Pretty Hard Cases (2021–…): Season 1, Episode 1 - Bananas - full transcript

Detectives Wazowski and Duff meet on their first joint case and join forces despite their completely different personalities and methods.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
I gotta make a change,
like a big change

'cause I'm single--it's fine--
I'm over 40, and I'm soon to be

An empty nester.
So I just gotta make

A bold move.

Yep, I'm gonna cut my hair.

You're probably
one of those guys that thinks,

"oh yeah, all women
should have long hair,"

But guess what, honey,
you get to a certain age,

And women, they do not care.
They do not care what you think.

Long hair--top tip--
it drags your face down,

It gets all up in your mouth,
you know. You have no idea

What it's like
chewing your own hair.

The strange thing is though,
you know, when I was a kid,

I used to chew on my hair
all the time, I didn't think
it was disgusting at all.

Ok, I have a theory.
Hair attached to your head

Is just not as disgusting
as hair detached from your head.

Because if a hair attached
to your head gets in your mouth,

You're like, prtt! What? I don't
care. Is that even there?

Would you ever take
a wad of hair from a brush?

It could be your hair.
:) Stop talking.

Your lover's hair. A dog hair.
Could be a pubic hair in there.

Stop talking! Stop talking!
Would you eat it? No.

Ok, fine. It's just my--
please. I don't want to get

In the way of your equal rights
here, but trust me,

I happen to like a woman
with a hairy armpit,

Ok, but long hair on a lady
makes them seem,

Oh, I don't know,
more attractive.

Did you bring coffee?

Obviously. Here.

Look at miss piggy.

She was a pig but that hair...

Ok, ok,
eyes on the seller.

Look at this.
Same time, same bench.

Makes our job easier.

Ok. Here we go.

Ten bucks says
that's his runner.

Why aren't you in school,
young man?

What's this now?
What's she doing?
Get out of there!


You shopping
at the fresh farm. I know

You got a little extra change
in those pockets.

Come on! Come on!
A little extra change, please?

Alright, yeah. Extra change
here. Take it, get out of here.

Hahaha! That's what
I'm talking about!

Yeah! Haha! Oh! Ooh!

Ow! Ooh! Something bite me.
Ooh, my neck!

I think it's a spider or
something. Right here! I think

It went down my undershirt!


no, no, no!

This is not happening!

Hey, you! Get back here!


You've got to drop the bag!

Hey! Lady!

Hey! I'm gonna get it for you,
I'm a sprinter!

I almost went
to the olympics!


Another car! Sorry.

Get away from me!
Are you crazy?!

Give me the bag!
It's not your bag!

what's your problem?

Whoa! Ah!
Don't really love the b word.

Excuse me! Oh! Pardon me!

If you give me the bag,
I will buy you lunch!

Get off of me, lady!

What's wrong with you?

Give me the bag!
No! Give me the bag!

Wait! Give me!

Get off me! Who are you?!

Give me the bag!

Why don't you both
let it go, huh?

Hey. I told you
that I was gonna get

This bag for you,
didn't I? And I did.

Here, take it.

Detective samantha wazowski,
guns and gangs! Hand in the air

Nice and slow!
You're a cop?

You're a cop?!
That's right. And I'm the
best damn cop that you ever--

Put it down, lady! Now!

I'll take
those groceries, thanks.
I don't think so!

Detective kelly duff,
drug squad,

And those groceries
are coming with me.

Oh, my god! I had no idea.
That's incredible!

I'm detective samantha wazowski,
guns and gangs. Just said that.

Weird that we haven't met yet.
Do you mind

If I get back
to arresting this guy?

No, I don't.
Drop the gun!

Turn around!
Put your hands on your head!

Yeah, got you now. Haha!

No, no, no, no.
Those are coming with me.

You can drop it.
We both know there's not,

Like, groceries
in here, right? I think

There is roughly...
Let me see. Oh, ok.

One and a half kilos
of cocaine.

Let's have a little look-see,
shall we?

We have...
Oh! Half a key of coke.

Yes, please.
Oh, 100 grams of cheezies,

And then there's just
one and a half...

