Pretty Little Liars (2010–2017): Season 7, Episode 19 - Farewell, My Lovely - full transcript

The Liars gear up for a confrontation with A.D.; Spencer, Hanna and Caleb discover new information regarding Charlotte's death.

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I saw her get a
puzzle piece, it was hidden

for her and she knew where to find it.

I think she's on the A.D. team.

We're done and I'm out.

This is exactly what they wanted
all along. Us breaking apart.

- Are the police there?
- Yeah.

They're here too. They hit
Spencer's apartment first.

I've done some really terrible things.

I wouldn't have blamed you if
you had turned in that file...

Well, with everything
going on right now

we should do this while we still can.

The signals from the game are

coming from inside the apartment.

It's Mona.

I am going to get to the bottom

of what happened to Dunhill

and how you and your
friends were involved.

You will not call me back,
you will do it now.

Well, wake the judge up.

I need signatures on
those arrest warrants

and they cannot wait until morning.

It's okay. I-I just dropped my keys

in the trunk, and my
release isn't working

so I called a friend of
mine who has another

set of my keys in there, almost here

so, it's all good.

But thank you, though.

Let's see if we can save
your friend a trip.

Oh, um...

Seriously, it's-it's okay.
You know have to...

If it's just something
caught in the release

we may be able to shake it loose.

My friend is, is almost here

so, I don't wanna waste your time.

Part of the job. Like
getting cats out of trees.

That's firemen.

Seriously, you don't have to...

do this.

There you go. Now,
let's find those keys.

No! It...

10-7, Rosewood 6.

10-16. Turner Road bypass.

Signal 27.

- 10-17...
- Got 'em.

- Thank you so much.
- No problem.

- Goodnight.
- Goodnight.

Are you absolutely sure about this?

Mona has the game.

She not only has it, she's accessing

the guts of the thing.

You can see that by the signals.

It's her game.

Hanna, Mona's A.D.

The good thing is that we know

and she doesn't know that we know.

I'm just glad that you
didn't bust in on her.

Well, we have to do something.
We should do it now.

There's a lot of chatter
on the police frequencies.

Tanner's paying a lot of overtime

I think she's getting ready to move.

Well, we need Mona if she's A.D.


So she can tell the cops
what she's been doing to us.

Look, guys, our only shot
at a break is a live Mona

explaining how we ended up
on that road with Dunhill.

I'll convince her.

- No, I'll talk to her.
- Not alone, you won't.

Aria's still not answering her phone.

What I can't understand
is how you could do this

just cut her off like that?

Okay, Ezra, you have to understand...

Understand what, Spencer?

That she's screwed up?

That she got scared and made a mistake?

There isn't a person in
this room who hasn't

made a big mistake and doesn't
have to live live with it.

Do you know what makes A.D.
so dangerous?

She can't forgive, that is the only edge

any of you ever have had over her

and now you don't even have that.


I didn't mean to include
you in all that.

Why not? It's true.

Did you try to get through Toby again?

Yeah, I did, but it went
straight to voicemail.

Are you gonna look for Aria?

- Yes.
- Maybe I can help.

Does she have an extra set of car keys?

Keep it quiet back there.
I'm trying to think.

That was your first mistake,
making all that noise.

If you'd kept quiet, I wouldn't
have checked the trunk

and I would have driven
straight to Spencer

and the others with you in the back.

The police, they would have
received an anonymous tip.

That-that is what A.D. wanted.

You're dead. You know everything.

Who is A.D.?

God, you're no help. I should
have just let that cop find you.

Maybe I should have.

Maybe I still can.

Yeah, I-I could go to the police

I could tell them that I killed you.

They'd forget all about that ticket

once I introduced them to you.
I-I can fix this.

I can.

Good. Glad you agree.

How's the wedding night going for you?

Not how I thought it would be.

Well, I promise you a great honeymoon.

Yeah, if we manage to stay out of jail.

Why did you stop me?

I want to see where
she's going, don't you?

Thank you for coming.

