Picket Fences (1992–1996): Season 1, Episode 2 - The Green Bay Chopper - full transcript

At a school show-and-tell exhibit, a student brings in a detached human hand, which alerts Sheriff Brock and his department that a serial killer, called the Green Bay Chopper, has come to town, and Maxine is reluctant to hand the investigation over to an shady FBI agent whom she thinks knows a little more than he knows about the case.

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What happened?

It was very nice, Whitaker.
Lovely, lovely.

But what exactly
does it have to do
with show-and-tell?

Well, I was showing
my operatic abilities,

and now I'd like to
tell about them.

I think they were

Since we're running late,
we'll go right to
Cynthia Parks.

Thank you. Hello, class.

Today, I brought in
a very interesting piece.

It's a specimen.

A specimen of what?

A specimen of a hand.


I found it in a bush
off of Route 2.

Is it real?

Oh, yes! It's dead,
but very real.


Can I see?
Can I see it?


It was a tiny faint. I'm fine.


Let me see it.

Right here.

I found it. It's mine.

It's a human hand?
Sure looks like it.

Oh, yes. But it's dead.

She found it in
a ditch off Route 2
near Fresh Pine Junction.

Looks like an adult male.

This is big, Kenny.

There's a serial kidnapper
known as
the Green Bay Chopper.

He's been abducting
people, always men,

and severing their hands
before releasing them.

It's always the right hand.

This is the right hand.

Let's get the girl
down to the station
and get a statement.

No, I'll do that.
You get some uniforms
and search the area.

Are you okay?
I'm fine.


It's got to be the serial
kidnapper. I ran it
through the computer...

All right.
The FBI is on their way.

I want you to show them
the area the girl found it in,

Kenny, I want you to
take that over to Carter Pike.

Oh, boy.
Never mind.

I just want a complete
forensics work-up
on that thing.

This man was a dentist.


I read palms.

This man was a dentist.

Kenny, get that over
to Carter Pike, now.

my esteemed friends.

What do you want?

I heard about the limb
and I'm here on
a professional matter.


My client!

JIMMY: That's not your client.

It has rights.
Douglas Wambaugh,
champion of the disabled!

You found a human hand?

It's represented. Talk to me.

I don't want to talk to you,

And you call yourself a mayor!

Why, you're nothing
but a cheap...
Now, you listen to me...

That's enough!

Yes, we found a hand.

And you do not represent it.

And if you two gentlemen
would please excuse us,

we do have
an investigation to conduct!

Got it.

Go type up
a statement for the FBI.

We'll be in touch.

Talk to me.

The guy could still
be in the area.

I think we ought to
put the town on alert.

Oh, God. I don't want a panic.
I don't want
a panic either, Bill,

but the fact is
this guy may be in Rome.

I know how perverted
this is gonna sound,
but Columbus Day is coming up.

Now, that is a big weekend
for us with tourism.

This kind of news could hurt
a lot of people in this town.

It's gonna hurt a lot more
if we keep it a secret.

This guy does more
than cut off hands.
He tortures the victims.

Now, we owe it to
the people here
to warn them.

The FBI is coming, right?

Yes, the FBI is coming,

but they've been after
this guy for two years

and they've been
unable to get him.


And now he's here.

Why is there a sock
in this child's mouth?

Because she's misbehaved.

She brought a dead hand
to school.

Well, I don't think that's an
appropriate way to reprimand
your daughter, Marjorie.

She took that putrid dead
thing out of the jar
and held it.

God knows
how many germs it had.

Well, as I understand it,
the hand was in
a formalin solution

that would have
destroyed any germs.

I'm sure there's no danger.
You feel okay?


She could've contracted
some awful disease.

Well, I'm sure she didn't,

but if she develops
any symptoms,
you just come on in

and I'll give her
a complete checkup. Okay?

Thank you. Say thank you.

Thank you.

Rome Sheriff's Department.
Please hold.

