Portals to Hell (2019–…): Season 2, Episode 5 - Thomas House Hotel - full transcript

Katrina and Jack travel to Tennessee to investigate a once-thriving natural springs resort where guests fell victim to the deadly waters. A recent flare-up of paranormal activity has them ...

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The ****

what'd you see?
It's actually a blue light.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Did you just see that flashing?

- Whoa.


Is this place a portal to hell?

that's bones.


He believes
that you're demonic...

...So this should
really piss you off.

- okay.
- Okay.

Let's roll, guys.

Alright, we are in
red boiling springs, tennessee,

going to the thomas house.

What I've read about this place
is that it was built

in 1894 by the cloyd family
as an actual resort

because of
the natural hot springs here.

I guess it was real popular
to drink hot spring water.

That was like the kale of the 1890.

But people started dying
because the red boiling springs

full of crude oil and a bunch
of other harmful things.

And the town went
from 14,000 to 800.

A town that's pretty much died.

This is my third time at the
thomas house, jack's first time,

and there were a couple of
reasons we wanted to come here.

Jack was really
interested in it.

But there's also been this
increase in activity lately.

there has been some dark shadow
figures that have been seen

and as far as I know,
that's been more recent.

There's poltergeist activity.

A lot of people believe that

there's now demonic activity
happening there.

It's interesting because
the first time I was here,

very calm, very kind of
casper-like activity,

but it wasn't to the level
that they're claiming it is now.

And cherry and darrell,
who are the owners,

they're really, really scared.

So I'm really curious
to talk to them to find out

what exactly has been going on.

It's been 10 years
since I've been here.

I think probably the biggest
challenge we have

as far as connecting history
to paranormal

is that the archives building

has burned down
a total of three times.


So we're kind of operating
more on word of mouth

and stories that have
been passed down. Yeah.

But we're shutting down
the whole hotel.

So it's just us.

It's a little bit like
"the shining" at this point.

thomas house entrance.

Oh, my god.
There it is.

Oh, okay. Oh, this is kind of
weird looking.


There is a theory
in paranormal investigating

that places with significant
geological abnormalities

contribute to
the paranormal activity.

The fact that
there has been deaths here

and there has been
tragedy historically

because of the springs,

this place
already feels charged.

And to add kind of
insult to injury,

there's a weird, creepy,

decrepit-looking church
across the street.

So if this place wasn't creepy
as it is,

well, I guess you can get
married and then die here.

there we go.
Alright, so we're here.

The thomas house.

It's really creepy
to be back here, actually.

Let's get our situation set up
and start getting a baseline.

So we're doing baselines
to just see

what the general feel is
for this location.

It's a new piece of gear
we have, the e.D.I.

The edi.
Let's call it the edi.

The edi?
I like it.

The e.D.I.,
it's like a mel meter.

It picks up
electromagnetic frequencies,

except it's not as highly tuned
to radio frequencies.

So now our walkies
won't contaminate it.

Our microphone packs
won't contaminate it.

hi. Oh, my goodness.

How are you guys?
- Doing great. You doing okay?

Yeah, I am.
Great to see you.

You too.
You look fantastic.

Jack, it's very nice
to meet you.

Nice to meet you, too.
Welcome to the thomas house.

Thank you very much.

You want to take a peek
at the dining room

since jack's not
been here before?

this room has
a lot of activity now.

there's fog.

There are disembodied voices,
people laughing.

We've heard the piano play

on quite different occasions
in here.

That's new, yeah.
And I used to come in here

and rehearse with the piano
late at night.

I would never do that now.

It's that different for me.

Huh. So it seems like it just
went to a whole other level.

It has.

Not only has
the activity escalated,

but it's gotten really dark.

We have had
several guests scratched

or pushed.

Or had hair pulled.
That's new.

I don't remember you guys
talking about that before.

When did that start?
Couple of years ago.

Yeah, a couple of years ago.

What do you think changed

to make some of the negative
activities more active?

We have so many people that
come in here that ghost hunt.

Some people were here one night

and were trying
to conjure stuff upstairs.

Oh, really?

You tell them
not to use ouija boards,

but once they're behind closed
doors, you don't really know.

We had numerous guests
on a weekly basis to come

and hopefully experience
something paranormal.

How many known deaths
have there been on the property?

We know that there was a man
that fell off the bridge

and hit his head
on the slate rock.

His name was
r. V. Weston.

