Pearson (2019): Season 1, Episode 2 - The Superintendent - full transcript

Jessica's reputation in the press puts the police contract in jeopardy.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
I'm dropping your mother's lawsuit.

What do you mean you're dropping it?

The mayor offered me a job
if I let it go.

Well, while you're out here
cutting yourself a deal,

I have to find my family a place to live.

If I take this job, I can do more than

just save one housing project.

She's a threat to both of us, Bobby.

And that's why I hired her.

Do your job and let me know what
Bobby's doing with this woman.

You want me to spy on my brother?

If not for me, do it for yourself.

The man who went up against
the city was found murdered.

If your friend knows
something, tell him to show you.

You're about to be the mayor's

brand new right hand, I live with you,

and that makes me a part of it.

- So much for having my back.
- I do have your back, Jessica.

But right now,
I need to look after my own.

Let me see.

Bobby, I have worked too hard
to be seen as that girl.

No one sees you as that.

She does, the woman that
you brought in to keep me clean

sees me as that.

Lillian, I dropped your lawsuit

in exchange for a job with the mayor.

I know, but why didn't you tell me?

I made a promise to save your home,

and I couldn't make it happen.

You have a problem you need solved.

Why don't you tell me what
Pat McGann has on you?

Where am I in all this?

What happens if the truth comes out?

Nothing's coming out.

Lillian, what are you doing here?

Have you heard the saying,

if the mountain won't come to Muhammad?

Let me guess.

This is about me not coming
into your home last night.

This is about me fixing you
a nice warm breakfast and that.

Ooh, my, my, my.

Wow, I've seen pictures
of places like this.

I was under the impression

that you lived here with somebody.

It's complicated.

Oh, huh. I had complicated once.

Turned uncomplicated
when he walked out on us.

Lillian, this is incredibly
sweet of you, but I was

about to run out the door,
and I'm running late...

Breakfast is the most
important meal of the day.

- No, I know that, but I...
- No, buts.

Go tell that boss of yours you'll
get there when you get there.


Let's see...

- I'll be down in 15.
- 15?

Do you have some place you need to be?

No, I've already been
waiting half an hour.

Then you'll get paid
for every minute of it.

My Lord, I know this man.

Oh, Lillian, I'm sorry.

You weren't supposed to see these.

This is Carl, my neighbor.

What are you doing with
a picture of him like this?

It's just work stuff.

Now what about that breakfast
you promised me?

You gonna crack those eggs
or do I have to do it myself?

Old school, I like it.

Jessica Pearson.

I don't get it.

We never had a formal introduction.

Now that we're gonna be working
together, I thought it was time.

I wouldn't actually say we're
gonna be working together.

We're gonna be working for the same man.

And the way I see it,
that puts us on the same team.

Nick D'Amato.

Nice to meet you, Nick D'Amato.

Maybe next time
you're lurking in the shadows,

you'll make a proper introduction.

Well, since we're gonna be
working together,

you should know the mayor's got
a thing about being on time.

Thanks for the heads up.

- Oscar. Hey.
- What up?

What happened to the posts
of your daughter?

It's been a whole minute.
What, you holding out on me?

Obsessed, I'm telling you.

Tomorrow's her birthday,
putting on a fiesta.

Feliz cumpleaƱos, bebecita.

I can't believe she's three already.


Do you mind if I slip by?
I'm running late.

Yeah, we're all going
through security, lady.

Well, some of us are trying.

I don't need you to valet my car,

I just need to get to work.

Wait, you work here?

'Cause I've been here for five years.

I know everyone in this place.

Apparently not everyone.

I work for your boss.

Jason Epstein? Uh-huh.

Your other boss, the man upstairs.

I knew you'd get it.



Who is that?

I mean, Jesus, he's already
getting a library.

Now you want a stadium?

Nobody said stadium.

It's a baseball field for kids.

Trying to get Obama elected again?

I'm trying to get you elected again.

Sorry I'm late, I ran into
a little nuisance downstairs.

I was just leaving anyway.

Why don't you take the rest
of the morning to get settled.

Hell, take the rest of the day,
if you want.

- The whole day?
- Mm-hmm.

That's Bobby's way of saying
you kicked ass yesterday.

Oh, Bobby might have told me that before

I made my driver run four red lights.

That's 400 large. Do you want
her to mail it in or pay directly?

Give her a pass.
I'm in a charitable mood.

Oh, since you're in a good mood,

you might want to avoid the elevator,

take the back way out.

- Oh, we got press?
- How many?