I always wanted
to join the FBI.

I was a double-major at
Northwestern University.
Psychology and Criminology.

Great. The vocabulary in
the girl's statement
seems a little advanced.

Were these her words?

No. I paraphrased.

I wish you hadn't.
We'll want to interview
the girl ourselves.

We'd also like to
see the place where
the discovery was made.

Route 2.
We do a lot of
speed traps up there.

Yeah, see, we figure that
the suspect probably got
pulled over, he panicked...

This person doesn't panic.

He's calm, very controlled.

I'd also like to see
a map of the area.
JIMMY: Okay.

What do you know
about the guy?
Not enough.

Keeps his face shielded.
Nobody's ever been able
to give a description.

Voice identification
suggests mid-30s.

Behavioral Science thinks
he was abused as a child.

How can you tell that?

Well, all the victims have
been men in their 50s,
same general description.

He's chopping up
father figures, right?

Our psychologists think
he was sodomized

and, with the victims,
he's figuratively amputating
the hand that raped him.

Where's the jar?

Our medical examiner has it.
Doing some tests.

I assume
you dusted for prints.

We did.

We'll be sending in a team
to conduct a search
of the premises.

Tell your M.E. we'll be
picking up the limb
in the morning.

Well, what should we do?

I appreciate your help and
I don't mean to undermine
the abilities of your office,

but the best thing you could
do right now is just
stay out of our way.

I read in the paper
about this hand
that got sawed off.

Kim, would you pass the peas?

And it came back to life,
started killing children.

Did not!

Crawled into their beds
at night...
Matthew, take your plate.

...and strangled them.


Well, actually,
it stabbed them.
Would you please.

Zack, it didn't happen.

KIMBERLY: The news is
all over school, Daddy.

Billy O'Connell said
the little finger was
twitching. Is that true?

She likes Billy O'Connell.

KIMBERLY: Shut up, Matthew.
Who's Billy O'Connell?

The new hunk.

You want a saliva sample?
Check Kimberly's ear.

I said shut up.
That's not funny.
Hey, stop it!

All right, guys, not at
the table, not at the table.
Matthew, come on.

Just for that,
you can say grace.

I said it last night.

Do it.
Do it.

Dear Lord, for what
we're about to receive,
we thank you.

And thank you
for my loving family,

my parents,
my beautiful sister,

and, please,
don't let that hand sneak up
in the middle of the night

and kill my brother Zack!

Matthew Langston Brock.

JIMMY: Enough, Matthew.
MATTHEW: What did I do?

The eyes are different,

but they all show
the long nose.

How come that one's
got long hair?
It's a wig.

He wears a wig
when he makes the abductions.

He dresses up as a woman.

Maybe it is a woman.

No. They got a skin sample.

DNA chromosomed him a man.

Okay, Kenny,
here's what we're gonna do...

The FBI said to do nothing.

I don't care, Kenny.

We have a crime
that took place
within our boundaries.

We have a duty to investigate.

Forget it, Max.
We'll get in trouble.

Oh, for God sakes, Kenny.
We're trained cops.
We live in a tiny town.

How often have we had
a chance to go after
a serial kidnapper?

The FBI said no.

I already contacted
six of the former victims.

They're coming in
first thing in the morning.


I want you to interview them
while I work with Carter
on the hand.

We're gonna get sectioned out
on insubordination, Max.

We can't be going
against these guys.
I have a feeling about this.

No one's gonna be worried
about protocol when
we bring this guy in.

Look at this.

It's the Green Bay Chopper,
Kenny, and you and I
are gonna get him.

You called?

Yeah. The FBI is on
their way here, Ginny.

What do you know
about a kid named
Billy O'Connell?

Dates your daughter.
All right, besides that.
Is he a good kid?

B student, good defenseman
on the hockey team,

headmans the puck,

You know what I mean, Ginny.

