Pretty Little Liars (2010–2017): Season 2, Episode 7 - Surface Tension - full transcript

The girls are uneasy as each confronts complicated matters. Ezra and Jason are invited to a dinner party at the Montgomerys and vie for Aria's attention.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
on "Pretty Little Liars".

It's beautiful.

Is that Aria?

- Answer me!
- Yeah.

Why do you care
that Jason's moved back?

Look, this isn't something
for you to worry about, Spencer,

but for the time being, you stay
away from Jason DiLaurentis.

Mike broke
into your house?

- Never got in, actually.
- What were you looking for?

I won't do it again.
Just, please...

Don't tell.

It wasn't lan
who hired Logan Reed --

the guy who delivered
the money in the woods.

- Count it if you like.
- I believe you.

I never expected to feel this
kind of loss over leaving you.

I spoke to Hanna's mom,
and she said

that she could
look after you.

You mean I could stay
with them?

I thought
you left this morning

to go to your house where
your fiancée Isabel lives.

No, you're staying here because
you're still in love with mom.

I thought you were getting
your own room.

That was before the pipes
went off behind the walls.

They had to fix the pipes
and put the wall back in,

- so we're roomies till then.
- It'll be fun.

I know, it's gonna be like
a sleepover than never ends.

Has Garrett called you
about Ian's messenger?

Not a sound.

Guys, we dragged
Garrett into this.

We just gotta trust him.

We're trusting him
with Ian's $10,000,

and I could've used
some of that

to replace
Melissa's ring.

And if they traced the money
from Ian to you?

How would
you explain that?

I just don't
like waiting.

If we're too quiet, "A" will
get bored and stir the pot.

And if we say something,
"A" is gonna smack us down.

I don't wanna walk
into another "A-stravaganza"

like that fashion show.

God, the look on
Mrs. DiLaurentis's face.

This... isn't just about

making us look like bitches
anymore, is it?

No. It's about
keeping us quiet.


Because "A" might really
be the one who killed Ali.

That's what we're all
thinking, isn't it?

Why else go through all the
trouble of setting up Ian?

You guys.

Look at the card.

"What fun

"Two little liars
under one roof".

"You're making it
so easy".


It's not even good candy.

♪ Got a secret ♪

♪ can you keep it? ♪

♪ Swear this one you'll save. ♪

♪ Better lock it
in your pocket ♪

♪ taking this one
to the grave. ♪

♪ If I show you
then I know you ♪

♪ won't tell what I said. ♪

♪ 'Cause two
can keep a secret ♪

♪ if one of them is dead. ♪

It's really not
that dressy,

just a couple people coming
over like we used to do.

I know, but it's the first
one since you moved back in.

You look lovely
in both.

- You talk like a mom.
- Thank you.

Mike, breakfast
in five minutes.

Gotta go.

He eats at school.
I've seen him.

I like that one.


It makes you look
very grown up.

Byron, did
you catch Mike?

No, he escaped
before I could grab him.

But he knows
we want him here.

He knows, I just want
to make sure

he doesn't blow it off
at the last minute.

Nancy Partha called.

Elliott finally
approved a sitter,

so they
will be here.

The Scotacs won't.
He called.

His mother fell off
her riding mower.

Oh. Is she all right?

Bruised hip.
Shredded azaleas.


So, just us
and the Parthas?

Well, I was thinking
I would invite Ezra Fitz.

He met Elliott.
They got along really well.

It's kind
of short notice.

Ezra still seems
a little lost around campus.

He's not Aria's teacher
anymore, he's a colleague,

so no conflict of interest.

I'll tell him he can
invite a date.

Hmm. That should
be interesting.

♪ The more they come,
the more they go. ♪

♪ It's not a lie
I know you told me so. ♪

♪ But it all,
all, all works out. ♪

Oh! Hi. Perfect timing.

Emily, you didn't
have to do this.

I wanted to. I want to thank you
for letting me stay here.

You're welcome.
It's great to have you here.

Please, sit.

Are you gonna do this
every morning?

My mom always says
not to wait

until you're leaving
to say thank you.

How is your mom?
Have you talked to her?

Uh, yeah, I spoke to her
after my run.

It's dad.
He'll come by later.

Did you throw your back out
flipping the omelets?

I upped my training,

and it's taking a while
to get used to it.

Oh, toast's up.

So, how much of a tip
should we leave her?

