Portlandia (2011–2018): Season 8, Episode 5 - Open Relationship - full transcript

Doug and Claire try polyamory. Shannon needs help parallel parking. VR is used for a meeting. The Mayor wants a helicopter. Fred steps on a snail.

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- You're home. You're hungry.

But you're too lazy
to properly make a meal

or set the table for yourself.

You decide to stand
by the sink and wolf down

whatever most resembles
a proper meal.

It's an isolating experience.

But now you can enjoy
eating with others

in the way
you enjoy it most:

and hunched over a sink.

We're Sinkles

at 225 Glisan.

Each table is equipped
with a counter by a sink

and designed for the most
elegant standing meals.

Tables are built
for one person at a time: you.

And instead of having to choose,

we bring you every item
on our exquisite menu:

pita bread halves,
natural peanut butter,

cold falafel balls,
smoked turkey slices,

crackers with lots
of different seeds on 'em,

cashews, salmon, hummus,

rye toast with old butter,

chewy Thai spring rolls,

and for dessert, peanut clusters
from a gift basket.

We've created the perfect
sound ambience:

dead silence with a low
buzzing hum of the refrigerator.

And yes, the sink works.

Sinkles at 225 Glisan.

This time, eat at our sink.

And coming soon, garbage meals.


♪ ♪

- So they designed it
so it could be untucked, right?

So you could
leave it like this,

and it's formal and casual
at the same time, you know?

You could wear it anywhere,

- Great shirt.
- Thank you!

Pretty cool, huh?

They should make
a girl version

so you could do the same.

You could even button this part

so you have a tie on
if you want to go to a wedding

or a business meeting.

- Doug, I'd like to have
an open relationship.

Do the whole polyamory thing.

- You don't like the shirt?

- Oh!
- I felt like that too.

Oh, shoot,
you know what?

- Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

- Hey, Doug,

this is Brad
who I've been telling you about.

- Hey, man.
Nice to meet you.

- Come on, Dougie,
will you shake his hand?

- Why?

- Just for me.

- Uh, we're gonna go
to the bedroom.

But, um, are you
gonna be okay down here?

- You guys gonna have sex?

- Uh, yeah, probably.
- Uh, yeah.

Yeah, but I'll be
right upstairs if you need me.

- You gonna let him,
you know, rub your...

- Uh, yeah,
probably gonna do that.

Hey, nice shirt.

See ya.

- Hey, Brad, buddy.
Great--great penis.

Uh, you're in my parking spot.

I hate to be that guy.

- Okay.
- All right, thanks.

Brad, I meant now.


- That's my spot
right next to the recycling bin.

- Okay.
- And some guy, like,

took off my mirror
last year,

so I don't want to be
out in the street.

- Okay, I can do it
in five minutes.

- Oh, s-seven.

- Hmm?
- Seven minutes.


- Thank you.
- Okay. No problem.

Uh, Doug.

I'll do it.
I will move the car.

Just seven minutes.
- Okay. Thank--

I appreciate it.
- Yeah, and I appreciate

you letting me know.
- Sorry to--

I-I don't want to be
put in that position.

- Totally.
- It's an open relationship,

not an open parking spot.

You understand?
- Mm-hmm.

I'm not that guy.

- Thank you.
- It's a vehicle.

- I get it.
No worries, buddy.

- Great.

- There you go.

- I appreciate it.

- No, hey, dude,
I get it.

Not a problem.

Not a--not a problem at all,
my friend.

Ooh! Cold.

- Thanks.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

- You're good.
- What? Oh.

- Plenty of room.
Here, look.

- Thank you!

- Just cut it. Cut it!

Cut it. Cut it. Cut it.
Cut it. Come out.

Come on, start again.
- It's okay. I got it.

- Come--come forward.
Just pull back.

No, no, but cut it left.
- No, no, sorry.

You're a little close to the c--
Sorry, I don't wanna--

I don't wanna hit you.
- But if you pull back--

- It's okay.
- Hi, ma'am?

- Yeah?
- I think you might be

a little close to this car now.

- Oh, it's okay.
I'm just trying to park. I--

- I would pull out
a little bit further.

I just--I'm worried about
this car. I'm worried about--

- I-I've actually got
a pretty good view.

I'm good. Thank you!
- No, I don't--

I don't think you do.
- Yeah, you're good.

There you go. Cut it. Cut it.
Right, right, right, right!

You're fine.
- She doesn't have it.

- Yeah.

I'm not gonna--
- You're okay. Just come back.

- Hey, I can help you.
Yeah, just come out.