He'll try to French kiss
on the first date,
and he's a little grabby.

That's all I know.

Ginny, come on, now.
You know more than that.
I want to know everything...

What's this?

Victims of the
Green Bay Chopper.

Kenny's interviewing them
one at a time.

It's true.
Show the Sheriff your hooks.



When Kenny comes out,
you tell him
I want to see him.

How long were you kept
in captivity before he...

I was in the back of a trunk
of a car for three days
before I finally passed out,

probably from weakness.

I was woken up by the pain
of my right hand getting...

I'm sorry.
Reliving it is kind of tough.
I know.

Is there anything else
you can think of?

Excuse me?

I know it sounds strange,

but it was like he was covered
with cucumber juice
or something.

What the hell are you doing?

I'm just taking a statement.

This is a federal
investigation, Officer.

Your talking to these people
constitutes obstruction
of an FBI investigation.

What's going on?

Excuse us, sir. Please.


You are not to conduct this
investigation. You are not
to pull in witnesses!

Why not?
Now, you listen to me.

It may very well be
that one of these victims
is the kidnapper.

We are talking about
a very sick person.

A man quite capable
of self-mutilation.

We don't have enough data yet
to rule anybody out.

We do not need the Rome
Sheriff's Department
revealing information,

this investigation!

Officer Lacos was trying
to help you out.

You people want to help?
Don't help.

Excuse me.

This is a real pleasure,

What a real pleasure.
I had a great-uncle
missing a thumb.

You look so wonderful.

Who is this man?

I feel the grip. Such a pity.

MORELL: Excuse me. Hey!

I'm Douglass Wambaugh,
appearing for
the one-armed plaintiffs.

And, by the way,
I want you to know
that I'm running for mayor

and I'd appreciate
the Bureau's endorsement.

Get this man out of here.
Let's go.

Wait a minute!
What's going on here?
This is an outrage!

I'm not afraid of the FBI!

Cheap, bully hacks
who wear ties!
Fascists! Fascists!

This place is nuts.

The chopped-up man
was a dentist.

I beg your pardon?

I think he specialized
in root canals.

Take me to the hand.

CARTER: Skin definitely
seems torn here.

MAXINE: Maybe the Chopper
bit him.

Could be.

No. No,
the wound's too open.

But it's this tiny lesion here
that's the kicker.

Yeah, I think we're
on to something.

I'm not finished.
Too bad. We're taking it.

You can't come
charging in here...
We need this.

I haven't completed
my examination!

You shouldn't even be
doing this investigation!

I'm a medical examiner.
I can inspect limbs if I want.

You're obstructing
an investigation of
the federal government.

Put that hand in the cooler.

Jimmy said to give it to him.
Oh, man!

This isn't a game.

It's very possible the man
whose hand this is might still
be the subject of torture.

I don't have time for you...
Not this man.

He's dead.


This is postmortem mutilation.

That hand was chopped off
after the person was killed.

Look at this. No hemorrhaging.

There'd be clotting
and bruising if
the guy was still alive.

Are you sure?
Of course I'm sure.

The guy on the other end
of this is dead meat.

Put it in the cooler.
Damn it.

Leave it on the table, Carter.
What the hell do you think
you're doing?

This case just became
a homicide.

That makes it a matter
of state jurisdiction.

Okay. I'll do it myself.

You are obstructing
an investigation

of the Rome, Wisconsin
Sheriff's Department.

You're drawing your weapon
on an FBI agent?

That's exactly
what I'm doing.
Put down the hand.

Deputy, I'd appreciate
you getting control
of this officer.

I'm with her. Put it down.

That was beyond stupid.

Homicide is a state crime.
I was within my authority.

You don't pull weapons
on federal officers!

Federal officers.
They come in here
pushing us around...

We'll be lucky
if they don't bring
charges against you.

You were wrong! Both of you!

You indulged your ego
at the expense
of the investigation.

