Police Woman (1974–1978): Season 1, Episode 20 - Ice - full transcript

Pepper and Crowley travel to Masiaca, Mexico posing as the Ordways, a married couple who operate as fences for stolen jewels. They plan to lure out of hiding another married couple who pulled a jewelery store heist in Los Angeles.

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Pep, don't you think you'd
better take it easy on the tequila?

You're really gettin' loaded.

You want me to blow my
cover? I'm supposed to be a lush.

Hi, hi, hi.

They're not here.

I think you got 'em in your brassiere,
so why don't you, uh, disrobe?

- Pep, looks like
he's got us.
- What do you mean, "us"?

That broad's a cop.

Oh, good morning.
Can I help you?

If you want my advice, you'll save
yourself a few dollars and pick this one.

It's got the same movement,
the same number of jewels.

You'll be getting the same kind of quality
without having to pay for all the extras.

All right. Stay
right where you are.

Everybody freeze.

That's real fine, people.

Now I want everybody
to move right over here.

Come on. I said, move!

Come on, lady. Move.
T-Take your hands off me!

Don't you touch her.

I hope you all die!
I hope you all die!

Shut up.


Are you all right, darling?
Please. Never mind that now.

Please. Please! Will
somebody please call the police?


You didn't get any
kosher dill pickle.

Yes, I did. I ordered it.

Nobody ever listens anymore.

She got a great set
of fingers, hasn't she?

You're relieved. How come?

Lieutenant Marsh wants to see you
and Sergeant Anderson right away.

Lieutenant Marsh, is it?

You just say the word and we'll
come rushing right down here, literally.

Even if it's in the middle of the
night, we'll hop right in the car...

and we'll get down here in
60 seconds flat. I don't think...

No, I-I mean it. I
mean it, Lieutenant.

Mr. Victor and I, we've always
had great respect for law and order,

even when it concerned
other people. Fine.

Forty years and no one even took a
piece of worthless junk costume jewelry.

Now they've taken everything.

Hey, Paul. How are you?

Okay, why don't you two go home
and, uh, try to relax. We'll be in touch.

Uh, Lieutenant, remember
what I just told you.

They had a woman
with them. I'm sure of it.

Maybe it's part of
their modus operandi.

Yeah. We'll be in
touch. Thank you.

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel B. Victor.

Home in Beverly Hills, Rolls-Royce,
and suddenly they think they're paupers.

I don't know why
everybody expects sympathy.

Nobody gets it from their doctors
anymore at 50 bucks a throw.

Sure. What they expect from me?

Well, they know you
got a heart of gold, Paul.

What about, uh, insurance?

Stuff that was taken was on
memo from a dealer in New York.

What about
consignment insurance?

Had insurance for 100,000, but
the take was well over half a million.

Oh, then they
really are paupers.

Pepper, I hear you know
something about jewels.

- Uh-huh.
- Can you loupe a stone?

- Yeah.
- Then forget about
that lousy stakeout.

I'm borrowing you both
for Robbery-Homicide.

- What do you got, Paul? Anything?
- I think we do.

We'll know in a few hours.

Okay, hold on! Just a minute.

Uh, let me guess.

Open up in the name of the law.

I knew it.

I woke you up. Oh, no.

I was up baking brownies at
2:00 in the morning, just as usual.

Well, don't just
stand there hating me.

Go get some clothes on. I see
you brought the Mr. and Mrs. bag.

You wanna give me
some kind of hint...

as to what kind of
climate I ought to pack for?

Think tacos. Ooh, ooh, ooh.

Marsh is sending us all
the way to sunny Mexico.

That's great. But why
does he always have to

send us someplace in
the middle of the night?

I don't know, honey. I'm only
a sergeant. Go get dressed.

For a taco, I'll do it.
Uh, you wanna be a

little more specific
where in sunny Mexico?

Did you ever hear of Masiaca?

Um, I think the last time I had it, the
fever went down in about three days.

Masiaca's in the
southeast corner of Sonora.

I hear it's not too
heavy on tourists,

but Marsh says it's a wonderful
place for a honeymoon.

Well, don't just sit there like a blushing
bridegroom. Come on up and help me pack.

Who are we this
time? The Ordways.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph G. Ordway.
Sounds wholesome enough.

Well, they're a couple of
pretty good jewel fences.

Took a little business trip
to Paris and ran into Interpol.

I guess we don't have to
worry about them for a while.

