Portals to Hell (2019–…): Season 1, Episode 3 - Bobby Mackey's Music World - full transcript

Jack and Katrina are in serious danger as they investigate a Kentucky honky-tonk considered by many to be the most haunted place on Earth and the location of an actual portal to Hell.

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Oh, I don't like this.

What is it saying?

It says, "He doesn't even know
what he's gotten himself into.

He'll lose his sight for a time,
but then regain it.

We're gonna
**** you up."

They're targeting you.

Is this place a portal to hell?

This is **** nuts.

He believes that you're demonic,

so this should
really piss you off.

Well, we just arrived here
in Wilder, Kentucky.

- Mm-hmm. Okay.
- What are we doing here?

Well, we're gonna go
to Bobby Mackey's.

This place is a legendary
honky-tonk bar.

It is probably the most iconic
paranormal location

that investigators can go to.

I mean, it has everything from
scratchings and pushings

and, you know, just
crazy history connected...

- Possessions, allegedly.
- ...to the place.


We have a lot of ground
to cover.

There's some new information
that's come up.

There's more increased
activity lately.

Yep, there's been an uptick.

Mm-hmm. So I have to go meet
with a witness

because he refuses to step foot
at Bobby Mackey's ever again.

Yep, and then I'm gonna
go to Bobby Mackey's,

and I'm gonna learn
about the property,

learn about
some of the incidents,

and we'll reconvene and conquer.

I think that sounds good.

- Let's do it.
- All right.

So here's what we know
about Bobby Mackey's --

bar during Prohibition,

gambling hall
during that same era,

and there were
a lot of deaths on the site.

Since the '70s, it's been
a world-famous honky-tonk bar.

Ghost hunting is so common
at Bobby Mackey's.

They have their own ghost guide.

So I'm gonna go inside.
I'm gonna meet up with Laura.

She runs the haunted tours here.

Bobby Mackey's.

Hi, Jack.

Thank you.
Thanks for having us.

- Nice to see you here.
- Nice to see you, too.

Byron might have to
mic you up real quick.

Okay, no problem.

Don't worry.
He's friendly.

Can we dive into some of
the history of the place? Sure.

For decades, there have been
a lot of different rumors

about the history
of the location.

There was actually a distillery
on this property,

and the distillery actually did
have cattle on the property,

but it wasn't
a proper slaughterhouse.

So we are investigating
the recent uptick in activity.

What are some of the things

that have most recently
been going on?

Well, in addition to people
being scratched,

things being thrown at them,

we've also had people
being affected personally

when they leave here, as far
as taking things with them.


It's concerning to me
when Laura said

that some of the entities here
have followed people home.

Like, that's my biggest fear
about doing this kind of thing.

Another rumor that is
really prevalent

is about satanic rituals
that have occurred

and have continued to occur.

- Right.
- What's the story behind that?

Satanic rituals have been
done here

on this property
out by the river

'cause the Licking River
behind us flows north,

and a lot of people believe

that has some paranormal,
supernatural quality to it.

Now, that attracts people that
want to maybe conjure demons.

What's really interesting to me,

investigating Bobby Mackey's,
is that all of a sudden,

this activity has had
this increase,

and it's been really
negative activity.

One -- it could be geological,

meaning that there's something
about the property

that Bobby Mackey's sits on
that's causing

this high concentration
of energy,

and some people
in the paranormal believe

that that can cause
a doorway to open,

or people can open doorways.

You know, maybe somebody brought
over a bunch of people,

and they decided
to have a seance,

and they accidentally
open a door,

or it can be intentional --
people practicing magic,

which might not have
the best intents behind it,

and they want certain entities
to come through.

I'm gonna go meet
with Dan Smith,

who used to work
at Bobby Mackey's,

and apparently, he had this
traumatic experience there,

so I'm gonna go find out
if it has any connection

to this recent increase
in activity.

At some point, you started
going to Bobby's.

Was that just for fun

or because you heard
of the paranormal?

I went there and saw it
and started investigating

and saw, "Wow.
All the claims are true."

And as I got more
and more into it,

I started to make
several different contacts

with a young child's voice,
a young boy.

