Pretty Little Liars (2010–2017): Season 4, Episode 9 - Into the Deep - full transcript

Paige throws Emily a surprise birthday party; Mona's selfless act provides Hanna and her mother with their first bit of good news; Ezra gets some distressing news.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on Pretty Little Liars...

The MRI confirmed a partial
tear of the rotator cuff.

- What about swimming?
- There's a possibility of surgery.

- The outcome is unpredictable.
- So? Unpredictable can be good.

It's the gun... at least I think it is.

That gun was used to kill Detective Wilden,

and your mother's fingerprints
are on the bullets.

We entered a plea of not guilty,

but the judge refused to grant bail.

I'm gonna confess to
killing Detective Wilden.

You're gonna help me.

Suppose I'm the one who
actually set up your mother.

- Who are you?
- Beckett Frye.

- What are you doing here?
- Discovery in the Mrin case.

Do you know what's in there?

That is about Wilden and
Radley and Toby's mom.

What did the doctor say about your eyes?

I'll have good days and bad days.

On your darkest days you
know I'll be here for you.

- I'm not a Saint.
- Just because a man has been ordained...

If you're scared and you need help,

I'm here for you, without
any complications, okay?

I'd like to speak to a detective.

Mona Vanderwaal is at the police station.

She just walked in and
confessed to killing Wilden.

Why did you kill Detective Wilden?

I already told you. It was self-defense.

Then tell me about it again.

He grabbed me.

He was gonna kill me. I fought back.

And you pulled out a gun
and shot him three times.

No. For the fifth time, I shot him twice.

What did you hear Wilden
say at the Halloween party?

He was worried that Garrett
was gonna tell the truth

about what happened the night Alison died.

Garrett was killed on the train,

so why didn't you go to the police?

I was afraid I was gonna get into trouble.

I had snuck out of Radley that night.

You snuck out of a mental institution.

Many times.


Wilden was obsessed with trying to
pin Alison's murder on my friends.

So you tried to blackmail him.

Yes. But it didn't work.

Once he realized I knew he killed Garrett,

he became enraged.

And he wouldn't let go.

He left me with no choice.

I had to kill him.

You could have gotten away with this.

Why confess now?

I can't let my best friend's mom

go down for a murder she didn't commit.

I'll be right back.

Hey. Where were you?

I went back to the station
to see what I could find out.


Apparently after we left last
night, Mona made a full confession.

Did you girls put her up to this

thinking it would somehow help Ashley?

Of course not. Mom, we would
never do anything that stupid.

I knew Mona was devious,
but this is beyond anything

I ever thought she was capable of.

What makes you so sure
that she didn't do it?

Things she said in her confession
contradict some of the evidence.

Do you have any idea
why Mona would do this?

No. No, honest.

I hope not, because if you
girls are involved in any way,

it will really hurt your mother's case.

Please tell me you had
nothing to do with this.

Hanna was planning on doing what?

Why didn't she tell us all this last night?

I don't...

Huh? No. No, I'm... I'm still here.

I'm on my way, Spence, I just...

I had to say bye to Jake.

Well, after everything
that happened last night,

I didn't want to stay alone.
My dad's still in Syracuse.

What? No.

He slept on my couch.

See you soon.


Hey. Was that about Mona?

Oh. No, there's... still no update.

Um, that was Spencer.
I have to go meet her.


I thought we could grab
some breakfast at The Grille.

Ahh. You know, I'd really love to,

but she's helping me cram
for this history test, so...

Okay. Well, can't do anything
without a little caffeine, right?

We could stop by the brew on your way over.

My treat.

Okay, you slept on my couch. It's my treat.

I don't know what to think.

Well, I totally believe
Mona could have done it.

Hello? She ran Hanna over with a car.

I just can't help but feel that
Mona's gonna somehow drag us into this.

Can we take a Mona break
for like two seconds

and talk about your birthday?

It's not until tomorrow.

Who knows, by then I could
be wearing an orange jumpsuit.

Well, then we need to
make tonight extra-special.

I got the key to my aunt's lake house.

How about a quite night,
just the two of us?

- What's this?
- An early birthday gift.

Dominic trains a lot of
division one swimmers.

Yeah, and a few gold medalists, too.

I made an appointment for you to meet
with him in Philly this afternoon.

Today? Why?

Because I want you to
know what your options are.

Paige, I have an injury. I can't swim.

Right now. But no one said
you could never swim again.

Or that you have to go
to college next year.

My mom and I are looking at
three colleges next weekend.

