Penance (2012–…): Season 1, Episode 1 - French Doll - full transcript

Tragedy strikes as schoolgirl Emili is abducted and murdered by a stranger. Four friends - Sae, Maki, Akiko and Yuka - are present at the scene of the crime, but none of them can remember his face, and the crime goes unsolved. Fifteen years later, the adult Sae has grown extremely wary of men, forever scarred by Emili's faceless abductor. When a timid suitor vows to protect her from the outside world and proposes marriage, she decides to accept. On their wedding day, she is paid a surprise visit by Asako...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Good morning.

Good morning.

First of all, I'd like to introduce a new friend to everybody.

Come here.

She's Adachi Emiri san.

You know The Adachi Corporation, right?

Her father is a new manager who's been assigned there.

Please tell her all the good things about Ueda city like
that it's surrounded by nature and has very clean air.

We will.

Well, Adachi san, please sit down in that vacant seat.


Please be nice to her.


Now, I'll do the roll call.



I bought cakes for you.

I'll make tea for everybody.

- Is that a berry tart?
- Yes, it is.

Ah, it's very cute.

Emiri chan?s Mom is very stylish.

She's totally different from my Mom.

Really? I think it's normal.

Check this.

Ah, it's beautiful.


Mom, my doll is missing.

Have you heard about "French doll theft"?

What's that?

Only French dolls are stolen.

- Quite a few houses have been broken into.
- Really?

Mine was stolen too.


Who wants dolls?

Let's play volley ball!

Sounds good.

Thank you.

I'm fixing an extractor fan over there.

Can one of you help me?

There's a spot that I can't reach.

How about you?

We can all help you.

I don't need that much help.

But we can all help.

Since I was asked, I'll do it.

Please come with me.

Thank you.

The Atonement

Episode 1
"French Doll"

Does the French doll thief look like that man?

He was a bit creepy.

It's called Perverted.


Isn't she late?

Why don't we go and check?

Emiri chan?!

Oh, my God!

Listen, Yuka, call the police.

Akiko, tell Emiri chan's Mom.

Sae, you stay here.

I'm going to find a teacher.

Somebody, help! Help me now!

Where's Emiri?!

Are you her Mom?

We'll explain what happened to you. Please wait.


My daughter seems fine.

She told me that she didn't see the suspect's face.

Yes, What?

Since she's in shock right now, I can't ask anything more.

Everybody has to go home with somebody.

If strangers try to take you, don't go with them.

I repeat,

Who is she?

She is Emiri chan's Mom.


I was waiting for you.

Emiri will be very happy that you came to her birthday party.

Please come inside.

That's enough.

You four morons just keep repeating that you didn't see the suspect's face.

Because all of you are useless morons the police can't arrest the suspect.

I won't forgive you.

Find the suspect for me.

Otherwise, you'll have to pay!

Until the crime is solved, I'll never forgive any of you.

You can't escape from your sins.

You better be ready to do what I've asked.

Don't worry. There's nobody trying to hurt you.

You sweat a lot.



Sae chan, what's wrong?

I'm here for you.

Mom, please throw out that doll case.

What? Didn't you say that you'd buy a new doll to put in the case?

I hate dolls.

I don't want any more dolls.


Mom, will I be the next victim?

-15 years later-

Are you alright?

Please wait for a bit.

Excuse me.

Sae chan, can we talk?

This is for you.

What is it?

It's the family and personal history for a man who's interested in having an omiai with you.
(A Japanese custom in which people are introduced to consider the possibility of marriage).

His name is Otsuki Takahiro, he's the son of an executive at Otsuki Corporation.

Since I was asked by a V.I.P. customer, I couldn't just say no.

He wants to meet with me?

Yes. He asked for you specifically.

But I'm not...

You can just meet with him once.

How does he know about me?

It seems that he's known you for a long time.


Why don't you meet and ask him directly?


Sae chan isn't interested in that kind of thing, right?

Just say no!

I will.

Ah, there's a dinner with guys from Meiji Pharmaceutical Company this Friday.

Of course, you won't join us, will you?


I envy that you can draw a clear line.

I think it's more comfortable to be like that.