Watch out, I might go
for the daughter upgrade.

Spencer, are you sure
Toby can handle it?

Yeah, he can do
the prep work

while Melissa and mom
are out of town.

You know, it's not
just the barn.

I want to clear out everything
back to the property line.

He can do that,
and then

you can make sure
that the contractor

hires him for
the nursery extension.

I think we owe him.

Yes. Yes, we do.

He can get the back
of the barn ready

before Jason
finishes that fence.

Oh, there's not
gonna be a fence.

- There isn't?
- No, I stopped that.

Called the surveyor.
He was building on our property.

That family is nothing
if not consistent,

always crossing the line.

Just have Toby
call me, okay?

- See you downstairs.
- Okay.

You have to come up
with an excuse.

Just call up my dad and
say thanks but no thanks.

I already said yes.

Okay, change your mind.

I just don't want
to spend a quiet evening

with my parents,
you, and your date.

I'm not
bringing anybody.

- It's still a bad idea.
- It's a good idea.

Matter of fact,
it's your good idea.

Look, if we're ever gonna
figure out what happens next,

we need to find a way for your parents
to see us together as a couple.

Didn't really work
last time.

We weren't going to get off to a
good start over an open grave.

But... at
your parent's house,

a nice,
adult atmosphere...

They'd get used
to seeing us

across from them
at the table.

My dad did say you're
not my teacher anymore,

so it wouldn't be
a conflict of interest.

You wanted a baby step.
This could be it.

But only if you say so.



So, what are you making
tomorrow, French toast?

Does your mom like
French toast?

It's a joke,
attempt at humor.

I don't want to be
a bad guest.

Em, you're not a guest.
It's your house now. Relax.

This is me relaxed.

Well, then, we're gonna
have to work on that.

I'm gonna catch up
with you inside.


- Hi.
- Hey.

What was that?

I just got stiffed.

I totally pimped that guy's
phone, and now he won't pay.

What are you gonna do?

Well, I can't take him
to small-claims court.

Well, that wouldn't happen
if you went legit.

Legit is in the eye
of the beholder.

Is your foster mom still
giving you support checks?

Yeah, but that's
just room and board.

I need
investment capital.

Look, Caleb, you know
that if you need money...

If I do, I will
figure it out.

You don't have to fight
all of my fights.



Missed you this morning.

Just wanted to remind you

that we have people
coming over tomorrow night.

I don't think
I can make it.

Well, it's kind of important.

I've got stuff.

Well, Elliott Partha's coming.
You remember him.

He's the lacrosse coach
at Hollis.

I thought this would be
a good opportunity -- - I'm busy.


I want you to make
yourself unbusy.

This is very important.
It's the first family party

we've had since
your mom has been back,

and we want you here.




You don't
waste any time.

These days, if somebody
offers me a job,

I don't give them a chance
to change their mind.

Well, I figure
I can set up a chair

and just fan myself
while I watch you work...

Or I can make you
a grilled cheese sandwich.

Mm, I'd like both.

Toby! Thought you'd
start tomorrow.

I was just clearing
the ground.

I was thinking about what you
might want to do with the barn.

I'm not an architect,
but I made some sketches.

These are great.

- Can I keep these?
- Sure.

Uh, I'm kind of sweaty.

Yeah, well,
I can handle it.

- Mom.
- Hey!

Look who I ran into.

Hello, Aria.


I just dropped by
to see Mr. Ellis.

Oh, the guidance

Jason offered to talk to some
of our at-risk students.

Stoners in training,
like I was.

I'm gonna tell them that
there is life after high school.

Well, I'd better
get going.

And thanks again for the note
you sent my mom.

It really meant
a lot to her.

Really? I'm so glad.

So, can I bring
anything tomorrow?

- No, please. Just yourself.
- Tomorrow?

Yeah, I invited
Jason to dinner.

See you tomorrow night.

Why did you invite
him to dinner?

What do you mean?
Is there a problem?

No, just a little surprised,
I guess.

You sent Mrs.
Dilaurentis a note?

Yes, after the fashion show.

That's why you invited him,
because of what happened?

I suppose that was
partly the reason,

but, you know, his family's
been through a lot,

and I thought he could use
some human companionship.

Don't you?

I guess so.

- Aria, the fashion show --
- I told you!

Mom, it wasn't any of us.

