Police Woman (1974–1978): Season 4, Episode 13 - The Young and the Fair - full transcript

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(Middle Eastern music)

- You're a remarkable man.

- I appreciate beauty.

- You're a lovely girl Francine
and I think we can help you.

(mellow music)

- That girl, that kid
we ran into last night.

- There's more to this.

- We used to call
it white slavery.

- You have an opportunity
that few girls ever get

and I'm not going
to let you spoil it.

- Stop.
- I don't want to go.

(brakes squeal)


(dramatic music)

(anticipatory music)

(door clicks)


(anticipatory music)

- Give me the police.

- Put it down, Joanne.

(anticipatory music)

Let's talk, there's nothing
for you to worry about.

- Please. (anticipatory music)


- Anyway, we must have
been sitting in the car

for I don't know something
like six or seven hours.

Nothing, I figured
we're gonna set

a new record for stakeouts.

- Well, you'd have to go
a long way Larry Miller.

You know he set out for 15
hours him and his partner?

- Yeah, well anyway Steve
Wamnum is going ape, see.

So, suddenly he gets
this little glint in his eye.

Now, we both have cc
units 'cause they just started

issuing them to us.

- I think I know what's coming.

- It ain't a long one, is it?

- Let me finish
the story, all right?

- Okay.
- Well, anyway

so he gets this
glint in his eye.

He suddenly turns to
me and he says, he says,

"Give me your radio."

And I say, "Why?"

He says, "Because I'm a
sergeant and you're a lousy

"investigator, that's why."

So, I gave him my radio.

So, I said, "Okay."

Well, I swear to
you this is true.

He takes the radio,
gets out of the car,

walks over to the mailbox.

He drops the
radio in the mailbox.

Without a word he comes
back, sits down in the car

and just sits there.

Well, about two minutes
go by, nobody said a word.

Suddenly, this little old
lady walks down the street.

She sticks a letter
in the mailbox.

And, the voice from
down inside says,

"I truly do thank you ma'am."

- I'm sorry, I
heard this before.

- What did the lady do?

- She said, "You're
welcome," and walked off.

What would you say to a mailbox?


- Pepper, you'd make
a great straight man.

- Straight person.
- Straight person.

- All right, it's your turn Joe.

- No, I've told all my stories.

- No, I don't want
anymore stories.

I'm talking about Vinnie's.
It's your turn to buy.

- Uh-huh, it's Pepper's turn.

- No, I'm sorry guys,
Pepper's got a hot date.

- Really, who?
- Me.

- Terrific.
- You mean

my driving of course.

- No, to be free for an evening.


- Wasn't anything free
about that $30 dinner.

- It was Dutch, remember?

- Well, that's lib.

- Yeah, men's.

- I wonder what's
happening up there.

- Whatever, let's
not get involved.

- That looks like
Milt, that is Milt Taylor.

(breaks squeal)

- Come on> - Hey Milt.

- Keep it moving,
keep it moving.

- What's happening
here, officer?

- Didn't you hear me, sir?

There's nothing here
to concern you folks

and we don't need onlooker.

- Well, I'm not
really an onlooker,

- I don't care who you are.

You have to move.

- Hey Milt.
- It's okay.

Hi Pepper, Bill.

- Hey Milt, how are ya?
- Hi Milt.

- What's happening here?

- A young kid, maybe
15, she turned on the gas.

- Dead?
- Yeah.

I bet over the years there's
been a dozen suicides

in that old flea trap, most
of them kids under 20.

(horn honk)

- We're blocking traffic.

- Yeah, I hope to
see you around.

- I'll see you later,
Milt. Okay, take it easy.

(indistinct police
radio chatter)

- Just, just routine.

- That's why I never
liked working patrol

that kind of stuff.

I'm just happy somebody
else is handling it.

- Okay, will do.

(phone clatters)


What is this, is it going
to be something new?

- You do like Hawaiian
music, don't you?

- Yeah, I like Hawaiian music.

- Well, then tell me exactly
how many do you want?

- How many what do I want?

- Oh, raffle tickets for the
policeman's (mumbles) league.

Two weeks in Hawaii
for you and Harriette.

Think about that, Joseph.

20 bucks and you've
got yourself a sure thing.

- [Joe] Got myself
a sure thing, huh?

- Absolutely.
- Tell me something

how do you propose to do that?