For me, whether a date or marriage, I have a lot of things I have to deal with.

And everything usually doesn't go well.

I feel like I'm wasting my life.

Sae chan, are you going to decline his offer?


That's just fine, but please meet him and turn him down in person.

That's the required etiquette.

Do you want to know where I saw you first?


In elementary school.

- What?
- Are you surprised?

In fact, I was your senior by 2 years at Kamikita elementary school.


I don't think you remember me.

But I thought you were a very cute girl.

Was it 15 years ago?

My family moved when I was in junior high.

By accident I found out that you work for a salon that's one of our clients.

I thought it was fate that we should meet.

I see...

And I made a bold move by using an omiai to meet you.

But didn't you really want an omiai?

- Well...
- I couldn't think of another way.

I'm afraid that I decline your offer.

I see.

I'm sorry.

Don't be. I'm happy that I could see you again.

It was a good chance.

He sounds like a very nice man.

I'm not sure.

He's been thinking about you since elementary school!

It's very romantic.

But I don't remember him.

It doesn't seem like reality to me.

I envy you. I long for it.

He and Sae are joined by the red string of fate!

Am I dreaming?

Is it a dream?


It's real.

Are you alright?

Ah, I was taking a bit of a break.

I'm tired.

It's an old memory, Ueda city.

Has it changed a lot?

I don't know.

Don't you go back sometimes?

I don't have good memories of that city.

I see.

When I was in 4th grade, there was a scary incident.

Takahiro san, did you remember the incident where my classmate was murdered?

Not sure.

Since I was with her just before she was killed,

I was interviewed by the police.

Everything was painful after that.

So, I decided to come to Tokyo after graduating from a high school.

I see.

Ah, sorry to tell you such a boring story.

That's OK.

But I understand it.

I also didn't like that city.

It was dark and gloomy.

You were the only bright spot for me.

Stop talking like that.

Ah, I'll pass.

Takahiro san, won't you have a drink today?

I have to drive back.

I'll drop you off.

Ah, at that time, there was also the doll robbery incident.

The cases of French doll theft.

There were a few cases, including my doll.

What happened to my doll?

Thank you very much.

You shouldn't drive on this kind of deserted road.

I'm fine.

Ah, be careful.

Thank you.


Why don't we go for a drink?

Hey, wait!

Since you hit me, why don't you apologize to me?

Don't touch me!

Sae san?

Takahiro san.

I was anxious and came back.

What happened?

There was a weird man...

He tried to grab my arm...

I was scared.

Anyway, get into the car.

There's nobody here.

Thank you very much.

Do you want to have a coffee?

Ah, no thank you.

I'm going home.

Thank you again.

Hello, Takahiro san?

It's Sae.

Thank you for the other day.

Yes, I'm fine.

I just want to thank you.

Ah, yes, I'm fine.



An important thing?


Yes. What do you think?

I promise to make you happy.


Don't you want to?

Can you tell me the reason?

I'm defective as a woman.


I've never had a period.

And I know why.

I refused to become a grown-up woman.

So, there's no way for me to have a baby.

I don't want to ruin Takahiro san's bright future.

You shouldn't marry inferior goods like me.

It problem.

Don't blame yourself like that.

If you say so, I'm the worse.

I couldn't escape from the life that my Dad prepared for me.

Nothing can be done about it now.

I'm not satisfied if given anything that I don't ask.

Since I've been living like that until now,

I can't communicate with people well.

But when I think about my lonely future,

I'm suddenly scared.

After seeing Sae san, I came to think that I'd like to know more about you.

I want to be with you. Sae san.

What do you think?

Can you help me?

I want to get as close to a human life as possible.


Sorry to have kept you waiting.

Shall we go?

- As I promised, I'll take you to my place.
- Is that alright?

I've prepared it so that we can live together right after we get married.

I see.

Shall we?

- Please.
- Thank you.

- Do you need sugar and milk?
- No.

So, is this our new place?

Yes, but we need more furniture.

We can prepare it together.

It's like a dream come true.

This may be nicer than Emiri chan's house.

- What?
- Nothing.

How will our married life be?

I've never imagined such a life was waiting for me.