And I believe you,
but it was somebody,

and I don't like the idea
of anybody terrorizing my kids,

so if there's somebody at school that
your father and I need to know about --

No, it's just a stupid prank.
It didn't mean anything.

Okay, well, if you think
of something, anything,

let me know.


Oh, and your dad said
Mr. Fitz can come.


You probably want to get used
to calling him Ezra.


♪ I want you to break ♪

♪ want you to say my name ♪

♪ what is it gonna take ♪

♪ tonight, I'll
tear you apart ♪

- Hanna.
- ♪ off the charts ♪

- Hanna!
- ♪ I will break ♪

Hey, okay, my earbuds were in.
You couldn't even hear my music.

That didn't stop you
from singing.

How'd I sound?


You know, we should do

a video together,
like all of us.

Not tonight.

Are you okay?

It's nothing.

What was going on
with Caleb this morning?


He still has business?

Yeah, he does.

How do you feel
about that?

You sound like Dr. Sullivan.

And you didn't
answer my question.

So, you having fun
at Hanna's?

Every night's a sleepover,
even school nights.

- Uh-oh.
- No uh-oh.

I'm lucky it worked out
the way it did.

Very lucky.

- Morning.
- Morning.

Hey, did you talk
to Garrett yet?

Not yet. I've been slammed with
practice and the new workout.

Okay, uh, well,
do you want me to try?

Yes. You're better at getting
people to talk, anyway.

- I am?
- You are.

Yeah. Tag up
later, okay?

- Okay, bye.
- Bye.

Will you come with me
to talk to Garrett?

I can't. I told my mom I'd go
home and help her with dinner.

Oh! That's right.

It's "guess who's coming
to dinner" night.

You're so
not helping.

No, it's gonna go
better than you think.

Trust me, Mr. Fitz
will knock 'em dead.

It's not just Ezra.

My mom invited Jason.

Wait, she did what?

Yeah, he was here at school,
and she was talking to him,

and invited him
to dinner.

She invited him
into your house?


She said she feels
sorry for him.

But I guess
I understand.

I'm late.

Logan Reed quit his job
at the messenger service

after Emily talked to him.

She scared him.

She scared him plenty.

He's registered
at Hollis college,

but no one's seen him
in class for a week.

He's been crashing
with a buddy,

but, uh, buddy
says he's gone.


This guy can't stay
underwater for long.

We'll find him.

If I hear anything,
I'll call you, okay?


But, uh, Spencer,

don't expect to find
any surprises here.

All these loose ends,

they're all gonna lead
back to the same place.


I had a feeling
you would call.

Did Hanna say anything

about what happened
at the fashion show?

I didn't press her on it.

What do you
think that was?

Well, you know
about mean girls.

They had 'em
when we were in school.

Not like this,
we didn't.

No, not like this.

And I don't think
this just started.

I think it's been
going on for a while,

and we're just now
noticing it.

I think you're right.

- You do?
- Alison?

Hanna being hit
by that car?

Ian in the bell tower,
everything else?

It's easy
to get paranoid,

start seeing connections where
there aren't any connections.

I just knew
if I didn't speak

to another parent
about this,

my head was going
to explode.

Who else have
you talked to?

Well, Emily's mom
is in Texas,

and I didn't really want
to do this over the phone.

The Hastings?

I'll tell you
one thing.

I think we rolled over
way too quickly

on that therapist deal,
separating the girls?

I am not gonna do
that again.

It seemed to make sense
at the time.

That was about
helping anyone.

That was about
Peter Hastings.

Never met a problem
he couldn't buy off,

one way or the other.

What have you got there?

Oh, I was just
clearing the Ivy, and...

Where was this?

Right here, about half a foot
down on the property line.

I'll take care of it.

What is it?

Nothing to worry about.

Why would
somebody bury it?

It's all right, Toby.

- I said I'll take care of it.
- Okay.

Is everything okay?

Has he noticed
we're gone?

Does he...
looks anxious at all?

- Thanks, Byron.
- Thought you were kidding.

No kidding.

I may have carried
the baby for nine months,

but Elliott's planning to carry
him straight through college.

If you ever need a sitter,
you should call me.

- I'd love to do it.
- That'd be great!

Just stop by the house
with a blood sample.

The background check
won't take more than an hour.

Hey, where's Mike?

Well, he promised
he'd be here, so...

Uh, yeah, he's
on his own clock.

You'll find out
about that soon enough.


So glad you could make it.

