Perception (2012–2015): Season 3, Episode 15 - Run - full transcript

When Moretti goes missing on the day of her wedding, Pierce and Donnie set out to find her. A dangerous person from Pierce's past abducts Kate.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on "Perception"...

Who are you?

Special Agent Drexler.

I'm the FBI legate at the U.S. Embassy.

Impersonating an FBI
agent is a federal crime.

We got to find this guy.

We've been working together on
and off for, what, five years?

You're the serial killer.

He said he had to kill us all.

You attribute this PTSD to the actions
of the defendant, Josiah Rosenthal?

Yes. I thought I was going to die.

We're getting married in two days.

You love her.

What did you want to tell me?

It makes me happy to see you so... Happy.

"I can't do this."

We've been planning this for months,

and she waits till we get
a church full of people

to decide she can't do this?

Donnie, I'm sorry. This is...

This is bullshit is what it is.


Hey, hey, slow down. Where are you going?

I'm going to find Kate.

Look, you don't want to do this.

Due respect, Joe, this
is between me and her.

And what are you gonna do,
find her and drag her back?

No. I'm gonna make her look me in the eye
and tell me what the hell is going on here.

Look, son, I know my daughter, huh?

She says she wants to be left
alone, she wants to be left alone.

Give her some space. Maybe
she'll come back around.

So I'm... I'm just supposed to do nothing?

Let me buy you a drink.

Thanks, Joe, but I'm not
really in the mood for company.

Can I ask you a question, Doc?

If I say no, will it stop you?

When you went to see Kate
just before she took off,

did you talk to her?

Yeah. So?

Did it seem to you like she
was having second thoughts?

Not that I was aware of.

- Then don't you think...
- That it's none of our business?

- Yes, I do.
- Sorry.

You need anything?

Peace and quiet.

I'm gonna go change.

Hey, stranger.


How's tricks?

God, I've missed you.

I've missed you, too.

What are you doing here?

Today seemed like a good
day to come back for a visit.

I had plans.

But as it turns out, I got
the rest of the day for you.

- Only because you sabotaged the wedding.
- What?

Did you or did you not
get up out of your seat

right before the ceremony
was supposed to start

to tell Kate that you loved her?


I had a momentary irrational
impulse that I resisted.

So you didn't talk to her right before
she was about to walk down the aisle?

- Yes, I did, but...
- What did you say?

I told her I was happy for her.

Before that?

I said she looked beautiful. So what?

So maybe she heard that and
picked up on some nonverbal cues...

Your eyes, your body language.

Oh, come on, come on.

Maybe she intuited what
you really wanted to say,

and that gave her second thoughts.

- That's ridiculous.
- Daniel, at least admit it to me!

Admit what?

That you're secretly glad
that Kate ran out on Donnie.

Okay, you know before,
when I said I missed you?

I was being polite.

Daniel, you're gonna have to face...


Is this Dr. Pierce?

Who's this?

I have Kate Moretti.

If you ever want to see her alive again,

tell your friend Donnie
Ryan to secure the release

of Dr. Josiah Rosenthal from prison.

If this is some kind of a joke...

Once he's free, you will
receive further instructions.

You have 72 hours.

If you alert the authorities or
fail to deliver Dr. Rosenthal,

Kate Moretti dies.

Kate didn't get cold
feet. She was abducted.


I got this... this phone call, weird voice.

Whoever it was, he says
that... That he has Kate

and that if you don't get
Rosenthal out of prison

or... or if we alert the
authorities, he's gonna kill her.

Bless your paranoid heart, Daniel.


Look, I... I don't know if you're
trying to make me feel better

or if you actually believe
what you're saying right now,

but the truth is, Kate
left me, pure and simple.

- You're not... You're not listening.
- I should have seen the signs.

She didn't want a big wedding.

She didn't want to buy a house
or talk about having a baby.

Donnie, Donnie...

Daniel, I might be a
little drunk right now,

but you have schizophrenia.

No offense, but just please, ask
yourself what is more plausible here,

that Kate is being offered
in a hostage exchange

for a prisoner on death row

or that this is just another one of your...

No, no, not... not this
time, not this time.

