Perception (2012–2015): Season 1, Episode 2 - Faces - full transcript

Moretti enlists Pierce's help to solve a murder of a mail-order bride.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Subs created by: David Coleman.

So, I went fishing this weekend.

Caught a huge striped bass.

This big.

We're having it mounted in my office.
Isn't that right, Mr. Lewicki?

Uh, whatever you say, Doc.

All right. So, even if my
soon-to-be form teaching assistant

didn't roll over on me like
a rat in a bad Mafia flick,

you'd know I was lying.

'Cause it's a fish story.

But if I was a better liar..

I'd have a huge advantage.

Studies show the most convincing
liars land the best jobs,

make the most friends, and
get all the hot women.

So if I was really good at it, would
there still be a way for you to bust me?

A polygraph, maybe.

Did you discover a male
intruder in your home last night?


Do you know the identity of this man?


Did you see his face?


Can you describe it?


A polygraph's not a bad tool, but
it only measures stress response.

In this class, we're interested
in what goes on in the brain.

And if we were to put
someone in an FMRI machine

and watch what happens
when they make up a lie,

we'd see their
Dorsolateral Prefrontal cortex

light up like a Christmas Tree..

Because we use our
brains when we lie.

We use our brains when
we're being lied to.


Can the brain

ever lie to itself?


All right.
So you've got office hours

from 1:00 to 3:00, and
don't forget the meeting

with Dean Haley and that
Hathaway guy at 4:00.

- Get me out of it.
- Oh, okay.

- What am I supposed to tell him?
- I don't know.

Use your Dorsolateral Prefrontal
cortex and make something up.

Okay, so you want me
to lie for you now?

- Think of it as practice.
- For what?

For landing a new job when I fire you

for not getting me out of the
meeting with Dean Haley.

Doc, that doesn't make any sense.

It's a paradox, Lewicki.
It's not supposed to.

Oh, my goodness! Oh, God! I'm so sorry.

In a bit
of a hurry, aren't we?

I'm gonna pay for your dry cleaning, okay?

My fault.
I wasn't looking where I was going.

In fact, could we please
make the lady another?

- No, it's fine.
- I insist.

Chamomile tea.

Good choice.

I don't think you need any more caffeine.

Actually, the tea is for a friend, and
I can handle my caffeine just fine.

Thank you very much.

- How about your liquor?
- Excuse me?

Well, seeing as I'm buying the tea,

I thought maybe you could
buy me a real drink.

7:00's good for me.

Thank you for the tea, and again,
I'm very sorry about the shirt.

- Daniel.
- Kate.

What, am I on some sort
of government watch list?

Not yet.

Herbal tea. No milk, no sugar.

Now, I know you didn't come all the
way over here just to bring me tea.

Meet Frank and Olena Prentice.

Looks like he won the lottery.

Actually, she cost him a bundle.

Mail-order bride from the Ukraine.

People actually do that?

Yeah. Why?
Are you in the market for a wife?


"Eastern Bloc Introductions".

They arranged for Frank to fly to
Odessa to meet with prospective brides.

Before you know it, wedding bells.

But Frank has to come home while
they wait for Olena's visa.

Immigration problems.

Then he gets a call from her broker
saying it's gonna be another 100 grand

to get Olena into the states.

Now, Frank doesn't have that kind of cash.

So then the broker offers
him alternative financing.

Code for "loan shark".


So Frank gets his new bride, but he
can't keep up with the payments.

So then the loan shark tells
him that they're going

to take Olena and make
her work off the debt.

I'm guessing we're not talking
about a nice office job.

Alexei Tupelov.

Suspected of running the
largest prostitution

and loan-sharking
operations in the Midwest.

The Bureau's been trying to nail this
guy for years, but no one will testify.

He also happens to own
Eastern Bloc Introductions.

- So it's a front company.
- Yeah.

We think that the loan shark's
one of Tupelov's boys,

and last night he made good on his threat.

Frank comes home, sees a blue Camaro
parked right outside his house.

He goes inside. There's an intruder.

They fight.

The guy smashes Frank over
the head with a lamp.

The live-in maid comes home from her
night off, finds Frank unconscious,

calls the cops, but Olena is already gone.

Poor girl.


How can I help?

Here's the thing.

