Price of Passion (2017–2018): Season 1, Episode 1 - Black and White Love - full transcript

Ferhat learns that Namik's computer has been stolen. The documents inside the computer could end Namik's mayoral elections that he has prepared for years and he could end in jail. Ferhat catches Adem, who stole the computer and ac...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Ferhat and Asli's
love for each other,

is as impossible as fire and sea,

black and white,
sun and moon's love

while they are all willing

to change, to burn everything
they have, and be reborn.

To change for love and be one.

Hello, I want daisies.

Welcome. Enjoy it.

-Thank you.
-Thank you.

Have a nice day.

He is shot! He is shot!

Wait, wait, don't touch it!

Stay away, I am a doctor! Give me
some space! It is okay, Brother.

But neither can the moon
withstand the sun's heat,

nor can white withstand
the darkness of black,

nor can fire withstand
the cold of the sea.

And Ferhat, even if he
drills though the mountains,

he can't reach Shirin.

Love is the picture
of impossibility.

It's gross as you
can't come together,

it hurts as you can't change,
it rules unless you can't dismiss.

And it is the song
of the indispensable,

the only place where you
think captivity is a sweet dream,

it is love.


My dear, what are you doing?

Happy birthday, my Asli!

Her brother's precious.

When did you wake up and prepare
these? I didn't hear anything.

It was very difficult.

I even forgot to make omelet.
Obviously you've spoilt me a lot!

Go on, sit over there.

Oh, my God!

And you tell me to get married,

nobody could take care
of me like my sister does!

Nobody can do it like me.

My Brother, look at this,

such a nice table, thank you.
Thank you, my dear.

Thank you, my parents' token.

Happy birthday,
I'm glad you were born

and became my heartfelt companion.

If my parents were alive,
they'd be so proud of you.

Actually, they'd be proud of you.

Don't say so.
You are my mother and father, both.

You sent me to school.
You raised me.

No other brother could care
for his sister like this, right?

Don't say that.

Say what?
This is the truth actually.

If am here today,
it is all thanks to you, Brother.

Okay, Asli, I don't like
these things, you know that.

And you are not only my sibling,

you are my only companion.

You too.

-What was I about to do?
-Pour some tea, please.

Tea, oh not the tea, just wait.

What? What is that?

Here, from your brother.
Your birthday present.

Brother, this wasn't necessary.

This is what I could afford
with the salary of a cop, dear.

It is barely a present anyway.


Didn't you like it?

Of course I did. I love it.

Thank you.

Ma'am, I hope your new year
brings you good luck.

And even love. Start a family.

Open the road for us, right?

Yeah, that's your only concern!
My God.

Alright then.

I wanted
to tell you something anyway.

You know I have
a birthday party tonight.

Yes, I know.

I want to introduce someone
to you there.

Who is he?

First, get that eyebrow down.

His name is Sinan.

He is a doctor, like me.

We've been in a relationship,
and I want to introduce him to you.

Sister, listen to me.

I really want you to marry,
have children and make me an uncle,

but I don't know
if he is annoying,

I can't stand thinking that you'll
spend a lifetime with him, Asli.

My God,
you need to get to know him first.

If you know him, you'll feel
better, this is all prejudice.

Go on. Don't worry.


What is on the stove?

Sujuk. Oh God, it is burning!
It is burning!

My girl. My girl.

Razor, my girl. My pretty girl.

Good girl. Good girl. Good girl.

Namik, father is waiting
for you at the hospital.

My brother was very happy to
hear that you're coming too, Sinan.

I told him you are a Besiktas fan

and he said
you wouldn't be welcomed

if you had supported
some other team.

What is it?

It is like I forced you into this,
are you upset with me?

Of course I'll meet your family,
but I am nervous.

And you said he is a cop.

He is, but it is not like
he is devouring people.

Come on, cheer up.
Trust me, you will like each other.

If you say so.

If he can make it there anyway,
you know.

You animal!
Mind where you are going!

God damn you!

Your dress is ruined.

It is okay, don't worry.
Everything happens for a reason.

I have spare clothes, I'll change.

Today is my birthday,
We won't let anything upset us.

-My clothes got dirty too.
-It was refreshing anyway.

-It is on me too.
-Yes, you got wet too.

Thank you very much.
Thank you very much.

In the olden times,
they'd say, do a favour,

then forget about it,

but those times have changed.

People no longer
care for each other.

Thank God we have the means.

We are sharing what God's given

to His subjects,
That's what we do.

For instance, Doctor Ebru.

She was a little kid.
We met her at the orphanage.

We gave her a scholarship.

And thanks to her effort,

she returned our favour
and ended up being a doctor.

Good deeds are contagious, friends.

All these things are happening

thanks to the angels
without wings, among us.

Thank God, we have
an angel in our hospital too.

Miss Asli Cinar, our neurosurgeon.

She helped me do this good deed.
I am grateful.

Don't mention it.

I will talk more at the party.

I hope our services give health
to our patients immediately.

Mr. Namik,

calm down.

I am in trouble
and you want me to calm down, Idil?

Is Ferhat here?

He is.

Wait for me here.

A rat entered the office.

He left money and the bonds,
and took my computer.

There was nothing
in the computer, right?

My Ferhat,

I even keep the small receipts
that I get, don't you know it?

Everything is in that computer,
the deliveries,

what we sold, what they paid,
they are all listed in it.

Since we are not selling fruits.

Where is Adem?

That's the problem.

Adem left, nobody can find him.

There was a thief in my office,
my head of security is missing.

He's disappeared into thin air,
that devil.

So, the rat is Adem.

Are you sure?

So what will we do?
How can we find this dog?

I use a short leash
even for the ones I trust, Uncle.

What is that, son?

We can track anyone
that we turned our backs on.

I didn't make you give

those watches to everyone
for no reason, right?

Let's see where Adem is.

Man, you can't park it there.

I have a funeral to attend,
forgive me.


Come here, boy.
Get in here.

What are you doing?

Here, this is yours. Take it.

-What's that?
-What's your name?

-Ilker, listen.

Take this computer.

I will come and get it.
You won't tell anyone, okay?

If you listen to me,
you'll make more money. Deal, boy?

-Good boy.


Come to Haydarpasha,
I got the load.


I don't want to face you.
Go your own way!

Then don't bother me, and
tell me, Adem. Where is the laptop?

Ferhat, son.
Did you ever see me squeal?

Did you ever see me
not getting what I want, Adem?

You know I won't say,
I wish I was in my grave.

Then, this is your first.

Is he dead?

He lives for now.

And the laptop?


Oh, really?

To the farm.

I will take him.

You should go to the boat.

Search thoroughly.
He must have hidden it somewhere.

And tell the veterinary
to prepare the room.

I'll go get a doctor.

Here it is.

Now I will cut
and remove the tumour.

And you'll close it, okay?

-The pulse is getting weaker, stop.
-Do as I say.

Now! Scalpel.

You can't do it.

That's what you think.

You are being
too emotional at work, Asli.

You were lucky today,
but that's not always the case.

You should obey the rules.

My emotions have always been
at the right place so far, Selim.

