Pine Gap (2018): Season 1, Episode 1 - Episode #1.1 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Holy fuck.

Outside now.

It's in our mutual
interest to stand together...

Look, I think

Australians need to be
for Australians.

Americans need to be for Americans.

The sacrament of the alliance...

Prosperity without freedom

is just another form of poverty.

Trust but verify.

Today's COMINT tasking
was trying to pick up

anything from the Chinese chairman

at a private banquet he was hosting.

It turned out one of the guests was

our PM's Chief of Staff Robert Boyle.

So, we turned his phone
into a listening device.

The only way we could hear anything
under the circumstances...

What is this about?

Guess who took the opportunity

to access the metadata from the COS's
phone and download all his emails

from the APEC conference in Sittwe.

Did you read them?

That journo on BM-24 took a selfie
with Boyle at APEC

and Rohingya shooting the plane down
just doesn't make sense.

Did you read Boyle's email?
Yes, I read the emails!

Just the one
from the Prime Minister.

Did anyone else?


So, is it true? Is what they're
planning really on the table?

Is Australia...
Nothing's been finalised,

and NOTHING must leave these walls.

Kath, I just want to understand.

It's not your job to understand. Shh!

It's not your job to go out
private intelligence gathering.

There is no understanding this.

There is no... no nutting it out,
no analysing it.

You could be fired
and fucking imprisoned.

If you want to avoid

the shitstorm of all shitstorms,

you best start doing the job
that you signed up for,

reveal their secrets

and protect ours.

And just in case you've forgotten,

"they" is anyone who can't sing
Waltzing fucking Matilda

whilst holding
a current Australian passport.

I told you she wouldn't let it go.

Yes. You're very prescient.

You know what?
We should split up A-crew.

Get the Aussie unit as far away
from Pine Gap as possible.

No. No, we shouldn't.

All signs are Ethan and Rudi
have swallowed the Rohingya story.

But if they have any doubts,

suddenly organising
the transfer of 20 people

might just ring an alarm bell.

Every day they are here
doubles the risk

of Jasmina finding out
something more.

I said no.

It's lucky I was onto this fast.
She won't say anything now.

Yeah, because your measured approach

was sure to gain her cooperation
and trust.

And you would've handled it better?
I'd have handled it like an adult.

But that's you all over, you know?

Just when in doubt,
beat your hairy chest.

I made our position clear.

For fuck's sake, Jacob!

You alienated her

when we need her on side.

She should be on side already.

No reason why
she wouldn't be, is there?

It shits you, doesn't it?

Me being called in here
to save your little castle.

You OK?


Yeah, I'm fine.

where's our aircraft carrier?

It's still heading to
the South China Sea at 20 knots.

What about Chinese military comms?

Any sign they'll intercept?

No cancelled leave,
no recalled crew, just...

Business as usual.

If you're back,
I can take a loo break.

Kath? I've got Simon Penny out here
asking to see you.

Alright. Just...

Hey, Kath.


Look at all that green. Hey?

Courtesy of the taxpayers.

Well, as long as they're American
taxpayers, I guess it's not too bad.

What do you want?

Well, do you mind if I...?


There's a manager's position at
the Signals Directorate in Canberra.

I was thinking of
throwing my hat in the ring.

It's excellent pay.
Is that senior management?

Jeez, you're cutting it fine,
aren't you?

Applications close in two days.
Live by the edge.

That's my motto.

I was...
I was kind of wondering if... could stump a reference
for me.

I thought you liked ops.

I do. But Canberra's
closer to the family.

Are you confident you can meet
the selection criteria?

Yeah, well, a reference from
the Pine Gap DCOF wouldn't hurt.


...I have been in this business
a long time

and I do not think you are ready
for this position

and I do not think
a reference from me

is gonna make a bead of difference.

Listen, don't get me wrong.

Go get an MA in management,
do a stint acting at a senior level

and I'd be happy to revisit it.

But, Simon, look at the dates.

You left your run a bit late.

Yeah. That's... good advice.

Thanks, Kath.


So, what was Simon doing,
wandering around?

Yeah, he's, after a job
in Canberra.

Let me guess. Higher salary.

Yeah. It's also closer
to his family, so...


First things first - Jasmina.

I'm not about to arrest you
but we do need to set a trap.

