Played (2013–2014): Season 1, Episode 1 - Drugs - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Look at this place. I love it in here.

I get giddy every time I step on the stage,

my heart pounds.

You bought this place? It's yours?


It's got potential, don't you think?

I swear to God, I never know
what you're gonna do next.


David, thank you for this meeting.

As you know,

I'm a little behind this month.

Minor distribution issue.

But I'm dealing with it,
it's not gonna be a problem.

I need you to give me one more week.


one more, okay?

You know me David, I'm good for it.


You're gonna have to speak up a little bit.

Cause they can't hear
you in the cheap seats.

How long we known each other, Martin?

12, 15 years?

I was there when your son was born.

We stayed up all night
drinking whiskey, remember that?

And now...

now you're lying to me.

No, David.

You see that? They took
the race off the turf,

main track, it's muddy as hell.

He's got a late kick, but he
needs some fractions to run at.

Hi, buddy.


I'll be right over there,
whenever you're ready, okay?

Two minutes.

This is Donny.

Hi, Donny. Now you look like trouble.

Hey, easy.

Two minutes. He's packing on the left side.

Got it.

Brandis. Stand by.

Two minutes 'til the
drop buy. He's packing.

Okay. We're ready lets do this.

Let's go!

Come on, come on....

No, no, no, no.

Come on!

What? What did you do, bet the farm?

Hey, man. I've been there, alright?

What am I talking about?
I'm there right now.

I've got two guys breathing
down my neck for vig.

That's why we're here, right?

Forget our troubles,

Let's do some business.
So, what do you say?

Just give me a second,
okay? I'll be right back.

Where you going?

What's up?

I have no idea.

Guy just came in, they're on the patio.

I've seen this guy before. See
if you can get a better look.

Blair's upset.

Looks like he's in
trouble. Who is this guy?

See if you can get a photo.

Come on, let's go. We're here
to make a buy, let's make it.

Quiet. Brandis, get off the air.

There's a new player here.
Something bigger going on.

Something's wrong.

Get out here, he looks
like he's gonna bolt.


All good?

Yeah. Yeah, no, I'm good.

I'm fine.

Let's get out of here.

Brandis, it's off.

Moreland gave the signal, no arrest.

What the hell is he doing? This is my bust.

What's going on?

You come out on the
patio, you're all stressed.

Screw it.

Nine pack. You in or out? Right now.

I don't know, I think
I'm gonna have to pass.

Wait, wait.

There's a guy. I'm in large, he's pushing.

I was gonna pay him back but...

But your horse had to win.

Alright, I'm in. Nine pack it is.

There it is, money for coke. Why
are we not taking this guy down?

No, no, no way. no way.

Uh oh.

*** your debts.
Guy's got you spooked, right?

Owe your debts.
Guy's got you spooked, right?

What? What's wrong?

Just hold on a sec, I'll be right back.

Let's go, taking this guy down right now.

Stay away from me! I told you, no arrest.

Hey. Easy, easy.

Put that away, it's fine. it's fine.

Like I said. You're not the
only one with debts, right?

Can we get the hell out of here? Come on.

We were there to make an arrest.

All he had to do was buy
the coke, that was his job.

Circumstances changed.

Yeah, that's not your decision to make.

Middle of a play, you just
don't call it off like that.

Sure I can.

What circumstances?

This guy showed up, on the patio.

He's Donny Blair's back end.

And you know that how,
exactly? You've got a hunch?

If we stay on Blair, he'll
lead us to the supplier. Yeah.

You don't know that.

Brandis, am I talking too fast,
because I can slow down for you...


Look, it's part of the
play I was working, alright?

The fact that he's too
thick between the ears.

John, that's enough!

I'm gonna need a new undercover.

You're off the case, Brandis. I'm sorry.

We'll be taking it from here.

This is Rebecca Ellis. Detective
Sergeant. She's with the C.I.U.

Never heard of it, right? We're new.

Can I see that?

