Political Animals (2012–…): Season 1, Episode 5 - 16 Hours - full transcript

Elaine finds herself torn between staying by T.J.'s side and handling the rescue of a Chinese submarine. Douglas may cross a boundary that could jeopardize his future.

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Previously on
Political Animals...

Chinese got a downed sub
near our shore.

Holy son of a bitch.

So 100 men are trapped

at the bottom of the ocean,

getting slowly cooked
by nuclear radiation?

I am running against you,

and I will resign after
we have saved those men.

This is how it works, Douglas:

You help me by giving me
everything I need to know

about your mother's plan.

You came to me,
now, let's remember.

There is a tsunami of bullshit

that comes with
being in my family.

We're gonna turn Sean Reeves.

Your tactics disgust me.

You're already involved.

Congressman Reeves
is having an affair

with your son, Thomas.

You have a serious problem,
and you just keep adding

fuel to the fire.

Sam, call an ambulance!

The winches are lowered now,

and we believe the salvage teams
are about to arrive at depth.

These divers are from the Navy's
elite Mobile Unit One

out of Hawaii.

Tonight, they risk their lives
for 100 Chinese strangers,

stuck in 600 feet of water,

13 miles off the coast
of San Diego.

The waiting's almost over now.

It's not just the lives
of our Navy divers

and the Chinese crew...

I think we all know
what's at stake here.

with cable number one.

Ten meters and closing.

Five meters.




They want to keep him sedated,

until all the cocaine's
out of his system.

I think they gave him too much.


Like I don't have enough
anxiety just with the overdose.

Dad, Mom... can I
talk to you for a second?


So between the security guards
and the three EMTs,

there's a total of six
witnesses that we know of.

I spoke to Gary
at the press office...

he's already getting calls.

We cannot cover this one up.
I'll call Bobby Cartwright.

Now, he'll know what to do.

We are not hiring a fixer.

Between phone videos
and pictures,

or some hospital flunky

wanting to release
his medical records...

Call Susan Berg.

Mom, that is...

Tell her we want to meet.

I don't have time to argue
with you about this, Douglas.

Just do it.

He's my twin brother.

I'd like to be here
when he wakes up.

And I would give anything
to do the same thing,

but you and I have to
help him in other ways.

I'll stay with him.

Now, you do what you gotta do,

but I'm gonna be
right here by his side.

They're going to release him
in a day or so...

I want him to move in with us.

Would you and Anne

set up the guest room for him
and get the house ready?

We'll make his room perfect.

She meant dump the booze.

I mean get his room ready.

And yes, get rid of whatever...

Just like last January,
after rehab.

Yeah, a lot of good that did.

Little shit's
never gonna learn.

An allergic reaction?

Yes. To an antibiotic
that they prescribed for T.J.,

and he went into
anaphylactic shock.

So they rushed him
to the ER, and, uh,

got some fluids in him,
some epinephrine...

Thankfully, he's doing
much better now.


Are the hospital records

Those are confidential.

You two don't really
expect me to believe this.

It's not important
that you believe it.

What's important is
that you write down

exactly what I'm telling you.

I don't transcribe
press releases.

It's my job to
discern the truth,

and what you just said
doesn't have a whiff of it.

Susan, I would like you
to write it anyway.

I... won't use my reputation

or that of my paper to quell
the speculation surrounding T.J.

I just... I...
I won't do it.

And if I were willing to
breach National Security...


...and give you a story
in exchange for this?

I'm listening.

I want you to know that as Secretary
of State...

...I would never do anything
to deceive the American public.

But as a mother...

I would do anything
to help my son.

There is a Chinese submarine

lying on the floor
of the Pacific Ocean

off the coast of San Diego.

The Chinese are pretending
it's not there--

that they weren't
caught spying on us--

and they're willing to
let their own men die.

President Garcetti is doing

everything he can
to rescue them.

Douglas is headed
out there now.