We had a little boy named edwin
that drowned in a swimming pool.

How long ago was that?

Like '62, maybe.

And then sara
is one of the cloyds.

She came here
for the healing waters.

Maybe it was appendicitis
or something.

And it was too late.

But we've never been able
to find a death certificate

because the courthouse
has burned three times.

And all the records
have burnt up.

But we have several people's
ashes have been spread

on the property.

Cherry had a sister
that passed away just recently,

and we have her ashes there.

This is really the reason I can
talk to you about all this.

This photo.

Do you see the figure there?


That is my sister.

This was taken in April
of this year.

She died thanksgiving day
last year.

Wait, what?

That's a reflection
of your sister in the mirror.

It's one of the better photos
I think I've ever seen.

Who took this photo?
One of our guests.

So this woman's standing here.

Yeah, she'd be about here.
About there. Yeah.


Should we head on up?

Let's head upstairs.


so now we're going to go
to the creepy dark hallway.

Okay, here we go.

with the creaky door.
Oh, yeah.

I've never liked this hallway.

So many dark figures,
disembodied voices.

I always feel like
someone's watching me.

Even in the daytime,
it's just dark.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

Right here,
one evening, darrell comes up,

and he said
there was a ball of light

hovering right over that door.

And he said all of a sudden,
it shot straight at him.

And his just instinct
was to just hit the floor,

and then it went out
the other end.

- Mm.
- Mm.

And this mirror behind you,

there have been orbs that have
come in and out of this mirror.

When you say orbs
coming in and out,

do you mean you've seen them
with the naked eye?

Yes. They come out
and they go back in.

I don't know what
the balls of light are,

but they see it
with the naked eye.

And that's what's important
because there's not a whole lot

of explanation
that can go along with that.

So when somebody sees that
without the help of a camera,

we take that pretty seriously.

Now, your room, jack,
is right here.

This my room?
This is the suite.

Oh. So sweet.

I actually -- I've had
an experience in there

that I've never
told you guys about.

so I was laying down right here

on this side of the bed.

My head was kind of turned
this way.

And I hear this really loud
growl in my left ear.

Like this.

You're not the only one
to have heard that.

In this room?
Yes, in this room.


It was scary.

You ready to go to your room?
I am ready.

I hope, like, a murder
happened in this room.

this is the room
that the dark figure

has appeared in numerous times.

Sometimes the figure comes out
of the floor, goes back down.

Sometimes it comes out
of the bathroom.

Through here?

There actually been some
screams recorded in this room.

through evps?

That's just gonna be me
screaming in my bedroom.

I'm only making jokes
because I'm nervous.

oh, oh, oh, oh.

This thing's going nuts.

Oh ****

It's still going.

And it's still going.

Oh, oh, oh, oh.
This thing's going nuts.

Oh ****

It's still going.

And it's still going.

I have not seen this do this
since we've been here.

Could it be the camera?

Why would it be...

Why isn't it going off
around him the whole time?

oh, it just stopped.

Is it the heat?
The heat just went off.

Yeah, turn it back on.



We've just discovered
that the edi

is somehow massively affected
by the air conditioning unit.

That's why we do it based on.


Okay. Noted.

Alright. Okay.
Have a great night, guys.

Thanks, cherry.

What do you think?

Yeah, it's creepy.

It's a weird vibe here.
Super weird.

And while we get settled
into the rooms,

maybe grab some gear
and start maybe setting up

some of the motion-capture

and we get a bit of
a, you know, mini...

Is there nobody in there?



Yeah, I'm here.

What the ****

that was in here, right?

That was ****
clear as day in here.

It sounded like
something moving.

That sounded like floorboards.

And it's all carpet.

anything under here?

was it this?

Was it the rocking chair?

...You know, mini...

did you hear it, byron?


That was really weird.
We'd all left the room.

There was nothing
to make that noise.

We were already
getting activity here.

I'm nervous.

We haven't even really started
the investigation.

Got our new little
remulus podulus.

My plan for tonight is I'd like

to set up the motion-capture
cameras in our bedrooms.

We'll see what tonight brings.

But I'm probably just gonna
shut the door and just do this.

Okay, this is day two

of the thomas house

I didn't have any weird things
happen in my room last night,

but I'm curious to see if jack
had anything happen to him

because these two rooms
seem to be connected

as far as
the paranormal activity goes.

How was your night?

Horrible. Probably woke up
every 10 minutes.