If I fail someday, I'll remember
what you said, don't worry.

How could he do this to me?

How could that man do this to me?

I was providing his livelihood,
how could he do this?

Calm down.
Let's pull ourselves together.

Let's try to find
a way out of this.

Look, whoever stole the laptop,
they probably have copied the data.

Idil, listen.

I was cautious already,
that software is special.

They can't even copy
a photo on that computer.



Did you find the computer?

We have to find the computer
before it is unlocked.


He got shot before he could talk.

I need a good surgeon.

Give me a name.

Someone who wouldn't go after this.

We have Ebru.

Scholarship girl.

She has no one
and she'd listen to us.

She can do whatever we ask
and she won't go after it.

That's good.

Ebru, what's the rush?

Asli, there is an accident.
The driver is stuck in the car.

The doctor in the ambulance
won't be enough,

they need a surgeon,
so I should go there.

Well, you still have fever,

how can you go there like this?
You are not well.

Yes. I am exhausted.
Will you go there for me?

Of course I will.

-Miss Ebru?

Yeah, yeah, where is the scene?
Is it close? Let's go.

Here please.

Thank you.

Thank you.

I hope it's easy.

When fate has made its decision,

life will waft you
like a grain in a flood.

You'd think it is a coincidence.

In life, time comes to
a standstill when love arrives.

Every love story has its own fate.

Some of them are born,
they grow, and they die.

Others turn into passion.

You are injured.

How did you cut here?

I am really sorry.

How did you cut here?
It needs to be stitched.

-Excuse me.
-Let me have it.

-What do you mean, I can--
-Don't touch it.

I don't like being touched.

Okay, I am not touching.

How can you do that to yourself,

without anaesthesia?
Doesn't that hurt?


Why didn't you hit him back?

What were you thinking?
So you were defending Ali.

You should defend yourself first.
And you call yourself a man?

Don't give me that look,
just don't.

Instead of roaring like a lion,
he became a coward like you.


My brave one.
Don't be like your brother.

Instead of defending a stranger,
save yourself, okay?

Let's go to the lakeside, come on.

Come on.

Listen to me now.

There was this man.

He saw a scorpion among the waves.

He reached to help it.

But the scorpion stung him.

He reached again,
as he intended to help.

The scorpion stung him again.

People around him said,

leave it in the water,
it keeps stinging you.

The man smiled and turned to them
and said,

stinging is the scorpion's nature.

My nature is to love.

So, my Ferhat, there is
good and evil in this world.

If you hit them back,
you would have been one of them.

And the world would
have been full of evil.

Hitting back is not the solution.

The virtue is, offering your
other cheek to those who slap you.

Always be like this.

Always choose good.

Here it is.

But Dad, it is yours.

Oh, no, now it is yours,
it will protect you from now on.

Alright, my lion?


Come here.

It hurts, Father.

Of course it does, you rascal.
It is a wound.

It should hurt.

It is good that it hurts.

Real men get hurt.


You don't carry
a stone here, son.

Let it hurt.

If a man's heart is silent,

even if you tear him apart,
he won't move a muscle.

Well done, really.

You are definitely good at that.

I think you could be a surgeon

instead of being
an ambulance doctor.

Where did this happen?

Are you coming from
another accident?

Did we meet at the hospital before?


Have you ever worked in Capa?

What is your name?

I assume you have a name.

We won't spend a lot of time

You don't need to know, Doctor.

Where are we? Where is this place?

Where is the accident?

Where are we, will you answer?

To the patient.

Where are we? Where is the patient?

Come, over there.

What do you mean,
over there, there are no cars here?

I never told you it was
a traffic accident, Doctor.

They told me it was
a traffic accident.

They told me someone was
stuck in a car, I am sure of it.

Whoever said it, you got it wrong.
Not traffic, work accident.


Wait a second.

Aren't you coming from the same
hospital? How do you know this?

I am sorry, but what is going on?

-Aren't you a doctor?
-There is someone dying there.

I don't like this attitude.

I will file a report against you.

First fix him.

Then we can talk.

Everything is ready
for the operation.

You better check again.

If there is something missing,
we will provide it.

Are you mad?

Why is this man here,
why he is not in a hospital!

You will remove the bullet
and save him.

That's it.

This is illegal, right?

If you don't take him to
a hospital, he is going to die.

Perform the operation.

We will pay whatever you ask for.

I won't perform an illegal
surgery for money.

I will call the head physician,
who are you?

How did you bring me here?
How could you take the ambulance?

Where is the ambulance?

Where is the ambulance?

My bag was in it.

I don't know who you are,

but if you don't let me go now,

you are in big trouble,
my brother is a cop!

What do you mean, he is a cop?

The cop, you know.

Aren't you Ebru?

No, I am Asli.

Where are you going?


My God, I'll go insane, insane!

How could you get the wrong doctor?
She is not Ebru.

Brother, I asked her
if she was Ebru. She said yes.

I want my bag now!

-Right now!
-Don't yell.

-Right now!
-Don't yell.

Ebru was supposed to get into
that ambulance, not you.

-Why did you get in?
-Because she is sick.

I wanted to do something nice,
but I ran into you.

If you want to do something nice,
go ahead.

I won't move a muscle unless I know
who you are and who is in there.

I see that you don't have
a reasonable answer to give me.

So, you better keep me out of this.
I am leaving.

What the hell!

Doctor! Doctor!
If you leave, my father will die.

Excuse me?

Is that so?

Your father seems really young.

In the countryside,
people get marry young, Doctor.

Aren't you living in this country?

Why is he here then?

Why didn't you take
your father to a hospital?

My 14 year old nephew
shot him accidentally.

That's why we can't go
to a hospital.

If we go there,
the police will get involved.

Do you want him to go to jail?

I can't let that happen.

Will you let my father die?

Did you steal the ambulance?

How did you know about Ebru?

-I know people at the hospital.

Whoever it is.

My father is dying
and you are questioning me.

Will you perform
the operation or not?

Or does the Hippocratic Oath only
apply to hospitals, Ms. Doctor?

Listen, my father died in my arms,
because we couldn't find a doctor.


If I didn't understand that pain,

no one could keep me here!
Do you hear me?

Not even you!

Get out of my way!

Cousin, what's going on?

Why are we acting for the doctor?

So that she won't cause trouble
and leave after she is done.

Are you a doctor?

I am a vet.

Okay, you can still help me.

Where did you get
all this stuff from?

We are always prepared.

Did you put on all these?


his pulse is getting weaker,

we have to start
as soon as possible.

Can you sterilize the tools?

I will save your father, okay.

It will be difficult, but I will.


You can't change anyone's fate,
it is how it is.

Now you are talking
about the pain you don't know.

You don't know what it means
to lose your own father.

And I hope you never experience it.

Have a nice working day.

-Peace be with you, Mehmet.

You finished your tea already.

Hello, Uncle Ali.

-Thank you.
-How are you?

Thanks, how about you?

Thanks, give my son's share.

-3 cups are enough?

It is enough, right?

Here is the money.

May you earn more.

Take care, have a nice working day.