Thank you
for inviting me.

- Thank you.
- For you.


Hi, Ezra.

I'll put these
in some water.

Ezra! Hey.

Byron. A gift
for the host.

Whoa, this is
serious scotch.

Well, always
works for me.

- Uh, Byron? Help?
- Excuse me.

Isn't that the scotch
you said tasted

like diet cola
and iodine?

Yes, until I asked the guy at the
liquor store what your dad liked.

This is Nancy Partha.
This is Ezra.

Hi, Ezra Fitz.

Nice to meet you.

Good to see
you, Elliott.

Hey. Come in.

Sorry I'm late.

Uh, no, it's fine.


- A hockey stick?
- Part of one.

It was snapped off
at the handle,

and the blade
was splintered,

like somebody used it
to hit something hard.

And it was buried?

I thought it was
some old junk,

- until your dad saw it.
- What did he say?

At first, I thought
he was angry.

Now I think he
might've been scared.

It was white
and blue.

Those are rosewood colors.

There was a piece of tape
on what was left of the handle.

It had "Hastings"
written on it.

Was that yours
or Melissa's?

It's just an old practice stick
I use sometimes.

- It was Melissa's.
- It'll do.

No, it's like this.


Ali, when did you become
so interested in field hockey?

I'm not.


I'm just considering
my options.

Oh! Maybe you're
interested in someone

who's interested
in field hockey?

Boys don't play
field hockey.

You don't have to play the game
to be interested.

That's the same stick that Toby
found buried behind my house.

- Are you sure?
- Absolutely the same one.

How did it get
in your backyard?

Well, you don't bury
old sporting equipment, but...

you do bury
murder weapons.

Are you serious?

It was in Ali's bedroom

the summer she was killed.

Anybody could've used it.



Mom wants you.

- Why?
- I don't know.

She didn't say why,
okay? Just go.

I got better things
to do than hunt you down.

- Like what?
- What's this for?

- It's for me.
- Oh, yeah?

- Give it back.
- Oh, yeah?

- Give it back, Jason.
- Or what?

Be careful!


Too bad.

You're not gonna get
a second chance, Ali.

Jason was in the house
that summer.

- But so was Ian.
- Yeah, but Jason is the one

who says he can't remember
the night Ali disappeared,

and I'm starting to think
that is awfully convenient.

Spencer, look,

this could just be
"A" playing with us again.

Except that we
didn't find this.

Somebody else did, and if
my dad hadn't stopped Jason

from building that fence,
no one ever would've found it.

What's your dad
saying about this?

I haven't spoken
to him yet.

He's in a meeting.
He won't be home till late.


Hey, I gotta go.

Aria, think
about this.

Think about what
this means.

I'll think about it. Bye.

Em, you don't have
to go to the library.

It won't bother me
if you study here.

All due respect,
studying here

is like studying
at the mall.

I study at the mall
all the time.

Yeah, well,
I'm different.

Is this a gay thing?

No, it's a brain thing.


Hello. Good-bye.

Was it something
I said?

She's just so studious,
that's all.

Your mom home?

No, she's out to dinner
with my dad.


What's that mean?

It means... "Oh."

I was either going
to Japan or Europe.

I ended up biking
through Connor Pass

on my way to Kerry.

So, why did you
pick Ireland?

I love Joyce
and Beckett.

I wanted to see
where they started.

And you did it
by bike? That's great.

I've got a bike
in my garage.

Every morning
it mocks me.

Oh, you'll get
back on it.

Just have to add
a baby seat.

- You cycle?
- Uh, some, yeah.

When I first took off from
college, I did the Kona coast.

That's where they have
the triathlon, right?

Yeah, I wanted
to clear my head

before I came back here.
Riding those lava fields

is like being
on the moon, you know?

That's intense.

Yeah, it's
what I needed.

- Aria.
- Hi.

Are your parents home?

Mom? Dad?

- Hi, Barry.
- Sorry to interrupt,

but it's about Mike.

He's okay, but we have
a situation.

What kind
of situation?

Looks like he broke
into a house.

- He what?
- Over on Morrison.

There's gotta be
some kind of mistake.

I'm afraid not.
It's Mike.

He must've thought
the place was empty.

Homeowner grabbed him
and called us.

He's at the station now.

If I could get you
to come down there...

Yes, of course.
Do you want to stay here?

No, no,
we'll both go.

Aria. Aria,
please stay here.