There's room on the plane,

and you would be the only
press person on the ground

with unlimited access
to the rescue operation.


Didn't know you
were all here...

Annie, babe. Hi.

You, um, you remember
Susan Berg, right?

We've met.

Nice to see you again.

- Hi, Annie.
- Hi.

Hey, what are these?

Oh, stuff for, um,
T.J.'s room.

- Sorry... I feel like I'm interrupting something.
- You're not interrupting.

Douglas and Susan were
just getting ready

to fly to San Diego,
isn't that right?


Hi, Alice...

Well, did he say when or where?

Okay... Yeah.
No, I'll tell her.

Um, DCM Han.

He wants to meet
with you immediately.

He's on his way over.

I asked you not to get
involved, Madam Secretary.

And you do the opposite.

You said you could not
get involved, Lee Bao.

We are saving your men.

You're making a mistake.

Your government must cease
all rescue operations.

The hardware is too valuable.

We cannot have the CIA poking
around our technology.

Your hardware is
your priority, Lee Bao?

The truth is, Elaine...

orders have been communicated.

If you try to rescue them,

the crew will be forced
to scuttle the ship.

You mean, releasing the nuclear
material off of California?

22 million people live
along that coastline.

Are you insane?

There is nothing I can do.

You can get Tong on the line.


You are not setting off

an underwater dirty
bomb off our coast.

This is above Tong.

Who is above your President?

Navy Intelligence.

The only way to
avoid catastrophe

is for the United States
to stand down.

♪ After all God
can keep my soul ♪

♪ But don't ever give me up ♪

♪ I could never get back up ♪

♪ When the future ♪

♪ Starts so slow... ♪

You had a productive morning.

Got my piece?

It's amazing, isn't it?

Uh... the sub story is,
it's amazing.

A nuclear-powered
Chinese warship

marooned off
the California coast,

lives hanging in the balance--

this is gonna be everywhere,
and, you know, we had it first.

In fact, maybe
it's such big news,

that no one will notice
the story about

Thomas Hammond's "adverse
reaction to antibiotics."

I'm your editor, though.

It's my job to notice.

Spit it out.
I'm in a hurry. Right...

Hopping on a State Department
jet with Douglas Hammond.

I have access.

I have a vantage-point on
a huge international incident

no other reporter has.

I never thought I would
have to accuse you

of being in the back pocket
of the Hammond family.

Then don't.

You're saying these stories

have nothing to do
with one another?

Don't over-think it, Alex.

You bitch about
losing eyeballs...

I just brought a few more
back to our dear, old Globe.

And I'll bring even more

when I report
the submarine being raised.

So just keep your eye
on the inbox.

"...President Hammond is a dog,
and only a fool

"would fault a dog for
rooting in the trash.

"But a First Lady wielding
an intellect, drive

"and individuality
unlike any before her

"ought to know better.

"What sort of example
does she set?

"Standing by her dog husband
with a sculpted smile,

"responding to the parade
of finger-pointing bimbos

with her craven trill of 'no
comment' after 'no comment'..."

This is not opinion.

It's judgment.

The First Family is
phony good-old-boy-ism

and empty
"women first" chatter...

This... is very clever.

It is also... very mean.

You're better than this.

Because it isn't worthy?

Or because a female opinion
gets different scrutiny?


There are eight
opinion columnists

at this paper, all men.

You'll have to excuse me now.

The long-term damage
to the maritime industry ONE

could reach easily into
tens of billions of dollars.

And for the population
along the Western Seaboard,

health effects are
hard to predict,

but nevertheless certain.

That's a hell of a thank you
for trying to rescue their men.

Mr. President...

We agree that the threat
is a bluff.

Even if they meant to
bluff, they've said it now.

The Chinese have to
follow through to save face.

Can we all just agree that the
rescue attempt is off the table?

Chinese Naval Intelligence
is not in charge

of the Chinese military.