Have her stumble across
some sensitive information,

watch her
and see what she does with it,

whether she passes it on to someone.

Yeah, I don't think
that's a goer right now.

Jacob has just given her
a bit of a roasting.

Over what?

Jasmina has a habit of
overstepping the mark on the floor.

There's nothing in it.
Just a personality clash.

Jacob came down on her
like a ton of bricks

and if she's our traitor,

he has just sent her
right back into the hole.

Will you please
direct your colleague

not to behave like a bull
in a china shop around her?

Listen, he is not in
the malware tent, remember?

No, he's not, is he? Why is that?

You seem to work well together.

Well, Ethan decreed the fewer people
who knew about it, the better.

I don't know.

Jacob could be useful.

Strikes me as a man
with hidden talents.

You don't agree?

I think it's a rare human being who
doesn't have something to hide, Rudi.

So, how do we solve a problem
like Jasmina?

I think we stop focusing on just her.

They're all the problem.



So, what happened earlier today?

Are you OK?

Yeah, I just had Jacob
breathing down my neck all afternoon.

I downloaded Boyle's emails.

And Jacob saw it?

Yep, and dobbed me in to Kath.

"Not your job to go off
private intelligence gathering."

"You could be fired for this."

So, was there anything in the emails

that could've been Lwin's
totes explosive news?


The ones from around the time
she took the selfie with Boyle

which are him and the Prime Minister

agreeing some decision needed to be
delayed until after the 23rd.

That was it?

You seemed kind of concerned,
even before Jacob caught you.

Well, yeah. Accessing an Australian's
metadata is a serious breach.

So, "cos" didn't stand for
"Chief of Staff"?

Do you think it will come to war?
The South China Sea?

As long as we have our
regional allies on side,

China will stay in their box.

What if the balance shifted?

What if, say,
Japan sided with China?

Japan hates China.
OK, us, then.

What if Australia is so sick of
America not guaranteeing our safety,

China offers us a deal.

If America ever declares war,
we'll stay neutral

and in return,
China will keep trading with us.

If Australia sided with China,

all our planes,
anti-submarine technology,

we would pull your access
to all that.

And the intel you get from Pine Gap.

It'd get ugly fast.

And you guys would end up
on your own.

Sure wouldn't be sending
any more Valentines.

Lucky we're on the same side, hey?

Sorry, can you just...?
Can you just, please...?

The emails on Robert Boyle's phone.

One of them was kind of...


China's offered Australia
a treaty of neutrality.

You're kidding?

We haven't signed it.

Not yet.


If Lwin read that,

I can see why she thought
it was totes explosive news.

The sort of news that Beijing
would want to keep secret

until it was a done deal that they
could wave in America's face.

They shot down BM-24. China.

To stop Lwin
from publishing her story.

I think it's possible...

No, it's more than possible. They
have hundreds of vampire missiles.

They have access to
the Bangladesh-Myanmar border

and military.

They shot down the plane and now
Australia's helping them cover it up

with this vengeful Rohingya BS
that Jacob and Kath are spinning.

You were told not to tell me this.

Yeah, but I...

I just haven't had a...

I just haven't had
a real relationship

since I joined the community,

and you can't talk about work

and no-one on the outside
just really understands

what the hell we do anyway.

And I'm just scared, you know?

I just don't want to end up
like Moses,

incapable of
a meaningful relationship

with anything other than a screen.

And then I met... I met you

and I thought, at last... last I wouldn't have to be
on my guard all the time.

You said... You said...

You said the other day
that we have to decide

what sort of relationship we want.

And I want one
that doesn't have secrets...

...and that doesn't start with a lie.

Danger Will Robinson.
Danger Will Robinson.

Danger Will Robinson.

Danger Will Robinson. Danger...

I know you're there.


I'm not trying to steal
or anything, OK?

I'm just trying to sleep.

You need to leave.

You owe me 50 bucks.

No, I don't.

You do so.

You revealed my best trick

to the whole world.

Did you...

Do you want me to... drive you home?

Here's me thinking you were brainy.

Hey. Hey.

Come on.

Just don't touch anything.

Yeah, alright.

Guessing you're into computers.

Don't touch anything.

Yeah, you said that.


Sorry, um...

I used to busk with it
before I learnt the whole maths...


