Picket Fences (1992–1996): Season 1, Episode 6 - Remembering Rosemary - full transcript

On Halloween, the only witness to a 10-year-old suicide case breaks her silence to announce "murder" which sends Maxine off to dig into a local history of the victim's life. Meanwhile, Kimberly is reluctant to join her friends in a Halloween prank on Howard the confessor.

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Dr. Silverman,
to administration.

Dr. Silverman,
please come to administration.

Now, it could mean nothing,

but it's the first word
that she's ever spoken
in 10 years

ever since the suicide.

What suicide?

Rosemary Bauer
leaped to her death
10 years ago.

Karina was her live-in maid.

She witnessed it.

They were very close,
and she was so traumatized

she stopped talking.

Okay, now let's sing
it again, shall we?

Just like we did before.

She said it during the song,
so you two sit next to her.

Hello, Karina.

She's not going to answer.

Two, three, four.

* Hello, my baby

* Hello, my honey

* Hello, my ragtime gal

* Send me a kiss by wire *

What the hell is this?

The music brings her out.

You gotta be kidding.


You see? Stop singing.
Did you hear her?

She said, "Murder."

That's it?

Well, she must have
witnessed it.

That's why she's saying,


My God.

She even said it
without the music.

Look at her eyes.
There could be
something to this.

To what?
To this.

Maybe Rosemary Bauer
didn't jump out the window
that night.

Maybe she was pushed.


This is crazy.

Damn papers.
They're more interested

in peddling gossip
than reporting news.

Maybe it's not gossip.

I investigated that case.
It was suicide.

They're just digging
up some morbid stuff

for Halloween just
to sell more papers.

Big coincidence
with Karina suddenly
saying, "Murder."

I was on that street
the night that
Rosemary Bauer died,

and I was the first
to see the body

and to hear the scream
before she went out
that window.

You heard a scream?

Then I heard the thump
when her body hit the ground.

I went to where she hit.

Her right elbow
was behind her left ear.

She was a contorted
mass of flesh.

She was a beautiful woman,
Rosemary Bauer,

the prettiest
to ever live in Rome.

Why would she kill herself?

They say she walked
into the maid's room

and found her husband
in bed with Karina.

GINNY: That probably
made her scream.

And then she ran
to the window,
and she jumped.

I discovered the body.

Leo threw her
out that window.

Did not!

Everybody knows it.

He was having
the affair with Karina,

Rosemary was
going to divorce him,

and he wanted her money,
plus the insurance policy.

It was suicide.

Who the hell leaked
this to the press?

It happened. Karina Shaw...

It's inflammatory,
and it's garbage.

The woman suffered
from chronic depression.

Ask Jill Brock.

It was suicide,
and this is garbage.

What are you so upset about?

I'm upset
because it is a week
before election day,

and this town's image
is being obliterated.

Last week,

a reputable
district attorney turns out

to be a serial bather
with a sex fetish,

and now sordid details
are being dug up
on Rosemary Bauer.

What was so special
about her?

She was beautiful.
She was loved.

And if you so much
as squeak "homicide,"

you'll invite
a huge public fallout.

I should make her the theme
of my Halloween party.

Forget it. Where's Jimmy?

In his office.

No, really, the Carter Pike
Rosemary Bauer
Halloween Ball.

This is big.

I think
we should investigate.


Investigate what?

Rosemary Bauer's death.

I think maybe it was murder.

The case is closed. How...

It can be opened again.

I think Karina
Shaw was talking
about Rosemary yesterday.

You know why?

Not cucumbers.

Mitch Miller.
Excuse me?

I was reading some
old newspaper articles
on microfilm.

Leo Bauer
was a Mitch Miller fanatic.

He'd always sing
Let Me Call You
Sweetheart to Rosemary.


Don't you see?

MAXINE: I think when those
patients were singing it,

it triggered something
in Karina.

It brought back a memory,

a memory of murder.

You go over
the old police files.

I'll talk to Jill
about Rosemary to see
what she knows.

DNA evidence didn't
exist much back then.

Maybe there are more
genetic clues.

Let's go.

No, no, no, no.

If we so much as open up
an investigation,

we validate that
there are questions.

So what's wrong
with that?

What's wrong is,
10 years ago,

a newly-elected
mayor and a new sheriff
stood up at a town meeting

before a shocked citizenry
and assured the people

there were no questions.

This town was apoplectic,
and we assured them.

If we go on record now
with a new investigation...

So you're trying to
cover up the truth
to save face?

the truth is suicide.

