Possessed (2019–…): Season 1, Episode 11 - Episode #1.11 - full transcript

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We don't have much time left.

What will happen once
the door to Hell opens?

Will there be pillars of fire everywhere

or will we be hit by
earthquakes and tsunamis?

It has already begun.

Can't you feel it?

Parents kill their children,
and children kill their parents.

People commit murder
for frivolous reasons.

Random killings happen every day.

I doubt that this was an issue

when you worked as a detective.

The world doesn't turn into hell

because the Heavens are punishing us.

People are driving themselves
toward destruction.

The wrath of people who have lost control

is turning this world into hell.

When that happens,

laws, morals, conscience, or humanity

will lose their purpose.

It might

be too late

to save this world.

Hwang Dae-du knows that I exist.

We don't know what he might do next.

What works in our favor

is that he doesn't know
that we're aware of Oh Su-hyeok.

We need to get rid of him
before he catches on.

What about that guy?



I didn't let you live because I like you.
Stay still.

Can I get some water?

Stop trying to play games with me.
It won't work.

Once hosts are relieved
from being possessed,

they feel great thirst.

Let me ask you one thing.

What I'm remembering...
Is it real? It's not just some nightmare?

An abominable demon possessed a man

who deserves to die.
What's wrong with that?


Senior Director Oh.

What on earth is Oh Su-hyeok?

That's none of your business.

With my own two hands,

I killed my men.

Did that young son of a bitch
play me like a fiddle?

Does loyalty exist among crackheads too?

He made a fool out of me.

So what will you do about it?

I'll get revenge.

You're no match for him.

Haven't you learned that by now?

We'll handle Oh Su-hyeok,
so just help us get to him.


That I'll do.

Don't trust what he says.

Look here, Detective.

I have nothing to lose.

If I'm going to rot in prison anyway,

there's nothing I won't do
to get my revenge.

But first,

tell me what the hell is going on.

How am I supposed to help
when I'm completely in the dark?



What's that?


-I solved it.

The reason Kang Pil-seong
changed completely

is because of a woman and religion.

Damn it. You're being absurd!

I'm sure of it.

All right. Here is the undeniable proof.

A few months ago,
following my good instincts,

I found out about Pil-seong's girlfriend.

She approached him first,
and she even bought him clothes.

Do you think she'd do that
without an ulterior motive?

Well, I guess the chances of having
no ulterior motive are very slim.

That's right, so as a friend,

I gave him a piece of advice.

She's either a member of a cult

or a con-artist of a pyramid scheme.

Back then, nothing was really clear to me,
but now that I think about it,

everything makes perfect sense.
It all fits!

I doubt he got caught up in a cult.

That's like a cop
falling victim to voice phishing.

You still don't know
how scary religion can be, do you?

Anyone can tell which religions are cults,

but if you look at the people
who are involved,

there are doctors, prosecutors,
and even executives of major companies.

Right. He has a point.


So Kang Pil-seong,
this foolish and gullible man,

is now...

He joined a cult

because he fell head over heels
in love for a woman who's in a cult.

She approached him first, was friendly
to him, and even bought him clothes.

Since he's never been with a woman,

he fell for her so hard that he didn't
even know he was joining a cult.

Would someone so smart and intuitive
fall for such a scam?


I have a friend

who is the 78th descendant
of Tang Sanzang.

All throughout Silla Dynasty,
Goryeo Dynasty, and Joseon Dynasty,

the family was devoted to Buddhism.

However, in less than a month
after falling in love with a woman,

he began to attend church
on Sunday mornings.

That's how scary love can be, my friend.

How can you know so well
when you haven't been in love?

Must you go to the States to know that
the White House is in New York?

Isn't this the perfect scenario?
I'm sure of it.

So what should I do?

Should I tail him?

Isn't Tang Sanzang
a character from Journey to the West?

Also, your friend
being a 78th descendant...

That means a monk fathered a child.