And I get the sense
that President Tong

needs to reassert control
over these Admirals...

"You get the sense?"

They were caught
spying off our shores.

We're attempting to
do the humane thing

by rescuing their crew...

and now we're expected
to stand down

because this bunch of thugs--

who are not even in charge--
are threatening us.


We didn't pick this fight.

The Chinese did.

I'm sure they don't want
to let their Admirals

start a Third World War
just to save face.

No. Elaine's right.

We tell them now--

and in no uncertain terms--
that this will not stand.

Mr. President...

Fred, I appreciate your opinion,

but this is exactly the type
of decision

people elected me to make.

Keep the rescue ships in place.

Barry, schedule an address
from the Oval in the next hour.

Yes, sir.


I'd like you to help me
write the speech.

Yes, sir.

You're sure fond
of that bathroom.

What's that mean?

Oh, nothing.

Regularity's the first
thing that goes when you age.

So enjoy it while you can.

Okay, you do the extreme
room makeover

and I'll case the place
for drugs.

You think really think T.J.
keeps drugs inside

the Secretary of State's house?

Well, of course he does,
he's an addict.

I wouldn't be surprised
if somewhere in here

he hasn't hidden a go-go boy.

Oh, let me help you with that.

Oh, yeah, thanks.

"Grass-fed filet"?

The spaghetti alla panna's

Your whole life has been like
this, hasn't it?

First class, chauffeurs
and private chefs.

Bodyguards and
bomb-sniffing dogs,

paparazzi at my junior prom.

Okay, I get it.

Did someone film you dancing

to the Backstreet Boys
before you were old enough

to realize tuxedo shorts
weren't cool?

I remember that video.

Saturday Night Live did
a great spoof.

What was it like...

growing up in the White House?

Thank you.

This is starting to sound
a little reporter-y.

No, I'm just curious,

I mean, I, we, every reporter
in DC spent those eight years

peering into your family,

trying to figure out what made
your parents tick.

What makes your parents tick?


When you're a kid, they're all
you know. So who knows?

I can tell you this much.

All the stuff that people
obsessed about over them,

all the good things people
wrote, all the nasty shit,

all the movies,

the insider tell-alls,
none of it captured them.

You least of all.

Lester just called.

I think you know what he said.

You questioned my integrity.
I wanted a second opinion.

I thought that you wanted
to be a journalist,

not a noisemaker.

He's a pig, Hal.

And she's his
willing accomplice.

All the men in
this town are afraid

to write the truth about her

because they don't want
to be labeled anti-feminist.

Well they won't be afraid
to write about her anymore.

Let the Elaine Hammond
pile-on begin.

Your piece runs tomorrow,
first page of the Op-ed.

Lester's running it?

Congratulations, Susan.

You got what you wanted.

I hope you're ready for it.

I have no idea where
these hands came from.

Not my hands.

Mine are Pa's.

They're not your mother's

I'm not sure who they belong to.

I remember that first year in
the White House was

the worst year of my life.

Everything I always dreamed of,

the job I'd coveted
ever since I was a young man,

I finally had it.

And I was miserable as hell.

A fourth of my term had passed

and I hadn't accomplished
a single thing

that I'd set out to do.

And I used to walk
the halls at night,

stare up at the faces
of my predecessors

and think to myself,
"Every one of them is

a better man than me."

And then one night,
out of the East Room...

I hear this most glorious sound.

I poke my head in,
and there you are,

eight years old, playing

some kind of classical piece
so effortlessly.

You turned around
when you heard me,

and you let out a crazy laugh,

and you went skipping off
down the hallway.

And after that, I used to hide
around the corner

from the East Room just
to listen to you play.

It was something so simple,

but it brought me
so much peace.

I don't know why
I never told you that.

These hands.

They're not my hands, T.J.

They're yours.

"You do not come spying in our
backyard and make threats."

It's tempting to soft-pedal,

but speeches don't come
bolder than this.