Um, I'm sorry, but I thought you'd left.

I remembered some unfinished business.

I have something for
you, a going-away gift.

You're smiling.

I just, I didn't think
to get you anything.

You're not the one leaving.

It's something for you and Alison.

For Ali and me?

I would like for you
to accept it, please.

If I can. What is it?


The Lost Woods?

It's mine, free and clear.

I put the deed in your name.
Yours and Alison's.

But why?

I know what's happening.

With the police.

You'll need money for
lawyers, all of you.

Thank you.

I owe you so much. So much more.

I owe you an entire life.

I wish there was something
that I could do.

Something to change everything for you

and Alison and your friends.

I'm afraid no one can do that.

No. I suppose not.

Well, the bank will deliver
the deed tomorrow.

I hope that helps.

It will.

Bye, Spencer.


Be careful.

I will. You too.

It's just another police car.

It's the third one in an hour.

- They're watching us.
- Yeah.

And they don't care that we know it.

Ezra's right. We should
be looking for Aria.

You are safer here.

If we get arrested
what's gonna happen to the baby?

Don't think about that. Not yet.

They're gonna take him or her away

and what happened to Charlotte's
gonna happen all over again.

Instead of a family, it's gonna be homes

and hospitals, institutions.

We won't let that happen.

Em... we're not gonna be able to stop it.


Look, it took me so long

to finally get here with you.

Okay? I didn't come all that
way to lose everything now.

I promise you

I won't let them hurt you.

- It's okay.
- What? How did...

Caleb tapped into the
transmitter of your car alarm.

- Let's get out of here.
- No.

- I have to do this.
- Do what?

I can make it up to them,
I can take the blame.

First of all, I'm-I'm not
interested in you making

any more sacrifices for your friends.

Second, Aria, you have an
alibi, you're in the clear.

There's nothing linking you to
what happened with Dunhill.

His body is in the trunk of my car.

Emily and Alison didn't pick up.

She's still in there?

She's still waiting for somebody.


Jenna, Sammy, Santa Claus.

She looks so nervous. I
can see it from here.

Makes me wonder
who she's waiting for.

- Is she alone?
- She's all by herself.

I think we need to get in there
before she gets any support.

If we do that, how do we find out

who she was supposed to meet?

She was supposed to meet Charlotte here.

Remember? "The Two Crows?"

The night Charlotte was killed

Mona called her, and
Charlotte never showed up.

She's not gonna show up tonight.

I'm just saying that's what she said.

I know what she said, it's her alibi.

Maybe Mona is not A.D.

Maybe she moved the game to keep
the police from finding it.

- I can't buy that.
- Because you don't want to.

Oh, my God, you guys are arguing

like you're married or something.


Hey, did you call Ali and Em up?

No, they didn't pick up.

- Spencer, I...
- I just talked to Mary.

- What?
- I talked to Mary.

- I saw her.
- When?

Tonight, and she gave me the Lost Woods.

- She gave you a motel?
- Yeah, Ali and me.


I think I'm supposed to mortgage it

to pay for the lawyers
that we're gonna need.

- Oh, my God.
- Look, maybe Caleb's right.

Maybe we should just
grab Mona while we can.

Did he go back to the car or something?


Don't you like your pie?

It's okay.

Do you mind?

Who you waiting for?


Let's go for a little ride, then.

I don't think I wanna
go anywhere with you.

Well, think again.

Because we're gonna walk out of here
and we're gonna go to the police.

You're gonna tell them how you made

everybody's life a living hell.

But first, we're gonna pick up the game

just so they can see your handy work.

I don't have it anymore.

Somebody stole it from me

somebody's always stealing

the game from me.

If you don't have it, who does?

I don't know.

Somebody's always stealing
the game from me.

I told Hanna, it was a bad idea

my touching that thing.

We're out of our league

all of us.

We swim around in this fish bowl

like we're in control.

We are not.

There's always been somebody watching.


This is Rosewood, Mona, not Area 51.

Finish your pie.

I don't want anything from you.