Ferhat, you'll come back soon,

I have to go.
Don't be late for home.

-Have a nice day.
-Thanks a lot.

How are you, man? Have a nice day.

Little guy.

There is someone
called Barber Necdet,

Necdet Aslan.
Do you know him?

Yes, he is my father.
He is over there.

Are you Necdet?

Yes, I am. Why?




Dad, Dad, Dad, please
don't die, Dad! Help us!

Help! Dad, are you okay?

Dad, please don't die!

Please don't die!

Brother Necdet.

Dad, please don't die!

Someone call an ambulance.


Was that an ambulance?

I didn’t see it, Mrs. Yeter.

Listen to me, Hulya,

I am not paying you
just to make beds and bring tea.

You need to be aware of everything.

You are right, I apologize.

If you don’t pry into
my personal business,

you’ll catch everything,
don't worry about it.

And don’t do things
you aren’t told to.

You are right, I am sorry, my lady.

Oh, Gulsum?

Girl, what are you doing?

The dress that Mrs. Nur sent
didn’t fit you, right?

Gulsum. You are a barrel now.

My grandmother had one,
and you are fatter than that now.

I am not coming to the party.

No way. Your uncle Namik
will get upset.

He opened a whole floor
at the hospital

and is throwing
a party at the mansion.

Even though I don't get along
with your Aunt Handan,

I am still going there.

Yeah. You are going there
just to check the area.

You are really so eager
to be spoilt…

Gulsum, that’s enough, come on now.

What’s going on, girl?

You'd weigh yourself
all the time

when you gained a kilo.

Now you can’t stop yourself.

It can’t go on like this, Gulsum.

Tomorrow we are going to a doctor.
They should check it.

Why are you talking
about doctor, Mom?

My appetite is good nowadays,
that’s why I am eating.

And I am troubled.

Why are you troubled, dear?

Let’s go and see a doctor, maybe
you have a problem or you're sick.

I am getting worried, Gulsum.
Your belly is getting bigger.

What’s going on?

Ferhat, my son.

What are you doing here?

Why did the ambulance come?
Has something happened to someone?

No, everyone is okay and fine.

Are you worried about us?

Or did you miss us?

I don’t have time to chat.

You are right, son.

You have lots of responsibilities.

You are working for all of us.

The car is waiting for you.
You’ll be taken.

-To the mansion.

My uncle is waiting for you.
Prepare appropriately.

Are we going now, Brother?


My uncle is waiting, hurry up.

Why am I leaving my house?

Would you bother telling me?

Did I ever?

If I say leave, just leave.

I know, but I don't get along
with your Aunt Handan.

I haven’t stepped inside
that house for the last 2 months.

Today I was just going to be
there for 5 minutes and come back,

because your uncle insisted.

Fine then.
You may stay a little longer.

Gulsum! Enough, that’s enough!

You heard your brother!
Go and get prepared!

God damn you!

Did you find it?


I couldn’t.

I looked everywhere.

I think we should forget
about that computer.

There are cameras in the ship,
did you check them?

There are cameras everywhere.

I couldn’t.

We need to deal with the guy.

I am going to do it tomorrow.

Do it.

How is Adem?

He is being operated on.

He was working for us for years.

How could he do that?

Who does he work for? Did he tell?


He got shot before he could talk.

One of the candidates
is behind this.

Or the current mayor Zafer.

Is it easy to mess with us?

It is not.

It is not, but they don’t know it.


You should go to the company.

Tonight, you are in charge
of the delivery.

Alright then.

Let me rest a little.

Okay, honey, okay.
I will call.

I am busy now, I am hanging up.

Where is my bag? I need my phone.

Well, my brother will
answer these questions.

What happened?

I need to let my family know,
they’ll be waiting for me.

-I need my phone.
-Do it in a minute.

God, give me patience!

Welcome, get in..

Girl, where are you?
People will be here soon.

Deniz, I won’t be able to make it.

What is it, something wrong?

It is an emergency operation.

It will take time,
don’t wait for me, okay?

Asli, we are supposed to celebrate,
we will cut a cake.

You are talking about a birthday?
Someone is dying here, dear.

Can’t you understand?

Maybe you’ll finish early.

Okay, I’ll let you know
if I finish early.

Doctor, something happened!

Celebration is cancelled.

What do you mean?

Asli is in an operation.

Are you kidding?

Well, you know Asli,
work comes first for her.

Is there no one else to operate? Do
we have only Asli in the country?

We didn’t talk for that long.

And why did she
call you instead of me?

I don’t know, Sinan.
You can call her if you want to.

My God, neither of
my sons made me happy.

Yigit just left
and is hostile to us.

Ferhat is supposed to be near me,
but he is further away.

That’s mankind.

Even if you give everything
you have to them,

they won’t be happy with you.

Mother Yeter,
we are in big trouble nowadays.

-Cut some slack for Ferhat.
-I can’t.

I can’t if he just
kicks me out of my house.

Tell me now.

Who was in that ambulance?

Someone who is trying to stop
Father Namik from being the mayor.

Now I get it.

We should go so that
Gulsum won’t be around you.

That halfwit has a problem,
she is not behaving normally.

Ferhat is away as a brother.

You are like a big brother to her,
so just support her, will you?

We will talk later, Mother Yeter.

Are you still here?

I am leaving now, Ferhat.

Send someone after Adem.

The guys are looking into it.

They should search
everyone he knows.

Look for his house or whatever…

I will take them and come back.

How is it going?

The doctor is very talented.

She can resurrect a dead person.

Let me see if they need anything.

Wait, wait, wait.

Brother, where are you going?

We are here for that.

We are waiting for them.

And my cousin told me
not to let anyone in.

Am I a stranger?

What are you doing?

Who let you in? Get out!

Let me know
when the operation is done.

I want to be here
when they question Adem.


Look at this attitude.

What else?

Well, I ordered little orchids,
are they here?

They are here,

-they will bring them soon.

I wanted high stools,
are they here?

They forgot, but I sent word
so they will be here.

Is that so?
I hope they won’t be late.

Don’t you worry, Ms. Idil.

Mrs. Handan?

Oh, Idil.

You look so pretty.


Good to be here, how are you?

I wanted to check if everything
is okay, they said Idil is here.

Then I said okay,
they wouldn’t need me.

Don’t mention it.

No, you are not just resourceful,
but you are also the perfect lady.

You have the manners,
and you execute then well too.

Thanks a lot.

She is coming here.

And she packed up,
she is here to stay.

I thought it would be after autumn.

Who is she?

My sister. Yeter.

Is she?

I heard she hasn’t come
to the mansion

for the last two months.

There's no way
she is going to miss a party.

She will come
even she doesn't talk to me.

Her only problem is with me anyway.

Whatever. She doesn’t like anyone.

She can’t get along
with anyone anyway.

Whatever. She doesn’t like anyone.

She can’t get along
with anyone anyway.

She is our step-sister,
with Namik and I.

Even if we don’t,
she looks down on herself.

But I have never told her
on her face.

Only if she would know
her place, but she doesn’t.

As if she is the lady of the manor.