Keep your eye on the ring.


Excuse me.

What's this?

I'm trying to figure out variations
in the Earth's magnetic field.

Yeah, right.

What do you want?

I told you. I'm just looking for
somewhere to sleep.

Well, why here?

You don't know anything about me.

I don't know.
You don't have a creepy vibe.

I could be a serial killer.

You're a total weirdo, but...

...I trust you.

So does this mean
I stay on your Valentine's list?

I'll give you a Valentine's any day.

The China stuff and the plane...

...we can't vet and confirm any of it.

If we ask questions,
they'll realise I told you.

I know.

Just speculation, hypothetical.

Nothing to see.

Listen, I'm going to Rudi
in the morning.

To confess I'm having close
and continuing Valentines

with a foreigner.

That's bold.

It was either that or we keep
sneaking out of each other's beds

at the crack of dawn every work day.

Boys missed you at dinner tonight.

Yeah. Sorry.

How was it with Paul today?

Took you to that place
where your painting's from?

Yeah. It was... was beautiful.

Just the two of you?

Paul's daughter, Immy,
from basketball.

Andre's been asking
about basketball.

All his friends
are in the local comp

and I was thinking of taking him
down and signing him up.

Maybe I can... if they need.

That's a great idea.

Just, you know, be careful.

Well, I doubt I'll be discussing
Pine Gap's role

in containing the rise of China.




Who the FUCK
do Australians think they are!?

There's more people in Shanghai

than in that entire shithole fucking
deserted fucking country and...

Is that who I think it is?

...really important, for fuck's sake.

Stupid, dumb cocksuckers!

It started on a website in Japan.

From there, the internet lit up
like the fourth of July.

China leaked it?

It's a great opportunity
to embarrass the President

and sow discord between us
and our allies.

The Aussies have already got their
sunburnt noses out of joint

over ANZUS.

Inflammatory material like this
is just too good an opportunity

for... Beijing to pass up.

This isn't linked to that
other matter - our work problem?


Nothing's been... moved.

Perhaps we should discuss this
in the morning.

For godsakes, Rudi.
You assured me you would handle this.

And I can.

Well, we're running out of time.

Measurable progress would be good.

May I join you? Australians think...?!

I thought we concluded the Chinese
Secret Service wouldn't release it

'cause they didn't want us knowing
their latest capacities.

So, someone found - shock, horror -
a bribe-able Chinese official,

made him an offer
he couldn't refuse.


You gonna invite me in?


How'd you find out where I lived?

G'day, Brucey.

Hello, mate.

Hello, mate.

Well, don't pat him like that.
He doesn't like it.

Yeah, he does.

He'll bite you.
No, he won't.

'Cause he misses me
and he wants me back in his life.

Don't you, buddy?
Nigh-night, Brucey.



I have to go to work.

You need to leave.

Thanks for letting me stay.

Mr Maths Nerd.

You still owe me 50 bucks, but.

You'd just spend it on booze... pot.

Yeah, right. Try a new phone.

This chick I know, Angelina,
she's got this case

and it's, like, pink
and there's glitter

and you tilt it
and it, like, moves.

Yeah, it's really cool.

Wait, wait.


Can I come back?

And as for Philip fucking Burke,

what a jackass.

He struts around like
some kind of world statesman,

and nobody gives a fuck
what he says.

And then he tries to lecture me
on peace in Asia.

Who the FUCK do Australians
think they are!?

There's more people in Shanghai than
in that entire shithole fucking...

Forget China.

America and Australia will be at war
at this rate.

That's not funny, Simon.

You know, when governments use
their intelligence agencies

to deliberately leak out
stuff like this,

it totally undercuts why we're here.

Doing whatever our governments
tell us is exactly why we're here.

You know, that is the kind of
attitude that just really shits me.

All we do is just point,
click and kill people.

But we save people.

You know, 100 Australian soldiers
would've died

in the East Timor uprising

if it wasn't for intel
from Pine Gap.

Did somebody get out of the wrong
side of the bed this morning? Jeez.

Hey, come on, guys. We're all
fighting for the free world here.

Hey, guys.



Talk about walk of shame.

No-one pelted us with vegetables.

The USS Bartlett
is 18 hours from the Nine-Dash-Line.