I became really worried
about a young child

being trapped at this location
with all this possible evil,

so eventually I crossed paths
with Bishop James Long,

who I knew had history
with the building

and had done exorcisms there.

When I explained
what was happening,

he pretty much told me,
"You've been tricked.

There's no
children spirits there... Mm-hmm.

...and what you're describing
is a demonic attachment.

If you don't 'treat it'
or do something about it,

the stages can progress,

and you could become
possessed or worse."

These entities inherently
know things about you.

They know your deepest,
darkest secrets.

You'll hear responses
about that,

and they'll play it against you.

What happened
on that last visit?

We were on break by the bar.


And a woman said,
"Do you see that?"

and pointed out
towards the bull room,

and when I turned my head
and looked,

what we saw -- what I saw was...

I got the chills.

Yeah, I can see that
on your arms.

What I saw was a man
sitting at a table.

The creepiest thing was
his eyes were glowing white.

That night is when things
started happening at my home --

the sounds of walking
and shuffling in the room.

I heard footsteps
on the wooden floor,

and I swear to you, Katrina,
they came up to the bed

and sat on the mattress.

What do you believe
followed you home?


I had second thoughts
about even talking to you

because this since was
brought up again,

I got very depressed

and for the first
and only time in my life

was contemplating suicide.

It's hard to hear
when somebody says

they become suicidal
based off of this stuff

'cause I've seen it
countless times.

That's where our job comes in
as investigators --

to get to the bottom of this
as much as we can

because people
are being affected.

What words of advice
would you give me?

- Don't go there.
- Don't go.

Don't go there.

So this is the creepy corner.

One of the reasons we call this
the creepy corner

is we get a lot
of activity back here.

We get a lot of shadows
moving around back here.

- Mm-hmm.
- We get a lot of banging noises.

We've had bottles thrown
from this corner.

This is where I saw
a full-bodied apparition.

He was standing at this end
of the pool table.

He had his arms crossed
in front of him,

and I walked across to the bar,

and when I looked back,
he was gone.

Wow. And there's no --
no one's on radio?

Wonder -- is it the cameras?

Let me see.


This is nuts.

And you saw an apparition here?


My Mel meter was
popping off the charts.

We were getting some really
erratic and aggressive readings.

The first documented death
that happened

inside the building
happened right over here

where that brown pole is.

Two guys got in a fight.

A guy got punched.
He fell down.

He hit his head on the radiator

and died on the floor
right there.

- Oh, wow.
- And that was in 1943.

This area here used to be
a kitchen,

but more recently --

are you familiar
with Carl Lawson?

Wasn't he the caretaker?

- He was. He was.
- Okay.

And he felt
that he was possessed

by the evil spirits
in this building,

and he had
an exorcism performed.Wow.

And I'm gonna take you up
to his apartment,

if you'd like to see it.

Yeah, sure.
Let's go up there.



You ready? All right.
- Yeah, let's go.

- So what's the story of Carl?
- Bobby hired him.

He started doing odd jobs
and maintenance work.

He felt like things were trying
to possess him

while he was sleeping.Mm-hmm.

This bathroom in here --
he claimed a demon

tried to drown him
in the bathtub.

In this bathtub,
a demon tried to drown him?

That's what he said, yes.

This bathroom in here --
he claimed a demon

tried to drown him
in the bathtub.

He used to barricade the door
at night

when he was going to sleep
because he said from up here,

he could hear what sounded
like hundreds of people

walking around downstairs.

You remember where
the brown pole is... Yeah.

...where I said
that the first death occurred?

So, and of course,
for reference,

that's Carl, right?

So this is the bar area.

- Mm-hmm.
- Okay?

Somebody took this picture
shooting down that way.

So we're zoomed
into the white pole,

and that's the brown pole,
but look right there.

- Oh, wow.
- Do you see that?


Looks like someone
peering 'round.


You can almost see
the rim of his glasses...

- Yeah.
- ...and some hair.

And after you look at that,

and then you look
at this picture,

that picture of Carl...

Yeah, it looks like
that portion of his face.

- Yeah.
- Wow.

So, I mean, that's a very
interesting capture, I think.


Do you want to hear
the story about Johanna?

