Pretty Little Liars (2010–2017): Season 5, Episode 9 - March of Crimes - full transcript

Spencer confronts Caleb regarding Hanna's issues; Aria opens up to Ella and questions her marriage to Zack; Emily and Spencer close in on Noel's motives and a call from detective Tanner has Alison perplexed.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
on pretty little liars...

I think that you should
take me home.

You know,
I can't drive right now.

The police have many theories.

What was that about?


She clearly doesn't believe
my story.

She's trying to trip me up.

Did they not make the offer?

What offer?

Assistant coach.

The team took a vote.

Zack hit on me.

Were you trashed?

If you want to spiral
out of control

And self destruct,
go right ahead.

But I am not going to
let you take my mom down, too.

Oh, my god!

Push it up against the gate.

I asked noel
to break into hanna's house.

Why would you do that?

I needed someone
like hanna's mom

To stop questioning
what happened to me.

Why would noel
help you with this?

What was the plan
if he'd got caught?

"I'm sorry, mrs. Marin,

I just needed to borrow
a butcher knife?"

You're a little loud.

You're a little crazy.

your eye is getting worse.

Yeah, I see plenty out
of the other one.

Hey, what's going on?
How's your mom?


Guys, we needed to do this.

You saw tanner
cornering me at school.

She's trying to poke holes
in our story.

Your story.

Oh, was that noel?

Is that who you've been
sneaking out of your house

In the middle of the night
to meet?

What's that supposed to mean?

You've been spying on me?

Well, maybe
now you'll understand

Why I turned to noel.

At least
someone still has my back.


I see what's going on here.

One of my best friends
doesn't even show up

To my s.O.S. Call
and the other one is...

Shadowing me like I'm the enemy.

Maybe asking noel to do this
wasn't the perfect plan,

But I'm kind of
running out of choices.

Where are you going?

I'm gonna call my dad back.

I'd like to do it outside,

But, spencer,
are you gonna follow me

Or have you already
set up a camera for that?

You know, she never
even answered that question

About noel.

The only thing
I can't figure out

Is how did he get time
to break into this place

And lock us into those stables.

Spencer, it wasn't noel's helmet

In those stables.

I mean, we should be
wondering if melissa...

My sister wasn't the one
who hired noel kahn

To terrorize hanna's mother.

I don't know, for all we know

She could have asked noel

To choke her that night
in her living room.

She's clearly gone rogue.

I walked in on that, spencer.

It wasn't noel.

You're sure?

Hanna. Easy.
You know what?

Last time I checked
this was still my bedroom,

Till somebody else got in
and invaded it.

Even the doorknob
smells like her.

Why were you smelling
the doorknob?

It's my mom.
I've got to go.

Take me with you.

Hanna, you can't stay
at my house.

Seriously, you guys,
I have to get out of here.

Make sure she doesn't drink
and dial.

I can't keep doing this.

You have to meet me half-way.

It's too dangerous

And I'm not taking
anymore chances, okay?

It's too dangerous

And I'm not taking
anymore chances, okay?

Shana, please,
don't fight me on this.


How'd you sleep?

Who says I'm up?

Is alison in the shower?

I guess.


I was thinking you girls
should meet me at the mall

After school today.

Who's "you girls"?

You and alison.

I thought it might be nice
to treat ourselves

To something new for ella
and zack's party.

I'm not going to that party.

What are you talking about?
Why not?

Because I have a make-up test
on Monday.

Hanna, I think aria will be
pretty hurt if you don't go.

She'll be fine.

Can't you study for it
over the weekend?


I told you she's not gonna care
if I go or not, okay?


This is not the answer.

This is dangerous

And disturbing

And you know
it's totally unacceptable.

Mom, I know.

You don't have
to do all of this.

Okay, listen to me.

I get it now.
All right?

I know what you and alison

And your friends
have been going through.

I was here in my own house

And I was terrified.

I know you're looking
for an escape.

And honestly, I don't blame you.

But you can't afford
to not be in control,

Especially not now,
when alison's kidnapper

Is still out there.

But they'll catch him.

I promise you.

Han, where's your moisturizer?

Just use mine, alison.

So when did you
first meet mr. Fitz?

Um, first day of class,
junior year.

Your principal stated that,
to his knowledge,

You engaged in an intimate
relationship with mr. Fitz

After he was no longer a teacher
at the school.

I'm sorry, what does
any of this have to do

With the incident
at the marin house last night?

We have several open cases
right now.

And it's helpful
to explore possible connections.

What's the possible
connection here?

I can't say.

