Portals to Hell (2019–…): Season 1, Episode 6 - Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum - full transcript

Jack and Katrina venture inside the imposing stone walls of a notoriously haunted hospital in Weston, West Virginia, that housed thousands of mentally ill patients over a dark 130-year-old ...

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There's something that feels
forceful here.

First, it will see you,
and it will get closer.

You should know that it's here.


Is this place a portal to hell?

Oh, just.

This is **** nuts.

We believes
that you're demonic...

...so this should
reallypiss you off.

Alright, so we are in
West Virginia.

And if you're interested
in investigating

probably one of the most
haunted locations ever,

might be your spot.

But is it a portal?

Yeah, and I think, too,
if we're looking at it

through the human lens,
then, you know,

thinking about all those people
that walked through those gates,

Trans-Allegheny literally became
their personal portal to hell.

More to come.

We are in probably
the number-one place

I tell everybody to go to --
Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum.

- I'm nervous.
- Yeah?

Yeah, this place, like,
you know,

from everything I'm reading...
- Yeah.

...it's thespot.

Just the history of it is dark
and fascinating and weird.

Originally, when it opened,
it was only designed

to hold 250 patients.
- Mm-hmm.

But it got to the point
where there was so much

overcrowding that they had
2,400 patients.

So I mean, obviously, there was
not enough staff on board

to take care
of all those people.

- That's insane.
- Yeah.

I just -- I'm having a hard time
wrapping my head around the fact

that this place was open
until 1994.


You and I were alive
when this place was open.

Yeah. Yeah.

We could have been sent here.


So as far as, like, hauntings
that have been reported here...

Yeah....they've had
full-body apparitions.

People have been scratched,

Hearing footsteps.
Seeing footsteps.

Ticks a lot of boxes.

It's got it all.
- Yeah.

In North America,
it's the largest hand-cut

stone masonry building.

And certain stones, especially
something like sandstone,

which has a high level
of quartz,

can basically record
emotional, traumatic events

such as the things we know
happened at Trans-Allegheny.

So essentially,
we're looking at possibly

one of the biggest recorders
for paranormal activity.

Could it be a thing
where just places

that have so much pain
and anguish and suffering

manifest as some kind of portal?


You know, all that energy
turns into something that,

you know, allows more
negative energy to grow.

Also, you have 666 acres
with 13 buildings.

- Is that really true?
- It's true.

13 buildings, 666 acres.

- Is this it?
- This is it, yeah.

This is crazy.

- Are you ready for this?
- Okay, let's do it.

Enter if you dare.

We're gonna go meet Rebecca.

She is the owner
of the hospital now.

Her and her father
purchased it a few years back.

Rebecca conducts
ghost tours here.

Great to see you.

- Oh, you, too.
- Hi. How's it going?

- And this must be Jack.
- Jack.

- Yes.
- Nice to meet you.

- Nice to meet you.
- It's a pleasure.

Thank you.
Thanks for having us.

- Follow me this way.
- Yeah. Okay, great.

What made you guys
decide to but it?

They put it up
for auction, and Dad decided

he wanted to save it,
so here we are 11 years later.

Okay, now, this is all about

Walter Freeman,
the famous lobotomist.

Walter Freeman
actually came here

and performed
over 100 lobotomies.

You know, a lot
of the practices here

on the patients were, like,
experimental torture.

There was a lot of death here.

There was a lot of pain,
lot of human suffering.

It's just twisted.

He would line the patients up
without any type of consent.

What they would do,
they would use an ice pick,

kind of like
in a windshield wiper motion,

and that basically would
disconnect the frontal lobe

from the rest of your brain.

Basically, all of your ideas,
your thoughts, your personality,

all of that is contained
in your frontal lobe,

which is the front part
of your brain.

And he thought if
you're violent, you know,

by taking those emotions
away from you,

that would therefore
make the perfect patient.

It's never easy
hearing about because, I mean,

you just think about --
Even just a lobotomy

and how that was done
just gives me shivers.

It's just sad to know that
that many people

were subjected to it.