Front door's this way.

Mind if I use the ladies' first?

Can you hold it?

- What the hell are you doing?
- Mona...

I couldn't just stand
there and do nothing.

- Maybe she went out the back.
- Not without setting off the alarm.

Well, she didn't just flush herself out.



That's how she got out.

Yeah, maybe that's how Mona got out
the night that Charlotte was killed.

- Come on.
- No, not you.

I'm not letting you down any more holes.

I'm not letting you go
down there by yourself.

I'll go with him.

Just take your car back to Rosewood

this has to come up
between here and town.

Let the others know what we're up to.

We'll call you when we surface.

Alright, don't get lost.

How do you like the ladies room?

Smells nicer.

Get the watch commander.

There is nothing keeping us here.

You forgot something.

The dead body in the trunk of your car?

No, I didn't forget that.

The body is not the problem.

Yes, okay, the body is a problem

but more importantly...

I can't leave my friends.

I think they gave up the
right to be your friends.

No, they haven't. I'm the one
who made the bad choice.

When someone puts you in a
box and nails the lid shut

part of you will always be
locked in that box in the dark

afraid and crying, but...

you can't let that trap
part do the thinking for you.

Okay, we can grab the others

we can get out of Tanner's jurisdiction

there's no point in making
this easier for her.

First we need to deal with
that problem in your trunk.


I have a masters degree
in American literature.

There is nothing I can't handle.

Oh, no.

He's coming for you.

We have to go.

Now, Ali.

Ali, we came back for you, so move it.

It's too late, he's already here.

He's awfully sprightly for a dead guy.

You know, maybe if you'd hit
him harder the first time.

Guys, less talking, more stacking.



Ali. Ali.

What happened?

You fell asleep, so did I.

What do you mean? How did
we both fall asleep?

I don't know, but we did.

don't have a lot of time.

We don't have a lot of time.

We don't have a lot of time.

We don't have a lot of time.
We don't have a lot of time.

We don't have a lot of time.

We don't have a lot of time.

We don't have a lot of time.

- Please shut if off.
- We don't have a lot of time.

We don't have a lot of time.

That's it. We're getting out.

The police.

- Ali, Emily. Open the door.
- Oh, my...

Mona said she doesn't
have the game anymore.

- She said that to you?
- She said somebody stole it.

- What if Mona's A.D. then...
- I don't know about that now.

Why, what changed her mind?

I don't know. How scared she was.

The note telling her to get out.

A.D. doesn't get messages,
they send messages.

- Poor Mona.
- What did you just say?

She always wanted to be
in charge of everything.

She ends up middle management.
That's gotta hurt.

Hanna and I are married.

You mean you're going to get married?

No, I mean we're married.

- What, since when?
- Since tonight.

Oh, no wonder you didn't want
her going down any more holes.



There is a part of me, though, that, uh

wants to say I'm sorry.

To whom?

Well, to the only person I know

who uses "Whom" in a conversation.

Sorry to me? For what?

Don't you dare apologize
for being with me.

And don't you dare forget it, any of it.

'Cause I won't.

- "To whom?"
- Shut up.

No one's answering.

Hanna, Spencer, Caleb, no one.

Keep trying, we need to
pick a place to meet.

I'm sorry, Aria.

We all are.

- It's okay.
- No, it's not okay.

We didn't have the right
to shut you out like that.

Vanishing you from the tribe.

Something I would've
done in high school.

You panicked.

When people panic, they
go back to old behavior.

- What is it?
- I don't know.

Maybe this is not about us.

I'm not interested in finding out.

God, how I hate you.

This thing is useless.

You couldn't get a signal out
of here with a satellite phone.


Who else would it be?

What are you doing here?

Waiting for you, Charlotte.

I'm not Charlotte, I'm Hanna.


Hanna wasn't here.

Charlotte was.

The night Charlotte was released?

The night you called her?

Why would she want to meet you here?

Because she had to.

You brought flowers?

Is that why you wanted to see me?

To welcome me home with flowers?