Do you have any idea how agonizing it is

to be an apostate monk?

Are you done spewing nonsense?
The agony of an apostate monk, my ass.

Also, the White House isn't in New York.
It's in Washington, D.C.


For the time being,
ostracize his sorry ass.

If he doesn't reflect on his actions,

then make sure he does not have
any social interactions.

Don't leave the room and raise your arms

over your head for ten minutes
and reflect on your actions. Right now.

-Damn it.
-That's odd.

-Open the door.
-I'm sure it was Tang Sanzang.

You must not kill him though.

If you do,
he'll just jump into someone else's body.

-What about the location?
-The shrine in Hongsan.

It won't be easy to get him
all the way to Hongsan.

How about the location where
we performed Jang Chun-seop's exorcism?

He is not an ordinary spirit.

We must perform the ritual
at the most sacred and powerful place

to have even the slightest chance.

I understand. You're talking about
house advantage right?

It's home advantage.
Are all detectives that ignorant?

Only Jang Chun-seop
can lure Oh Su-hyeok to Hongsan,

but I don't trust him.

While trying to solve one problem,
we might end up with another.

Right now, our only hope is

to trust Jang Chun-seop.

If Oh Su-hyeok sees you,

he'll know right away
that you're no longer possessed.

All you have to do
is lure him to the location.

At 3 p.m., you have a meeting with
the president of the Business Council.

Then at 7 p.m., you have a banquet
with investors from Hong Kong.

Okay. You can go now.

Yes, sir.

What is it?

I was just wondering when you were
planning to swing by the vacation home.

Just like you ordered,

I've been cooped up here for days,
and I'm getting bored.

I also want to know what the plan is.

I'll be there tomorrow evening,

so don't call if it's nothing important.

Sure thing.

I'll see you tomorrow.

Getting cheeky, are we?

Hello, sir. How may I help you?

Are you a member? Sir, wait!

What's going on?


Jang Chun-seop.

It's been a while, brother.


I've never taken in a crack dealer
as a brother.

I heard that someone
recently purchased a gun.

I see that it was you.

Isn't drug smuggling and weapon smuggling
practically the same thing?

You must either

be nuts or have a death wish.

You used to tiptoe even around my shadow,

but now you're acting like we're equal.
How bold of you.

Well, I'm not the Chun-seop
you used to know.

I need some better guns.

Not a toy like this one.

Talk to my minions if you need guns.

I need a few men too.

Ones that are smart and swift.

I'd even appreciate it more if you were to

take action yourself.

If you need someone gone,

just pay my men a few bucks and--

I'm going to kill him myself.

What an amateur.

Why make all this fuss to kill one person?

Should I tell you how it's done?

Go to where the bastard lives.

Ring the doorbell.

Once you see him, shoot him in the head.

Simple, right?
That's how you kill someone.

This isn't a war, you know.

Killing him instantly like that

won't relieve any of my anger.

I'm taking a page out of your book.

Especially the one
about eliminating traitors.

I see you have quite the grudge.

Seeing how you're trying to
burn him alive.

He's not an easy target though.

Lose focus, and he'll kill us all.

So what will it be?

Is it a big fish?

Then let's up the ante.

Did you think that this chump change
would be enough?

I'm Hwang Yeong-gil.

This is just a down payment.

In the basement of his vacation home,

there's more money
than you've saved up so far.

In cash too.

You can have it all.

When are you planning to do it?


In Anpyeong.

Are you still here?

It's not like I wanted to stay.

I want to sleep somewhere comfortable too.

Jeez. You sure are clueless.

He's not letting me leave.

He's making me stay here against my will.

My guess is that he wants me to stay
and protect you.

Being back in this world is
annoying enough,

but I'm also tangled up
in a couple's love story.

What about your family?

Are they well?

How did you know?

If I were you,

I would've looked them up too.

It was meaningless though.

I can't hold them in my arms

or tell them who I am.