- Well, I happen to have a
little pull in the proper places.

Why don't we just
leave it at that?

- Bill and Pepper take any?

- Pepper took five, Bill's
still got his hand in his pocket.

But, you know that'll
be coming out soon.

You know, Harriette
would really appreciate it.

Basking on the
beach, sipping mai tais.

- You're not trying to
bribe me now, are you?

- Think about it will you?

All alone, no telephones,
away from here in Hawaii.

- Two weeks in Hawaii?
Basking in the sun?

- That's right.

- I'm going to put
our life in your hands.

- You've got a deal.

- K-l-e-m-e-n, right?

I-n, m-I-n okay got it.

Yeah, we'll be waiting
right here for him.

Okay Captain, we'll
see you then, right.

- What was that about?

- That girl, that kid
we ran into last night.

- The suicide.
- Uh-uh.

- It wasn't a suicide?

- All the evidence says it was.

They got prints on her,
Joanne Klemin, Dayton, Ohio.

Turned 16 last month, a runaway.

Sounds kind of right.

- But it isn't?

- Her folks just flew in.

They're in Barnes'
office right now.

He sending 'em down here
then he wants to talk to us.

- There's more to this.

- Yep, we used to
call it white slavery.

(dramatic music)

(upbeat music)

(drawer clicks)

(upbeat music)

- Hi, I'd like to see
Mister Victor, please.

- Is this in reply to
the newspaper ad?

- Yes, ma'am.
- Your name please?

- Laurie Baker.

- Please be seated he'll
be with you in a little while.

- Thank you.

- Are you involved with anyone?

- Well, he doesn't own me.

We've only been together
for a couple of months.

I mean, you know.

- What does he do, Francine?

- He's a musician,
Primal Scream.

- Huh?
- That's the group he's with.

He plays the guitar.

- Oh, have you had
any other involvements?

- Yeah, there was a
base player and then

there was this bus driver.

- You're a lovely
girl, Francine.

And, I think we can help you.

But, we're going to
need some pictures.

- And, you have a special
photographer in mind.

- Oh no, we don't do that.

Anyone you choose,
just so the pictures

do justice to your charms.

- I know what you mean.

Thanks a real lot Mister Victor.

Okay, bye-bye.
- Bye.

- And you, too.

(door clicks)

- Well, what do you think?

- I think not, she's too
experienced for my purposes.

- Eh, well she looks
good going on 18.

I can use her in local
films, maybe loops.

- That's your concern.

I merely want quickly to get a
replacement for Miss Klemin.

- She was our only
child. (phone rings)

Until a year ago she'd never
been away from home overnight,

(phone rings)

not one night.

- We did everything
we could to find her.

Private detectives,
everything you know.

- Mister Klemin, I'm
afraid we do know.

- Has she never
tried to contact you?

- Not until, until the other
day when we got the letter.

And she...
- Well, for the first time

in years she seemed so happy.

That's why we couldn't
believe that she'd do

what they say she did.

- Joanne always
wanted to be an actress,

a dancer, something like that.

We tried to talk her out of it.

We told her it's a one
in a million chance.

We didn't want her to get hurt,

but she was pretty stubborn.

- Just exactly what
was in the letter?

- Well, it was
like, "I told you so."

She said she just got this
job, a real good job, a model.

And, she said she was
gonna travel all over the world.

I mean, she seemed so happy.

- No, no, no, no, no,
no slowly Miss Baker.

Turn a little more
slowly, please?

Lovely, you're very lovely.

- Thank you.
- Sit.

Now, do your parents
know you came here?

- Oh sure.
- Now, be honest

with me Laurie.

- Well, I know it'll
be okay with them.

- I hope so because
you're a minor.

And, if we do get you
assignments you're parents

will have to give
their approval.

- My parents
aren't here in town.

- Oh, where are they?

- My mother's in Mississippi.

- And you ran away?
- I left.

It was better that way.

- When did you get here?

- About six weeks ago and I
need the work Mister Victor.

- I'm sorry, but without
your parent's consent

you can't sign contracts.

- I thought it'd be
different if I came out here.

- Anywhere in the
country, Laurie.

- There is one possibility,
you see Miss Baker

I represent a number
of clients abroad.

As you well know American
things are extremely popular

in other countries,
music, food, fashion.

But, blue jeans, for
example, the whole world

wears blue jeans.

