Pretty Little Liars (2010–2017): Season 2, Episode 25 - unmAsked - full transcript

The girls go to the hotel Ali checked in before she disappeared. Spencer discovers Mona's secret. Dr Sullivan comes back to Rosewood.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on
"Pretty Little Liars:"

Does anybody recognize this?

Is there anything
on the back?

Yeah. Number one.

( Tires screech )
( Thud )

That's "A's" cell phone.

your sister's "A."

It's been
Melissa all along.

What were you doing
in Alison's bedroom?

I'd be careful, Spence.

- I got fired today.
- What are you gonna do?

Probably head up to my
folks' place, for a while.

When will you be back?

If I can't teach
in this town, what's left?

Maya and I got in a fight the
other night at the party,

and I haven't
talked to her since.

I've been thinking
a lot about us.

It's a little late
for that, isn't it?

How do you have this?

Garrett asked me to
keep it safe for him,

but I think the police
should have it.

- You're under arrest.
- For what?

The murder of
Alison DiLaurentis.

Newscaster: One week
after his arrest,

Reynolds pled not guilty
to the charge

of Alison DiLaurentis'

However, prosecutors remain
confident with their case.

Rosewood PD's
working theory

is that Reynolds
became a police officer

to destroy evidence that linked
him to the murder scene.

Investigators received
a break in the case

when that document
was recovered.

That must be page 5
of Ali's autopsy report.

Garrett took it,
but somebody gave it back.

My mom is friends
with the prosecutor.

That somebody... was Jenna.

Can we finally
put Ali to rest now?

... his parents still living.

Or is two down
and two to go?

Ian's dead,
Garrett's in jail.

Melissa and Jenna were in
Ali's room that night too.

They may not have killed Ali,

but they're definitely
guilty of something.

( Approaching footsteps )

Love gone wrong.

What are you talking about?

I knew Ian
didn't kill Alison,

and you four
can keep a secret,

but you don't have the
constitution for murder.

Are you gonna eat that?


I know how
Jenna Marshall went blind,

and so did Garrett.
If he killed Alison,

it's because he thought
she deserved it.


Is this peanut butter?


Mm. It is good.


She definitely knows
about the Jenna thing.

( Cell phones ringing
and plinking )

"You still have something
that belongs to me.

"Bring it, or one of you
leaves in a body bag.


( doorbell rings )

"A" has to be talking
about her phone.

You still have it locked
in your closet, right?


I don't know
about you guys,

but "A" talking
about body bags

makes me very nervous.

Guys, it was a messenger.

Something for each of us.


"A" wants to play

"Be there when the clock
strikes midnight."


Hide-and-seek was my
favorite game with Melissa.

You wanna know why?

I always won.

♪ taking this one
to the grave. ♪

♪ If I show you
then I know you ♪

♪ won't tell what I said. ♪

♪ 'Cause two
can keep a secret ♪

♪ if one of them is dead. ♪

She as in that kitchen
eating frozen yogurt

basically just telling us
that she was "A."

And now she wants
to kill one of us.

Parties and body bags go together
like drinking and driving.

Guys, I don't trust Melissa as far
as I can throw her and Ian's fetus,

but let's not forget that Jenna
also knows about the Jenna thing.

Ian's fetus?
Em, that's disgusting.

Look, "A" is
all-knowing, all right?

It's like a genius
on steroids.

The only person I know
that's smarter than Spencer

is her sister.

Um, I take offense.

Melissa did score higher
on the Wechsler Scale,

but when you take
into account my scores

and the Flynn Effect,

combined with real-life

the gap in our IQs
is virtually nonexistent.

Um... what are you doing
with Ali's bag?

I'm giving "A" back her
phone over my dead body,

which means that we have
until midnight tomorrow

to unmask this bitch
once and for all,

and this bag has brought us
closer to the truth

than we've ever gotten.

You think there's something
in there we missed?

We need to go through it
again, all of us,

with a fresh pair of eyes.

But with
Melissa at home, I...

No, forget my place.

My mom is still hot
on the "A" trail.

Look, let's just meet
after school.

I have an idea
for a great costume.

Oh, you're going to
the masquerade mash?

Me too. Can you believe
blind Jenna's going?

A week ago, that would
have made me a no-show,

but since she dumped
Noel con man

for seeing-eye Toby--

sorry, Spencer.