There's a kilogram of hamburger
meat, but that actually

Adds up to one and a half,
so I am still right!

Hey, hey, we got one!

What are you, 12?
That's ok.

No, you can let go.
No, no, I have it already.

There's no need. I don't mind.

davis dubman! Dubman, dubman,

I like it,
it's a fun name to say.

Listen, I am so sorry to
pull you away from your meeting

With rafi bowen,
but on the bright side,

You and I, we're gonna get
a chance to talk.

Who's rafi?
Rafi, the youngest

Of the three bowen brothers.
Stock was named

Back then for the narcotic
known as cocaine.

Which I specialize in.
I was just meeting a friend.

Detective duff, it's ok.
You know what? I have got this.

Um, mr. Dubman,
let's get real.

You are a member
of the stockwood crew.
I'm not part of any crew.

And how about "gang"?
Is that better?

A network of associates
who make their money

By conducting illegal activity,
which constitutes

A gang in my eyes. My eyes
being all the eyes that matter.

For the record,
my eyes also matter,

And I was thinking--
here's what I'm thinking.

Thank you.
There's a bunch of fish

In the stockwood pond.
There's big fish,

There's small fish. There's
piranhas and there's guppies.

These are the piranhas,
the bowen brothers.

Randy bowen, steph bowen.
Piranhas aren't big fish;

They're actually small fish.
But they are ferocious though.

Even more so
because they swim in schools,

Otherwise known as gangs.
If you want to get technical,

Gang is called a shoal.
I'm an expert on fishing.

I grew up visiting
my uncle travis on lake simcoe,

And, believe me, I have spent
many an hour on a lake.

Mm-hmm. Obviously
not catching piranhas.

Correct. I was catching
smelts. Are you a smelt, davis?

- I'm cool
with piranha actually.

Yeah, of course you are 'cause
you think you're a tough guy,

But too bad, you are a guppy.
And what I want to know is

Who is the shark? And my money
is on steph bowen. Am I right?

See? When we "caught" you,

You went from--
guppy to fish food.

Now you're gonna go to prison
where a shoal of piranhas

Are gonna eat you alive.
Either way, ta-da!

I am the fisherwoman,
I am throwing you a worm.

You work with us to get
the bowens off the street,

And I'm gonna make you a deal.
Sorry, lady,

Excuse me.

I am asking you to stand down

And to stop meddling
in my investigation.

No. You are meddling
in my investigation.

I was building my case.
Arresting these low-level guys

Too quickly puts a ticking clock
on the entire operation,

Alerting everyone
that we're moving in.

Look. Just put
the barcode down.

um, I can do it myself.

Listen, what I am thinking
is that you're...

You're just new around here.
No, no. Not new at all.

I was undercover for
four months, and now I'm back.

And clearly while I was gone,
they let you nerds

Into the building.
Guns and gangs.

We aren't nerds fyi.
We have three teams

That, just like you, are
street savvy and business smart,

And that's why we get the office
with the windows.

Yeah. Windows everywhere,
people all up in your business.

See, we in drug squad like to
keep things a bit more covert.

Of course you do. Guns
and gangs is like transparency

Versus drug squad who likes
secretly fudging the rules.

I didn't fudge any rules.
You stole rafi's drugs.

If you knew he was selling,
you should have arrested him!

Rafi is barely a player;
arresting him wasn't my goal.

I was operating in the
grey zone, a discretionary zone,

Thank you, which drug squad uses
to get the job done.

You know what?

In this day and age, we need
to forego the grey zone.

We have to lean
into those rules.

You know, in many cases,
"karen," rules don't serve

The best interest
of the people.

Did you just call me a karen?
Is that all you heard?

My arrests are clean,
and my convictions hold up.

The saints, does that
ring any bells?

A little guy, he turns
and he testifies on his boss,

And billy braymore
gets life in prison.

That was you?
Yeah. And it was completely

By the book. And now I'm gonna
take down the stockwood gang.

I am like marie kondo
cleaning up the streets

One gang at a time.
Now who in the hell made

This banana?
I guess, technically god

Or a god made the banana.
Isn't that adorable.

