Pretty Hard Cases (2021–…): Season 2, Episode 9 - Crystal Ball - full transcript

In pursuit of Adeline French, Sam and Kelly find themselves at the doorstep of a fraudulent psychic, who opens their eyes to mysteries they need to solve within their own lives.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

Davidson and McConnell
filed an official complaint

against you this morning.

I'm sending you on
while we look into this.

Remember when
we fell in love like that?

Yeah. Thank God we numbed with age.

Love when older women
explore their sexuality.

Oh, that's right.
You can see these kids, she's stupid.

It's ridiculous.

- I miss you.
- Angie...

Can we just go
for dinner this week, maybe?

I saw Naz
at the hospital with his ex.

They were hugging closely.

He lied about it.

All right, and if we're gonna
find out why Will pay Dane

to sell the shot-tipper,
we need to get closer to him.

It's not a party. It's a business meeting.

With your wife?

I'm his sister. Adeline.

Police. Identify yourself.

Adeline's booze cans.


Will, who's Balda?

Right now,
you're stomping all over a homicide

or suicide scene.

I need you both to tiptoe
your asses out of here.

Now, I need you both to tiptoe
your asses out of here.

Good luck.

- These two.
- I'll handle it.


Yeah. I'm Detect...

Samantha Wazowski. I know.

And right now, you're stomping
all over a homicide

or suicide scene
in your excellent sneakers.

I'm gonna have to ask you and your partner
Kelly Duff, to skedaddle.

We should give you a statement.

Just zip it. We approach
every scene with an open mind.

We can't have amateur theories
muddying the water.

I need you two
to tiptoe your assets out of here.

Good luck.

It's more of a pas de bourree,
but okay.

What a pair of idiots.

Hey, where's the stiff?

Will French, park bench Realtor.

Looks like this guy
shot up enough dope to kill a horse.

But French is a known addict.

Look at his arms, no tracks.

That's what it killed him, I guess.

He was a tourist trying
to play in the big leagues.

- What's going on?
- Hey, you can't come

- in here, ma'am.
- Where's my brother?

Oh, my God. Will!

Miss French,
I'm Detective Tara Swallows.

Like the bird?

I love birds

- I do, too.
- I'm Adeline.

- Oh, Adeline...
- Will, wake up. Wake up.

Contamination of the crime scene.
The evidence, do we care?

We'll take it outside.

- Adeline, come with me.
- Will, wake up, please.

- Will, wake up. Wake up. Wake up.
- Right now. Go.

Adeline, he is dead.

Have a seat.

Adeline, did your brother
have a drug problem?

Well, he used to but I...
But I thought he quit.

I was with him a few hours ago.

But he seemed upset and then
I went to my, my burlesque class,

and I just had a bad feeling,
so I came to check on me here.

He OD'ed, didn't he?
Please tell me.

We're not sure.

We'd like to bring you in,
have you answer a few questions.

Actually, hold on just a sec.

What's your problem hounding
this poor gorgeous woman?

- She's in shock.
- Maybe she knows more than she's saying.

Uh, don't be ridiculous.

This woman needs a moment. She's grieving.

Is he fully dead?

A hundred percent. Fully. I'm so sorry.

- Good morning, Mom.
- Mm-hmm.

What are you reading?

The Haunting of Chauncey DuBois.


Is the haunting supposed to be sexy?

Yeah, I know. It looks
like a badass ripping good time,

but it's a total bore.

One of the morons
in my book club suggested it.

You have a book club?
Since when do you have a book club?

Since you told me to get a life.

First meeting is day after tomorrow.

Would you care to join?

I'm hosting.

Mom, you're inviting a bunch
of strangers into my house? Oh!

Sam, they're all your neighbors.

You don't have any riffraff
in your neighborhood, huh?

Mom, you know what?
I doubt I'll be able to make it.

I'm in the middle of a case.


Two weeks ago, someone
killed a drug dealing real estate agent.

They made it look like an overdose.

Sounds like a plot
of a Chauncey novel without the ghost.


You really should take your own advice,

forge new friendships,
new relationships before it's too late.

What, what, what,
what's the update on this Naz fellow?

Uh, I just...