You can't say or you don't know?

Mrs. Montgomery,
if you would prefer

To conclude this interview,
that is your right to do so.

I will ask a judge if he...

No, no, that's okay.

Let's just get it over with.

Were you aware of mr. Fitz
seeing other students socially?

Students like shana fring?

What are you saying?

Is it possible

That mr. Fitz had
intimate relations

With other students?

How would she know that?

Do you ever recall
seeing mr. Fitz

Interacting with shana...

He didn't serial date students.

He wasn't some creep

That was prowling the school
hallways hitting on girls.

Aria, they're just questions.

Are you next?

Tanner's here again.

She's hoping for a mutiny,

If that frizz-top-cop
just gets one of us to cave...

I'm not caving.

Okay, but what about aria?

She's totally icing us out.

Is there something going on
between her and hanna?

I don't know.

Well, neither does hanna.

Or at least
that's what she says.

How long are you gonna be
staying there?

Where's your dad?

I played down
what happened last night

So he wouldn't rush back.


It's not like
I feel safe in my bedroom.

I need to go to class.

I've to leave early
to see the eye doctor.


If one of us falls, we all fall.

And "a" wins.

Did you guys come
to school together?


Caleb dropped her off.

She's the one
you should be following.

All of our student coaches
must maintain a high level

Of academic standing.

Are you taking a language
this semester?


I'm in ap spanish.

Ah, yes, right there.
There it is.

You are apparently
doing very well.



You still working at the brew?

Yes, but I can scale back
my hours,

I mean, especially
when it comes to meets.

How's the shoulder injury?

I'm much better.

Well, clearly your fellow sharks
want you back,

In the pool or out.

But the final decision
rests with me.

Are you free for practice
on Tuesday?


Then I guess you have a new job.


I can't.
I took german.



Don't be late.

Aria, can you slow down
for a second please?

I'm late for class.

I think mrs. Welch
will understand.

Hey, aria.

Hey, mrs. Montgomery.

Hi, noel.

Aria, you cannot lose your cool

When you're asked
those questions.

Those weren't questions, mom.

Ezra's on her hit list
and she's wrong.

It's her job
to find out as much as possible.

Oh, please, not you, too.

Aria, I know this is hard,

But sometimes
we do have blind spots

When it comes to the people
that we love.

Okay, I really need
to get to class.

I'm already
skipping fifth period

To help you
set up for the party.

You're right.

Thank you.


Has toby been up here recently?

No, why?

How about the board of health?

I was gonna straighten up
after I took a shower.

You can sit down...


No, I can't.

I just was stopping by on my way
to the ophthalmologist.

Is there something
growing in that pan?

Hanna tried to make nachos.

Caleb, this can't go on.

It's a frying pan.

I'll just... I'll buy
toby's stepmom a new one.

I'm talking about hanna.

She's a mess.

And she's been that way
ever since you got back.

I think you have me
confused with alison.

I know the difference.

She's getting wasted
in the middle of the day.

She's not wasted.

She's crashing into people
that she cares about.


I understand her not wanting
to toast zack tonight, but...


What does she have against zack?

I meant, aria, aria's family.

You don't have to draw me a map.

Come on, caleb,
you're not dense.

You know what we're up against.

"a" is back
and the cops are circling us

With a million questions.

Hanna cannot be stumbling
around the halls of school

Looking like she's on a bender
in cancun.

Hey, what's wrong with cancun?

Don't knock it
until you've been there.

She's making
some scary mistakes.

She's a big girl.

She's also a loose cannon.

And you're supplying her
with gunpowder.


She's not drinking alone, caleb.

Look, I don't know
what happened to you

When you were away.

That's right.

You don't know
the first thing about it.


And it's none of my business

And maybe I'm not one to judge,

But the thing is that
I've always thought

That you were the best thing
that ever happened to hanna.

And it really hurts
to watch you guys fight

Whatever is eating at you
like this.

But you guys used to
draw strength from each other

And now it's...

I don't get this.

I got to take a shower.

So what's next for you?



They make me take earth science

With a bunch of ninth graders.

It's really humiliating.

Uh, wait.

I'll walk you.

I don't need an escort.

Han, I'm sorry
about what happened last night.

I'll pay for the window.

It's not about the window.

Your stupid stunts
affect a lot of people.

Are we talking about your mom?

Or are you and aria
fighting about me?

I can help you.
I can talk to her...

I don't want you
doing anything at all.

I just want to be left alone.

And I think it's best
if you just stay

With one of the other girls.


What's happening to us?

Our group is falling apart.