When they travel in a pack like that,

it's hard to count.

What do you say, Derrick?

Should we throw 'em a bone today?

I mean, I'm always the one
telling you not to dodge.

Have fun.

All right, don't all jump at once.

The mayor's been kind enough
to answer a few questions.

Hello, first floor.
What's it been, a week?

Nine days, actually.

Oh, now you're gonna be accurate.

Have you thought about a
replacement for Alderman Coats?

Her resignation was yesterday.

It's an important ward,
I don't wanna rush the decision.

With all due respect,
your decisions lately

don't exactly make a lot of sense.

You wanna be more specific, Terry?

Jessica Pearson.

You brought in a disbarred New
York lawyer to be your fixer.

Yeah, I did. What's your question?

What exactly is Ms. Pearson
going to be doing for you?

- Is it legal?
- Give me a break.

It's a legitimate question.

Why are you afraid to answer it?

I came out here to do you guys a favor.

We're done here. Get out of my face.

What the hell was that?

I seriously hope you're not
blaming me for that.

You used to be one of them.

From now on, I wanna know every question

they're gonna ask before they ask it.

That little audible
was your idea, not mine.

If you want, I can let you go.

You can prowl the halls
with those assholes again.

Look, I'm not saying you deserved it.

I know those guys can be brutal,

but you had to know they were
gonna ask about her at some point.

I did know, and I was
prepared to answer questions.

But she's been here all of 48 hours.

She's not even on the payroll yet.

- So?
- So someone leaked that

to embarrass me or her or both.

Or people have legitimate questions.

And by people, you mean you.

Hey, I like the woman,

but even I don't know how
she ended up working for you,

and I'm pretty sure I don't wanna know.

Don't push it, Derrick.

Look, if you want, I can try to
figure out how they got onto her.

I don't need a PI,

I need a press secretary who protects me.

Just do your job.

What do you think? Homey, right?

Well, it's definitely... lived in.

Just give it a good yank.

What are my other options?

Inventory's limited, budget cuts.

But now that I think of it,
my husband works

in Water Management
and his boss just died.

I can swap out your desk
before they pack up his.

You know what, I'm just gonna
pick something out, myself.

There's really nothing else
left in the warehouse.

No, I'm not talking about a warehouse.

The city won't pay for outside vendors.

Do me a favor.

Have your friends in Facilities

clear this place out,
swap out the fluorescents,

and there's a brand new Nespresso machine

with your name on it.

You got it.

You ever need anything else,
come find me.

I will.


Sorry, I had to take that.

No, don't worry about it.
This won't take much longer,

just wanna walk through it with you.

So, as we agreed, we're gonna
come up on the wages by 6.8...

I can't sign it.


I'm not signing, Keri.

Eric, we're at the one yard line.

Please don't tell me you're
gonna go back on your word.

I'm not the one being dishonest here.

What does that mean?

I can't negotiate with a mayor
who has an anti-police agenda.

Where is this coming from?
My whole family are cops.

I defend the department in court.

Against Jessica Pearson,

who called the department animals

and took you for a $4 million verdict.

Or do you not remember?

She was nothing to do with this.

Really? The mayor just hired
her to be his what, enforcer?


We've known each other a long time, Eric.

My father was in the 8th for 30 years.

And you are not the problem.

Okay, so believe me when I tell you

there is a firewall
between Jessica Pearson

and this negotiation.

I don't know what to tell you.

I work for them, this is what they want.

City Hall, this is the Mayor's office.

I don't have him, Ms. Pearson.

See, now, the last time
it was "the mayor's gone home."

I'm starting to think
you're scared of me, Derrick.

- Not at all.
- In that case,

I know you're
the mayor's press secretary,

but seeing as you're the one
that put these on my desk,

and I don't have an assistant...

- You don't know where HR is.
- Keep going.

And you want me to bring
your paperwork to HR for you.

You read my mind.

Not exactly.

What's going on, Derrick?

- You don't know.
- Know what?

You haven't heard anything?

No, I haven't heard anything.

So are you gonna tell me what's going on,

or do you want an actual reason
to be scared of me?

I don't know which word I hate
more, disbarred or fixer.

Which word would you like,
Ms. Pearson, liability?

'Cause that's what your fast becoming.

That little run-in wasn't
just about you, Mr. Mayor.

Whoever set it up did it
to embarrass me just as much.

You think I give a shit about
whether or not you got embarrassed?

Our new contract with the
police department just blew up.

What are you talking about?

They just walked away from a deal

Keri's been negotiating
for months because of you.

