Pretty Little Liars (2010–2017): Season 7, Episode 14 - Power Play - full transcript

Ali's turn at the game forces her to face a monumental personal decision; Hanna and Spencer run into a familiar face with a shocking secret.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on "Pretty Little Liars..."

Spencer, I'm your mother.

Your father will be home soon.

There was a problem with the passport.

How long is he gonna put
off coming home to face me?

- Will you marry me?
- I need a minute.

Jessica had a file on each of us.

Yeah, all of us except Aria.
She doesn't have a file.

I didn't finish my
turn, so I was sent this.

Compliments of Jenna Marshall.

We're gonna take a nice little
drive to go visit your friend, Jenna.

And on the way there,
you're gonna tell us about

how the two of you know
someone with the initials A.D.

GPS tracker's in her
bag. Sydney's on the move.

I'll take first watch
and follow her tonight.

Have someone call Forensics.

Give me an evidence bag.

...Nicole Gordon has been found alive.



Nicole's upstairs. She's sleeping.

I'm so sorry

that she just took off, uh...

Someone saw her getting into a
cab outside the trauma clinic.

Her therapist, her parents

we've all been looking
for her for hours.

She didn't tell you
that she was coming here?

No, she didn't, so...

Thank you for texting
me, letting me know.

Ezra, of course.

I will take her back to the clinic

first thing tomorrow.


Hey, you don't have to go.

I'm not taking the sofa.

Nicole's already asleep upstairs.

I'm so sorry.

- I, I know how difficult.....
- Ezra, I'm fine.

I, I...

I'm just tired.

And I thought that I should stay

until you got back.

I'm really glad you did.

Thank you again.

I don't know what
you've told her about us

or what you haven't told her

but there are pictures
of me all over this place.

My clothes are upstairs in your closet.

So she's gonna have a lot
of questions in the morning.

The guest room's made up if
you want something to sleep in

like a T-shirt or.....

No, I'm okay.

Thank you, really.

You're saving me

from having to face my
parents in the morning.

They still don't really
understand the whole

Nicole situation.

Do you?

Yeah, I understand why
he wants to help her

you know, especially after seeing her.

Have you eaten?

I'm not hungry.

It's not what I asked. Come on.

Oh, my God.

- How long has that been here?
- I don't know.

Is there any chance this thing's broken?

It's not broken. It's deciding.

- Allie?
- I called you last night.

- Oh, I was busy. What's up?
- The game board.

When exactly did we decide
to move it to my house?

Was it your idea?

What? You're joking, right?

It took me an hour to get
that monstrosity up to the loft

so that nobody would see and
you're saying that it's gone?

It's not gone, Spencer.
It's on my dining table.

Does that mean that it's your turn?

It hasn't decided yet.

- Hm...
- Are you always up this early?

Hey, good morning.

- Who are you talking to?
- Uh, nobody.

I really have to go, though, okay?

I'll, I'll call you right back. Bye.

- Hey, did you sleep okay?
- Mm-hmm.

I'll go make us some coffee.

Or you could get back in
bed just for a little bit.

Alright, I need to check this.

I'm waiting for an update on a case.

Everything okay?

I just got to head in a
little earlier than I expected.

What case is it?

Sorry, I can't talk about it.

- I'll call you later, okay?
- Yeah, of course.

Yeah, Caleb's doing much better.

They sent him home last night.

No, Lucas, it's not your fault.

I should have been there.

Well, maybe the investors
will change their mind.

Alright, we'll talk soon.

- Does this smell?
- What?

One sniff, please?

Supposed to do laundry last night

but I was out following
Sydney until 4 a.m.

- You're fine.
- Okay.

Except for that giant coffee stain.

- How did it even get there?
- Oh.

Well, Clara Mott

tripped in the teacher's
lounge and got it all over me.

Never mind, wear this.

So what happened last night?
Did Sydney lead you to Jenna?

Not unless Jenna lives in the
bathroom of a Greyhound bus.

That's where Sydney left the
tracker that we put in her bag.

And by the time I found it,
we were halfway to Pittsburgh.

A.D.'s still one step ahead

and I am 40 minutes late to work.

Can I eat this?

- Em.
- No?

I'm the first one who
hasn't completed her turn.

Look, I know you're worried

but maybe putting Caleb in the hospital

and hurting your business
was your punishment.

Just try not to freak out over
something you can't control.

Hey, Marie. Sorry I missed the meeting.

Hey, Sal.

Hey, so sorry I'm late.

- What did I miss?
- Not much.

- Handout?
- Sure.

What are you doin' for lunch?

My treat.