How many documented deaths

does this place have
that you know of?

So I know that there's been
thousands of deaths here.

- Yeah.
- I know we have over --

We have three graveyards
on the farm,

and I think it's just over 2,100
are in there right now.


And those are ones that
the families basically...

Were just like,
"Whatever."...didn't claim, didn't pick up.

- Aw.
- Oh, it's -- it's terrible.

This was actually, like,
death row, a prison,

andan insane asylum

and the executioner's chair
all in one.

Let's head on down here.

I'd like to introduce you
to a lady named Jane.

- Okay.
- Oh.

This is the hall
where Jane Harvey lived.


And Jane Harvey was a patient
here in the 1890s.

The only reason that we know
to actually look for Jane

is 'cause people
have heard the name Jane.

She said she harmed herself.

So, about four years ago,

I was able to get
these historic books

which record all
the deaths, basically,

and the people being admitted,

and I find a Jane Harvey,
that she had killed herself.

And where was her room?
Do you know?

We believe it's
one of these right here.

So because of paranormal
investigations happening here,

people were collecting
kind of the stuff

coming through on their devices,
gave it to you... Absolutely.

and then as you were doing
historical research,

you found something
that actually matched it.

- Yes, we found her...
- Yeah.

...which was -- which was
really interesting... JACK: Wow.

...and we have a full account
of her suicide.


Basically, she'd just been
put in her room.

She sat down in front
of her bed with a sheet,

tied it around her neck,

and kneeled in front of the bed
and leaned forward.

Okay, now, this is Ward F.

It was originally designed
to have seven seclusion rooms.

So this would have been for
the most violent male patients

here at the facility.

And I want to tell you about
a murder that happened as well.

If you check out these doors...

I mean,
these are heavy steel doors.


And if you look at the inside,

you can see the damage
that the patients would do.


The sheer power of someone
who is mentally ill...

Yeah....and obviously upset
about something is amazing.

This, we call
the Bedpost Murder room.

We had two violent patients
in here with a person

who was mentally impaired.
And, you know,

he was known to be one of
the sweetest patients out there,

but every now and then,
he would have an outburst,

and that's how he ended up
getting into this room.

Now, the other two patients
were not nice people.

Put it that way.

So, basically, they tied a sheet
around his neck,

threw it up around a pipe,

and would basically raise him up
in the air

until he would pass out,
then would let him back down,

raise him back up again
until he passed out.

Well, eventually, they realized
they were gonna

get into a lot of trouble.

They laid this guy down
on the floor.

They had a steel bed in here.

Put the bedpost on his head,

and as one held him there,
the other one jumped on the bed

until it pierced
his skull and brain.


- That is horrific.
- So messed up.

That is horrific.

When I was told about him,

and this is what broke my heart
when I heard the story,

was that he spent
the whole day coloring

at the feet of, like, a nurse.

- Oh, yeah.
- Like, that was his mind.

It was so childlike
and innocent.

When did that happen,
the murder?

Do you know?
- That was in the '80s.

- In the '80s?
- Oh, wow.

One of the men who killed him
actually recently passed.

Recently, there has been
a black figure

outside of this ward

that goes in between
the door of this ward

to where the guests
would actually visit,

and that's been happening
so much recently.

Recently, there has been
a black figure

outside of this ward

that goes in between
the door of this ward

to where the guests
would actually visit,

and that's been happening
so much recently.

When did it start to increase?

About two years ago,
when that man died.Oh.

- Oh, when he died.
- Yeah.

But I'm curious if
that could be him

coming back here.

- One of the murderers?
- Yeah.

If that shadow is,
in fact, the spirit

of one of the murderers
and has come back here,

that would imply
some kind of portal.

When I take
you guys to the fourth floor,

you're gonna feel it.

I think this is

the most uncomfortable spot
for me.

Well, this is basically
the most active area we have,

this ward specifically and
the fourth floor completely.

- Yeah.
- We get a lot of touching...

- Mm.
- ...in this area.

We've had a few occasions

of some people
getting scratched.

Actually, this is --
I'd love to get Valarie up here

to tell you
some of her experiences.