- Ma'am, just watch me here.
You're good.

- I'm not--
both: Watch me here.

- I need to not hit--

- Let's each get in a mirror.
- I'm in this mirror.

- Excuse me, ma'am,
you want to come back an inch.

- This is a foot.
This inch is a foot.

- Now this way.
Now this way.

Wanna come back two crackles
and a smooth.

- Ma'am?
- This is the front of the car.

You have so much room.

Turn the rear wheels.
- Hi.

Listen to the sound of my voice.
I'm right here.

I'm gonna help you.
- You're fine.

You have room.

- Hi, I'm right here too.

Go green, yellow, red, green.
- Green.

- If you don't mind just moving
out from the back of the car.

- Uh, you know what? I think
we should do this European.

- What's that?
- So you want to pull out here.

You're gonna just come in

- I'm gonna--all right, I'm--

You know, I'm gonna park the--

I'm gonna park the American way.

Back--pull back.

- Yup, I got it.
- No. No, no, no.

- You know what?
- Now push--

- No, you know what? I'm done.
- Sink it.

I'm done! I'm done.

- She's gone.
All right, good.

European style.

♪ ♪

- Great.

- Okay, are we all on?

- This is Mary--presenting
the Vancouver o--

- Sorry, is that Neil?

- Mary here
from the Vancouver office.

How's it going, everyone?
- Ted here.

- So, uh, it's been a little

difficult managing
a single company

across three unique markets.

- Right, but we think
the solution

to our communications problem
is VR headsets.

So instead of us sort of raising
the volume of our voices

and trying to connect,
we can actually see each other.

- I don't know that we really
need to go that route.

- I think we should try it.

Um, this is for you.

Go ahead and put them on.

And we'll be able
to see each other.

Uh, the joysticks
are for your hands.

- Whoa.

Wow, look at that.

- Yes, it's impressive.
- Whoa!

- Yeah, um, so...

if we could return
to the task at hand,

which affects
all our futures.

- Oh, my God, check this out.

- Whoa.
- You guys, this is crazy.

- Uh-huh.
- Hey, what happens

when I do this?
Oh, I have wings.

How did you do that?

- Whoa.

- Wait, mess around
with the settings.

Look at this.
We can adjust our avatars.

- Oh, let me try.

- Whoa!
- What's happening?

- Your neck is very, very long.

- What happens if I do this?


- Yes, well, I think it's--
- Oh, my gosh.

- Ted, you're in the table.

- What?
- Look at Ted.

He's in the table.

- Whoa.

- Okay, does, um--
does anyone know...

does anyone know how to get me
out of the table?

- Yeah, um, so we seem to be
experiencing supply delays.



it's going to require us
to do significant downsizing.

- You guys, what does this
look like?

- Whoa!

- Guys, is this cool?
- Tune in.

I'm saying you are all fired.

- What?
- What?

- What?
- Yes, actually,

all of you are getting
pink slips today.



- Hey, guys, uh, Neil here.
Sorry I'm late.

- Whoa!


- Neil, we're fired.

♪ ♪

- Oh. Oh.

Hey, I, uh...

was supposed
to meet Claire here.

Is she around?
- She's at work.

- Well, um...
can I wait here with you,

or do you want me
to go outside or...

- Do whatever.
I don't care.

- You know, if I could--

I could just show you one thing
that might help you out here.

If you just take this
right here...

lower it like this,

tighten that, tighten that,

and you're all set, see?

- Thanks.
- Yeah.

Hey, I was gonna make some food.
Are you hungry?

Come on, let's have some food.

- You're cutting up
the hot dogs?

- Mm-hmm.

- Don't you like
to eat 'em whole

with a bun?

- Oh, I-I love 'em whole
on a bun,

but when I make 'em
with the beans,

then I like
to cut 'em into pieces.

- Can I try?

- Yeah! Come on.

Give it a shot.
Come on. Come over here.

Here, take your own dog.

Just take the knife.

Yup. You're doing it, Doug.
Nice cutting.

- And it goes in there?
- Right in there.

- Mm.
- There you go!

See that?
- Yeah.

- And when we cook these up,
mmm, it's gonna be yummerrific.

Here, let me show you
something else.

See this sandwich?
Watch this.

- What about the crust?

- The crust gets cut off
'cause I don't like the crust.

Do you like the crust?
- No.

- No, nobody likes
the crust.

Here, just...
Yeah, there you go.

- Like that?
- That's it.

- Oh.
- How are my boys?

- Good.

- We're having fun.

- This looks
interesting, guys.