I can't. I'm having lunch with Hackett.

Oh. Everything okay?


I heard from the University of Iowa.

They're offering me the
assistant coaching position.

I thought they offered
that to someone else

and that's why you took the job here.

I guess they changed their minds.

Wow! That's...

- You're gonna take it?
- I'd be stupid not to, right?

Good morning.

Hey! You're back.

Yeah, I'm in between classes.

Can we talk?

Yeah, just give me a sec.

Mom, did you get any
mail? I'm expecting a...



Mom said that you wouldn't be back

until Thursday.

Uh, yeah, I, I caught an earlier flight.

I wish I could have been here sooner

after everything you've
been going through.

You mean getting shot or finding out

that mom isn't my real mom?

She's your real mom, Spencer.

She raised you. We both love you.

Just stop. Stop, okay?

You flew into Philly over a week ago

same time that mom did.

There was no issue with your passport.

There was no emergency business deal

that you needed to attend to.

So where were you?

Where were you that was more important

than being here with me?

I was looking for Mary.

I-I wanted to be here, believe me...

But after everything I put
you and your mother through

I won't let that woman do any
more damage to this family.

I know you're confused and you're hurt.

I still can't explain what I did

but as big as a mistake as it was

and, Spencer, it was huge, I know that.

I don't regret what happened
because we ended up with you.

You are our daughter.

We love you so much.

Did you...

Find Mary?

No, not yet.

But I'm working with an
investigator, and we will.

And then what?

Are you gonna chase her away

so that I never get to see her again?

That's the plan, isn't it?


I know this hasn't been easy on you

keeping this secret from me

but you won't have to
do it for much longer.

I have made an appointment
to terminate the pregnancy.

You sound certain. That's good.


He manipulated me into loving him

and marrying him.

And when he locked me up at Welby

he literally took away my ability

to make decisions on anything.

And this pregnancy, it feels
like he's still in control.

I want my life back, Em.

- You don't have to explain.
- I know.

It's just the first time that
I have said it all out loud.

When's your appointment?

I take the first pill at
the clinic this weekend.

And the next one at
home a few days later.

Can I take you to the clinic?


Detective Furey.

Miss DiLaurentis. Do you have a moment?


She said that treatment facility

just felt like another
form of captivity.

So she hailed a very expensive cab

and drove back to the
last place she called home.

Your apartment?

The therapist had asked
us not to tell Nicole

about the engagement.

Yeah, last night it didn't...

Didn't seem like Nicole knew that much.

Doctor Rosen is just trying to help her

adjust to all the changes in her life

as gradually as possible.

But, she knows now.


The wedding dress in the closet
was a pretty big giveaway.

But, hey...

Look, we talked for a while.

She says that she wants me to be happy.

I am sorry.

I have been such a crappy fiance.

But I, I hope you realize that

with her being here, her being alive

it doesn't change a thing

about how I feel about you.

She'll be gone in a few hours

and we can go back to being us again.

I promise.

- Okay.
- I love you.

I love you, too.

A finger?

Someone sent you a finger.

- Are you sure that it's.....
- Archer Dunhill's, yes.

The prints were a match.

Do you have any idea who sent it or why?

It seems like some sort of taunt

or a game.

This morning our forensics' team

confirmed that the finger
was detached from tissue

that have been
decomposing for some time.

Possibly around the
time that Archer Dunhill

disappeared in the first place.

We're now treating
this case as a homicide.

I know that this is difficult...

But I do hope that we
can count on your help

with this investigation.

Anything that you can
tell us about anyone

that might have had a
motive or held a grudge.

It could help us out significantly.

He was a con artist

who treated dozens of mental patients

without any actual medical training.


I know a few people
who might hold a grudge.

Including you.

I'm not upset that he's gone

if that's what you're asking.

What about Mary Drake?

You think she might be involved?

She's gone into hiding.

And after what you told us
about her connection to Dunhill

she's a person of interest in this case.

Guess you can't be too sure
about anyone these days.

No you can't.

- This isn't happening.
- Yes, is is.

No, A.D. doesn't get to poison Caleb

bankrupt Lucas' company,
ruin my reputation

and then expose us for
murder all in one go. No.

- Hanna.
- What?

Where are the rules for
this stupid game anyways?

Every time we fail a turn, the
cops get of a piece of Archer?

What's next, his knee
caps or his ear lobes?

Or the video of you two
digging up the grave.

We already know that A.D. has that.

Is this punishment for Charlotte?

We didn't find her killer
and now A.D.'s gonna help

the cops find us?

My turn.

Mystery location. Great.

"Solve the puzzle,
get away with murder."

