Prank Encounters (2019–…): Season 1, Episode 6 - Storage War of the Worlds - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
When two complete strangers
each agree to take on a one-day gig...

- You're gonna be a security guard.
- I am dying to get a new assistant.'s business as usual

until their paths collide

and these temporary assignments

turn into all-out supernatural surprises.

- My God!
- No!

It's the most elaborate
hidden camera prank show ever devised.

Get down!

Double the stakes.

What is that?

And double the scares...

My God!

And there's only one person

with his finger on the button

when you least expect it.

All right. Let's cue another scare.

This is where fear...

meets funny.

You're on my prank show,
Prank Encounters.

- Did you know?
- No!

This is Prank Encounters.

Anyone here believe
in life on other planets?

Yep, me too.

This prank encounter
will be centered around this old,

highly classified government
storage facility

which dates back all the way to 1951.

In our story,

the government just forgot about it,

but amongst all those boxes
of abandoned documents

they also forgot
about a top secret room

that houses
the Life Form Containment Unit,

or LFCU,

a highly classified project

that's keeping this air fighter pilot
alive in a state of stasis

with the use of technology
that may or may not be from this earth.

Flash forward to today

where government officials have now
suddenly rediscovered the warehouse

and right now, we have two people
on their way here,

who are about to have a close encounter
they will never forget.

Our first target is Dashawnda.

She's been hired by our actor, Mary,
who's playing a government official.

Dashawnda has been brought in
to help catalog

all the government files,
along with another co-worker

who's being played
by one of our actors, Dave.

Meanwhile, our second target, Justin,
has been hired

as an assistant to an electrical engineer

played by our actor, Sven.

And tonight they're going to try
and find out

why there is
a sudden surge of electrical issues

in the area surrounding the warehouse.

Now these two have never met

but tonight they'll have
to join forces to stay alive

and keep Earth safe.

Now, of course all of this is fake,

everyone they will meet will be an actor

and everything that happens will be caught
on hidden camera.

Okay, you ready in here, guys?

Let's go.

- Dave, this is Dashawnda.
- Yes.

- Great.
- Yeah.

These are our walkies,
I'm actually gonna have you

just attach that
to your belt or your side.

That's perfect and then
I'm just going to put this on you here.


- Great, fantastic.
- What is it? What's your name?


Dave, tell me a little bit
about yourself.

Basically, I'm recently here in Atlanta.

I'm just kind of, you know,
looking for some odd jobs and work.

Fantastic. Well, I appreciate
your help tonight.

- I'm gonna give you the whole rundown.
- Okay.

And it's gonna be so simple.

Can you keep secrets?

Of course.

Then you're my girl,
and you're my guy.

Yeah, I'm really good at that.

So, I'm a military archivist.

I work for the government
and these files recently resurfaced.

And I was sent down here
a couple of weeks ago

to just go through them,

I have to file and annotate each one.


Some of these things date back to 1951.

- These are government files?
- Yes, exactly.

Right. You guys are familiar
with the space program?

NASA, yes.

- Yeah.
- Right.

So you know that we landed
on the Moon in 1969.

Well, the rocket that landed on the Moon,

there was another rocket

that was designed to land on the Moon,

but it was scrapped.

And we found the plans for that rocket
in one of these boxes.

So you're seeing things

no one has seen for 50, 60 years.

- This is...
- This is...

I bet you guys didn't know
when you showed up tonight

- that you were gonna be secret agents.
- No.

Right? It's pretty cool.

This is like...

My head is somewhere else right now.

All right, cut the vehicle cam.

Let's check in with our other target.

- What's your name?
- I'm Justin.

Justin, we're gonna be doing
some electric tonight.

Like I've never done this before and,

like, I was looking for extra cash and,
then she hooked me up with this.

Yeah, nice.

But, they brought me in because
they can't figure out what's going on.

There's been,
like, transformers blowing around here.

- That's not good.
- That's not good.

- That's not good.
- Yeah.

Yeah, it'll be fun,
I'll show you what to do.

Do you like taking risks?

I think you could say that.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

Yeah, I mean, a lot of the time,
especially when doing a remodel,

you'll have to work on electricity live.

- Yeah.
- And it's frickin' exciting, right?


I have a list here of all the box numbers.

You guys are gonna retrieve the box,
bring it back here,

Dave will open the lid

and then Dashawnda,

this is a dictaphone,

I want you to look into the box,
hit record

and begin to say what you're seeing...

- In the box.
- ...inside the box.

I know she's got the dictaphone job,
I just don't know what I'm doing.

You're getting the box
when she calls out the number

and you're gonna bring the box here
and I'm gonna tell you to open the box

and when I tell you to open the box

I'm gonna tell you
what to pick out of the box.