- Sure.
- The story originated with Carl.

When he lived up here,
he used the see

the apparition of a young woman
with long, dark hair.

She used to visit him often,

and she would tell him to go
down into the basement and dig.

He went down in the basement,
started tearing up the floor,

and he uncovered the well --

the well
that's down there now.Mm-hmm.

He claimed to find
Johanna's diary,

and it told the story of Johanna

being a dancer
in the early 1930s.

She became pregnant.

Her father didn't approve,
so he had her boyfriend killed,

and then she was so distraught
that she poisoned her father

and committed suicide
in the club.

Is there any actual, like,
historical evidence of this?

We haven't found any,
to be honest.

Even if Johanna wasn't
a real person,

someone or something told Carl
to go down there... Dig, yeah.

...and uncover that well,
and that's exactly what he did.

I'm getting a sense
of whatever is here

is actually
an intelligent spirit,

meaning one that can
actively communicate.

What we do know is
something drove Carl

to go down to that basement

and chip away at concrete
to uncover the well,

and then shortly after
discovering the well,

Carl experiences a possession.

So when you are conducting
your tour down here,

how do you -- what's your flow?

We usually go down that way.

Is this normal down here?

Yeah, it's all over the place
down here.

I'll get the light on in here.


- That was weird.
- What?

As I walked in there,
I just got this, like,

flash in my eye.

- Wow.
- That was weird.

It wasn't a reflection of that.

It was, like, this circle.

No, it just --
it was, like, within my vision.

It just felt like
a flash in my eye,

like someone just shined
a flashlight and turned it off.

It was weird.
It just kind of startled me.

You want to check out the well?


This is the well, right here.


So Carl digs up this well,
and all of a sudden,

it's like taking the cap off

a can of beer
that's been shaken up.


He felt that whatever
he released from there

was coming after him,

and that's why he felt
threatened being in here.


Do you ever get an unsavory
characters coming through here,

wanting to do stuff?

I did have a person who brought
a Ouija board in.

He climbed over the fence,
got down in the well,

put the Ouija board on his lap,

and he had a box
of razor blades,

and he started slicing his hand

and then smearing the blood
all over the Ouija board,

trying to conjure
something up out of the well,

which many people believe
is the portal to hell.


Things that we've had happen,
like, people being scratched,

people having things
follow them home,

have happened since then.

This is where we've had things
thrown at us,

usually small rocks,

and we hear growling
quite often.

This room is pretty active
most of the time.


I think there's a possibility
of a portal here.

It's definitely got
some signature activity here,

which would lend itself
to the portal theory.

This place is fascinating
and so much history.

Why has Bobby Mackey
not done much to maintain it?

He actually did try
to expand the club.

He was actually going to expand

the entire building out
into the parking lot.Mm-hmm.

And he had actually started
some preliminary construction,

and all of a sudden,
a giant crack opened up

in the parking lot
and went through,

basically, the building,

and I think he took that
as a sign

that they didn't want
anybody building,

and so he never did,

and they had
a geological survey done,

and he was told that
there was a fault line

running through
the property here.

I didn't know there
we fault lines in Kentucky.

There are, actually.


I've asked Laura if
she could gather some people

who have all had
pretty significant experiences

in the last few months,

and we're just gonna sit around

and have them air out
their stories

and help maybe
paint a picture here

of what we're actually
dealing with.

How are you?

Good to see you. Good to see you.

- How you been?
- Great.

Welcome to Wilder, Kentucky.

Hi, Jack.
- How are you?

Nice to meet you.

Hey, Jack.
Good to see you again.

Good to see you, too.

I think we're gonna have
a little chat

with some of
your customers here.

Okay, well, I may join you.

- Oh, okay.
- Okay. All right.

Yeah, you're welcome to it.

There we go.

So we're trying to
get to the bottom of why

activity seems to have
increased lately.Yeah.

You've all had
an experience here?

Let me ask that, right?

Okay. If you can --
show of hands.

Do you guys think they've been

positive experiences
with the paranormal?

Not one person.
- No.

Negative experience?

Every single person here.

How many of you feel that
what you encountered

did not want you here?

Well, we were actually
here together.