Jimmy, it's not that simple...
I am talking, Deputy!

Just be grateful
I talked them out of
pressing charges against you.

I don't know why I did.

But you do anything
so reckless ever again
I will have your badges.

Do I make myself clear?

Do I make myself clear?

Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.

CARTER: I've gotta see
the Sheriff! Is he here?

Jimmy! Jimmy!

Remember those tiny lesions?


It was a mucocutaneous rash.
I ran some tests,
spiral bacterium syphilis!

Are you sure?
Of course I'm sure.

Everybody keeps
asking me if I'm sure.

The man attached to
this had syphilis,
and it was contagious.

Odds are the Green Bay Chopper
has it, too! Baby!

So how does that help us?

Well, syphilis is
a reportable disease by law.

Check the hospitals,
cross their lists with
missing persons,

you'll probably find out
who belonged to this hand.

Kenny, listen.
I'll take Milwaukee,
you take Green Bay.

Let's also notify
the Center for
Contagious Diseases.

Hey, I told you both,
you are off this case.

Jimmy, we were just
gonna run the hospitals...

You'll do nothing, Deputy.
That's an order.

Don't you ever
slam a door in my face.

You talked about
indulging ego.
Who's doing it now, Jimmy?

Kenny and I
could cover some ground here.

But you're more concerned
with chain of command.

Now, you listen to me.

There's a psychotic out there,
and you're worried
about office discipline!

What kind of sheriff are you?

I'm sorry.


You know, when I told
my family I was gonna
join the Police Academy,

my father laughed.

He didn't say, "Wait a second"

or try to talk me out of it.
He just laughed.

Sometimes I feel
I get that same attitude
from you.

I think you're
an exceptional officer

and a fine young deputy,
who sometimes makes mistakes.

Today was one of those times.

Zack, Matthew made
the whole thing up.

No hand is going to
come into your bed. Okay?

Now, come on. Let's take off
this hockey equipment.

I want to sleep with it on.

Oh, my God.
These skates are
gonna rip the sheets.

If it comes
I could stomp on it.

It's not coming, Zack.

Mom, you better
get downstairs.

We've got the mayor
and we've got parents.

That jar was passed around!
My son handled it.

Calm down. Everybody be quiet.
Be quiet. There's no danger.

It had syphilis.
No, no.

Carter Pike said
it was contagious.

Quiet! Quiet!

Why is there a sneaker
in this child's mouth?

My daughter was very bad.
Very bad.

Evidently, she made a deal
with these boys

to show them the hand
if they would display their...

And my son touched it.

All right, all right.
Quiet, quiet.
Everybody, please be quiet.

Cynthia, is this true?



And did you remove the hand
from the jar with the boys?


All right.
Now, listen to me, everybody,
and listen very carefully.

The hand was in
a disinfecting solution.

There is absolutely
no chance of
any bacteria surviving.

Then, there's no medical risk?
Absolutely none.

So we can all go home.

That little girl
should be disciplined.
Never mind, Patty.

You need to have a little talk
with Ostie here about
exposing his genitalia.

I understand he made the same
deal to get a glimpse
of Gina Furnauld's bullfrog.

And, Marjorie, this sneaker
is probably a greater
health risk to Cynthia than...

It's a clean sneaker.

All right, everybody home.
Let's all go home.

There's no danger.
See you all tomorrow
in school. Okay?

James, you boys
keep your pants up,
do you hear me? Okay?

Okay, guys, thanks a lot.
See you all tomorrow
in school.

Let's go. Okay, bye-bye.

Thank you, Jill.
I'm sorry to bother you,
but they were upset.

That's okay.

Good night.
Good night.

Good night.

Good night, Kimberly.

Can you believe those people?

Isn't syphilis
a sexually
transmitted disease?

Usually, yeah.

So if somebody has a sexual
disease and, you know, just
touches you with his hand,

you could catch it?
Well, that would depend on...

Touches you where?