And while I'm doing that,

I'm gonna be recording myself what
I'm looking at and what I'm seeing.

What am I doing when she does that?

Okay, we're gonna start
with box number 252.


Show me where Justin is.

Okay, great.

Looks like they've arrived
at the storage facility.

We're getting close to collision time.

Okay, this is the complex.

They're tearing this place down

and they're gonna build, I don't know,
condos or something.

Come on here, let's take a look at it.


- We'll sit it right here.
- Yeah.

Dave, open the box up for me.

All I see is cardboard.
It's a book.

Binder, binders.


Inside this binder

we see that there are two keys

that are taped to the front.

We have a male in his 30s.

Yeah, I was gonna say 29.

He's an aircraft pilot.

Looks like it was
a aircraft crash.

So we got this power drain
going here.

Old breaker box they think
might be the problem.

It's an electrical box.

That's exactly correct.

I think this is our spot.

- So on the next page...
- What's that say?

"LFCU access,

the Life Form Containment Unit."

What is a "Life Form Containment Unit"?


It doesn't really tell you.
It can only be accessed at one point

during a 24-hour cycle.

Have you seen these rooms

that can only be opened or accessed,
like the bank vaults?

- Hold on a second.
- I get what you're saying.

So this LFCU Unit,

wherever this containment is,
the room they're in

- can be accessed once every 24-hour cycle.
- Once every 24-hour cycle.

What does this mean?
"Military time, 1313"?

It's military time, 1:13pm.

It's the only time
that this can be accessed.

We have a brown going here.

This looks like it's supposed
to be rigged 360.

I think we have to jump-start it.

Well, it says danger.

- All right, how we doing?
- Um...

I feel like this whole, um, file...

is confidential.

So, if anyone got a hold of this,
it would be dangerous.

Can you pull the lever down?
Just put your hand here.

- Is that safe?
- Yeah, it's totally safe.

- All right, standby in three...
- Three...

- ...two...
- ...two...

- Do it.

Oh my gosh!

I don't know what that is,
but I think we should leave.

- Okay, all right, just be cool.
- What was that?

Everybody be calm, okay?

Let's just see if we can place
where that noise is coming from.

Sven, get Justin to follow
the faulty wire

that leads into the inside
of the warehouse.

What the hell, man?
There's gotta be another panel.

This thing goes this way.

He's working it out, guys.

It goes right there,
then it goes there, then it goes there.

What the... Who did this shit?

I think it's behind this gate.
Can you lift this up, Dave?

- Dave, can you lift it?
- Should be able to roll up.

It's a restricted area.

Hold on, Dave.

This is the area.

- What?
- We read in the book. The LFCU.

Wait, what do you mean?

The Life Form Containment Unit.

So if this alarm goes off,
are we in immediate threat?

Hopefully this takes us
to the second unit.



Dave, do what you can
to keep that open, please.


what are you finding out?

I feel like, um...

Check it out.

This junction box,
where does it look like it goes?

- Inside.
- Yeah, inside.

No, that's good.
Don't hurt yourself, please.

Please, don't hurt yourself.
Dave, this is...

- No.
- Come on, Justin.

It's making sounds in there.

- I got an idea.
- We need you to keep calm.

I use Legos at home.

Well, now this is on us.
Come on, let's go, Justin.

All right, guys, it's collision time.

Time for Justin and Dashawnda
to finally meet.

Let's bring them together.


- Hi.
- Hey.

Guys, I don't want them to see
any of the classified material, so let's...

Can I help you?

Um, so we're with the electric people

and we're supposed to be looking
for an electric box.

Do you guys have clearance to be here?

This is government property.

Do we need to, like, leave right now?

We just heard a noise.

Was it the sirens going off in here?

Yes, exactly.

Yeah, we found a sub panel out there
that seems to be...

- It's cockamamie wiring.
- Okay.

Justin pulled the lever...

And the sound went off.

I think it, like, triggered something
in there.

It's imperative
that we restore the power.

So these are actually
some very sensitive documents.

If I can give you temporary clearance
to come on board,

it will allow you to enter into this room.

- Yeah.
- I really appreciate it.

If you can raise your right hand.

And you're going to say "I..."


"...will keep the information..."

"...will keep the information..."

"...that I may be privy
to this evening..."

"...that I may be privy
to this evening..."

- "...confidential."
- "...confidential."

Thank you, sir. Thank you. Okay,

Are we ready to maybe go find the source?

- Yeah, I mean I'll do what I can.
- Okay, thank you. Fantastic.

I think the noise
was coming from here.

All right.

I think I see the conduit in there.

I think this is where the issue is.
Can we get into this room?

You can only access it at a certain time.

It only unlocks at...

Military time, 13:13.

So do you think we should turn the time
to 13:13 and it will unlock for us?


Do it.

No, I'm not doing it.