( Speaking French )

I love this vintage shop
a few towns over.

We should all go after school
and get our costumes together!

I would love to, but, um,

I have to take my sister
to an ultrasound.

My mom's coming back

so I have some house stuff.

Yeah, and vintage
is my middle name,

( School bell rings )

I gotta get to class.

That leaves us.

Um... ( Sighs )

Look, I am so sorry, Mona,

but I have to study
with Caleb after school.

So it's just me... again.

Tristan and Isolde?

Abelard and Eloise?

This is too cute.

Fitz is a sucker
for a tragic love story.

I so didn't mean that
how it sounded.

Have you heard from him?

Yeah, he checks in.

he thought he wanted,

he's lost because of me.

( Sighs ) Guys,
I-I think that

it might be
over this time.

Really over.

( Cell phone plinks )


Now Mona knows I lied
about where I am.

( Telephone rings )
And Caleb is with her...

So he's gonna ask me
why I ditched her.

You know, I am lying
to everyone I care about.

I don't even know why I
started lying to begin with.

You're lying because you don't want
the people that you care about

to end up
like Dr. Sullivan--

here one day
and gone the next.

Hanna, do you mind?

It's... kind of
sacred ground.

All: It is?

Man! You sure can
keep a secret.

Hey, Em, can you
grab my computer?

What is it, Spence?

Could you look up
Dougherty's Landing?

It's a tiny airstrip
off of Highway 30.

Is it close to anything?

No, it's in the middle
of nowhere.

Wait... what did that
postcard say?

Um... "Meets 30."

"The Lost Woods Resort.

Find us where Greenview
meets 30."

Duncan said that he flew
Ali to an airfield

the day she disappeared.

This has to be
where she went.

( Sighs )

Maybe Room One?

Em: Are you sure
this is right?

This is Greenview.

( Tires squeal )

What was that?

I-I don't know.
A deer, I think.

Maybe we should go back.

No! Okay, we didn't
come this far to give up.

Careful, Spence.

What is that?

What would Ali
be doing up here?

She wasn't bagging a deer,
that's for sure.


( Knock on window )
( All gasp )

Are you checking in?

I was surprised
when you girls pulled up.

People don't come here
much anymore

since they
built the interstate.

It doesn't bother me,

I like the quiet.

Sign here.

Welcome to the Lost
Woods Resort...

Mary Smith.

Um, is Room one available?

How'd you know
about Room one?


It's got the hottest
water on the property.

for a night like this.

Oh, o-our friend, the one who
told us about this place,

she stayed in Room one.

Maybe you remember her--

Vivian Darkbloom?

Name doesn't ring a bell.

Besides, I learned
a long time ago

not to tell tales
about folks who stay here.

You check into the Lost Woods
because you don't want to be found.

Unh! Damn it!

Are you okay?

Hanna, come on!

I'm... not exactly sure
what we're looking for.

Ali left Ian to come
up here for a reason.

What was it?

Love how they call
this place a resort.

Do you think that Ali
came here to hide something?

Or do you think that
she came here to hide,

from "A"?

We need to get
into the office.

Was Ali here alone,

or did she come
with somebody?

Is he still there?

I think that he left.

I'm just dying to get a look
at that registration book.

Wait, really?
You're gonna come with me?

Does it look like
those two are moving?

I'm cold.

Okay, no,
I'm colder than she is.

You're little,
but you're big.

Is it just me,
or is she staring at us?

Come on.

I can't believe you're taking
a shower in this place.

- It's gross.
- God, Emily, I'm covered in mud.

( Sighs )

( Cell phone rings )

( Rings )

Hello? Maya?

Can you hear me?


Ali checked into Room one
as Vivian Darkbloom

the morning before
she went missing.

Are-- are there any other
names in here that we know?


( Cell phone rings )

( Ring )

( Ring )

( Ring )

Ali stayed here twice,

and the first time
was the day

she was supposed to be
meeting "A" in Brookhaven.

I doubt it.

Hanna: Seriously?

She still didn't call back?

My mom's not even home yet,
and I'm lying to her.

She thinks I'm
staying at your house.

Oh, that works, 'cause my mom
thinks that I stayed at yours.

We're not stealing that,
are we?

No. We'll go put it back.