I don't know. Places.

Who's touching you,
young lady?

Nobody's touching me.

You're asking me questions
about touching and
sexual transmission.

Who's touching you
and where?

I was just curious.
I have some homework to do.

It was just a question.

Missing persons turned up
one name that also showed up
on the syphilis list,

a John Englander.

Is that the guy
the hand belongs to?

Lived in Green Bay proper.
He was a dentist.

Told you.

That makes sense.
Dentists are in
a high-risk group.

They stick their hands
in people's mouths
all the time.

Thank you.

This guy Englander was last
seen being forced into
a red car in Green Bay

by a man with a ski mask.

Forgive me for
just a second here.

Nothing about this case
fits your kidnapper's profile.

You've never recovered
a severed hand before.

The person who was attached
to this hand is dead.

The other victims
all survived.

And the geographical location
was Green Bay,
and we're in Rome.

Now, excuse me for a second.
Look right here.

You see,
that's outside that radius.

This hand may have
nothing to do with
your serial kidnapper.

Maybe not,
but it's a severed hand.

It's probably
the Green Bay Chopper.

With all due respect,
you're looking to
find a kidnapper

and I'm looking to
find a murderer,

and my deputies, as well as
Carter Pike, have made
more progress than you.

What are you trying
to say, Sheriff?

I'm telling you
I'm putting my team
back on the case.

This is a federal case.
You have no right
to interfere with it.

It's a state case, too.
You stay out of our way.

Fine, and you
stay out of mine.

Here. Take your toys.

Here you go. Here's that.
Make a few phone calls.

Max and Kenny, let's go.

You don't know
what you're doing.
I know exactly what I'm doing.

You think so.

First thing
tomorrow morning,

I'm going to be in federal
court with an injunction.
I'll shut you down.

I'll see you there,

Ginny, get me Wambaugh.

Hey, Sheriff!
Sheriff, you think
I'm kidding?

Maybe you don't think
I have the power
to bust you, Sheriff,

but let me tell you
one thing,
I certainly do.

Now, listen here,
you arrogant son of a bitch,
I've had it with your abuse.

I'm the one who's tolerating
abuse! Not to mention

You shut up!

I am not, nor will I ever be
your subordinate.
You got that?

This is my department.
These are my people!

And you stay out of our way!

Now, get out of here.


Your Honor,
this is blatant interference,

which is jeopardizing
the investigation.

Your Honor, 32 hands
have been hacked off
during their investigation.

A little interference
would be in order.

That's not funny,
Mr. Wambaugh.

Of course not, Your Honor.

And I ask that you sanction
everyone back there
who laughed.

You just stick to
the case, Counsel.

Yes, Judge. This is the case.
The FBI has gotten nowhere.

My people discovered
that it was murder,

which gives them concurrent
jurisdiction over the matter.

Your people pulled guns
on a federal officer.

But they didn't shoot.

A mistake, in my judgment.

Mr. Wambaugh.
This guy's a kook.

Your Honor, they haven't
given us one example

of how their investigation
could be harmed by ours.

Moreover, we discovered that
the handless man was dead.

We discovered
that it was syphilis,
which lead to its identity.

We made progress.

They're not afraid
that we'll slow them down,

they're only scared
that we'll show them up!

Thank you. Douglas Wambaugh.
Thank you.

Your Honor, I would submit
that federal law preempts
any state action.

There's no federal preemption
in a homicide.

What law school
did you attend?
Will you shut up?

You see, Your Honor,
he sunk to my level.

All right. I've heard enough
from both of you.

Mr. Walden, you have
no grounds for
an injunction here.

Mr. Wambaugh is
absolutely right.

It is a state crime.

You can investigate
if you want, but so can they.

That's all. We're adjourned.

Thank you, Your Honor.
Check's in the mail.

A little Wambaugh humor.

I don't know
what we're doing.
You heard him.

John Englander was last seen
being forced into a red car.