- Me?
- Yes, you.

You're the one who went after the 13th.

They brutalized a young man
who was already in handcuffs.

That was two bad cops and
you made it about all of them.

Now it seems they don't wanna be in bed

with a man who's in bed with you.

That's bullshit and you know it.

Doesn't sound like bullshit to me.

You're not from around here,
these things run deep.

I hate to break it to you,
but the police despise you.

The department may, but I'm
guessing the only one at the table

when this went down
was an underpaid union lawyer

who saw an opportunity to squeeze you.

And let me guess.

- You want a shot at him.
- Two birds.

Instead of telling the public
why you brought me in,

which you should have had an
answer for this morning, show them.

This is Keri's business.

Take it up with her.

You brought me in to put out
your fires, Mr. Mayor.

Not the ones you goddamn start.

- My babies.
- Yay!

Hey, baby. Come here, come here.

- Hey, baby.
- Hey, Mom.

Hey, Mama.

Hey, you're home early. Everything okay?

Well, you know, just one step
closer to nursing school.

- You passed the test.
- With flying colors.

Thanks, Mom! Top 10%, says it right here.

I mean, there's still
the part where I have to,

you know, go to class
and pay for it and everything.

Oh, I'm so proud of you, baby.

We'll work it out.

Does that mean I can get a PS4 now?

Let's try something smaller.

- Like a laptop.
- Or pancakes.

- Pancakes!
- Exactly.

Success makes me hungry.

Mommy's gonna be a nurse,
Mommy's gonna be a nurse.

Mom, where are the eggs?

Oh, I used the rest of 'em.

When? They were here this morning.

I went by Jessica's,
made breakfast at her place.

You went to her house and made breakfast?

Well, I could go to John's,
pick up some more.

No, no, no, I don't want
you running to John's.

All right, boys, change of plans.

Mac and cheese or chicken nuggets?

Chicken nuggets!

Chicken nuggets, coming right up.

I need a minute.

I'm sorry, I'm too busy
cleaning up your mess.

You know, we can keep
slinging mud at each other,

or we can talk like two grown women.

Oh, the feminist card.
You must be desperate.

No, I'm not desperate, but I am sorry.

Can you be more specific?

I'm sorry my hire came back
around on you this morning.

Your hire didn't
come back on me, you did.

That trial was a battle, Keri.

I went after you and the department hard,

but my client suffered
at the hands of those cops.

You know what your problem,
Jessica, your ego.

You can't even apologize
without justifying it.

Okay, you don't like me.

It's not that I don't like you,

I don't trust you.

Well, maybe over time
we can gain each other's trust.

Plan on sticking around that long?

Long enough to help you
salvage these negotiations.

I'm trying to be upfront here,

not go behind your back.

So, that's my only option,
I work with you or you go rogue?

No one's talking about going rogue.

You take point, I'll follow your lead.

I was two seconds away
from closing a deal

that would ensure the city of Chicago had

an active police force
for the next three years.

I don't take pleasure in the fact that

your past has come back to haunt you,

and I'm not trying to punish you.

I'm just not dazzled by you
like everybody else.

So I will say this once, woman to woman.

Stay away from my negotiation.

Guys, please stick to the approved format

across all platforms.

Thank you.

Tell that to the mayor.

What are you talking about?

He went Novak again.


Jessica Pearson. You brought
in a disbarred New York lawyer

- to be your fixer.
- Yeah, I did.

- What's your question?
- What exactly is Ms. Pearson

going to be doing for you? Is it legal?

- Give me a break.
- It's a legitimate question.

Why are you afraid to answer it?

I came down here to do you guys a favor.

Get out of my way.

I'm coming out the front door.

- Where are you now?
- Hey, that's her.

Why the hell not?
I told you ten minutes ago.

- Ms. Pearson, excuse me.
- Just get here please.

- Ms. Pearson...
- I'm sorry, excuse me.

When did the mayor bring you on?

Why did you hire a phony
lawyer at your old firm?

I said all I'm gonna say about that.

Just two weeks ago
you were suing the city,

now you're working for the mayor.

- Do you wanna explain that?
- No, I don't.

Ms. Pearson's late for a meeting.

- Move aside now.
- Excuse me, sir.

Ms. Pearson. Ms. Pearson!

You okay?

I didn't peg you for the chivalrous type.

Nobody's ever accused me of that before.

It was a compliment, not an accusation.

And it's my way of saying thank you.

I owed you one
for the night we didn't meet.