This is bold.

Detective Moreland is out of control.

You need to take his badge.

If you don't, I'll put
in a formal complaint,

and charge him with assault.

Typical drug squad behaviour,

go for the bottom feeder
and don't break a sweat.

It's a numbers game with these
guys, it's all about the stats.

He's got a point, though.

You can't assault another cop.

Brandis is well connected, John.

And you've done this one too many times.

C.I. what?

U. Stands for Covert Investigations Unit.

An Undercover unit.

A special undercover unit.
Only the very best cases.

You got a choice, John.

You can go either go on suspension,

or you can go work for Rebecca.

I don't care which, because if
there's one thing I learned about you,

is that you need a handler.

Really, you're just gonna sit at
home while I go after the bad guy?

yeah, I could use a vacation.

You can keep your team. Maria
and Daniel, I want them, too.

I have a budget, a covert office,

and I will protect you,
John, I will let you work.

I don't like being managed.

You'll have to get past
that. I'm a stickler.

Alright, the minute this
guy's in cuffs, I'm done.

Is that what you're telling yourself?

You have zero leverage. I hold
all the cards. You get that, right?

Now, tell me about your hunch.

Hey, guys. This is Rachel.

Rebecca. Hi, guys. Good work today.

Okay, here's the deal, listen up.

I took this photo ten years ago.

This guy supplied coke to half the city.

He was well-insulated, and paranoid.

We knew nothing about this guy.

We didn't even know his name. Now,
all of a sudden, he disappears.

Presumably left the country.

You're saying this is the same guy?


That's Donny Blair's supplier, guaranteed.

Good hunch.

So, we have an office. Simcoe and Pearl.

It's covert, there's a door
at the back, you can drive in.

I'll see you there.

Welcome to the C.I.U.


It's alright.

I'm gonna keep an eye on Donny.


Who's your informant, that guy
on Dundas. What's name? Manny?

Manuel, yeah.

I want you to go to him now,

show him the photos, see
if he can I.D. it, okay?

Maria, I want you to go back to the files,

all that spin we did on Blair.

see if patio guy shows up.

I want this guy. He is
not getting away again.

John. Stop talking.

What happened to Brandis?

Brandis? I got suspended,
and then I didn't.

We're working for her now.

- What?
- We're okay with that?

Yeah, don't worry about
it, it's temporary. Yeah.

And now I'm instantly worried.

You're losing it, you know that?

Come on, let's go. Maria, the files.

He's crazy.

Hey, kiddo.

Are you working right now?


Buying drugs? Telling lies?

Where's your mother?

You mean your ex-wife?
She's out with Joanne.

Hey, did you listen to that song?

I sent you the mp3.

Yes, I did.

Did you?

Of course I did.

What did you think of the drum track?

I thought it was kickass.

Hold on, Emmy, hold on.

There was no drum truck
on that song, was there?

Alright, honey, I'm sorry.

I thought you meant the
other song, I got mixed up.

- Bye, Dad.
- Emmy?

Emmy, wait, wait.

Donny, what's up brother?

Hey, man, listen, I might
need a wing man for tonight.


I gonna wine and dine this guy,

he's the single most boring
person on the face of the earth.

Are you in? You wanna join?

You bring your lady, man. I
promise I'll show you a good time.

Of course I'm in, where?

Aria, table by the window.

Alright, I'll see you there.

Alright, man, awesome.

Hey, what's up.

Blair's inside, he wants me to join him.

So, who's that with him?

Don't know.

He's not a dealer, you can
tell by the way he's dressed.

And he's drinking from the bottle.

- Transport, maybe?
- Maybe.

He's gotta be connected
to Blair's supplier.

Did you talk to your guy Manuel?

Blair's got his regular
game on college, right?

Big money game.

Apparently he's been on a streak.

Not the good kind.

How bad?

Low six figures.

Eighty grand last week alone.

Kid's in trouble.

So, this... this new unit thing.

What's her name, Rachel?