We'd just taken the tour,
and we were downstairs,

and when we went in there,
I started feeling just... sick,

is the best way
I could describe it.

I felt like something
brushed me,

and then I looked,
and she was white as a sheet,

and I then noticed
that part of her hair

was actually out like this,
sticking straight out.

Aside from the hair,
when I got home...

I noticed the whole way home,
I was just edgy and crying

and didn't feel comfortable,
but when I got home,

I had three definitive marks
on my left side,

right in my rib area,

and I didn't feel right for
probably 2, 2 1/2 weeks after.

How many people feel this is
what you would call demonic?


How many have had something
follow you guys home?

And you believe
it's from Bobby's?

- Absolutely.

- Yeah?
- Definitely.

I'm one of the tour guides here.

I was getting ready
to go to work,

and I felt a pretty intense
burning on one of my arms,

and I looked down,
and there was a scratch,

pretty much from my wrist
all the way up my forearm.

I see shadows at my house.

I see shadows at work.

I hear footsteps.

My husband hears it.

How many of you guys
would say there's --

you believe
there's a portal here?


So, guys, listen, thank you
very much for coming here.

I know it was kind of difficult
for some of you,

but we appreciate you coming
and sharing with us.

Appreciate it.
- Yeah, thank you, guys.

Thank you.
- Thanks for having us.

There's something that
I found really interesting,

was a lot of their experiences
all matched,

and, to me, is a very validating
thing to witness.

Why would 14 people all be
telling the same lie?

With the evidence building,

I think we need to talk
to the bishop

who conducted the exorcisms here
in the past.

All right, this is
Jack and Katrina's interview

with Bishop Long
in Wilder, Kentucky.

All right.
Let's roll.

Thank you. Well, my pleasure.

I really appreciate you joining us.

What do you think is
inside of Bobby Mackey's?

Oh, I don't think.
I know for a fact.

You're dealing with
demonic entities.

There's no question.

I can tell you that you are
absolutely playing with fire.

What do you think is
inside of Bobby Mackey's?

Oh, I don't think.
I know for a fact.

You're dealing with
demonic entities.

- Okay.
- There's no question.

I can tell you that you are
absolutely playing with fire.


I would be doing something else
with my time

if I did not know
demonic entities exist

and possession exists.

I know poss--
I've seen it firsthand.Mm-hmm.

There are so many people

that have reported
terrible things happening.


We spoke to Dan Smith.
Are you familiar with him?

- Mm-hmm, yes.
- Yeah.

He filled me in
on his situation,

and he told me
he spoke with you.

What I saw was a man
sitting at a table.

The creepiest thing was
his eyes were glowing white.

That night is when things
started happening at my home.

Understand that there are
stages to possession --

demonic infestation,
demonic oppression,

demonic obsession,
and then you got possession.

Without question, he was under

demonic oppression
and obsession.

From what we can tell,

there's seems to be
an increase in activity,

and it seems to be pretty negative.

In your opinion, what would
cause that sudden increase?

Invitation and opening portals.


People are confused
about portals.

They always ask me,
"What is a portal?"

It's nothing magical.

If I use this cup to communicate

with a demonic entity,
this is now a portal.

Once I use that device

to make communication
with a demonic entity,

you've opened up a portal.

That's all a portal is.

I was speaking with Laura,

who organizes
all the tours there,

and she witnessed a young man

go into the well area
in the basement...

- Oh, yeah.
- ...with a Ouija board.

And he proceeded
to cut himself and bleed

and conduct
some kind of ceremony.

Guys, that's serious stuff.

- Yeah.
- That's, again, an invitation.

Do you think it's a bad idea,
what we're doing?

Yes. There's no question
that possession exists,

and there's no question that
demonic infestation exists,

and that is where
you guys are going.

I guess, what words of advice
to you have for us, going there?

When you go to Bobby Mackey's,
don't provoke.

The minute that you step foot

into a place
that's known to be demonic,

and the minute that you say,

"Is there anyone here?
Make a noise,"

you've now invited.


I think my biggest takeaway
is that he is 100% sure

at what's at Bobby Mackey's,
and he's also 100% sure

that Jack and I
shouldn't go there.