Dude, we can do it.

You guys have to go inside
so you guys can do it.

Hey, great!

Thank you very much. Thank you.

Oh, perfect. Perfect.

I see it. Yeah, I know what to do.
Come on.

- Okay, let's go.
- Are we going with him?

Let's go.

Oh my gosh.

What is inside here?

Justin, come watch over here,

I need two hands on this.

Phil, do you think it's doable, quickly?

I think I got it.

- See this meter right here?
- Mm-hmm.

Eyeball this, while I'm over here
at this breaker box here.

If you see any movement
then we're in good shape, okay?

- Okay, good.
- All right.

Keep your eyes on that meter.

I'm in the LFCU room.
On the desk there is a computer.

It says, "LFCU system error."

Do you see anything there?

- I do not.
- Damn it.

Justin, do me a favor, dude.

Can you see the large... The cut off?

The big switch over there, to your right?

When I count to three,

you're gonna engage that one down

while I engage this, okay?


Okay, keep your feet back,
just like that.

Perfect. Perfect.

On three, okay?

So let's go: one, two, three.

What? What?


- What the hell?
- No, that's...


What are you setting off?

You locked us in here?

I didn't know, man.

I'm just saying
someone doesn't know what they're doing.

- Listen to me.
- Don't touch anything, man.

I'm not gonna lie, I'm not a electrician.

Okay, Justin,
You're not an electrician?

Phil is an electrician.

Okay. You're in training?

I'm just here to make 20 bucks an hour.


All right, time for them to get
a call from the LFCU technical support.

What? That is ringing.

- Can we answer it?
- Yes.

- What do I say?
- Answer it.


Hi, my name is Brian Doolan.

I'm in charge of the LFCU program.

Who am I speaking to?

- I'm Dashawnda.
- I've just received an alert

that there was an irregular activity
within the main LFCU room.

Um, we're locked inside the LFCU room.

No one has entered that room
in over 65 years.

It's going to take me
some time to figure it out on my end.

What? We have to wait in here until...

Gimme a couple of minutes to read over
the documentation

in these binders and I'll get back to you.



I don't know who he was,
but he said that this...

has not been worked on since 45,
65 years, or something like that.

- What, this room?
- Yes.

He's looking in a binder to figure out
how to get us out of here.

Dashawnda, what are you thinking?

That we should never came inside here.

I mean, I'm not gonna lie,
I'm more of like a "use force" person,

so I kinda just wanna hit that door
really hard.

Okay, let's just

focus on getting the power back up.

Let's talk to them,
let's talk to headquarters.


Hi, it's Brian Doolan again,

and I have some bad news.
Because of the power outage

I'm afraid I won't be able
to remotely unlock the gate from here.

But, it looks like you are able to
manually override it from inside the room.

- In a binder there should be two keys.
- Yes, that's what I was looking...

There should be corresponding terminals
on the desk where you can insert the keys.

- Okay.
- There should also be a main control unit

on the wall behind you.

Is there a main control unit?

- I would say this is the main.
- Okay, yes.

You'll have to turn those two keys,
and the power supply, on

at the exact same time.

If you get this right, it will restore
the power and lift the emergency gate.

- Good luck.
- Okay, all right.

Okay, at the count of three,

me and Justin and you,
we're gonna do this at the same time:

We're gonna turn the keys...

- I'm confused already. Can you start over?
- Phil is going to...

- What are we doing?
- Phil is... We're gonna get out.

I'm on board with that.

We have to turn the keys
and hit the switch at the same time.

- What will that do?
- Let us out.

- Okay.
- Justin, you ready?

- What's he supposed to do?
- He hits the switch...

- What do I do?
- You're not doing anything.

- What switch?
- The switch.

Do you want me to push
a button?

- No, no, no, no.
- Listen to...

No button, Dave, please... Shh!

We're trying to get outta here.

Okay? One, two, three.

Uh-uh. Fuck that shit.

Fuck that shit.

- Are you ready for this?
- We have three chances!

Everyone remain calm.

Answer the phone.


I'm now seeing that there was
another electrical failure.

We did it all at the same time.

This is bad, Dashawnda, real bad.

A human's life is at stake in that room

and his lifeform containment unit
is failing.


There's somebody in here.

The pilot!

My God, dude, it's the guy.

- It's the pilot.
- What?

We have to keep the pilot's
LFCU pod up and running

or else we're gonna have
an even bigger mess on our hands.

Do whatever you can to fix it,
but whatever you do,

- do not open the pilot's containment unit.
- Dave...

Good luck.

Dave, what? Close that.

That's the pilot.

Dave, why did you open...
You know what? I'm getting outta here.

Dashawnda, let's all stay right here.

- He's mov...
- Is he breathing, Dave?

- He's moving, yeah.
- He's breathing?