Oh, and she's, uh, a bit of a boozer.
You think you can handle that?

How much of a boozer? A lush?

Y... You can handle it.

What's the rest of it?

Well, yesterday, about
six hours after the robbery,

they had a plane
crash in Mexico.

Three people died.

Little charter from
Santa Monica.

I'll bet it crashed near
that town, didn't it?

That's right... Masiaca. Anyway,
as I said, three people died:

the, uh, pilot, who
seemed to be legit,

there was a jewel fence
who was a Mexican national,

and then there was a guy named
Clayton Burris... local address.

Boris? Burris.

Anyway, the, uh...

Some local friendlies were
poking through the wreckage.

They came across a portable
typewriter, only there was no typewriter.

It was full of diamonds. Hey,
you oughta wear this in Mexico.

What about Burris?
Did he have a record?

Yeah. Three counts
of armed robbery.

Seven years hard
time at Soledad.

Which means the gang
is now down to four.

Four men, or maybe
three men and one woman?

Well, all the jewels have
been pulled out of the setting,

but if the weights and numbers
match, then they're ours.

This whole thing's been cleared through
Mexico City. That's what caused the delay.

I wouldn't be surprised if we
had some company down there.

If we ever get there.

What are you doing
in my perfume?

I'm sniffing it.
It's my latest trip.

Pep, come on already, will you?

You can finish the beauty
treatment on the plane.

You sound like Ralph G.
Ordway, an old married clod.

Come on. Be a good
husband and do me.

Well, it's certainly quaint.

Yeah, looks like it was
designed for glider traffic.

Way my stomach feels, I swear that
pilot moonlights as a cabdriver in Tijuana.

- That's all right, Mr. Ordway.
- You look good in green.

Smile, honey. We're on
Candid Camera. Mmm.

Welcome to México.

Well, I gotta admit it, Pep.

In some ways you're actually
more photogenic than I am.

I disagree. I think she's better to
look at when you see her in person.

- Gracias, señor.
- Merci beaucoup, mademoiselle.

Mmm-hmm. They all check.

Every single one of
them fits the Victors' list.

I guess the Victors
aren't paupers anymore.

Here are the rest. We managed,
you know, without too much subtlety,

to photograph everyone
who came in from the outside.

You can say that again.

Under the pressures of time,
and with very limited resources,

we do the best we
can, Sergeant Anderson.

I don't see anybody I've ever
seen before. Wanna look at this?

Yeah. Hey, what about
the guy who called you?

No, not one of those.
This man was a native.

He claimed to represent clients
who prefer to remain anonymous.

Most of what he
said was... indirect.

But if you know the
game and play along,

pretty soon the message
becomes quite clear.

I bet, if you tried real hard,

you could, uh, give the
impression of great corruptibility.

Sergeant Anderson, believe
me, I might even deceive you.

So how did you leave it?

I told him if he seriously
wished to discuss the terms...

to call me back, and when
he does, I'll propose him a deal.

Then we move in
and make the arrest.

You know what scares me? We
might end up with only a middleman.

- Yeah, I considered that.
- And there's the chance
of losing these,

which would be very
embarrassing all the way around.

Look, Lieutenant. With your
permission, let's try something else.

Let's see if we can't
smoke out the realies...

and stay flexible enough to get whoever
might be on the other side of the border.

And what do we do
next? Walk on water?

Look, it's not that hard. When the guy
calls you back, you just cut him off clean.

He's gotta figure
"A," it's too hot for you,

or "B," you're negotiating with
somebody with a little more horsepower.

Either way, the people
we're after aren't gonna like it.

And my guess is they'll come
slithering right out from under a rock.

Here he comes.

Boy, I'd like to write him
a ticket for jaywalking.

You know what that
guy's problem is?

He's got no respect for the law.

Feel like takin' a
little ride? I'd love to.

Funny time for a couple of ganefs
like that to be out buyin' furniture.


Hey, partner.

Think you can
handle two at a time?

I don't think he
understands much English.

Well, shoes seem to have
kind of a universal language.

That's pretty good.

I never thought
about it like that.

Well, I happen to have the advantage
of being in the business myself.

I import practically more shoes than
anybody in the entire state of California.

Is that a fact? That's right.

Del Franklin's the name. Well.

Ralph Ordway. How do you do?


Ah. You make a great
margarita. Thank you.

Honey, look what I found.

- Del Franklin,
say hello to my wife, Trudy.
- Buenos días, señora.