Maybe so,
but the harm of asking
questions is outweighed...

The harm of digging this up
is bigger than you think.

Ten years may have passed,

but this town's love affair
with Rosemary Bauer goes on.

With all due respect,
that is not a reason

to stick our heads
in the sand.

There is no evidence
for murder, and you know it.

But you don't want there
to be evidence

because it could be
politically embarrassing.

More for him than me.

MAXINE: But you're the one
making the stink.

Sheriff, I would
appreciate an instruction
for your deputy.

you can go over forensics
with Carter Pike.

You can talk to Jill,
if you like, about Rosemary.

we do not reopen the case.

It was suicide.
Trust me, I know.

How long was she
your patient?

About two years,

and all the symptoms
were there,

although not
necessarily diagnosed.

Leo Bauer says
she seemed so happy.

Well, she wasn't.

I don't know if Leo
was having an affair
with the maid.

Rosemary never said,
but she'd use
these expressions

like "living a lie"
and "pretense of happiness."

She was so beautiful,

It just doesn't make sense.

Well, suicide
isn't rational, Kenny.

It's not supposed to
make sense.

It's kind of big.
That's the way they
wore them back then.

It's not much of a costume.

Would you rather
be a cheerleader?

Fat chance.
ZACK: Keep your
grimy hands off of me!

MATTHEW: You asked for it,
you little twerp!

Stop picking on me!

It was just a joke,

I hate you!
Hey, come on.

Chill out, Zack. Chill out.
Zack, put that thing down.

He pushed me off my bike.
I hate you!

Get away from me!

Give me the stick, Zack.
Get away, little sissy.

Put the knife down.
Hey, it's not my fault.
Come on!

You let go!


It was an accident.
I didn't mean it.

He fell into me.

Zack, it's okay. Let me see.



We got you. Psych!


It's a joke.

Get out of here now!

MATTHEW: We got them, Zack.

I can't believe them.
Wow, that was good.

I'm sorry. Every Halloween,
Matthew comes up
with a new one.

No, this was a great one.

In fact,
we've been looking for a good
Halloween gag, and this...

That's not a good gag, Billy.
It's cruel and sick.

No, Kim, Kim,
the boys have given me
an idea.

This is going to be good.


This, you're going to love.

I'm going
through the archives,

Rosemary Bauer's file.

Cause of death,
skull fracture,
listed as a probable suicide,

But what?

Okay, here's the thing.

She landed flush
on her forehead,

splattered her
temporal lobe all over

like half-cooked tapioca.


But she also had
a small fracture
at the base of her skull,

just above the neck.
There's a contusion
there, too.

So what are you saying?

I'm saying she could have
been whacked unconscious
from behind,

carried to the window,
and then, "See you!"

Wait just a second.
Now, just a second, Kenny.
There's more.

The records
also show they found
wood splinterings

under fingernails
of her right hand.

So I'm thinking
she regained consciousness
before she was thrown,

she tried to grab
the window frame,
she couldn't hold on,

and then, splat!

Is it enough
to reopen the case?

Not really.
You'd have to get more.

Let me exhume the body.


Medical examiners can exhume.

If I could just
check out that skull,
maybe I...

How dare you?

Mr. Bauer, we were just...

To you,
this is entertainment.

Somebody died here.
There's real pain,

and you choose to exploit it.

There are legitimate
questions involved.
We just...


Anybody you know
ever commit suicide, Officer?

Well, let me tell you,
the questions haunt you


Thing is, Mr. Bauer,
we're not sure now
that it was a suicide.

Sheriff Brock explored murder
10 years ago.

He suspected me.

If you knew me

with her...

Look at her.

She was God's child.

There were rumors
about you and another woman.

Karina Shaw maybe?

I live alone.

I will forever be alone,

because there could never be
another woman.

There never was,
and there never will be

another woman.

How dare you do what you do?

Me and my wife have lived
next to the Bauer house
for 19 years.

We were reading in bed
the night she jumped.

Did you hear the scream?

Yes, I did.
We've been hearing
other things since, too.

Like what?

He plays his piano a lot.

It's this
frantic piano playing.

It's awful.
He's always singing
that song.

What song?
That one.

* Let me call you sweetheart *

That was their song.

When she was still alive,
did you ever hear them
argue or fight?

I never heard so much
as a raised voice

till the night
she went out the window.

I discovered the body.

She was so beautiful.

I used to see her
working in the garden.

I'd go out in my backyard
just to be closer to her.

Did you kill her?