I couldn't give them to
you in the hospital.

Alison wouldn't let me.

Why did you want to visit me?

The same reason you came here.

To see if there was
anything to worry about.

I didn't visit, but I
kept an eye on you.

I watched for five years.

Five years of you
making the doctors feel

so clever with all the
progress you were making.

You played them all.

The court, the lawyers, your own sister.

But you couldn't fool me.

You always were the smart
one, Mona, not Spencer.

Now, you're out, and you think

you can start hurting people again?

Well, I'm not gonna let that happen.

Who's gonna stop me, is it you?


Do you still see her when
you look in the mirror?

The, uh, the loser

the pigtails and the frumpy sweaters.

'Cause I see her.

I see her right now.

None of you are sure when
you look in the mirror.

None of you are really
certain who you are.

I did that.

I took that away from you

the same way everything
was stolen from me.

And now I'm back.

And everything that happened before.

That's gonna feel like a picnic.

I won't let you do that to my friends.

Oh, no one's gonna believe you.

Not only did you lose the game

but you lost the story.

It's mine, everything is mine.

God, I hate this town.

I guess I'm gonna have to do
something about that too.

Am I supposed to be afraid of you?

You said no one would believe me.

Oh, sweet Mona.

You don't have the guts.

Let's find out.

People will think you committed
suicide your first night home.

How's that?


Jump or I'll push you.

I'm giving you more of a chance

than you ever gave any of us.

Maybe you'll land just right and live.

A few broken bones and you
get to me send me to prison.

It's possible.

You're thinking about it.

You're thinking about lot of things.
Aren't you?

You're not gonna trick me this time.

Hanna! Ugh!

Oh. Ah!

Mona killed Charlotte.

We're gonna take her to the cops?

No. Not in this condition.

Oh, I love puzzles.

We should turn her over to the police.

Not like this.

She killed Charlotte and
she tried to kill Hanna.

She didn't know who I was.

I'm not turning her over
to Tanner like this.

Some enhanced interrogation and
Mona could be gone forever.

That may have already happened.

Why is she dressed like that?

She went back to a safe place.

The one place before
everything went wrong

where the worst she had to
worry about was you being mean

to her in the cafeteria.

We could call Dr. Sullivan.

She should take Mona to the
police, she can explain.

It's a good idea.

- Did you get it?
- Yeah, I put it in cabin one.

Emily is watching it.

Can you stay here with
Ezra and watch Mona?


Does that mean we won?

We got those pieces
after Hanna found out

that Mona killed Charlotte.

The body.

Whatever Tanner has, she
doesn't have the body.

Then where is it?

'What is it, a flipping cartoon?'

It's augmented reality.

Not really the answer.

- "Aunt Carol."
- My aunt Carol?

We've been all over that place.

Where would you hide a body there?

Take a symbolic grave
and make it a real one.

- Points for irony.
- Points for being really sick.

We get him out of there, we get
rid of him, and that's it.

Guys, guys. Just wait a minute.

Wait for what?

Do we really wanna do this?

Nobody want's to do it,
Aria, but we have to.

- Do we?
- What are you talking about?

I can't do this anymore.
I've had enough.

Every single time we do this only graves

that get dug are ours.

- What are we supposed to do?
- Walk away.

Leave Archer Dunhill to the worms.

Don't we have to be sure
that he's down there?

Well, what do we do if he isn't?

Don't you see? It doesn't end.

If we wanna stop the crazy,
we've to stop acting crazy.

Crazy and scared.

She's right.

If we don't walk away
now, we might as well

just crawl down there with him.

Are you serious?

If we don't walk away, we'll
end up just like Mona.

You ladies need any help?

Ezra and Caleb are gonna
wonder what happened

they're gonna start looking for us.

Won't be hard to find us.

Guys, what are we gonna do?

Tell the truth.

How will telling the truth
now would get us off?

We're not gonna get off.

So, this is it?

Well, maybe when they hear Mona

we'll get some mercy.

Police aren't interested in mercy

they want justice.