She thinks
god made the banana.

Why would god make
such a difficult banana?

Test your patience.
You just failed.

Naz, let's get an arrest warrant
for rafi bowen,

2600, cochrane court.

I'll get technical for backup.
Hey, if you are arresting

Rafi bowen, I'm going
to be there.

Mm-mm. Mm-mm.

Excuse me. I'm sorry.
Is this your partner?


No. Look, I gave up
on partners, alright?

I work with any one of
these yahoos, it doesn't matter.

I choose to work
with this yahoo in particular
'cause he keeps his mouth shut

And does what I tell him.
I do a whole bunch of stuff

Around here.
I'm pretty useful.

I'll get the car.

Oh no. No, we are not finished
discussing this!
We are.

Hey, put bibe on.

Yeah, I'm looking for a team
to move in a takedown.

Hello. Can I just have

Two seconds, please?
Commander schenks?

Eye contact.

I would like

To file a complaint of sorts.
Is this

A formal complaint?
Like, do I have to do

An official investigation or are
you just doing your thing again?

Not a formal complaint, but
what I am doing is I am airing

So here we go.

Commander, I know
I don't need to remind you

That guns and gangs were brought
into organized crime

Enforcement building
specifically to facilitate

More cooperative multidivisional

I also don't need to remind you
that guns and gangs are part

Of many high-level
gang operations,

Of which drug squad
is not a part.

You just wasted 30 seconds;
tell me things that you're

Not gonna remind me of.
Ok, one month ago,

Three victims were killed
in a stockwood drive-by.

I am aware.
Yeah. And since then, I have

Been zeroing in
on the stockwood players,

Working my proven meticulous
five-point system,

I finally find my way
into this case

Only to find one
of your drug squad detectives

Trying to take it away
from me. Kelly someone.

She sounds very--
kelly duff.

She's a great cop.
She was working

Undercover for a few months.
She was on the de angelis case.

Oh, jeff keegan's play? Ok,
that definitely explains a lot.

Come again?
I would like
to bring to your attention

That she called me a karen.

Only a karen
would report that.

Copy that. I was this close
to arresting rafi bowen.

That's steph bowen's brother.
Obviously, his connections

Are huge, so what I am
asking you is this:

Please, would you let me,
please, accompany

Detective duff on
rafi's formal arrest as, say...


Ok. Fine.
Just try not to be so annoying.

:) Can you imagine
working in the synthetic suit

She was wearing?
May be like doing yoga

In a denim jumpsuit.

I can't imagine
you doing yoga.

Eat me.
I've done yoga.

No, no. "I've done yoga"
is not "I do yoga."

Mm-mm. I never said
I do yoga;

I'm saying I wouldn't do it
in jeans.

Nor would I be a cop
running around

With polyester pants
climbing up my... Oh!


Might as well be waving a flag.
Police bust here!

Alright. I'll handle it;
you stay out of the way.

Watch and learn
how we do it, pantsuit.

Police! Open up!
Rafi bowen, we have

A warrant for your arrest!

Alright! Let's go!

Front room, clear!

The kitchen's clear.
Bedroom's clear.


What's going on?
A kid there with a gun.

: Step out
with your hands in the air!

Slowly! Slowly!

Put the gun down!
Slowly! Slowly!

You need to put that gun down!
Rafi left me in charge.

A kid!
You have to leave.

You need to put the gun now!

Hey, hey! Wait, wait, wait!
Muzzles down! Muzzles down!

Muzzles down, muzzles down.

Muzzles down. It's alright.

Hey. Just me,

That's all.
How do you know rafi?

He's jackie's boyfriend.
Ok. Who's jackie?

My sister!
Ok, give us a little space.

Duff, get out of there.
No. 'cause rafi said

That... I'm sorry,
what's your name again?

Not saying.
Cool! Rafi said

That "not saying" is in charge,
and he wants us to leave!

So we're gonna leave!
Not until he puts
the gun down.

He's going to put it down
when we leave.