She hasn’t changed a bit
since years.

I've gotten used to it.

You will too.

You don’t get along well,
that’s why I am saying that.

You are right,
she doesn’t like me very much.

She only loves Ferhat.

And her brother Namik.

The others mean nothing.


I should check on Vildan.

She’s locked herself
into her room again.

She keeps crying for her mother,
poor kid.

Alright, see you.

See you.

Yes, my lady.

Yeter will be here soon, I think.

Keep your eyes on her, Zeynep.

Let’s find out
why she is coming back for good.

-Yes, my lady.
-Go on.

So, for how long will they be here?

I mean, Yeter.

This is their house too.

As long as they want.

Mr. Namik, Mrs. Yeter is here, sir.

Okay, thanks…

You can’t get along with Yeter.

Find a way to get along.

Welcome, welcome.

Good to be here.

Oh, business at home too?

Don’t work so hard, Brother Namik.

No, this is not business.

Well, as Idil is here…

She is here for the party.


My nephew, give me the good news.

I feel suffocated.

We got the doctor.

There was a little problem.

But we solved it, she is
operating now, it’ll take a while.

What if that bastard
dies before talking?

Then we will find another way.

I brought the folks here so that
they wouldn’t stand in my way.

You did well, you did well.

How about the delivery?

Cuneyt got it.

I am going back to the farm.


I always speak my mind to you.

I think about Yigit.

He is transferred to Istanbul.

And the computer got stolen.

Maybe he is after us,
he made it happen.

Is it not possible?

Do you know something, or
are you just shooting from the hip?

I am just saying maybe...

He holds a grudge against us.

If he did,
he would’ve done it already.

Revenge is served cold, son.

He studied with our money,

became a prosecutor
and turned his back on us.

If he didn’t have
a brother like you,

he couldn’t have been
a prosecutor or a man.

You did well too,

you have always protected him,
despite me.

I know he is my brother,

but he is your nephew too, Uncle.

Didn’t you say,
all that matters is family?

Don’t waste my time, I am busy.

Come in.

Mr. Prosecutor, may I come in?

I am captain CemCinar
from organized crimes unit.

You wanted to see me?

Could you please? The door.



What we are about to talk
is highly classified.

Hakan told me
there is an investigation

and you wanted me for that.

First of all, I am proud, it would
be an honor to work with you.

I checked up on you.

You are one of
the trustworthy cops.

That’s why I picked you.

Thank you.

Our investigation
is really critical.

We are going to
investigate NamikEmirhan.

You mean, businessman NamikEmirhan,
whom everyone calls Saint?

Mr. Cem, you can’t make
such a fortune only by being good.

There are lots of skeletons
in the closet.

He is a candidate for mayor.

People love him.

My sister is a doctor and he funded
a pedagogy floor in the hospital.

Asli talks very highly...

Not everything is as
it seems sometimes.

Captain, you probably
know it better than I do.

Earlier, another prosecutor
wanted to look into it.

They couldn’t even start
an official investigation

due to lack of evidence.

I suspect that the family
is involved in arms smuggling…

You have to be worried
about what’s in the computer.

Obviously there are things in it

that they don’t want anyone to see.

It may be about arms smugglings.

I understand, Mr. Prosecutor.

You want me to reach
that computer before anyone else.

We have to find it
before anyone gets it.

By the way,

no one should know about
this operation

except the chief of police,
you and me.

Keep it a secret.

Understood, sir.

By the way, get well soon,
did you have an accident?

It is not something recent.

It is from my childhood.

A traffic accident.

Sir, if you excuse me...

Have a nice day.

Come to the table, come on.

Your Uncle Namik
sent it from the ranch.

So, where is Yigit? Oh.

Here he is.

Come on, boy,
the meat is getting cold.

Well, the car is broken again.

Do you need help?



Brother! Brother!

-It hurts so much, Brother!

Yigit! Ferhat, do something!

-It is okay.

Brother, it hurts a lot!

Yigit, my son.

is my brother going to be okay?

He is Gulsum. He is.

So you are saying
that he can’t walk?

-He can walk, Mr. Ferhat.

But he is going to limp a little.

He is going to be lame.

What is it, Brother?
It is fine, right?

I am going to be
able to walk, right?

Of course, man,
you are going to be able to walk.

Don’t worry,
I’ll do what’s necessary.

Uncle Namik will bring the best
doctors for you, just wait.

-I don’t want to.

Listen, son,
trust your brother, okay?

Then you should have
trusted me, Brother.

10 years ago,

we should have stayed in Bolu
and run my father’s barber shop.

We’d keep the pot boiling.

You should study.

You are still young.

Do the things I couldn’t.

While executing me,
you should know this.

I had to do these things
for my family.

I am happy to attend the 100th
customary, watching the movie,

My Light of Hope.

Actually, I am going to throw up,
I know all the lines,

I've seen them 100 times,
1000 times, I am bored of it.

Deniz, come on,
popcorn took so long.

I am coming, be patient!

Come on, I paused it for you.

What are you doing?

We are together.

Where are we?

I always thought she was
the best thing that happened to me,

but now I think she is the worst
thing that's ever happened to me.

I am so upset to meet you.

Well, well, well, listen, Ms. Asli!

Is it good? Come, sit down.

Take the popcorn please.

They will dance.

I will tell you something.

These things only happen
in movies, you know?

Yeah, listen to me,
guys don’t change, Asli.

You should know that.

Especially that Sinan.

He will never change,
mark my words.

By the way, why don’t you
stop talking about my boyfriend?

They are about to dance, please.

2 months! 2 months!

She redecorated my room
and made it a guest room!

What does that mean? Huh? What?

It means,
you left and didn’t come back!

My room is the same.

Then go and lay down
in your own room!

Here you are, not helping
in anything anyway, you sloth!

My lady, where should I put this?
Just put it there.

Welcome, Gulsum.

How are you, daughter?

I am fine, let me kiss, Aunt.

What’s happened to you, girl?

You’ve changed.

It is like you are pumped.

Nothing, Aunt, I was doing nothing
in the ranch, so I ate a lot.

Move, Hulya, move!
We should get my couch back next.

Welcome, Sister.

I am not well,

not welcomed.

Why? Are you upset about your room?

What could we do, dear Yeter?

When you didn’t show up for
two months, we gave up hope on you.

It was necessary,
so I turned it into a guest room.

Among so many rooms, why did you
have to pick my room to change?

See, it went back to
the way it was in 5 minutes.

You are a resourceful woman.

You can come back
and put your stamp on.


If you’ll apologize, I’ll listen.

If not, I really don’t have time.

The one who makes a mistake
apologizes, my dear.

As you're older, I am not offended,
so here I am to offer you my hand.

Thank God you are together.

I am glad you are here.

We were about to bury the hatchet.

My dear sister!

My dear…

I better leave, the work
at the house is on my shoulders.

Especially on such a day.

You put me through
these things, Namik,

may God give you what you deserve.

Now it is all in the past, Yeter.

We are on a path
from where there is no return.

Listen to me, Namik, you should
have never told that lie.

And everyone would know
their places in this house!