Washington hasn't decided yet
if it'll cross into

Chinese-claimed waters

as a response to
Beijing's provocation.

If the Bartlett does cross,

the Chinese government may choose
to ignore it, let it sail on,

or they may decide to sink it.

Well, they're under huge pressure
back home not to look weak,

with 1.4 billion patriots
breathing down their necks.

So, we need to be ready.

And while we know the location of
China's conventional submarine fleet,

ever since the Chinese military
switched encryption several days ago,

we have picked up no signals

from any of their six
nuclear-powered submarines.

Given that
they can stay below for weeks...

...they could be anywhere,

including near, or already in,
the South China Sea.

Our tasking in this region
just increased to priority 2.

We need to know what their next move
is and where those six subs are.

Actually, Australia has
some specific tasking today too.

The energy talks in Doha.

Australia wants to tie up an antenna
on trade negotiations today?

Canberra doesn't think
Pine Gap's resources

might be better deployed
on more pressing matters?

Rudi, given your President's
outrageous comments

about Australia
and the Prime Minister,

we think America
should be sending us flowers

and offering us make-up sex,

not quibbling over a single COMINT
antenna, to which we are entitled.

Of course.

If Australia thinks it's necessary.

We do.

This is a shared facility, Rudi.


Until a week ago,
I might have agreed with you.

As you can see, priority 2
task is now Chinese military comms,

politburo comms,

movement of conventional
and nuclear-powered naval vessels.

Any sign the PLA is getting ready
for action.

Now, whilst I'm on China,

there is a base-wide alert

off the back of President Kerr's

highly offensive audio.

We passed on that comment.
The CIA knew Beijing had it.

Calm down. Calm down.

We know it was China. They sold it
to some Japanese blogger.

But given the media interest

in the state of relations
between the USA and Australia,

Ethan and Kath
are reminding all crews

to be particularly vigilant
whilst off base.

If you see anything unusual,
anyone tries to pump you for info,

alert your manager.

And I know I don't need to remind you
of this, but I will anyway.

Loose lips sink ships.

Hopefully not the Bartlett.

Not bloody funny.

Hey. You haven't seen
the cleaners, have you?

I'm... spilling coffee
all over my office.

No. No.

Ops not busy?
Yeah. It is, actually.

I've just got a bit of a headache.



Did anything happen?
Did the malware alarm go off?

No. Why?

I was just down in the locker room
and Deb walked in

and I don't know how long
she's been off the ops room floor.

Why were you in the locker room?

Well, I was...

...just checking to see if any
of our POI's had an extra phone.

Whoever put the malware
in place...

...they need a phone to be able to get
the stolen information off the base.

You didn't think any of them

would be foolish enough
to use their own cells?

I can't believe anyone
would be foolish enough

to leave incriminating evidence
in their own locker.

Well, you'd be surprised.

The cleverest of us
do the stupidest things.

Searching their lockers
was a very big risk, Rudi.

And if I had found
the extra phone... would have been worth it.


Anything interesting?

Doha, Qatar, welcomes
our honoured friends from China.

We look forward to reaching
an equitable price

for Qatari liquid natural gas

that suits both our great nations.

Declaring a foreign preference?

I know I'm the one who suggested
you and Delic remain friends

but this is taking selfless
patriotism to a whole new level.

As I understand it, the approval
process is pretty standard.

Not for someone with a sensitive
compartmented information clearance.

You show any signs
of foreign influence,

and the NSA will construe that
as a conflict of interest

and there goes your hard-earned SCI
and your career.

She's gone through Australia's
highest security checks.

And we're allies. We share
practically everything with them.

Practically. Yeah.

Is Jasmina happy
to be working with Americans?

Of course.

Because to approve this,

the NSA is gonna want to be sure

she's not harbouring a secret grudge
against America

from her childhood
in the Balkan war.

Her parents were killed
by Kosovars, not us.

And I'm sure
you won't let your feelings for her

get in the way of
your other obligations.


A couple of overgrown kids.
If my son used language like that...


I'd like to sign my son up
for the under-10s, please.

Sign away.



Work at the base, do you?

The accent.

Um, my husband does. He's a gardener.

Go join them.


So, that's the basketball fan,

Yeah. With the blue cap.

He looks good. He's got skills.