Frank can't give us a description of this
guy, even though they were face to face.

Well, you said the intruder
hit him over the head.

That could certainly affect his memory.

That's why I brought this to you.
Frank's memory is fine.

He can describe everything that
happened last night in perfect detail,

so how is it that he can't tell
us what this guy looked like?

What the hell is that thing?

Whole-body-imaging scanner.

It wasn't here last time.

Yeah. New Security protocols.
I'll meet you on the other side.



Daniel! Where are you going?

Do you have any idea the health
risks those things pose?

Wh.. That? That's perfectly safe.

According to who?
Some government regulatory body?

Like I really trust Uncle Sam
to look out for my well-being.

Okay, listen, what exactly
is it that you're afraid of?

Skin cancer, thyroid
disease, mutated sperm.

M.. Mutated sperm?

Not to mention the violation of privacy.

I'm not about to let some $10-an-hour
rent-a-cop check out my testicular region.

Okay. You know what?

We're gonna do this the old-fashioned way.

You're really enjoying this, aren't you?

Mr. Prentice, you told the police that you

struggled with the intruder
for more than a minute,

that you were face-to-face the whole time.

Any distinguishing features
or characteristics?

Well, I told them I've never
been too good with faces.

The intruder.. Was it the same
man you've been paying off?

Maybe. Well, they were about the same size.

But the guy that shakes me down usually
wears one of those orthodox crosses..

A gold one on a chain around his neck.

What does your wife look like?

You got pictures of her.

What does she look like to you?



She got a good body.

D.. Do you really think
I'm gonna spend all that

money to bring her over
here if she's not hot?

The husband's a real charmer.

We find this girl, and then what?

She has to go back to that?

Here. Put this on.

- Why?
- Just do it.


And take these.

We're in the middle of an interrogation.

- What's going on?
- Go with me on this.

Now, let's do something about that hair.

Frank, this is Miss Jones.
She's a sketch artist.

She's gonna come up with a composite
of the man who attacked you.

I sure as hell hope you're
more help than that last girl.

You don't recognize her?


Have we met?

It's sensory impairment
called Prosopagnosia..

Also known as "face blindness".

Even though Frank's vision is perfectly
normal, he can't recognize faces.

He probably couldn't pick his
own Mother out of a lineup.

Because of the blow to the head?

It can be caused by damage
to the Fusiform Gyrus,

but Frank said he'd never
been good with faces,

which means it's probably congenital.

Wait a second. This guy's had this bizarro

condition his entire life,
and he doesn't know it?

How's that even possible?

Most Prosopagnosiacs develop
unconscious strategies

for recognizing the people they know..

The way they dress, the context
they see them in, their voice.


Well, according to Frank's statement,
the intruder never spoke,

so even if we find the guy,
our witness can't I.D. him.

Mm, Frank spoke to the loan shark
at least half a dozen times.

He'd be able to recognize his voice.

We find the loan shark, get
Daniel to help Frank I.D. him.

We grill his sorry ass until
he tells us where Olena is.

Can I go now?

Frank couldn't pick anybody
out of the photo array.

How do we know which one of
Tupelov's guys to haul in?

How about we drop off Daniel back
at campus and go find you a wife?

We know that your company is
a front for Alexei Tupelov.

He's an investor. So?

So, you two are running quite a scam..

Rich American men foot the bill for
pretty young girls to emigrate.

Then you shake the husbands down.

And if they don't pay, you force their
immigrant wives into prostitution.

That's ridiculous.

Olena Prentice..

One of Tupelov's boys threatened to take
her as collateral, and now she's missing.

That sounds like conspiracy to commit
kidnapping and extortion to me.

Does that sound like
extortion to you, Roger?

It does, as a matter of fact.

I don't know anything about
kidnapping or prostitution.

And if you ask me, Olena
went back to Ukraine.

You think she went home? Why?

A few weeks after she got here,

she called me to say that
Frank was very mean to her.

He did not let her leave the house.

So she wanted out.

So you helped her, of course.

I'm a marriage broker, not
a marriage counselor.

I told her to stick it out,
to stay a few years,

then divorce him, take his money.
It's the American way, right?

There is an innocent young
girl missing who came to

this country trying to make
a better life for herself.

You are responsible for
bringing her here, and you

couldn't be bothered to
help her when she asked.