Let's get her up here.

- Oh, Valarie.
- Hello.

- Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you, Katrina.

- Hey. How's it going? Jack.
- Nice to meet you, Jack.

Yeah, Rebecca tells us
that this was an area

where you had pretty crazy

Yeah. Absolutely.

I was sitting up here with
a group of people.

Little bit later, I noticed
that my back was burning.

There was an abrasion
little bit right of my spine.

Was approximately an inch wide,
maybe 3 to 4 inches long.

- Oh, wow.
- It burned reallybad,

and it was visible for at least
four days following the event.

It looks like almost like

you fell off a bike
or something.

Yeah. Yeah. Definitely.

The next night,
after that had happened,

I was sitting up here again,
roughly same time of night.

It was then that I noticed

this same kind of
intense burning on my arm.

So I shifted the flashlight
to my arm,

and the guide, myself,

we watched three welts
develop down my arm.

What do you think caused it?

A part of me wants to say that
I was overstaying my welcome.


There's something nasty up here.

Either it's dormant
or goes elsewhere,

but every once in a while,

there's something up here
that doesn't want us here, yeah.

Comes through, yeah.

What's the most active place
for you?

We're standing in it.

I've witnessed this strange,
blobby-looking thing.

We could see its shadow up
on the ceiling,

and I saw what
I can only describe

as something that looked
like a tentacle,

and similar things have been
seen throughout the building.

Predominantly, though, it likes
to hang out on the fourth floor.


We learned a lot of different
things from Valarie, I think.

She believes that
whatever's here is negative.

So she believes that
this creepy-crawly thing

that multiple people
have experienced

could be the negative thing.

It's a lot.
Are you okay?

I just know that, you know,
soon as this place gets dark,

it's gonna be like,
"What the?"


- So we have interesting news.
- Drop it on me.

Our wonderful associate
producer, Hannah...

- Mm-hmm?
- ...she did some digging for us,

and did find an article that
you might find interesting.

"A Lewis County judge
has ordered

"two severely ill
mental patients

"accused of murdering another
patient at Weston Hospital

to undergo competency tests."

David Mason, 25.

James Woods, 30.

They were accused
of killing Dean Metheny.

Let's write that name down
real quick.

Bedpost murder.

Well, we have the names
of the murderers now

and we have the name
of the victim.

We're kind of the first
investigative team to have them

and be able to
put them out there.

This is all-new information

that we're able to confirm
with historic documentation.

So it's all pretty important

because during the course
of the investigation,

if we get anything
that matches the names

or even subjective experiences
as to how the victim died,

then it could kind of
corroborate all of that stuff

that's been going on up there.

We got some severe ground
to cover here.

We do, indeed.

Alright, think warm thoughts.
Let's get cracking.

Okay. Ready?

So we have something really cool

that we can use for
our investigation tonight.

This is a piece of artwork
done by one of the patients.

So you can see
the back of it, too.

"Well," "power,"
"man of the year,"

"healthy," "better,"

So it was actually made
by one of the murderers

from the Bedpost Murders.
- Ohh!

We can use this as, like,
a trigger object.

This is a piece of artwork
done by one of the patients.

So you can see
the back of it, too.

So it was actually made
by one of the murderers

from the Bedpost Murders.
- Ohh!

We can use this as, like,
a trigger object in the room

where the murder happened.
- Okay.

Because Rebecca's big question
is, you know,

is this guy still here?

But we can put it in the room,
and if he is here,

it might enact
some sort of response.Yeah.

We've decided to bring

a psychic medium,
Michelle Belanger,

to jump-start our investigation.

Michelle is
our psychic bloodhound.

So she doesn't know where
she's coming.

She's gonna turn up blindfolded.

Since a lot of my perceptions
are with an inner eye,

then taking away the distraction
of physical sight

helps me focus
on what I'm tuning into

beyond that perception.

We got a ton of work.

Probably have about a mile
of cables to run.

So, uh, we gotta get to it.

I'm always curious to see

what story a place
is willing to tell me.