Welcome, I am glad you are here,
I was about to say...

Give Razor some water.

-Okay, Brother Ferhat.
-What did you do?

Well, it seemed like
the doctor was doing art.

Hey, cousin, she is very skillful.

She said it would be over soon.

Come here… Come, come here.

Are you watching me?

Is the bullet out?

I asked you a question.

Are you watching me?

Why would I watch you?
Are you very pretty?

Then what were you doing here?

I was checking
if you were finished.

You are not a marvel to behold.


When will he be awake?

You are welcome,
you are welcome, I didn’t do much.

I hope he gets well soon.

You are the nicest person
I have ever met.

He is asleep.

It’ll take time for him to wake up.
He’ll be up by the morning.

He will be able to talk, right?

The operation was successful.

Now all that matters is for him
to survive, not to be able to talk.

He has to talk.

-I don’t get it.
-It is all clear I think.

He has to talk.

He will have his memory, right?

I realized you are
not the most loving person,

but how can you be this
insensitive to your father?

I would say you are in shock

but you are too coldblooded
to be in shock.

Stop reading me.

He will talk in the morning, right?

Listen, I did my best, okay?

We are waiting for the blood from
the blood bank, then he is yours.



Ms. Doctor.

You have been working for hours,
come eat with us.

I mean, please.

She should, right, Brother?

Spicy and with onion is ours,
the plain one is for the doctor.

These are all prejudice,
I can eat spicy food, with onion.

Is there any turnip juice
instead of buttermilk?

Forget it, buttermilk will do.

Where are you from?

What is your name?

-What are you doing?
-Leave it.

You messed your wrap up.

-A little, just a little.

Ms. Doctor, we are from Bolu.

My brother makes
fantastic barbecue.

You’d eat your fingers too,
that good.

Right, Brother Ferhat?

So your name is Ferhat then?

Oh, look at this.

Ms. Doctor’s name is Asli.

Look at this.

You won’t talk much, right, Abidin?

Cousin, isn’t that funny?

The doctor’s name is Asli.

Yours is Ferhat.

You know,
Kerem and Asli, Ferhat and Shirin.

You know those lovers
who can’t get together.

I mean the epics, the great loves,
I am talking about them…

I better go check the mute.

Good night.

Enjoy it.

Enjoy it.

You are a doctor too, Sinan.

You are overreacting.

If Asli could make it, she would.

Do you know what I am
risking to be with Asli?

That’s why I decide how to react.


Cem, welcome.

What’s going on?

Is the party over early?

It never started.

Asli is in an operation so she’ll
spend the night at the hospital.


I hurried here at least
to catch the last moments.

As you can see, we are victims too.

All because your sister
loves her work so much.

Look, Sinan is here.

He’s been fighting with
that reality for hours.

Do you want me
to introduce you to him?

No, no, let’s not be that modern.

A man who is looking
at my sister’s eyes,

I just want to punch him,
I don’t want to get any closer.

Come on, Cem,
as if Asli is 18 years old.

You can’t get it, Deniz,
as you are not a brother.

So don’t push it.
Okay, I am gone.

Oh, leave it here please.

Thanks… You can sit there.

Relax, relax..

Mr. Yunus better stay here
until morning, okay?

I will stay.

Listen, do as I say, go to
a hospital, this is very important.

There is a risk of infection,
there may be a complication.

We will go once he is awake…

My nephew is important to me too.

Okay, as I told you,
my brother is a cop,

he may help you, really…
As you wish.

Mr. Yunus, if you let me…
let me have it, thank you.

Your blood type is
0 rh positive, right?

AB positive.

-Are you sure?
-Of course.



This should stay for
half an hour, Mr. Yunus,

you can take it off, right?

Sure, I can do it.


Can your friends get me a taxi?

I am sure it is already here.


From now on, it is on you.

Good night.

My bag.

Good night.

Tell them to bring me a cup of tea.

Let’s go please.

Thank God.

Thank God.

What’s going on?

What’s going on?
Let us go! Let’s go, please.

-Oh God, what’s going on?
-Ms. Doctor?

Mr. Ferhat, tell them to
open the door, we can’t leave.

Let’s go.

Get off.

Mr. Ferhat,
there is nothing I can do now,

I feel very sorry for you,
I really should go.

They are waiting for me,
can we please go now?

Ma’am, please.

I want to go home.

Why did you spill the blood
into the bucket?

What are you trying to do?

Because you lied to me!

That man can’t be your father,
his blood type is 0 positive,

he can’t have a child whose
blood type is AB positive!

Why did you lie to me,
for God’s sake?

If you told me the truth,
I would have helped you anyway.

At least I hope it was
really your nephew! Who is he?

Someone who raised you or someone
you love as your father, who is he?

Alright then, oh, the car is here.

Go on, son, come on, go on.

We have a long way to go.

I am not coming, I’ll stay here.

I don’t want to go to Istanbul.

I will stay in Bolu! I won’t
leave my father’s grave behind!

From now on, I am your father.

You’ll do as I say, do you get it?

Now get in the car.

Move, we’ll drive for hours.

Get in.

Listen to me, Doctor.

You operated and saved the man.

Don’t ask more.

How can I not!

What kind of a thing
have you put me in?

Who is that man? Why is he shot?

Why are you nagging?

Finish what you started
and heal your patient.

This is what a doctor
like you would do.

What the hell
are you talking about?

Why am I staying here?

What are you doing?

Listen, I told you
my brother is a cop,

do you think
he won’t search for me?

Are you a maniac? Who are you?

What are you up to?

You shot that guy, right?

You are getting into trouble
because you think too much.

Give your brain a rest.

What are you saying?
What nonsense is this?

What is this? What’s your
problem with me? Just tell me now.

Now you are from here.

You don’t have to
know anything else.

What kind of a psychopath are you!
Let me go!

What kind of parents raised you!

Is it him, my lion?


Is he the one who
killed your father?

Are you sure, Ferhat?

I memorized those eyes.

Then take that dog’s life.


It is your duty to take
the revenge of your father.

Go on, pull the trigger.

Do it, so that your father’s
soul finds some peace.

My father said killing is a sin.

He was right.

Now you are making him pay,
the one who committed the sin…

Don’t you love your father
even a bit?

Won’t you take revenge for him?


Look at him.

That man killed your father…

What kind of a son are you?


Ferhat? Son?

Ferhat, what happened, son?

Ferhat, wait, wait!

What happened, son?





What happened, son?

Mom, I am a killer now.

I committed the biggest sin,
I took a life.

Okay, it is over now.

He bled so much, Mom, so much!

I swear it wasn’t on purpose!

I will go to hell, Mom,
I am a killer now!

My Ferhat.

You are the man of this house.

You will do what’s necessary.

I want to go back home,
let’s get back to Bolu.

I can work and take care of you.

I can study too, let’s go, Mom.

Everything will be
like it used to be in the past,

that’s what my father would want!

Your father is dead!

Do you hear me?

He is gone!

Necdet is dead.
You get it?

Now your father is not Necdet.

Bolu is no more for us! Forget it!
We will never go back there. Never!