Hey. Glad
I caught you.

I wanted to talk to you
about today.

Is this about
the hockey stick?

I thought it was junk
from the DiLaurentis's yard.

I have a real problem
with them.

It said "Hastings"
on the stick.

Yeah, I realized that.
I also realized

it might've looked a little
strange, my taking it that way.

I didn't want you to get the wrong idea.
It was nothing.

Um, you know, in fact,
if you talk with Spencer,

don't bother mentioning
it to her, okay?

Too late.

You told her.

Didn't know
I shouldn't.

What'd she say?

It didn't seem to mean
anything to her.

There's no point in telling her
about this conversation, is there?

No, sir.

Good night, Toby.

Thanks for all
the hard work.

Good night,
Mr. Hastings.

- Hey, I got this.
- No, no.

I kind of just want
to keep moving.


The Parthas took
that salad, right?

Yeah, they just
wanted to go home.

Separation anxiety.

Not the anticipated
evening, was it?


You were doing
really well.

I was, wasn't I?

Yeah. Do you practice
much at home?

Oh, just the initial
hellos and smile.

So, uh, who's Jason?

- He's Ali's brother.
- No, I know that.

I just didn't know he was
friends of the family.

Yeah, my mom
and his mom are friends.


I'm gonna go see
if he wants more coffee.

Great, I'll run
the dishwasher.


You want some more?

Sure, a little.

Mike promised me
he wouldn't do this anymore.

He probably meant it
when he said it.

Give me that.
Sit down.

Take a breath.

He must be so angry at me.

Why would Mike
be angry at you?


We're in the middle of this
mess with Ian and mom and dad.

If it weren't for me, he probably would've
gotten more attention from my parents.

No, no, no.
Trust me,

you're not the reason
Mike is doing this.

How do you know that?

I know a lot about
misplaced guilt.

Look, the amount
of trouble Mike's in

depends on how many times
he's done this.

Do you have any idea how many
places he's broken into?


- Mike!
- Mike, wait.

I don't want
to talk about it.

You don't want
to talk about it,

but you are going
to talk about it.

How was
the dinner party?

It was fine, till the cops
showed up to let us know

that our son had been arrested
for breaking and entering.


Get in the car.

You're angry.

And you're not?

Oh, no, I'm angry,
but more importantly,

how did we miss this?

I don't even know
what "this" is.

Well, he's not a criminal, so it's
gotta be about something else.

What? What could he possibly
be walking around with

that he couldn't
talk to us about?

I don't know, but maybe we need
to do a better job asking.

So, you teach
at Hollis.


Is that how you know
Professor Montgomery?

Yes, and I taught with Ella
at Rosewood High this year.

Did you have Aria?

In any of your classes.

Yes, I did.

I was just thinking
you should go now.

What, the both
of us?

Yes, please.

Are you sure?

My parents are going to be home
with Mike any second,

and it's probably a good idea
that he doesn't have

to deal with anyone
but family right now.


Do you want us to help
finish cleaning up?

No, I'm good, really.

- Let me know how your brother's doing.
- I'll call.

We'll talk tomorrow?

Yes, absolutely.
Thanks. I'm sorry.

- Good night.
- Good night.

Buy it now
and save some money.

You're gonna want it next week,
and I can't guarantee that price.


Don't start.

I'm not trying
to change you.

Then you shouldn't
push me on this stuff.

I'm not pushing,
I'm suggesting.

What, that I should be frying
burgers for minimum wage?

I'm just saying I see you
doing this sketchy stuff

and I worry about you.

What I'm doing now is legit
compared to other stuff.

What's that supposed to mean?

It means you already know more
about me than anybody else,

so why can't we just
keep it where it is?

All right.

So, where do you come down
on the whole natural

versus synthetic
extensions debate?

I mean, does affordability
and easy maintenance

really outweigh the look
and feel of real human hair?


Two years ago, I was
living in Allentown,

and there were
these guys...

Actual bad guys.

They stole cars
on order.

I did some work
for them...

Hacking into the DMV,

laundering VIN numbers.

Nobody got hurt,

but it was just
a matter of time,

so I got out.

And these guys were
really not happy about it.

Before they could figure out
what to do, I was gone.

So, trust me,
I know the difference

between sketchy
and criminal.

I can't believe
I'm saying this, but...

Maybe you should
tell the cops.

There's a difference
between being honest

and being suicidal.