Maybe this one?

Well, who owns this?

Guy gave us a phony name.

My bet is, belongs to
the Green Bay Chopper.


Don't you get it?
We picked this guy up
three weeks ago on Route 2.

He knew his registration
had lapsed,

figured we'd impound the car.
That's why he threw
the hand out the window,

'cause he knew
we could do
an inventory search.

Nothing looks suspicious.

Hey, hey.
What are you doing?

All the victims said
they were stuffed
into the trunk,

sometimes after their hands
were chopped off.

There's gonna be
blood stains in there.

And what if you're wrong?

This guy comes
back for his car,
and you've ruined the trunk.

This guy is
the Green Bay Chopper, Kenny.
He's not coming back.

Check your stomach.
This won't be pretty.

You're right, Max,
my stomach's all aflutter.

Shut up.

You're gonna have to
pay for that car.

Of course,
you can take it out
of your FBI wage.

Keep talking.
Oh, you're so smart.

'Cause I know how
they're gonna wanna hire you.

Oh, you are such
a big riot. So funny.


Oh, my queasy stomach.


So, what's up?

Not much, pumpkin.

It occurred to me
how you and I

don't talk like we used to.

You know,
why don't you sit here
on my lap for a second

like the old days? Come on.

You called me down here
to sit on your lap?

Get over here. Come on.

Nothing's wrong.
I just want to talk.


You remember
when you were little,

and you'd sit on my lap
and we'd talk about clouds

and how giraffes
got long necks?

are you sexually active?

Excuse me?

Now, I know
I didn't exactly
tiptoe up to that.

I think I'm gonna withdraw
from this conversation
on constitutional grounds.

Right to privacy.

There's nothing in
the Constitution
about privacy.

Read Griswold.
Read the President's lips.

Privacy was never
specifically recognized by
the Founding Fathers,

and, more importantly,
it is not recognized
by your father.

Are you having sex?

Okay, Daddy.
Now, try and get this.

I made a decision
several years ago

that I would not be sharing
with you and Mom certain
aspects of my personal life,

and you've happened to
hit on one of them.

I decided that
when the time comes,

and I'm not going to say
whether it has or not,

the most important thing
would be to
practice safe sex, right?

Absolutely. Yes.

And so the safest thing
for me to do would be...

To not tell you.

Kimberly, look...

Daddy, I'm your daughter.
I'm a product
of your influence.

Now, whether that's
a source of fear
or comfort to you,

you'll have to decide.

Ask her if she's having sex
and she cites
the Constitution.

If you don't feel
up to this...

Just let me see it.

It's John.

You're sure?

It's my husband.
Of course I'm sure.

You don't think that's just
a little bit ridiculous?

We need a positive ID.

Oh, God. You people
are really unbelievable.

Don't you start with me.

I haven't begun with you.
As soon as I'm finished here,

I'm going right to
the Governor's office.
I'm gonna tell them exactly...

You think I'm not gonna go to
your superiors about you?

nickel and dime...

Excuse me!

My husband's been murdered,
the person who did it
is still out there,

and you two are
arguing over
who gets to be in charge?

Ma'am, we're very sorry
about your loss.

Oh, yeah. I can tell.

Why don't you call me
when you settle
your administrative dispute.

I'm just dying to know
how it comes out.

He said cucumbers.

The one-armed guy
you interviewed

said the kidnapper
smelled like cucumbers, right?

So, get this.

The guy in the LTD
we pulled over,

the name on the phony license
was John Pontell.

Wisconsin Probation
lists John Pontell

and about six other aliases
for a man named
Mitchell Plump.

What's that got to do
with cucumbers?

Mitchell Plump had
a father named Nathaniel.

He mysteriously disappeared
nine years ago.

Nathaniel, I bet,
is the child-abusing father

who turned Mitchell
into the Green Bay Chopper.

What about the damn cucumbers?