Del's in footwear, honey.
Sandals and shoes.

He's down here on
business too. Right?

Well, there's no business
like shoe business.

- Well, Dale, how's Roy?
- Del.

Told you she had a sense
of humor, didn't I? Sure did.

Well, all I can say is,

I hope what you're doing is more
exciting than what we're doing.

Well, uh, I'd like to be
in Puerto Vallarta myself,

but, uh, I can't
make a dime there.

- Sometimes I wonder,
is money really worth it?
- Yes.

Listen, don't you
believe her, Del.

She loves buyin' and
sellin' more than I do.

I'd offer you a drink, but
my sweet husband here...

thinks that liquor is brewed in the
dark, deep caverns by the devil himself.

Honey, that's not true.

I said that a little wine, a little
beer, every once in a while is all right,

but these double margaritas,
that's somethin' else.

They go down like
soda pop. Pop! Pop!


Listen, Ralph. Anybody who smokes
those things has no right to pass judgment.

You know?

Waiter! We're thirsty over here.



He really latched onto
me like a magnet out there.

Bet you a thousand
bucks this is our boy.

Hmm. As I recall,

the last time you were
positive about "our boy,"

I was lying on top of a
cold storage compartment...

in a liquor store
on Fifth Street,

and you wouldn't let
me go to the bathroom.

You're not kidding, are you?

Hmm? I mean you're
really gettin' loaded on it.

Pep, don't you think you better take it
easy on the tequila? I can... handle it.

You want me to blow my
cover? I'm supposed to be a lush.

Well, you sure got me fooled.

Ralph, I can't just sit here not drinking
anything. He's staring right at me.

We didn't order any more drinks.

Who ordered the drinks?
Did you order these, Del?

Yeah. They're on me, Ralph.

Mmm. Guess you don't
like this style of music,

but there wasn't any
Lawrence Welk in the jukebox.

- You gotta take
what you can get down here.
- Thank you.


So whereabouts in California
are your stores located?

What'd you say? I said whereabouts
in California are your stores located?

No, no, no. I-I don't
have any stores.

I'm a wholesaler. I thought
I told you that, Ralph.

- You gotta forgive him, Dale.
- Uh, Del.

See, half the time
he doesn't listen.

And don't ask me where his mind is, because
I haven't been able to figure that out.

Say, w-why don't you get up
and show us how it's done, Trudy?

Ralph and I took a course in those silly
dances... uh, rumba, fox-trot and tango.

$370, and I think we
only took three lessons.


Pretty good, you know that?

Hmm. Didn't have
three lessons for nothing.

Thought for a while you were
never gonna ask me to dance.

I'd do anything to keep you from
making a complete fool of yourself.

Me? Hmm. I think you're jealous.

Jealous of what? Of that? Ha!

Did I fall or did you drop me?

Hi, hi, hi. Hi, hi. You okay?

Yeah, okay. Okay.

I'm okay. I think
I need a little air.

Are you okay,
Ralph? Yeah, I'm okay.

I'll give you a little help.
No, no. You stay right here.

I'm... I'm, uh... Tell Dale all
about our Mexican furniture,

only don't you give away
any of our trade secrets.

Oh, order me another,
uh, "pop, pop, pop."


204, please. Thank you.

What are you... Whoa!

How did you get in
here? Me? Let me go!

How did you get in here?

What were you doing in...

Now that the first aid's over,
I'd like you to meet my wife.

- Ralph, Trudy, this is Jana.
- Hi.

Don't "Hi" me, you sneak.

You wanna try it again? Only
this time I'll hide in the closet.

- Come on, honey. Take it easy.
- Why should I?

She breaks into our room, goes
through my things, zonks me cold...

Ladies, ladies. May I
make a suggestion?

Why don't we all calm down, stop
wasting our time and our energy...

and admit what we're here for?

Now, as far as I'm
concerned, this says it all...

A loupe, a leverage gauge
and a diamond scale, yes?

See? I told you she was
going through our things.

Come on, Trudy. Come on.
Please. Take it easy. Hmm?

Now, we happen to
be very nice people.

- Yeah, you're lovely.
- To prove it to you,

I'm willing to give you
$3,000 for your time

and your trouble and
bid you bon voyage.

Even with a lump on my
head, that's very funny.

What she means is
we've gotten to where we

like it here. You wanna
take a look at this?

It's a little, uh, sample
of the merchandise.

