Police Woman (1974–1978): Season 3, Episode 3 - Trial by Prejudice - full transcript

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- How about telling Sergeant
Tripp exactly what you told me.

- Lady cop, pulled the
same thing on all of us.

Propositioned us.

- If they believe them
I don't have a chance.

- You leave me no choice.

Your badge and your weapon.

Just keep your
hands up, quickly.

- What is it, Nina,
what's going on?

- Give me that gun!

- What the hell's going on?

- Please, she
tried to attack me!

She tried to molest me!

See anything?

- Nope.


- Hey, where you cats been?

I've been dropping
dimes all night.

- T.J., what's the big
push, you got something?

- I want my dimes back, plus.

- You know the house rules.

If we score, you get paid.

- So, what if it's too late?

If it's already gone down?

- T.J., what do ya have?

We can talk money later.

- One of the clients
in the massage parlor

was talking to his buddy.

- About what?

- About a robbery.

It was like I was
woodwork or something.

They didn't even
know I was there.

- That's a little
hard to believe.

- Thanks, he was talking
about a warehouse.

100 block North Central.

By the way it sounded

the job is supposed to
go down at 10 o'clock.

Tonight, it's 10:30 already.

We'll check it out.

- So what if they're gone?

I don't get paid?

- We'll talk about it.

- Sergeant Crowley, would
you advance me a 10?

- What's the matter,
the meter run out?

Why do I always get
touched by your snitches?

- Next one.

- Let's get outta here.

- Take it easy.

Put the stuff back.

Where it was.

- Police officer,
outta the car, let's go.

Let's move it,
let's move it, lady.

Keep your hands where
I can see them, let's go.

I said outta the car, let's go.

- What is, what is this?

- Turn around, keep your
hands on top of your head.

Put them on top of the car.

- What did I do?

- Check her purse out, will ya?

- Hey, what, what.

- All right, where are they?

What is this, where's who?

- Cuff her, Pete.

- I'd like an explanation.

- I'd like some answers, get in.

In the car!

Dick, surround the
fence over there.

I'll be right over.

Buck, go ahead and keep
searching the building.



- I just checked all the
doors on the building,

it doesn't look like
anybody's been around.

I'm gonna grab of couple
guys from the black and white

and do the same
across the street.

- Okay, good, right.

Cover that roof, cover
that roof up there too.


I got a 459 suspect

in one of these buildings here.

Hey Salvo, give Worster
a hand over there.

The other guys are down
there covering that intersection.


Ah, you guys wanna
come over here?



What do ya got?

- Well, we've been informed
of burglars up in this area.

Somewhere, huh?

- Yeah, we took a woman
who was sitting over here.

I think she's a lookout.

So far we haven't had the
time to check out the cellar.

- This is ridiculous.

I have done nothing wrong.

- Then answer the question.

What were you
doing in this area?

- Look, I told you.

It's quiet, I needed to
think some things over.

- That's a bad answer.

- Listen, I don't
care what you think!

- No, you listen!

You listen to me!

Playing lookout makes
you an accomplice.

They're gonna
dig up your friends.

The charge is burglary.

Now, I suggest you cooperate.

- Okay, I'll cooperate.

- What?

- What the hell is going on?

- Help me, help me, please!

Please, she tried to attack me!

She tried to molest me!

Please, please,
don't let her touch me.

Don't let her touch me, please.

- Your game's off today.

- Tell me about it.

- A drink in the middle
of the afternoon, huh?

- Ginger ale.

- You really know
how to live it up.

Those bells are really
getting to ya, huh?

- Oh, you could say that.

I'm seriously thinking

of trading that in
on a double scotch.

- Hey Benny, you wanna bring us

a couple double
scotches, please.

- Lay it on me, what now?

- She's been released.

- What?

- We had no choice
in the matter, Pep.

There were no accomplices.

No evidence of
burglary in the area.

The DA said he wouldn't file.

- That's just ducky.

I'll bet my appointment
with the Captain

hasn't been canceled though.

- Why don't you not sweat it.

- Bill, my sweet, beautiful,
loyal, naive friend,

this may come as a shock to you,

but the brass
believe her, not me.