State schools that you
don't really want to go to.


you could take a year off.

And train. And spend the next
four years doing what you love

with the person that you love.

You'll meet with him, right?


Thanks. So, uh,

is your dad coming home tonight?

I just... I just want to make
sure you're not home alone again.

Uh, yeah, he gets back in this afternoon.

We're gonna have a family
movie night tonight.

- Hmm.
- I wanted you to be

the first to know I got into grad school.

I'm finally gonna get
my masters in education.

- Great.
- Yeah, it's not Columbia teachers college,

but it's still a really great program

and they offered me a
stipend if I teach one class.


All right, well, I should probably go.

But thank you much again for last night.


Uh, bye.

I mean, university of
Washington is in the top ten.

I'm... I'm sorry, did you
sa University of Washington?


As in Seattle, Washington?

Yeah. I know it's not ideal.

Well, ideal would be in this area code.

It's the only school that offered me money.

You're still gonna see Malcolm,
Ezra, just not every day.

You mean not most days.

You'll have the summers off,
and he'll have breaks too.

I need to do this. It's
important for my future.

And Malcolm's.

Nobody confesses to a
murder they didn't commit.

I think Mona was just trying to help.

You send care packages

with fresh soap and new
underwear if you want to help;

you don't volunteer to
spend your life in prison.

Whatever Mona was trying to do,

she certainly got judge Reilly's attention.

- What do you mean?
- I just received an email.

Not only are you not being transferred,

but Mona's confession created enough doubt

that she's finally agreed
to set bail for you.

They... they dropped the charges?

No, not unless they find something

to corroborate her confession.

So the trial is still moving forward.

As of now, yes. But at
least you can wait for it

from your own home.

Oh. There is one more thing.

Since Wilden was a police officer,
the bail is set higher than usual.

How high?

A million dollars.

So that's the full tour.

The pool is amazing.

I mean, your facilities
are really outstanding.

Five minutes. Then I want you
changed and hitting the weights.

- There's no slackin' here.
- I can see that.

Everyone's in great shape.


So your friend mentioned
you were thinking of

holding off college for a year to train.

Uh, I'm considering it.

Please, have a seat.

Let me tell you a little
about how I run things.

We work out six days a week.

Four hours in the pool,
one hour of weight training.

I also monitor what you eat,
drink, and how much you sleep.

Have I scared you yet?

No. No, I've worked really
hard the last four years,

both with the team and on my own.

That's great, but there's a big difference

between being a top high school
swimmer and a championship swimmer.

I know the difference.

Let's have a look at your recruiting video.

Dad, I know it's a lot of money,

but you only have to put up ten
percent of the million dollars.

You've seen where she is!
We can't leave her in there!

Well, try harder.


You all right?

Yeah, I'm fine.

I left you a few messages.

Yeah, I know.

It's just with everything going on...

Of course. I understand.

I think about your mom all the time.

I mean, I wish there was
something I could do to help her.

She acts like she can
handle being in there.

But I know she's trying to
put up a front to protect me.

She's a strong woman, Hanna.
She'll get through this.

Well, I don't know if I will.

They can leave her in there forever,

and it doesn't look like my dad's gonna
come up with a hundred grand anytime soon.

What do you need that kind of money for?

It's what she needs to post bail.

Caleb's trying to sell his car,

but it's not gonna be nearly enough.

You need to have faith
things will work out.


I don't need faith.

I need money.

How long are you gonna be gone for?

Shouldn't take me more than four
or five days to find an apartment.

I already have a few leads.

Maybe Malcolm could stay here with me.

That way he doesn't miss any school.

I'm looking at tickets for a Saturday,

so it'll only be a day or two.

I'd really prefer if he didn't miss any.

I'll drop him off here
on my way to the airport.

Thank you.

Have you talked to him about moving yet?

Not yet.

It's not gonna be easy
for him, leaving Rosewood.

He's really comfortable here.

He's a really tough kid. He'll adapt.

You're gonna be so busy with school,

and he's not gonna know anybody out there.

He's good at making new friends.

He could always stay here with me.

I mean, I have more free time than you.

I'm not gonna leave my son behind, Ezra.

He needs to be with his mother.

And it's equally important for
him to spend time with his father.

Yes, but I'm the one who's been there
for him for the past seven years.

And whose fault is that?

You know, I think it's best
Malcolm comes with me next weekend.

I'll talk to his teachers, make
sure he doesn't miss any assignments.

Hanna's convinced Mona did all this

as a way to right all the wrongs.