So, I've got holy water
for you guys.

- Okay.
- Oh, yeah.

- Mm-hmm.
- Be cautious.

- Yeah.
- Okay. We will.

These are Benedictine bracelets,

and I'm gonna give these
to you guys is what they're for.

You can have that,

as well as giving each of you
the medals.

I say on all these trips,

"I don't bring my work
home with me,"

so I'd like to keep it that way.

Well, I'll be praying
for you guys.

Thank you.

Appreciate it.

Thank you, sir.
- Pleasure meeting you.

- Yeah, thank you.
- My pleasure.

The bishop -- he is a firm
believer that what is there

is a demonic infestation.

So, you know,
that's never good to hear,

especially from
a religious leader.

I mean, it does kind of
make you think,

"Is that possible,
and if it is possible,

what exactly are we getting
ourselves involved in?"

So we are gonna begin
the night investigation.

When we're putting ourselves
in this situation,

can we at all validate the
claims that people are making?

Feel free to utilize
some of the holy water.

Does anybody want one?

After speaking to the bishop,

he believes that this place
is infested with demons,

that they come from
the area of the basement

where the blood ritual was done,

and he also believes that that's
why there might be this increase

happening right now in activity.

Hey, Austin.

Can you check the camera
in Carl's room?

Okay, thank you.

All right, Carl.
We're coming back up later.

- Did you hear that?
- Yeah, I did.

Is there nobody there?


- Austin.
- Yeah, buddy?

I would like you
to monitor the cameras.

Camera 1 is looking
at the well house.

Camera 2 is Carl's room
with the REM pod.

Camera 3 is the basement,

and then this is
the creepy corner.

I think we start together...

- Okay.
- ...and test out the vibes.

If we need to separate,
then we'll separate.


We're gonna use
some ITC technology,

and basically, what that does
is it scans phonetic sounds,

and anything that comes through
that sounds intelligent --

you know, spirits or energies
or entities

can manipulate these frequencies
to communicate with people,

and most of it probably
will be gibberish.

Okay, there's six people
in this building right now.

Can you say one of our names so
we know that you're intelligent?


Did you hear "White"?
Elaine White?


Did you hear "White"?
Elaine White?

All right, so I think we've
determined you're intelligent,

but are you human or non-human?

If you're here,

can you communicate to us
through our speaker?

Where in this building
should we go to communicate?

Which one?
Carl's stairs?

I think enough people
have had experiences

with what they believe
to be Carl

to say that there's something
of him that still remains here.

We are going up to Carl's abode.

Carl, look.

I'm gonna line up
some cigarettes for you to take.

People leave offerings for Carl.

- Was he a big smoker?
- Yeah.

This is Carl's apartment,
EVP recording.

Hey, Carl.
My name is Jack.

And I'm Katrina.

We're just here and seeing
if you want to talk to us.

Carl, can you help us figure out

why activity has been
increasing lately?

Can you tell us if there
are portals here -- yes or no?

Did you take Carl's soul?

It's so calm up here.


I almost think we should leave.

- Okay.
- What do you think?


Carl's apartment actually
felt pretty mellow to me.

I felt kind of homey,
and it's not,

but, like,
that's kind what I felt.

Ah. All right.
We're here.

We're in.
- We're in the basement.


This room is pretty active
most of the time.

I'm just gonna place this here.

So he just literally got
in there with a Ouija board...

- Yep.
- ...and cut himself?

There was blood
at some point in this hole.

What's everyone feeling
in here right now?

I don't know.

So far, again,
it's been so quiet tonight.

I don't know what to think
about that

because all I've ever heard
about this place

is that it's one of the craziest
haunted locations

you'll ever step foot in,
and it's always negative,

so we know that
these things happen here.

I just don't know why they're
not happening with me and Jack.

I think we need to switch up.

You know, the less people
you have,

sometimes the better
results you get.


So I think if we take away
at least two people in here

and have me, you, and maybe
a camera operator... Okay.

...and see
what happens then.

Let's do it.

Now, I am wearing the stuff
the bishop gave us.

- Oh, you are?
- Yeah.

Should I --
should we take it off?

So here's -- I'm gonna
give you two options.