You’ll learn to suffer
what’s in your fate.

Come here.

Ferhat, Ferhat, wait!
Ferhat, I am telling you to stop!

What are you doing?
Why did you bring me here?

Let me go! Let me go! Let me go!

What are you doing?
What are you doing?

God damn you! Get me out of here!
What the hell are you doing?

God damn you! Get me out of here!
Are you bandits!

Brother, why don’t you let her go?

She figured it out.

She knows it wasn’t an accident.

-And her brother is a cop.
-Are you bandits!


Open the door! Open the door!
You can’t leave me here!

I better find something
to occupy her.

Open the door!
You can’t leave me here!

Open it!
What kind of a person are you?

Are you bandits!
I said, open it!

Open it! Get me out of here!

Get me out of here!

I am telling you!

Get me out of here!

You are committing a crime!

You can't get away with this.

Get me out of here!

If it's your birthday,
I wouldn't want you to get bored.

The things you like.

Who are you?
How do you know what I like?

Do you think you are
difficult to read?


Someone who lives with her brother,

someone who won't
leave the hospital

even after the shift is over,

who helps stray animals
and brags about saving lives...

Someone who thinks
that she can save everyone's lives.

Someone who watches the same movies
and cries at the same exact scenes.

You are a little girl
who plays lovers with a douchebag.

Anything missing?



Insensitive man!

You are the most arrogant man
I have ever seen!

Big head!

These are some very big words

considering we only know
each other for hours.

Get out of here!

Get lost!

Well, here.

These are all prejudices.

Get lost!

You dirty murderer!

-God damn you!
-Keep your eyes open.

I will be back in an hour.

You know nothing
about being a human!

Look at him.
He is going to the tattoo girl.

He is upset, so he is looking
for someone to mess with.

What are you talking about?

Oh, please,
you don't see it but I can.

Listen, if I know my Ferhat,

then my condolences to the doctor.

Oh, Brother Ferhat.

Get me out of here!

Get me out!

Won't you tell me?
Why are we doing this?

Don't ask questions
that you won't get the answers to.

You don't tell me
anything about yourself.

I only know your name.

Even that is too much.

How are you?

She came to my room and wanted
to kiss my hands, as a dear sister.

She asked for forgiveness.

She practically begged me.

And at that moment,
Namik walked in the room.

He saw Yeter like that.

Her tail was in between
her legs like a puppy.

I felt for her, you know,

I decided to be the bigger
person and forgive her.

Our father left her to us.

And we are good people.

If we weren't, we wouldn't
accept her, right?

Of course.

We would call her
a bastard and shut the door.

You are doing the right thing.

Siblings shouldn't be at odds,
you know.

Well, I don't have any siblings,
so I wouldn't know.

May I check on Mr. Namik?

He is supposed
to give a speech soon.

Of course, my dear, of course,
you are the right hand of my Namik.

-Excuse me.
-Go, do your thing.

Mr. Namik, would you
like to make the speech now?

No, Doctor Asli isn't here yet.

Ms. Asli won't be here,
Doctor Ebru told me.

What do you mean?

Well, she won't.

Ebru is over there.

Thank you.

Ebru, dear.

You are here.

I shouldn't have been?

Sorry? You've invited me.

Of course I have, I asked
because Doctor Asli is not here.

In the afternoon I had a fever.

There was this accident,
they needed a surgeon.

Asli went there for me.

I took some medicine
and wanted to stop by.

Get well soon, dear,
you did well, enjoy it.

Enjoy it.

Thank you.

Would you like to
give the speech now?

5 minutes.



Did you get another doctor
instead of Ebru?

Yes, that's the case.

How did that happen? Is she Asli?


Asli works with me.

We opened the floor together.

She brought the project.


So, you shouldn't have taken Asli,
it was a big mistake.

She got in the ambulance.

The girl you mentioned
was sick I guess.

We can't help it now.

God damn it, god damn it!

If that's all, I will hang up.

And her brother is a cop.

I heard so. She informed me.

This is not good at all.

Good night.

Is everything okay?

It is, it is.

-Shall we?
-Let's do it.


May I have your attention, please?

Mr. Namik would like
to share something.


Nice people.

You are such loyal friends.

We have invited you
and you are all here now.

You've honored us.

My god bless you all…

As you know,

we renewed a floor at the hospital
today and opened it for service.

Children who need treatment
can get it there for free.

Now I am not telling you this
to advertise.

As I always say,
good deeds are contagious.

Now with that good deed,
believe me, I feel such a joy!

I can't describe the peace I feel.

That's why,
may God bless you with days

when you won't feel ashamed
and sleep in peace.

-May your success continue.
-Thank you.

That was a little too much.
It was a little irrelevant.

I said what I felt like saying.

That's the problem.

Namik, relax a little please.

No one knows and no one will.

Ferhat will find that computer.

I know you are not asleep.

Do you have a headache?

This place is not good for you.

There is always a problem,
health wise.

It is the air.

I will add some more, but..

Since you are forming
long sentences, it is obvious.

There is a problem.

Speak up.

There is news.

Your brother, Yigit.

He is assigned to Istanbul.

To Bakirkoy courthouse.

Your intelligence
network has collapsed.

I heard of it a week ago.

Listen, Ferhat.

I was trying to find
a way to tell you for a week.

Mr. Prosecutor is very close to us.

How is it going to happen?

Everything happens for a reason.

Yigit will do his thing,
we will do ours.


Yes, Captain?

-Thank you.

Is Ferhat Aslan here?

Ferhat Aslan?
Not at the moment.

What is this about?

It is a long story.

Well then,
why don't you sit over there?

Oh, no, this is good, thank you.

Would you like to drink anything?

Thanks a lot.

There is a problem.

You don't have to say it, Abidin,
I can see it in your eyes.

What is it? The rat is dead?

No, Brother, worse.
The police are here.

So? What does he want?

He didn't say much.

He is waiting for you in there.

You should ask now.

Are you crazy?

Did you let him in?

He is a cop,
we just can't beat him.

We had to let him in.

You were great.

Where is the doctor?

That's not a problem,
she is sleeping in there soundly.

Good, she better sleep.

If she wakes up,
I better not hear her.

I am Captain CemCinar
from organized crimes.

What is it, Captain Cem?

Did you want to get some fresh
mountain air in the morning?

If you need me, you could have
just call me and I would come.

I don't like this,
as this is a raid.

I am here for you to help you
get justice, Mr. Ferhat.

Your company's chief
of security Adem Sonmez

has been missing since yesterday.

We received a report.

Do you know about that?

Mr. Adem is not a child,
how could I know?

You are going from door
to door to search for him.

Maybe he has a mistress,
he is with her.

No, he is not that type of a guy.

On the contrary, his family
is worried about his life.


his son claims that his
mother is being threatened.

Listen, captain Cem,
I have thousands of employees.

I can't watch you
for every one of them.

We will search for him
by our own means,

if we find him,
we'll let the police know.

Oh no, don't you worry, Mr. Ferhat.

Thank God I have always been
successful at missing person cases.

We will find out
which gang is related

and let you know if necessary.