When has Mona ever done anything
out of the goodness of her heart?

What heart?

She told the police
that we bullied her once.

She could do it again.

- What, like we forced her to confess?
- Yeah.

And she still has that
picture that "A" sent

of the four of us standing
outside of Wilden's car that night.

Yeah, but Mona was there, too.

Not according to the picture.

- Check it out.
- You took this?

Yeah, I took it at a meet last year.

She's gonna love it.

Okay, we should go.

I told Paige we'd be at her
aunt's house in like 20 minutes.

With everything that's going on,

I still don't understand why
she's throwing this party.

Emily's been living like
a refugee for days now.

I think Paige just thought she
at least deserved a piece of cake.

Shana, they know I'm hiding something.

If the cops really thought that,

you'd still be there answering questions.

I should have told them about Alison.

It's too dangerous.

It's too dangerous not to
say anything at this point!

Just give me a little more
time to figure out where she is.

I don't have much time left.

I'm not leaving your side

until I take you back
to Philly in the morning.


This'll all be over soon.


Your mother has a guardian angel.

My bail was posted anonymously.

I guess that's how your
dad got around Isabelle.

Well, at least he did it.

Okay, so what do you want to do first?

You wanna take a bath? Do you wanna eat?

- I got all your favorites.
- Aw.

What's that?


tracks where I am.

Every second of the day.

It'll beep like that once in a while

when it links to the satellite,
but you'll get used to it.

Yeah. I assure you it's not
something I'm gonna get used to.

Just remember, you can't leave the house

unless it's for a court date
or a medical appointment.

You think this thing will
detect a sip of chardonnay?

That thing will detect
a whiff of chardonnay.

Look, I know that these
rules are upsetting,

but it's better than
the alternative, right?

This is true.

Veronica, thank you for everything.

You're welcome.

Try to relax, get some sleep.

- I'll call you tomorrow, okay?
- Okay.

Should we call dad and thank him?

After we eat.

I haven't had a decent meal in days.

You didn't get a tattoo while
you were in there, did you?

You're pulling too much water.

And that flip toe is too far from the wall.

I won this race. It was
actually my best time all season.

You've got some bad habits and your
technique could use some improvement.

But you got a lot of potential.

If you're willing to
commit, I can help you.

- Really?
- Yes.

But we need to start right away.

We're already behind.

Yeah, just as soon as my shoulder heals.

- Heals?
- Paige didn't tell you?

I tore my rotator cuff a few weeks ago.

I might need surgery.

Emily, with an injury like that,
I wouldn't put you in the pool

for at least six months.

That's even if you don't have surgery.

But you can still help me, right?

After losing that much time,

I can't promise that you'll be
ready for next year's scholarships.

Oh. What do you think the odds are?


At best.

Emily, I'm sorry.

Had your friend told me
how serious the injury was,

I could have saved you the trip down here.


Am I crazy, or did it sound like Jenna

was saying she knows Alison's alive?

That or she knows who killed her.

Either way, this could lead to "A"

and who's setting up Hanna's mom.

Yeah, but Jenna's not just gonna tell us.

Well, she might if we could
pry her away from Shana.

Jenna's really vulnerable right now,

and not just because she's
losing her sight again.

How does that even happen, anyway?

One minute you have it, the
next minute, poof, it's gone?

Well, Toby said that that operation
has a really low success rate,

so apparently she's one
of the unfortunate ones.

Hey, has Toby had any luck in New York?

He traced that number
back to an empty apartment,

and the landlord said that
it was rented out to a girl.

He wouldn't give the name, but
he did give a forwarding address.

- To where?
- A P.O. box in Philly.

He's on his way back
from New York right now.


Guys, Em's gonna be here at 6:30.

We gotta hurry up.

Oh, did you invite the whole swim team?

Yeah. But don't worry, Shana won't show up.

I made it clear she was unwelcome.

Could you call her and make it unclear?

We kind of need her to come.


Because until tomorrow morning,

wherever Shana goes, Jenna goes.

So sorry to bother you at home with this.

Don't be. I understand
how upsetting this is.

Now, I know a lot of family
lawyers, but Greg is the best.

Do you think I have a chance?

It's not my area of expertise,
but I know it won't be easy.

- Why is that?
- For one,

you haven't been involved in
your son's life until recently.

That's because I didn't know
he existed until recently.

And two, you aren't listed as the
father on his birth certificate.

So what are you saying,

that I don't have any rights?

Not until you establish paternity.

But Greg can help you with that.

Can he help me prevent
Maggie from moving to Seattle?