Bottom line, her
word against mine.

Yes well, would you put

Mr. Lang on the
phone then please.

Thank you.

Ah yes, Mr. Lang, yes uh,

you have an overdue
check on that statement.

Right, yes.

Yes, that's the right number.

Okay well, we'd appreciate

if you'd send that
as soon as possible.

Get on this one, it's a jackpot.

Hey Monkey, welcome back.

Anybody follow you?

- No way, today's take.

How about that?

A monkey with no tail.

They're too busy working
on their Sergeant Anderson

to be worried about me.

- That's beautiful, beautiful.

How did you ever dream up
that gimmick about the lady cop?

- It's all for the cause.

Now, tell me it was worth it.

- Mr. Benton.

- Take a look.

- We were wondering about

that overdue statement
on your purchase order.

Right, that's number 6-4-3-8-2.

- 300 copies, credit lines,
purchase order sequence,

supply items, ordering patterns.

Just what we wanted.

- How much is it worth?

- Well, put it this way,

if we only get a 30%
return, 200,000 minimum.

- Pepper, come in, please.

- Thank you.

I was under the impression

this was to be a
private interview.

- Sergeants Tripp and Dalton
will be handling the case.

Eh Captain, there is no case.

- Internal Affairs has
to do their job, Pepper.


- Look um, we're
all sorry about this,

but there's been an
alligation of misconduct,

and it has to be investigated.

- Even though it's preposterous?

- Pepper, every time something
like this hits the newspapers

my superiors get phone calls.

They call me.

They don't deal in semantics.

They say investigate.

Well, it's good for
the department.

- Oh, it's a ruse.

It is the oldest
con game in town.

Can't you see that?

This Nina Daniels says
you propositioned her.

- Suppose she says I have
three legs and four arms.

Would you believe that?

I was doing my job.

I was trying to interrogate her.

- She says you offered to
let her go if she cooperated.

Does anyone believe that?

- Well, we have to ask.

Um, did you proposition her?

- No, did you?

- She says you did,

and when she turned you down

you grabbed her and
tried to molest her.

- Captain Harris, I object
to this insane inquisition.

- We have witnesses,
Officer Anderson.

- What witnesses?

- Sergeant Crowley.

- Sergeant Crowley?

- He was there.

- Of course he was there.

- The duty captain,
they saw you in the car.

They saw Nina Daniels
in a near state of panic.

- They saw what she
was trying to get away with.

They saw what she
wanted them to see.

- What they observed will
be testified to in a trial board.

Either one of them can
say that she attacked you.

- I can, is my word
worth nothing?

- Your word is as
good as your character.

- What's that supposed to mean?

- Tell us about Marlene Simpson.

- I have nothing to say.

- Cooperation is the only
way out of this trouble.

- Marlene Simpson has
nothing to do with this.

- We feel Marlene Simpson
has everything to do with this.

I suggest you cooperate.

We don't want to
relieve you from duty

pending the trial board, but.

- But, you want me to drag
Marlene Simpson into it.

- Pepper, don't
make me order you.

- I will not discuss
Marlene Simpson.

- You leave me no choice.

Your badge and
your weapon, please.

- Coming!

Who is it?

It's uh, Sergeant
Crowley, Miss Daniels.

We met a couple nights ago.

- What do you want Sergeant?

Well, I'd like to talk to
you for a couple minutes.

It's unofficial, if
you don't mind.

- Okay, come in.

- Thank you.

- What do you wanna
talk to me about?

- Well, first I'd like to uh,

apologize to you
for my behavior.

I mean, I think I was
pretty rough on you.

- Oh well, I'll drink to that.

- I hope I didn't
come at a bad time.

I mean, I can see you're
not really ready for company.

- That all depends upon
who the company is.

It um, doesn't bother
me if it doesn't bother you.

- It's quite a place
you got here.

- Come on Sergeant.


- I know what you're doing here.

Why don't we just stop
wasting each other's time.

- Okay, that seems fair.

Let's not waste
each other's time.

You wanna tell me
what you were doing

at the warehouse
the other night?