Look, I don't know if you were headed out

to eat or whatever, but if you want,

I can sneak you back in
through mayor's entrance.

Well, actually, if you don't
have anything to do,

I was headed over to Avalon and 81st.

- It's a rough neighborhood.
- You aren't scared, are you?

Well, the 50-minute drive
at this time of day scares me.

I can handle myself,
but I understand if you have

to wait around for the mayor.

Avalon, huh? Sure.

Why the hell not?

You know what happens now, don't you?

- The Fire Department.
- Yep.

Gonna find out what the cops turned down

and double their demands.

It's three months away.

I can't think about it right now.

The election is in six months.

You wanna walk into that
with every cop and fireman

in Chicago calling for your head?

Okay, I get it.

They're pissed that I hired her.

Question is, what do they want?

They're just gonna walk away

Hargrove's your friend, ask him.

Any chance this is just posturing?

Who gave you that idea, her?

Bobby, this is not a strategy.

Come on, Keri.

McBride's a lawyer, he's not a cop.

Yeah, but he's a union lawyer.

He's been with them for 14 years.

He's practically one of them.

And hiring this woman
is a slap in the face.

Believe me, I know how they feel.

Did you do that out there?

- What?
- Leak her name to the press.

You think I would do that?

I know you don't want her here.

No, I don't.
I've been pretty clear about that.

And that was before
she blew up a negotiation

that I was working on for six months.

I would never do anything to hurt you,

and I can't believe
that you think I could.



They don't open from the inside.

I wasn't going to say a thing.

Thank you again.

You do know I'm not leaving you here.

Well, that's up to you.

But I thought you had to be
available to the mayor 24/7.

What makes you think it's a 24/7 job?

Well, let's see,

you bumped into my former partner

at O'Hare first thing in the morning,

you tried to intimidate me
at City Hall after work,

and you stalked my apartment
building at midnight.

It seems to me the mayor has
you on a pretty short leash.

I have some autonomy.

Then you can drive for me?

I said have autonomy,
not time to moonlight.

Here's the thing, Nick.

I'm in the middle of a firestorm,

and the driver they've assigned to me,

to put it mildly,
is an idiot with an attitude.

I can really use someone
who knows his way around.

I'll see if I can find you someone.

Got a minute?

For the Mayor of Chicago? Sure.

So I heard about the contract.
Damn shame.

No games, Chuck.
We both know what this is about.

Do you know where I was when I found out

you hired the woman
who shit on my department?

Two of your own did that when
they nearly killed that kid.

I was at the 13th, checking on morale.

How do you like that?

She was just doing her job.
She was a lawyer.

From what I understand,
she's a New York lawyer

who lost her license.

- So what is she doing for you?
- Whatever I want her to do.

Look, Chuck, we go back a long way.

I have my reasons.

Gotta trust me.

That's the main problem right there.

- What does that mean?
- Come on, Bobby.

I'm already seen as too chummy with you.
Everyone knows we're close.

What the hell is wrong with
having friends in City Hall?

Nothing, as long as my guys
don't think I gave away

their last contract because of it.

I took money out of Public Health

to give you a fair deal and you know it.

You and I know it,

not the 12,000 who work under me.

If I don't punch back after
you pull a move like this,

well, I lose them.

- So where does that leave us?
- What do you want me to say?

As long as Jessica Pearson
is part of your administration,

we don't have much to talk about.

You need a contract, Chuck.

And you need a police force.

- Jessica.
- I'm sorry, I know it's late.

Never too late for family. Come on in.

Cory, Mark, say hello
to your cousin Jessica.

- Hi.
- Hi.


I've heard so much about both of you.

What you got there, a whole supermarket?

Just some eggs, and, well,
a few steaks for freezing,

and fresh lettuce for salad.


Believe it or not,
this is perfect timing.

Oh, good.

I was gonna run to
the corner and stock up

in case we had to lay low for a few days,

but I didn't wanna leave the boys alone.

Lay low? For what?

What's going on?

Some of the neighbors,
the people say that

there's gonna be a blue flu.

May have already started.

The police are striking?

The police don't strike.

They get together,
and they all call in sick.

Well, striking's against their contract.

I know what it is.

The last time this happened,
things were real bad.

Are you worried about Angela
coming home tonight?

I'm worried about tonight,

tomorrow and the day after that.

God only knows I'm no fan
of the police around here,

but no police is a whole
different set of problems.

You knew about what's
going on, don't you?

That's why you didn't wanna leave me.

I may have heard some rumors, yeah.