And, attractive young
girls like yourself

well they're very much
in demand as model.

- I could go to Europe?

- The fact is Miss Baker
if you wanted to you could

go most anywhere.

- The ones they ship out
most of those kids, 15, 16

and they're all runaways.

- So, there won't be any
parents around to make waves.

- [Captain] That
seems to be the idea.

- And, they wind
up in the mid-east.

A small Sheikdom named Ramat.

- But Captain, in a
little country like that

now that couldn't account
for all the white slave traffic.

It's gotta be a clearing
house, don't you think?

- Right, from there they
hip them to Hell and gone.

- Charming.
- Come on, come on.

Where do you want to eat?

- I'm getting less and
less hungry by the minute.

- Well, then let's try
the Copper Kettle,

they serve small portions.

The way we got it
figured Victor handles

the legitimate end
of the operation here.

- And, this Hatar?
- Jamal Hatar?

- Yeah, he's in charge of
the slavery operations, right?

- No, he works at it.
I didn't say he ran it.

We think the real boss is a
guy by the name of Salim Douad,

a visiting college professor
at State University.

Came over here about three
months ago and right after

he arrived we began
to hear the rumors.

- Douad?
- We don't know

too much about him
except that he's single

and well traveled, and
I understand he's quite

a ladies man.

You know Sergeant,
I get the feeling that

he'd really go for you.

(dramatic music)

- Harriette, what do you
mean we can't go to Hawaii?

Pete said winning
the raffle's a sure thing.

(phone rings)

- Kids, we buy a couple
extra tickets, half fare,

and take them with us.

Or, we could leave
them with your mother

and make a second
honeymoon out of it.

I don't know sweetheart,
I'll leave that part up to you.

Of course, Bill will
give me the time off.

Look, I've got at least
two weeks coming to me

after the Brandon case alone.

Bill, Harriet wants to know...

- Tell her yes, I'll do
anything to get rid of you

for a while, and
give her my love.

(phone rings)

- He's real reluctant
about it, but he says he'll try

to get along without me
and he sends you a kiss.

One of his famous freebies.

I'll see you later.

(phone rings)

(speaking foreign language)

- [Record Male Voice] Can
you please tell me the time.

(speaking foreign language)

It is noon.

(speaking foreign language)

It is the dinner hour.

(speaking foreign language)

- Hi.

A little tougher than French.

- Hold on to your
Arab, how come?

- If I'm going to enroll in
that course I have to have

at least a little
background in this in case

teacher starts making inquiries.

- Oh yeah, teacher.

Here we go, Professor Douad.

- Jamal or is it Gamil, a
loose translation for not bad.

- Pep look, I mean, if you
don't mind this is my office

and I have a little
work I gotta do, so.

I mean, if you
really don't mind.

- Of course not.
- Okay.

You wanna take
your Berlitz and split?


(phone rings)

Yeah, Crowley.

Captain, we're on
to it. (door slams)

I know there's
pressure, we're always

under pressure, aren't we?

Uh-huh, Douad, right.

Pepper will be meeting
with him at exactly

this time tomorrow afternoon.

(speaking foreign language)
has confined the women

to the house leading
to the establishment of

the harem system
or enforced seclusion.

This absence of women from
normal activity on the streets

is characteristic of the many
Arabic towns until this day.

This gradual disappearance
of women from public festivities

and even from worship has
given rise to a widespread

Western view that Arabic
women are consigned

to an inferior position.

But, it is very
important for us to know

that in the earliest days of
the Arab culture their status

was completely different.

They were not closely veiled,
not much more secluded

than their European sisters.

In fact, many of
them were very well

educated and accomplished.

I think it is very important
to see that the Western

concept of Arabic
oppression of their women

comes from the growth of
some later, even modern usages.

In truth, the Arabs in their
deepest traditions have been

perhaps among the most
chivalrous people in the world.

(bell rings)

I'm looking forward, until
next week then, thank you.

(indistinct chatter)

- Doctor Douad, I'm
sorry I walked in so late.

That makes two
lecture's I've missed.

- I know, had you been
here I would have been

very much aware of it.

- Thank you.
- As I was

when you arrived.

- Well, thank you again.

- And, now you wonder how
you can make up the work.

- Yes, if I can.

- Missus Anderson.
- Miss.

- Forgive me, you're not
taking the course for credit.