Some of the furniture we
came down here to buy.

One of 26 different pieces.

- Excellent.
- Mm-hmm.

And we've already
made the deal, folks.

So if anybody's moving
on, it'll have to be you two.

Uh, just one minute. Hmm?

Hon, you feeling any better?

Some dumb chick
I turned out to be.

Well, you caught
her, didn't you?

Seems to me it was the
other way around. Mmm.

Listen. If, uh, you're
willing to be reasonable,

maybe we can still do
some business, hmm?

Come on!

Come on, Big Red.
Get him! Go, go, go.

If nobody minds, we're
going back to our room.

Watching two roosters beat to death doesn't
exactly turn us on, you know what I mean?

Just stick around until we
get things settled, okay?

What's to settle? We've got an
outlet waiting for us in Mexico City...

that'll pay us 60
cents on the dollar.

That's just the point. I can
handle it for you right here.

Sixty cents on the dollar? You
know what you're talking about?

You're talking
about, uh, $308,000.

I know. Give me two days.

Come on. Get up
and fight, you quitter!

- Your wife's cute.
- Thank you.

You know, she's a very
basic woman, Trudy.

That's one of the
reasons I love her.

Listen, if you wanna
make the deal at that price,

you must've found a pretty
good exchange for yourselves.

Indeed I do. Seventy
on the dollar?


Which leaves 10%
for the Franklins...

and saves the Ordways a
hell of a lot of runnin' around.

Now, doesn't that make
sense to everybody?

All right.

You come up with the money in
24 hours, maximum, and we swing.

Fair enough.

Provided I get to see the
rest of what we're buying.


There's a furniture factory
over on the Calle de Flores.

We'll meet one of you there
tomorrow at noon. Why just one?

Because you swing a mean flowerpot,
lady, and we'd like to keep the odds even.

You know what I'd
like to see some day?

The owners put in the ring
and tear each other apart.

Well, we aren't the only
early birds up and about.

You get the feeling the Ordways
have checked out of the hotel?

They never had the
stones to start with.

Yup, and I bet they knew
we were gonna rip 'em off.

Think about it, Cliff. They
know where we are right now.

Gee, Pep, I hate to say I told you
so. This road would get to anybody.

Oh? You think
it's the road, huh?

Thought maybe it might
have had somethin' to do...

with all that soda pop
you were pop, pop, poppin'.

I just regret I have but one
stomach to give to my department.

Can I write that down?
You can write this down:

The next time I drink tequila, it
won't be with a flowerpot chaser.

They're not going to Mexico
City. Hmm. Not by car anyway.

Well, we just passed
our friendly federale.

Soon as they get to
the airport, they're ours.

Do you hear something?

Yes, I certainly do.

Buenos días, señor.

Say, w-why didn't you stop the
guy ahead of me? Yo no hablo inglés.

I said why didn't you stop the guy ahead
of me? He was goin' as fast as I was.

Lo siento mucho,
pero no hablo inglés.

That plane... where's it going?

What, Flight 472?

I-I don't know the number.
The plane that just took off.

That is Flight 472,
señor. Where is it going?

Well, you can see it right
here for yourself. Oh. Okay.

Flight 472, uh, lands in Tijuana
for direct connections north.

Right. Thanks.


Hello? It's them.

They got the stuff? They got
the stuff? Shut up, will you?

Yeah. Cliff, how's it goin'?

Look, you're gonna have to speak
up. We got a lousy connection.

Did you get the stuff?

Now, all I want you to do
is to meet that plane. Okay?

You know the time and the
place. Just be there, all right?

Okay, it's all settled. They'll
pick 'em up after they land.

Señor Franklin?

Señor Franklin,
you're under arrest.

I don't understand. What for?

I have a deposition signed
by two American police officers.

One of them, incidentally,
a very beautiful blonde.

They're cops?

Stating that you tried to
purchase stolen jewelry?

Look, Officer, you
know as well as I do that

no deposition's gonna
hold up in any court.

Let's just say that it will
detain you long enough.

And if it doesn't, I always
have this traffic citation.

Flight 109, Los Angeles to
Reno, is now boarding at Gate 18.

Right there. What?

This is gonna be interesting.

Do you have anything to declare?

- Uh, just this.
- That's all? Just the one bottle?

Well, only one of us drinks.

That's it. What?

Stones are in the bottle.
Won't they take it from them?

No, dummy. Watch.