My family lives in that building, Nick.

- How real is this?
- Look...

No, anything that starts with
"look," I don't wanna hear.

I need that truth.

Let's just say if there's a sick-out,

this area isn't a priority.

Does the mayor know?

What do you think?

Bobby, you promised him you'd be home

before he went to bed.

I know, I just... I can't
get away right now.

Well, what do you want me to tell him?

Tell him daddy's got a miserable job.


Tell him I'll make it up to him.

- I promise.
- I'll do what I can.

I'll see you when I see you.

You working on a statement?

Four options depending on
how this goes down

and when you go public.

What else?

Well, I hate to even
bring this up, but...


This morning's thing went viral.

Now some woman upstairs is retweeting it

with some not too flattering hashtags.

You're kidding me, right?

You're bringing this to me
in the middle of all this?

You're already getting a lot of heat,

I didn't know how you wanted
me to deal with it.

Do whatever you have to do.

How many times do I have to tell you?
Do your goddamn job.

Sources say that talks
between the police union

and the mayor broke down earlier today.

And as a result, locals have complained

about a noticeable lack
of police presence.

Me and my daughter were robbed
coming home from the market.

A man held a gun in my little
girl's face and nobody did a thing.

I couldn't find a cop anywhere.

God knows what this place
will be like in the morning.

The last time there was
a so-called "blue flu"

was back in 1993.

Back then, over a three-day period,

violent crime spiked 32%.

Reporting from Kenwood...


Are you Yoli Castillo?


You violated our social media
policy for personnel

with that last tweet you posted.

What now?

"Why is @MayorNovak staffing up with NYC?

"#SloppySeconds #CleanUpCityHall

starts by taking out the trash."

That's from my personal account.

It doesn't say anything
about where I work.

Your handle is YOLOCastillo.

You told the mayor
to "take out the trash."

You're the social media coordinator
for Streets and Sanitation.

Okay, True Detective.

For the average viewer, that's
just another private citizen

speaking truth to power.

But you're not just another
private citizen.

You can't publicly criticize
the administration

when you're a part of it.

Okay, well, I don't happen
to share that opinion,

but... sorry, I guess?

You need to take it down. Now.

Wait, I just apologized to you

when I didn't really mean it,
that's a lot for me.

I start buckling to censorship,

I'm on the slippery slope to hell.

It's not censorship, it's policy.

Yeah, well, it's a bullshit policy
and the mayor should know better.

Okay, I tried. Thank you.

Hold on, Captain Ominous.

What is that supposed to mean?

- It means you're fired.
- You can't fire me.

Yeah, I can once word
gets back to your boss.


Did I just get fired?

I hear some of your officers
missed their flu shots this year.


You got some balls showing up
here after you stuck us

with a $4 million frivolous lawsuit.

The young man that was beaten
and left for dead

wouldn't call that lawsuit frivolous.

I am a good cop, lady,

and so are almost every one of the
men and women who serve under me.

Is that why a quarter of them
are in bed right now

putting innocent lives in danger?

Don't believe everything you hear.

Well, it's not what I hear,
it's what I know.

Cops take the day off, people get hurt.

This isn't on me.

The mayor knows what he needs to do.

Deliver my head on a platter?

You and I both know
he's not going to do that,

because that would make him look weak.

And how do you think I'll look if I cave?

I already let Bobby kick
the can down the road

on the pension last time,

hell if I'll let him do it again.

I thought this was about me.

I have to work to do, Ms. Pearson.

I guess we're at an impasse.

Shit, do I need that.

Thought maybe you were joining
your brethren out there.

What are you talking about?

You disappeared yesterday.
Where were you?

I rescued Jessica.

The press were on her
like a pack of dogs,

so I gave her a ride.

She asked if I'd be her driver.

Did she?

Is she taking over
my ribbon cuttings now, too?

It's not a bad idea, you know.

McGann got you on the payroll now?

Hmm? You his official eyes and ears?

You wanna talk to me
about working for McGann?

I'm up against it with this police thing.

I don't know what you're doing.

You asking for permission?

I don't know what I'm asking.
I'm just bringing it up.

Well, since you don't know
what you're asking,

let me answer it for you.

You work for me,
no one else, that's the job.

What about the nights
outside her apartment, Bobby?

That part of the job, too?

- Keep your voice down.
- Think.

When did I have to sit outside
like that before, Bobby, huh?

Oh, yeah, when I was a kid
and it was your dad in there.

- Nick.
- Enjoy your sandwich.