Spencer, you are not
gonna make me

crawl through that
window again, are you?

I'll do it, I just need
you to stand guard.

Come on,
we're "Team Sparia."

What's wrong?

Caleb can't take me to
the masquerade party any more.

His mom's flying in tonight.

My costume needed a date.

What's your costume?

I wanted to be Juliet,

since Bridget Woo beat me out
for the part in the 6th grade.

Looking back, I think
I wanted to be Romeo.

So, will you go
to the party with me?

I'll be your date...

But I'm not dressing
like a dude.

Harold's back.

Let's go before he realizes
we touched his stuff!


Have you heard anything?

What might have
caused the fire?

Just that it
wasn't an accident.

How is Jenna?

She seems fine.

Are you gonna be bringing her
to the masquerade party?


Jenna found a way
to forgive me.

Do you think that you
will ever be able to?

I have work to do.

Look, you have every
right to hate me, okay,

but you don't have
to be that guy.

You don't have to be the guy
that won't let anybody in.

( Cell phone rings )

Dr. Sullivan?

( Sighs )

I've thought about
this moment so many times,

wondering what I would say
to you if I saw you again.

They're all gonna be
at the party.

You know
what you need to do.

Female vocalist: ♪ It's been the
longest winter without you ♪

♪ I didn't know where
to turn to ♪

♪ see, somehow
I can't forget you ♪

This is the perfect
place for "A" to hide.

Where was Melissa
when you left?

In her pajamas,
curled up on the couch.

We have three hours
to find out who "A" is

before "A" finds us.

We all still agree, right?

No matter what happens
at midnight,

we stick together, and we are
not giving up that phone.

That's four against one.
I like those odds.

Should we split up
and look around?

None of us have dates, so...

Let's meet back
here in an hour,

and keep
your phones close.

♪ Thought I couldn't
live without you ♪

♪ it's gonna hurt
when it heals too ♪

♪ oh, it hurts ♪

( Song continues )

( Gasps )

I know who you are.


You must have me confused
with somebody else.

My name's Romeo.

I thought you were spending
the night with your mom.

I'm gonna see her tomorrow.

And I wanted to surprise you.

I'm surprised.

I can't take all the credit.

Mona helped me
pick out the costume.

Wait-- Mona, you did this?

Call me guilty.

You know, I'm sorry
for yesterday.

From now on, I promise,
no more secrets, okay?

You'll tell me
about it later.

Now, go dance with
your sizzling hot toddy

before he melts the room.

( Giggles )

I love you, Mona.

I love you too.

I have to admit...

You had me fooled.

But I've got you
figured out.

Do tell.

I don't know why you hide behind
that layer of superficial bitch,

but you are
a great friend to Hanna.

That means more to me
than you'll ever know.

Thanks to Alison, I went
years without any friends.

We never stood up to her.

I'm sorry for that.

I quit thinking about
that stuff a long time ago.

But it's funny-- today I just
couldn't get her out of my mind.

I took Caleb to that store I
was talking about yesterday.

- It's a tiny place.
- Thank you.

You'd never find it if you
didn't know it was there.

It's in Brookhaven.

I know Brookhaven.

It's the last place
I saw Ali alive,

about a week before
she went missing.



( Laughing )

I can't believe
you're here.

It's kind of like
we're shopping together.



Why are you dressed
like that?

What's going on?

Is it some sort
of a game?

Mona, can I
tell you a secret?

For real?

It's for real,
and for keeps.

I can't believe
you're talking to me.

Yeah, well...

- I-I'm watching someone.
- Who?

Mona, this isn't a game.

Just pretend like you don't
know me and take off, okay?

Wow. The Ali D
needs something

from Mona Vanderwaal.

What's it worth to you?

What do you want?

To be popular.

( Laughing softly )

I left her a message
that night,

but then she went
all MIA on us,

and she never called me.

Did you see who
Alison was watching?

Do you mean
who she was spying on?

No, it was probably just
some guy she had a crush on.

"A" wasn't watching Ali
in Brookhaven.

- Ali was watching "A."
- Okay, wait.

If this is "A" code,
I didn't get the handbook.

Look, Ali checked into a motel
the morning before she went missing.

She didn't go there
to hide from "A."

I think she
followed "A" there.