I won't go to see them again.


Don't you think his family
is too prestigious compared to ours?

You might feel intimidated
among his family members.

Are you worried?

He came unannounced,
so I wasn't able to treat him properly.

Well, he's a busy man.

Aren't you happy though? Tell me.

-You're happy, right?
-My gosh.

I'm happy because you are.


Mr. Oh is a great man.

He's sweet

and considerate,

so don't worry.


I like the scent.

Gosh, that's fragrant. What is this?

It's a scented candle.

Its scent will calm you down
and clear your mind.

Goodness, I almost forgot.

Please tell him
that this is for Seung-hui.


Wait, what about me?

Where's mine?

Well, you don't really seem like
the type to

light scented candles, sir.

We thought that

you'd tell us off for being impractical,

so we took you off the list.

I've lived my life in vain.

Must I be ignored like this
by a junior detective?

Hello, sir.

-Good morning, sir.
-You too.

My days are so delightful
thanks to Jun-hyeong.


Hold on.

What's this?

Officer Choe

bought it for Seung-hui
to help her relax when studying.

My gosh. You're even better than me,
and I'm her father.

My daughter would love this.

I feel terrible for always being in debt.

Please don't mention it, sir.
Then I'll head back to my post.

Sure thing. Thanks again.

-Good day, everyone.
-You too.

Pil-seong, you won't believe what...

Do you not see me?
Am I invisible to you as well?

What's up with you today?

The number you have dialed...



We should not have trusted Jang Chun-seop.
He's off the grid.

What do we do?

I am heading to TF Group.

Jang Chun-seop must be
somewhere near Oh Su-hyeok.

I have to stop him
before he does something stupid.

You should head to Hongsan right now.

What are you going to do alone?

If we miss this opportunity
we will never catch Hwang Dae-du.

I have to do something. I'm hanging up.

There is still time until the evening.

Make yourself at home.

What an arrogant jerk. How rude.

Excuse me. I am here to see Director Oh.

Have you made an appointment?


Hi, is Director Oh in?


Director Oh left this morning.

Thank you.

Where are we?

It is where I was born and raised.

You used to live here?

Back then, there was a shanty town
where mine workers used to live.

That is where I was born and raised.

I do not understand what you are saying.

The mine collapsed,
and dozens of miners died in there.

The coal mine was closed

and that became my only playground.

I thought about a lot of things
in that playground.

And I planned a lot of things.

I burned my father to a crisp

and learned that

taking a life brings immense pleasure.

I also learned that it is the only way out

of the infernal pain.

I was happy until I met a person

who interrupted me from
feeling that thrill.

Kim Nak-cheon.

He basically sentenced me to death

and I sent him to the afterlife.

Director Oh,

you are going too far with this.

How could you say that?

Life is funny, isn't it?

It is funny how the late Kim Nak-cheon's
daughter is standing in front of me.

The daughter who fell in love
with the foe who killed her father.

She slept with him

and promised to marry him.

The daughter who dreams of
spending her life with him.

Your dead father will rise
from his grave out of shock.

What are you trying to do?

But that really happened.

Kim Nak-cheon
actually rose from his grave.

Doesn't just the thought of it excite you?

Just imagine his face
when he finds out about all of this.

I was going to take it slow with you.

It would be more fun to marry you

and have kids with you.

Imagine it.

Can you imagine
how Kim Nak-cheon will feel

when he finds out that his grandchild
is Hwang Dae-du's child?


Shall we begin the game now?

You are heading to the villa in Anpyeong?

What if he is not there?

I have no idea where both of them are.

I guess at least one will show up.

We do not know what will happen tonight,

so you should get ready for the ritual.


Call me right away if something happens.


please be careful.

Hello, sir.

Are you trying to seem cool?
Do you think this is your house?

When the tiger isn't around,

the fox is the king, isn't it?

Jang Chun-seop...

Jang Chun-seop.