- No, I'm interested
in the subject matter.

I'm a teacher and I'm
assigned to Saudi Arabia

to an American high school
next term so I want to learn

all I can about its
people and its history.

- That's commendable.
- Thank you.

- You see, our first class
is a get acquainted session

so the students and I might
come to know one another.

- Oh.
- But, we can easily

make things up

if you'll come for
dinner with tonight.

- Well, I...
- Miss Anderson,

as one mid-east scholar
to another I would be

most honored if
you would say yes.

- Yes.

- [Paul] Well, I tell
ya I wouldn't have to

pretend with her.

- [Bill] She's gotta
be 19 if she's a day.

- Yeah, way over
the hill, right?

- Huh, hey look at this.

- [Paul] A little
young, don't you think?

- [Bill] For people with
normal tastes, yeah.


- Yes, Helen.
- Miss Baker's here.

- Send her in please.

(door clicks)

- Mister Victor, Mister
Hattar my landlady

said you called.

- Yes, and it's very nice
that you're so prompt.

Now tell me, do you know
of a place named Hartley's?

- No.
- Well, they sell

very elegant clothing.

- Oh, you mean I'm
going to model for them.

- No, I already explained
that that would be impossible,

but you are going there
tomorrow morning and they're

going to help you select
a very nice wardrobe,

at our expense of course.

- I don't understand.

- We want you to look
your best for the trip.

- The trip?
- My associates

were very impressed with
the photographs we sent them.

So, you are going to fly
to London and after that.

- Do you really mean this?

- You will leave in a few days.

We will take care of the
passport, reservations,

all the details.

- Of course, you'll be very
well chaperoned all the way.

And, here's a little

something in advance.

- Mister Victor, I don't
know what to say.

- We would appreciate
it if you didn't

say anything to anyone.

- You understand Laurie,
we're the only agency

in the city handling
this sort of thing

and since we were the
first ones to think of it

we sort of have a
corner on the market.

So, if the news got out,
so mums the word, eh?

- Total mum, for sure.

- Here she comes.

- She looks mighty happy.

- We better stay with her.

- Don't you want
to talk with her?

- I don't know yet.

If she goes home to mom
and dad there's nothing

to talk about.

(door clicks)

- Good evening.
- Good evening.

I guess the standard
expression is for me?

- I hope you
approve Miss Allison.

- Approve, are you kidding?

Oh my, oh and it's Pepper.
- Salim.

- Salim?
- Yes.

- I just don't know what to say.

I mean, the roses
are lovely but the vase,

I'm speechless I
don't know what to say.

- It is from my
small collection.

- It's priceless.
- No, it is your delight

that is priceless.

- You're not your run
of the mill professor.

Most teachers I know the
only collection they have

is, thank you, a
collection of unpaid bills.

- Well, I'm more fortunate.

- Family wealth?
- Yes.

- Oil?
- Among other things.

- Like?
- The enjoyment of life.

Shall we?
- Oh, definitely.

For that matter you're not
your ordinary Arab, either.

- Huh, my mother was French.

Perhaps that explains it.

- Yes, that explains
a lot of things.

- No, no I'm very Arab.

And, I'm ready to
share it with you.

- Sounds nice (door thuds)

(dramatic music) (engine starts)

(dramatic music)

- Well, definitely
not mom and dad.

- No, let's go see what kind
of a story she lays on us.

Go around the back in
case she tries to rabbit.

(anticipatory music)

- Oh miss, I'm with
the police department.

I wonder if I could have a word.

(dramatic music)


- Oh, let me go, let me go.

- We're the police.
- Let me go.

- Just relax.
- It's all right honey,

it's okay we're
both police officers.

Nobody's gonna hurt ya, we
just wanna talk to you, okay?

- You're going to send
me back, aren't you?

- Send you back where?

- To my mother and that guy.

- What's your name, honey?

- Laurie Baker,
but you know that.

- How old are you,
Laurie, about 14?

- 15, and I'm not going back.

- Yeah, well we'll
talk about that later.

Right now we're more
interested in some people

you've been meeting with here.

- [Pepper On Radio] I had
couscous once, in San Francisco.

- [Salim On Radio]
Not the way I make it.

- There are dozens
of variations.

Mine is indisputably the best.

- Can I have the recipe?

- Only if you'll
join in my toast.

May I?
- Of course.