- Mmm. Hey, thanks
for the sweet text today.

- What text?
- Oh.

I just sent Brad, like,
a little kiss emoji.

- I didn't get a kiss emoji.

- Well, but we text
all the time, Doug.

- You know what, though?

I do think that
if you're gonna text me,

you should text Doug too.

- That just seems like...
extra work.

- Right, but there's
two of us.

- It's not really work
if you enjoy it.

both: Ipsy-tipsy, go!

- Wait, hold on. Claire?

- Yeah?

- Hey. Do you wanna
come in here with us?

- I actually just opened
a bottle of red if you wanna...

- I'll take a beer.
- Well, they're in the fridge.

- Sorry, babe.
- Yeah, w-we're playing.

Sorry, babe.
- Wha-ah! You little--

You're hitting somebody else.

- Oh!
How'd you get a--

- Hi.

- Hey, you know what?
Actually, let me just--

Would you mind--
Yeah, that's better.

- There you go.

- Yeah, Sue, I got your email.

I got you!

- Yeah. No, I-I-I got the email.

- Totally ready for sex
whenever you want.

You just let me know.
- We love you.

Claire, you want to do
the taste test?

- Ugh.
- Come on, Claire.

This is for you.
It's about your needs.

- Brad, I actually think
you should go home.

- This is his home.

- Well, I'd like
my house back,

so if you guys
are gonna hang out,

I guess I'm gonna go
sleep on the couch.

- We'll see you there.

- The new
Plains-Evergreen line,

from Minnesota
to the West Coast.

Experience the beauty
of America.

- Come see us in Minnesota!

- In North Dakota!

- Montana!

- Idaho!

- And this is where I come in.

We got passed by last year
because it went

straight through Washington
into Seattle.

Not this year.

Isn't this exciting?
- Very exciting.

And how are we going
to shoot this, sir?

- Helicopter, Sam.

Like this one.

Got a camera on the front.

- I-I think this is
the right spot.

- Seems like the right spot.

I mean, we're at the highest
point on the hill, right?

- Yeah.
- And we'll--we'll certainly

hear the helicopter
before it arrives,

and we--we probably will see it.

And Oregon!

And Oregon!
And Oregon! And Oregon!

You don't think it's
"Or Oregon," do you?

- Hmm.

- Or Oregon!

Or Oregon! Or Oregon!

And Oregon!

And Oregon!
And Oregon!

Or Oregon!

Or Oregon!
Or Oregon!

I think "And Oregon"
sounds better,

but I think "Or Oregon"
is more grammatically correct.

But "Or Oregon"
sounds very strange.

And Oregon!
And Oregon!

That--see, that makes
more sense.

That feels
more comfortable to me

to go, "And Oregon!"

And Oregon!
And Oregon! And Oregon!

Sam, you can't be here
when it comes over.

It's only supposed to be me.

- Oh.
- But I need you up here.

- Okay.
- So maybe

you can gather some weeds and
turn yourself into a shrubbery,

and then when it flies over,
you're just gonna crouch down

and you become
like a little bush.

And we're still close enough.
I think we'll--

If we hear anything...

we'll be okay.

Sam, hurry!

And Oregon!
And Oregon!

And Oregon! Or Oregon!

Or Oregon! And Oregon!

And Oregon!

Oh, shoot.

- Eh, wrong helicopter.

- Yeah. Wonder what they're
doing way out here.

Well, that was a good
trial run.

I had a weird thing
the other day.

Remember that--those journalists
that came in,

the photojournalists,
wanted to do a big story?

- Yeah.

- You know, they--
there were a lot of them

for just a photo shoot.

It was, like,
ten people there.

And it's just me, you know,

and they took a few pictures,
and--which was nice.

And then they all, like,
got really happy.

And they were all clapping,

And they were like,

And they were all
high-fiving each other

and back-slapping,
and I was like,

"It's just a few pictures."

- Yeah.
- Yeah, I don't--

I didn't really
understand that.

- The new
Plains-Evergreen line.

Experience the beauty
of America.

- Come see us in Minnesota!

- In North Dakota!

- Montana!

- And/or anywhere
in the Pacific Northwest.

- Oh, this is really nice.

- Hey there.
Keep an eye out.

There's a barred owl
up there.

- Okay.
- Cool.

- Thanks.

I don't see anything.

- Where'd he say it was?

- Oh, no!

No! No, no, no, no!

- Oh-ho!

Fred, it's--it's okay.

- It's not okay.

I killed a snail.