It's easy to get turned
around in this place at night.

They're flashing right now.
Can you see 'em?

I can, yeah, and it --
Yeah, that's actually great.

Here we go.

Camera 1 is where

Valarie allegedly was attacked.

Camera 2 is in Ward R.

The bedpost hallway outside
the Bedpost Murder room.

And camera 4 is
the Bedpost Murder room.

Can you guys get Michelle?

Bring her up.

Be very careful with her
because she's blindfolded.

Okay, I'm bringing you into
scene with Jack and Katrina.

Hi, Michelle!

How's your experience
been since you arrived?

- Interesting.
- Yeah?

Uh, pretty clear image of, like,
this brooding stone edifice

just beyond a-a gate.
- Okay.

The owner has asked us
some pretty...

well, specific questions
about who or what is here.

So we're gonna take you
to certain places.

Does that sound okay?
- That -- that sounds good.

Okay. All right, great.

- Shall we?
- We shall.

We know there was a woman
here who committed suicide.

The owner needs to know
the room.

We believe
it's one of these right here.

We're on the right floor.

So this is where she did it?
At least, the floor?

We're on the right floor.

I just keep seeing off-green
or off-blue, like,

a pale room...

inviting someone
to look into the room.

I keep wanting to go that way.

there is a room there.Okay.

This one feels right.

This is the woman...

the woman... who --

who did... who did something.

And you see the room being a...

Somewhere between blue or green.

It's really quite ugly paint.

She doesn't want to tell me
her name.

Yeah, she doesn't want
to tell me her name.

It is pretty impressive,

especially for somebody
that can't --

I mean, she can't see anything.

So for her to pick up
on a wall color,

obviously, she's connecting
to somebody.

So, we're going to take her
to the third floor

to one of the rooms there that
had a pretty significant event,

and we're gonna see
what she can pick up there.

There's a presence up here

that feels timid at first.

We had two violent patients
in here

with a person
who was mentally impaired.

Do you want to talk with me?

Are you...

Are you a boy, or are you just
wearing that shape?

How old are you?

Not sure what's going on
with this one.

Is he intelligent?

That's an intelligent spirit,

I-I think so.

Timid, though, not chatty.

Almost mute.

Like, could be violent.

I don't know if he's, like...

can't use his legs

or if he just likes
crawling around on the floor.

I'm going to move a little bit
this way to see.

There's a weird pressure from...

So it's, like, a sense
of something hanging.

They tied a sheet around his
neck, threw it up around a pipe,

and would basically
raise him up in the air

until he would pass out,
then would let him back down,

raise him back up again
until he passed out.

It's just something hanging.

I don't think it goes all
the way down to the floor.

Took a wild stab at it,
I'd say it's about body-shaped.

There's -- there's
an intelligent haunting here.

Like, this one seems nonverbal.

And I just keep seeing him
on the floor, like, looking up.

Like, he's -- he's from
a prone position.

So, there was
a brutal murder in here.


And the victim was a...

a man who was allegedly --

you know, we heard rumors
that he was actually a mute.

And two men, uh,

murdered him in here by, um,

they would kind of string him up

and, like, lynch him
and then lower him down...

-...and then string him up...

!...and down, and they did
that repeatedly.

So, there was
a brutal murder in here.

. Okay.

- They ended up... Yep.
- Okay.

And they ended up
taking their bed

and putting the bedpost
on his head

and jumping on it
until it crushed his skull.


Well, it's safe to say,
that's still very much here.

Yeah, and he's still
an intelligent spirit then here?

He's still here.

Just so you know,
this was in the '80s,

so it was not that long ago.

Here's the other thing, too.

You describe him
as being very childlike,

so the crawling,
the hiding, all that stuff.

Yep. He was a very nice guy,
but occasionally,

he would have these
really violent outbursts.

Yep, okay.
No, he's definitely still here.

A question that we have is

one of his murderers
has passed away,

and since that passing,
the owner wants to know

if any of the murderers
are here.

No, but they came by once,

and he's not over it.

It's almost like he keeps
going through it,

like it triggered something.