And your words should
match it, sir.

History will judge me by this.

If this goes south,
my entire presidency just...

melts away.

If it goes well,
you'll be a hero...

and you'll be unbeatable.

Either way, it's the right
thing to do, Mr. President.

You know, Elaine...

Thank you.

...this moment, this is why

I asked you to run with me
in the first place.

You wouldn't have been elected.

You needed the
conservative votes

in our party,
which Collier brought.

Good luck, Mr. President.

Thank you.

Ten seconds, sir.

In five,

four, three...

My fellow Americans,

as many of you know, a Chinese
nuclear submarine lies

13 miles off the coast
of Southern California.

As of last night, on my orders,

a Navy salvage group is headed
there to rescue

the 100 Chinese sailors aboard.

However, we have since learned
that the crew were given orders

to destroy their own ship;

and the released radiation
would wreak havoc

upon the entire Western

Let me be clear,

we would consider it
nothing less

than an act of war against
the United States.

You do not come spying in
our backyard and make threats.

When I was your age,

I was the original
girl gone wild.

Dancing on tabletops

in clubs all over town.

Why did you settle down?

It was my second husband.

It was Elaine's stepfather,

Dale Barrish.

He treated me like a queen,
but he was just boring as shit.

You didn't love him?

Well, there's all kinds of love,
isn't there?

I mean, I loved his kindness

and I loved what he did
for Elaine...

He taught her the preamble
to the Constitution

before she was five.

He just saw abilities in her

that I just wasn't capable
of seeing.

But it just wasn't
the head-over-heels love

kind of thing, you know?

That cushion you're sitting on,
I bet there's a zipper on it.


Yep, sure does.

That little shit.

Oh, my God, that filet

it could turn vegetarians.

You leaving all that?

Knock yourself out.

Maybe just a little.

Mm-hmm. Really good.

What's so funny?

Watching you down my food.

Annie loves to eat, too.

It's just, uh, well,

now she's gotta worry about...

What, squeezing
into a wedding dress?


Not really on my radar.

So you and your boyfriend...?

Split up.

He's back to being
just my editor now.


tell me more about Anne.

Like what?

Well, your fiancée is about
to become a Hammond.

What do you think
after having been

under that magnifying glass
your whole life?

It must be tough to be
a journalist sometimes,

acting like you're someone's
friend one minute,

and the next you've got them
over a barrel.

Oh, you put yourself over
that barrel.

Do you ever stop playing people?

You're talking to me
about playing people?

Your mother lied to my face,

said she wasn't running
for president.

You know what?
Don't take it so personally.

You've had it out for her
for the last 15 years.

You've made a career out
of trying

to drive her name
into the ground.

And now you're riding her
coattails to the White House.

When I became a journalist,

I was taught that my job was
to keep politicians honest.

And who was keeping you honest?

I think it's best if we want
to make it to San Diego

without some sort of
double-homicide situation

to declare your mother

Sure I can't interest either
of you two in a glass of wine?

Me, too.

Here, cocaine. Dump it.

These look like they have
little signs on them.

Are those bunnies?

Uh, I think they're unicorns.

Oh. Dump them.

Now, this...

I can think of a more
interesting way to get rid of.

You're joking.

Some of my friends in California
get this from their doctors.

I mean, it can be therapeutic.

All right, I...
I haven't smoked since college.

I'm not doing it now
with my fiancé's grandmother.

You know, sometimes
after the show, somebody

would give us a tip
of a couple of reefers.

Us girls would
stay up all night

drinking, smoking,
sexually experimenting.

This is a terrible idea.

Anne, sweetheart,
you could stand

a couple of terrible ideas.

More wine, sir?

No, thank you.
I think we're all good here.

I have enough trouble

holding my tongue
when I'm sober.

We're off the record.

Say whatever you want.

Listen, the way that I came
at you before-- way out of line.

It's only fair.