No. Stop!
Look, I don't care

What you think you're supposed
to do right now! Drop your guns

And back away. It's on you.

You don't have
authority here, duff.
You boys are

Way too jacked up right now for
my liking, and it's my arrest!

A little boy in there with
a gun and another little boy.

I know that.
Yeah? Could shoot himself in
the foot, could lose his foot.

You could lose your job.
We could all lose our jobs

And our feet or worse.
You're gonna have to step

Aside and let me handle this.
Hey, hey. Bob,

Just give me two minutes,
alright, and if it doesn't
work, you can do it your way.

It's just me.

Hey, can we talk a second?

You can't come in.
I know.

I'ma stay right here, ok?
Is this ok?


You are doing
a great job.

You hear me?
I mean, rafi picked

The right kid to watch his spot.

He did. You know
when I was your age,

I was left in charge too,

But I was always scared.

I didn't have a gun.

I had to learn to defend myself.

Do you know
what I'm thinking?

I'm thinking
you... Could protect

This whole place
all on your own

Without that gun

Because real heroes,

They don't hurt people
to get what they want. Right?

And I know you're not trying
to hurt anyone.

I know that.
I can tell that.

And no one here

Wants to see you hurt yourself.

So here's what I'm thinking:

If you give me that gun,
we make all this go away.

You promise?

I do.

Now careful
not to point that at me.

Thank you.


What is this?
What's going on here?

Official police investigation.

What's it about?
Do you live around here?

No. No, no, no.
I was just driving by.


House is clean. Yeah.

No, no, no. That kid believed
he was left in charge, duff;

Maybe he gotta be left
in charge of something.

Duff. Can you tell me again
why you think rafi is

Barely a player? I really want
you to review your theory.

Ok. So you found something
up there that contradicts

My theory and want
to rub it in my face?

Now you're really taking
all the fun out of this.

We have one,
two, three

Oh, four keys of cocaine,

And, ooh wee, look at this:

Two smith & wesson 1911s.
So I guess, technically,

This comes over
to guns and gangs, so...

So sorry.

It was really, really nice

Working with you.


Alright, guns and gangs,
let's see what you got.

Uh, mr. Gray, are you aware
that you left your son alone

In the residence
of a known drug dealer?

Of course not. I left him
with my stepdaughter.

Your stepdaughter's name?

Jackie. We know that already.
Can you ask him

About rafi bowen?

I get sol
every second weekend,

And I try to take
that time off work, but I got

An emergency call.
Aw, aren't you a good dad?

What do you do for work?
Welding, mostly.

Listen, I'd like to see my boy.
He must be so scared.

He's with a social worker.
He should be with me.

I'm his mother.
Tiggy sullivan.

I'm detective wazowski.
Goddamn it, ricky!
You pulled a gun on the cops?!

It's jackie's fault
for leaving him.
You pawned him off on jackie?!

Yes, can you take a seat,
please? Take a seat.

Who has custody of sal?
Oh, that would be me.

Rick's a recreational dad.
Look, I got called into work.

I didn't have a choice!
I never knew anyone

Who worked so much
to earn so little!

He does not need to be here.

Right. Of course,
now she can't ask him

About rafi bowen.
Mr. Gray, do you
know rafi bowen?

Who's that? Jackie's new dude?

This week.

Never met him.
Can I go see my son?

Don't think you're
leaving here with sol.

Miss sullivan, are you aware
that rafi bowen is an affiliate
of the stockwood gang?

Rafi? No, he's not.

Is he?

You think I'd leave her alone
with him if I knew that?

Can you please show me
a photo of jackie?

Your daughter was on the scene
when we detained your son,

And she didn't identify herself.

Can you please tell me
where she is?

I've been trying her,
she won't answer.

And now the tears.
I can't keep track of her.

Hard to wrangle an 18-year-old.
I know what it's like.

I have a 17-year-old son, so...

And if she calls,
I'm gonna haul her ass in here.

You have my full cooperation.

Could we have
your number, please?

"sullivan logistics."

Kind of birthright.

Two kids, different dads.

Running my dead father's
trucking company.