"Or fail and go directly to jail."

Alright, so we continue playing the game

or the cops find out what we did.

- Didn't we already know that?
- Yeah, but now it's a race.

We have to solve this
puzzle before the cops

can solve Dunhill's murder.

Furey already suspects
that Archer was killed

the night he disappeared.

He's gonna find out the truth.

No one can screw up her turn.

Not anymore.

If the cops get one more
clue about what we did...

It's game over.


Alright, so when did you decide

to start sleeping with the guy

who can one day arrest us all?

I didn't decide.

I was upset about Toby and
Ivan and Marco came over.

- He's nice.
- No.

I have no issue with his
personality, just his job.

Yeah, well, so do I.

Oh, got it.

How is Toby? Have you talked to him?

Uh, no, I left him a message

but he hasn't called me back.

Hey, are you ready to go?

I wanna leave before my dad gets home.

"Private investigator."

Did Marco give you this?

Uh, no, I swiped that
from my dad's briefcase.

He's looking for Mary.

- Did she have any leads?
- I don't know.

- We should find out.
- No, we shouldn't.

Spencer, Mary was in the
blind school when you got shot.

She could have seen the second shooter

maybe she saw A.D. and
that's why she ran away.

Or she ran away because once she told me

that she was my birth mother,
she realized that it was

a colossal mistake and then she
never wanted to see me again.

No, Spencer, that's crazy.

Well, crazy runs in my family.

Look, I wanna find her, believe me I do.

I just, I have so many questions

I wouldn't even know where to start.

How about why'd you run away?

Hi, Miss Harper.

I'm calling from Mr. Hastings office.


- What happened?
- Um...

Nicole found the book.

And she threw it at you?

No, at her parents...

When they came to take her back.

Did Nicole write this?

"This memory of us kept me alive.

I can't tell you how many
nights I thought about you

and our love, and I knew
that I had to be strong.


Great job today, guys.

Get some rest, okay?

See you tomorrow.

- Hey.
- Hey.

You're here late.

I had a call with the
head coach in Iowa.

Thought I'd use my office.


Really leaving?

They want a decision by tomorrow.

When you showed up
here in Rosewood, I...

Really thought we're gonna
get another chance at this.

At us.

So did I.

But coming back here was a mistake.

Doesn't have to be.

I thought I was over high school.

But it's really hard to be over a place

when you're smack dab in it

and it feels like so
much hasn't changed.

You and Allie are still keeping secrets.

I told you, it's not
what you think it is.

Maybe not.

But when I see you two
whispering in the hallway

it takes me right back
to high school too.

To feeling small and
insecure and paranoid.

And I don't want to feel
those things anymore.

- You don't have to.
- I know I don't.

I can just go somewhere else.


It's latitude and longitude.

It must lead to the mystery location.

When are you going? I'll come with you.

After school.

Are you okay?

You look a little...

Yeah, my stomach's just
been kind of weird lately.

So where's Ezra now?

He's at home.

He's talking to Nicole's therapist.

Apparently she had a set
back because of the book.

I just...

Had to get out of there.

Well, first of all, Nicole isn't having

a setback because of the book.

She's having a setback 'cause she was

held captive in a jungle for two years.

Yeah, well, the book didn't help.

And I'm the idiot who
convinced him to write it.

I-I gotta run.


Jessica DiLaurentis
kept excellent records.

If Ezra knew what was in your file

he would definitely choose Nicole.

And she would be visiting him in jail.

Come on. This is the
last house on the street.

I know my dad's detective
thinks that Mary's hiding out

somewhere in this neighborhood
but that doesn't mean

you get to terrorize the residents.

You made that old man cry.

Hey, well that old man could have been

harboring a dangerous criminal.

Or an innocent women who just
gotten mixed up in something.

Spencer, Mary knows something,
that's why she disappeared.

Okay, I just need to remind you
I'm looking for my birth mother.

Please if I wanted to go on a witch-hunt

I would have gone on
this trip with my dad.

You're right. No more
pitchforks, I promise.

- Hanna?
- Ted?

What are you doing here?

What are you doing?

- I'm sorry, I-I just...
- You just what?

You're right she looks
just like Alison's mom

but no, I haven't seen her.

Are you sure? Maybe at
a neighbor's house or...

No, sorry.

I guess we wrote down the wrong address.

I'm glad you did.

I can't tell you how
great it is to see you.

Tell me what you've been up
to, I heard you're in New York

working for some big time
designer and you got engaged?

Well, that didn't really work out.

Both the engagement and New York thing.

Well, you'll figure it out,

you're resilient beyond
measure, both of you.