Did you?
What was happening?

Well, I was having
really trippy dreams,

and then I woke up
but didn't want to open my eyes

'cause I was like, "holy ****

someone's standing
in my room right now."


Like, you know when
you see boxers

waiting to come out in the ring

and they're just kind of
pacing, like ready to go,

that's what it felt like.

Did your trail cam
pick anything up?

It didn't.

But, like, I was tossing
and turning a lot.

And then 2:07,

I'm just laying there
at this point, and I'm like,

"holy ****
something's in the room."

it was like the whole night.

The whole night.
Look. 4:00.

Oh, my gosh. And this is
when I turned the light on.

Because you feel like
something's in the room

at this point.


You could say is it
power of suggestion for jack

and he's just a little
freaked out to be here?


But he's not
the first person I know

that has had those problems
sleeping in thomas house.

Cherry has apparently
a lot of witnesses downstairs.

So I think go downstairs,
start talking to them.

Game on.

Oh, there they are.

Hey, guys.
You guys ready to come in?

I'm not surprised that
this many people have showed up.

I mean, this building
clearly has affected people.

People feel connected to it.

It is a staple
in kind of paranormal tourism.

How's it going?
Jack. How are you?

I'm not actually necessarily

looking for answers
from this group.

It's just more so we can start

you know, witness accounts.

Who here has had

an unexplainable experience
in this building?


Does anyone believe
there is demonic activity

in the thomas house?

Oh, okay.
Nobody. Okay.

Does anyone believe
there's demonic activity

anywhere on the property?

The church.

Just the energy
have a dark feeling

when you enter the church.

It's a totally different
feeling over there.

There's no way to explain it
other than there's something

that does not want me here.

Recently we had
a friend scratched.

We were all
sitting there talking,

and she suddenly reached up
and said, "it's burning."

and she had like
three scratch marks.

I saw a hat fly off a man.

- Really?
- Yeah.

So why does the church

have this negative, oppressive,
aggressive energy?

I think it's because people
have been going over there

and doing who knows what.

We find the candles.
We find the chalk.

They could have been conjuring
anything over there.

And how do we know if
somebody conjured up something,

it didn't come back
over here with them?

I wasn't expecting
to investigate the church.

Cool. Thank you.

So this definitely
changes the approach.

We're gonna have to go
conduct a baseline sweep.

I don't ever remember
seeing that before.

Cherry has agreed to take us
over to the church.

So hopef--

what the ****

a **** bird just, like,
flew right into the window.

That was weird.

I mean, that's weird.

That thing just pinged
the window.

Oh, it scared me.

This was built by the
cloyd family for their guests.

What kind of church was it?

It was pentecostal.

Doesn't the pentecostal --
the ones that do

the snake handling and all that?

I don't know if it was snakes.

I know, like, maybe forcing
spirits to exit their body.


Oh. That sounds
like demon soup to me.

not exactly a friendly
feeling in here.

- No?
- Nope.

Yeah, since we bought
it, we've used it for storage.

Have you ever spent
a lot of time over here?

No, I won't.

It just totally creeps me out.

I hate being over here.

We were told that a preacher
hung himself in this church.

- Oh.
- Really?

We did not know that until
like a couple of years ago.

Oh. So who told you that?
One of the locals.

Would that have been
documented or...?

I honestly don't know.

And I'm not sure if anyone
tried to research it or not.

But a reverend gued.


Why are the chairs in a circle?

People come in
and there was quite some time

that they were getting in that
we weren't aware of.

And we did find
candles and chalk.

so the church,
a priest hung himself here.

That's pretty bleak.

Clearly tone wasn't good.

Then you have people
sneaking in,

continuing to do
some kind of ritual.

What it was, we don't know.

So we're calling in
an expert for help.

- Hey, how are you?
- Oh, I'm good.

Michelle is a psychic
we often use.

Michelle has been to
the thomas house before.

She's familiar with it.

It has not changed a bit.

But she's never been
to the church.

I'm going to keep my voice down
because she's downstairs.


We're going to take michelle
across the street to the church.

She doesn't know
we're taking her there.

She's going to be blindfolded.

So we're gonna roll the dice.

I maybe feel like we feel we
should drive around a little bit

before we go
right across the street

because she would have
seen the church.


So, michelle, obviously
you don't know anything

about where we're taking you.

She won't see anything
in the church

that could influence her sweep.

So the funny thing is,
is I just keep seeing an image

of a white building.