Is sol gonna be in trouble?
He's 10, so...

He'll be fine.


Excuse me. Hello.
Where are your clothes?

Whoever you are, can you go

And put them on, please?
They're wet from the pool.

We do not have a pool.
Henry! Henry!

What are you doing?
You have to turn the flame down.

Elliott, it is taco Tuesday;
do you remember?

Elliott?! Elliott.


Hi. You're not supposed
to have people over

Without telling me first.
I know. I'm sorry.

They're just already here, so...
Elliott james wazowski,

Would you like me to bring down
the capital g?
The goose?

The ganga? Your gun?

No. My gosh, no!
I mean grounded.

That was what I--
she's gonna pull out her gun!

I can't do that in front of
your friends! Listen. Everybody,

I want you out now.
Please go.

Go! Everybody, let's go!

Ok, thank you. Elliott,

Not you.
I'm sleeping at dad's.

It's taco Tuesday. Hey! Ok,
we have to clean up the kitchen.

Love you.
And don't forget the...

these! The eyelashes!

Oh, geez.


Hi, mike.

Oh. I really like the sound
of your voice too, so...

That's funny. No, I didn't bring
my cuffs home with me.

Oh! Yes, what am I looking for

In a relationship? Ok.

That's a very good question. Ok.

I am looking for camaraderie

And companionship and the...

The intercourse is also
on my list.

Tonight? Um...

Like, I can't come
to your house.

My house? Well, I just... Like,
that's not a very good idea.

Although you know what?
You would have to be crazy

To mess with a cop. Ok.

Mike, you can come over
for one glass of wine,

And then you leave when I say.
And if you do anything weird,

I'm gonna do a straight-arm
takedown on you because...

Totally. This is like
what people do.

I mean, people are doing this.
This is like...

This is definitely like
a new era.

What do the kids say?
They say, "yolo!"

So 3287, elm street west.

I will see you
in 30 minutes.

No. I said before
I didn't' uh...

I did not bring the cuffs
home with me.

You want me to what
with my baton?!

Mike, you have crossed a line,

And you have failed my test,
which is why

I have given you
the wrong address, buddy.

I actually live in ajax
in a super-secure building

With a very big alarm,
and don't you

Ever contact me again!

Alright. Jackie sullivan.





What's up?

No. It was a bit of a cluster.

I'm on it.

nah, I'm...

I'm actually

Not at home.

I'm still working.
Um, not sure when I'll be home.

But... Why don't I give you
a call tomorrow.

Alright? Bye.

Oh, god.

Uh... Think, think, think.

(knocking on door

hey, mike!

I told you not to come here.
I know, I never should have

Given you my number!
You need to go away now!

:) Wazowski, it's me.

Tried to call you a few times,
but your phone was off.

Who's mike?
I don't know who mike is.

Mike's a lapse in judgment.
What do you want?

Ah. A drink.

Let's see.
Yeah. Help yourself,

We did just meet today.
Uh... Ever heard of beer?

Oh, I just... Rarely
have people over, so...

No, this isn't
people over.

It's a pop by for a minute.
Yeah, but you did have

To creep my address
from oce's personal database.

Oh, right. Yeah, of course.
Yeah, you're here

For a bigger thank you for today
with the kid and the gun.

That was really good.

Really. Thank you.

So you'll admit
that my... Handling of it,

Albeit in the grey zone,
was preferable?


You law-and-order cops
are part of the problem.

Oh, come on, what?
You're not law and order?

No. I'm serve and protect.

I admit I have a hard time
navigating the grey zone,

Which is why, like,
rules are so important to me.

Rules and my meticulous
five-point plan.

A five-point plan, huh? Ok.

Can I ask you something?

You know that uc play
that you were working,

The one with jeff keegan,
I was just wondering

If, like, that was
considered the grey zone.

We got a million bucks' worth
of drugs off the street.

Yeah, but now he's
under investigation

For excessive use of force.

He'll be cleared.
Hey, I get it.

I get that we're trained
to be loyal at all costs.

Especially women in the force.
You know, "stop being a woman,

Start being a cop,"
and for you, well, you know.