I'm getting there.

Nathaniel Plump owned
a pickle factory,
Plump Pickles.

The man worked with cucumbers.

Now, the stuff about
the cucumber juice,
I don't know...

Maybe it was some kind
of sick ritual.

But I'm telling you, Kenny,
the guy we pulled over
in the Ford

is the Green Bay Chopper,
and I know it.

What? What are you thinking?
Tell me.

A lot of the victims
were kept in
the trunk for days.

Some of them said
they urinated in it.


So, even if the guy
cleaned up all the blood,

urine would still show up
under the laser.

I know how to use a laser!

I have used it.
When I was in Chicago.
You never used one.

Let's go.

Kenny, I'm doing the laser.

All right, listen, babycakes.
I'm gonna do the laser,
all right?

But if you've
already used one,
then I can do it this time.

Shooting star.


See, that's
your problem, Kim.

You can't just look up at
a moving flash of light
and just see a star.

I can. It's just harder
when the moving flash
has wings,

a tail, and a grinding engine.

I see.


Seeing stars now?



Please start your vehicle
and move on.

You have got to be kidding.

No parking in this area.
Please start your vehicle
and proceed.


I don't believe this.

We're going.


Ask any child psychiatrist.

Hanging a kid in the corner
has no therapeutic value.

Neither has scaring
your brother half to death.

Can I hang now?

It's punishment, Zachary.
It's not supposed to be
something you enjoy.

But it's fun!
I feel like Batman.

Did you have me followed?

Excuse me?
I won't excuse you.

I noticed the squad car
when I was leaving the house,

but I couldn't believe it.

Then, it just happens to
go by while we were parked
on Somerset.

Why would a deputy
ever go down Somerset?

There aren't even any houses.

Honey, I was just
worried about you.

You want to worry?

Think of me living in
Los Angeles with
my real mother.

That should make you worry.

You keep using your department
to monitor my social life,

and that's exactly
where I'll be going.

You had your
own daughter tailed?

And I'm the one
who gets strung up
in the corner.

You ready?

Goggles down.

Okay, here we go.
Prepare to see a glow.

Should we check
our stomachs first?
Turn it on.

KENNY: There it is.
That's how it looks.

We got him, Kenny.
We got the Green Bay Chopper.

Why didn't you tell us
about this car?

I did at the beginning.
You ignored me.

You got an address?
On Mitchell Plump? Yeah.

His father made pickles.

Yes, you mentioned that.

Look. He threw the jar out
the window because he knew
that we'd inventory it.


Let's move on him
at the house.

I want a massive backup,
state and federal.
This guy could do anything.

Okay, guys, let's do it.
We can get there
in about 40 minutes.

Coordinate SWAT.
Yeah, I will.

You coming?

It's your bust, Deputy.

out of our jurisdiction.

I understand that, Sheriff,
but these two deputies here
made the suspect.

If they'd like to be present
for the collar, it'd be
the FBI's pleasure.

Can we go, Jimmy?


It's a dream case.
We'll wear the vest. Please.

You be careful.

Let's go.

Something's going on
over there.

They're all running around
jumping in squad cars.

JILL: Oh, yeah. They're...
They're off to
get the Chopper.

You sure?

I had lunch with a boy today.
Daddy could be
sending in troops.

That's why I called you
in here today, sweetie.

I wanted to talk to you
about that,

and privacy seems hard to
come by at home these days.

Yeah. George Orwell would
love it. The merging of
father and Big Brother.

Daddy knows he was
completely wrong to
have you followed.

He's... He's a little
embarrassed about it.

Yeah, he told me.

So, why am I here?



you've chosen to make
your private life
your own business,

and I do respect that.

And, without probing into
your sexual activities,

I... I have some concerns,

both as a parent
and as a doctor,
and I just want to be heard.


Okay, first as a parent.

I think 16-year-olds
are too young, emotionally,
for intercourse.