♪ Thought I couldn't
live without you ♪

♪ it's gonna hurt
when it heals too ♪

♪ oh, yeah ♪

♪ it'll all get better
in time ♪

♪ even though
I really love you ♪

♪ I'm gonna smile
'cause I deserve to ♪

♪ it'll all
get better in time ♪

♪ since there's no more
you and me... ♪

( Indistinct party chatter )


No matter how hard I try...

I can't stay away from you.

Male vocalist:
♪ I've been away too long ♪

♪ and her heart
is so strong ♪

♪ it's strong enough ♪

♪ if only you could see ♪

♪ always ♪

♪ always she waits for you ♪

♪ always ♪

♪ always she waits for you ♪

Spencer: Keep your
friends close, Em.

Spencer, where are you?

what Ali was doing,

keeping her enemies
even closer.

I'm on my way back to
the motel right now.

- Now?
- Yes!

When we checked into the
motel, there was a key

for every room available
except for Room two.

Room two hasn't been booked
since before Ali went missing.

Don't you get it, Em?

Nobody checks into Room two
because it's been rented,

and Ali checked into the room next
door because she was spying on "A."

Spencer, don't go out there alone.
Wait for us.

No, I don't want us all to leave.
We can't tip "A" off.

And besides, I'm not alone.
I'm with Mona.

Okay, you've got two hours
to get back here.


( Cell phone beeps )

It's kind of you to take
the time to sit with me.

It must get lonely out here.

I find myself talking
to these stuffed creatures.

Well, I guess you
really only have to worry

if they start
to talk back to you.

What's that supposed to mean?

It was a joke.

Um... thank you,

for the tea.

You haven't finished.

( Door closes )

( Gasps )

( Indistinct party chatter )

Female vocalist: ♪ Lying here
with you so close to me ♪

♪ it's hard to fight
these feelings ♪

♪ when it feels
so hard to breathe ♪

♪ I'm caught up
in this moment ♪

♪ I'm caught up
in your smile ♪

What's wrong?

This is our first dance.

I want to see you.

♪ ... The love
we wanna find ♪

♪ it's never felt so real ♪

Male vocalist: ♪ no,
it's never felt... ♪

♪ so right ♪

♪ just a kiss on your lips
in the moonlight ♪

♪ just a touch in
the fire burning so bright ♪

♪ no, I don't want
to mess this thing up ♪

♪ I don't wanna
push too far ♪

♪ just a shout in the dark
that you just might ♪

♪ be the one I've been
waiting for my whole life ♪

♪ so, baby, I'm all right ♪

♪ with just
a kiss good night ♪

♪ no, I don't wanna
say good night ♪

♪ I know it's time to leave ♪

♪ but you'll be
in my dreams ♪

♪ tonight ♪


Mona: Oh, my God.

what is this place?

This is "A's" lair.

I'm sorry about
the other night.

Just forget about it.

That's the thing--

I don't want
to forget about it.

We have a connection.
You can't deny that.

We did.

- But I...
- I get it. I messed it up.

You weren't ready,
and that's okay.

I wish I'd fought
harder for you.

I'm sorry, Paige.

I didn't tell you
so you'd be sorry.

I just want to be honest.

And I care about you.

So I'll be here for you,
for whatever you need.

I think what I need
right now is a friend.

Then it's official.
We're friends.

That makes me happy.

Mona: Spencer?

This has
to be "A's" costume.

I'll call Hanna.

"A's" dressed
as the Black Swan.

Hanna: Who is that?

( Sighs )


Uh, no, thanks.


Why aren't they
calling us back?

This is Ali's diary.

Melissa was the Black Swan
at a charity ball

in Philly last year.

You don't think she'd do anything
to try and hurt you, do you?

Why would you ask me that?

Well, I just thought
that's what you meant.

Melissa's the Black Swan.
Maybe she's "A."

Actually, can I have
that gum now?


Oh. You know, I think
I have more in the car,

so I'll be right back,

( Rock music playing )

There she is.

Who is that?

I can't tell from here.

Tall, size two.

I hate her already.

It's Lucas.

They're all together.

Come on.

( Door opens )

Cashmere sweaters.

Mona: I found the gum.

You didn't call Hanna,
did you?

Because you're "A."

Congratulations, Spencer.

You figured it out.

She's leaving!