I'm gonna kind of give you
both sides of the coin, right? Okay.

Your two options would be

if you believe in the objects
that were given to you... Mm-hmm.

...they could form
some sort of protection.

So, technically speaking,
if you got rid of them,

you would be without protection,
meaning you could be a target.

Mm-hmm. On the flip side,
they could act as a trigger,

so if you have them on you,

it might make you
more of a target. Mm.

If we're going with the thought
that whatever's down here

is a demonic force
that would react to things

that are blessed by a bishop,

then these things
could act as triggers.

What do you have on right now?
The medal and the bracelet?

I got both the ones he gave me.

I shall shed them.

So, here you go, Elaine.

I'll give you this to take out.

Shedding my body armor.

So, I know you're down here.

Everybody's experienced you

except for me and Jack,

Bishop Long gave this
to us as protection.

He believes that you're demonic,

so this should really
piss you off,

that he's trying to help us.

Will you move something,
touch something,

throw something at one of us?

Where is the infamous
negative activity

that we've heard so much about?

I'm starting to believe
that it doesn't even exist here.

So I made a last-minute call,

and we're bringing
Cindy Kaza in,

who's a friend of mine,
and she's a psychic medium.

She's gonna be doing
some automatic writing,

which no one has done
here at the bar.

Ultimately, we're bringing
Cindy Kaza in to see

if there's any validity
to the accounts

that we've received as far
as the entities that are here

and maybe corroborate some of
the stories we've been told.

- I made it.
- Cindy Kaza.

- How's it going?
- Welcome.

Thanks for having me.

- How you feeling?
- There's a lot of stuff here.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

I'm a little freaked out,

Is anything right off the bat?

Well, there's a lady that
I've been hearing saying,

"Get out of my house,"
screaming at me.

She doesn't want
anybody in here.

She's pissed.

She's screaming,
"Get out of my house!

Get out of my house!"

Should we do a quick little
walk-through around here?

Yeah, let's do a walk-through.

So there's a couple places.

That lady is really pissed,

She's following us around.

- Why is she still here?
- We have her...

What the hell?

I just kept hearing her say
"I have her baby, too."

I don't know what the
that means,

but it's a bad spirit saying,

"I have that bitch's baby.
I have that bitch's baby."

Johanna became pregnant.

Her father didn't approve,
so he had her boyfriend killed,

and then she was so distraught
that she poisoned her father

and committed suicide
in the club.

I started getting freaked out
when Cindy was rattling off

all these things that she was
hearing and feeling and seeing.

When we were doing our own
investigation without Cindy,

we weren't really getting a lot,

and things have been
kind of quiet.

Cindy came in like
a frickin' whirlwind.

I'm gonna do some automatic
writing in here,

so how that works is
basically I start writing,

and it's coming out
in real time,

so I'm seeing it
as you're seeing it.

I'm not hearing it first
and then writing it.

- Mm-hmm.
- It's just coming out.

All right.

Sometimes we use psychic mediums
in investigations

just to see what they get,

but they can lead to interesting
results in an investigation,

so she does something called
automatic writing,

and we're going
to kind of use her

the same way
we use our equipment.

She's an extra tool to use
on the investigation.

"Hit me."

Then it might help us
focus our investigation

and get some more answers.

Oh, no.
This is **** up.

I just heard,
"Hit the woman in front of you.

Hit the woman in front of you.
Hit her."

Who's in front of you,
me or Elaine?

You. "Hit the woman
in front of you."

Who's telling you to say this?

I just...
I have to get back into it.

Did you ever get sick
working in this field --

get sick physically?

Oh, well, like,
I feel tired, yeah,

or headaches or dizziness.

Because they just said
you're not gonna...

like, you shouldn't
be doing this.

You're gonna get sick.
They're gonna make you sick.

Well, I hope
it's not a prediction.

I'm not saying that it is. Oh, geez.

They just said
you're not gonna...

like, you shouldn't
be doing this.

You're gonna get sick.
They're gonna make you sick.

Well, I hope
it's not a prediction.

I'm not saying that it is. Oh, geez.

I'm not saying it is.

I just hope it's not something,
like, where they're --

or they could just be
threatening you.Mm-hmm.