You've never told
anyone this, have you?


I haven't.

And I'd appreciate you
keeping it to yourself.

Cross my heart.

- No.
- Spencer, go upstairs.

- Please.
- Spencer...

- Please.
- Let go!

Stop. Let go!
Stop it.

You can't burn that.

I can do whatever I want
with junk I find on my property.

But it could
be evidence.

We don't need more evidence

now that Ian Thomas is
in a grave I paid for.

Please, try
to understand.

I'm tired, Spencer.

Your mother
is tired.

And I'm not taking
the chance of more questions

over some damn piece
of wood.

This is over.

No more questions.

It could be important.


Like the trophy
you found?

I-I didn't put that
in the yard.

It doesn't matter
who put it there or why.

It doesn't mean anything.

It's nothing.

It doesn't exist.

I told him it didn't
mean anything to you.

I'm sorry
you had to lie.

No, it doesn't matter.

When I came
down the stairs

and I saw what he
was doing, I thought,

"Oh, my God,
he thinks I killed her."

No, he couldn't think that.
Nobody could.

He didn't.

He thought it was a prop.

He thought it was something that
I just made up just to cause trouble

and be the center of attention.

That's all he sees
when he looks at me.

That's all
he's ever gonna see

until we find out
what happened.

Well, then, we'll
have to find out.

Ali got up
and walked away.

And then somewhere
between the kissing rock

and her backyard,
somebody hit her.

Now you're thinking they hit
her with your hockey stick?

The paper said
that it was blunt force trauma,

but they don't say
what was used.

That's the stuff they never
give you in newspapers.

The police hold back details

so they won't have to deal
with a lot of crackpots.

You think they know
what was used?

Cops always know more
than they tell.

He's never told anyone,
but he told me.

Because he trusts you.

You think so?


So, you don't mind that I
tell you he told me this thing,

but I can't tell
you what it is?

I don't mind. I've got all
the secrets I need right now.

Look, it'll be okay, Em.

You'll do great
this year,

and Danby will offer
you a scholarship,

and your folks
will never find out.

We'll make sure of it.

I'm glad I'm here.

So am I.

And I'm glad Caleb
came back for you.

Yeah. He came back for me.



Is your dad getting
back with your mom?

You promised.

Stay out of my room.


You took things
from Emily.

You broke
into Spencer's house.

You stole
from a blind girl!

No, I didn't.

This is from Jenna Marshall's.
She makes these.

I don't care
what she makes.

I didn't break
into that house.

That candle thing
comes from

an apartment over a
garage on Willoughby.

- Whose apartment?
- Officer "mcfriendly".

Garrett Reynolds?

I was looking for maybe a gun
or something I could use

to get away
from here.

He's a cop,
and he's got

crap like that
in his place.

No, you're wrong.

I thought it might be worth a
couple of bucks, so I took it.

And a camera
and a GPS.

This has to be
from Jenna Marshall's.

I know what I stole,

and I know where
I stole it from.

I got that from Garrett
Reynolds' apartment.

There you go.

Thanks for letting
me see you.

It sounded important
when you called.

I have to ask
you something.

Do the police know
what kind of weapon

the killer used
on Alison?

They never found the murder
weapon, Spencer, you know that.

But do they know
what it might've been?

It would all be
in the coroner's report.

They can tell a lot
about a weapon

by the kind of wound
it leaves.

So, in the report it would say
what she was hit with,

like, how big,
how hard, how sharp,

if it was a man
or a woman that used it.

Spencer, slow down.
It's like I said before.

All of these loose ends,
they're not gonna change

It was Ian,
and he's gone.

You need
to take that in.

Ali's killer
is dead.

I'm not so sure.

Why not?

L-31, are you
still code seven?

L-31, Roger.

L-35 is requesting
a code eight...

I can roll
if he needs me.

- Over.
- Disregard...

Roger that.

All right.
If it wasn't Ian,

who do you think
killed Ali?

♪ I've got you
under my skin ♪

♪ I've got you ♪

♪ oh, deep in
the heart of me ♪

♪ don't you know
you're a fool ♪

♪ you never can win ♪

♪ use your mentality ♪

♪ wake up to reality ♪

- ♪ for each time you do.
- ♪ Just the thought of you ♪

- ♪ makes me ♪
- ♪ Stop before you begin ♪

♪ 'cause I got you
under my skin ♪