What should I do with you?

I heard you're a ghost.

Then I'm sure you understand
exactly what's going on.

After the spirit left
you should have just quietly disappeared.

What are you doing here?

Are you fearless or thoughtless?

My goodness.
I nearly died because of a stupid ghost.

How ridiculous.

Don't you worry.
I'll turn you into a ghost very soon.

Try that mind control thing on me again.
Go ahead.

I guess you're really pissed off,

seeing how you even brought
these cockroaches with you.

Jang Chun-seop.
Let's revise the contract a little.

I must kill this prick
with my own two hands.

The penalty will be quite hefty.

Let's just follow the contract.

Let's see.

You seem completely normal
for someone who's possessed.

But judging from how
you were talking nonsense earlier,

-you're obviously not normal.
-I guess you're not afraid of ghosts.

I don't believe in ghosts.

Word has it that you're a crackhead.

Most crackheads

are totally out of it
as if they're possessed, you know.

Who knows if you're on crack

or if you're actually possessed?
I don't even care.

But that thing over there

keeps piquing my interest.

You prick, I like you.

Look at you acting all tough.

You'll be too embarrassed
to scream for your life later.

As an appetizer,

we'll cut off your fingers, one by one.

You'll faint if you bleed too much,

so we'll try to control the bleeding
each time we cut off a finger, okay?

For the main dish,

I'll gouge out your eyeballs like this.

I'll even pull your tongue out

and chop it all off.
Got that? You little piece of shit.

That won't kill you, of course.

And you cannot die.

You can only die after you experience

excruciating pain
that no one has ever felt before.

The kind of pain that will make Hell,
where you came from,

look like heaven.

That kind of pain.

And for dessert,

while you're still alive and breathing,

I will set you on fire.

You said it yourself

that there's a fine line
between pain and pleasure.

In a situation like this,

will you still be able to feel
such pleasure?

I watched a movie a few days ago.

An action film.

It was boring though.

Action scenes have to look realistic,

but all the moves and everything
looked so contrived.

It made me think.

"Shall I become a film director?"

You can spew all kinds of
nonsense you want when you go to hell.

This prick.

Jeez, this wack job kills me.

Hey, press it hard. Yes, harder.

I bought this suit recently.

Make sure his blood doesn't splatter
on my suit.

The movie will begin shortly.

I'm sorry.
I forgot to prepare the popcorn.

You called me yesterday, right?

That's when I figured out your plan.

It was cute to see you racking
your brain for a way to trick me,

and I was also curious about
what you were going to do.

Thanks to you, I can make my debut
as a film director now.

They don't play the national anthem
before playing a movie these days, right?

All right.
Then we'll get started right away.

It's a story about
an underling who betrayed the gang

and the gang leader
who seeks to punish him.

It's a dynamic action film
with lots of bloody scenes.

The underling, who was hiding,

aims his gun at his boss
to get rid of him.

The underling aims his gun
at his boss' head

and places his finger on the trigger.

His heart is about to explode
because of the anxiety,

but the underling manages
to shoot his boss in the head.

However, he fails to stay focused

and misses his target.

Then the boss tries to get back
at his underling.

The boss, who's notoriously cruel,
doesn't kill the traitor right away.

he chooses to inflict pain on him.

The underling is dying,

but he won't die alone.

He gathers every ounce of strength
and fires his gun.

It's a wrap.

What do you think? Isn't my movie dope?

But this isn't the end.

This is an experimental film,
so the audience can participate in it.

All right.
We're reaching the climax of the film now.

Jang Chun-seop, this bastard.


I got him. I'm on my way to Hongsan now.

Get ready.


Please help me.

His leg is probably broken.

Will you be able to get rid of him?


we have to free the souls
that are locked inside.

Turn him over.

Please wait outside.

I'll stay here.

We can't get this done
unless I focus intently.

You'll distract me, so get out.

Do you even know what Hwang Dae-du
is capable of? Do you?