Hey, jenna.

It's alison.

I didn't know that you had
enrolled here in rosewood.

I came back a few weeks ago.

Nobody seemed to notice.

But then again,

I didn't come back
from the dead.

I'm sorry about shana.

She meant a lot to me, too.


And I'm sorry for you.

I heard about
the break-in last night.

It must be hard
to come back here

Knowing someone's
still after you.


How did you do it?



She was my friend
before she met you.

How did you turn her against me?

I didn't.

You did.

You can sit out here and relax
while your pupils dilate.

The doctor will be out here
in about 10 minutes.

Thank you.


Can I call you right back?

I'm in noel's car.

Emily, jenna's here,
okay, with another jenna.


They gave me
these eye drops, okay.

And I thought that
I was hallucinating but I'm not.

Listen to me.

I got his keys out of his locker

And searched his car.

He has pictures of alison
from when she was dead.

That makes no sense.

Oh, but seeing two jennas does?

Define "dead."

The last two years of her life.

He put them in the same envelope

As the tape he was listening to.

Why would
he even have that stuff?

I don't know,

But I need to
drop off his car keys

At the lost
and found before he...

Fine, but then I need you
to come right here.

I can't.

Emily, my eyes are not playing
tricks with me, okay?

Something freaky is happening.




Sorry, I thought I just saw
noel coming out the door.

False alarm.

Spencer, you there?


So you think somebody helped
jenna mess with that eye chart?

Hey, em, I've got to go.

But we can talk about this
at the party.

Well, not at the party,
but soon.

Hey there.

Were you able
to get more candles?

I did, but they only had
scented ones.


How do we feel
about smelling patchouli

While eating steak?

Yeah, I think
we lose the candles.

This crowd looks better
in the dark anyway.

I got to go.

I'm gonna miss
my hair appointment.

Well, we've got this covered.


Thank you.




Can I squeeze these in there?

Yeah, sure.


What are you doing?

I am updating the list.

Hanna can't make it.

Oh, no?
Why not?

Uh, she said that
she wasn't feeling well.

What's wrong with her?

I don't know.
That's all she told me.


Oh, there you are finally.

Which room was it in?
The chart?

Shh. They're in there.

Who's in there?


And jenna.

Do you want to see
what I found in noel's car?

No, I can't even see
my feet right now.



Oh, hi, emily.


What are you doing here?

She was my ride.

Is that a problem?

Yeah, kind of.

Unless you're driving a taxi.

When did you two become friends?

We should go...

emily asked you a question.

It sounded
more like an accusation.

How come you never mentioned
that you and jenna were friends?

Maybe it never came up.

Maybe you should
let her speak for herself.

Excuse me?

When you ask the organ grinder
a question,

You don't really want to hear
from the monkey.

Can we please leave?


For more insults?

How long is it gonna
take for you to both

Realize that you're nervous
around the wrong person?

I'm not alison.

Come on, syd.

"hi, caleb."
"hi, hanna."

"how was your day?"

"my day was fine.
How was yours?"

My day sucked, actually.

What happened?

Could we just watch this?

I'm not in the greatest mood.

Does that mood have
to do with this party

That we're not going to tonight?

I wouldn't go to that party
if you paid me.

And that's because?

Because I'm just not feeling it.

I have never seen you turn down

Free food
and a chance to dress up.

Last year for cinco de mayo

We drove 10 miles out
of town to a gas station

Just for the free burrito
and a mini sombrero.

Why are you acting
so weird about this?

What's weird is going to a party

And listening to toasts
about eternal love

When one in three
marriages end in divorce.

And what, are you placing
your bets on this one?

Hanna, does this
have anything to do

With the guy
that ella's marrying?

He's just gross.

Okay, can you please be
a little bit more specific?

He's a sleaze.

He gave me his number
and he wants to meet up,

Although no one
seems to believe me.

I believe you, okay.

Why didn't you tell me?

It's not a big deal.

Yes, it is.
This dude...

It's embarrassing.

Right, for him.

Then why am I the one who
feels like crawling into a hole

And never coming out of it?

Let's just not talk
about this anymore.

You know what?

Um, there's just not
a lot to eat here.

So I'm gonna stop in maggiano's
and get you your favorite.

You just...
you stay here

And you watch the chickiest
chick flick that you can find.

All right?

I'll be back soon.


I need your approval.

You look amazing.

The necklace isn't too much?

No, it's perfect.

Okay, thanks.

Now I can relax.

When it comes to fashion,
you are my guru.


Are you sure that
you want to do this?

I mean,
maybe you should just wait.