Rebecca, right. Right.

You think it's temporary?

Look, I'm just saying, alright?

whatever you wanna do, I'm good.

I'll get suspended, too.

You just gonna tell me
who I should punch out.


I'm gonna do some police work now, okay?

Okay, we're not gonna push,

we're gonna let Donny take the lead.

And see how it goes on.


Okey, Let's get this guy
talking and find out who he is.

Let's do this.

There she is.

The lovely...


Maria, that's right. Look at you.

What you're doing with this guy,
I got no idea, I swear to God.

It's all about the blow.

This is my associate, Brian.

Hi, Brian. Hi.

It's nice to meet you.

Now you look like you know how to party.

We're gonna have a time tonight, my friend.

As soon as I ditch this guy.

You gotta ditch him.

You okay? Maria, you okay?



Get out of here now,
before the cops get here.

Get out of here now!

You okay?

Okay, okay...

In my purse there's some water.

It's the adrenaline.

It's okay.

I couldn't see through the window.

It's okay, Maria.

John, we weren't prepared.

We shouldn't have been there.

- Hey, you alright?
- Yeah.

What did you see?

It was a hit, John.

- Did you get a look at the guys face?
- No.

Homicide, they are on scene? are they?

Yeah. Look, that's what we
saw this morning, on the patio.

That's why Blair was rattled.
He was getting his orders.

I don't know, man.

No, he was the setup guy, John.

His job was to take that
target to the restaurant.

Then why call John? Why bring us into it?

I don't know.

I don't think Blair
knew it was gonna happen.

There was a look on his face.

It's our new boss.

We're wanted at the office.

Doesn't look like an HQ.

I think that's the idea.

Hey. It's nice, right?

It's a former steam distribution center.

So I just woke up a federal agent.

I had to break the news about the shooting,

and he started screaming
at me like it was my fault.

Like I was the one that pulled the trigger.

These are surveillance photos.


So the Feds have I.D. this guy.

That's right.

His name was Brian Carbone.

He owned a trucking firm, and
he was shipping mucho drugs

across the border.

- Hold on, can we take a step back here?
- Sure.

- Who are you exactly?
- Yeah.

Sorry, my fault. Officer Khali Bhatt.

She'll be helping with surveillance,

handling all the gear,
looking after evidence, tech.

I'm your staff.

Nice to meet you.

So, let me guess, he
was talking to the feds.

He was about to flip,
and he came this close.

That's right.

His employer, patio-guy,
found out and had him killed.

Like I said, using one of his dealers.

Donny Blair, to set it up.

So why didn't Donny know? Why
not let him in on the plan?

Because he didn't trust him?

Then why use him? I mean,
now he's a loose end.

He was at the same table,
why not kill him, too?

You're right. It doesn't make sense.

Your friend, this federal agent.

Can... can you send him a
photo of Blair's supplier?


Alright, we need to pick up some
surveillance on Blair, right now.

You should call him.
He'll be expecting it.

Sorry to interrupt. John, can
I see you in my office, please?

- Can we do it later?
- We can do it now.

You still got some blood on your face.

I've promised to deliver Blair to homicide

by end of the day tomorrow,

- So when you find him...
- Forget it.

You can arrest him.

- If we pick up Blair...
- Am I gonna do it?

Listen to me here, okay?

If we pick up Blair now,

Any shot we got to get close to his boss,

who, by the way, is a major supplier

and a serious bad guy here, okay?

- That's gone. It's disappears.
- It's a murder.

It takes priority and you know that.

We'll talk to Blair
before we hand him over,

It's the best I can do.

What, is this your undercover
rotation? Looks good on the r?sum?.

Help you make inspector that kind of thing

You've been written up eleven times
for insubordination. Suspended twice.

Which I have to say, has
gotta be some kind of record.

You could've had your pick of UCs for this unit.

- Why did you pick me?
- Because you're extraordinary.

And I want to work with the best.

So you'll arrest Donny Blair?