Do you just not like women?

"I don't want the bitch
talking to me.

She's a whore."

Talking about me?

- Hmm.
- It's not good.

Like, they don't want us here
in general, right?

But this is all human spirits.

This feels human.

The only one that didn't
feel human was the one

that was saying,
"I have that bitch's baby.

I have that bitch's baby."Mm-hmm.

Okay, it says,
"People died not only here

but around the area,

and we allowed them to,
like, enter this building."

So it is a portal because
it's not just people here.

It's from around here,

so whatever is going on here,
there are a lot of spirits

coming from a lot
of different places.

- Mm-hmm.
- It's not just here.

So what opened the portal?

This is **** awful.

The portal was here
before you existed.

It came here from another place.

Do portals ever move,
or can they, like, shift?

Thing about it --

they can be, really,
opened anywhere by anyone.

If I use this cup to communicate

with a demonic entity,
this is now a portal.

I could use anything
that I want.

That's all a portal is.

Can you ask them why there's
been an increase in activity,

why that would --
like, what would cause that?

Okay, this is getting weird.

Okay, so what they're saying is,

"We control the opening
of the portal,"

and they opened it more
when they knew more people

were gonna be coming here

because they like to
**** with people.

Where is the portal located?

Okay, there are two upstairs
and one down here.

That's what I got.
- Where is the one down here?

The one down here is below.

I heard, "It's below."

The two upstairs
are near windows,

so there must be openings
near windows somewhere upstairs.

I haven't been up there,

so I'd like to
go up there and see.Mm-hmm.

Cindy felt very strongly

that there is this inhuman
presence that lingers here.

Ooh, I don't like --

I think this feels worse
than downstairs, as a medium.

- Really?
- It feels bad up here.

I don't like this at all.

- What are you feeling, Cindy?
- It just feels heavy.

I feel less comfortable up here.

Do you know if a guy ever
dropped dead up in here --

just dropped?

Because I just see
a guy dropping dead,

but I feel like maybe
it's right around here.

Two guys got in a fight
in the bathroom.

He fell down.

He hit his head on the radiator

and died on the floor
of the bathroom.


All right.

This is the room
with the windows.

So what did they tell you
with the windows was, again?

- It's a portal?
- This is a portal?

It's another portal, yeah.
It's not...

I don't feel anybody
that came in here

opened it like
they think they did.

I feel it's always been open,

and they're just
**** with people.


Okay, now they're talking
about how the portals came.

Yeah, that's what it is.

They came when the ground broke.

It has something to do
with breaking this ground.

So once they broke ground,
it was pretty much...

- That's when it...
- ...all hell broke loose?

I feel negative.

I feel like those forces

that control these portals
are negative.


Is there anybody
that's here with us

that would be a target for them?


Oh, yeah?

Oh, I don't like this.

What are they saying?

It says, "He doesn't even know
what he's gotten himself into.

He'll see," and it says,

"He'll lose his sight
for a time, but then regain it."

I don't like this presence
at all.

- What does it say?
- I don't believe it.

I just think
they're **** with you.

Basically, saying you're just
not gonna have the energy.

You're gonna struggle because of

all of the negative stuff
around you.

But, surely, shouldn't they...

If I'm bringing energy to --
bringing attention to them,

shouldn't they like what we do?

They're just trying to scare you
going forward by saying,

"You're gonna get
**** up doing this work.

We're gonna **** you up" --
this evil presence.

But this is one evil presence
and one portal.

And this is the inhuman negative
coming through?

Negative, negative, negative.

You're gonna struggle because of

all the negative stuff
around you.

But this is one evil presence
and one portal.

And this is the inhuman negative
coming through?

Negative, you know?

- Yeah.
- I don't know.

I wouldn't spend a lot of time
in this place.

I just wouldn't because
I feel like, psychologically,

it could really mess you up --

like, really, really
mess you up.

I don't know.

I'm worried about you,
Jack, honestly.

I don't like it.

Yeah, I just -- I don't know.

I think it's a...

There's something going on here.
That's for sure.

I don't know.
Kind of spooked.

Looking forward to leaving.

You definitely were
hitting on some things

that were kind of poignant.

