Preacher (2016–…): Season 4, Episode 1 - Masada - full transcript

Jesse is rocked by visions of an apocalyptic future as he and Tulip prepare for an all-out assault on Masada, where Cassidy -- trapped to a tortuous fate -- struggles to hang on.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Her guy can get us in?

- Uh-huh.
- Good.

Feels like the end almost.

I guess we all gotta die sometime, eh?


S'a lot of beers.

I like beer, Cass.

Patrick and Murphy...
they're out fishing at sea,

and the engine on the boat dies?

So Murphy just says, "Look,
we're just gonna have to

sit here and wait for help."

So, for two full days,
they're lost at sea.

And they see this little bottle,

and it's just bobbin'
around in the waves.

So, Patrick, he scoops
it up, and he opens it.

And out pops a genie.

And he grants them one wish.

Patrick says, "Alright.

Turn the whole sea into Guinness."

Just like that,

the whole sea goes black with Guinness.

And Murphy says to Patrick,

"What in the hell'd you do that for?

Now we're gonna have
to piss in the boat."

Piss in the boat. Mm.

I like that.

And listen.

We haven't done that in a while.


I love you.

Till the end of the world?

Till the end of the world.

I was having a laugh.

Wh... Wh-Why would I would be joking

about a groin pull?

It's nothing funny about
it. So I turn to him...

Shut your hole, birdman. Christ.

Yeah, you're a sly one, aren't you?

Well, if it isn't Nurse Ratched,
come to bring us our lithium.

Movie references! Nice
one, friend. Nice one.

Shut your mouth and put the
wings away or we saw them off.

Come on.

So, where's my favorite
traitor Agent Hoover?

I owe him a bit of a beatdown, actually.

Herr Starr set him on fire.

Right. No need for that, then.

Shackle him.

Well, I really love
what Lord Frankenstein's

done with the place.

Really letting the dark
and dank run wild, isn't he?

This is Masada, The
Grail's command center

for over 2,000 years and home

to the Child Messiah.


Attention all Grail personnel.

I tell you what... get me a latte,

I'll tell me friends
to take it easy on you

when they get here.

No, thanks.

Padre got his powers back.

Sooner or later, he and Tulip,
they're both gonna get me.

You think so?

I know so.


Otherwise, why the
hell would we need you?

Let's go.

We're gonna be late for class.

Attention all Grail personnel.

What was that?

The Lee-Enfield rifle,

named after its
designer... James Paris Lee.

You hear that? That click-clunk?

That's the sound of a 303

slidin' into place, ready to fly.

You wanna torture someone?

First things first... you
gotta earn their respect.

And let me tell you somethin'...

There's few things more
respectable than the Enfield.

♪ Protect Him we
must, our holy Babe ♪

♪ Leader of a world brand-new ♪

- ♪ Arise, He shall come ♪
- Shh, shh.

- ♪ When the time is right ♪
- Listen up.

- ♪ Together, we will start anew ♪
- Come on, be quiet.


♪ The sky will be bathed
in a glorious light ♪

♪ The world, His
vision will come true ♪

♪ Cleansed are the sinners,
not a heretic in sight ♪

♪ Together we will start anew! ♪

♪ He's glorious, protect Him ♪

♪ He's glorious, we'll protect Him ♪

Together we...


Sorry to interrupt
your little sing-along.

Your dick of a boss
kidnapped our friend,

and we want him back.

Who wants to help us break
into Masada and get him out?


And I thought they'd be into it.

It's very surprising.

You sure about this?

Bunch of fascist assholes?

Singing their fascist songs.

Hell yeah, I'm sure.

Do it.

She's the boss. You work for her.

She's the boss.

We work for her.

Alright, bitches.

Let's go.

He's moved on.




No matter.

He can't hide.




Last but not least... liver.

God damn it!

I gotta drink with that!

Now, at this point, your
typical vic is bleeding out

and fading fast.

There's only so many body
parts a person can lose.

Know what I'm saying?

But our subject here is special.

Whatever he loses...

...he grows back.

That being said, bullets is easy.

Bullets is basic.

You want to produce a deeper kinda hurt,

you gotta go old-school.

When it comes to the application

of pain,

you gotta go Bensonhurst.



Ah, Fredo. Come here a sec.

Let me have a word wit'cha. Come here.

Listen to me.

I've been gettin' tortured since before

yer Ma had a bloody mustache.

You know what I mean?

There's nothing you could do
to me that hasn't been done

a hundred times already, honestly.

- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah.


Frankie's working on the vampire, sir.

Any sign of Custer?


He's here.

Let him in.

Happy you could join us, Custer.

You'll see I've taken precautions.

I see you've got an old lady.

A deaf and dumb old lady,
in case you get any ideas.

Only ideas I have is to
get Cassidy outta here.

Where is he?

He is resting peacefully.

You're mad at me, not him.

'Cause of the old...

I'm sorry.

We haven't exactly brought
the best out in each other.

Well, I wanna put that behind us.

So I got you a little somethin'.

Hand over Cassidy, and
you can wear hats again.

Take off your headphones.

Let me use The Word, make it right.

Nice try, Custer.

But I had a different idea
when I took your friend

and lured you here.

Don't you want to know...

What is your very different idea, Klaus?

You're here, Jesse Custer,

to have a giant vagina
carved into your head.

I see.

That's how you want to play it.

Take me to Cassidy.

The door's the key.