It's possible... but it'll be a battle.

One that will take time and money

and be an emotional
strain on you and Maggie.

Are you sure you want to pursue this?

I'm sure.

No, no, they're not here yet,

but I'll text you when they show up, okay?

And give your mom a "welcome
home" hug for me. Bye.

- Hi.
- Hi. Where's Spencer?

Um, I don't know.

Last time I saw her she was
trying to stop Tommy Hayes

from power-dipping the guacamole.

Huh. Help me get everybody hidden?

Emily just texted she'll
be here in a minute.

Yeah, of course. Okay,
you guys, let's go hide.

She's almost here. Everybody.

Okay, guys.

She's here. Everybody get ready.

Somebody get the lights.

Hey, birthday girl.

Everything okay?

Why did you lie to Dominic?


Hi! Happy Birthday!

Hey, Paige, I thought
you might want to know

that Bridget Woo is in your kitchen.

She's trying to make a bong
out of your aunt's teapot.

So, did you know Paige
was gonna plan all this?

No. She's been full of surprises lately.

Yeah, well I've got another one for you.

Jenna's back, and she's
knocking into walls.

Ted. Hi.


How did you know I was home?

Word travels fast in Rosewood.


I just wanted to stop by, welcome you back.

You brought pie.

Thank you.

I tried visiting you, but
they wouldn't let me in.

They were honoring my request.
I didn't want to see anyone.

I was ashamed.

You shouldn't be.

You didn't deserve to go through this.

The thought of you being in there is...

look, I know you have a lot of
catching up to do with Hanna,

but when you settle in, I'd
love to take you to dinner.

It'll have to be in my kitchen.

How do you like my new accessory?

Anything looks good on you.

Do you want to stay for some pie?


Paige said that Coach
Fulton was gonna be here.

I have to show my face. I
need to stay on her good side.

It was hard enough coming back
to this town in the first place,

and now I have to be around them?

And me.

I'll be with you the whole time.

We'll be in and out.

Hey. Are you okay?



Jake's here.

I lied to him about
what I was doing tonight.

Ooh. Well, where is he?

He's over there with that
blond with giraffe legs.

I don't even recognize her. Who is that?

She's on the swim team.


They certainly look cozy.

Yeah, she's trying real hard.

Clearly he's enjoying it. Look at him.

Why don't you go over
there and talk to him?

What? And interrupt the flirt fest? No.

Um, are you forgetting that he
spent last night on your couch?

Yeah, but he came to the party with her.

I thought you weren't that into him.

I'm not.

They're here.

Why didn't you tell Dominic I was injured?

I wanted to make sure he'd see you.

You know...

for a minute there I actually thought

maybe this could happen for me.

Maybe things could go
back to the way they were.

If he won't train you, we
can find someone who will.

He'll train me.

He just doesn't think I'll be
ready in time to get a scholarship.

We can get another opinion.

Why are you pushing this so much?

I know how badly you want to swim.

Or you mean how badly you want me to swim?

What do you think's gonna happen
if I don't go to Stanford with you?

Three thousand miles is a long way.

Four years is a long time.

A lot can happen.

We have to face facts.

We're not gonna be together next year.

- Is your coach here?
- Not yet.

Wow, look who's back in town.

It's nice to see you, Jenna.

Aria. Spencer.

Are you having problems
with your eyes again?

I see everything that I need to.

Is there something you guys want?

Yeah, we're getting the team
together for a photo for Emily.

So can you come outside?

When everyone else is
there, we'll come out.



You keep an eye on them and
I'll get everybody outside.


Well, if you must know...

Hey, dad. I don't know if
you got my earlier text,

but I just want to thank
you again for helping mom,

so call me back when you get this.

I love you. Bye.


- I've been calling you all day. Are you okay?
- I will be.

I can't believe they let you go.

They need proof, Hanna,
before they can arrest me.

People make false confessions all the time.

Mona, why did you do this?

Sorry, I can't chat. I'm not
supposed to be on the phone.

I just wanted to make sure
your mom got out on bail.

Yeah. Yeah, she's home, but...

You're welcome.




- Family movie night, huh?
- Look, ya know,

with everything that's going on, I
totally spaced about Emily's party.

Yeah, all right. You don't have to lie.

No, I didn't lie.

It's not like you had to
invite me. We're not dating.

It completely slipped my mind. Honestly.

So... who's Barbarella over there?

- Name's Kim.
- She's pretty.

If you're into the tall,
statuesque model type.

You okay?

Yeah. I'm perfect.