I should be able
to take character impeachment

as easily as I give it, right?

Honestly, though,
there was a part of me

that loved some
of what you wrote.

The stuff about my dad--

how it used to drive him
bat-shit crazy.

I campaigned for him
in college, you know?

Drove four hours
to see him speak.

It was one of the most

inspirational moments
of my life.

And you know
what the best part was?

Your mom.

It opened my eyes
that a woman could be

that strong and independent
and still be...

I don't know,
a wife and mother.

What was yours like?
Your mother.

She died a few years ago.

Breast cancer.

Uh... why?

You may know more
about my own mother than I do,

and I don't seem to know
anything about yours.

It just doesn't seem right.

She didn't care
for my columns about your mom.

I thought I was
being principled.

She thought I was just doing it

to set myself apart
from the world.

She may have been right.

I thought
I was being principled

when I told you
about my mother's run.

We all make mistakes.

I'm sorry, Mr. Hammond.

We need to make
an emergency stop in Dallas

to wait out some thunderstorms.

But we promise to get you
back in the air

to San Diego
as soon as possible.

Bright side.

We can finish this bottle.


Thank you.

I know it's a shoe box,
but there's lots of glass.

And, uh,
I'm the youngest staffer

with four walls.

Like Virginia Woolf said,

"All a writer needs is
a room of one's own."


Well, I'm happy
for you, sweetheart.

Are you?

I came here to celebrate
your new office, so I...

Let's not do this.

Mom, please just...

say whatever the hell
you're thinking

so I don't have to spend all
of lunch trying to decipher it.

I'm proud of you.

Uh, you've accomplished
a great deal.


I just don't think
that Elaine Hammond

is the ogre that you present.

No, and it seems naive

that someone still in their 20s,
someone not yet married,

uses the infidelities
of someone's marriage

as a lightning rod.

Now, I think, once you've
learned how much work it takes,

you'll be less...

I am the only woman

with an op-ed column
at this paper.

Yes, well, you'd never know it

by the way
you shred Elaine Hammond.

Do you really hate her
that much, or is she just

an easy mark to get this?

What a spiteful thing to say.

This is resentment.

You cut your career short,

so how dare I become
successful in mine.

No, I left medicine
to have a family.

And if I hadn't done that,

I think it's fairly unlikely
you would be here today.

I'm sorry. I-I...

I didn't come into
town for this.

I came to see you and
to have a nice lunch.

So let's go.


I'm supposed to
meet Liz at 2:00.

You scheduled a half-hour
for us to eat?

She's painting the townhouse.

She asked me to come
by and take a look.

I mean, second-year residents
can't make their own schedule.

Go eat with Liz.

Talk shop.

Oh, Suse.


Well, okay.

I wish my mother were here.

She at least would have had
the sense to smuggle in a flask.

Come on. You've done
everything you could, sugar.

Now it's up to God
and the doctors...

and the Chinese,

all of whom-- let's face it--
work in mysterious ways.

I don't think I ever
fully realized until today

how much pressure
you were under.

Well, after spending
the last 12 hours

watching over T.J., I could say
the same thing to you.

He wouldn't be lying here
if we had given

the same devotion and passion
to his well-being

that we gave
to our political careers.

Apples and oranges, sugar.

As soon as he started
to go downhill in high school,

I should have packed up
and left DC.

We've been through this.

No, we made a choice, Bud.

We put our goals
for this country

ahead of the well-being
of our child,

and that is a decision
we have to live with

for the rest of our lives.

Hey, that, uh, congressman,

Sean Reeves, uh, you
got pretty upset

when his name came
up last night.

Is he the one that
changed his vote

on the Child Protection Act?

Right around Christmas,
as I recall.

He and T.J.
were having an affair.

What? Sean ended up going back

to his wife,
and it broke T.J.'s heart.

Someone found out
they were seeing each other

and threatened to out Sean
if he didn't change his vote.

So he did.