What do you want from me?

I want the name of the man
who was shaking Frank down.

What makes you think that I..

If you don't give me a name,
this place is gonna be swarming

with I.C.E. Agents, U.S. attorneys, I.R.S.

You will go to federal
prison, kicking yourself

for not cooperating with that nice girl
from the FBI when you had the chance.

Yuri Petrovich?

Special Agent Moretti, FBI.

Oh, FBI, huh?

I must be moving up in the world.

We're looking for a missing woman..
Olena Prentice.

I got all the women I need right here.

heard of no Olena.

Yeah, that's funny, because
you've been shaking down

her husband, Frank, threatening
to turn out his wife.

Okay, thanks.

A body matching the
description of Olena Prentice

was just found in a landfill out by Midway.

Congratulations, Yuri. You just became the
prime suspect in a murder investigation.

Paul, you wanted to see..

Daniel! Perfect timing. Come in.
Say hello to Dr. Michael Hathaway.

I've been trying to convince Michael
to bring his talents to the South side

and become the newest member
of our esteemed faculty.

It's an honor.


Right. You're the uh..

Famous self-help Sage to the stars.

Well, my academic specialty's
behavioral science, of course.

The "Sage" part was my publicists' idea.

I fought them on it, but it moved
some books, so what do I know?

You know, Michael's had a New York
Times bestseller three years running.

- Is that right?
- I've read all your books.

Yeah, in fact, when Paul rang with his
offer, I said I'd only consider it

if it meant a chance to work with you.

Uh, I read your last book, too.

It was brilliant.. W.. Wasn't it, Daniel?

No. No. I.. I thought it was a
muddled mess of shoddy research,

junk science, and pedantic platitudes,

but I hope you enjoy your time in Chicago.

If you'll excuse me, I have some
actual scholarship to attend to.




Oh, I went to the damn meeting.
What the hell else do you want from me?

Agent Moretti called, says they
want you to help I.D. a suspect.

All right. Get the car. I'll get my coat.

Hello, Dr. Pierce.

May I help you?

Maybe I can help you, Professor.

Friendly advice.. Won't cost you nothing.

It's better for everyone..
You, especially..

If you don't help FBI on this case no more.

How do you know I'm..

We have many friends, even at FBI.

You have a mole.

A mole.

We're not KGB, but, yes..

I suppose you could say this.

I hear you are a very smart man, Professor.

So I think you know..

It is not healthy for you
to work with these people.

After all, you don't want
to also disappear, do you?

Do any of these men remind you of the
man who threatened to hurt your wife?

Anything stand out?
Hands, hairline, posture?

Number 2.

Why him?

I recognize that widow's peak,
those scrawny, bowed legs.

I want that bastard to pay
for what he did to my wife.

That's good.
It's the same guy whose voice you I.D.'d.

Daniel, can you testify in court
that the visual I.D. is valid

despite Mr. Prentice's condition?

Daniel. Yes or no? Is the I.D. solid?

Yes, I.. I'll stand by it.

I'm gonna lay it out for you, Yuri.

You got priors..
Pimping, extortion, assault.

Frank Prentice just fingered you as the
man who threatened to abduct his wife.

She disappeared. Now she's dead.

What do you make?

$40,000, $45,000 a year?

You're a hot little spinner.

Come work for me.
You could earn some real money.

An innocent girl was killed, Yuri.

Now, in addition to the fact
that it really pisses me off,

it's also murder during the
commission of a felony.

Do you know what that means?

Death penalty.

And I for one am not gonna
be crying at your funeral.

But maybe..

You didn't mean to kill her.

Yeah, the medical examiner says that she
died from a blow to the base of the skull.

Maybe she was trying to get away.

Maybe she fell, hit her head.

Now you're only looking at
involuntary manslaughter.

You might only do 18 months.

You're offering me a deal, just
because you're sweet on me?

You're too small for me, Yuri..

In more ways than one, I would bet.

No, I want something bigger.

I want Alexei Tupelov.


Bitch, what are you smoking?

I rat out Tupelov, I might as
well get the death penalty.


We've already got you on the extortion.

It's up to five years for each count.

I hope you enjoy your stay at Marion.

Do you think he's
gonna give us Tupelov?

It would help if we could
connect him to the crime scene.