Looks like the two of you have
been having a great time together.

Wait. So you don't want me
to go the party with you,

but you don't want me
to go with anyone else?

- I didn't say that.
- You're not jealous?

Why would I be? We're not dating.

Yeah, right.

We're just friends.

I... need to go find Spencer.

Yeah, I...

should get back to Kim.

There's a lot of people who
came to see you here tonight.

Think you can go back inside and at
least pretend to have a good time?

Yeah. I can do that.

We've been here for over half
an hour. Can we please leave?

I haven't seen coach yet.

Your teammates can tell her
that you stopped by. Please?

- Please.
- Yeah.

Okay. Let's go.

Jenna. I need to talk
to you before you leave.

- Alone.
- About what?

- Alison.
- Jenna, let's go.

I heard you talking
about her at school today.

You were spying on us?

We're out of here.

Jenna, wait.

Look, I know exactly how you feel about me,

but Ali was my best friend,

so if you know anything about
her, you have to tell me.

- I don't have to tell you anything.
- Time for cake!

Jenna, wait!

That was delicious. Did
you make that yourself?

With some divine
intervention. Belmont Bakery.

You wash, I'll dry?

You know, I'm actually
looking forward to doing both.


I should get going. Let you get some rest.

Well, before you do, I think
I owe you an explanation.

You don't owe me anything.

I want to explain.

Wilden and I had a history.

I did some things I'm not proud of.

Things... he knew about,

and he...

he tried to use them to hurt me and Hanna.

He was a corrupt cop, Ashley.

I saw him... the night he was murdered.

We had an argument.

I know you didn't kill him.

No, I didn't. But...

I could have.

Everyone has their limits.


Can I drop off dinner for
you and Hanna tomorrow night?

Only if you stay and eat with us.

It's a date.


Oh. Um, just do me a favor.

Don't run. I've got a lot riding on you.

Hey, have you seen Spencer?

Yeah, she went outside to look for Jenna.

- I'll come with you.
- Okay.


- Hi.
- Hey.

Are you headin' out already?

Yeah. Gotta get up early tomorrow.


Where's Kim?

Inside. Saying goodbye
to a couple of people.

She'll be out in a minute.


Oh, my God!

What is it?


Oh, my God!


Jenna! Oh, my God!

I thought she was inside!

What happened?

Get a phone!

She's not breathing!

Somebody call 911!

She can barely see.
There's no way she'd walk

all the way over to the lake on her own.

Did somebody push her in?

I think somebody hit her first.

There was blood on the back of her head.

What? Is she gonna be okay?

What hospital did they take her to?

I gotta go. I'll call you in the morning.

Hey. Who you talkin' to so late?

Oh. I was just wishing
Emily Happy Birthday.

Listen, I just got off
the phone with your father.

he didn't put up the bail money.

It was Ted.


Wow. He must... really like you

to put up that kind of money.

I guess so.

So what's gonna happen next?

We can think about that tomorrow.

I still can't believe you were
the one who saved Jenna Marshall.

Who would do this to her?

We don't anyone did for sure.

She had a gash on the
back of her head, Paige.

She could have fallen in,
hit her head on a rock.

I think someone wanted to make sure

we didn't find out what
she knows about Alison.

Thanks for coming over.


I keep thinking if Emily
had pulled that girl out

just a couple of seconds later,

she probably wouldn't be here.

I knew your life was complicated,

but I didn't know it
was anything like this.

I've had a long history
with Mona and Jenna.

If I explained everything,

we'd be here till I graduated.

I'm starting to see why
you're so on edge all the time.

I feel safe when I'm with you, though.

And I'm sorry if I ruined
your night or anything.

Kim's just a friend, Aria.

Look, I was really glad
when you stayed over, and...

Yeah, I was pretty jealous tonight.

I... I just... I don't see how I can
involve anyone else in my life right now,

it's like I'm either spinning in circles

or I'm in a constant state of free-fall.

Maybe you can let someone else
help you navigate for a while.

See what happens.

Okay, yeah.

Maybe I could.

Ya know, and see what happens.

So on a scale from one to ten,

how jealous were you tonight?


Em, are you asleep?

Hey. Have you seen Toby?

He's with his parents,
talking to the doctor.

I'm waiting to see her.
She's still not conscious.

Hey. Who did this to her?

All I know is nothing good every
comes from being around you four.

Please. Shana...

you could be next.

Or me.

Was it Ali?

Alison? She's dead.

Well, then who is Jenna so afraid of?


Cece Drake.