Who was it?

A Democrat.

One of our own,
if you can believe that.

Tell me who it was, sugar.

You know, just so if I see him
at a cocktail party,

I can spill a glass
of wine on him.

Okay, hold on a minute.

You actually have
a Backstreet Boys playlist?

Ooh, I don't know
if anybody told you, but, um...

♪ Backstreet's back,
all right. ♪

I still got those dance moves.

I might even have my
tuxedo shorts somewhere.

You should wear them
to your wedding.

Yeah, uh, I don't know if
Annie would like that so much.

She's a designer,

so God forbid that I clash
with the table settings.

Um... I showed you mine.

Now you show me yours.


Yeah, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no.

Uh, let's see.

"Deadline" playlist.
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

Um, "Treadmill" playlist.

"Insomnia" playlist.
Yes. Sorry.

That is my life.

Who's Alex, and why does
he get his own playlist?

Your ex.


We were living together,
and, um,

he had an affair
with a woman we both work with,

so I moved out.

I tell you a secret?

I think that you're
a little drunk,

so watch yourself.

Drunk secrets are the best.

I had sex on this plane
the last time I was on it.

With my dad?

Jesus, no.

With another journalist.

I was trying to get over my ex,

but, of course,
it made things worse.

I know she doesn't like me.


She's never liked me.

She doesn't think that I
am good enough for her...

prince-of-the-world son.

Do you know
what she talked about

the first time we met?

Douglas's ex-girlfriend.

The Lauren bitch.

"Lauren's a Rhodes Scholar."

No wonder she loved her.

She was a carbon copy of her.

You know, I like this Anne--
she's my kind of gal.

You ought to let her
out more often.


And the phone calls.

She calls him
at 3:00 in the morning

just to chat.

They don't think it's weird.

I mean, I don't care
where they work.

That's weird.

Well, now,
don't get carried away.

That's my grandson
you're talking about.

She will always be
number one on his speed dial.

I'll have to live
with being number two.

No, absolutely not.

You can't settle for that.

Are you kidding me?

You got to say to him,
"I am number one."

Now, say that.

I'm number one.

No, louder.

And stick your boobs
out when you say it.

"I am number one."

I am number one.

There you go.

There's hope for you yet.

Now, will you please stop
bogarting that thing?


Nice to see you've redecorated.

President Turner was one

tasteless son of a bitch.

Plus, he tore out
my bowling alley.

Never trust anyone
who doesn't enjoy bowling.

How are you, Mr. President?

Mr. President.

Welcome home.

Thank you.
Have a seat, please.

Thanks for setting
this up, Fred,

on such short notice.

Listen, Bud,
I should probably tell you

before you even get started--

whatever information or insight

you have into our
current situation,

it's not likely
to change my mind.

About the Chinese sub?

Go rescue it.

It's what I'd do
if I were still in the chair.

You said you had intel.

I do, Fred, and it's important.

You'll see.

Generally speaking, Paul,
and with all due respect,

I think you're slick,

and opportunistic.

You lack the backbone

to be a great leader,

but you're not
without your principles.

I guess this is the part
where I say, "Thank you, Bud."

Old Fred here,
on the other hand,

well, I'll be damned

if I know what makes him tick.

Then again,

having run the CIA
as long as you did,

I guess any sort of principles,

any kind of human compunction,
would just get in the way.

You have any idea
what I was doing

while you were dodging the draft
in the Coast Guard?

I served this country

with honor
for over three decades.

You wouldn't know honor
if it sucked your cock

and stroked your balls, Fred.
That's a beautiful metaphor.

Bud, why don't you tell me
what's on your mind?

The Child Protection Act.

Last December,

when you were teaching
your boy to ski,

he turned
Congressman Sean Reeves

by threatening to disclose
the man's sexual orientation,

which is not
as publicly advertised.

Just fell in our laps.

Well, would you
swear that on oath

before a House
Oversight Committee?