Uh, is there any duty on the
tequila? Well, you're in luck, sir.

You just made the
legal limit... one quart.

Well, what do you know? For
once we did something right.

Thank you very much.

Thank you.

Hey. Here they come.

What about the dude
in the funny clothes?

What funny clothes?

Yeah, they just got on the elevator.
They're coming down to the lobby now.

Roger. We're ready.

All passengers holding
tickets for Flight 109,

Los Angeles to Reno,
please report to Gate 18.

You're not getting off at
the main floor, Mr. Ordway.


Yeah? They didn't get off.
They kept on goin' down.

Damn it. We've been had.

Pop fly to center...

Go over there and sit
at that table. You too.

You folks just make yourself
cozy. It won't take but a second.

Has a stand-up double,
and he missed by inches...

I forgot it was Sunday. What?

The game's on. It's that old boy
next door. He listens to all them games.

Football, baseball,
hockey... Don't make no

difference. He could
care less what it is.

Wonder what the score is. What?

Wonder what the score is.

What a waste of good tequila.

They're not here.

What makes me mad is we
just had all that stuff pressed.

Come on. Stand
up. Get over here.

Come on now.

Now, you empty out that purse and
let's see what you got in your pockets.

You're wastin' your time.

All right.


You don't think we're stupid
enough to carry it on us, do you?

Well, you had it
when you left Mexico.

When we left Mexico, it was in the
mail already, in a plain cardboard box.

That's right. So that little
cap pistol ain't worth a dime.

No, if you want what we got,
you're gonna have to deal for it.

He hits a curveball.
Smothered by Phillips!

I think somebody
just hit a home run.

It's me... Emery.

We got some problems. You
better get over here right away.

Didn't those dummies who work in
baggage think it was a little strange,

two men coming out of
an elevator holding guns?

Why should they? They
were wearing security uniforms.

That's another thing.
Where'd they get the uniforms?

Well, we don't know, Lieutenant.

But I imagine by the time our
people finish lookin' around out there,

they'll find a couple of guys in
some closet with their B.V.D.s.

So two men come out of an elevator
pointing a gun at a man and a woman,

and nobody can muster up enough curiosity
to say, "Hey, what's it all about?"

It's a hell of a day's
work. That's all I can say.

As we go into the
bottom of the ninth inning,

the Dodgers holding
on to a 5-4 lead.

Five runs, 11 hits, one error.

The Giants four runs,
nine hits and three errors.

It's about time.

They're police!



Are you sure? Yes.
Yes. We saw those two.

At the headquarters. They got
off the elevator. I remember it.

Her face in particular.

Where you goin', Emery?

They're cops. They got
the stones. They've seen us.

Where the hell do
you think I'm goin'?

Oops. Sit down there.

You're just a can
sittin' on a fence.

I'll blow you over the
backside of the hill. Sit down.

What happened to Emery?

Thought he was supposed to be
your number one big shot operator.

Hey, Emery! You
better hightail it.

They're right behind
you. Get goin'.

Maybe you oughta get away too,
while you've still got the chance.

Why is that, darlin'?
We surrounded?

I'm gonna stick around
here. I'm too loyal.

I wanna help out my buddies.

It was never supposed
to happen like this!

Ain't that the truth.
Don't you sweat.

I'll get you out of this
mess, one way or another.

You know what he means, don't
you? You know what he means?

Oh, if there were only some
way you could understand.

It was never supposed
to happen like this!

After 40 years, working
10 hours a day...

I didn't make this
economic mess!

I give honest value, pay my
taxes, even say prayers to God.

After 40 years, we're failing!

Mr. Victor, what he means is, you
pay him enough money, he'll kill us.


That music... That's that boy next door.
He listens to all them sportin' events.

And it'll be just the same as if
you pulled the trigger yourselves.

Isn't there some kind of a
deal we can make, Officer?

Some way you can
guarantee we won't go to jail?

We can try.

Yeah, yeah. She won't...

She'll make a deal for ya.

She'll give you about
seven, eight years in the joint.

After today, all them
conspiracy charges you

been fishin' turn your
head right around.

All I was trying to do
is save my business.

You kidnapped police
officers, held them at gunpoint...

But if you had no prior
knowledge, you're not involved.

But I did have knowledge.

But think, Mr. Victor. Compared
with murder, those are minor charges.

It don't make no difference.
You know as well as I do...

you go to the joint, and
the Mrs. go with you.

We couldn't take
it. We would die.