You know, the dressing room
that you were in, allegedly,

Carl, who used to live here,
was haunted by

a woman named Johanna
who died here.

And she was also
allegedly pregnant

when she was found dead.

And then where --
I pointed it out,

but you said you felt like
there was someone

who had dropped dead
in that location of the bar,

and that supposedly is where
a guy died in the bar. Yeah.

So, basically,
through your reading,

you're saying, like,

this place is pretty much.

Like, there's nothing
that they can do to stop this

or to turn this around?

I really don't think so.

I think if they were able
to do that,

it would have been done
a long time ago.

I don't think it's possible.

I think this is just gonna be
the way this place is forever,

And, honestly, even if you
bulldoze this place down

and build something
on top of it,

it's still gonna be there.

- Mm-hmm.
- It's not going anywhere.

Maybe just the act
of breaking into the earth

that did it, that opened it.

- Ooh, it's cold in there.
- Yeah.

Are you about packed up, then?

What are you overall thoughts
right now on everything?

When we were in there doing
the reading with Cindy...


...look at this strange
black kind of shadow...

- Oh, yeah.
- ...essentially on me.

That's up in...

That's up in Carl's room.

Carl's apartment.

I don't know what to make
of that picture. Yeah.

There's a strange shadow
that's kind of hovering over me.

So, I mean, look,
if you are being targeted,

what's weird about this photo --
you're being, like,

in this dark, shadowy,

smoky figure that appears
on this camera.Yeah.

You know, so then, okay,
is it demonic?

Is it -- did we somehow
capture something that,

you know, is kind of
proving all these points?

It was during this time, too,
that Cindy came to me

with the information about
losing my vision.

It just felt like
a flash in my eye.

"He doesn't even know
what he's gotten himself into.

He'll see.

He'll lose his sight for a time,
but then regain it."

I got diagnosed with MS in 2012,
but I was conducting

an investigation
at Skinwalker Ranch

when I lost my vision
in my right eye

as a result
of multiple sclerosis.

That stuck with me last night.

I kind of, you know, this --
you know, all morning,

it's been kind of
weighing on me a little bit.

Does it make you nervous?

It definitely makes me nervous
'cause that was, like,

one of the most kind of
miserable times, you know,

and I think it's something

that I'm definitely shaken up
a little bit by.

And that's how they work, too.

They'll tell you
little bits of truths.Yeah.

That way, you believe
everything that came through.Yeah.

I mean, at the end of the day,
when you kind of look through

everything that we encountered,
you know,

I think the most significant

kind of bit of puzzle solving
came from Cindy.Mm-hmm.

What she said is that,
no matter what,

this portal
will always be here... Mm-hmm.

...and it's essentially
a damned building.Yeah.

And the best thing they could do

would just be to board it up
and walk away.

People have claimed
that Bobby Mackey's

is a literal portal to hell,
and after this investigation,

I'm gonna have to agree with it.

Something at Bobby Mackey's
took my guard down,

and I didn't even realize
what was happening.

If I'd have known
what I know now,

I probably would have done
things a little bit differently,

and I'm hoping
this doesn't follow me

for the rest of my life.

Definitely a dark place.

I'm glad to be leaving.

- Me, too.
- Yeah.

But I don't know
if it's left us.

That's the thing.

- To be continued.
- Yeah.

If someone asks for advice

about investigating
Bobby Mackey's,

it's pretty simple.

I'd tell them not to go.

All right. Let's cut cameras
and hit the road.

Take 1, pick-up.

After the investigation
of Bobby Mackey's,

I went back to L.A.,

and Katrina went back
to Philadelphia,

and within 48 hours
of being home,

both of us ended up
in the E.R.

on the same day
for different reasons.

The next evening, I received
a message from someone

I literally had met once,
had no idea was a medium,

saying that she thinks
I have some kind of attachment.

I think it's actually
pretty strange

that we had pretty much
the same exact situation,

just different, you know,
ways of having it. Yeah.

To me, it would be a warning.

Yeah, I think Bobby Mackey's
is a really twisted place,

simple as that.

I think there's a highly
intelligent entity there

that is fully capable
of doing things that,

you know,
people write books about.