John, I had no idea, I swear to god.

You realize that was a hit, Donny. Right?

That was a professional job.

I would never have asked you to come

if I knew that was gonna happen, man.

- Donny, who was that guy?
- I can't tell you.

- Why not?
- I can't talk about it, man.

Donny, I was sitting at the table, okay?

Why don't you just tell me...

So what do you think, are we gonna do this?

I'm sorry?

I guess we don't have a choice.

How you doing?


I just wanna say I'm sorry, okay?

This wasn't my call.

You're a cop?

Donny Blair you're under arrest for,

among other things, trafficking in cocaine.

She's gonna screw up.

Don't be so sure.

Seven buys,

along with fifteen transactions
with eight of your other customers.

I have plenty of photos,
would you like to see more?

No, thank you.

So far you're looking
at ten to twelve years.

What else? Associating with
a criminal organization.

The murder of Brian Carbone.

I had nothing to do with that.

You drove him there, Donny.

You set it up. That's accessory too.

I didn't know he was gonna get killed.

- Khali, can you move in closer on his face?
- On it.

What's he not saying?

Here's the thing about you, Donny.

You've got what they call
an addictive personality.

You like to sample the product.

And you like to play cards,
often at the same time,

which is never a good idea.

And now you're down
over three hundred grand,

and that makes you vulnerable.

Here's what I think happened.

This guy gave you an order,
and you carried it out.

All the debt you're in, you
had to, you had no choice.

And now, you're a liability.

And when you get to prison,

sorry, Donny, but you're
probably gonna get killed.

It's not gonna happen.

It's not gonna happen.

Why is he not scared?

That's it.

That's the reason he's so sure of himself.

I got it. I got it.

You're gonna tell me this guy's name.

Can you give us a moment?

Excuse me?

Just one minute.

Come on, Donny, don't look at me like that.

I'm sorry I turned out
to be a cop. Alright?

Who is this guy?

Is he your father?

Your uncle?

I'm right, aren't I?

It's the only reason why you're not dead.

But the big question is,

why didn't you know about the hit, Donny?

How come he didn't tell you about that?

Is it because he couldn't
trust you? Is that it?

You're in hell.

You're actually living in hell right now.

With all the drugs, and the debts.

You're completely out of
control, and you're terrified.

You wanna know something?

I know exactly what it's
like, 'cause I've been there.

Guess what? I can fix all this.

I can make it so that you can walk away,

you don't have to go to prison.

You can just disappear. New
life, new name, new city.

You don't have to be Donny Blair anymore.

No, no, no, no.

Here we go.

You can't offer him protection.

Rebecca, these guys are family,

they're stuck with each other, okay?

Donny's gonna need to get
back in favour with his uncle.

And his uncle's gonna want that, too.

Just a second.

And because of that, he'll
be willing to take a risk.

A risk, Rebecca.

So what does he need right
now? He needs transport, right?

He's already taken out his own
guy, so what does little Donny do?

He comes up with a bright idea.

- He knows someone.
- Exactly.

A friend of his. A client.

I have no record. I have no flags.
I have no issues at the border.

And guess what? I need money fast,
I need it right now. I'm desperate.

Rebecca, we'd be stupid
if we didn't try it.

It's our break.

I made a deal with Homicide.

Well make another one, hot shot.

Make the call.

Your right, John. His name is David Thorpe.

He's my uncle.

He's got forty kilos stashed in a
storage locker across the border.

And he's worried about it.

- Tell us about your uncle.
- What about him?

What's he like?

I don't know. He's normal, he's
got an ex-wife, two kids, a dog.

Just normal.

The thing is, he doesn't like criminals.

He likes people with families.
It's all about the family.

You wanna get close to him,
that's your way in, family.


So we set up a house, a normal house.

I'm a guy, with normal
problems, just like Thorpe,

I live with my wife, Maria,

I have a son from a previous marriage,

because I'm all about family, right?

I'll get you some photos.