And what about now?

You see Leo Bauer much?

he hardly ever comes outside,

but sometimes,
when I come home at night,

I'll see him
standing at the window,

the window where she jumped.


PATIENTS: * By the light
of the silvery moon

* I want to spoon *

Just a couple
of questions, Karina.

This won't take long.

You're putting me on.

Music brings her out.

She's almost
completely catatonic
without it.

She's rocking.
That's a good sign.

did you see anyone else
in the room that night?

Anyone else at all
beside Rosemary?

* Your silv'ry beams
will bring love's dreams *

This is ridiculous.

The woman hasn't spoken
for 10 years.

We're trying to
take a statement

while these people
sing backup.

Do you know anything
about a murder?

Can you talk to me
about Rosemary?

Was there anything going on
between you and Leo Bauer?

She stopped rocking.

Continue singing, please.

Okay, yeah.

Leo Bauer.
What was it with Leo Bauer?

Means nothing.

It's the wrong song.
It's got to be Hello My Baby.

Come on, Hello My Baby.
Myra, please.

Two, three, four.

* Hello, my baby

* Hello, my honey

* Hello, my ragtime gal *

Of all the idiotic things
I've done in my life.

She knows something,
Jimmy. She remembers.

That was irresponsible,


Karina Shaw can't give
any concrete evidence,
and you know it,

and you're stirring up
a controversy

over a death that
occurred 10 years ago!

WOMAN: Gabe, line one.

You don't need to talk to me
in that tone of voice, Jimmy,

but as long as we are
trading punches,

I think you botched
that investigation.

Excuse me?

That's why
you're so defensive.

There was a contusion
on the back of
Rosemary's head.

There were wood splinterings
under her fingernails.

That doesn't mean
it was murder.

You closed that investigation
within a month.

You did not
get all the facts.

I had all the facts.

You didn't.

You want to do
an investigation,
do an investigation.

Maybe I will.
All right.

Go ahead.


Hey, Kim.

Hi, guys.

This is the plan
for Halloween night.

I'm going to be
the crazed boyfriend,

and you're going to be
the damsel in distress

who, fearing for her life,
stabs me in self-defense,

and they're all
going to scream.

Billy, I told you,
I don't think this kind
of joke is funny.

Oh, come on.
Can you imagine the look

we're going to get
from Old Man Cottle?

He's going to
stroke out right there.

And that would be humorous?

Kim, I wish you didn't
always have to be
the Sheriff's daughter.

I'm not always
the Sheriff's daughter.

Come on, it's Halloween.
We're teenagers.

It's a great prank,

and your brother Matthew
said he'd direct a few
rehearsals for 20 bucks.

And we're going
to do it, Kim.

The only question is
whether you're in or out.

I'm in.
That's my girl.

This ain't never
going to work, Max.

It could.

She could look at the house
and have a breakthrough.

It could all come back.
Come on, Karina.

Okay, Karina.

It's a beautiful day.

We just want you
to come out
and have a look around.

You remember the house,

Think back about 10 years.

Hit the tape, Kenny.


Look at the house, Karina.

Look at the house.

You remember, don't you?

Tell us what you remember.

What's that?



What the hell?
This ain't good.

Karina! Karina!
What are you doing?

Turn off the tape, Kenny.
It's not helping.

Karina, it's okay, honey.

It's okay, honey.

I don't know.
Let's get her back
in the car.

going to be fine.

JILL: Oh, hi, Howard.
Hello, Jill.

I haven't
seen you in ages.
What brings you?

Well, I was reading
in the paper

the Rosemary Bauer murder,

and since I was
in the neighborhood,

I thought
I'd pop by to confess.

Oh, so you killed her.

Why, yes, I did.

Threw her right out
the window, I did.

Such a petite little thing.

I could lift her right up.

did she ever hit that ground.

And what's in the bag?

That's her skull.

I kept it as a memento.

I like keepsakes, you see.

This would be,
what, seven murders

you've confessed
to now, Howard?

Hello, Sheriff.


This is the skull
of a dog, Howard.


Oh, yes, that was her dog.

He jumped out
the window right after her.

That dog didn't have
a lick of sense.


Well, we're about
to have some dinner,

but thanks for coming by
to confess, Howard.



Dad, did Rosemary Bauer
get beheaded with a chainsaw?


Did not, Matthew!

Are you okay?

Rosemary Bauer was so
beloved by this town,

and when she died,
the people of Rome
had to have an answer.

I think Maxine may be right.