Think... think about it. You're
an assistant U.S. attorney.

You have access to
Rosenthal. He knows that.

He obviously orchestrated this whole thing.

So you have to find a
way to get him released.

So what, he... He sent some henchman

to sneak into the church and
grab Kate when nobody was looking?

Maybe! M-m-maybe he made a deal
with... with some prison gang

who... who had their... Their
associates on the outside kidnap her.

He... he's an incredibly resourceful
sociopath who, let's not forget,

abducted and... and
killed an FBI agent before.

And now he's facing lethal
injection. He's desperate.

Donnie, Kate's not a coward.

Don't you think if... if she
was having second thoughts,

she'd tell you face-to-face?

Uh, even if I had some magic
power to spring Rosenthal,

this voice on the phone...
Why call you instead of me?

Because all Rosenthal knows about you

is that you're the
prosecutor who put him away.

He doesn't know if your
calls are monitored,

or how you'd react, but he knows me,

and he knows that I'd convince
you not to alert the authorities.

Look, may... maybe I did
hallucinate the phone call.

But if there's even a chance that I didn't,

you've got to sober up and go
and see that son of a bitch.

Mr. Ryan.

This is a surprise.

Is it?

I assumed you'd be off on your honeymoon.

How'd you know I was getting married?

My lawyer is a big gossip.

Do you know where Kate Moretti is?

Oh, my God.

Did she leave you at the altar?

That must be quite painful. You
really should talk to someone.

Officially, I've had
to suspend my practice,

- but I'd be willing to speak with...
- Cut the crap, Rosenthal.

Did you have someone call
Dr. Pierce with demands?

I have no idea what you're talking about.

Then I'll see you at your execution.


I don't know anything about
your fianc?e, Mr. Ryan,

but there is something that's been
weighing on me ever since I was sentenced.

There are certain individuals
who disappeared years ago

that were never accounted for.

I think about their families often,

how difficult it must be to not know
what happened to their loved ones.

If you were to contact the FBI

and arrange for my temporary release,

I'd be willing to help you find
the remains of those individuals.

Sounds like a setup.

You say you're leading us to the
additional remains of victims,

but instead, you walk us right into
an ambush designed to help you escape.

Except I don't recall
exactly where the remains are,

so I couldn't really arrange an ambush

without knowing the precise
location beforehand...

Could I?

Maybe the FBI could assign
one of their site consultants

to come along and help me remember.


But the FBI would insist on U.S. Marshals.

Of course.

And I could never get away from them,

not without help on the inside.

And who on the inside would help me?

You're a sick son of a bitch.

And you are a man whose
bride has just disappeared.

You're right.

And I couldn't even begin to
think about what you're proposing

unless I knew she was okay.

Well, I wouldn't worry about it, Mr. Ryan.

I'm sure she'll turn up... Eventually.

I am a federal agent. They will
have an army looking for me.

You are in way over your
head. Do you understand?


Jesus Christ! Where did you get this?

I found it on my doorstep.

If we tell the FBI about this, they're
gonna want to try and figure out

where Kate's being held
and who the accomplice is.

There's no time for that.

There's... there's no way
they're gonna go along with a ruse

to... to make Rosenthal
think that we're breaking him

- out of prison in exchange for Kate.
- No, so what do we do?

We're gonna have to
pull this off on our own.

Are you up for that, Daniel?


Even if it means losing our careers...

Or going to prison.

- Whatever it takes.
- Okay.

All right, the first thing
we do is go to the FBI.

We tell the special agent in charge

that Rosenthal is looking
for redemption before he dies.

He wants to help close some
of his unsolved murders.

Parsons will assign a couple of agents,

but I am going to insist
that you come along.

You're a psych expert.

You know Rosenthal better than anyone.

You can help gauge whether he's
pulling the wool over our eyes.

Parsons won't have any problem with that,

but he'll definitely
insist upon an armed escort.

It's about a one-hour drive to the spot

I'll tell Rosenthal to
claim he buried the victims.

We're actually going to Kahakee State Park.

It's a place that I used
to go camping with my dad.

At a certain point,

we'll have to leave the
cars and go in on foot.