We're too old. We
couldn't survive.

I'm gonna fix it so you don't have
to worry for the rest of your lives.

For how much money?

Oh, no, Sam. Please.

Now, just the insurance
money. That's it. That's all.

How could you consider
anything like this? How could you?

I'm willing to pay them,
but they won't take it.

They'd lock us up,

in different places where
we couldn't possibly survive.

We would never
see each other again.

And Sherry and
David and the kids...

I-If you love me,
Sam, don't do this.

Listen to her, Sam. What
she says makes sense.

They need us, Hannah. How
can they get along without us?

And we still need each other.

Mr. Victor!

Well, folks. Ball game's over.

You might as well sit down.

Sit down.

You're never gonna
see a cent of that money.

Why is that, honey?

Those jewels were on memo,
consigned by a dealer from New York.

His insurance company has the
right to subrogate against the Victors...

and take everything they own.

Yeah, well, you
wrong again, see?

'Cause they're gonna
make a settlement.

They give 'em
half, see? $50,000.

Just so them poor folks
wouldn't go out of business. See?

Now, what I want is them stones.

You know, you use that
thing, you kill two cops...

You're gonna have cops swarmin'
over you like ants over sugar.

Have you thought about that?

"Have you thought about that?" Says that
real pretty. Yes, I thought about that.

And the conclusion
I've come to...

is I didn't kill two cops, see?

I kill me two finks... by
the name of Ordway...

A couple of
second-rate jewel fences.

You're gettin' kind of fuzzy-headed
there, aren't you, friend?

Fuzzy-headed? All I know is,
friend, that I want them stones.

- We don't have them.
- "We don't have them."

You said that real pretty
then. "We don't have them."

Well, you know somethin'?

In my fuzzy way of thinkin',
I think you do have them.

Tell you the truth, I don't think
you let them out of your sight.

You couldn't afford to lose 'em,
not on what they're paying you.

Now, could you?
Am I right? Am I right?

Yeah, I'm right.

And the jackpot
question is, see,

which one of you two has
'em and where you keepin' 'em?

Stand up.

Why? Not you, Romeo.

You stand up. I'm gonna have a little
talk with you, just you and me. Come on.

What about?

I'm gonna talk to you about
where you got them stones stashed.

You know, I think
you got 'em in your

brassiere. That's where
I think you got 'em.

You're insane.

That's a very loosely thrown
around word, you know that?


But I've heard that
many times in my life.

My dear mom used
to tell that to me,

and a whole multitude of
schoolteachers used to tell that to me,

and some acquaintances I met
in the joint used to tell that to me.

But right now, in this
moment of my life, see,

I'm holdin' this piece on
you, and you're lookin' into it.

So it don't make no difference who's
insane, who's sane. Know what I mean?

So why don't you, uh, disrobe?

I don't have to do this.

Yes, you do, because
I'm tellin' you to now.

Take it off. You got
'em and I want 'em.

Come on.

Pep, looks like he's got us.

What do you mean, "us"?

Well, I mean, when you're
faced with a situation like this,

best thing to do is
just relax and enjoy it.

See that?

Crowley, I think you've
blown your cotton-pickin' mind.

You know what I think is,
I think you're stallin', see?

Now, don't do that to me. Just
unbutton it. Come on. Take it off.

Easy, Romeo. I'll blow
your head off. Come on.

Where you goin'?
I'm goin' back here.

No, you comin' out here.
I'm not going to take it off...

Get out here, or I'm gonna
take it off for you. Now, come on.

I'll go back here. Yeah. I can't
see you. Come on out here.

- This is good enough.
- Pep, do it.

Come on.

Pep, do it now!

Operator. Police emergency.

One... Here's a copy
of the Victors' statement,

- in case either of you
are interested.
- Not right now.

Ah, the whole thing
seems so stupid.

You better be careful. You're
startin' to feel sorry for 'em.

The trouble with you people
from Criminal Conspiracy...

is all of you were
born without souls.

You got a heart of gold, Paul.

Speaking of souls, William,

- I have just one question
for you.
- What's that?

Just how far were you willing to
let me undress for our kooky friend?

Well, let's face it, kid.
Our lives were at stake.

I guess I was willing to
make the ultimate sacrifice.

I hope real soon we run
into a lady jewel thief...

A nice, tough, aggressive,
liberated female.

- It wouldn't work.
- Why not?

She'd never believe
I was wearing a bra.

Would she?