(phone rings)

- Very poor timing.

Will you excuse me?
- Certainly.

(phone rings)

(door clicks) (phone rings)

(phone rings) (clears throat)

- Hello? (anticipatory music)

(anticipatory music)

Yes sir, I understand we
have someone working on it.

(anticipatory music)

I would say within a dew days.

(anticipatory music)

It's very likely.

- [Man On Phone] Does Hattar
know the client is on the way?

- I'm sure Hattar
is aware of it.

(anticipatory music)

If they expected
anything they would have

taken action by now.

(anticipatory music)

Of course, the last I heard
the flight was on schedule.

(anticipatory music)

I'll see if I can't
expedite matters.

- [Man On Phone]
You've done well.

- Thank you.
- Thank you good bye.

- Good bye. (anticipatory music)

(phone clatters)

Again, my apologies.

A graduate student
at university,

she's doing a thesis.

- You make yourself very
available to your students.

- Shall we toast to that?

- All right.
- To our relationship.

- To our relationship.
- Wherever it may lead.

(dramatic music)

- [Bill] He said Hattar's
name on the phone.

- [Pepper] Yep.

- But, he didn't say what
would happen in a few days.

- I can make a guess.
- Make it.

- That's when they
ship over another girl.

- I'll buy it 'cause
we found her.

- A runaway?
- Yeah.

Juvenile notified her
mother in Mississippi.

Her mother's a boozer,
so's the guy she lives with.

They couldn't care less
what happens to the kid.

- So?
- So, we're petitioning

to make her a ward of the court.

- Then use her as a snitch?

- Yeah, if the court approves.

- That could put
her in a lot of danger.

You can't do that.
- We'll have a police

woman staying with her, Pep.

- Even that...
- Even so,

there's still a
danger, I know that.

I feel a responsibility
for the kid.

(file cabinet clatters)

But, I got another
responsibility, too.

I gotta bust up a
white slave ring.

I gotta try to save
a lot of little girls.

Now, this kid is
the key to busting it.

If she can't help
me it's back to go.

Look, I had a decision to
make and I made it, okay?

(phone rings)
- I'm sorry.

- Yeah, so am I.

(file cabinet thuds)

(phone rings)


Okay, so what else did you
pick up last night, anything?

- What I told you.

- What about Douad, did he?

- Yeah, he's very charming.

- Yeah, but I mean did he...

- I was wired, remember?
If he had you'd have known.

He's a perfect gentlemen.

- Is he alone?
- Yes, sir.

(door clicks)

- Mister Victor?
- Here you are.

I've been looking for you.

I even tried reaching
you at home.

- I was arranging
for the girl's passport.

- Oh well, another
young lady came in here

and I thought she might
be all right, and if you wanted

to see her...
- Don't bother,

Mister Victor, our
partnership has been

a very rewarding one.

- Has been?
- My people want me

to work out of another city.

- Why? We've hardly
crossed the surface here.

- We have reason to
believe that the local police

are becoming suspicious.

- But, we still have
two days before we put

Laurie Baker on the plane.

- Then you will receive
your full commission

and she'll be the last one.

- Well, we're set, but we've
got some stringent guidelines.

- Looks like I'm going to
be doing some babysitting.

- That's one, around the clock.

Two, no jeopardy I
mean if that little girl

so much as stubs her
toe my butt's gonna be

out in front of the bench.

- Well, I think
I've come up with

something very interesting.

I never thought I'd be
saying something nice

about the telephone
company, but...

- But, now you are, right?

- Well, I just gotta give
credit where credit is due.

You know that telephone
call Pepper was listening in on?

Where do you suppose
that one came from?

- Pete, don't know but
just give it to me, will ya?

- A little country in the
Middle East called Ramat.

- Did you tell Pepper?

- It was too late,
she'd already split.

- Hey.
- Hey, Bill.

- Pepper, listen I apologize,
I'm sorry. Hey everybody.

- As long as it was business.

- Oh, it was business.

- What? Sit down Bill, you're
missing something fantastic.

- You'll like this buddy.

- What is that?
- That's couscous.

- Strictly vegetarian.
- Couscous?

- Uh-hmm.
- That's Arabian, isn't it?

- Uh-huh, there are
a lot of variations,

but one thing is for
sure, mine is the best.

- Definitely.
- All right.

Is this a recipe you
picked up some place?