In order for this plan to work,

we'll need to create some separation

between Rosenthal and the marshals.

Where the hell is this clearing
you're talking about, Rosenthal?

- You said it was a half-mile in.
- I said about a half a mile.

Dragging us out to the middle of nowhere.

You know what? Forget about it.

I've changed my mind. Let's go back.

No. We came all the way out here. Now,
show us where the bodies are buried.

It's not exactly easy to focus with
a bunch of shotguns pointed at me.

This is where you come in.

Let's... let's just
give him some room, okay?

Sir, are orders are to keep him tight.

He's not gonna help us
if he feels threatened.

Eventually, we'll come to the clearing

where my dad and I used to camp.

There's an old stone well.

That's where I put Kristen.

Rosenthal will get to
the well just ahead of me,

and that's when he'll grab the gun

I'll have planted ahead of time.


Everybody lower your weapons
or Ryan dies right now.

You really want to go home and
tell your bosses and the media

that you couldn't stop a sociopath

from spraying the brains of
an assistant U.S. attorney

all over the woods?!

Put the guns down!

Of course, Rosenthal's gun won't be loaded,

but they won't know that.

On your knees.

Hands behind your head.

Not you, Pierce. Get up.

Get the guns. Put them in the well.

Rosenthal will order you
to collect their weapons,

cellphones, and car keys.

Come on, move!

Get them. Come on. Let's go. Pick them up!

You'll dump it all into the well.

Then you'll cuff the marshals...

And uncuff Rosenthal.

All right, you two are coming with me.

Let's go. Move.

The marshals and agents
will try and follow us,

- but it will take them hours...
- Let's go.

To cover the ground we
can travel in 10 minutes.

That way.

And 10 minutes away, on another fire road,

we'll have a different car waiting for us.

Okay. Now, give me the gun.

Why? It's not loaded, is it?


But this one is.

Daniel, relax.

Try some of those breathing
exercises we worked on.

I am not your patient anymore!

What happens now?!

The voice on the phone said
there'd be instructions.

We make the exchange tonight.

I'll direct us to the location.

In the meantime, we go
to a motel in Kingston.

We stay out of sight.

No. We're not going anywhere

until we have proof
that Kate is still alive.

You got your photograph, didn't you?

I want proof she's alive now.

You kill me, you'll
never see your Kate again.

You're right.


Jesus, Donnie, that is
not part of the plan!

It was part of the plan
I didn't tell you about!

I'm in control of this thing, not you!

Now, I talk to Kate in the next 60 seconds

or I put a bullet in your other leg.


Kate, can you hear me?


Are you okay?

I... I am. I'm okay.

But I'm in some kind of a...

Kate. Hey!

I wasn't finished talking to her.

You wanted proof. I obliged.

I don't know what kind of twisted dirtbag

you talked into helping you,
but if Kate is harmed in any way,

I will personally kill him,
and then I will kill you.

The son of a bitch will be dead already
if we don't get him to a hospital.

No. If we go to a hospital, they'll
alert the police, and this will be over.

You should have thought of
that before you shot him.

Well, you went to Med
School. You sew him up.

I'm not a surgeon! Don't point that at me!

Well, why don't I give it a
whack? What do you say, Josiah?

How about I dig that bullet
out of your leg for you?

If I die, Kate dies with me.

Shut up, both of you!

Help me get him in the car.


Excuse me. Do we know each other?

- I don't think so.
- No, I'm sure I've seen you.

Oh, my God. You were on the news.

No, I wasn't.

Yes. You were one of those men that
crazy serial killer took hostage.

Is he watching us?

You stay here. I will call the police.

No, no, no. Please stop!
Don't call the police!

- Sir?
- No, please don't do that.

Are you all right?

Yes. I just need to ring these up.

This might sting.

If only we had some heroin to shoot you
up with like you used on your victims.

A lot less messy than bullets, isn't it?

The heroin wasn't for my convenience.

It was to give those poor
souls a few moments of peace

at the end of their tragic lives.

The tragedy in their lives
was you, you sadistic prick.

You may not agree with my actions, Daniel,
but I'm no sadist, unlike your cohort,

who clearly seems to get pleasure
out of watching me in pain.