Actually, better yet, get me a son.

Someone he can meet and talk to.

Who do we know that's young?

- I've got a guy. I'll call him.
- Alright.

Make sure he looks seventeen, eighteen.

He does.

What's going on? You're okay?

She's on board for this?

What is it?

You really think this guy
gonna flip on his uncle?

Maria, what's on your mind?

John, you're moving too fast.
You want this guy too much.

And don't tell me it's none of my business

'cause if I'm in that house with
you, my life's in danger, too.

You think I'll put your life in danger?

Yesterday, you attacked a cop.

You live alone, you work all the time.

So do you.

John, you lost your family,

your daughter.

You're anything but normal.

If you can't pull this
off, this guy will kill you.

That's what's on my mind.

Hey, kiddo, it's me, again.

I guess this is the silent treatment, huh?

Look, Emily, I'm really sorry,
okay? If you could just call me back.

I'd really like that, okay?

Alright, bye. I love you.


She sent me a song. I
said I'd listen to it.

But then I lied.

And so I'm trying...

Right up there in the smoke
detector. Right inside.

- Okay.
- Yeah.

Okay, everybody, this is Jesse Calvert.

He just graduated from the
academy, two months ago.

Detectives Moreland and
Cortez. Officer Bhatt.


Alright, you're my son.

You live with your mom in
a condo down by the lake.

You're coming over for
dinner, and we don't get along.

- No problem.
- Okay.

I've got one rule. Don't act.

Use your own life, be
yourself, not somebody else.

Do you understand me?

Yes, sir.

Do you call your father "sir"?

Because in this job,
doesn't matter who you are,

if you're a pimp, dealer, or accountant,

you still gotta be yourself.

Alright, Let's get you prepped.

You live with your mother...

Put this on. There's a
microphone in the buckle,

it's got a range of, like,
three hundred metres max,

so don't go far.

So, cameras are there, and there.

There's two more outside.

I need to you to be visible to one
of them at every moment, okay?


The muscle has arrived.

And here comes Thorpe.

The driver's getting out.

Here we go.

Hi. Come in. I'm Maria,
I'm John's wife.

- David. Pleasure.
- Sure.

- Hey.
- Hi. Donny, right?

- Yeah.
- We met at the...

Hey. Very nice to see you, again.

Yes. Nice to see you, too.

Well, I made us some fresh coffee.

Would you like some coffee?

No, thank you, we're fine.

Please make yourselves comfortable,
John will be down in a second.

- Thanks.
- Thank you.

There he is.

I'm sorry, but my son called.

Hi, I'm John.

- This is my Uncle David.
- Pleasure.

Jesse said he's running
late, but he's on his way.

Okay, great.

Well, do you wanna talk inside here?

Why don't we sit outside?
It's a beautiful day.

- Great idea.
- Right.

It's a really nice house, John.
It's the first time I've seen it.


What kinda work do you do?

I'm a bond trader. I have a
little boutique firm downtown.

And you're divorced.


There he is. Hey, Jess.

It's my son.

Come over here, I wanna
introduce two colleagues of mine.

This is Donny Blair.

- Hey.
- Jess, David.


So you don't live here with your dad?

I live with my mother. We got this condo.

Yeah, we...

we just live right down
by the lake, two bedroom...

I got here on... I took my bike.


Don't loss it, Jesse.

He's starting university next year.

It's hard to believe
how quickly they grow up.

Can I go?

Just hold on a second. Come here.

Look at me.

Are you on something?


He's saving it, he's playing a cokehead.

Get inside.

Get inside now.

I apologize. He's...

he's going through a bad time right now.

As I was saying, Uncle David,
John is a client of mine.

He's a real good guy,

and he wants to help us out,

with the transport.

Have you got some time right now?

Something I'd like to show you.

Yeah, of course.

We'll ride with Carl.
You can follow in my car.


Just let me tell my wife, alright?

What the hell?

Honey? Hi.

Don't do this.

