Pieces of Her (2022–…): Season 1, Episode 3 - Episode #1.3 - full transcript

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Could you walk us through
what happened yesterday?

Andrea and I went for lunch.

- Get up!
- I just reacted.

There was a knife lodged in your hand.

If someone threatens your child...

A storage place called Get-Em-Go...

...you'd do anything to protect them.

Something just... kicks in.

They know where I am now.

They'll go after Andy.

I need the number of the man who sent you.

He's gonna kill you.


- Ms. Oliver, a few questions.
- Back off.

It'd suck to be her.

To be paralyzed with fear
while your mom saves your ass.

Thanks for... you know.

I'm ready to make a statement now.

I need it to go national.
I want everyone to see it.

It's easy for academics
to judge the pharmaceutical industry.

- You can blame capitalism all you...
- I blame you.

We're live in three. Ready?


You tell me.

You'll do great.

I'll talk about the work you do
at the Veterans Center.

Your patients must have
some pretty intense war stories.

Learnt that knife move from them?

I'm... I'm sorry. Uh, that light is just...

Hey, Zoe, can we just, uh, turn that down?


Thank you.

You okay?

I'm just not used to all this attention.

Why'd you change your mind?

I don't know. I... I guess
if I can reach just one person

who might be thinking
of hurting someone, then...

a little good will have come of all this.

I would love to
pitch you for CNN Heroes.

Maybe with your daughter, too.

You know, Andrea is out of town
for a while. So...

She just needs some rest.

Hey, is there a shortcut to town?

There's only one road.

I mean, if I... I wanted to walk.

Well, there's a path around back,
but it's a long way.


that's a reliable choice. Hmm?

Yeah, what's better than a dependable,
mid-sized sedan with good pickup?

I don't know. What?

Where are you coming from?


What'd you do, walk?

Well, what do you think?

All yours for $5,800.

Do you have a bathroom?

Yeah. Yeah, right...

Well, one thing I know
after surviving this...


...is that something has to change.

You know?
I know people have strong feelings.

I know they're angry.

But it's... It's time
to have a real conversation.

I think we can find a... A truce.

You know, maybe we can all join together,

be our own army for change

so that we can put an end
to this senseless... violence.

Because no one wants to live
with this kind of threat.

No one.


And here I was thinking
you were gonna give me a cashier's check.

What's a little girl doing lugging around
a suitcase and no car?

Do we have a deal?

You know, I forgot.

We just put new radials on that car,

so the new total is, uh, $6,500.

You in trouble?

You need a friend? I can help you out.

Where do I sign?

I'll get the paperwork.

Bessemer, Alabama.

Bass Escrow.

Charlie, it's Andy.


Sorry, uh, no more interviews.

I'm not a reporter.

Then get off my property.

I'm not here to hurt you.

On the contrary, my employer's happy
to see you're alive and well.

How is everybody in San Francisco?

I have to say you're very telegenic.

So comfortable on camera.

Then again, you grew up
in front of an audience.

But why talk to the press?

Hard to avoid them
when they're camped outside my house.

But then you invited them
to join your army of change.

- I thought you didn't want attention.
- What is your point?

I think we can help each other.

- What are you offering?
- Safety. Support.

I'm guessing you could do
with a little time away.

Maybe somewhere out of the country
until things settle down.

Do you know where he is?

Has he reached out to you?

Then you can't help me.

If you come anywhere near me again,

I will go to the cops,
and I will tell them exactly what I know.

I saw your daughter on the news.

Now, we can take care of her, too.

That's all any of us want...

is to keep our children safe.

Give it some thought.

You know how to reach us.


Good to see you.



Come on in.

As I say in my book,

there's a lot in this country
that needs to change,

and instead of venting on Twitter,
I thought I'd do something about it.

From insiders at the DNC,

your name is on the shortlist
for vice president.

It's way too early to predict

who Senator Shepard will pick
as her running mate.

But you are on the list.

Okay. I'd love to be considered,
no question.

Are you surprised you've made it this far,
considering your family history?

I'm glad you brought that up.

My, uh... father's murder
was a defining moment for me.

I, uh...

I realized how fragile things are and that
nothing matters but the people you love.

Nick Harp, the man behind
your father's death, is still a fugitive.

Why do you think
no one's been able to catch him?

I think
that's a question for the FBI.