Any luck on the blue Camaro?

Yuri drives an Escalade.

I doubt Yuri and his boys
would be stupid enough

to commit kidnapping in a registered car.

Everything all right, Dr. Pierce?

Yes, I'm fine.

That pendant.

Yuri Petrovich has one just like it.

Well, I grew up with a lot of
the guys in Tupelov's crew.

That's why I was picked for the task force.

So, what do you think?

Did Yuri really kill Olena?

Who else could have done it?

Well, let's just say some friends
of mine would be very grateful

if you didn't help Moretti
pin this murder on Yuri.

You're the mole.

No. Not me, Professor.

But you're right. There is a mole.



Give you a lift back?


- Great.
- Sure.

You're being threatened
by a Russian mobster,

and you don't bother mentioning it to Kate?

Why not?

Because he's probably a
damned hallucination..

The same as the lady Agent
turned out to be. I just..

I don't want Kate to think I'm bonkers.

Well, if you're so convinced
that he wasn't real,

why do you keep looking out the window?!

Because I might be wrong!

W.. What if there really is a goon out
there waiting to break my kneecaps?

Daniel, you and I both know
that feeling threatened

by a criminal conspiracy
straight out of a spy novel

is classic schizophrenic delusion.

What's more plausible..
That there's a fiendish plot

with mobsters and corrupt FBI
agents or that you're imagining it?

Thank you for being here.

That's what friends are for.

You said this thug told you
that it wasn't healthy

for you to keep working for the FBI.

It sounds like a manifestation
of your anxiety

about getting involved with these cases,

because you know they get you off
your routine and trigger episodes.

He also said I might disappear.
What's that about?

Last time you checked into Rexford, you
didn't tell anybody where you were..

Your friends, your students.

You just disappeared out of their lives.

So, I'm not afraid of Ukrainian gangsters

so much as orderlies with butterfly nets?

You're not going back to the hospital.

You have me, you have Lewicki, and
you're managing your condition.

Some days I manage better than others.

Your symptoms are more acute
when your subconscious

is working on a problem
that it can't quite solve.

The Ukrainian guy said there was a mole.

Now, it's not the Agent, obviously.

Well, maybe it's a riddle. What's a mole?

A spy, an imposter, someone
who hides in plain sight.

But there's another kind of mole..

The kind that burrows underground.

Moles are blind.

Do you know what time it is?

Yuri didn't kill Olena Prentice.


What? You woke me up at..

3:18 A.M.

To accuse me of trying to coerce a
confession out of an innocent man?

That scumbag is anything but innocent,
but that does not make him the killer.

Okay, Daniel. If the lying,
pimping, sadistic felon who

threatened to abduct Olena
didn't kill her, then who did?

Her husband.

He passed a polygraph.

He's face-blind! For all we know, he..

He killed his own wife without
realizing it was her.

But you just proved that
Prosopagnosiacs can I.D. people

by their voice or their
posture or whatever.

He would have known his own wife.

Maybe she was wearing
some kind of disguise.

What is this? Is this, like, a spy novel?

Don't.. I'm just..

I'm just saying..
I'm just saying it's possible.

Okay, Daniel. Why would Olena
have been wearing a disguise?

I don't know. Maybe she was
trying to get away from him.

You said yourself how awful he is.

The marriage broker did
say that she wanted out.

You see? You see? So she runs away.

Frank realizes that..
That his prized possession is gone,

after all the debt he's run up and threats
he's endured from Yuri.. All of it for her.

So he tracks the ungrateful
bitch down, and he kills her.

Except there's a flaw in your theory.

If Frank killed his wife for the
reasons that you just laid out,

he would have known that it
was her who he was killing,

and he wouldn't have passed
a poly, face-blind or not.

Right. So, uh, Frank
thought she was kidnapped,

so maybe he didn't realize
that she'd run away

until after he took the polygraph.

Then.. Then he figures out the truth, and
he tracks her down, and he kills her.


Except the medical examiner puts her
time of death before he took the exam.

Okay. So.. So.. The.. The..

Okay. Forget it. Forget it. Forget it.

No, I just.. You know..
Go.. Go back to that.

I'm sure you'll sleep the sleep
of the just knowing that..

That the puzzle's been solved

and that you've nailed the
right guy for the murder.