- Yeah, from a terrific friend.

(Middle Eastern music)

I think she's pretty good.

- Yeah, the best.

- That's all.
- What you are seeing

is a corruption.

- [Salim On Radio] I
know that sounds pompous

but it is the truth.

(Middle Eastern music)

- This sort of dance used to
be deeply rooted in religion.

It's a thing of remarkable
learned ladies,

beauty, and different (mumbles).

- You know, I believe that
you are a true renaissance man,

one of the few I've ever met.

- Not nearly. (laughs)

- You're a historian, a teacher,
you speak six languages.

- Five, and not
all of them well.

- You're a gourmet cook.
You're a student of the arts.

(crowd applauds)

You're a remarkable man.

- I appreciate beauty.

- It seems so.
- You are the proof.

- Are there many
women in your life?

- Of course, it's a valued
tradition in my country.

- And there they're beautiful?

- And, that too is a tradition.

- Then why do you come so far?

- Ah, well...
- No, no seriously.

You have a beautiful
home in Ramat, servants,

everything a man could
want including, I imagine,

your choice of women.

Why would you come to
the United States to take a job

that probably doesn't
pay for your plane ticket?

- Well, I have other interests?

- Involving women,
beautiful women?

- Since I've come to
this country, Pepper,

I have found only one
woman in whom I have

any interest at all.

(car engine whirs)

- Gee, I was scared you
wouldn't get my message.

(door thuds)

Mister Hattar came over today.

- Oh, what did he want?

- I am supposed to leave
the day after tomorrow,

two o'clock in the afternoon.

Look at this.

- Hmm, they did a
nice job with that.

- Well, it says I'm 18.

- Yeah, I noticed.

- The clothes they
picked for me for the trip

they make me look even older.

- What about that ticket?

- It's non-stop to London.

- Yeah, well they'll probably
have somebody there

to smuggle you
the rest of the way.

Hattar said he'd
be at the airport?

- He's going to drive me there.

- Laurie, (car engine whirs)

you think you can go
through with this thing?

- I think so.

- You know, we'll
be at the airport.

They'll be a lot of us there.

You've got nothing to
worry about, believe me.

- Sure.
- You're going to be

safe between now and then.

In about an hour there'll
be a police woman over.

Her name's Mary Lou Groves.

She's gonna stick
with you until we get

this thing wrapped up.

I think you're
going to like her.

(car engine whirs)


See you at the airport.
- Yeah.

(door thuds)

- Laurie? (car engine whirs)

You okay?

(footsteps) (car engine whirs)

- About those raffle tickets.

- What do you want?

- Well, you know
those raffle tickets...

- Later Pete.
- Well, if you don't

come out of your pocket...
- Later, I'm busy right now.

- They're deductible
and everything.

(groans) Pep?

(phone rings)

- Four star modeling agency.

Oh yeah, just a moment, please.

- Yes, Helen.

- [Helen On Speaker]
Is Mister Hattar with you?

- No, but I'll get him.

- [Helen On Speaker] Line one.

- It's for you.

- Thanks. Yes? Put him on.

Good afternoon, sir.

Today? Yes sir, I'll have
her there. Thank you.

(phone clatters)

- Get who where?

- Your commission on
Miss Baker should be

higher than you thought.

- Well, how's that?

- The expenses will be down.

We won't have to send her to
London on a commercial plane.

A client of mine is
here on business.

He's starting back to
Ramat this afternoon

in a private plane.

- You mean he's
willing to take her along?

- He insists on it.

It's only himself and the
crew, he might get lonely.

(dramatic music) (door thuds)

If I get anymore calls I'll
be back in a couple of hours.

- [Helen] Yes, sir.

(dramatic music)

- Charalee's not here
yet, Laurie. Hungry?

- Sort of.
- All right,

I'll go out and get us a
couple of hamburgers and fries.

Be back in 10, 15 minutes.

- Wait a second, I
owe you some money.

- It's on the police department.

We've got a fantastic budget.

- Thanks Miss Groves.

- Marylou, keep the
door locked, huh?

(door thuds)

- Arab dominance of
the Mediterranean world

of the Middle Ages imposed
a great cautionary inference

on the outer (mumbles).

This stemmed from
the Islamic injunction

against the graven
image and a deep belief

that the creation of beauty
comes only from God.