So this replay of what had
happened to him,

but he's still here,
partly engaged in that replay.

Is there anything that he likes,

that we could maybe
bring up here?

Did he like to color?
Did he like to draw?

I'd try, like,
rolling a ball to him.


He seems pretty simple
with -- with his tastes.

Do you think he would
respond to his name?

Yeah, he might.

Well, we should continue --
continue on.

We're headed to
the fourth floor,

and this is where Valarie,
the tour guide,

was allegedly attacked.

It seems like everyone says
"the fourth floor"

or "Beware,
beware the fourth floor."

It seems to be the most active
and the most aggressive.

There's something
that feels forceful here.

As an intelligent force,

Is it human? Non-human?

It's reacting to me,
so I say intelligent.

There's a physical imposingness

that is part
of that assertiveness.

If it thinks you should know
that it's here...

first, it will see you
and it will get closer...

...if you don't pay attention
to it.

I think it will start to be...


in the sense of
putting hands on you,

possibly a heaviness,
that heaviness.

Safe to take this off?

It's safe to take it off.

Okay. Ugh.

The other thing I'd say
about this floor

is it feels like...

people have come up here

with the intent
of scaring themselves.

So is that why activity
would increase up here?

Yeah, I mean,
like attracts like.

Stuff is intelligent enough here

to react
to people's expectations

and to try to get
a rise out of them.

Purposely scaring people?
- Yeah. Oh, hell, yeah.

Michelle, as always,
thanks so much for coming.

There was really some stuff
that you nailed

that I think will help
our investigation for tonight.


- I think we're all set up.
- Okay.

And there's so much ground
to cover,

so probably what makes the most
sense is for us to split up.

For me personally,
I need to go back to Ward R.

If you want to take Ward T?
- Sure.

We have the 3-D mapping camera,

so if there's any figures
that have any mass,

that should show up on that.
- Okay.

And we also have ITC devices
that pick up on voices.

We have the laser grid
set up in the bedpost hallway

to pick up any figures
moving around.

And then we also have
recorders for EVPs.Okay. Alright.

Hey, you ready?

Am I that way?
- You're that way.

I'm this way.
- Alright, cool.

- Okay.
- Alrighty.

- Alright, good luck.
- See ya.

The fourth floor is where a lot

of the activity occurs
in this building.

There are dozens of reports
of people hearing footsteps,

people seeing black shadows
walking at the end of hallways.

It's where Michelle
definitely picked up

on some kind of dark presence.

And it's where Valarie was
allegedly scratched.

I know you're up here.

You gonna slam one of these?

Can you show us that
you're here?

You knock on something for me?

I almost feel like
we're being observed.

I want to know who you are.
I want to know what you are.

I want to see if we can get
some answers.


I heard, like, voices.

Is that what you heard?

Well, let's try an ITC session.

Oh, no.

No. I think it died.

There it goes.
It -- it just died.

"Database is corrupt.
It can't be trusted.

It may not work properly."


What the?

Why's it keep wanting
to initialize?

Alright, so we're having
technical difficulties

already up here.

Elaine, can you hear me?

Can you send Lauren up here to

fix this Kinect 3-D mapping
thing. It's not working.

Yeah, copy.
Coming at ya.

He is. Right now?

Okay, yeah. Yeah,
we're gonna have to scratch it.

My 3-D mapper went down.


No reason for that thing
to be acting up.

- Yeah?

Coming in.
How's it been going for you?

Like, none of my equipment's


Well... No, I'm just having
some tech issues.

Yeah, my 3-D mapper

**** out on me.

- Did it really?
- Yeah.

Just didn't -- kept just
close -- Like, every time

we would try and boot up
the program, it would shut down.

So in my experience, when
batteries start dying like that,

equipment just gets
messed up like that,

it's, like, whatever is
there is kind of gearing up

to manifest somehow.

Okay, let's get this
going again.

Let's start in, um,
the Bedpost Murder room

because that was
definitely the place

where Michelle had
the strongest connection.


And she very much felt
that Dean is still here.