Wait for what?

Aria, if you don't want
me to get married...

No, it has nothing to do
with you getting married.

It has... it has to do
with you marrying zack.

How well do you really know him?

Why are you saying that?

Was he inappropriate with you?

No, not with me.

Maybe he was with hanna.


Why did you go there right away?

Um, there was an incident
before we came here.

But I guess I just
explained it away

To myself
as pre-wedding jitters.

I'm so sorry, mom.


Me, too.

Hey, guys, make sure
to keep the chafing dishes

On the side
opposite the seafood.


Are you with the catering crew?

I just walked in.

Oh, sorry, man.

We're closed tonight
for a private event.

I'm not here for a latte.

I need to talk to you.

Uh, I'm actually
kind of busy right now.

Yeah, it sounds like
you've been busy.

Being the kind of scumbag

Who's begging
to get his ass kicked.

Excuse me?

Do you hit on all of aria's
friends or is it just hanna?

So I'm guessing
you're the boyfriend.

I respect you coming here.

Seriously, I do.

But, honestly, this is
just a misunderstanding.

That so?

She clearly took what
I said way too seriously.

I was just joking.

I don't know, man.

She has a pretty
good sense of humor

And she didn't
find you funny at all.

Well, I think your girlfriend's
just embarrassed.

I didn't want to have
to do this, but, uh...

I was only reacting
to the signals I was getting.

This isn't hanna.

Sorry to break the bad news,

But your girlfriend slipped
that into my pocket.

Don't worry.

I'm not coming
back for the party.

Only in consequence...

Uh, where's the food?

Caleb, where have you been?

He's a piece of crap,
but he has a strong jaw.

Caleb, you didn't.

Of course, I did.

Oh, my god.

Hanna, there's a problem.

Yeah, no kidding.

How is that going to explain
that he got a fat lip?

I didn't write this.

I know.

Do you think that "a"
decided to get in the mix?

Saw that zack was a dirtbag

And decided
to move things along?

This is why he got into my car.


Couldn't you find
somewhere to hide it?

And have noel kahn

Breaking into my bedroom?

No, thanks.

It's gonna take you forever to
get to the lake house and back.

You can't miss this party.

I'll be there.
Just save me a shrimp.

No, seriously.

I mean, aria's already
on a war path with hanna.

If it looks like
we're taking sides...

This is bigger than that.

These pictures
decimate alison's story

And once that falls apart,
we are next.

These have to be
in a safe place.

Just hurry.

Got a minute?

Why are you parked on my street?

I wanted to explain.

Is jenna hiding in the trunk?

Let me explain.

Why would I ever trust
anything you said again?

I met jenna a couple years ago.

I used to volunteer
at the school

For the visually-impaired.

Yeah, in philadelphia.

I was there the day
that alison came to visit jenna

And I pretty much glued jenna
back together when alison left.

That was a long time ago.

She's been through
a lot since then.

So has jenna.

And when she heard
alison was alive

And coming home, she panicked.

She felt totally alone,
so she reached out to me.


What exactly did
she ask you to do?

I mean, besides taking her
to her doctor's appointments?

She just wanted
to feel safe, I guess.

Make sure that alison...

Okay, forget alison.

You latched on to me, sydney,
giving me gifts,

Taking over
my weekends with training,

Telling me sob-stories
about how you had no one

Cheering for you
in the bleachers.

I didn't expect to like you.


I... I didn't know you'd
be such a decent person.

I guess I was
expecting you to be...

This is so messed up.

Oh, it's about to get messier.

I'm taking
that coaching position

Just so I can be in your face,

Watching you as much as I can.


I want to see you underwater
long enough for you

To feel that twinge of panic

When you need air
and you can't get it.

I want you to know

What it feels like
to be sucker-punched.


What the hell
are you doing here?

Give me the key.

Get out of here now.

I swear, noel,
get the hell out or I'll...

You'll what?

Call the cops?

Sure you want them to see
what you're hiding in here?

Get out of here!


You break into my car,

Steal something from me
and I'm the bad guy?


Give me the key.

Why do you even have that stuff?

And we know that it was you
that broke into hanna's house.

We know that
you're helping alison.

You know nothing.

Give me that key!

What are you two
gonna do next, huh?

What are you gonna
do with that stuff?

Talk to me!

Alison doesn't
even know I have it.

And if you tell her I do...

Wait, are you guys
working together or not?

Our friend likes
to throw away people

When she's done using them

And I need to be prepared, okay?

They aren't just
pictures, spencer.

It's proof that she
was never kidnapped.