We can sit down a minute,
I could bring out some tea.

Uh, we really can't stay, I'm so sorry.

Um, do you still have the same e-mail?

I'm still Hotmail.

Don't judge I'm old.

Well I'll send you my contact

we should get coffee at the Bradley.

I can bring my mom.

That'd be wonderful.

Well, it's good to see you.

It's great to see you, Hanna.

- Bye, Spencer.
- Bye.

And..... let me know
if you see Mary, okay?

The cops are looking for her

and..... she could be dangerous.

What did you tell them?

Nothing, just like you asked.

I need to know why
you're really here, Mary?

Six locations and counting,
we could be at this all night.

I wouldn't put it past A.D.

- What?
- Are they coordinates?

No, just duck sounds.

We're supposed to find
a pond or something?

Darling Duck, that's gotta be it.

I wonder why A.D. wants you
to go in a baby clothes store?

Come on, we need to
find that puzzle piece.


It's-it's Ezra, I 'll be right there.

Someone moved your
piece off the game board.

Do you want to lose?

I don't wanna lose, I want out.



Hi, it's Julie, we spoke on the phone.

Right, hi.

I was worried you wouldn't
make it before closing.

Okay, so here's your scanner

just point it at the bar
code of the item that you want

and voila, it goes on your registry.

Let me know if you have any questions.


- Is this your first?
- It is.

- I'm so excited.
- Boy or girl?

I want to keep it a surprise, you know?

- What about you, a girl?
- No.

It's great.

Rosewood isn't all that bad, you know?

You're gonna miss the pizza.

I might.

I told Iowa I needed a
little more time to decide.


You're reconsidering or changed?

I remembered something.

I'm not the only one with demons.

And not facing mine...

That'd be a lot like high school too.

This decision was a lot
easier when the world seemed

black and white.

Well, we can always race for it

like we did back in college.

Hey, don't knock it.

We made a lot of big decisions that way.

Yeah, like

should we have pizza
for dinner or pad Thai?

English major or biology?
Dorm or off campus apartment?

- You regretted that one.
- Yup.

Let's do it. Let's race for it.

Paige, I'm not racing
to decide your future.

- I mean, this is your life.
- I know it is.

And I don't know how else to decide.

I'm serious. Apple Rose is the finish.

I win I go to Iowa, you win I stay.

You're insane.

You're just afraid you're gonna lose.

My bum shoulder can beat your
bum knee any day of the week.

Get ready, go.

Hey, wait up.

It's not a fair start.


Actually I've already decided.

I'm staying.

How did it go?

- Fine.
- Oh, wait.

Don't forget, the item you
asked us to put on hold.

For the donor.

What? What did you say?

You asked us to put this
on hold for the egg donor.

We personalized it and everything.

You're donating your eggs.

- When is this happening?
- Today.

They're my eggs and I made the decision.

I wanna help someone to
start family if I can.

They're my eggs and I...

They're my eggs and I made the decision.

My eggs. My eggs.

They're my eggs and I made the decision.

Are you okay?

- Do you need to sit down?
- Where is it?

What, what are you looking for?

The puzzle piece. They must have
told you to put it somewhere.

- I'm not sure.
- I need it.

Okay, I need that damn puzzle piece.

I'm sorry, I don't know what
piece you're talking about.

You're donating your eggs.

My eggs and I made the decision.

They're my eggs and I made the decision.

You have arrived at your destination.

- Are you...?
- A.D.?

You shot Spencer.

You help Jenna escape.

- You made up the game?
- Correct.

I barely know you, Sydney,
why are you doing this?

If this has anything
to do with Jenna.....

- It doesn't.
- Why now?

Why are you letting me see who you are?

Because you're desperate
and I can use desperate.

You said you want out of the game?

Yes, the game.

- All of it.
- And what about your friends?

- What about them?
- Do they know you're here?

- No.
- Good.

Let's take the scenic route.

Is beer alright?

Uh, sure, anything.

I was hoping to hear from you
soon, but I didn't expect today.

- This place is.....
- Not mine.

It's a friend's. I mean the mess is mine

but all the nice stuff is on loan.

Are you okay?

I lied to you today.

About Mary.

I have seen her.

In fact she spent the
last two nights on my sofa.



So what happens next?

How do I get out?

There is no out.

But you could change sides,
be a part of the winning team.

You want me to join you

in torturing my friends?

You and whoever's on the
other end of that ear piece.

No, never.

I wouldn't do that.

Leaving Allie and coming
here was an important step

toward earning A.D.'s trust

but you still have a long way to go

and a decision to make.

Here is where we leave you.

Why are you doing this?