So, michelle, obviously
you don't know anything

about where we're taking you.


So the funny thing is,
is I just keep seeing

an image of a white building.

It looks a little bit
like a barn, but it isn't.


wow, look at that beautiful bug.

That was beautiful.

Sorry you missed that.

- Yeah.


there you go.

Nearly to the top, and this
one's kind of mini step.


There's a kind of a lip

and a step down.

I mean, my first impression is

I expect to see, like, seating
in rows on either side here

going toward a central thing.

move me a little closer.

There's a step up here.

And it's just a...

Alright. And then that's pretty
much the depth of the room.


I really do feel like
I should be a preacher,

like, in this space right now,

just like, you know,
it's the work of the lord,

the work of the lord, you know,

and all of you...

he really likes being
the center of the attention

and feels like he'll do anything
to keep it going.

I wouldn't be surprised
if this is a little old church

where almost, like,
pentecostal stuff happened,

where there was maybe
not snake handling,

but speaking in tongues and
being taken over by the spirit.

And this feels like a place
that maybe started off

with the best of intentions
and it feels like it went

to the wrong direction
from that.

do you want to touch
the wood beneath you,

see if it gives you anything?

As I was leaning down,

the first
and immediate impression I got

was a couple of young people
trying to draw stuff,

symbols actively
and intentionally,

like satanic
or satanic-looking symbols.

It feels like they were
doing it for mischief.

We find the candles.
We find the chalk.

They could have been conjuring
anything over there.

And how do we know if
somebody conjured up something,

it didn't come back
over here with them?

Is there a connection between
thomas house and this space?

There's a pathway between them.

There's an interaction
between them.

If you want to take
your blindfold off,

you're welcome to.

Make sense now?

Yeah, just...

And this was
a pentecostal church.

Oh. Okay.

If this was in fact a church
and there was a preacher,

he felt like someone who started
off fervent and righteous.

And I don't think
he ended that way.

Between here and thomas house,
it's the same pattern going on.

It's the church opening up
doorways with well intention.

Then we also have
the ghost hunters coming here

and doing the same thing.

They're all reacting

to the same impulse.

Something's drawing them here.


I think it's something
to do geologically.

Well, isn't the whole town
called red boiling springs

because of the sulfur springs?

There's some aspect with that,
like, helping to facilitate

or fuel or signal boost.

Have a séance.

I would start
at the thomas house

because it's in my opinion

a more controllable environment.


Right now,
we're going take michelle

to the dark hallway to see what
she picks up psychically.

I want to see a tall,
shadowy figure

almost silhouetted
against the glass.

Long and spindly.

So many dark figures,
disembodied voices.

I always feel like
someone's watching me.

It's not from this space.
This house.

I think it's from out there.
Like probably the land.

- The land?
- Yes.

Could it be elemental?

That's one of the accepted words
for this sort of thing.


Michelle picks up on
people experiencing

a dark shadow figure,

and she believes
it is an elemental.

This isn't someone
who lived and died.

This isn't a demon.

It's essentially a spirit
that comes from the land.

Not only will they have
spirit activity,

animals will frequently
also begin to participate.

What happened today?

We was just sat up here talking,

and a bird just went thunk...

what the ****

into the window.

There is some reaction
from the wild land

to the people that have
taken up residence here.

And so why would it all of
a sudden, though, turn negative?

I'd want to know what's happened

in the past 10 years.

There have been more and more
people coming here since then.

And not all
paranormal investigators

follow ethical guidelines.

They don't all do it

So, of course, if you're
a powerful elemental force

that lives around a space
where people are just coming

and poking constantly,
you're gonna get annoyed.

There is definitely
a potential for violence

in the same way
that a wild animal

has a potential for violence.

Yeah, is it like a, you know,
a bear?

Yeah, think of it as wild.

No one has really
studied the elementals

like they have demonology.

Just because it's not demonic,

it doesn't mean
it's not dangerous.

It can get aggressive
and physical.

And I actually do believe it was
what was in my room last night.

Does it have a name?

My experience with elementals

is they're not human enough
to have a name.

So I guess you and I
will just powwow,

and, michelle,
we'll see you out.


Pen? Paper?

Yeah, because I don't know
I can pro--

I don't usually have things
speak up with names, but...


That's as close as I can get.

It's a whole bunch of syllables.



I don't usually have things
speak up with names, but...

That's as close as I can get.