You know, it's funny, isn't it?

We've both been living in Alice
for months but never met till now.

We move in different circles.

Mine's pretty small -
it's kids, kids, kids.

Yeah. Mine, too. Work, work, work.

And how is your work?

It's going well.

Just, submitted a new proposal

to the Central Land Council.

All that talk seems to be worth it.

I don't get to talk to anyone
about anything anymore.

What about your husband?

You know, he's caught up in his job.

My colleagues and I, we discuss,

mine specs, geological data,

price differentials.

But if you mention art or politics,

they look at me
as if I'm from another planet.

But with you...

...I feel I can say anything.

Mommy, I'm thirsty.

Here. Go.

The recording, thought to be leaked
from the President's hotel room

in which President Kerr

labelled Australian Prime Minister
Philip Burke as a "jackass",

has not yet been denied
by the White House.

The recording follows
an increasingly heated rhetoric

between President Kerr...
Meeting the parents.


Yeah. Of course.

Hi, Mr Thompson. It's nice
to meet you in the flesh. Sort of.

What's a pretty girl like you
doing with a loser like my son?

Gus has told me lots about West
Virginia. It sounds very beautiful.

Yeah. He doesn't come back here
to visit too often.

You know, Jasmina's
a climber as well, Dad.

And the other day,
we went to this crag

and we saw
these cute little rock wallabies.

What do you do, Jasmine?

I'm an admin
for the Australian Government.

Office work?

Then you two got plenty in common.

Anniversary of your brother's
graduation from the Academy soon.

Yeah. I know.

It must be hard. Your dad
misses your brother a lot.

He's the war hero.

Anything happen on the floor
while I was gone?

Trade talks.

China and Qatar
haggling over the price

Qatar wants
for its liquid natural gas,

but Australia wants China
to buy our gas, not Qatar's.

So, it helps to know what price
the competition is asking.


Lucky Pine Gap is here
to do commercial espionage.

Just ensuring the ongoing stability
of our economy.

Wait. It's the 23rd today.

Thanks, Georgia.

I see your little protege

is still digging at every enigma
she comes across.

And now she's turned her attention

to certain trade talks.

Well, that's part of the tasking.

What does she know?

Enough that,
given the slightest bump,

the penny will fall into the slot.

Now will you get rid of her?

You seriously think

the risk of Ethan and Rudi
asking a few awkward questions

outweighs the risk of what might
happen if she keeps on snooping.

From what I can see, she and Thompson
have gone from friends with benefits

to fucking picking out curtains.

You think she's gonna
be blinded by love.

Not all of us are led
by our fucking dicks, Jacob.

She takes her promises seriously.

What is it with you and A-crew,
inviting them to barbies,

making excuses for them?

Just transfer Delic
and the rest of the Aussies

the fuck out of here already!

Don't mess with the Australians
and don't tell me how to do my job.

Just because you don't understand,
at a fundamental level,

the meaning of loyalty,

does not mean the rest of us don't.

For fuck's sake.

How's tricks?

Are you gonna go for that job
in Fort Meade?

What job?
Program Director in Communications.

Most of the American MDs
are talking about it.

Not part of that club anymore.
What? 'Cause of that drone strike?

We know you got screwed over
in the politics of it,

but we all know
that you made the right call.

With the shit that's going down at
the moment, the NSA'd be looking for

someone not scared to take
a hard decision, wouldn't they?

Since when do you care
about my career?

Mate, I just thought
you'd be a good fit.

We're on the same side.


What did he want?

He was just messing with me.


Moses. Hey.

What do you want?

Nothing. I just... Just hi.

OK. Well, um,
I'll... see you tomorrow.

I don't... I don't mean to intrude.

I take a walk this way.
I... I've seen you.

I take it you're not here
to study the form.

I'm not sure I should, even.


Have you noticed anything odd
about... Moses?

That's like asking me if I've
noticed the sun rises in the east.

Why? Have you?

In, in EMINT...

...if you see
even a small change on the surface,

you know that it could indicate

something bigger
might have shifted underneath.

Moses just bought a phone
and a pink phone case.

A pink phone case.
With glitter.

I... I wondered
if maybe he's met someone.

Or maybe he just bought it
for himself.

He's not frivolous.

Then it's for a family member.
He doesn't talk to his family.