Do you believe the Army of
the Changing World still poses a threat?

You're asking about things
that happened 30 years ago.

This country is facing
real challenges right now,

and that's what I'm here
to talk about tonight.

Many people associate
your family's company

with questionable business practices,
corruption, racketeering.

What do you say to the skeptics?


Hello, Jane.

What's going on, Andy?

A man... broke into our house.

What man?

I don't know.

He... He's gone.

And then last night, I was at this bar,
and there was a guy. I...

I think he was following me.

I don't know.
Maybe he wasn't. Maybe I just...

Mom sent me to this storage unit.

There was all this money
in a suitcase and...

I'm sounding crazy, right?

This is crazy.

I found this in the storage unit.

Do you think my dad did this?


I don't know.

She never talks about him.

There's one photo of him
in the whole house.

Maybe this is why?

She told me she was devastated
when he died.

That's why she moved down south.

To start over.

Do you know Paula Koontz?


Mom mentioned her name. I...

No, I've never heard of her.

You must be wrecked.

Carrollton's a long drive.

Did I say I was coming from Carrollton?

Yeah, you did.

You also said you were going to Maine.

You know, what you need
is a meal and some sleep.

I'll fix you some eggs.

How did you and Mom meet again?

What's that?

You helped her and Gordon
with the loan on our house?


Yes, and I painted your room
that awful color you wanted.

Bubblegum pink.

You still take TABASCO on your eggs?

Uh, yeah.

How come you never married?

Well, I guess I never
found the right person.

Hey! Where you going?

Mr. Oliver?

Is everything okay?

Are the Crown Cork people here?

Andy's on line one.

- Hey.
- Charlie knew

I was coming from Carrollton,
but I didn't tell him.

So, how could he know where I was?

Okay. Slow down.

Did you know Charlie's married?

He's been lying this whole time.
I had to leave.

Tell me where you are.


Andy, Andy, are you there?

It's all bullshit,
everything she's ever told me.

Someone needs to tell me what's going on
because I'm gonna lose it.

- Let me come get you.
- No. Just tell me the truth.

- Okay.
- One true thing.

Just tell me one true thing!

Of course. Of course.

Charlie, he came to my birthdays,
my graduation.

He knows everything about me.

Is Charlie who he says he is?


Then who is he?

It's complicated, Andy.

Just tell me.

You tell me where you are.


I don't know. It... It doesn't matter.

Andrea, just tell me where you are.

Listen. I need you to go to the nearest
police station and wait for me.

I'll pick you up.

I can't go to the police.

You don't understand.

Something really bad happened.

I need you to listen to me.

I love you, and nothing
will ever change that. Nothing.

And whatever this is, I'm gonna fix it.

I can't.

There was a man who...

I know.

Mom told you?

We'll talk about it
when I pick you up, okay?

Promise you.

Why can't we talk about it now?

Why is this happening?
Who's mom afraid of?

Andy, just go somewhere safe.

Is it Paula Koontz?


You heard me. Paula Koontz.

I don't know that name.

Yes, you do. Who is she?

Andy, I swear, I don't know her.

Are you sure?

When we got home from the hospital,
I asked you what was going on with mom,

you fucking lied to me.

And it wasn't the first time, was it?

You know a lot of things
you never told me.

Guess I'll have to figure them out myself.

Hi. What's wrong?

Have you talked to Andy?

Yeah. Meeting her in Camden.

- Spending a few days together.
- I don't think so.

- What do you mean?
- She went to see Charlie.

What? She drove to Alabama?


And she's scared to death.
She needs to come home.

No, what she needs to do
is listen to her mother.

Then why did she call me and not you?

You tell her what she wants to hear.

Laura, who's Paula?

- Who's Paula, Laura?
- I don't know.

Oh, come on.
We don't have time to do this.

Gordon, you've done enough. Thank you.
But please just stay out of this.

- Too late for that.
- I'll handle it.

I'm not gonna let anyone
hurt our daughter.

My daughter, you mean?

Hi. Sorry. Excuse me. Um... Do you mind
if I just borrow that for a second?

I just need to look something up.


We're leaving soon.

Thank you.

I need that back.

This place is for families.

Right. Uh...

Sorry, of course.


Oh, Andy. Thank God.

I can't hear you.

Where are you?

I don't know. Alabama, somewhere.

I told you to drive north.

It's not safe for you
to be out there on your own.