It's a whole bunch of syllables.



I've no idea what that means.

I'm not going to claim
any language for that.

What is this elemental
trying to communicate to us,

given the fact that
it's given us a word?

Or does it even mean anything?

it's just like the definition
of money laundering

and that in estonian.



Michelle doesn't get names
or words like that.

The fact that she got that

tells me it's something
to pay attention to.


Is it, you know,
something tied to thomas house,

or is this elemental

trying to tell us
something about the church?

I think that's where
our investigation

needs to focus at this point.

We really need to
try to document

the primal experiences
that people have been having.

we have evacuated
the entire building,

so even darrell and his family,
we're putting them up in hotels.

All of these cables run outside
to a control station

we have set up in our van

so our crew can monitor
our cameras

at the same time
we're doing an investigation.

It's literally just me
and jack tonight.


How's it looking?

I mean, we're good
on this front.

This is a strange case.

The fact that michelle
is saying what's upstairs

is a legit elemental.

I mean, I don't -- I don't --

how do you investigate that?

What we can do is test for
the manifestations of them.

So I think that's what we need
to focus on as well

as still focusing on the church
and whatever is in there,

because maybe the elemental
goes back and forth,

like michelle said.

So we might get
a little crossover

from both of those locations.

So that being said,

we've got great shot
of the church.

That's awesome.
Look at that.

Dining hall.

The hallway,
your boudoir, my hovel.

It just comes down to discussing

where we want to start.

Maybe we do take a page
from michelle

where we try to open up
a little bit of energy.

Do like a séance
in the dining hall?


Let's do it.


Let's get set up here.

The scary part
is this elemental.

It doesn't communicate

the way a human spirit
would communicate.

It's a completely
different entity

and has the ability
to get upset and angry.

It could get violent,

like any wild animal does
when it's provoked.

Alright, jack and I want to
communicate with whoever is here

in this house,
on this property, on this land.

Can you come forward and use
the energy in this room

to communicate?

Maybe blow a candle out,
move something in here?

what the **** was that?

let's go check it out.

It sounds like somebody --

I almost want to say
somebody banging on a window.


Is there anybody outside?

That's really odd.

Was it something turning on
and sputtering?

But that sounded like thudding.

That sounded like someone
was banging on a window.


If that was you,
can you make that sound again?

Can you bang on something?

can you do something in
this space so we can see you?

we're gonna blow out
these candles.

Alright, let's do it.

whoever was in here earlier
was doing a really good job

with just letting us know
you were here.

I want to see that again.

What the ****


Yeah. Alright.

What'd you see?

Actually a blue light.

But it was really tiny.

It's like this
little tiny blue light.

whoa, whoa, whoa.

I just saw straight-up shadow
cross right behind scott.

See how you can see
the light on the pole?

- Yeah.
- I saw that just black out.

It just went black and it was
a shadow sweep right across.

And it wasn't scott
because I was watching for it.

Did you just see that flashing?

- Whoa.

did you just see that flashing?

- Whoa.
- Whoa.

that scared the **** out of me.

Okay. Keep it up.

Whoever we're talking to now,

whoever is in here manifesting,
we want more.

Are you rohepeshal?

what do you think, jack?

Do you want to go upstairs,
check out the dark hallway?


When michelle came,
she first picked up

on some kind of elemental energy
in the dark hallway.

And then I kind of felt it in my
room when I was trying to sleep.

So we're gonna head up there now
and we're gonna see

if we have a better chance
of communicating with it.



I just got, like, chills.

Jack and I want to talk
to whoever hangs out

in this hallway, the dark force.

who is it that's been coming
into my bedroom at night?

Someone's been coming
in my room at night.

Camera 4 just shut down.

A camera just shut down.
Which camera's camera 4?

Can you see katrina?

Oh, now it just turned back on.

This camera just shut off
and turned back on?

shut off another camera
if that was you.

it's so strangely calm up here.

Come on.
We heard all this stuff

about how big and bad you are.
You growled in my ear.

You're waking up jack
every 20 minutes.

And now you're so shy?

it's so quiet up here.

we could go to the church.

We could try that.

When we first started the night,

it was like something started
to enclose around us.

We were all seeing shadows,
points of light.

And then it seemed
to just back off.

So it might be
a good opportunity for us

to go over to the church
right now and see if it changes.

forgive me, father,
for I have sinned.

It feels uncomfortable.