You're going to blackmail her.

It's not blackmail.

It's insurance,
in case she turns on me.

And I need it back.

Where did you even get it,
those pictures, the tape?

Shana sent them to jenna.

And alison asked me to borrow
them from jenna's bedroom.

So you broke
into that house, too?


Minutes before it blew up.

Alison keeps
telling me I'm lucky

I got out when I did, but...

Part of me is starting to wonder

If that explosion
wasn't a coincidence.

What does she have on you, noel?

Why would you do this for her?

Enough questions.

Just give me the key, spencer.


Give it to me!


You stupid bitch!

You try that again
and I swear to god,

I will slit your face open.

That stuff is mine.

You're not the only one
who needs insurance, noel.

We need it, too.

And I promise you,

I will keep it in a much
safer place than this.


Now go.




I heard that
I could find you here.

Can I come in?

Oh, it's...
it's nice.

Could use a housekeeper.

Aren't you supposed to be
giving a toast right now?

What happened?

Nothing that hasn't
happened before.

Apparently, he's
a big jerk internationally.

Look, I'm not trying
to defend the guy,

But just so you know,
"a" stoked the fire.

It doesn't matter, hanna.

He took the bait.

Why didn't you believe me?

It wasn't... it wasn't so much
that I didn't believe you.

I guess I just wanted
to believe something else more.

That my mom could actually
find someone again...

Be happy.

I get that.

Will you forgive me?

So what do you think
really happened?

I don't know.

I mean, don't you
think it's weird

That aria's mom would
just get food poisoning

Right as everyone is showing up?

Weddings are tricky.

They churn up a lot of stuff.

the second time around.

There may be more to the story.


Someone's not telling the truth.

You like kale?

I'll eat anything as long
as it's not from the brew.

Oh, that's probably hanna.


Yes, lieutenant tanner,
she's here with me.


Well, no, I...

Her father doesn't get back
until early tomorrow.

What's going on?

But I can bring her.

No, I understand.

We'll be right down.

Thank you.

What's going on,
mrs. Marin?

What's wrong?

The police, they caught him.

Caught who?

The person who broke
in here last night.

They're questioning him

And they think
he's ready to talk.

They want you to go
down to the precinct

And answer some questions.

You won't have to do this alone.

I'll be with you.


Sorry, I thought everyone
would be at the party by now.

Do you need me to...

No, no, come in.
It's your house.

You were nice enough to let us
use it while you were gone.

Um, how was the conference?

It was fine.

Why aren't you at the party?

It was canceled.

'cause, you know,
it seems kind of silly

To have an engagement party

When you're no longer engaged.

Do you want to talk about it?

Not really.

But aria can fill you
in on everything,

Hopefully, after
I've checked into a motel.

I don't know why
I took all this out

Because I'm never
going to get it back in.

You'll do it.

You were always
really good at that...

Figuring out how to make
a small space work.

You know, sometimes
I still think about

Our first place together.

Remember that dump on east 6th?

What was the ad?

What did they call it?

It wasn't a studio.

It was something smaller.

A "bachelor".


Of course.

As if that explained why
the bathtub was in the kitchen.

Well, I guess they assumed
that bachelors don't bathe,

Which is why
they're still bachelors.

I felt so bad that I couldn't
get us something better.

You were already
pregnant with aria

And yet, you figured out
a way to make it seem big.

The skinny lamp that fit
in the sliver of space

Between the window
and the radiator.

Hiding the fact that you
could get yourself a soda

While washing your hair.

It was all about
a well-placed drape.

Ella, I don't really
know this guy,

But whoever doesn't realize

That you make this small world
seem so much bigger,

That person doesn't deserve you.

Is this your first
attempt to see her

After she ran away from you?

She didn't run away.

She jumped out of my car.

And you had her blindfolded.

That's right.

At least when I was around her.

Are you referring
to the car ride?


Since the day
she came away with me.

After I hit her.

Where did you hit her?

Back of the head.

I followed her into the yard

And I found a rock
and I hit her.

Then I carried her to my car.

Where did you take her?


A place I was staying
near south street.

Your home?

I was crashing there, yeah.

It was a basement.

Nobody else was there.

And you kept her locked up

In the basement all that time?

Can you turn the volume down?

Alison, is that him?

Is that the man
who kidnapped you?

The doctor's running
just a little behind.

It shouldn't be much longer.

You think you can
entertain yourself?

If you're cold,
I can turn down the ac.

He followed me into my yard.

And then he hit me
with that rock.

Next thing I knew
I woke up blindfolded.