I may have been quick
closing the chapter
on this one.

I don't think
Maxine was right.
I don't.

Well, Karina Shaw
remembers something.

I saw terror in her eyes.

She saw Rosemary jump.

That's why she hasn't spoken.

It's called elective mutism.

You beat yourself up
more than me on this one,
don't you?

Losing a patient to suicide.

I've asked myself
a million times why
I didn't see it coming.

Her depression was chronic.

She displayed every...

Why didn't I see that?

There's nothing
you could have done.

I could have warned Leo,

told him to keep her away
from open windows.

There's no way in hell
you could have known

she was gonna jump.

If she jumped.

I should have known.
I was treating her.

Well, no matter what,

one of us
is going to feel
like a screwup.

Yeah. God, I hope it's you.

All that I'm at liberty
to say at this point

is that we have
reopened the case.

Is Leo Bauer your suspect?

We have not narrowed
our search to any
individual as of yet.

since Mr. Bauer was
present at the scene...

Well, Officer Stewart,
Officer Stewart,

what did Karina Shaw
have to tell you?

Thus far she has only
said, "Murder."

When will you
be questioning...
PUGEN: Excuse me!

Mayor, do you have...

I need a word
with Deputy Stewart.

Mr. Mayor, will there be...

PUGEN: No comment.
No comment. I'm sorry.


You went ahead and did it.

Jimmy said I could.

You dragged Karina Shaw
to the house.

The hospital released her.

Well, doesn't this make
for a great Halloween?

What have you got?

We're still
in the initial stages.

What have you got?



You set this whole town
in a spin,
and you've got nothing?

we only just started.

This is great.

You wanted
this investigation,

For your sake,
I hope you solve it.

Kenny? Where's Kenny?
KENNY: Right here.

Come on,
I just found our break.

They were having an affair.

I was going through
those boxes
of Karina Shaw's stuff,

and I was looking
at her recipe box.

She had an apple strudel
on the back of a letter,

a portion of a love letter.
Kenny, read it.

"Pre-heat oven
at 350 degrees..."

The other side,
the part I circled.

"And as long as I'm married,
I can be free to love you

"neither openly nor totally."

That's got to be
from Leo to Karina.

They were lovers.

Hair on the bed was his.

I DNAed a hair
found on Karina's bed
the night that Rosemary died.

It belonged to Leo Bauer.

So what?
That was the theory anyway,

that Rosemary took her life
because Leo was sleeping
with the maid.

Then why wouldn't Leo
admit that then?
He was a suspect.

Maybe he doesn't
want to admit

that he could be responsible
for her suicide.

No, he's hiding something.

Okay, I'll talk to Leo.

Kenny, dig up
what you can on Karina.

Carter, you and I
are going to look

for some more
forensic evidence.

Rosemary Bauer's crypt.
You mean...

That's right.

You are going to exhume
Rosemary Bauer's body.


there may be genetic samples,

plus which,
we need another look

at the fracture
at the base of her skull.

I get to exhume. Yes!

Come on,
we've got work to do.

You want me to
inject Karina Shaw
with truth serum?

Sodium amytal.
It reduces inhibitions
that can repress a memory.

Yes, I know what that is,
Max. But why?

There's something
in Karina's memory, Jill.

This can help bring it out.

But an injection?

Why don't you go
to a hypnotist?

Illegal without her consent,

and she doesn't have
the capacity to give it.

she can't consent to a shot,
either, then.

But we don't need it.

The hospital
has already okayed it.

In fact, they think
there could be some
therapeutic value

if Karina released...

Oh, yes,
but it also could do damage
if she relives what happened.

We're never going to know
what happened unless we
do it.

We need your help, Jill.

And you said yes?

Well, psychologically,
it could even benefit Karina.

A truth serum, Mom,
that makes you
like a witch doctor.

It's medically acceptable,

and, I must admit,
I'm dying to know
the answer about Rosemary.

Why is everyone in this town
turning into a ghoul?

that's pretty dramatic.
What's wrong?



The kids at school
want to play

this sick,
morbid trick on Halloween,
and I don't want to do it.

How sick?

Matthew invented it.

Oh, God,
I certainly hope you said no.

Mom, do you have
any idea what it's like

being the daughter
of the Town Sheriff?

Or even you, Dr. Jill Brock?
I'm always the Brock girl.

I mean, kids are even
sometimes afraid
to be kids around me

because I'm
the Sheriff's daughter.

I don't know
what I can do about that.

Nothing anybody can do.

I should just grin
and button up
the straitjacket.