Yeah? He's not the only one.

You know, I'd assumed that you'd
exaggerated Donnie's character defects.

I see now that you were way too kind.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Come on, Daniel.

How many times during therapy

did you bring up your
misgivings about Donnie,

especially as it pertained to Kate?

I never said anything like that.

He didn't think you were an
appropriate partner for her.

Shut up, Josiah! I mean it.

Truth is, Daniel believes
that she belongs with him...

Not you.

I'm gonna need ice to pack the wound.

Something wrong, Daniel?

- I know who Rosenthal is working with.
- Who?

Do you remember the time we
were in Paris, the guy who...

- who impersonated the FBI legate?
- Yeah.

He's sitting in a car in the parking lot.

There's no one out there.

Well, he... he... He must have realized
that I spotted him and drove off.

Isn't it more likely you hallucinated?

Hey, hey, you thought I'd
hallucinated the phone call.

- Daniel...
- Just think about it.

He's an international spy.

He'd know how to orchestrate
something like this.

What could he possibly
have to do with Rosenthal?

I... I don't... I don't know.

But they must be connected somehow.

Maybe... maybe this whole prisoner exchange
is just a smokescreen for an even bigger...

Listen, Daniel!

I am not sure who or
what you saw out there,

but we cannot afford to let
your paranoia get us off-track.

It might cost Kate her life.

So I don't know what you need
to do to get your shit together,

but whatever it is, I
need you to do it now.

Hey! Over here, hey, hey!

Federal Marshals, sir.
We need to use your phone.

All right, people, listen up.

We have a situation.

A multistate dragnet is under way

for convicted serial
killer Josiah Rosenthal,

who took two hostages
during a daring escape

from the federal authorities
earlier this afternoon.

Security has been tightened
at borders and airports.

And investigators are said to
be following multiple leads.

Just turn that off, please.

Relax, Daniel.

As long as this prick holds
up his end of the bargain,

this will all be over in a few minutes.

Where to next?

Straight to the end.

Then stop the car and turn off the engine.

And where is Kate?

She's in the van.

You let me go, once I'm
safe, Kate gets released.


You're not going anywhere
until Kate's free, too.

Bring her out! I want to see her!

Donnie, she's not in there. It's a trick.

Daniel, where the hell are you going?!

Get back here!

You'd better go after him.

And leave you all alone to just
walk away? I don't think so.

Daniel's delusional,
Donnie. He needs your help.

Maybe he's right and this
is all just a smokescreen.



I shot him once!

I want to see Kate right
now or I'll shoot him again!

- Kate.
- Donnie?

It's been fun, Donnie,

but I guess it's time.

Take off her blindfold and let her go.

He doesn't start walking
until she starts walking.

Do what he says.

Oh, thank God.

- Are you hurt?
- I'm fine.

What the hell is Rosenthal doing here?

I had to break him out
of prison to get you back.

- What?!
- I'll explain.

We got to go find Daniel.
He went running off.

Well, we can't let Rosenthal get away.

No, he's not getting away.

We have a plan. Come on.

It's been a while, Dr. Pierce.

But we'll always have Paris, won't we?

It's pretty, isn't it?

After you and your friends
got me arrested by the French,

they turned me over to the iranians.

They gave me the scar as a souvenir

for failing to deliver the nuclear
technology that I promised them.

That's what this is about... revenge?

You cooked up this whole plot
just to get us sent to prison?

Not just this plot, Pierce.

You remember Donnie
getting charged with murder,

you getting blown up in a house?

It was all me.

You three ruined me,
and I'm gonna ruin you.

You're out of your mind.

- You and me both.
- Daniel!




Kate, you're okay.

Are you?

I've been better. But
you're... you're safe.

That's... that's all that matters.
What... what about Rosenthal?

Get out of the van! Get
your hands behind your head!

Now open the back.

Joe, we got him?

We got a problem.

Guy works for a Gypsy Cab Company.

He got an e-mail offering
him 500 bucks to drive

and not ask any questions.

Did he get an eye on
Rosenthal's accomplice?

The deal was to pick
up the van in one spot,

take it to another, and
never look in the cargo area.