You're absolutely right, boss.
It's the only way in and out.

We need that door open and kept open.

Great plan, boss.

Yeah, we got a good feeling here.




Took you long enough, wanker.


What happened?

Son of a bitch.

He's been circumcisin'
me. Over and over like.

Are you laughin' at me?


Who did this to you?

Who's askin', asshole?

I am.

Let's fight.

Room service.


I had this, ya know.

- What?
- I had it.

I was probing for weaknesses
and biding my time like, ya know?

You were biding for a lot of it.

Now, you see... now, there!
You're laughin' at me!

No, I'm not.

Come on. Tulip's waitin'.


You gonna do your vampire thing?

Do I... Do I want to
do my vampire thing?

You know, like... rip his
head off or suck his blood.

I'm good.


Caught her reconnoitering.

Nice work. Go on up to Operations
and fill out an incident report.

No, I won't.

You got something better to do?


"Secure the exit and waste
anyone that gets in our way."

What the hell has gotten into you?

I don't like it either, Tam,

but filing reports is part of the job.

So, it'll only take a few minutes.

I don't give a shit how
long it takes, Sarge.

- I'm not doing it.
- Soldier!

You work for me, and you
will damn well do what I say.

No, I work for her now.

Oh, shit.

We're under attack!

Keep that door open!

On it, boss!

How we doing, Tammie?

Ugh! Aw, sh...

You got a problem with
the way I save yer ass,

then stop gettin' in trouble.

The reason I'm ever in
trouble in the first place

is because of you and
your godly bullshit.

I forgot... before we
met, you were a Boy Scout

walkin' old ladies across the street.

Well, I wasn't getting my penis
shaved off on a regular basis.

Let's put it that way.

Let's go. This way.

Honestly, my bollocks.

Hmm. You don't have
any Percocets, do you?

I forgot the Percocet.

Yeah, of course, you know?

Why would anyone bring a bloody
torture victim painkillers?

You know what I mean?

Brilliant. Brilliant!

Great plan so far.

You know, what I've
really missed, Cassidy,

is the constant complaining.

Do ya know what yer problem is?

Halt! Don't move!

There is an exit, right?

Tulip's on it.

Are you okay, boss?


A-A-Are you okay?

Fine. Stings a little.

Remember the mission, boss.

If Jerry and Cass are gonna get out,

we need this door open and kept open.

It's Jesse.

Well, then, they're screwed.

No, y-you just gotta
throw the switch open.

There's a switch that opens the door?

There's a door switch?


Where the hell is it?


Don't worry, boss.

We got this.


Whatcha doing? I already pressed that.

Well, I pressed it again.

Come on.

Slowest goddamn elevator...

Yeah, well, I've seen much slower.

'Course you have, Cass.

You've seen it all, haven't you?


Much, much slower.

A thank-you would be nice.


How about, "Thank you for
letting me get caught up

in your pissing contest

with a deranged
cryptofascist cult leader"?


My foreskins can never repay you, Jesse.

You see?

Wasn't so hard.


Lobby floor.

Shit. Is that the exit?

Where's Tulip?

I'm sorry, but I'm gonna
need that door open.

Don't be sorry, bitch.


I can't believe you're
still pissed about that.

You cut me into pieces
and tried to mail me!

Not even first class, neither.

- Don't think I didn't notice that.
- I was tryin' to help.

You were trying to be the hero,
just like you are doing now.

It's your bloody kick, alright?

You like making people do
the things you think's best.

I'm sorry I thought it best
that you not burn alive, Cass.

I-I tell you now... Maybe next
time I won't make that mistake.

I-I-It's not just
me, neither, you know?

It's Tulip, too.

Leave her out of it.

D'yeh think, like...
D'yeh think I chose this?

Like I'm actually enjoying
being in love with her?

We're not gonna talk
about her ever again.

You understand?

Not one more word.



Teach you to sucker-punch me.



Blow me.

I'm serious. I'll do it.

I'll die a martyr, slain at
the hand of disbelieving moron.

Okay, then.

Buy us some more time.

Come on.

Oh, shit. You need a jacket for the sun?


Well, come on. You're free.

Free to what?


What the hell are you doing, Cass?

I told you.

I got this.


Hold your fire!

Not yet.

Makes no sense.

"I got this"?

That's what he said.


Don't make no sense, Jesse.

What exactly about
Cassidy does make sense?

What's that supposed to mean?

Did something happen?

Did you two fight.

Not really.

What happened? Jesse
Custer, what did you do?


I got him right there
to the door, but...

I tried. I swear.

Well, does he know I'm here?

Did he... Did he ask about me?

So we go again.

Drag his dumb ass out
of there if we have to.

It's gonna be tough.

They'll really be
expecting us this time.

Hey, I still got that
Grail suit, remember?

From Japan? How about we...

Did you sleep with him?


Cassidy. Did you sleep with him?

Excuse me. Did I...

I won't be mad.

I promise. Just tell me.

Did you sleep with him?




Tomorrow, we go again.


Time to get to work.


Time to find God, son.

But you'd better hurry up.

Big things are coming for you.

Stop. Stop.


No more dreamin'.

This is your wake-up call.

I'll accept any punishment
you see fit to administer.

Get out.

Ahh, one of my greatest creations.

You better be right about this.

I'm right about everything.

I had him. I had him dead to rights.

But you didn't want him
dead to rights, Herr Starr.

You wanted to make him suffer.



let's make him...