I'll be watching, so get started already.

Hwang Dae-du...

He blocked all the gateways to his soul.

I can't get in.




I'm okay. I need to do this alone.

If you want to save your daughter,

you should come inside yourself,




Hello, is this Ji-hang's place?

Yes, it is. May I ask who's calling?

Well, I'm her colleague from work.

Can I talk to her?

She went on a trip today.

Who did she go with? Where did she go?

I'm sorry,
but can you tell me who you are first?

By any chance, did she go
with Mr. Oh Su-hyeok from TF Group?

Yes, she did. How did you know that?

Where did they go?

I'm not quite sure.

Why? What's the matter?

Did something happen to my daughter?

No, it's not that. No.

I had to ask her something about work.

I was actually worried
because her cell phone was turned off.

Is everything okay?

Yes, of course.

I'm sorry for calling you late at night.

You bastard.

Get up!

Where's Ji-hang?

What did you do to her?

Stop it. Stop...

You didn't kill her, did you?

Where did you take Ji-hang?

Answer me, you jerk!

Please stop!

It'll become harder for me if he wakes up.


please don't get worked up
and just stay still.

He did everything on purpose.

This son of a bitch planned all this.

He let him catch me on purpose.

And he knew I'd bring him to you.

If you want to save your daughter,

you should come inside yourself,


Entering Hwang Dae-du's soul

is being suicidal.

But there's no other way.

If you go inside his soul,
you won't be able to hold out.

And even if you do,

you won't be able to go to heaven.

Your way to heaven will get blocked.

I don't care.

Let me go inside.

If you get agitated,
your soul won't leave your body.

You just need to stay comfortable

and think of it as taking a nap.

Once I call out your soul,

it will come out
from the center of your face.

If you fail to enter his body
as soon as that happens,

you'll end up dying right away.

Are you ready?

He's guarding the body.

What should I do?

If I just leave him like this,
he's going to die.




Are you okay?

Stay still.
You shouldn't be moving right now.

What about Detective Kim Nak-cheon?

My gosh, that asshole...


Don't go in there.

I can see everything you see.

Hwang Dae-du.

Where is he?

Listen to me carefully.

You're in his soul right now.
It's not reality.

Hwang Dae-du is unconscious right now,

so you're able to control his soul.

What do you mean?

It means you have full control
over Hwang Dae-du's soul

until he regains consciousness.

I can't find him for you.

So you need to find him yourself.

If you concentrate
and project your thoughts,

you'll be able to take yourself

to the time or place you wish to go.

The best thing you can do is

to find his soul before he wakes up
and get rid of it.

No, I can't do that.
I need to find out where Ji-hang is.

That won't be easy.

In order to do that,
you need to fight his soul.

But you're not strong enough
to oppress his soul.

On top of that,
you're actually in his soul right now.

I only came in here for one reason!

All I need to do is save Ji-hang!

Detective Kim. It's too dangerous.

I must go back to his childhood.

He has OCD, so he wouldn't
have hidden her somewhere unfamiliar.

I'm sure he hid her
at a place that he knows.

His evil ego and values were formed
back when he was a child.

So if I meet his younger self,

I'll be able to find out
where he hid Ji-hang.

Then keep this in mind.

The moment you find out
where your daughter is,

you must kill Hwang Dae-du's soul
right away.

Then all the souls that were locked inside
will be set free.

We don't have time. You must hurry.

I guess I have to say goodbye now.

It's a pity that I have to throw him away.

I can't find him for you.
So you need to find him yourself.

I must go back to his childhood.

You must kill Hwang Dae-du's soul.
We don't have time. You must hurry.


Watch out!

I want you to come into my body.

Kim Nak-cheon.

You always go beyond my expectations.

Kang Pil-seong.
You'll end up falling in love with me

because your girl will be inside me.

I want to watch you suffer in pain
for a very long time.

Don't look into his eyes!