And we have some
trigger objects.

- Yep.
- We're gonna bring

a piece of art that was made
by one of the murderers,

kind of throwing a lot
different things at it

to see if we can get
any kind of interaction.


Hi, Dean.
- Okay.

This is Dean Metheny's room.

A lot of people said he was
very, you know, mentally --

he was very much
that of a child.

So I figured
why not bring some toys

that might entice him
a little bit?

Brought some candy,
spread that out on the floor.

We've got the REM pod
near it all,

and we're just gonna see
if we can actually

get him to communicate with us.

I thought that maybe
before we begin,

maybe you want to just, like,

sit in some silence
for a minute in the room?

I think that's a great idea.

Dean, is that you?

Dean, is that you?

Dean, if that's you, we need
to know that you're here.

Can you help us figure that out?


That's crazy.

That thing's going nuts.
- It's going nuts in here.

Something's making
the REM pod go off.

The REM pod essentially
creates its own EMF field,

so anything that breaks that
field, it should set it off.

You know what, Dean? We can
actually play a really fun game.

So Jack and I will ask
some questions,

and every time
the answer is yes,

you make that light up green.

If the answer is no,
you don't do anything, okay?

Did you die in this room?

Are you still scared?

Do you know the people
who killed you?

Do you get to move
throughout this whole building?

It's a fun toy isn't it?

Do you like us being here, Dean,

having someone to talk to
and play with?

Dean, is that you affecting
our REM pod?

I'm gonna try something, okay?

I've never seen anything
like this.

Dean, do you know
who this belonged to?

Do you know who this is?

Dean, did we scare you?
Can you come back?

He's not here. It's just --
it's just a piece of art.

He's not here,
so he can't hurt you.

Dean, if we take this away, will
you come back and talk to us?

Okay, I'm gonna
take it away, okay?

'Cause I think maybe
it's upsetting you.

Okay, we put that away.

So he can't hurt you, okay?

This is the craziest thing
I've ever seen. Hands down.

What do you think?

I'm just amazed by this.

- Yeah?
- I've never...

Not this long,
not this consistent.


This -- I can't explain this.

- Me, either.
- And, like,

I-I won't be able to know,
like, whoever's, like,

you at home
watching this, like...

there are no radios on
in here right now.

There is no way
to remote control this.

Something is physically breaking
the electronic magnetic field

that this thing is emitting.

I've never really had
that type of interaction

with REM pod before,
but I feel bad.

I feel really bad for him.

That's, to me, the most
definitive experience

I've ever had.

I just think that, like...

- I think he like you, Jack.
- I think you do, yeah.

Probably part of why
spirits stick around is

'cause they felt like
they weren't heard

or recognized or acknowledged
in the right way.

Maybe a part of me thinks
that if they get enough

of that acknowledgement,

then they can fulfill
and move on.


Alright, well, there we go.

Dean, I just want
to let you know

I'm really sorry
what happened to you.

You have a good night,

and, uh, do us a favor
and watch our backs.

That was crazy.

That was really cool.


That, to me's crazier than
Ouija board

or anything like that.

Dean, if you can hear me,

I would love it if you could
walk back and forth,

if that is you.

If that's the person that
everyone keeps seeing,

walk or crawl back and forth
so we can see you on our camera.

What's going on?

Byron, was that you?

What was that?

That was really --
That was on this hall.

Dean, I would love it

if you could walk back
and forth, if that is you.

It's going off.

Byron, was that you?

That was on this hall.

Jamie, was that you?

- It wasn't Jamie?
- No.

Was it this door?

Oh, okay.

I'll tell you exactly
what this was.

- Yeah.
- That's what that was.

What was that?

- Huh.
- I just think

they're really heavy doors.

Yeah, that is a heavy door
for wind.

It would have to be
a burly gust.

Like, yeah.

And it when you were asking...

I was asking Dean to actually

walk in front of
our lasers for us...

Okay....so we could see him
on camera.


Thank you, Dean.
- Bye, Dean.

Actually, it was really funny,
I don't know if you heard it,

when I was asking him
to do that,

the REM pod started going off.