Yeah. And justice is
a blindfolded bitch.

The body at the farm has
been tentatively identified

as Archer Dunhill.

Make yourselves comfortable

there's something I have to do

and then... we'll talk.

"Make yourselves comfortable?"

God, she's a riot.

What is she doing here?

I don't know.

I have the typed copy of your statement.

I'd like to go over the
major points one more time.

Of course.


I killed Archer Dunhill.

I ran him over with a car that I stole
and I buried his body in the woods.

Later I moved it to where
I told you you'd find it.

Why'd you kill Dunhill?

He was not a good man.

He tricked me into helping him
steal from my own family.

He was an imposter.

And he was planning to kill my niece.

He told me if I'd try to stop him

that he would tell the police

that I killed my sister.

Did you murder Jessica DiLaurentis?


That's how Dunhill made me do things.

I had to kill him.

Then I tried to cover it up.


I arranged with someone

to make it look like
Dunhill was still alive.

Who was your accomplice?

I'm not gonna tell you.

That person had no idea what I'd done.

The only thing that they were guilty
of was helping someone in trouble.

Do you know why
your niece and her friends

were at that farm tonight?

They must have
figured out it was me.

You were getting ready to accuse them.

They had to do something.


read over your statement carefully

correct any mistakes.

Thank you.

You're free to go.

I am sorry for any inconvenience.


Mary Drake confessed to
killing Archer Dunhill

and her own sister.

Her statement is full
of credible details

about getting the car repaired
and taking a shower in Spencer's barn

which accounts for
blood evidence and glass fragments.

So you're just gonna let us go?

Well, you haven't done anything wrong.

Have you?

You used to think so up until recently.

The district attorney is a simple man.

And he likes his cases drawn
in bold, straight lines.

I can give him Mary Drake and a
logical story about her and Dunhill

or I can give him a box of
loose ends with theories

that might be true...

but no one could ever prove.

I know which version he wants.

Do you believe Mary?

I am convinced that Mary Drake is guilty

of at least one homicide.

She did kill her sister.

And that's enough to send
her where she can hurt

no one ever again.

Do you believe that she
killed Archer Dunhill?

What I believe

and what I can prove

are two different things.

Go home.

You're not criminals.

Not really.

Try and remember that.

Lieutenant Tanner!

I wanna talk to her, please.

It is better if you don't.

She did this for you.
Don't ask her to explain.

We've called Dr. Sullivan

and she's gonna be here in a few hours.

You're gonna be okay.

I'm sorry, Mona.

For what?

For showing you the game
and pulling you in.

But you needed me.

You don't know what that felt like.

You needed me.

Just like you needed me
to take care of Charlotte

after all the terrible
things that she did.

I'm sorry, I messed that up.

Nothing ever happens the way
it's supposed to with me.

What do you mean?

All those plans

all those lies

and you end up with nothing.

How does that make you feel?

Please, Mona, d-don't.

"Please, Mona, don't."

Now, you know what it's
like to be really afraid.

The way you made us feel

Say goodnight to the world, bully.

Listen to me.

That taste in your mouth

that's what dying tastes like.

Get used to it.

Because you're gonna choke on it
everyday for the rest

of your long miserable life.

I knew you didn't have the guts.

They will never love you.

The reason the police never
found a murder weapon

is because they were looking
for something hidden.

It wasn't hidden.

It was right there

all the time

in the steeple...

waiting for Charlotte to come.


Be careful.

It's dead.

Wait, did we end the game
or did Mary Drake?

Mona did.

When she told us what
happened to Charlotte.

I don't know who did, but it's finished.

We still don't know who did this.

Well, it wasn't Mona

and Mary saved us from A.D.
by confessing.

A.D. doesn't have any leverage anymore

they've nothing left
to threaten us with.

Are you sure about that?

I'm not sure about anything.

That's not true.

I'm sure about one thing
I'm sure about all of you.

Okay, let's get out of here
before things get too mushy.

- Good idea.
- I agree.