I also believe
that intercourse

should never be
an extracurricular activity
or a sport.

It's an act of love,

and it should be reserved
for two people
who love each other.

I think you'll find yourself
more comfortable,

not to mention more effective,
speaking as the doctor.

Okay, as the doctor.

Sexual intercourse
is not safe.

AIDS is spreading the fastest
in the heterosexual community,

particularly among teenagers,

and you can get it from just
one episode. It's not just
an urban thing, Kimberly.

AIDS is coming to
the small towns.

It's probably already
here in Rome.

So, if you do
decide to have sex,
and I hope that you do not,

you damn well better involve
a condom and you better use
spermicidal jelly, too.

There. I've said it. God.

Are you finished?

You have a gynecologist.
You can talk to her.

Nothing you ever say or do
will ever get back to me.

Okay. Got it.



If he's in there,
he's not answering.

Okay. We positioned in back?

We're ready and in position.

Let's go. Knock it down.

FBI! Freeze!

FBI! Freeze!



Inspector, down here!
AGENT 2: Clear upstairs.

Basement's down here.

Fridge is full of them.

Well, at least we know
we got the right guy.

God. Look, there's another
one over there.

How many hands
does a guy need?

Officer down!
Get some help!

Get the paramedics down here!
Get some help!

Got it.

Absolutely. The suspect killed
was the Green Bay Chopper.
No question.

And you're listing
the shooting
as self-defense?

Totally. Officer Stewart
discharged her weapon only
after the suspect shot

and wounded
Special Agent Williams.

We're very grateful to her.
She saved lives.

REPORTER: Inspector, when did
the FBI first get
involved in this case?

We started following leads
about three months ago.

Officer Stewart discharged
her weapon only after
the suspect shot

and wounded
Special Agent Williams.

We're very grateful to her.
She saved lives.

REPORTER: Why would...

Kenny, hi.

Listen, would you do me
a favor and go by Maxine's?
Make sure she's okay.

No, never mind. Just go on by
and stop in, will you?

And don't tell her
that I sent you,

because she doesn't want me to
think of her as any way
but tough. Okay?

Yeah, all right.
Yeah. Thank you.

It's amazing how in tune
you can be with your deputies.

Do I smell sarcasm
in that compliment?

When you sat down
the other day
to talk to Kimberly,

did you really try
to have a conversation?

Meaning what?

Meaning, did you merely
broach the subject and
let her just swat you down?

I bet she was
out of your office
within a minute.

And I bet when you went to
apologize to her
for having her followed,

you did it from
the doorway of her room.

Honey, you're a good father.
You're a great father.

But you're totally unwilling
to recognize the fact

that your daughter
might be growing up,

that she's becoming
quite complicated.

I'm just her stepmother.
I can only do so much.

She needs her father.

I try.

Well, try harder.
She's a teenager.

I know you'll always love her,
but if you don't work at it,

someday you might not
even know her.

What are you doing here?

Question is,
what are you doing here?

Biggest day of your career,
ever, maybe.

I thought you'd be out
having a beer or something.

Yeah, well, it's a long day.

You know,
I'm kind of exhausted.
I figured I'd just crash.

But everything's okay,

Of course.

I remember the first time
I ever put my gun on somebody.

I was a rookie.

Back in Chicago.

We were raiding
this crack house,

and this guy,
he just jumped in front
of me pointing a rifle.

I don't even remember
squeezing the trigger.

I just remember
the sound of my gun
going off.

You killed him?

Well, I missed.

Damn it, Kenny.

The thing is, shooting my gun
at a person, it stuck with me
for a long time.

And whatever happened
to you today, it's probably
sticking a little, too.

It's just so stupid.
I'm a hero.

And I might have even
saved somebody's life.


I did the right thing.

I'm responsible for
stopping a serial...

I was a good cop today,
Kenny. I was.

No question.

Don't tell Brock
you saw me cry, okay?