Jack and I have
a recorder to do evps.

We also have the geoport.

It sweeps through
radio frequencies.

It's believed that spirits can
manipulate these forms of energy

to speak with us.

And then lastly,
we also have a laser grid

in case we get
any kind of movement.

Maybe we'll capture it.

Do a geobox session?

Yeah, let's do that.

We're going to give you
an opportunity

to speak with us
through one of our devices.

tell us who you are.
Tell us why you're still here.

did someone die in this church?

it got really cold in here.

So is this where you are?

- "hell no."
- "hell no."

oh, I just got the shivers.


Did that rohepeshal?

Did it?






Is this your land?

rohepeshal --
why do you keep saying it?

it's really quiet in here.

I mean, we hit a pocket
and then it died.

any suggestions?
Yeah. Maybe go dark.


do you hear that?

I think it's a dog.

something's responding to us.

that's very weird, actually.

Yeah, super weird.

Not only will they have
spirit activity,

animals will frequently
also begin to participate.

there was a bunch
of significant small events

that occurred tonight.

Yeah, I think for me
the most interesting thing

is that we were having
shared experiences.

It wasn't just one person
seeing that

and then nobody else seeing it.

When I came here 10 years ago,

the investigation I was on
was very much

what was existing
in the building.

What I didn't realize
at the time

is that I don't think
it's just about this house.

I think it has
something to do with

a very significant piece
of land that we have.

So we're about to meet
with darrell and cherry

and give them more information
for their own research

and to go forward
so they can live here

and maybe not be so fearful
as cherry has been in the past.

How are you guys today?

Doing great.

We collected
some interesting, I think,

objective evidence that we want
to share with you guys.

One of the eyewitness accounts
here was that

people claim to see shadowplay.

There's the shadowy figure
in a dark hallway as well.

At one point, I could see
a shadow behind scott,

our cameraman.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

I just saw a straight-up shadow
cross right behind scott.

We were doing a psychic sweep
with michelle.

She calls herself
the psychic bloodhound.

She described the dark figure
in the spooky hallway

as an elemental.

Have you ever heard
the term elementals?

Heard the term,
but what does that mean?

It's essentially
a non-human spirit

that is connected to the land
that doesn't have a human form

but is merely observing
what's going on here.

One of the things
she mentioned was that

if there are people
coming in here

with intentions that aren't pure
as far as ghost hunting,

then it's going to react
in a negative way.

When that happens,

that's when you'll see
that negative push.

That's when
you'll see those reactions.

It's almost like an angry
reaction to what's going on.

Did she feel
there's any correlation

to that and the church?

She believes this elemental
kind of goes back and forth,

and there's energy
going between the two buildings.


During the psychic sweep,

michele gave a name
to the elemental,

and its rohepeshal.


It's a whole bunch of syllables.


Now, rahapasu is estonian
for money laundering.


We were getting that name
come through on the geoport

in the church.

I was told by locals
that there was

a reverend over there at one
time that stole a lot of money.


We often wondered if maybe
he is the one

that hung himself because he got
caught for stealing the money.

So that would have been
why he took his own life.

Took his own life.

Wow. I think that's
really interesting.

I mean, michelle didn't know.

We didn't even know anything
about this reverend

until you guys had mentioned it.


What we've come up with
at this point

is that this is
a very special plot of land.

And there is this
consistent pattern of people

feeling compelled to be here
to have a spiritual experience.

And it's almost acting
as a battery,

not only for things
to come through,

but also for things
to manifest like your sister.

I would encourage you to have
a bit better of oversight

of who's coming in here

and how these people
are investigating.

Just like anywhere
that's haunted,

you just have to come at it
from a level of respect,

just as if it was a real person.

And I think if you guys ever
experience something

aggressive or negative,

I don't think
you'll need a priest.

I think it will just
kind of maybe be

a couple scary experiences

that manifest in a scratch
or a push.

Even though I'm still scared,

it's home, so I can't imagine
not being here.


the experiences people have
here at thomas house

is not just tied
to one specific spirit.

It seems bigger than that.

It's tied to this elemental
spirit that comes from the land.

well, thomas house --
what's your thoughts?

I think it went a lot deeper

than either of us
ever expected it to.

I agree.

And I am very excited
to go home to my bed

and not have a ghost
just roaming my bedroom.

You know, is this place
a portal to hell?

I don't know.

But is there an abundance
of energy here?

I'll say yeah, for sure.