He's just been like hanging out
with his ex a lot lately.

- So...
- Really?

By themselves?

Um, you know, I don't know.

I... I just like overheard them

planning a trip to Stratford together.

And, like, I didn't say anything.

Because, like,
I just didn't want to be that person.

Mom, do you... do you think that's weird?

I hang out with your ex all the time.
Do you think that's weird?


I think that is absolutely so weird.

I'm sorry, but Steve is a good, good man.

I still think you cut loose far too early.

Okay, Mom, you know what?

I want you to invite as many people
as you want to the book club.

Hmm? So you can make many,
many new friends.

Not just my ex.

Adriana, you're picking up
the gender reveal fireworks

and the gender reveal cake, right?

- Mm-hmm.
- Do we need fireworks and a cake?

I thought Karina was the only one
doing the gender reveal?

She is. I don't care about gender.

Plus, you know, I love a surprise.

We went over all this last time, Kel.

Oh, did you order the balloons?


Well, consider this your 50th reminder.

Jesus, Kelly, the shower is tomorrow.

Now, I have to pee, again.

Yo, ain't she supposed to be nasty
and getting all sweet and motherly.

Didn't you guys make up?

What's going on with you?

I ended things with Len.

Oh, Kel, I'm sorry.

Well, I'm just not in the mood
to celebrate people's perfect lives.

Perfect babies.

Just because it's not your time now
doesn't mean it will never be.

Oh, I gotta go.

See you tomorrow.

Mwah! Love you.

Kelly, remember the balloons.


So, the last time we saw this wild woman,

she locked herself
in the cellar accidentally,

and then she took off
with her brother whom she hated,

who also died in a heroin overdose
a few short hours later.

While she scurried off
to a burlesque class.

I mean, I can't believe homicide
actually bought that ridiculous alibi.

Well, they did follow up,
and her burlesque teacher

did confirm her attendance.

- Oh, please.
- Either way,

Will's last words were, "Balda did this."

And the only person who might know
who Balda is, is Adeline.

And now, we can't even ask her about it,
because apparently Adeline

is on a grief retreat in Laurentian,
off the grid, and unreachable.

Okay, Balda, who is that?

Or what is that? I looked it up.

It's either a vintage camera
or a toy store in Belgium.

But the guy was dying,
it could have been gibberish.

Why do you think
Adeline would know about Balda?

Look, the woman is smarter
than anyone gives her credit for.

Yeah, maybe,
but she doesn't pay for parking.

She's racked up like thousands of dollars
in parking tickets all over the city,

including half a dozen
on West Veld Street.


Okay, well, her rental car
got another one there yesterday.


Grief retreat, my ass.

So looks around here that Adeline French
can't stay away from.


Take it easy on the Palinka.

You two, I've been expecting you.

- You come for a reading, correct?
- Maybe some other time.

Do you have time to waste?

Zorka, Seventh Generation Psychic.

When you're ready to see your future,



maybe she's seen something,
maybe we should go in.

What? With her third eye?

Well, like, of course not.
But if she solicits random people

on the street, maybe she's seen Adeline.

Come on.

Been in the neighborhood long?

- For 30 years.
- Oh, that's exciting.

- Um, I'm wondering if you've seen...
- I ask the questions first.

Get a feel, for you both, hmm?

Mm-hmm. You are close like sisters.

Best friends?

Are... you couldn't just tell
that by looking at us?

Who would like the first reading?

I will. I'll go. I'll do it.


Uh-huh. Your... your romantic life,
there's something wrong.

You have left behind a great love.

Ooh. Heartbreaker Wazowski, huh?

Unlike you, you are too careful
with your heart, your feelings,

which is why you have also lost
a relationship with deep connection.

Uh-huh. Yeah. Uh-huh.

- Can I use your bathroom?
- Second door on the left.

She's lucky.

Some losses are irreplaceable.

I'm sorry.
I, uh, I lost my son Ilya.

Oh, God.
Was it recent? I'm so sorry.

What happened?

My daughter, the human tornado,
that's what happened.

She's a bad seed.

If he got into drugs,
it was because of her.

Madonna Balda,

she's a handful,

partying, shopping, women, men bed to bed.