- Sergeant, those questions
have been asked and answered.

- Well, as long as I'm here,

I mean, just so it
shouldn't be a total loss

you wanna answer them for me?

Well, let's see now.

I was out with a friend and
um, we had a few drinks.

Well, quite a few.

- Mm hmm, and after that?

- Ah, I got into my car and uh,

I was feeling a bit woozy.

Well correction, very woozy,

and being a good, honest citizen

I decided to pull
over and uh, cool off.

- So you just happened to
park next to the warehouse?

- I don't like your
insinuation, Sergeant.

In fact, I don't
like you at all,

and besides aren't you
just a little bit frightened

of being alone in a
room with me like this?

- What're you gonna
do, Miss Daniels?

You gonna yell rape?

First Pepper,
now me, is that it?

I tell ya something, Miss
Daniels, you better be careful,

'cause your liable to
blow your credibility.

Unless you're planning to
get around the entire force.

- You have a lot of gall

coming in here and
trying to con me.

Now, get out!

- Thank you for
your various offers.

Who's Marlene Simpson?

- Oh, you've been nosing around.

- I'm a cop, that's the
nature of the beast.

- She was a policewoman,
resigned six years ago.

They were gonna charge
her with homosexual activity.

- She gay?

- What does it matter what
she is or what she was?

- Pep, I'm not, it's not
that I'm nosy, I'm trying,

I'm asking questions because
I'm trying to help, that's all.

- Her sexual preferences are
no one's business but her own.

Forget it.

What's happening
with Nina Daniels?

- Hmm, she beefed
me to Internal Affairs,

so I've been called
off, harassment.

Speaking of harassment
you should see her in a towel.


- Nothing.

- Maybe I should give
her some attention myself.

- That would be about the
dumbest thing you could do.

You just stay out of it.

I gotta go.

You know, we got one
thing going for us, that's T.J.

She hasn't given
us a bum steer yet.

I'm gonna recheck every
building in that warehouse district.

I'll talk to you later.

Well, I think it was
antiquated alarm systems.

One of the wires had
been cut and spliced.

The manager said there
wasn't anything missing.

- Was anything messed up?

What about outta place?

- Well yeah, there
were a lot of invoices

that were misfiled.

I'll tell ya, this manager's
one of those meticulous guys.

He jumped all
over the file clerk,

and she swore she
hadn't touched them.

What's that sound
like to you, Joe?

- Well, probably a
double billing con.

- That's right.

- Hi guys.

- Hey Pepper.

- Hey Pepper, how ya doing?

- Fine, where's Crowley?

I got that rush
right down here call.

- He's upstairs
with Captain Harris

and that Internal Affairs guy.

- Yeah, old Mr. Lovable.

- Mind if a civilian
watches you work?

- Grab a shovel.

- I can't, I'm suspended.

- Hey, not with us you're not.

- Joe and Pete.

- Come on.

- What is all this stuff?

- What we found
in the warehouse.

- Entries?

- Yep but nothing's missing.

- Hmm, I've handled
cases like this.

Where they take the
invoice and bill the customers

using they're own
purchase order number.

- Yep, that old
double billing scheme.

We're working on that too.

- Uh, speaking of Crowley.

- Pep, there's been
a new development.

You better come with me.

Captain finds out I called
ya, they're gonna rack my butt.

You recognize
either one of them?

- I arrested them both.

They're supposed to be
doing time, forgery, grand theft.

- Wait a minute, wait
a minute, listen to this.

- Okay ladies, how about
telling Sergeant Tripp

exactly what you told me.

- Oh, it's nothing much.

We uh, been reading the
papers and we got to talking.

We find out that uh, lady cop,

pulled the same
thing on all of us.

Propositioned us, you
know, but we didn't go for it.

Do you know what that got us?

Slam time, that's
what it got us.

- Yeah, so we figure since
the word is out on this cop

maybe somebody
will listen to us.

- It's uh.

- They're lying, Bill.

- Yeah.

- If they believe them
I don't have a chance.

Thanks for
dropping me off, Bill.