Can I have a beer?
Very funny.

Honey, this prank,
what is it, the trick knife?


Well, you know,
that strikes me
as being very cruel,

but I don't want to
tell you what to do.

Just use your best judgment.

I'm sorry.
I love saying that.

The night she died,

what stuck with me most
was your grief, Leo.

I had never
seen such anguish,

and in my bones,
I couldn't even begin
to suspect you,

but you lied to us
about the affair.

A piece of hair
we found in Karina's bed
belongs to you,

and we found a portion
of an old love letter,

which I think
you wrote to Karina.

You lied to us, Leo.

I used to wake up early

so I could just lay in bed
and watch her sleep.

You ever see
an angel sleep, Sheriff?

Rosemary was an angel.
I used to think to myself

how lucky I am
to be able to come home
to her every single day.

See, now this
I don't buy anymore,

this professed love.

I think you were
more excited to come home
and see the maid.

The only question
I have now

is did you throw Rosemary
out that window?

If what you say is true,
what would be the difference?

If I loved another woman,
then I drove her to it.

I effectively murdered her.
It's as simple as that.

But what you say is not true.

Come on, fellows, let's go.
Let's go. Let's move.

I've got a party
to give tonight.


Okay, you can put it down
right over here.

MAN 1: Watch the handle.

This is the reason
I went into pathology.

What a moment!

What are you doing?

You put it on, too.

This could stink pretty bad.

MAN 2: Yeah, okay.

Okay, stay back.

Everybody just keep cool
and stay back.

Open it.

I'm the medical examiner.
I want you to stay back.

Open the box, Carter.

What the...

MAXINE: What's that?


A couple of
Sports Illustrateds,
some baseball yearbooks.

Where the hell is Rosemary?

I say she's not dead.
Of course she's dead.

But how do we know?
That body was a pile of blood
and twisted bones.


It could have been anybody.

Leo was the one
to identify it.

He said it was Rosemary,
but maybe it wasn't.

She had a big
insurance policy, Jimmy,

and they weren't as rich
as people think.

I saw the body.
It was Rosemary.

We got ourselves
a new suspect.


Karina Shaw, that's who.

She was thrown
out of high school
for a bunch of violent stuff,

including throwing
a fire extinguisher
at the principal.

She got treatment
when she was 18,
diagnosed a schizophrenic.

You know,
that could be it.

She wanted Leo
all to herself,
so she killed Rosemary.

Baby, this is juice!

We gotta get a warrant
to search the house.

If Rosemary is alive,
which I doubt,

there'd have to be
some evidence.

I better cancel my party.

No, we go as planned.

We don't arouse
any more suspicion.

Kenny, I'm going to ask
Leo to come in
for questioning tonight.

When he leaves his house,
you go in to conduct
the search.

And I will monitor
the truth-serum thing
with Jill and Karina.

Okay, what about me?
What do I do?
You have your party.

I want to contribute.
I want...
You got your exhumation.

Now do as I tell you.
I haven't got a body yet!


We're wasting time. Let's go.

Didn't even get a body.


Aren't you two the gangsters!

No, ma'am,
we're musicians.

On a mission from God.

I see.

Come here.
You guys look great.

Bye, sweetie.
Have fun, okay?

Bye, Matt.

No stink bombs
this year, okay?


Mom, I need
a trick-or-treat bag.

We're going to hit
a few houses

before going to
Jimmy Berludy's.


Oh, boy. Come on, we're late.
She'll be there.

The costumes are in the car.

We can change
at Carter's after.

I still can't believe
you're going to shoot
a woman up

with truth serum.

It's the only way
to prove a murder.


Murder. Let's go.

Shut up.

Leo just left his house.
He's on his way in.

KENNY: Thanks, Ginny.
Got the warrant?

All set.

Give me some time, Max.
It's a big house.

I'll keep him
at least an hour.

By then,
Jimmy should be finished
with Karina, too.

They should have
already started.

What do you think
my chances are
of making Carter's party?

Never mind. Kenny, good luck.

That's fine, Karina.
You're doing great.

It's 1982,
and it's a happy,
happy time.

Is she under?

She's just above a sleep.

That's right
where we want her.

She's smiling slightly.

JILL: That's good.

Karina, it's March of 1982,

and you live
with Leo and Rosemary.

Do you remember
what you made them
for breakfast?

You got up early this morning
and made breakfast
for Leo and Rosemary.

Do you remember
what you made them, Karina?



Mr. Bauer only wants juice.