Then a friend.

He doesn't have any friends,
except maybe Gus.

OK. So, maybe he met somebody.

What's the problem?

Mr Fox, a... a phone case like that

is something you'd... you'd give
a kid or a young girl, I...

Did you hear, when he left
Kath's party the other night,

he said something about
his entertainment beginning.

He rather made a fool of you
at the barbecue, didn't he?

That's not why...

With... with the POTUS thing,

Jacob said that if we saw something,
we should say something.

I'm just trying to follow orders.

I'm not saying he's done anything,

just that something about him
is... odd.

Alright. Leave it with me.


Thank you.

How did you know I was home?

All them security cameras
don't turn you invisible.

No. A new phone?


My God.

Well, I interfered with your earning
capacity. It seemed only fair.

This is the exact one... OK.

You see what I'm talking about -
how, like, when you tilt it..., they move.

That math trick. Who taught you that?

I figured it out myself.

It wasn't school?

No. I fucking hate school.

Do you want to see something else
that's cool?



Put in a number.

OK. How many digits?
It doesn't matter.

Just punch in any number you want.

Multiply it by three.

Add 45.

Double it.

Divide it by six.

Now subtract your original number.


Nice one, Professor.

Was it to do with the multiplying?

And the dividing by six.

Takes your original number
back to its original state.

Look. I'll show you.

Alright. So, what's
your favourite cocktail?

Me, I'm a bourbon and Coke guy.


Just it's the 23rd today

and the Chief of Staff's email

wanted the treaty decision delayed
until the 23rd.

Do you ever shut that thing off?
No. I don't.

Alright. Come on, then, out with it.

Our government
is pissed off at America

but it doesn't want to walk away from
the alliance, it's just too valuable.

Way too valuable.

But at the same time, we're desperate
to secure that gas deal with China,

which means we have to offer Beijing
a lower price than Qatar

because China
always go for lower price,

unless there's a sweet offered.

If we couldn't undercut Qatar,
we would have had to sign

Beijing's treaty of neutrality

to get them over the line.

But today, which is the 23rd,
we found out Qatar's price,

so now we can undercut them,

which means we don't have to sign
the treaty, all thanks to Pine Gap.

But if America had found out

that you were even thinking
of a treaty with China,

I mean, this particular POTUS
would have closed the base down

faster than a speeding bullet.

Which would have forced us
to sign on with China

and try to survive without any of
the intelligence we get from here.

But now Australia
gets the gas deal...

...and we keep our alliance
with you guys...

...because the Lwin was killed
before she could publish

her totes explosive news.

Are you suggesting Australia
took down Flight BM-24?

A couple of days ago,
you were thinking it was China.

I know. Which is still...

Yeah. It's still
just as likely, but...

I don't know, that treaty staying
secret worked out well for us too.

Are you seriously
accusing your own country

of shooting down a passenger plane?

That Shonguran gas deal
is worth $200 billion.

And I'm not accusing,
I'm just analysing.

The intel fits China just as well.

Yeah. It does.

Intelligence incomplete.

Vodka and tonic, by the way.





Shh. Hey. Hey. Are you OK?

Hey, what were you dreaming about?

I don't know. I'm sorry,
I don't... I don't remember.

You were speaking
one of your eight languages.

Nine, actually, if you count
my schoolgirl French.

What are you still doing up?

Just couldn't sleep.

See? We'll just slide it in
right there.

You know what time you'll be home?

Afraid not.

I'll try. Andre!

Come here.

Not in the house.

Go. Go get your shoes on.


How was basketball?

He wants to go to the courts
every day after school.

How about you?
You made some new friends too?

Yeah. You know,
talked to a few of the moms.

Yeah, the guy from Shonguran.

Yeah, we've said hello
once or twice, so...



Hey. be careful with him,
won't you?


What's the issue?
Just... trust me.

Will you, please, Belle?

Go get your bag. Go.

Trust you?

Because you place
so much trust in me.

You knew when we married, there'd be
things I couldn't discuss with you.

Sure. But that doesn't mean you
get to treat me like I'm a child.

I don't treat you
like you're a child.

Yes, you do.

I'm treating you
like you're my wife!


She looks about 15.
I suppose she could be older.