- Yeah, Pep, it's obvious
that these two broads

are a couple of cons
who just saw a good thing

to push for a
rehearing, that's all.

- Let's face it, Bill, they
got a good thing going,

and I have no way
to prove they're lying.



- Maybe you can help.

This Marlene Simpson,

if they bring her to the
hearing what's she gonna say?

She isn't gonna say anything.

Leave it alone, Bill.

Sergeant Crowley?

You're Miss Simpson?

- My secretary tells me
you're not from Internal Affairs.

No, that's right, I'm not.

- But you are a cop.

- That's right.

What made you think I
was from Internal Affairs?

- Oh, I was warned
they might come.

- May I ask by whom?

- A friend of mine.

- What friend?

- Oh, I don't think that's
any of your business.

- Pepper Anderson?

So, Pepper won't
discuss it and uh,

the brass now think she's
concealing something.

- And what do you
think, Sergeant?

- Well, it doesn't really
matter what I think.

Frankly, I couldn't care less.

Like I told you, Miss Simpson,

I'm only interested in
getting Pepper off the hook.

I know that the department

is planning to subpoena
you to the Trial Board.

What I don't know is
what your testimony will be.

- My testimony can't
harm her in any way.

In fact, it might help her.

- Well if that's so,

then why is she so intent
on refusing to talk about it?

- Because she
wants to protect me.

- Protect you, how?

- You see, since I resigned
from the department I've become,

well, pretty successful,

but if my sexual
preference were known,

the brass here would behave

just as the department
behaved six years ago.

- You mean they can't
separate your professional talent

from the fact that
you, I mean that you're.

- The word you're looking
for is lesbian, Sergeant.

- And that's why you left
the police department?

- I resigned to save
a public hearing

and to preserve the
ability to be employed.

Some of us have to stay
in the closet as they say,

if we want to earn a living.

Aren't you gonna
ask me, Sergeant?

- Ask you what?

- About Pepper?

- Okay, what about Pepper?

- Well, we did room
together at the Academy.

- Did she know about you?

- We talked about it.

Pepper suggested that,

well, it would be more
comfortable for both of us,

if I moved out, I did.

Later the department found I
was living with another woman.

I put personal reasons
on my resignation

and walked out into a new life.

Which is now in danger
of being destroyed.

- And that's why Pepper
won't say anything?

- Yes.

- Officer Johnson.

- Hi Sally, this is Pepper.

Put me through to
Crowley, will you?

- Oh, he isn't here.

The whole group is out.

I expect them back any time.

- See if you can run them down.

Tell Crowley I've been
following Nina Daniels

and I've located what I think

is the boiler room
on the billing scam.

I'll wait outside for him.

You got a pencil?

- Yeah, what's the address?

- It looks like 3-2-6
Rosewood, thanks Sally.

- Look at this one.

- Huh, working like a charm.

- How much?

- So far, at least 15 G's.

- Not bad for one mail drop.

- Hey Monkey, you feel
up to hitting a few others?

Pappy, for that kind of bread,

I would circle Dodgers Stadium
with nothing on but a smile.

- That's the way to talk.

They're in the Valley.

Three post office substations.

- Just give me two hours.

- Hold it, hold it!

Now, turn off that motor.

Hand off the ignition.

Get out, unlock that door.

No tricks, get in there.

Hurry it up!

You, over here.

Hey, what's going on?

- Just keep your
hands up, quickly.

- What is it, Nina,
what's going.

- Give me that
gun, give it to me!

Nina, Nina, Nina!

- Johnny, we gotta
get outta here.


Come on Johnny, we
gotta get outta here.

- She's dead.

She's, she's dead.

Let the cop explain this.

- Pep?

- Dear God.

Captain, Pepper's got
no business in that cell.

- The preliminary

- All you gotta do,

Captain, all you gotta
do is look at the evidence.

The phone support
evidence of a billing scam.

Pepper says she tailed
Nina from a post office box.

Now, that checks out.

- And Pepper had no
business tailing her.

- Her career was on the line.

What did you expect her to do?

Just lay down and take it?

- I'd expect her to
use better sense.

She had motive to kill
that Daniels woman,

and besides, well, it looks
bad for the department.