What? That whole "I don't
bleed black, I bleed blue" crap?

I'm sure it was
even harder for you.

To know that...

I am aware of my privilege,
and I am

An ally.

Well, let's get
this woman a trophy.

8 a.M. Tomorrow.
I'll pick you up.

Because jackie sullivan knows

How to find rafi, and I know

How to find jackie sullivan.

Yeah, yes, yes, yes, yes!

Good morning!

Cute car.
Thank you.

So where's your seatbelts?

Let me hear this baby sing.
Oh, my gosh,

You know what? I'm loving this.
This is so nice.

Just being
a passenger, you know?

It's just more high status
being driven around,

You know what I mean?

The driver's in charge.
That's weird 'cause obama

Didn't drive himself around.

So are you saying that you're
higher status ain't obama?

I'm saying
I'm higher status than you.

I'm the captain,
you're the first mate.

What are we doing here?

:) 905ss. 9 a.M.
I mean she's 18,

So I figured
she'd be a little late.

Yeah. Could you, like, stop
with the code and fill me in

Like a grown-up adult?

Jsulligirl posted
a thumbs up and a heart emoji

On crunkbboi's story
last night

With a 9-1-1.
Like a 22-36.

He responded with
a hashtag #isyourparty.

Yeah. I'm no clearer.

Jackie's picking up drugs
for rafi from his locker

Number 22-36,
and the code to get in

Is her birthday.
This is like throwing a dart

At the wall. If he wanted
to leave her a message,

Why wouldn't he just dm her?
Maybe he wasn't sure

She'd bite. Now we got
another shorty waiting in line

And... There she is.

Am I right?

Uh... It's not mine.

Must be a bitch being born
on Halloween. Candy or presents?

I totally get that,
I was born on December 25th.

Jackie sullivan,

We're gonna need to talk about
your boyfriend, rafi bowen.

I think you know more
than you're telling me.

I don't! I swear I don't.

You left a 9-year-old boy
alone in rafi's house

With a gun.
Rafi was nice

To sol. I wouldn't have left him
there if I knew he kept a gun

In his place.
Well, all I gotta say is

Your mom is pretty pissed.
Mm-hmm. Like, she was

The angriest mother
that I've ever seen.

Yeah, she had a hard time
getting ahold of you,

But we managed
to find you pretty quickly

Collecting rafi's backup stash.

Do you know rafi's brothers:
Randy bowen, steph bowen?

Yeah. His brothers are
assholes. They don't get along.
But you and rafi are tight?

You cover for him,
but he hangs you out to dry.

I can't deal. I would just book
her. You can't help someone who

Doesn't want to help themselves.
I wasn't selling;

I was picking up his stuff.

But the problem is
detective law & order here.

Facts are facts.

Oh, my god!
We found you

With a significant amount
of cocaine.

Yeah. That being
said, though,

Detective loosey-goosey
over here

Has been bending my ear

About the discretionary nature
of new world policing,

So I don't know, maybe--
oh, wait. I'm sorry.

Are you saying
that we should cut her a deal?

What am I saying is
there is a world where jackie

Could avoid five years of
jail time and a criminal record,

You know, if she cooperated
and helped us find rafi.

:) Uh-huh.

Hi, jackie. I thought
I was clear. He has to meet

At the parking lot
at 1st and dunlap, 7 p.M.

It's what I'm doing.
No, it's not

What you're doing.
Yeah. Pig is a parking garage

Behind the giant tiger
on dunlap and 1st.

Family feud comes on
at 7 p.M. Duh.

Oh, my god, whatever. He's
never going to understand that.

Hmm... I think he did.

alright, wait a second, guys.

We don't know
what we're walking into here.

We gotta stay one step ahead.
So I'm thinking

We put in a sniper.
And I'm thinking

Shot to the head
probably shouldn't be

Our strategy.
Yeah. Remember that seminar

We went to?
Old school versus new school?

Fine. Fine! We'll do it
the boring way, alright?

We'll put this narco in
to stay close to the girl,

And we'll just wait
for rafi to show up.