As to whether they're having sex,
well, call me a cynic

but I can't imagine a 36-year-old
mathematical savant from Iowa and her

having very much to talk about.

Can you?

This has got to push Moses
up the malware list.

Assuming someone knows about
their relationship

and... is blackmailing him.

Well, it didn't take Miss Eloise long

to figure out something was going on.

And we know, or we suspect,
after Beijing's hack at Langley,

that some of the Chinese in town
are reading our personal files.

Identify Moses...

...identify his weakness.

I thought you'd picked the
Delic girl as your prime suspect.

Well... I have an open mind.

Moses's record at Pine Gap
is exemplary.

My predecessor
even had the rules changed

so he'd be exempt from
the two tours and out rule.


Well, all that means...

- Morning.
- Morning.

All that means is that
our resident genius

has spent over a decade
in the desert...

...without any kind of
meaningful intimate relationship.


I think I've got something.

What am I looking at?

I've been using my birds

to take images of sections
of the South China Sea

taken at two-minute intervals.

I'm still not seeing anything.

If it's a calm sea, particular wave
patterns form on the sea surface

in response to
a submarine passing under -

small, transverse waves
if it's travelling at low speed,

more obvious longitudinal ones
if it's travelling faster.

There are six sets
travelling in a straight line.

Shit. What's the geo?

Most recent image geo
to 7.21 north, 110.55 east.

in the path of the Bartlett.

Deb, how far is the Bartlett
from the Nine-Dash-Line?

370 kilometres,
200 nautical miles.

It's approaching
from the south-west.

Alright. Bring it up.

Pentagon, this is Alice.

Imagery has identified

the probable location
of the six Chinese submarines.

Thank you, Alice.
Geolocation for the vessels?

Currently it's 7.21 north,
110.55 east.

7.21 north, 110.55 east.
Thank you, Alice.

Please forward existing imagery
and continue to monitor

for emerging SIGINT.
Roger that.

Get everything to the Pentagon.


We have the probable location
for target submarines.

Looks like China
is meeting the Bartlett head-on.

Don't they know
this could start a war?

Come on, Deb, it's a chance to use
Pine Gap for Australia again?


So if there is a war with China,

guess who'll be fighting
on America's side?

Their most trusted friend
and ally - us.

Ain't alliances grand, mate?

Rest for a second?


What is it?

There's something I think
that America should know.

What about?


They shot down Flight BM-24
to keep secret

that they'd been negotiating
a treaty of neutrality...

...with China.

The Bartlett
is almost at the Nine-Dash Line.

The Commander in Chief is deciding

whether to send it on in
to meet those Chinese subs.

Wants us to find out what
the Chinese plan to do if he does.

You want to know what I think?

If you breach
their territorial claim,

China will torpedo the Bartlett

and 5,500 American sailors
will lose their lives,

which is guaranteed
to calm the situation right down.

The Chinese launched that EMP first.

Sending in an aircraft carrier
is a proportionate response.

I know. Where things have got,
you don't have a choice.

But nor does China,

hence... it was either

an afternoon working off
my anxieties on the treadmill

or come and have a ciggie.

Shit, Ethan.

How did we let it get to this?

Not our play to make.
More's the pity.

You know...

...there are three ways
to play any game.

A, plan your moves
so far in advance...

...your opponent can't predict them.

B, make your opponent watch
what you're doing with one hand...

...while your other is busy

with your real game plan.

Or, C, play your cards

very, very close to your chest.

Sometimes all you can do is wait...

...until your opponent
makes the next move.

Yeah. And be ready.

Alright. Swap antennas -
C2, C3, C4 to the port of Hainan.


All other available receivers
search for and geo

any signals from those subs.

If they as much as...


Something you should know.


I love you.

If Australia did join America in
military action against China...

China doesn't need to invade us
to bring us to our knees.

Tough choice.

I knew it was a mistake
to let you stay here.

Hey. Wait. Wait.

And as for Philip
fucking Burke, what a jackass.

I'm happy you came.
Me, too.

I have something for you.

I thought you'd like it.

I do.

I've applied for a job at Fort Meade.


So, what do you say
to moving Stateside?

Rudi, it's happening!

Target tracker for a JS-7
Chinese surface-to-air missile.

There's a hostile missile

in the vicinity of your fighters.