This is such a big place.

-How many hectares?
-How much do you need?

I will see you again, Mr. Ferhat.

Is there a problem, Brother?

Well done.
You really shut Adem's wife up.

Even if I kill you,
the mute and Cuneyt together now,

I would still be angry.

Brother, what can we do?

He has a 17 year old son,
he went to the police.

But don't worry,

the mute will go talk to them
so we can handle it.

Look into this, captain.

Let's see how he has
the courage to come here.

Our man in the police
should find it out.

Don't worry, Brother,
we got this, don't worry.

But you played well again.

Even if you were sitting down
on 50 dead bodies,

the police wouldn't get it.

Adem is in there, unconscious.

Ms. Doctor is sleeping soundly.

And a cop shows up,
but Brother Ferhat kicks him out.

You are a lion, Brother Ferhat.

If you weren't my cousin,

you wouldn't live long
with that big mouth, you know?

Brother, I didn't say anything bad.

But okay,
I talked a lot, I am sorry.

Don't be scared, it is okay.

Are you the only one
who can make jokes?

Look into that man thoroughly.

I went to see that Ferhat guy
about the report

which came in the afternoon.

He looks very suspicious to me.

He acts well too.

I think he was restless about
something, sir, but we'll see.

Everyone is after that computer.

Keep watching that family, captain.

Understood, Mr. Prosecutor.

Good morning.

What time is it?

It is too late for you.

You missed all the fun.

Take care of your plant…
This isn't finished.

If you are looking for him
in books,

probably your boyfriend
is not the prince charming.

Where did you get this?

I thought you would like to change.

Where did you find these?

This is my stuff!

Would you like some
other person's stuff?

Did you get into my house?

Did you touch my stuff?
How did you get into my house?

It wasn't hard.

Your police brother wasn't at home.

The caretaker's old plant.

How could you get into my place?

How could you touch my stuff
with your bloody hands?

We have work to do.

Get out.

I will change my clothes.

I said get out!

Give it some water.

God damn you!

How could you get into my place?
How could you touch my stuff?

Get out, I will change!

I am not looking.

You really are a psycho!
Why did you get into my house?

He's not woken up.

You will wake him up.

Do you need anything else?

You are a psycho!
You are insane! You need treatment!

Do you need anything?

I need you to stay away from me!

My girl…

My girl… Razor.

Come here.

That's my pretty girl.

My pretty girl.

How are you?

Is that crippled dog yours?

I am surprised you care about
something, that's interesting.

You talk too much in the morning.

You know this is a crime,

my brother is looking for you
with the whole police department,

I want to see your face
when he finds me.


You bully.

Leave me!

I can't wake him up, he'll die.

All I need is 5 minutes.

Go on.

Good morning.

He's been like this
since last night.

He is in deep sleep.

Listen, if I wake him up,
he'll get into a shock and die.

You told me to save him yesterday

and today you want me
to kill him! I can't.

Do as I say, wake him up.

No, I can't!

Don't drive me mad.

As a doctor, nobody can make me
do something I don't want to.

Do you hear me? Don't worry,
I'll get back to my cell.


What the hell did you do!


Now I'll shoot him in the head.

He'll die because of you…

What is it, Ms. Doctor?

Did you give up on being good?

Are you on the dark side now?


Go then.


Go, I let you, just go…


Does Yunus not deserve to live?

Ms. Doctor, I beg you, don't go!

Don't leave, Doctor!



Fine, fine, fine!


First heal Yunus.

Then wake the man up.

I am sorry, Yunus, I am sorry.

I am really sorry.

It was because of me,
I am so sorry.

It is okay, Ms. Doctor, I am fine.

But I want to tell you something,
please get me a phone, please.

My brother is a cop,

he can save us from here,
I am begging you!

Give me a phone, Yunus,
give me a phone, please.

No one can save you
from here, Doctor.

Do whatever they ask,
don't make it difficult, or else…

Or else what, what, Yunus?

They won't let you live, Doctor.

They'll kill you.

Listen, we can't do this,
that man needs to go to a hospital.

They will take care of themselves,
now tell me about Adem.

You are not human.
Stay away from me.

This is taking too long,
right? Move.

Listen, really,
if I wake him up, he will die.


But I don't need much,
I'll just ask him something.

You don't care about
letting him live, right?


He knows something and I need it.

If he is awake for 5 minutes,
that's good for me.

Go on.

Go on…

Go on, hurry up.

Go on.

It is okay, okay,
okay, okay, don't do that!

Adem, do you hear me?

Does he?

I don't know,
maybe he does, maybe he doesn't.



He does, bastard!

Adem, where is the computer?

I have to put him back to sleep.

No, he can hear.

Where is the computer?

Call, your uncle.

He won't come, tell me now.

Only, your uncle.

Can he stay like this for an hour?

I don't know, he may not survive.

To the barn, move.

Listen, I really
can't do anything else,

please let me go, I am begging you.

Move when I ask you to
and it will be over

when I tell you it is over, move.

Listen, please let me go,
I am begging you,

I have a very important
operation to attend!


A young girl named Esra Dogan,

you may check on her,
she is in the hospital.

Are you the only
surgeon in the country?

No one else agreed
to take out that tumor!

Get inside.

Don't do it, please,
I am begging you!

Please, we could
barely get the money.

There is this candidate for mayor,
Namik, NamikEmirhan,

he donated the money,
I promised him, please.

I told him that I would heal her!
Don't do this, please!

A young girl's life is in my hands,
she will die!


Let me go!

You are a murderer!

God damn! Get me out of here!



Don't get me worried.
Are you okay?

Are you okay?


Now I am better.

I've worked very hard
to come to this place, Idil.

I didn't have parents.

I carried my 4 siblings
here from Bolu.

I even worked as a coolie.

They told me
that I couldn't be successful.

I was tenacious…

I have taken lives.

And I have lost lives.

The sins I've committed are more
than you can comprehend… And now!

They will put a blanket over me.

Soon those documents will be
revealed, everything will surface.

Not just the possibility
to be the mayor,

they will take my
freedom from me too.

So everything can
go to shit anytime,

it will end in the grave or jail…

You are so young.

I don't want you
to get into trouble.

Before the terror prevails,

move away from me.

You can't tell me this.

You can't tell me this.

I thought we were comrades in arms.

When it is raining bombs,

you let your comrade
leave the trench first.

This is how we do it, pretty.

And we, even if there is
death in the end.

We leave it together.

Dear future mayor.

Being a comrade is giving
your last breath together.

I am not moving a millimeter.

You should know.

And we haven't lost the war yet.

We are not sitting idly anyway.

Polls show
that you have a big lead.

Namik, it will be fine.

People really love you.

No one's past is all clean.

We will fight.

Listen, pretty.

If we can't find that computer,
not only my reputation,

I will lose
my most precious thing too.

Enjoy your hair cut.

Have a nice day, Brother Necdet.

You are very handsome now.

Ferhat, son, get the empty glasses.

Okay, Dad.

Have a nice day, Necdet.

Thanks, Brother Feyzullah.

-Peace be with you.
-Peace be with you too.