Ilya, he was managing her money,
otherwise she go broke.

But now, Ilya is gone.

So Zorka is their mother?

Yup. And Adeline is Balda Farkas,
sister to Will aka Ilya Farkas,

and possibly responsible for his death.

Where did you find this picture?

A simple toggle image search

of Ilya and Balda Farkas
from the Greater Toronto

Hungarian Community Center website.

And in 2015,
the Farkas siblings cut themselves

off from their Hungarian mobster father
and their psychic mother.

And transformed themselves
into Will and Adeline French,

now both dead center
of this Coyote Alliance.

Check this out.

Do you suffer from bad karma?

Are you the victim of a curse?

Love life getting you down?

I am Zorka, Seventh Generation Psychic.

After years of pain,
Zorka told me I've been cursed.

So I drank her magic
Hungarian spring water.

Now, I've never felt
better in my whole life!

Call 1-555-ZRKA,

just ten easy payments of 99.99.

So mom's a fraudster.

Magic water, one step up from snake oil.

Yup. Her store has a bunch
of one-star reviews.

Customers say she sold them
tap water for thousands

She was arrested for it last year.

But charges were dropped.

But she is definitely still
running the scam.

So, all we have to do is catch her
selling this phony miracle water,

threaten to charge with fraud,
unless she gets us to Adeline.

And once we have Adeline,
we're gonna flip her over to front

and smell the fart and human marionette
to reconsider the homicide charge.

This is all very interesting.

But the last time I checked,
you don't work homicide or fraud.

And I'm not hearing
anything about pink cocaine.

Nazeer, Greene, and I are gonna take
a more logical approach.

Let's go, boys.

Okay, so who is gonna go in with Zorka?

She seems to only targeting the gullible,
the desperate, and...

The over 50s.

We might know someone.

You want my help because I'm old?

Do you think I'm gonna put
on a hard pants for this?

You are sorely mistaken.

We do not think that you're old.

It has nothing to do with age.

It's just more like general malaise.

We are asking because you have
the most experience.

We need ya, Ed.

Just for today. Off the books.

You know, Kevin is sick.
I can't leave him.

Okay. Sure.

- Um...
- Go. We can't go. We still...

I guess that means

you will not be needing
your hard pants anymore.

Just curious, what size are you?

Oh, no,
that's the wrong color for you, Wazowski.

But on me, look damn nice.

Get your hands off my blazer


I'm not done yet.


I think my partner is cheating on me.

My ex-partner also cheated.

You know what?
I think I just attract them. Cheaters.

Why would that be? Maybe I'm cursed.

I heard that you specialize
in this sort of thing.

What sort of thing?

- Bad luck.
- Hmm, maybe.

But that's not your problem.

Why isn't Zorka taking the bait?

- I don't know.
- Maybe her recent arrest made her jumpy?

Yeah, but that was a year ago.

What do you think my problem is?

You're lying. The cheating is not real.

It's not why you're here.

It's your son, isn't it? He's sick.

Is she talking about Kevin?

How does she know about Kevin?

Zorka is not a psychic.

Kevin is ill.

How did you know?

- Because I'm a psychic.
- What if she's right?

Kevin is a dog.

Not Shanks's son.

Well, I'm not talking about Shanks's son.
I'm sorry, I'm talking about me.

Am I leaving the great love
behind like, with Naz?

Because I have been feeling
pretty detached from him lately.

You get unresolved trust issues.

It's no surprise considering
your ex cheated on you.

And clearly,
have no respect for my abilities.

Why did you even come here?

I'm lost.

I gave my entire life to my career,

and I make one mistake.

And now I'm awaiting disciplinary action

while someone else sits at my desk.

And what's almost worst

is that I thought I was close

to my co-workers, like really close.

I thought I was a mentor.

Since I left, I barely see them.

The people at work, especially the women,

they're like my family,

and I miss them, and I'm, I'm not sure
I know who I am without them.


the fried pigeon
will not just fly into your mouth.

Oh, come again?

You want change, you work for it.

Get out of bed, put on your clothes,

answer those phone calls, stop moping.

Luckily for you, I can help.

But first, at your work,

you're replaced by an inferior man.

Am I right?