He used your name,
Mr. President.

He told folks that the scheme
was your redheaded stepchild.

He's just pissed
because his queer son

was having an affair
with Reeves.

Or were you going to just leave
that part out, Mr. President?

No, I was getting there.

But I wanted to do this first.

You son of a bitch!

I'll kick your...

Bud. Jesus.

Son of a bitch! Guys, that's it.
That's enough.

That's enough! Bud.

You harm my family again,

and I swear to
ever-loving God

I will wipe your existence
from the face of this Earth.

Probably ought to get
some ice on that.

Drunk secret.

I, uh...

proposed to Anne while
we were on Ecstasy.


That beats joining
the mile-high club.

And we've been planning
our wedding for two years

because I'm not really sure

either one of us
is ready to commit.

Do you love her?

Yeah, totally.


It's like... it's
like you put on

this, um, expensive,
tailored suit,

right, and everybody tells
you how great you look in it,

but it doesn't really
fit quite right

unless you stand
perfectly still.

Love has never fit
quite right for me.

I was always certain
about my job--

maybe too certain--
but not with love.

You never settled, you know?

That-that takes courage.

You have never compromised
in your writing, so why

should you compromise
in your personal life?

There's a flip side
no one tells you about.


You wake up one day...

and you realize
that while you were busy

being brazen,
making a name for yourself,

everyone made a life.

And then you're not

you're just sad.


You... are gorgeous.

You're smart.
You are...

A bitch who makes a living

ripping other people's lives
to shreds in public?




I-I wish that I had
some of your courage.

Look at you, Douglas.

You're the youngest
chief of staff in State...



Oh, sweetie.

Where... where am I?

Oh. You're in the hospital.

Oh, my God.

I'm so sorry.

I-I didn't mean
for this to happen.

I wasn't... I wasn't trying
to hurt myself.

Don't worry about any of that.

Shh. Go back to sleep.

It's all going to be okay.


How is he?

What happened to you?

Oh, nothing.

He just woke up for a second.


I'll stay with him now.

You need to get back
to the Situation Room.

Won't be long before they
make contact with that sub.

You know, it's freezing in here.

They either need to bring
him another blanket

or turn up the temperature.
Right, right.

And ask the nurses
to have something

for him to eat
when he wakes up, you know?

Yeah. He needs to get
some solid food in him.

That's all right.
Just leave him with me.

Now, go. Go on.

Now, most people,
when they get high,

they get the munchies.

I get the drunkies.

No, no, I didn't mean
to say that.

That was wrong.

I get the drinkies.

Okay, what exactly is this?

It's delicious.

It's Turkish delight.

The Turkish ambassador
sent it over.

He's got a crush on Elaine.

It's a little on the
nose if you ask me.

Don't do it, honey.

Don't do it to
yourself anymore.

I'm just using the bathroom.

Hey, who you
talking to? Huh?

I was a showgirl.

You think I don't know
what some of the girls

had to do to fit into
our skimpy costumes?

You think I don't notice you

getting up halfway
through every meal

and coming back from the
ladies' room light-headed

and reeking of breath mints?

There's a lot of
looking the other way

in this family,
babe, but not by me.

I think there's been some kind
of misunderstanding.


You don't have to
come clean to me,

but you got to talk
to Dougie about it.

You know, let him
get you some help.

The waiting's almost over now.

It's not just the lives
of our Navy divers

and the Chinese crew.

I think we all know
what's at stake here.

Unit One,

you're clear for attach.

Repeat-- clear for attach.

with cable number one.

Ten meters and closing.

Five meters.




Cable one attached, Topside.

Cable two attached.

Command, this is Topside.

We're getting a pulsed message
from the sub,

but it makes no sense.

Send it through, Topside.


What is it, code?

It's alphabetized Chinese.

It means, "Xie xie."

"Thank you."

Cable four attached.

All points secure, Topside.

Pull her up.