Welcome, Uncle.

Hello, son.


Grab two cups of coffee for us.

Okay, Dad.

I am here to get my son,
Ferhat back.

Didn't your dogs tell you?

-It is not possible.

It is.
He is my son.

You left him before he was born.

When Yeter came, she was pregnant.

I took her into my house.

Now I won't let you destroy it.

You came back and introduced
yourself as uncle,

he grew up with a lie.

Don't stain my family anymore.

Listen to me, Necdet.

I came here right
after burying a son.

His grave is still fresh.

Do you think I would
be daunted by you?

Ferhat will continue my line.

I'll take back what's mine.

What will you tell him?

That you are his father now?

He is a man now.

Do you think
he'll take you as a father?

Or love you?

He'll still think I am
his uncle, but he'll be with me!

I'll raise him!


I won't let your bloody hands
touch my pure son.

You'll break his wings,
you'll stain him.

-He'll be like you!
-He is my son!

I raised him.

He is my son.

You have to step on
my dead body to take him.

I will, if necessary.

Here it is, Uncle.


Did you hurt yourself?

Dad, what happened?

Nothing, son.

Necdet, what's going on?

Nothing, Brother.

Let's get inside, son.
Wash your hands.

Uncle, you have to come here now.
Adem is awake, he'll talk to you.

Is the doctor still there? Asli.

She is.
I have to deal with her too.

Lock her up. I shouldn't
run into her, by no means.

Okay, don't worry.

Ebru, good morning.

Is Asli free now?

But she is not here?

How come?
She said she would be operating.

Well, she went to an accident
scene for me yesterday.

I asked for her,
but she didn't come back.

I called her but her phone is off.

So I thought she went
back home after the accident.

She never went to her house,
I texted her brother this morning.

Well, then, where is she?

Today there was a meeting
for Esra, but she didn't show up.

Esra Dogan?

She would never miss that, she
was talking about her for so long!

Oh, my God.

Let me call Cem, maybe he knows.

Good morning, Mute.

So he is awake then.

And asked for Namik.

That's the case.

So, where is Ferhat?

He went in the house with Abidin.

Fine. I should go
check on Adem then.

How can I help you?

Where is Cem?

Captain Cem is on his way,
he'll be here soon.

You can wait inside if you like.

I couldn't reach Cem or his sister,
so I was a little worried.

Don't panic, he'll be here soon.

Cousin, I don't like
that CemCinar at all.

Cut it short and tell me.

He is the man in
the organized crimes.

Everyone loves him.

He has awards.

They like him in
the higher places too.

Shorty, he is the smart
and brave cop CemCinar.

But, there is something worse.


He is our Yigit's companion.

He's met him twice since yesterday.

I guess they are working together.

So they are after us then.

Fine, Yigit has a pawn now.

He is sending him to us.

Boss is here, let's go over there.

So that wretched Adem
called me in his presence.

He is about to die, hurry up.

Where is doctor Asli?
She shouldn't see me.

Don't worry, she is locked up.

Brother Adem.

Brother Adem.

What did you do with the computer?

Brother Adem, please.

What did you do with it?
Let us take our revenge.

I will take care of your family,

I will raise your son
as if he were mine, please.

A cop came in the morning,
captain Cem.

He is searching for Adem.

He is a prick,
we should be careful.

So that you know.

The circle tightens, son.

If we can't find that computer,
it will devour both of us.

Yes, Brother, yes?

The computer is on the boat.

I gave it to a boy.


What the hell are you saying?

What did you do with the computer!

I will choke you now!

Where is it?


You, you have been working
for me for 20 years.

You ate what I gave you.

But you betrayed me
for what I didn't provide you!

Sometimes, money is more
precious than loyalty.

Here are you,
staring into death's eyes...

and you are still preaching me?

Don't stall us, come on.

Where is the computer?

Who did you steal it for?

Who did you give it to?

I don't understand.

Talk, you bastard!

Now I will choke you!

I have always despised you!

Mr. Namik?

What you did was wrong, Doctor.

Very wrong.

Mr. Namik?

How could you do this?
I believed that you were good.

How could you do this?

Not everything is as it seems,
Ms. Doctor.

In life,

everyone has a good face,

and an evil face.

I am Namik,
I am both good and evil.



Please don't hurt me, please.

Please… Please don't.

Anything new, pasha?
Ms. Deniz is in there.


Cem, Asli is gone,
we can't find her.

What are you saying, Sister?
Where would a grown-up girl go?

I went to your place.
There was nobody.

She is not at the hospital either.

Maybe her phone died or something.

No, it is not that,
I am telling you,

she is not around.

Yesterday she told me
about the operation, right?

-There is no such thing.

She left the hospital
in the afternoon

and no one saw her ever again.

Deniz, what are you
talking about, Sister?

Please don't do it,
please let me go, please.

Let me go.

I am begging you. Please.

Oh, Ms. Doctor.

Why do you always have
to pry into every shift?

We locked you there,
why did you go out? Just why?

And we like you too.

Listen, but I will
tell you something.

I won't tell anyone anything,
I am begging you.

Please let me go, I won't
tell anyone anything, please!

Now you are asking
for the impossible.

What do you mean, impossible!

What the hell are you
talking about!

Will you keep me here
for the rest of my life?

I don't know, Ms. Asli.

Whatever Ferhat Aslan says...

Please, listen to me.

Brother, please, help me.
Please help me.

God, I am going crazy!

I am going crazy.

Please help me, please!

My God, help me.

This is such a shame.

Asli is a very good doctor.

The damage is done.

God damn it.

And I am so close to being a mayor.

She saw you.
There is no going back.

It is up to you.

What do we do with her?

Let's kill and get rid of her.

But her brother is a cop,
so take care of the body too.

He shouldn't find her.
It shouldn't turn into a cold case.


Right now.


Don't touch me!
Don't touch me! Don't!

What kind of people are you?

Ferhat, please, let me go.
I am begging you.

Let me go.

Let me go please. Please let me go,
where are you taking me?

Let me go! Don't!


Please don't do it, please.

Ferhat, please don't!

Please don't kill me.


I am begging you,
please don't do it.

Look, I am alive, see?

Look. I am alive.

Please, my heart is beating.

Warm blood runs in my veins,

I am alive,
please don't do it, Ferhat.

No one is born evil, no one.

I don't know what you experienced
and became like this, but please,

there must be a white spot
in the darkness in you.


Do you think I am the kind
of person who would buy that?

Don't bother.

Okay, shoot me then.

But I will be avenged.
Don't forget this name.

Don't forget,
CemCinar is my brother.

He will come...
He will come and find you.

He will avenge me. He will
take your life, don't forget.

Is CemCinar your brother?

My brother.

Do you want to live?

I want to live.

Listen, Doctor.

You'll have to marry me.

If you become my wife
and take my surname, you will live.

We won't harm anyone
from our family.

It is up to you
to live or die.

The decision is yours.


Working hard to make the impossible
possible, to defeat fate, love.

Every love aims to be
like Ferhat and Asli.

Some of them
are born, they grow, and die.

Some of them turn into passion.