

I am.

Ferhat’s gone.

I can take you home if you like.

No, just get me a cab, please.

Okay, then let’s go.

See you, dear.

Thanks, Yigit,
I am sorry to trouble you.

I need to ask you something.

Why are you guys like that?

How so?

I mean like that,
you are all so volatile,

like a dysfunctional family.

Ah, Asli.

We have never been a family, anyway.

And we will never be.

Your eyes seem to disagree though.

But if you want to believe that,

there is nothing to say, Yigit.

Don’t worry,
Suna will take care of them.


Fine, it is good.

What can I say?

What did Mrs. Yeter say
in the statement?


She used the right to remain silent.

That’s good.

Do you know something?

I am using the right
to remain silent too.


Cities look much
prettier to me at night.

They look like a bride.

So flamboyant...

All the filthiness is
revealed when the sun goes up.

Look at all those buildings,
ugly and crooked...

Who knows what kind of crimes

are committed in those
dark shady streets?

Who knows who gets hurt?

Get to the point, captain.

The point.

I am in love with my job, Ferhat.

I feel good when I find
filthy things and clean them.

But it’s a twist of the fate that,

my sister is in the
middle of a filthy world

and I just can’t save her.

Is that filth called Ferhat Aslan?

Everyone is innocent
until proven guilty.

But you are surrounded
with lots of filth, Ferhat,

lots of danger.

And the conclusion?

The conclusion?

Let my sister go.

As a brother,
I am begging you, Ferhat.

She can’t let you go, Ferhat.

She is in love with
you so much that,

she’d rather die.

She doesn’t belong to your world.

I could kiss your hand,

if you are to leave Asli.

In this world,
I have nobody but Asli.

Welcome, Asli.

Thank you, Abidin.

How are they?

Are they okay?

They are not, unfortunately.

Of course,
it will be better in time.

You are right.

What can we do?

We have to endure.

It will be okay.

-See you.
-See you.

You hurt the ones
who are entrusted to you.

Now go back to your own darkness.

Just go so far away from me that...

I can’t see anything,
even if I turn around to see you.

Ferhat Aslan.

Just keep running.

Do you ever think that?

Just because of that,

it is possible for you
to be all alone in the life,

do you ever think that?

It is who you are.

It is your life.

You are so dark.

Your sister who’s
shaking in the car,

that poor young girl,
gets her share of that darkness.

Someday if you try
to love someone...

Just don’t, okay?

Because, probably,
you will kill when you love too.


Ms. Ayhan?

What’s going on, Ferhat?

Is there something wrong?

I am sorry to bother
you at this time.

Don’t worry about it,
is there a problem?

I want to divorce Asli.

Can you file a lawsuit?

Ferhat, listen,

I know you two are
having a rough ride lately

and I know it is not up to me but...

Can you do it?

Yes, Ayhan?

I hope I didn’t wake you up.

No, I wasn’t sleeping.

Ferhat just called me.

Is that so?

He wants me to be his lawyer.

For what?

He wants to divorce you.

Is that so?

Asli, listen,

Ferhat is really not
a man who wants to divorce,

he is more like a
helpless and trapped man.

If he is determined, he’ll do it.

Don’t let him do it.

Ayhan, I need to hang up.