Kate and I watched Rosenthal
and ski mask get into this van,

so how did they just
disappear into thin air?

It looks like there was a
hole in your plan, Pierce.


Two holes, actually.


They dropped out of the
van and into this manhole.

So now what? They're in the sewers?

Or they climbed right back out
another manhole a block or two away,

got in a different car, and took off.

- We got to call the FBI.
- Slow down.

We are dealing with a convicted
serial killer at large.

We got to call in the big guns,

get him back in custody
as soon as possible.

She's right, Donnie.

We... we agreed to face the
consequences, to come clean.

The FBI's got the... The
airports and the borders covered.

So before we call it in and we
get separated and interrogated,

can we just take five
minutes and talk about

if there's any way that we
can find Rosenthal on our own?

Yeah, and cover our asses in the process.

Kate, is... is there
anything that you can tell us

about who abducted you?

I was in the changing
room after Daniel left.

Wait. Daniel was there?

Yeah. He came in to wish me good luck.

I finally had a moment to myself
where I could take a breath,

and I heard a knock at the door.

All I saw was a ski mask.

I don't remember changing my
clothes or leaving the church.

Whoever tased me must have given
me some kind of a sedative, too.

That sounds like Rosenthal.

When I woke up, all I knew was
that I was blindfolded in handcuffs.

But they took a picture of you, and
they put you on the phone with me.

Can you remember anything from then?

There was a light in my eyes.

- I couldn't see anything.
- There's got to be something.

Did he talk at all? Was he tall?

- Did he smell?
- No!

I do remember him sniffing a lot.

Maybe he was snorting blow.
How the hell should I know?

Look, I'm sorry, but this is pointless.

I'm calling the FBI.
Somebody give me a phone.

Maybe you've had it wrong
this whole time, Pierce.

Maybe I wasn't trying to put you in jail.

Maybe I was trying to get you out.

What the hell are you talking about?




These allergies... killing me.

Kate, hang up the phone, hang up the phone.

I know who Rosenthal's accomplice is.

I should have realized it
when I saw her at the church.

It was right before you disappeared.

I... I ran into Tasha.


She looked like she'd been crying.

You been crying?

But no, she said...


She said she had allergies.

I... I... I assumed she was
crashing the wedding

because she's in love with Donnie,
but... but she was there to abduct you.

The taser, the... the ski mask...
They must have been in the gift box.

Daniel, what the hell
are you talking about?

Tasha was one of Rosenthal's victims.

He... he threw her out of the van
and nearly killed her. Remember?

I don't think he did throw her
out of a van. I think she jumped.

Why the hell would she do that?

To pose as one of his victims.

She... she gave us a
wrong lead, Kate, remember?

Her whole story was just a ruse
to throw us off Rosenthal's track.

But she testified against
him at his sentencing.

She helped send him to death row.

I think she was sending him a message.

Remember... remember how she...
She asked to address him directly?

It's not over.

I have a future.

I have plans.

They had a relationship. Don't you see?

She was trying to tell
him that... that somehow,

she was gonna break him out.

But how would Rosenthal
get details in prison?

From a... From a, uh, guard maybe

or... or another prisoner
smuggling messages?

They knew they needed leverage
to get you to release Rosenthal.

They had to figure out what was important
enough to you that you'd risk everything.

So... so Tasha asked you out.

Can I buy you a drink?s

She discovers that you and
Kate are getting married.

I'm engaged to be married.

A little reconnaissance
at the rehearsal dinner.

So they're not getting
married at St. Stephen's?

No. The wedding's at...

And bingo, she's got her plan.

And now what? You think
they're running off to Mexico

like Bonnie and Clyde?

No, no, no. He's...
he's too smart for that.

He knows that the border and the
airport are crawling with security.

So... What if he's lying
low at the last place

that anyone would think to look for him?

At the home of a woman
everyone thought was his victim.

Aw, that's the craziest thing I ever heard.

Welcome to my life.

Open up!

Agent Moretti, what is going on?

You can't just walk
into my house like this.

- Where is Rosenthal?
- Rosenthal?

I... I saw on the news he escaped. Oh,
my God, you don't think he's coming...