So pink cocaine has recently
been purchased,

here, here, and here.

So distribution didn't die
with Will French.

No. But if we comb

through these hotspots,
perhaps we could figure out

who the new local supplier is.


Well, I have created an algorithm

that uses pre-existing drug arrests stats

to show average physical
proximity down to the kilometer

between dealers and their local suppliers.

Isn't that basically geographic profiling
used to find serial killers?

Yes, but it's never been used
to find drug suppliers before,

and apprehend them before they get
more product onto the streets.

Kind of like Minority Report,
but for drugs.

I'm not sure what you're saying.

I'm just saying I wanna anticipate crime,

and stop it before it happens.


But don't we think the stats
can be a little biased?

It's called intelligence-led
policing, Greene.

That's what we're doing today, okay?

So pull the data on any dealer
from these areas,

input it, let the computer do the rest.

Excuse me.

It's as I suspected.

Both you and your son are cursed,

but I have just the thing to help,

magic spring water
from Egerszalok, Hungary.

Hmm, $1,200 a bottle,

but it can heal many illness.

Do you take cash?


Here you go, $2,400.

- Hmm.
- Okay.

Go, go, go, go, go.

Hey, hold on a sec.
I was just starting to believe.

- Where is she?
- Go. Go.

Oh, you don't...
Police, you are under arrest.

You're under arrest.

Sam, forget that.

Hey, stop. Get back here.

Zorka Farkas,

you are impressively fast,

and under arrest.

How did you know where I was going?

- Do you also have the gift?
- No.

I'm just really good at my job.

Chlorine, fluoride,
ammonia, phosphoric acid.

Hmm, sound like magic Hungarian
water to you, Wazowski?

Absolutely does not.
It sounds like the exact composition

of good old-fashioned Toronto tapwater.

I am guessing that Zorka's
water is a scam.

You can't prove it doesn't work.

Magic is tricky like that.

Magic or not,
you misrepresented your product,

which means you'll be charged with fraud.

- I am not a fraud.
- Hmm.


This isn't really about me, is it?

We wanna talk to you about Balda.


Because we think she killed your son.

- Where's your daughter now?
- We need to find her.

And if not her, then at least give us
something we can use to bring her in.

I don't know where she is.


But maybe I have something.

My husband, peace to his ashes,

taught Balda,

get dirt on your enemies
and then you are untouchable.

She gave me a USB.

If anything happened to her,
I was supposed to give it

to her accountant, an Adam something,

to expose those that hurt her.

Now that she's hurt me,
maybe I should give it to you,

if my charges are dropped.

Well, unless you have a better option.

Gentlemen, meet Lucky Spasek,

our new potential supplier.

He lives within five kilometers,
four dealers who are arrested

for pink cocaine sales
and he's got an association

with Coyote member, Bingo Ramirez,

whom I believe
you connected to Will French.

We should get a team
over to his place ASAP.

Start surveilling him.

You wanna watch
him because he lives near someone

who committed a crime?

Context, Greene,
plus the numbers don't lie.

We should name this thing, this algorithm.

Something spiffy. How about crack-whacker?

Okay. Dope daughter.

Dope daughter, like a kid?

No. D-O-T-T... do you want me to...
Should I write it?

No. No. We, we get it.

It's, um... well, it's certainly creative.

That's why they gave me the promotions.

Happy to share my strategy with you,

doing the job you want to get.

People don't always see my point.

For example,
tried to give Gabrielle some advice,

you know, coach her on next steps
after her sergeant promotion.

Told her to freeze her eggs,

give her some more time to climb.

I mean, why settle
for a low status position?


I'm starting to see why you two broke up.


What I wanna know
is why did you two break up?

Hey, Nathan, can I get your help?


Had enough stats for today.

It looks like they used

BitCrypto to encrypt Adeline's USB,

it's impossible to hack.

Our best shot is to get decryption
software from the company,

which is based in NYC.

So, we do have to go to the RCMP.

Well, uh, we could avoid that if one of us

had a connection
to a US law enforcement agent.

You know, like
a longstanding friendship or maybe

even a family tie

who is having
some sort of an event today.

I get it.

- This is nice.
- Yeah.