Well, I am awake already.

Well, then, let's go.

I'm gonna put some pants on first.

Your apartment's nice.

May I help you?

Special Agent Moretti, FBI.
This is Dr. Pierce.

And you are, uh, Masha,

the Prentices'
housekeeper, correct?

Yes. Come in.

So, you're the one who found Mr.
Prentice unconscious?


Come home from movies.

See him on floor with blood.

First I think he is dead.

And Olena?

I call ambulance.

Then I look for her. She's not here.

I see you're packing.

I send Olena's clothes to
her sisters in Ukraine,

then I find other job.

You won't be staying on with Mr. Prentice?

Olena speak little English.
They hire me so I translate.

Now she's gone.

Olena didn't have any
family here in the states?

She have Cousin.. Paulina.

She come here to visit
before I work here, but..

Mr. Prentice not like her,
tell her to go away.

Doesn't sound like Olena was
very happy with Mr. Prentice.

Mr. Prentice not let her go anywhere.

He say it is not safe, but he
work always until very late.

Until I come, Olena was alone.

Did he ever hurt her?

Sometimes he hit her.

Do you think it's possible
she wasn't kidnapped..

That maybe she ran away?


There was Ukrainian man
arrested for her murder, no?


"Thanks for taking care of this, baby.

Hugs and kisses. Jolene".

Who's Jolene?

I never hear this name.

Well, whoever she is, Frank's
paying her credit-card bills.

Jolene Grey?

I'm Special Agent Moretti.
This is Dr. Daniel Pierce.

Thank you for agreeing to come talk to us.

I'll tell you whatever you want to know,
but, please, don't tell my husband.


You cooperate with us, and, uh, we'll
do what we can to keep things discreet.

Thank you.

Now, this is some tab you've run up here.

Fancy hotels, jewelry, cash advances.

I lost my wallet a few months ago.

Someone must have stolen my
I.D. and opened this account.

Yeah, see, that's not really the
way identity theft works, Jolene.

Criminals run up tabs under
someone else's name,

and then they don't pay the bill.

I'm telling you, these aren't my charges.

My husband took away my
credit cards last year.

So you got another one..
Paid for every month

with checks from Frank
Prentice's business account.

I don't know any Frank Prentice.

I thought you were gonna cooperate, Jolene.

Now, according to your cellphone records,

you've called Frank several times
a day for the past few months.

I'm on a family plan.
My husband pays the bill.

So you got a second phone,
reserved for a special caller.

After all, you wouldn't want Frank's
number showing up on your husband's bill.

Or maybe you were jealous of Frank's wife.

Maybe used one of those cash advances to

pay someone to make Olena
Prentice disappear.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Check out those heels.

Must have cost her a fortune.

Tell me the truth, Jolene.

Where did you get those shoes?

- Daniel?
- They're beautiful.

Thank you. Marshall Field's.

Did you pay cash for them?

Yes. How did you..

Well, your husband took your credit cards.

Jolene, do you sometimes buy things

to make yourself feel better..
Clothing or jewelry?

I am so sorry.

And did you need those shoes so badly
that you stole money to buy them?


I thought that's what this was about.

I'll pay back every penny.

Please. Don't tell my husband.

Compulsive buying disorder.

One of our agents showed
Jolene's photo to the desk clerk

at the hotel where the gold card was used.

Said he's never seen her before.

But a different woman checked in regularly
using Jolene's name, met Frank there.

Both women have black hair, but
according to the desk clerk,

the other one is "way hotter".

I was right the first time.
"Mole" means "imposter".

What are you talking about?

Maybe this imposter

got herself a wig or a
dye job, did something

to make herself look enough like
Jolene's driver's-license photo

to fool anyone who
didn't look too closely.

She made charges every Tuesday
and Thursday last month

at a place called the Red Rabble.

That's a bar off I-90.

And today's Thursday.

That's right, Professor. I'm following you.

How do you like my new American car?


What's going on?


A blue Camaro.

The same type of car parked outside
of Olena's the night she disappeared.

Excuse me!

Hi, everybody!

Listen, I..

Was backing up in the parking lot, and
I kind of sort of hit a blue Camaro.

So whosever car that is, I will totally
pay for the damage, and I am so sorry.

Yeah, that's my car.

How bad is it?