Sae, can you come here?

This will be our bedroom.

Can you leave everything to me?


Then, can you close your eyes?


Close your eyes and don't open them.

Don't open your eyes.

Leave it to me.

You can open your eyes now.

Amazing! You're exactly who I thought you'd be.

What's going on?

Don't talk.

Well, what shall I begin with?

Ah, that's right. Isn't this French doll familiar to you?

It once belonged to you.

- Were you the one who stole...
- Don't talk!

That's not quite right.

I've kept it for you until today.

I can't remember when I started this.
It may have started when I was a little.

I've had no interest in human beings ever since I can remember.

All of my attention was focused on dolls.

Almost every house had a French doll in it at that time.

Every time I saw them, they were on my mind.

So, I accidentally took some of them.

But once I got them, almost all of them were crap.

But one day, I finally met the best doll, your doll.

I should say that I didn't like her at first.

But when I met you, it was like I received an electric shock.

Because you two are exactly alike.

But nobody else noticed it.

Because you were too little to notice it.

I thought at that time...

If this girl grew just as she was, she could become a human doll.

When I came to that realization, I quivered.

I waited for 10 years.

I saw you once when you were a university student.

And I believed that my intuition was correct.

I waited for 5 more years.

Then I finally proposed to you.

And now I've reached this moment.

Why did you do this?


I don't know why.

I only want you to understand me.

I can't.

Don't move without my permission.

Sae, listen to me.

You told me other day that you refused to become a grown-up woman.

How come?

I don't know.

Because you also desired to be the same as me.

I won't request you to be a woman.

I even promise not to touch you.

I promise to protect you from the external world.

Takahiro san, what should I do?

Come with me.

Only in the night time...

Can you be my doll?

Other than that, you can do whatever you want.


Thank you for making my dream come true.

Ah, you're beautiful.

- Congratulations.
- Thank you.

Thank you for your help.

What a cute bride!

She is very beautiful.

I'll wait for you in the ceremonial hall.

How I envy you, such a cute couple!

Thank you.

Excuse me, it's Authorized Personnel Only.

- It's all right. She's an acquaintance.
- Excuse me.

Nice to see you again.

Sae chan, you're beautiful.

I've been silent for a long time.

Asako san, you didn't change a lot.

I am...

I'm getting old.

No, you're exactly the same as before.

The same as 15 years ago?


Well, I'll go.

All right. I'll catch up with you.

- Watch your dress.
- All right.

I've heard about your marriage from various people.

Your husband is the son of an Otsuki Corporation executive, right?



Thank you.

Soon, you'll have a new life.

You must be very happy right now.

The suspect who killed Emiri hasn't been captured yet.

That's why I've been in a nightmare since then.

I've never forgotten the promise between us.


I promised you to atone for my sin 15 years ago.

That feeling hasn't changed.

Then, it's all right.

I just want to check that.

I didn't come here to destroy your happiness.

But that dress, that looks like it?s made for a doll,

Don't forget that Emiri who'll never be able to wear that dress is always beside you.

I wish you a good luck and every happiness.

Asako san.

I'm sorry that I wasn't able to save Emiri chan.

Excuse me, the ceremony is about to start.

I'm exhausted.

We had so many guests.

Since half of them are business related, I've never met them.

- Are you hungry?
- A little bit.


It's time.

I'm getting sleepy.

I'm going to sleep.

Sae, can you stay standing like that?

I want to watch you and sleep.

Once I sleep, you're free.


You're my doll...

My dream came true.

I feel super good.


Breakfast is almost ready.

- Here's your coffee.
- Thank you.

This cellphone is for you.


Don't use anything other than this cellphone.

You don't have to answer the house phone or intercom.

You can buy all of the groceries in the supermarket on the other side of the street.

If you need something, use this cellphone to call me.

I'll buy it on the way back.

Sorry, I'm putting you under too much pressure.

But I want you to follow this rule.

This way, nobody can hurt you.

Please listen to me.

Thank you.

I'm going.

Have a nice day.

Thank you.

34 yen, change.

Thank you.

I have another big project.

I see.

I'm afraid we have to postpone our honeymoon.

I see.