Looks like someone ate
too much Pinterest

and threw up everywhere.

Hey, we need their help.
So please, you have to be nice.

- All right.
- Okay.


Congratulations, Karina.

Kelly, I didn't think you'd make it.

Are you kidding me?
I wouldn't miss this for the world.

I know it sounds cliche
but you actually

- are glowing right now.
- Certainly are.

You're glowing
like a big light bulb, you are.

Okay. This is, I'm gonna...
it's good to see you.

Get drinks.


Great turnout.

Did, uh, Elijah make it?

- Pretty sure we asked him.
- Elijah, who? Elijah Fox?

FBI Elijah?

Why would you invite my ex-boyfriend
to my shower?

I don't know.

He's a nice guy.

All right.

Sam and I are in a bit of a bind

and we need the FBI
to pressure BigCrypt to share

some of their decryption software.

We don't have time to deal
with the RCMP,

it's a huge, huge part of our case.

Karina, I would really appreciate it.

Oh, you would.

Well, you wanna know
what I'd appreciate?

If you acted like a sister

and maybe participated
in our shower.

Well, when's the gender reveal?

It's in five hours.

Okay. Five hours.

That's a good...

What kind of maniac
has a six-hour baby shower?

Please tell me this is alcohol.

- I think she's...
- Yeah, the flower, it's all for her...

Why is Karina
being so hard on you?

You just went through
a really bad break up.

- She doesn't know that.
- Wait, you didn't tell her?

She doesn't care.

She certainly doesn't wanna hear
about it on her special day.

You know what,
if it's Karina's special day,

she better get ready to work for it.

- What?
- Let's kick her ass.

- All right, ladies.
- What?

- Who wants to play a game?
- Sam, no don't.


- Nanny, are you ready for this?
- Yeah.

- Is everybody ready for this?
- Yeah.

Hey, we're gonna lose.

No, no, we just have to align our asses.

No, no, I mean, we have to lose.

Look, look.


On your mark,

get set,


- Woo-hoo!
- Yeah!


The cake tastes like envelopes.

Yeah. I know, so good.

When I was little,
I used to lick all the envelopes

for our Christmas card.

- Judy thought I was being so helpful.
- Right.

But you were savoring
the taste like a little...

- like a little creep?
- Yeah.

Ah, yeah.

- So great cake, huh?
- Oh, my God.

I am loving it. So good.


Elijah's sending over
the software tomorrow morning.

Really? That was fast.

Kelly, I called in the favor
the minute you asked.

Steve, hi, uh, okay.

I would just be normal. Okay.

I would like to talk to you
about your past indiscretions,

in hopes of getting closure.
Nobody does that.

- Hey.
- Hi.

You... you look like
you've been making out with a smurf.

What? Oh, jeez.

Oh, uh, it was Kelly's sister's
baby shower. It's blue cake.

She was having a boy,
it doesn't matter.

- Did you want a drink?
- Sure.

Remember your baby shower?

Judy got drunk and serenaded
with an acapella version

of "Your Body Is A Wonderland."

Oh, my God.

I still don't know how she thought

that was about
a mother-daughter home birth.

What I thought
when Elliot was little.

We did.


that's what I wanted
to talk to you about.

Kind of what happened between us.

Really? Um...

- You never wanted to before.
- I know.


I just was so angry.

I couldn't.


I realized now I just...

Steve, I really...

I really need closure.

That's great.

I'm not gonna make any excuses.

I wish I could go back and, uh...

Not sleep with
our son's gym teacher.

Biggest regret of my life,

that and not buying a rental property

before Toronto real estate went nuts.

Have you ever think
we gave up too quickly?


left behind a great love?

I think so.

Maybe we didn't leave it behind.

When I look at you,

I still feel it, Sam.

Good morning, sunshine.

I forgot how you like to do that
to wake me up.

Oh, no, I can't help it.
It gives me so much joy.

Look what I found in the back
of the bathroom door.

My old faithful, I guess
someone's been thinking about me.

Or more like I just kept using it
after you're gone, but okay.

Coffee's on,
bagels are in the toaster.

I'm gonna hop in the shower, all right?

- Hi.
- Hi.

Hey, sorry.
You mind if I just put these down?