It's pretty bad.

FBI. You're under arrest.

I didn't..

- What for? I didn't..
- Just come with me. Come on.

I was there, but I didn't kill Olena.

I loved her.

I got a side gig installing
satellite dishes.

It pays for my music.

A couple months ago, I put
in a dish at Olena's house.

She was lonely.

We talked and started seeing each other.

She would never spend the night.

She always had to get
home before Frank did.

She told me that she was gonna leave him.

Well, maybe you realized
that was never gonna happen,

so you got angry and you killed her.

No! No, she was supposed to
come over and never showed.

She didn't pick up her phone.

I got scared that Frank maybe found
out about us and maybe he hurt her.

I drove over.

No one answered the door, so I broke in.

But Olena wasn't there.

And then Frank came in.

And he turned on the lights.

He rushed me, so I grabbed
a lamp and I hit him.

And then I got the hell out of there.

That's a very compelling story, Jake,
except it doesn't explain one thing.

How does Jolene Grey fit in?


Super-hottie, black hair.

Comes to see you play every
Thursday night at the Red Rabble.

Lots of people come to hear us.

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Except Jolene was having an affair
with Olena's husband, Frank.

Now, it cannot just be a coincidence.

I bet you know who the mole is now.

I don't know any Jolene Grey.

Actually, you do.

You.. You know her intimately.

Mr. Prentice, can
you help us I.D. this woman?

No. Who is she?

There anything about her
that's familiar to you?

Her hair, maybe?

No. Why.. Why would I..

You've been having an affair
with this woman for months.

That's bullshit.

Well, maybe her name will ring a bell..
Jolene Grey?

No. I.. I don't know.

You've been paying off her credit
cards, We have the records.

Okay, so I bought Jolene some nice stuff.

What? Are you saying somebody killed her?

Actually, the real Jolene
Grey is very much alive.

Yeah, she lives out in the
'burbs with her family.

This woman stole her identity.

She wore a wig to make sure
you wouldn't recognize her..

Very much like this one.

I'll bet you recognize her now.

You put a wig on a corpse?
What kind of sick..

That's Olena.

You were having an affair
with your own wife, Frank.

That's not possible.

Actually, it is.

Olena must have figured out over
time that you were face-blind,

so she stole another woman's
identity and seduced you.

She was practically a
prisoner in your home,

so she used your condition against
you to bilk you for cash, jewels.

I think she was probably
trying to save up enough

money to get away from
you, but, uh, turns out

you weren't the only one she was screwing.


Yeah, turns out while
you were away at work,

she was banging the guy who
installed your satellite dish.

He told us all about it.

That bitch.

You can't really blame her for
wanting a boy toy when she

was having to sleep with you
as herself and as Jolene.

Olena was never abducted, Frank.

The reason nobody could
find her is that when you

killed the woman you
thought was your mistress,

you'd really just murdered your own wife.

T.. This is ridiculous.

Hotel desk clerk puts you in the same
room as her on the day of the murder.

It was an accident.

I never meant to kill her.

Tell us what happened.
Maybe I can help you.

I tried to end it with her.

She was bleeding me dry.
I couldn't afford her any more.

I told her I was gonna need the
jewelry back to pay off Yuri,

or else he was gonna take Olena.

But Jolene wouldn't listen, you know?

No. Said she was nothing without me.

Then she started to hit me.

I lost it.

What about the body?

I waited until after dark,
took her down in the

maintenance elevator, and
tossed her in the dumpster.

It's too bad we can't charge
you with two murders.


Oh, hey, Paul.

Don't "hey, Paul" me.

You know, you really blew it with Hathaway.

Why would you want a fraud like
that on the faculty, anyway?

That fraud is an academic superstar.

Everybody wants him..
Harvard, Northwestern..

But I am gonna get him, and
you're gonna help me do it.


What's this? Cubs tickets.

Now, you're gonna apologize to Hathaway,

and you're gonna invite him to
tonight's game as a peace offering.

- Like hell I will.
- Come on, Daniel.

I really need you to do this for me.

Come on, man. You love the Cubbies.


Kate. Hi.

Frank Prentice is taking a plea
and cooperating against Yuri.

That's great.

And if we can get Yuri to roll on Tupelov,

then we'll have the Ukrainians
and Olena's killer in one shot.