So, do we have a plan or not?
Yes, ma'am!

I got a plan.
I have got the plan.

Obama, you're driving.


No, don't take the gardiner
this time of day,
take lakeshore.

hey, it's elliott.

Could you grab it, please?
Excuse me?

Please. I said please.

Hey, sweetie, what's up?

hi, mom.
Don't freak out, ok?

Ok, go on.
I... I got jumped.

totally not my fault,
but you gotta come.

Ok, where are you?
I'm at school.

I'm with the... The principal.

Whoa, what the hell, woman?!

I will be right there.
It is 4 o'clock;

We gotta be in place by 6!
You know what?

You were right,
the driver is in control.

He sounded fine on the phone.
I don't know

Why you're panicking.
Because he's my son

And he got jumped. Ok?
Can't the dad deal with this?

Oh, is that what dads do?
Sweep in like heroes when

There's trouble? Why don't you
show me one of those fancy dads.

I take it your divorce
didn't go smoothly.

Marriage didn't
go smoothly.

Oh, my god! Oh, my god!

It's two-day suspension

For this guy.
No, no. No, he was jumped!

Ok. Well, mom, look, this guy
was a total asshole, right?

No. No. He got
into a fight.

It sounds like
tyler fantino paid elliott

$300 for a pair of sneakers

And never received
said sneakers.

So, they got into it.
That sounds really terrible.

Listen, is there anything
we can do about the suspension?

It's just that this year
is so important

For elliot's college future.

Ah, so it's
miss I-don't-break-the-rules

Until my son gets involved.

I'm sorry,
who are you?

This is my colleague.
Kelly duff.

Fine! Do you know what? Fine!

The suspension holds,
but could you please send me

Tyler's contact details
because I'm going

To e-transfer the money out
of elliott's savings account,

Ok? Elliott...
Thank god.

I want you to go
straight home.

Look, he deserved it, ok?
I mean, he did the same thing

To a bunch of my friends.
Two wrongs don't make a right.

Look, I was levelling, ok?
I shouldn't be suspended
for that.

So your kid wants $300
and his sneakers?

Are you kidding?

We done.
It isn't on you to level,

And did I pay for that shirt?
Uh, no.

But yo, can I have,
like, $20 for food?

I didn't get lunch.

Here. It's good for you;
it has lots of fibre.

Let's go!

East end, camera pan left.

You weren't here,

So I already made
the assignments. Jackie's
wired. Your boy nazir here is

Gonna get in as close as he can.
Morris and I are gonna cover

The north end. Jimbo and pete,
they're gonna cover the south.

Ok, hey, can you say
your name for me?

Mm-hmm. Yeah?

Jackie sullivan.
Thank you.

Ok. It's gonna be ok.
We're not gonna pick him up

'til well after you're gone.
Just be quick.

Act like you're cheesed.

Likely derived from
the cheese-making process.
It's when the milk sours--

Just be mad.
You'll be alright.

It's time to sack up.
Alright, let's rock and roll!

You'll be ok.

:) Ok. Let's get...

Eyes on jackie.

You know, nazir's got
a really nice voice.

It's friendly. I really like
the timbre. It's like

If a beeswax candle could talk.
Ok, sandra day,

Keep your pants on.
And speaking of pants, god,

We gotta get you some new ones.
You know what?

Fingers crossed.
He's with the bowens.

Randy or maybe even steph 'cause
steph is the shark, right?

Hey, little jackjack.
You got it?

Rafi, you are so lucky

I didn't flush this
down the toilet.

Hey, I'm the one who's on the
run here. Why don't you chill.

Just give me the bag.
What's your problem?

You know
that they pulled in sol, right?

Hmm? Big man, couldn't help

Yourself from showing
my little brother your gun?!

Alright, alright, look.
I was younger than him

The first time I held a piece.
Right. Right on.

You just... You take the stash.
I don't need this.

Great! Good 'cause now
I don't need you.


:) Whoa.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
What is she doing?

You told her to get cheesed.
I have never met a bigger

Piece of garbage in my life.
Hey, stop following me!