- Oh.
- Because they're really hot.

Okay. I know.

I know nobody likes a drop in,

but I just missed you, Sam.

And, um, I know
we both been super busy,

so I figured I'd take a chance.

Oh, you know what?

You probably don't wanna be here
because my mother now,

likes to walk around naked
after a shower.

It's just... it's a Florida thing.

- Okay.
- So...

Well, we could...
we could go out back.

I mean, um, just like old times,

you and me
and some Somali and dark roast.

Uh, thank you.

You're really...

I have to shower for work.

- I have to get ready for work.
- Yeah. No.

- Get ready.
- For sure. Of course, you do.

I'll, uh, I'll leave you to it.

Seems like you and Judy
have some breakfast plans there, too.

- So...
- Yup.

Okay. Well then, I'll go.


Sam, uh,

I just wanna make sure that like, um,

that we're okay, right?

Um, I'm a-okay. So...

Okay. Great.

That's, uh, that's great to hear.

I'll see you at work.

I'll see you at work.

Hey, uh, Duff, could I
just talk to you a minute

about Adeline's case,
is that the thumb drive?

Did you decode it?

Okay. That's great.

What do we have here?

What do we have here?

Well, this file
has this list of names.

Most of them are Coyotes
who we've already found.

Strangely. So one that, uh,
Michael has found yesterday

- was also on the list.
- Hmm.

Lucky Spasek.

And the asshole was right
about one thing.

We haven't opened
all the files yet.

Okay. What's this?

Hey, I, uh, I know that face.

That's Enrique Flores Molina,
it's cartel boss.


This guy's on red notice
for importing cocaine.

Keep playing.

What the hell?

That kid is definitely underage.

Oh, God.

I gotta stop, I gotta stop,
I gotta stop.

Why does Adeline have this?

- She's blackmailing him.
- She's blackmailing him.

This is how she got the cartel
to supply the Coyotes to pay cocaine.

"Sell me your drugs
or I'd tell your macho friends

that you like teenage boys."

So, Adeline made the cartel connect

but Will is controlling everything?

It explains why
she felt entitled to take over.

Let's press Zorka,
get her to contact Adeline now.

Balda, I need your help.

Come to the fair now.

There, I left her a message.

It was the place
that her father picked for emergencies.

You sure Adeline's
getting these voicemails?


Uh, see?

A smile. It means she's coming.

Give me the phone back.

What if there's an emergency?

Give me the phone!

If you need anything,
you just talk into this.

Testing, testing.

Okay. Good to go.

And don't worry, we'll have eyes on you.

Detectives Duff and Wazowski
will keep an eye out for Adeline.

Come on, let's get you in the position.

This is all a little weird.


See Adeline yet?


Nothing but the butt of a dinosaur.

It's called a cloaca actually,
it's a three-in-one orifice

and just doesn't... doesn't work.

What's wrong with you today?

Uh, do you know that you are standing

behind a historically inaccurate dinosaur?

The Brontosaurus actually never exist...

And then you spend a long time
believing something

and then bam, everything
you knew it just... it isn't true.

She's not coming.

I have a bad feeling.

- Balda, she only thinks of herself.
- All right.

Sit tight.
We'll give it a few more minutes.

Where the hell is she?
Damn it. Let's go.

Yup, we lost Zorka.

Checking the southeast side of the mall.

Got it. We're going northwest.

Let's go.

- Where'd she go?
- I don't know.

I don't see her.

Eyes on Zorka.

She's with a man.
Blue shirt, by the Brontosaurus.


Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Come on, move!

Here, here.

Come on!

Let's go.

Oh, oh, excuse me.

Go, go, go, go.

Excuse me.


Sam, this way.

Stop, stop, police.

Come on!

GTPD, get your hands behind your back.

Balda sent them to take me.

Take you?

You paid me to 500 bucks
to get you out of there.

No, no, no, no, no, no.


So, dude over here says
he doesn't even know Adeline.

Yeah. And Zorka said
that she never gave him any money.

So who do we believe?

Bad guy rideshare
or snake oil sales woman?

Well, Adeline's a nightmare but...

she's still the only family
Zorka's got left.

And she's still the strongest lead
in our Coyote case.