Do you like baseball?

Yeah, sure. I mean, who doesn't like a cold
beer and a hot dog at a ballgame, right?

Well, I.. I, uh, just happen to have

two, uh, two tickets to
the Cubs game tonight.

That sounds great. What time?

Have fun.

Wait, you're not going?

Uh, no.

Crowds drive me crazy.



Are you stalking me?

Oh, my God.


I could ask you the same question.

Last chance to buy me that drink.

I leave town tomorrow.

Uh, you know, I'm sorry.

I don't think I can. I have plans.

But travel safe.

Actually, um..

Do you like baseball?

Why didn't you take Kate?

Because I'd rather watch it on TV..

With you.

Something's bothering you.

It's Olena.

I just.. I can't figure out how a
young girl who barely spoke English

pulled off such a complicated scam.

I guess she had everyone fooled.

Foul ball down the third-base side.

Out of play.

Whoa. Great catch by that fan.

I don't believe it.

She took that asshole?

And he catches a foul ball.

You know how many games I went to as a kid,
and I never once caught a foul ball?

Daniel, you have no one
to blame but yourself.

That could have been you.

But instead, you let him take your place.

She took her place.

There's another mole.

What are you talking about?

Who are you calling?


Are you trying to ruin her date?


I'm gonna tell her Olena isn't dead.

You taking everything?

Mrs. Prentice is dead, and Mr.
Prentice go to jail, so..

It's okay.
No one's accusing you of stealing.

It all belongs to you, anyway, doesn't it..


Listen, Frank Prentice is a pig.

We don't blame you for
wanting to make him pay.

What we couldn't figure out was
how you did it all on your own.

I don't know what you're talking..

I remembered you mentioned a Cousin
that Frank didn't like.. Paulina.

Ever since we were little girls
in Ukraine, Paulina protect me.

And now she protected you from Frank.

She married American,
too, five years before,

but she divorce him, stay in country.

I call her, ask her to come.

It was so good to see her.

She stayed for a few days.

But soon we notice something strange.

My husband sometimes..
He think Paulina is me.

When next time she come to visit, he not
recognize her, even though he know her.

That's when she realized he was face-blind.

And she make plan to get his money.

But first she need new name
so he doesn't get suspicious.

So she steal wallet at mall,

and she make herself look like
woman on driving license.

He's not used to beautiful
woman paying attention to him,

so he give her money,
jewels, anything she want.

For me, it get worse.

I want to run away.

But Paulina say we have to wait
until we get all Frank's money

and that she have new plan to protect me.

I give her haircut, and I give
her my clothes and my perfume.

Paulina is stronger than me.

She make Frank stop hitting her..

And she convince Frank to hire
Ukrainian maid to keep her company.

So Paulina became you and Jolene,
and you became the maid.

It's an ingenious plan.

You are going to arrest me.

You're an accessory to fraud.

The U.S. attorney's office might want to
charge you, but I'll do my best to convince

them that being married
to an abusive, cheating

murderer was probably punishment enough.

Thank you.

But my husband will find out
what we did to him and..

When he leave prison, he will
find me, and without Paulina..

You were threatened by a known
associate of the Tupelov organization.

I can make a pretty good case that
you belong in Witness Protection.

You'll get a fresh start, Olena.
New name, new life.


Paul, look, I know you're upset.

Upset? No, no, no.
I don't know what you said to Hathaway,

but suddenly he is in love with this town.

He's taking the job. You did good, buddy.

Walt Whitman wrote,
"I contain multitudes".

Turns out he was more right than he knew.

The self is really a collection of
several distinct neural networks,

all running on this glob
of jelly between our ears.

So, if there are different
versions of yourself

floating around inside your skull,
which one is the real you?

Are you the lead guitarist,
rocking out once a week?

Or is it your 9:00-to-5:00..

That truly defines you?

Can one of those selves
be a devoted spouse..

And the other a lying, thieving,
out-of-control addict?

Can you long for love..

And yet still be cursed by
genetics and the environment

and remain the same son of a
bitch you've always been?

And even if you do change
something about yourself..

Your face..

Your name..

Where you live..

You might feel different.

You might even be able to fool
people, for a little while..

But can you ever actually change..

Who you really are?

Subs created by: David Coleman.