It can't be helped.

- Sorry.
- That's all right.

When I was a kid, there was an orange tree in the garden.

In May every year, butterflies laid eggs on it.

Those eggs became larvae, pupas, hatched and butterflies again.

I liked to witness that process.

But there was a pupa that didn't hatch.

Ah, let me move you.

I thought that it died before becoming a butterfly.

I was very sad.

Suddenly, the back of that pupa split open,

and a big black bee popped out from inside.

I later found out that there was a certain type of
parasitic bee that lays its egg inside butterfly pupa.

I thought that this butterfly gave up being one of
its own kind and instead chose to become a bee.

I envied it.

I wished my back split open one day and a completely new me came out.

I always imagined that.

Hello, Mom?

Yes, how are you?

It's been a while since the wedding.

I'm fine.

Don't you have any plan to visit Tokyo soon?

Nothing wrong. I just want to chat with you.

I can't go that far.

We're doing very well.

Why don't you visit me?

I have nobody to chat with.

I know.

I'm not crying.

I'm not!

Sorry for keeping you waiting.

I'll grab a drink.

- Thank you for coming so far to see me.
- How are you doing?

By the way, Sae chan, are you having a hard time?

It's not like that.

But I can't get used to my new life.

That's marriage.

I know that.

It's your decision.

There?re a lot of differences between he and you, like life pattern.

You should know better.

Do you think that if marriage goes bad you'll divorce?

Mom, do you remember that I had a French doll when I was a little?


My French doll. Why did you buy it?

I don't remember. But why do you ask?

That was my favorite doll, even though it was gone.

Ah, I remember now.

That was nothing special.

It was from your aunt.

It was a cheap dirty doll.

She had an ugly face, and the size of it was too big.

I didn't miss her when she was stolen.

I see.

What about that doll?


Don't worry. I may not look it but I'm very happy now.

I'm glad to hear that.

Don't worry.

I can solve my problems by myself.

That's good.

I have no more advice to give you.


- Welcome home.
- Thank you.

Sae, show me your cellphone.


Your cellphone.

It's there.

Did you see somebody today?




You can't hide anything.

My Mom. She happened to come to Tokyo.

I see.

I didn't try to hide.

Sae, I understand.

You must be lonely when I go to work.

Ah, how about going out for dinner this weekend?

The restaurant where we used to go?

You can relax there.

Sae, sorry to tell you but can you avoid seeing anybody?

I beg you. I want you to be MY SAE.


- What's wrong?
- Do you need help?

I'm fine.

- I'll help you.
- Don't touch me!

What, aren't you satisfied?

It's not like that.

I'm just sad.

Sad? Why?

Because this isn't normal.

You're not normal either.

I chose to be a doll to survive.

I didn't want this.

It's all that suspect's fault who killed Emiri chan.

- It has nothing to do with me.
- It's a big deal for me!

- Just like your doll play is a big deal for you!
- Shut up!

Don't say anymore!

I don't want to hear your whining. It's useless.

I chose you and you chose me.

Do you understand it's the inevitable result?

The incident that happened 15 years ago has nothing to do with us.

You were abnormal by nature.

Why don't you admit it?

You don't want to sleep with men, but always look for attention.

Since you don't want to be dirty, you chose to be a doll.

It was your desire.

I made your dream come true.

My period...

Because you as a doll talked too much.

What should I do?

- What should I...
- Don't move!

Don't move from there.

You're a doll.

But well, it's over now.

Stay there.

Until I sleep.

Yes, just like that.

This will be the last night.

I'm disappointed.

I lost interest in you.

I'm going to sleep.

You can get lost.

Asako san.

Sae chan.

Don't you have a fabulous life?

I just killed my husband.

I'll surrender myself to the police.

- Don't tell me that your husband killed Emiri!
- No, He didn?t.

He was a suspect of French doll theft incident.

But he has nothing to do with Emiri chan's murder case.

I see.

Asako san, does it mean that I kept my promise that was made 15 years ago?

I'm not sure.

But maybe...


After all, I didn't get any more information about the incident.

That's all I can do.

Asako san, from now on you'll have to find the suspect by yourself.

See you.