You, Sydney, why are you doing this?

Because it's no fun
being on the losing team.

I knew Mary when I was in college.

I was a senior and she
was..... a free spirit.

We dated for a while and...

And she just disappeared.

Why didn't you tell
us about this before?

Because I'd already
promised Mary I wouldn't

tell anyone she was staying with me.

I was trying to keep my
word to an old friend.

I mean that was before.

Before what?

After your visit...

I asked Mary why she
really came to see me

after all this time?

She told me we had a child together.



Only I knew her as Charles.

Fifteen years ago, I ran
a camp for troubled boys

and Charles was one of my campers.

He was... soft-spoken, sweet.

Way smarter than all the other kids.

I had no idea...

That she was your child.

The other boy in this
photo, do you know his name?

That was Charles' only friend.

He was..... Luke or Lucas maybe.

- Lucas Gottesman?
- You know him?

You're sitting on his couch.

What did A.D. make you do?


What did you have to do
to get the puzzle piece?

Find out the truth about the baby...

Or at least I think it's the truth.

It's not mine, Emily.

It's yours.

What are you talkin' about?

They're your eggs.

The ones you donated.

You were right.

A.D. stole them.

They must have been planning
this for a really long time.


Just because A.D. said so...

That doesn't mean that it's true.

I remember the procedure, Em.

They wheeled me out of my room at Welby.

It wasn't Archer, it was someone else.

They strapped me down.

I tried to stay to awake.

I tried to fight it, but it was no use.

Dad. God, you scared me.

I've been waiting for you
for hours. I was worried sick.

- Well I was just...
- Looking for Mary. I know.

I spoke with my investigator.
I figured out the rest.

- What were you thinking?
- That I needed to talk to her.

That I have questions
and they need answers.

Mary is dangerous, Spencer.

- She cannot be trusted.
- Oh, and you can?

Do you hear yourself?

You've been lying to
me for my entire life

literally from day one!

There are things about this woman

that you just don't understand.

Then tell me.

Try being honest for once in your life.

Or I'm gonna walk out that
door and I won't come back.


The last time I saw Mary

was when you came back from rehab.



Are you okay?

Jessica, what are you doing here?

What the hell are you doing in my house

in the middle of the night?

I had to see her.

It was just one look.

She's beautiful, isn't she, Peter?

Our daughter.


She wanted to see me?

No, Spencer.

She wanted revenge.

Mary was unhinged to say at least.

Jessica told her that Charles was dead.

Somehow she found out that wasn't true.

That Charles was Charlotte and alive.

She couldn't believe Jessica
lied to her like that.

She wanted her to pay,
she wanted her dead.

And when I refused to help

she turned on me too.

Mary killed her sister.

She used my pills to do it

and she buried her in our backyard.

She killed Jessica and did everything

she could to frame me for it.

Are you sure?

I mean, they were sisters.


Now, do you understand

why I don't want you to find her

why I want to keep her
away from this family?

You knew about Charlotte

before the doll house?

I'll be damned if I ever

let something like that
happen to you again.

Now, you can hate me,
Spencer, I can live with that.

But please, please, let me protect you.

Woman's wellness center.
How can I help you?

I want to cancel my appointment.

I just...


Need some more time
to figure things out.

Do you need anything? Tea?

- No.
- Em?

Hey, guys, sorry I'm
late. What's going on?

Where were you? We were calling?

Yeah, I'm sorry.

I was helping Ezra with Nicole.

Did something happen?

Yeah. Something happened.

For starters, you left Allie.

You just abandoned her
when she needed you.

Allie, I'm sorry.

- Are you okay?
- No, no. She's not okay.

- I'm not okay. No one's okay.
- Em, she doesn't know.

I don't know what?

That A.D. stopped playing games

and started playing God.

A.D. stole Emily's eggs
from the donation bank

fertilized them and then
used them to impregnate Allie.

- What?
- God, it still sounds crazy.


Um, I don't know what to say.

No one can imagine how violated

and confused you both
must feel right now

but Aria's turn is up next

and who knows what
A.D.'s gonna do to her.

We need each other.

We cannot let this game
rip us apart no matter what.


- No, no. That's a mistake.
- That's not right.

I'm not playing, I just-I just went.

No. It's Aria's turn. It's
supposed to land on Aria.

I know, I... I don't know what happened.

Maybe you get a do over because
you didn't get your piece.

Do over? It just wrecked my life!

- Han, it's gonna be okay.
- No, it's not!

- Oh, God! I can't do this.
- It's broken.

The game's gotta be broken.

It's not broken.

It knows exactly what it's doing.