It's locked!

( Groans softly )

( Gasps )

( Tires squeal )

I'm calling Spencer.

( Sighs ) This phone
is a piece of crap.

I'll call her.

That's weird.



Your phone is set to record
every time it's turned on.

I had to get you out there
alone, so we could talk.


Just slow down, okay?
Let's talk.

You had to earn it--

the right
to be a part of it.

You didn't see Ali
in Brookhaven.

She saw you,
didn't she?

( Tires squeal )

You just made that story up.

We're in this together now.

I admire you, Spencer.

That's why you get to decide
how this ends, tonight.

You can join the "A" team,
or you can disappear.

You... you
almost killed Hanna.

She's my friend.

I thought she was
your friend too.

It's easier to forgive an enemy
than it is to forgive a friend.

Oh, my God.
It's Mona.

How did you do it?

How could you
be everywhere?

You were always
one step ahead of us.

You're not the only
genius in this car.

You bitches
underestimated me.

( Gasps )

( Car accelerates )

You're never gonna make it
to Lookout Point

if you don't slow down.

( Tires squeal )

They're going
to lookout point.

I know a shortcut.
Come on.


Mona's "A."

Come on.

Is this
some kind of payback?

Because we let Ali
treat you like that?

I am so over Ali.
I told you.

She was never my friend,
but Hanna was.

And you bitches
took her from me.

This is about betrayal?

It's not about betrayal,
Spencer, it's about revenge!

You deserved
everything you got!

You stole my only friend.

she's still your friend!


So what's the plan?

I mean, "A" always
has a plan, right?

Yes. She does.

What happens
if I don't join the team?

Melissa doesn't have
your dad's gun. I do.

When Ali left,
it pulled you guys apart.

It'll be the same
if you go away.

No, it won't.

( Tires squeal )


Hanna, stop!

Hanna, stop!


( Tires screech )

( Screaming )

Get up!


- Aaahhh!
- Mona!

Oh, my God!

( All gasping )

You okay?


( Weeping softly )

Dr. Sullivan?

Are you all okay?

We tried to find you.

What did she do to you?
Where have you been?

She threatened my son.

I didn't think
I had a choice.

I needed to leave.
I'm so very sorry.


Hanna, it's all right.
You're safe now.

( Hanna weeping softly )

I can't believe this.

She was my friend.

( Weeping )

It's over, Aria.

Man: She's alive!

( Indistinct remark )

( Watch alarm beeping )

She was living in a perpetual
state of hyper reality.

The adrenaline rush
that accompanied

her feelings of empowerment

and her high level
of intelligence

fueled Mona's ability

to be seemingly all-knowing
and omnipresent.

Will she always be like this?

With therapy
and the right medications,

people with these
personality disorders

can get better.

I know they're watching me.

I don't look bad,

I like this lipstick.

What's it called?
Toffee Tango?

They think it's over.

Loser Mona's going
to the nuthouse,

and those precious liars
are going home to sleep

with their windows open
and their doors unlocked.

Don't they know
that's what we want?

I never thought I'd find
the strength to come back here,

but your friend showed up,
and he was very convincing.

I help people push
through their fears,

but he helped me
push through mine.

Wait, our friend?

Pretending not to love you was
the hardest thing I've ever done.

( Spencer weeping softly )

You gonna be okay
at home tonight?

I know Mona's "A."

I just keep seeing that faceless
person in the black hoodie.

Let's sleep at my place.

My mom will be thrilled
to have a reason to cook.

That sounds like old times.

( Sigh )

( Sirens wail )

Female vocalist:
♪ it just takes a second ♪

♪ for my world
to come crumbling down ♪

♪ oh, I'm sure
in the distance... ♪

they found a body.

They think it's--
it's Maya.

♪ Oh, I plead
for an answer ♪

♪ plead for an answer ♪

♪ from you ♪

♪ but if you
give me an answer ♪

♪ that just makes no sense ♪

♪ then what's the use? ♪

♪ and just like that ♪

♪ my life is broken ♪

♪ I can barely breathe ♪

♪ and now I'm open
for suggestions ♪

♪ and how ♪

♪ many seconds ♪

♪ in the hours ♪

♪ of a day ♪

♪ did we lose? ♪

you have a visitor.

I did everything
you asked me to.