Spare me the theatrics, Tasha.

We know all about your
relationship with him,

the message you sent him
from the witness stand,

and the real reason you
showed up at the church.

This is crazy. I don't
know what you are talking...

The second floor is clear.

Nothing back here.

I want you people out of my house
right now or I'm calling the police.

I said get out... Now!

It was you.

I don't know what you're talking about.

You led me up some stairs.

Is there a basement?

Yes, but...

Show me now.

This the place, honey?

This isn't right.

I told you. Now, please, will
you all just leave me alone?

- 3, 4, 5, 6.
- What are you doing?

I counted my steps to the stairs
when she led me out. There were 17.

Maybe this isn't the place.

I heard a door open on the way.

There's got to be one around here.

- Careful, Kate.
- No!

On your knees. Hands behind your head.

This is it. This is where I was held.

You weren't the only one.

This is where you killed
your victims, isn't it?

Apparently, I'll be going back to prison,

where you two felons will be joining me.

I'm calling this in.

But first, I need to talk to you two alone.

Dad, you got them?

I got it. Donnie, I got it.

Come on.

Get on your knees. Hands behind your head.

Right. Before I call Parsons,
I need to know everything

that you guys and my dad did to get me out.

Start from the beginning.

Kate, what difference does it make now?

All that matters is those two
psychopaths will never hurt anyone again.

Except for the three people
who I care about the most.

Now, they're gonna tell their side,

and I cannot bear the idea of
you guys going down for saving me.

Now, if I have all the facts, maybe
there is some way that I can spin it.


What did you do?

They went for my gun.

Funny how things work out...

Two dead scumbags that were
going to be executed anyway.

I just saved the taxpayers a lot of dough.

- This isn't right.
- And what is?

Me, Donnie, the professor here...

We go to prison for saving your life?

That happens, you'll be all alone.

Honey, I can't stand the thought of that.

Whatever we do,

we got to make sure we're
all on the same page.

The two suspects charged me
in an attempt to disarm me.

In self-defense, I fired twice,

fatally injuring both perpetrators.

Now, look, I was alone...

You run out on your wedding

and magically reappear just
in time to save these two?

I know how it looks, boss. I do.

But I'm not the first
bride to get cold feet.

After the wedding, I
went to stay with my dad.

We saw the report about the
escape and abduction on the news,

and I had a hunch about Tasha
from all her crazy behavior before.

So my dad and I, who, as I believe you know

was a highly decorated police officer...

We followed up on my
suspicion. We got lucky.

In my opinion, this whole thing stinks.

And I don't know what really happened,

but rest assured I am going to find out.

Quite the irony, isn't it?

You spend your whole life
terrified of conspiracies,

and now you're part of one.

I think I'll stick around and
see how all this plays out.

- Here come the guys.
- Oh, thanks.

Hey, Max, Daniel. So glad you guys made it.

Wouldn't miss it for the world.

Hey, um, give us a minute, would you?

- Sure thing.
- Thanks, Max.

How are you holding up?

My conscience is bothering me.

Of course, I'm used to hearing
nagging voices in my head, so...

Listen, Daniel, whatever we did,

you helped me save the woman I love,

and I will always be grateful for that.

Donnie, I, uh... uh,
there's... I need to...

The things Rosenthal said in the
motel room about me loving Kate...

Daniel, stop.

The guy's a whack job.
He was playing mind games.

- Yes, he was. But...
- But what?

It was all just a lie, right?

No. Some of what he said was true.

I do love Kate.

Daniel, don't... Don't do this.

Which is why I'm happy
she found someone like you.

Are you good in a crisis?

Would you rush into
the middle of the street

to push someone out of
the path of a moving car,

or would you duck out of the
way and save your own skin?

When it comes to crises, it
really does take a village,

a team of neurological neighbors
in your brain working together

to avert disaster,

much like it sometimes requires
a team of first responders

to rescue somebody in a deadly predicament.

Well, what if... what if
all the parts of your brain

failed to work together
in that crucial instant?

What if your limbic system

and your dorsolateral prefrontal
cortex betray each other

at the moment of truth?

Would you suffer a breakdown

in the face of what scares you most?