- Really?
- Yeah.

Even when you weren't
in the room?

No, I wasn't in the room.

I was like, "Can you just
do that for me, please?"

And it was like...

That's the craziest
I've ever seen.


- Yeah.

I think we had

one of the most poignant
paranormal experiences

in my paranormal investigative

He can't hurt you, okay?

That conversation,
that was powerful.

Very powerful.

Hey, guys.
How you doing?

Good. How you doing?

So first, we brought our friend
Michelle, who's a medium.

She calls herself
a "psychic bloodhound."


And she arrived
at the insane asylum

completely blindfolded, didn't
know anything about the place,

has never been here before.

And initially, she started
picking up childlike energy

in the bedpost room,
so we went back to that room

without Michelle to do the bulk
of our investigation.Mm-hmm.

And we brought
a REM pod with us,

which emits, like,
an electromagnetic field

that if something breaks it...
- Mm-hmm.

...or has its own
electromagnetic frequency,

it will trigger it. And --

Wait, you're saying you think
you communicated with Dean?

We literally had
a long conversation with him

with a REM pod.

Do you know the people
who killed you?

So, I'll take you back
a little bit to Michelle.

She's like, "I see him
crawling around on the floor.

He's hiding under his bed."

She's like, "I feel like
he's so kind,

but he has a tendency
for violent outbursts."

That's exactly him.

- Yeah.
- Right?

I don't know if
he can't use his legs

or if he just likes
crawling around on the floor.

Timid, though, not chatty.

Almost mute,
but could be violent.

This was the hallway.

Now, we put up a laser grid,
and, you know, the theory is

if something passes through it,
it'll block out the lasers

and, you know, you might be able
to make something out.

Now, focus you attention
on this area right here.


Right here.


No way!

We're trying to determine
what that is.

Is it light reflecting off

If so, what is the light?

This emits from
the center of it out

and then shrinks back in.

Watch it again. Right here.

Then it shrinks
back into itself.


And that during
our REM pod session with Dean.

- Well, that's very unusual.
- Yeah.

Okay, so, do you think
he is the black mass

that's going back and forth
from the room

into his area, playing a game?
- Yeah.

So Michelle believes
the shadow is Dean

and that it's a residual energy
that's playing in there,

but it's also an intelligence.

Considering how many people
experience stuff...

- Yeah.
- ...in that area of the hospital

and that it always seems
to be connected to Dean

and the murder
that happened there... Mm-hmm.

I think that makes
a lot of sense.

Have you heard
of the stone tape theory?

- No.
- Okay, the stone tape theory

is one that stone can
record energy.

So the fact that the building's
made of sandstone,

and in a lot of cases,

sandstone has a high quartz
crystal content... Mm-hmm.

...in it, I'm wondering
if the building is holding on

to some of the energy.

That is very interesting.

So I think you have a lot of
different things going on here.

And as far as portals go
or openings,

I think there's just
a ton of elements here that,

when we're looking at it
from a paranormal perspective,

really start to make sense

when you start looking
at all the layers.


It's usually places where
there's so much activity.

And places with a lot pain and
trauma, like Trans-Allegheny,

we know there was pain there.
We know there was trauma.

We know there were people
that had procedures done

that they couldn't consent to.

And I think a lot of times
in the paranormal,

we see that open doorways
to certain things.

It's one of those things, like,

I run away,
and you run toward it.

It is very frightening.

- Yeah.
- Very frightening to me.

But, I mean, really, it makes
so much more sense to me now.

But I can't tell you how much
I appreciate you guys coming.

- Yeah.
- Hey, this was awesome.

It was a great experience.

The things is, is that
it's not always black or white.

Sometimes you have to open
your mind up

to the things
that scare you the most.

For me, I think the most
compelling stuff

that we came across
is the potential

of the stone tape theory.
- Mm-hmm.

Just that the building
is holding this energy there?

- Yes.
- Mm-hmm.

And even energy
that is still alive.

If these walls could talk,

I guarantee you they would tell
some pretty horrific stories.