- Excuse me, Doctor.
- Yes?

- There's a phone call for you?

He said it was an emergency.

- Ladies and gentlemen
will you excuse me?

Relax for a few moments.

(door thuds)

- But, I haven't even
packed yet, you see.

- That shouldn't take
more than a few seconds.

- I have to change my clothes.

I mean, I can't go like this.

Look, why don't you
come back I say 15 minutes

and by that time I'll be...
- We don't have

15 minutes, Laurie.

You have an opportunity
that a few girls ever get.

And, I'm not going to let
you spoil it, it's for your sake.

So, we are leaving now.

- Douad. Yes, I know where.

I am deeply grateful, thank you.

(phone clicks)

(anticipatory music)

(door thuds)

(engine revs)

(brakes squeal)

- Hey, watch out, huh.

(engine revs)

(anticipatory music)

- Excuse me, I need your car.
- Hey, what are you doing?

- No, he just missed me.

- I'm a police officer, okay?

- I was just almost
in a hit and run.

- I know, I'll bring it back.

(engine revs)

- When? When?
- I'll get it back to you.

- [Man] This isn't
my day. (clatters)

(anticipatory music)

- It's beautiful, isn't it?

And, you will find it's
much more comfortable

than a commercial plane.


Well, stop.
- I don't wanna go.

- Okay, we have a
commitment and you will fulfill it.

You will board that
plane and you will behave

yourself from this moment on.

Do you understand?

(anticipatory music)

(brakes squeal)

(anticipatory music)

(brakes squeal)

- Hold it, hold it.

(gun fires)

(groans) (anticipatory music)

(horn honks)

(crashes) (gun fires)

- [Salim] Pepper, look out.

(sirens wail)

(brakes squeal)

- Keep them on the ground.

Someone's gotta make
sure the little girl's okay.

(sirens wail)

(brakes squeal)

- Cut it, cut it.

(anticipatory music)

- Salim.
- Are you all right, huh?

- Are you all right?

- There's an
ambulance on the way.

- [Pepper] Bill, I can't
believe he's one of them.

- He's not, how do you
suppose we got here?

He's the one who called us.

- You see Pepper,
we are a small country.

And, we are trying very
hard to progress as rapidly

as our wealth has grown.

Very simply, we want
the world's respect.

And, if it became known
that some of our people

were engaged in...

- It would set you
back pretty far.

- We wanted to
handle it ourselves.

I was not to contact
any police agency here

until it became
absolutely necessary.

- And so, they set
you up as a professor.

- I am a professor,
not a policeman.

It took me more than
one month here before

I could place our
receptionist in Victor's office.

- Well, professor or
policeman you saved

an awful lot of young girls.

- Oh the girl, how is she?

- She's fine, she'll be
placed in a foster home soon.

- She's not going home then?

- No. (sentimental music)

- I am. (sentimental music)

As soon as I leave here,
if I can clear up the matter

of entering your country
with a gun illegally.

- I think you've more
than cleared yourself.

- I hope so.

Pepper? (sentimental music)

- Yes?
- I hope one day

you'll be my guest in my home.

(sentimental music)

- Salim, that's a
beautiful thought.

- In any case, I want
us never to lose contact.

(sentimental music)

- I want that, too, I truly do.

(sentimental music)

I better let you rest.

See you tomorrow.

(sentimental music)

- What's been happening here?

- You won the raffle.

- Huh?
- I was supposed

to be the lucky one.

- You got it all, Bill.

- Oh my.
- Two weeks in Hawaii, huh?

And, I put my
life in your hands.

- Paul, what are
you talking about?

I didn't buy any raffle tickets.

- Yes, but Pep bought five
and she put one in your name

and you won.

- Is that true? Why
would you do that?

- Because, well for good
luck. I love you, what else?

(phone rings)

- Didn't wanna make
me look cheap, huh?

- Well, you're not
cheap, you're very thrifty.

- You're just frugal.
- Yeah,

- Joe.
- Frugal, you're frugal.

Anyway, there you
go, two weeks in Maui.

- Two weeks in Maui?

- Yeah, you and a friend
anyone you want to take.

- How 'bout you, friend?

- Sure, I'd love it.
Yeah, thank you.

- You promise not to say
anything to Pete and Joe

I'll let you have the
ticket for half price.

(dramatic music)

(dramatic music)

(ascending tones)