He wants to sit up.

- Dave!
- Hello?

Are you okay, sir?

- My God.
- Help is on the way.

Are they in here?

Are who in here?

My legs!

They're living off my blood.

He's saying they're living off
of his blood. Who's "they"?

They're feeding off of me.

They're feeding off him?

- What's he talking about?
- You have to stop them.

You have to...

I don't know how to stop 'em!

- You have to stop them.
- Stop who?

They're gonna kill us.

If you don't kill them,

they'll kill us all.

I'm not killing anything.

Then I have to... I have to kill you!

Sir, no, stop! Stop! Stop!

Who are you?


- Stop!
- Stop!

[Pilot moaning}

Lifeform readings no longer present.

He's dead?

Life form containment unit failure.

Code Red. Please evacuate immediately.

Everyone around the table.

I need everyone around the table,
please, Justin.

- Chill out!
- Justin!

Justin, sit down!


Okay, Dashawnda, it appears
as though this entire project has failed.

A five minute self-destruct protocol
has just been initiated.

No, no, no, no.

You have five minutes
till self-destruct.

This will destroy any

and all evidence in that room
including you and your team.

What are you saying?
So you're telling me that...

That fighter pilot's life force

has been keeping
three extra-terrestrial lifeforms alive

for over half a century.

What is he saying?

There are three lifeforms
in the room, Dave...

and they're not one of us.

My God.

If we can keep at least one
of these life pods up and running

it will cancel the self-destruct.

They're in these units, Dave,

and we gotta figure out
how to keep 'em alive

or else we're gonna die.

They're labeled A, B and C.

- Let me see, so...
- So who is A, who is B...

- This is A.
- ...and who is C?

Okay, that's A.

He's telling me to find the switch,
find something to kick-start these units.

- Where's the manual switch?
- I don't know.

- Down there.
- Right here!


We're counting on you all,
good luck.

It's time for me to go in.
Wish me luck.

Three minutes until self-destruct.

- All right, should I crank it?
- Yes!

All right!

What the fuck is that?

- What I do?
- Crank it!

All right, let's... My God!

Please, stop it!

What is that?

Uh-uh, uh-uh. No!

- What is that?
- Oh my God.


Life form readings no longer present.

I think it's dead.

What do I do?

- You try "B."
- Go to the next one, go to "B"!

Two minutes until self destruct.

Okay, this is "B."

- Are we sure we wanna do this?
- Yes.

Should I do the same thing?

She literally just told you what to do.

- Which way, Justin?
- Oh my God, just turn it.

All right, all right, all right!

More, more. You have to run it.

I got it!

There yet?

- What is it?
- I don't know.

Lifeform readings no longer present.

I don't think this one survived.

It had tentacles. I don't want it
to survive. I'm not lying.

Should I move to "C"?


I'll do "C."

You basically keep going
to keep them alive,

or something like that.

I'm gonna do it.

But that one's not alive.
That one is dead.

One minute until self-destruct.

I got it. I figured this out.

I gotta juice this up.

Let's do it,

Here we go. Are we ready?

- Yeah.
- One, two, three.

- Are you okay?
- I'm good.

I don't think that worked.

It's working!

He's moving!

He's moving! Come on!

Come on!

It's moving! He's alive!
I'm telling you, he's alive!

- Keep going!
- Keep cranking!

No! Come on!

- No!
- What happened?

Thirty seconds until self-destruct.

God damn it! Come on!

I'm sorry.

Oh my God!

Ten seconds until self-destruct.

Nine, eight...

All right, everybody calm down.

...six, five, four...

What? My God, that's...

- ...three, two, one.
- Justin, listen to me, all right?

My name is Brian Doolan,

I'm the operative you spoke with
on the phone.

Please tell me what happened
with my program here,

- 'cause it seems like it all went to shit.
- Um...


I understand there's a lot
that you've seen tonight

but I assume that this has opened
a lot more questions

than it has given you answers.

I agree.

Okay. Do you know what this program
actually is?

You're on my prank show,
Prank Encounters!

Oh, my gosh!
Are you serious?

Were they?

How did you guys do that to...

I thought you was about to kill him.

You guys have never met,
that's correct?

- No.
- No, I don't know her.


Justin, what was
going through your mind there,

when the door first slammed down
and you were stuck in here?


Van Damme did a door kick.

It was really good.

It's really strong.

My gosh, this is so crazy.

All right, Dashawnda,
what was going through your mind

when Dave started getting choked?

I was about to cry,

I was about to cry right here.
I was literally about to cry.

My eyes were watering. I was scared.

A round of applause to you guys.

- Very good.
- It was nice to meet you.

- You're so sweet.
- Thank you for participating.

Nice to meet you guys.

I'm just saying. I need a fucking shot.