What's so funny, Karina?

He likes us
to think he's on a diet,
right, Rosemary?


He drives right to the bakery
and eats a donut.


WOMAN: Oh, that wasn't funny!

I'm gonna call the police,
you kids!

Okay, okay,
let's go get Howard Buss.
Howard Buss.

I don't think we
should do Howard Buss.

He's an old man.

Oh, lighten up.

He's the best one.

We've done
three houses already.

Haven't we had our laugh?

Kimberly, you're being
a drag. Come on.

Okay, guys, two more houses.

BOY: Oh, Mom.

Anybody here?

Okay, here we go.

Leo should have
been here by now.

Mathers said he left
the house 20 minutes ago.

Maybe he went



Let me do the garden, okay?

Let me do the garden for you.

It will be my treat.

Ask her about that night.

Not yet.

What else would you
and Rosemary do together,

What else?

Children, please!

He's gonna kill me.
Get away.

Nobody does this
to me, you bitch!

Leave me alone!
Leave her alone!

Come on, Billy, let it be.
Let me go.



What's wrong with him?

What's wrong with him?

He's having a heart attack.

No, please.

I don't believe this.

Is he breathing?

Oh, God, what have we done?

Got you!



Oh, that was delightful.
Very good, indeed.

you think this is funny?

It was funny.

Good show, Howard.






I gotta get out of here.


It's a short.

You just stay
right where you are.

You're under arrest.
You just freeze.


I'm sorry.

Never mind sorry.

You got pianos playing
all by themselves.

You got dead bodies
in closets.

You freeze.

I didn't kill her.

You're under arrest.

I just...

I just couldn't
live without her.

I dug her up

about five years ago.

Well, that's a crime
by itself. You freeze!

I just felt somehow

closer to her soul
with her body here.

I can't cope.

It's been over 10 years,
and I can't cope.

You... You think this helps?

Dressing her up...

The only thing I have left
is her memory.

That helps me hang on to it.

I did everything for her.

I cherished her.


She had no reason
to be unhappy.

No reason to jump.

I made her happy.

I can't let you
keep the body, Mr. Bauer.

It's illegal.
It violates the health code.

I have to take it.


You know,
they say that the soul

can never
be at peace this way.

She'll be much better...


* He did the Wambaugh mash

* The Wambaugh mash

* It was a graveyard smash

* He did the mash *



Do you know where
Jimmy or Jill are?
Not here yet.

I thought they were
with Karina.

I called Jill's office.
There was no answer.

Maxine, I need you.

I've been looking
for you, too.

I don't know where
Leo Bauer is,

and I haven't
heard from Kenny.

Come on now.
Did you find out anything?

A lot. Come on.

Jimmy, be careful.

He must still be in there.

Let's move.



It's coming from upstairs.

* Let me call you Sweetheart

* I'm in love with you

* Let me hear you whisper

Drop the gun, Leo.
Drop it now!

* That you love me too *

All right, it's over, Leo.

Why can't you leave us alone?

Drop that gun now.

I did everything
to make her happy.

We know, Leo. But you didn't.

Maxine, he has the gun.

Rosemary didn't walk in
on you and Karina that night.

You walked in
on Rosemary and Karina.

They were lovers.

She loved me!

She loved Karina!

And when you
discovered that,

you flew into a rage
and threw your bride
out the window.

I did everything for her!

* Keep the love-light glowing

* In your eyes so true

Stop it, Leo.

* Let me call you
Sweetheart *

Stop it!

She was God's child.


She was my whole life.

I tried to make her happy.


* I left my heart

* In San Francisco *

listen, that was the cause
of Rosemary's depression.

You know, she said
she was living a lie?

She was denying who she was.

And the letter
was written by Rosemary
to Karina, not Leo.

Yeah, but if Karina
witnessed the murder,
why wouldn't she say so?

She totally
repressed the memory.

Nice party, Carter.

Thanks. Good costume.

I'm having a wonderful time.

Excuse me. I've got to...

No, no, no.
You owe me a dance.

I've got a costume to...
No, no, no, no.

You have your
costume on, honey.

You have egg on your face
from screwing up
10 years ago.


Now, that's funny.

Well, nobody young
for me to dance with.

You'll do.

Be careful. I heat up.

Yeah, yeah.

So finally,
the case of Rosemary Bauer
settled for once and for all.

Rome, Wisconsin
can get back to normal.

Yep, just plain folks again.

Our town.


* When I come home to you

* San Francisco

* Your golden sun

* Will shine for me *