Okay. So, where the hell is Adeline?

I hope you all had
a chance to finish reading

The Haunting of Chauncey Dubois

because there will be some spoilers.

Spoilers isn't rotten

because I tried to read them
but it stinks.

Don't you guys think...

...think so?

Uh, so anyone wanna try my bean salad?

So anyway,

the other day
I was playing with my cat Cloudy.

He's a Scottish Fold
with the bladder crystals,

when all of a sudden his favorite cat toy

started to sway all on its own.

I wasn't moving it

and Cloudy certainly wasn't moving it.

And I was wondering,

maybe it was the air-conditioner,
but it's broken.

Not that my landlord cares.

Do any of us really care?

- Oh, hey.
- Hey.

Hi. Come on in.

What a nice surprise.

- She's in there.
- Okay.

Sam, what are you doing here?

Oh, well,
the lights were on, I was passing by,

and I was like,
"Hey, I'll just..." that's a lie.

I just wanted to talk about
the other day with Zorka.

What about it?

Uh, the whole thing about us being family

and then you feeling lost and neglected

because we didn't come by to check on you.

I was acting.
I have to give them something.

Sounded true.

Oh, Sam.

Sam, oh, come on.

I'm fine.

Uh, yeah, I'm a little bored,
a lot frustrated.

But... I'm fine.


Liz, Elizabeth.

Kevin, he's... he's walking, he's eating.
What'd you give him?

Nothing, other than that water.


Good night, Judy.


So my Scottish Fold
said to my air-conditioner

maybe we're both haunted?

I think you were gonna be haunted
my McKayla's bean salad tonight.

I never seen someone pretend
to enjoy a legume so much.

Well, what I can say?

I'm really good at pretending.

- Yeah?
- Pretending to like things.

Pretending to be someone I'm not.

Why is that?

My mother never approved of me.

If she could've chosen
a different daughter, she would have.

I think that's how
my daughter feels about me.

But you guy...
You guys live together, right?

You're not close?

Oh, I try to be,
but Sam's never here.

She's a... she's a cop,
a total workaholic.

Obsessed with this new case.

Ooh. True crime.

Although but you can't really...

you can't really tell me
about it though, right?

Well, I don't really know that much.

But she thinks this real estate
agent's overdose

was actually a murder.

Uh, honestly, I don't know.

Well, if my mother

would rather a different daughter

and your daughter would rather
a different mother

then maybe they don't deserve us.

Maybe they don't.

Good night, new mommy.

Good night, sweetie.

Will I see you soon?



Did you forget something or...

Uh, no.

I actually wanted to talk to you.


I know I haven't been very supportive

or at all supportive really.

I'm happy for you guys.

It's just...

...not the easiest thing
for me to show up for.


Because I want a baby, too.

It's like this emptiness inside.

Well, are you sure you want a baby?

Because it kind of
sounds like you wanna eat a baby.

So maybe you should have more cake.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I guess you don't know

what it feels like be jealous,
Ms. Perfect.

- Oh, "Ms. Perfect"?
- Yeah.

Oh, may I remind you
that I'm having this baby on my own.

It's far from what I wanted.

And believe it or not,
I was jealous of you when we were kids.

Yes. You were like confident,
funny-as-hell sister

that all of my friends
wanted to be friends with

and all of my crushes wanted to date.

Let's be clear, okay?

At home, I was the underdog,
like, dead last.

Well, then try putting yourself first
for once.

That's why I'm doing this on my own,
I am putting what I want first.

So, hey, if there is something
that you want,

go get it.

You have one life, right?


It's okay. Get it.

- You're a cop, answer your Goddamn phone.
- Okay, okay, okay.

Hey, Nathan.


I'll be right there. Yup.

- I love you.
- I love you.

And I love you.

- Yes. Go.
- Bye. Okay.

What's going on?

Adeline French's evidence files
have been scrambled.

- What?
- All the photos,

everything on the drive, gone.

But the drive was in Evidence,
only police had access to it.


So, Adeline has someone inside
covering her tracks.

Which means the OCE has a dirty cop.

Michaels is losing it right now.

He's locking everything down.

I wanted you to know, all right?

Greene, my office now.