Such a delicate little shell,

and I just stomped on it
like a Frankenstein.

- Come on.

- H-he was just minding
his own business.

I need to do
some soul-searching.

I'm just gonna just walk
for a little while.


♪ ♪

- Wow.


- Aah!
- Ow, my ears hurt.

You're talking really loud.

- Hi, um...

I'm a human.

- You're still yelling.

- Is this a better volume?

- It's fine.

- Who are you?

- Um...

as you can tell, I'm--
I'm a human being,

and I-I was just walking
through the forest,

and I have something
to tell you.

Can you guys all hear me?

- Ooh, gossip. We love gossip.

- It's not gossip.

Uh, it's--it's something
a little more urgent.

- We want gossip.
- Yeah! Tell us your gossip.

- I-I'll think
of some gossip for you.

Th-this is a little more
on the serious side.

- Fine.
- Okay?

So...I was walking around
back there,

and I'm bigger than you guys,

and, you know, you--
you camouflage

pretty well into the ground.

It's not your fault.

And...I wasn't looking down,

and I--and I stepped
on one of you guys.

- S-so is the snail dead?

I believe so.

- And I am so sorry.

I feel horrible.

- That's not a problem.

- Being a snail sucks.
We want to die.

- What?
- Look at us.

We're made of slime.
- People think we're gross.

- I do notice
that it's a very s--

you guys go really slow.

I mean, that must be

- A snail's pace.
Ever heard of it?

- That's you guys.

- Yeah, a snail's pace.

- We're the worst animal.

Can you do us a favor?

- Sure.

- Could you kill us?
- No.

It's gonna make me
feel terrible.

- Come on.
All snails want to die.

- Yeah!
Could you kill us?

- You want to die?

- Do it!
- Step on us.

- Just kill us.
- It'll feel fine

'cause we'll feel fine.

- I'll do one.

- Yes!
- Kill us.

We want that sweet release.

- Me too!

- Maybe I'll do two.
- That's great!

- Great!
- Step on us.

- Do it.
- Stop wasting time.

- Do it now.
- All right, everybody,

calm down.
- Do it now!

- Calm down.
- Stomp on me!

- All right.
- Kill us.

- Please, now!
- Kill us!

- Do it!
- Step on me.

- Kill us!

- You...

Thank you.

- And you.
- See ya!

I feel much better now.

- Good, I was, uh,
really worried about you.

- Aw.
- Et voilà.

Escargot for monsieur
and for madame.

- Merci beaucoup.
- Bon appétit.

- All right, let's dig in.

- Bye-bye!

- Brad, you're not gonna
believe this.

What happened?
Are you crying?

Ask her.

- Doug...

I'm ending things with Brad.

- What? You can't do that.

Claire, get him a Kleenex
or something.

♪ ♪

I don't understand.

We were having
such a great time, and...

what happened to the whole
open relationship thing?

- I'm not happy.

♪ ♪

- No, that's up.

I mean...Brad, it's not you.

It's her.

- Thanks for saying that, Doug.

Means a lot to me.

- No, it is him.

♪ ♪

- It's one of you
and...one of me.

- No.

I mean, it's definitely not me.

♪ ♪

Hey, I-I-I don't have
anything to fidget with.

Thank you.

- Could we turn on
a light or something?

It's really dark.

- No.

It's--it's a breakup.

- Can I speak?
Can I say something?

- Do you hear yourself
right now?

Do you hear yourself?

- I loved you both!

- Those aren't my words.

- No, of course I remember that.

Hey, Doug, this is Brad

who I've been
telling you about.

- It's not really work
if you enjoy it.

Not really work
if you enjoy it.

- I'm just invisible.

- I loved you both.

Come on, Claire.
This is for you.

- Wow, I never thought of it
that way.

- Doug, I'd like to have
an open relationship.

To have
an open relationship.

I'm sorry.
- I'm sorry.

You know what?

You're not listening.

- It's about your needs.

- I didn't get a kiss emoji.

- Brad, I actually think
you should go home.

- I can't see anything.

Will you please
turn on a light?

- Fine.

Hey, guys.

- Jesus.

- I'm Shannon.

I'm your fourth?

- You didn't park in my spot
by any chance, did you?

- No.

- Awesome.

Never mind on the breakup,

- ♪ Baby, baby, baby ♪

♪ I can't take it anymore ♪

- Yes, more. More.
Good, good, good, good, good.

Come on back.
- Back, back, back, back.

both: Back, back, back,
back, back.

- So you're about this far.

- You see that?
- Right here.

- It's two people.

You have plenty of room.