Why? Tell me why.

There are people looking for me.

Like Paula?

No, no. She, um...
She's not part of this. No.

And Charlie? He's not part of this?

And Gordon?

I went to that storage unit
and found all the fake IDs of your face.

And you know what I realized?
None of those IDs are for me.

So, how was that gonna work?

You make your grand escape
and then just gonna leave me?



Andy, please, not on the phone. Okay?

Just let me come get you,
and I can explain.

No, I'll come home.

No, I don't want you out there
on your own.

I said I'll come home.
I can be there by midnight.

Are you sure?

I'm leaving now. I won't stop anywhere.

Okay. Thank you. Thank you, baby.

If you need anything, call me.

I have my phone on. Okay?
I have it with me, and it's on.

And I love you.


♪ Rise with the morning ♪

♪ This is it
Your time is dawning ♪

♪ You've got to make it ♪

♪ Something that is worth your while ♪

♪ You've seen the lie ♪

♪ But it doesn't last forever ♪

♪ You got to make it ♪

♪ Make it right ♪

♪ Baby, it feels like the first time... ♪

♪ But I know it's the last ♪

♪ Thought in the feeling ♪

♪ You can live without a meaning ♪

♪ It's now or never ♪

♪ You ain't getting younger, man ♪

♪ You've seen the time ♪

♪ But it doesn't tick forever ♪

♪ You got to make it ♪

♪ Fly or die ♪

♪ Baby, it feels like the first time ♪

♪ But I know ♪

♪ It's the last ♪

Hey. I'm calling about Laura and Andy.

♪ You and I ♪

♪ Travel to the beat of a different drum ♪

♪ Oh, can't you tell by the way I run? ♪

♪ Every time you make eyes at me ♪

♪ Whoa ♪

♪ You cry ♪

♪ And moan and say it will work out... ♪



Where are we going?

To a big lake with waves.


Don't you want to see where Mommy grew up?

Is Dad coming?

I'm cold.

Hey, you'll be warm in just a second.

I need my monkey.

We're going on an adventure.
Isn't this exciting?


Just rest your eyes,
and when you wake up, we'll be there.

God dammit, Annette!
Get out of the car! Now!

- Mommy!
- I said get out of the car!

- It's okay, baby.
- You're not going anywhere!

You are not taking them.
That is not gonna happen.


You're out of your mind, Annette.

I'll lock you up,
and you're never gonna see the children.

Turn that damn thing off!

♪ But honey child I've got my doubts... ♪

I'll raise them myself,
we don't need you anymore.

You'll have nothing, you hear me? Nothing.

Not a goddamn thing.

I'll do it.

I'll run you over.

Go ahead, try it.

I will never let you take them.

Come on. Everyone back in the house.

Mommy. No. Mommy!

♪ All I'm saying's I'm not ready... ♪

It's at the back,
down the corridor to the right.

- Thanks.
- Thanks. Hi.

I'd like to see Geraldine Ross.

Do you have an appointment?

Uh, no, but it's about
one of her clients, Paula Kunde.

Ms. Ross does not give statements
about ongoing legal matters.

I'm not a reporter.

I'm making a documentary
on sentencing reform,

and I want to talk to Paula.

I'm sorry, it's not that simple.

I know. I called Carswell,

and they said I need to get
on some list to get in,

so if I could just speak with Ms. Ross...

There's a $400 charge
for an initial consult.


Okay, well, the next available appointment
is in three weeks.

Monday at 10:00. Does that work?

I was hoping for something today.

Three weeks out is the earliest.

McDowell & Ross, may I help you?

He'll be back on Friday.

Okay. Thanks.

God, I hate this weather.

Next time, let's drive.

- Here.
- That's Geraldine's.

- I'll get the next one.
- Drinks tonight?

- Can't. Dance class.
- Exercise is overrated.

Stop it.

Come on, one drink.

We're gonna be late.

You coming?

I hate that unisex bathroom.
Todd is gross.

I really need a makeover.
What color is that?

Hard Pass.

Sounds like the last guy I met.

Oh, shit! Oh, my God. I'm so sorry.

I'll get it. I'm late.

Oh. It's all in the bottom.

- No! Sorry.
- Just... Just... Just let me.

Sorry. I'm... I'm really, really sorry.

And you're open till?

Great. Thanks.

Hey, Jane.

You've been busy.