Tell Daniel, not too close.

He's gonna get in the car.

So where we headed?

Your phone.

You're lying to me, John.

Why you lying?

Daniel, don't lose them.

No chance.

We're right behind you.

Damn. Let's go.

Stand over there.

What's going on? Everything cool?

I just bought this place.

It's got potential, don't you think?

- Yeah, it's great.
- Yeah.

Are you a policeman, John?


Have you enlisted my nephew,
is that what's happening here?

You've flipped him?

Uncle David, no.

Of course not.

Are you lying to me right now?

Uncle David, nobody's lying.

I mean he's got some troubles.

You know?

So I imagine that would
make him an easy mark.

Look, I don't know where
you're getting these ideas from,

but I...

Do you know what undercover
cops do when they get challenged?

They get aggressive.

Outraged, even. It's a technique.

Uncle David.

Nobody's a cop, I told
you, he's a client of mine.

You can step back outside.

I'm gonna have a talk with Johnny here.

Go on.

Blair just came out, alone.

I'm gonna see if I can get closer.

Okay, we're close, we're almost there.

There's Daniel, I see him.

I just got audio, we're back in range.

Should we notify ETF?

Not yet.

Moreland's alone in there.

And if we go in too soon, he's a dead man.

He knows what he's doing,
we're gonna let this play.

So something like this...

you've been buying
drugs, gathering evidence.

You could arrest him,

but instead, you're making a play for me.

Look, Mr. Thorpe,

I don't know what I can do to convince you

that I'm not lying here, alright?

Just... just wait a second, alright?

Look, Donny, he owes me money, alright?

but he owes everybody...

That's enough.

You stop lying, John.

Start telling the truth.

The truth?

Donny told me that I should get a family.

He said that you trusted
guys with families.

So what you saw...

Oh man.

Alright, alright.


I punched a client right in the face.

He found out,

that I was stealing from his account.

Over a million. I gambled it, all of it.

And he comes after me and I...

I punched him.

And what you saw in the house...

that was my son...

he won't talk to me anymore.

My own kid.

He won't forgive me, for not being there.

For disappearing.

So I pay him a hundred
bucks to make an appearance,

and he shows up high as a kite.

I don't have a family...

not anymore.

I've got an ex-wife...

I love my kid.

I love my kid more than anything.

More than life.

I'm in trouble.

That's the truth.

My life is a complete mess.

And at some point I went off the rails.

And it just gets worse and worse and worse.

And I need to fix it.

Do you understand?


Alright, if you don't believe me...

then you shoot me.

Oh my God, what are we doing?

Pull the trigger.

Come on.

You pull the trigger. Come on, do it.

Come on, tough guy, you do that.

Come on, tough guy.

Do it!

Do it!

I'll do your job. I'll move your dope.

If you want to talk to me, I'll be outside.

He's out.

That's the signal. We're
good, we're on track.

It's gonna happen.

Police, freeze!

Police! Put your gun down! Put it down!

You wanna sit down?

Something I don't get.

How are you not dead?

You would have said anything
to Thorpe in that theatre.

You would have done anything.

Think you can stop doing that?

You know I think I'll
just take the suspension.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

I mean you got this HQ, you
got these really great resources

- and Khali is clearly...
- Amazing.


And you got the cases.

And we wouldn't just be working
with the drug squad, right?

Vice, TOC, white collar, guns, you name it.

Kinda your dream job, really.

The only downside is me.

And I'd have to follow your orders.

Every one.

You know, I'd rather just lose my job.

Get drunk, get bitter and depressed.

Well, that's your call.

I'll see you tomorrow.

You should offer that kid Jesse a job.

It's good, right?

Em, it's great.

Can I tell you something?

I don't care if you're a crappy dad.

I don't care about the song.

What I care about...

don't you get it?

I'm the one you don't lie to.

You don't ever lie.

No more lies.

I love you honey, okay?

Sleep well, alright?

You too.

That's my girl.