- What looks bad
for the department

and what's hard evidence
are two separate things.

I tell ya something, Captain,
I want her released right now,

or you can have my badge too.

- Crowley!

- Captain, just do me the favor.

Ask the Deputy DA if
they've got a fallible case.

Go ahead, have you had, do
you have a fallible case or not?

- Vern?

- No, Crowley
makes a lot of sense.

At the moment there's too much

that aligns with Pepper's story.

- Thank God for somebody
that deals in the facts.

- All right Crowley,
she's released,

but this doesn't change
anything about the review board.

Do you understand me?

It goes tomorrow
morning as scheduled.

- You know Captain, in a
way I'm happy about one thing.

I'm glad she's a
civilian right now.

At least she's got
more rights than a cop.

How'd it go?

- She's sprung.

- Good.

- But the board
goes in the morning.

- We haven't turned anything

staking that old
post office box.

- Was there any mail in it?

- Yep, it's loaded.

- Well, you better
keep a stake on it.

Get a run down on
the other counties.

Any billings from the invoices.

Find out any new
mailing addresses.

- Got it, on my way.

Hey Pete.

- Yeah?

- You got a decent suit?

- The most decent suit I got

is the one that I was born with.

- Put a tie with it.

I got a special job for ya.

We gotta get a composite
of those two characters, Pep.

Then I'll take you home.

It's okay, come on, let's go.

Hello Pepper.

- What did you do, Bill?

- I think you oughta
talk to each other.

Maybe you'll come
up with some answers.

Now, Marlene and I are
both on your side, Pepper.

We wanna help ya.

So, just talk to each other.

If you need me
I'll be at the office.

- You shouldn't have
come here, Marlene.

- We're still
friends, aren't we?

I'll be at the hearing and
I'll say what's necessary.

- This is a public hearing.

The press will be there.

They can destroy you.

- Well, maybe not.

- I can stop you.

- I've made up my mind, Pepper.

- So have I, I'll stop you.

Officer Anderson.

As chairman of
this Board of Rights,

I'm responsible for advising
you formally of the charges.

- Officer Anderson is
ready, Mr. Chairman.

Count one, on the
10th of this month,

you did knowingly and willingly,

under the cover of authority

make sexual advances toward
a prisoner in your custody.

Count two, on the same date

you willfully molested a
prisoner, Nina Daniels.

- I don't know, must
be from out of town.

Don't look like nobody I know.

- My watch has stopped.

What time you got?


- The Trial Board's
already started.

- Sergeant Dalton,

did you interview the
complainant, Nina Daniels?

- I did.

- And what was the
substance of the conversation?

- Mr. Chairman, I object.

Whatever Sergeant Dalton
can testify to is hearsay.

- Well, the woman is dead.

She can't testify.

- Council, this is an
administrative hearing,

not a criminal trial.

Hearsay evidence is
admissible, proceed.

- Miss Daniels alleged
that Officer Anderson,

while seated in the
backseat of a police car,

physically molested her
by placing her hands on her.

- Hey, score one man, yes sir.

Hold it.

- Police, we'd like to
talk to you a minute.

Got him, cuff him.

- The department
calls Miss Rose Gentry.

- The defense
objects, Mr. Chairman.

Miss Gentry has no testimony

which would have a
direct bearing on the case.

I would argue that Miss Gentry

can establish pattern of conduct

which is important to the case.

- We'll hear her testimony.

- Then I ask that Miss
Gentry's companion

be removed from the room,

if the department plans
to put her on the stand.

- No objection.

- She'll be removed, officer.

Miss Gentry, will you
please take the witness chair?

- Miss Gentry, please
relate to the board

what you told me this past
week regarding Officer Anderson.

- Sure, she uh, picked me
up about nine months ago

on a phony grand theft beef,

and uh, when she got
me alone in the tank

she started getting fresh.

- Could you be more explicate?

You know, touching
with the hands

and asking me if I
wanna get off the beef.

Well, I was innocent,
see, and that's the truth.

What else can I say?

Excuse me, excuse me.

- I told you I didn't have
anything to do with any murder.