We're done!
We are done?

Don't worry, I know that,

And now I'm just looking
for a thank you.

Thank you, you can't
even say it. You won't say it.

:) I tried, man.
Is that rick?




What are you doing
with rafi?

:) Her stepdad.

I knew I didn't like that guy.

Rafi works for me.

:) What about
the twins? I don't understand.
:) The twins too.

They all work for me.

ooh, let's go!

Hey. Hey, relax.

Now I gotta go. I gotta go.
Jackie, get your ass back here

Right now! Jackie!
Freeze! Let me see your hands!

You, in the car, out now!
Hands on your head!

Turn around!

Put your hands on your head!

Hands up! Hands up!
Put 'em out!

Put your hands
on your head!

Just work with us,

jackie sullivan,

You're under arrest.

And that, my friends,
is the beauty of fish.

They swim in schools,
so if you catch one, you are--

Oh, god! Can you just stop
with that? It's not working.

It's an analogy.
It sucks.

Teamwork! Am I right?
No. Let's go.

Come on.

Come on!

Go to your room!

Oh, you think you're grown-up
right now, you don't need

To listen to me, huh?
If you're so goddamn mature,

Why are you still
under my roof? Go!

Question. Um...

Did you know
rick was a drug dealer?

Rick and I were married for
years. I knew he had secrets,

But I just thought
it was another woman.

Is rick a part
of your trucking company?

I didn't know of it
until after we split.

Already looking into that one.
Go ahead.

She could have a record?
She's 18, she's an adult...

meaning you're gonna have

To talk to her about that.
Oh, excuse me just a second.

Hello. What's up?
I was just on my way home.
Hey. What's going on?

You blew off taco tuesdays,
and I changed it, remember,
to taco wednesdays.

No, no, no.
Elliott, that's not what we--

Miss sullivan, I like how when
you tell your kids what to do,

You don't whine.

Oh, what? Oh yeah,
you think you're grown-up?

You don't have to listen to me?
Listen, it is taco Wednesday

Or I'm taking away your phone
and the internet, ok?

I will see you in an hour.
Holy moly! Kids, am I right?


Well, thank you for your time.

So taco Wednesday, huh?

Can I come? Kidding. Kidding.

Thank you, detectives.

I didn't know
rick was involved.

I didn't know he was your--
you knew rafi was dealing.

You think rafi idealized rick
'cause he could weld a pipe?

Goddammit, jackie,
who needs you anyway?

Rick was bringing in

Goddamn drugs,
and we were getting a cut.

Otherwise, my company would be
tits up by now!

Then you go and blow it all up
by handing rick to the cops
on a goddamn plate!

Yeah. Because I would have
been arrested

I am not going back
to scrounging,

Rolling up nickels
or returning beer bottles
for a goddamn loaf of bread.

Someone's gotta take
rick's place.

No. No, no, no, no, mom.

Mom, these guys, these people,

They're scary.
Oh no, baby,

The scariest bear
in the woods

Is the mama bear.

You come
between her and her cubs;

She'll eat you alive.

There he is.
There he is.


You're still driving that thing?
Hey, hey.

Ride or die.

What's up? You alright?

A long day.

Oh, give me
the highlights.

Well, we finally got
rafi bowen.

Come on.
And his connect Rick gray.

- You're kidding me?
How did you do that?

Team effort
with guns and gangs.

Who was your guy?
No, it was a woman

Samantha wazowski.

that geek?

I think
I'd rather chew glass

Than work a case
with that little ruler stick.

You must have really
missed my ass.

Yeah, well, let's just say
it wasn't the same without you.

I miss you too.

Get out of here!

Oh! And, uh...
This youth program thing,

I don't know
what we're gonna do.

They said I can't run it
until I'm clear.

Alright, it's fine.

You know what?
I'll run it for now.

Thank you.

You are such a wuss!

Shut up!

I got your back here.

And listen,

When they do finally
give me my job back,

You can't abandon me, ok?

No. Of course not.

You gotta dance with the one
who "brung" you in, right?

Closed captioning by sette inc