I wasn't even near it.

- Think I got them all, Bill.

- Hey, I'm a gopher,
Jacob's a gopher.

- Jacob's a gopher, huh?

Well, we're not too interested
in gophers, are we Joe?

- Not unless we can't
find the number one man.

- What about it Jacobs?

You know where the number
one man's located, huh?

Let me tell ya something.

You cooperate with us

we'll go for something a
lot less heavier than murder.

- You really mean that?

- He means it.

- An office.

- Where?

- 220 Kilmore.

- Kilmore?

- Kilmore Street.

- Put a name to that.


- What's his first name?

- John, John Solvana.

- Just one other
question, Jacobs.

Can you testify how Nina
Daniels got herself killed?

- Ah, yeah.

- Some recess, I don't
even have a cigarette.

- Hello ladies.

What's this all about?

Who are you?

- My name is H.A.
Barstow from the DA's office.

My boss is uh,
extremely concerned

about any injustice
to you ladies.

Let me tell you,

you have the personal assurance

of the District Attorney himself

that immediate
action will be taken

to vacate your convictions,

if Officer Anderson
is found guilty.

Oh, she's guilty all right.

We told them in there.

- Guilty, is she ever.

- I'm sure she is too,

and you know, just between us,

I've always looked
to nail a bad cop.

- Why, you sure have
our cooperation, Mr. DA.

- Uh assistant, for now anyway.

Now, if there's
anything that you want.

You know, any questions or
anything just give me a call.

Oh, we will, we will.

- Good day ladies.

- Didn't I tell you we had
this thing set like a trap.

Just make sure you've
got your story straight

when they call ya.

Remember, I got molested in
the tank and you in your cell.

- Right, I was in the cell

when our lady cop
propositioned me.

- Talk about a hammer.

We are gonna
stroke those dummies

into thinking
she's guilty as sin.

I think the ladies

can be returned to
their cells, Officer.

- Uh, the department is
grateful to Investigator Royster

for revealing this conspiracy.

However, the evidence
doesn't totally absolve

Officer Anderson of
the original charges.

- What're you
leading to Sergeant?

- There is one more
witness who should be called

in order to fairly evaluate

the total nature
of the allegations.

The department calls
Marlene Simpson.

- I object, Marlene Simpson
has no direct testimony.

- You're out of order,
Officer Anderson.

- I am here because I am
suspected of being a lesbian,

not of misconduct,

which is the real issue.

- We will evaluate the evidence.

Miss Simpson, please
take the witness chair.

- No, there's no need
to proceed further.

This is a resignation.

- Yes sir, it is.

- Excuse me, excuse me, uh
Commander, I'm Sergeant Crowley.

Uh, we have new evidence here.

Mr. Jacobs can testify
as to the false allegations

made against Sergeant Anderson.

- There's nothing I can do
about that, Sergeant Crowley.

We have a resignation.

- Can I see that, sir?

Thank you.

Uh sir, I honestly don't think

that this is up to the
standards of the department

as far as neatness is concerned
and uh, I mean, it's sloppy.

Uh, could we,
while she rewrites it,

could we hear
Mr. Jacobs testimony?

- Most definitely,
Sergeant Crowley.

Mr. Jacobs may
take the witness chair.

- Thank you.

- You know something Pepper?

You are some special friend.

Take care, huh?

- So long.

Hey Pep.

Hi Bill.


looks like you're
back on the force kid.

Yeah, maybe with a raise?

- What do you mean a raise?

I did all the work.


- No, you should've seen me.

I almost killed myself

chasing Jacobs down
Magnolia Boulevard.

I'm so sore I can hardly...

Hardly reach your wallet?

- Oh, that's funny.

Okay wiseguy, maybe I
can swing a little increase.

After all, you and your snitch
are into me for 10 bucks.

- Cheap at twice the price.

- Maybe I can
work something out.

- With T.J.?


- Oh, I'm sure you can.

- Uh, I'm talking
about a massage.

She is a masseuse, right?

- The shape you're in,

with T.J. a good
massage could kill ya.

- Get in the car, Sergeant.