Thanks to you, today's my last day.

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that,
but if you think I had

something to do with it, you're mistaken.

Oh, come on.

I retweet someone throwing shade on you,

on point by the way,
and the mayor's flack up and fires me?

I know a hit job when I see one.

It sounds like your itchy
thumbs got you fired, not me.

Admit it, the press went after you today,

so you found someone else
to take it out on?

And you're basing this on
the fact that I'm...


I was a waitress.

I know what people with money can do

when someone like me crosses them.

If blaming me makes you
sleep better Miss...

Castillo. Yoli Castillo.

Ms. Castillo, then believe it,

but it's not true.


Oh, I do.

And you know what I see?

I see someone who gets up
at 6:00 every morning

to feed the homeless
and still has the time

to know the names of every
single person in this place;

from Oscar at Security to
the little old lady in Zoning

who likes Twinkies
from the vending machine.

And I do it not just because
I'm a nice person,

but because when my boss needs something,

I'm the one who gets it done.

I killed for this job, lady.

I know my rights.

I'm not gonna let anyone shut me up.

There's a difference
between knowing your rights

and knowing when to use them.

That's growing up.





What do you want now?

It's not what I want,
it's what the police want.

If that's your resignation, you don't
need a whole file folder.

It's not. It's a loophole set aside
for developers that saves them

millions in property taxes.

What does that have to do with this?

You close it, you can
fully fund the police pension.

It's what they've been trying
to get for eight years.

You've spent too much time
in corporate boardrooms.

Do you honestly think that's
what this is about?

I know that's what this is about,

especially after my little chat
with Superintendent Hargrove.

I specifically told you to
stay away from my negotiation.

My family lives on the South Side, Keri.

Or have you forgotten?

The minute this affected them,

it wasn't about you and me anymore.

This thing is happening because of you.

You think I don't know that?

I just listened to my aunt go on

about how she's worried about walking

her grandbabies to school.

Can you imagine how that felt?

The woman who thinks I can do anything.

You wanna hear me say I feel guilty?

I feel guilty as hell.

How do I know you're not
playing me like you did

the other day in court?

I guess you're just gonna
have to trust me.

I just got off the phone
with Chuck Hargrove.


He says you guys reached a deal.

How'd you do it?

Well, I made him realize
that he had a short window

to get what he wanted,
and if they went nuclear

with the blue flu, he would
lose support of the public,

a judge would impose an injunction,

and, well, they might as well
use the leverage that they had.


It was all a negotiating ploy.

They were looking
for a reason to walk away.

And I gave it to them.

Now look at that,
she was right after all.

Yeah, she figured out a way
to pay for it, too.

Do I wanna know?

No, but you'll hear it
from McGann at some point.

...Pat McGann.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

I have to go make a statement.

I'm sorry about earlier.

I was angry.

I know you better than that.

You seem like you wanna say something.

Yeah, I was just thinking
if you're looking for something

to tell the press about
why you brought her in,

this could make you look smart.

Good evening.

As you know, we've been in negotiations

on a new contract
with the police department

for the past six months.

Tonight, I'm happy to announce
that we've reached terms

that both compensate
the good men and women

who serve our city and are consistent

with keeping our city's budget in check.

Now before I bring up
Superintendent Hargrove

to discuss the details of the contract,

I'd like to introduce Jessica Pearson.

Ms. Pearson played a critical role
in putting this deal together,

and she'll be an important part

of my administration going forward.

Ms. Pearson...

Thank you.

By now, many of you are
well aware of my past.

It is a past that I own

and one that Mayor Novak
has been kind enough

to give a second chance to.

What you may not know is that
my father grew up in this city,

and it's taken on
a special meaning to me.

And I am anxious to give something back.

Now, I know some of you
still have many questions...

Come at me. I'm an open book.


It helps to make friends in Facilities.

I was talking about your
little unveiling back there.

I ran a firm for years.

I know my way around a
microphone and some flash bulbs.

Cut the bullshit, Ms. Pearson.

You set that up the minute I
faced those reporters yesterday.

You wanted both the firestorm
and the credit

for cleaning it up.

You can't hide someone
like me, Mr. Mayor.

The questions were gonna come eventually.

I figured if I laid bare
and got ahead of it,

the sooner we could both move forward

and tackle some real problems
in this city.

You almost triggered
one of those real problems.

Do you have any idea what could
have happened from that stunt?

I didn't plan on the police
pulling out of negotiations.

No? You're telling me
that was a coincidence.

It's Chicago.

If it wasn't the negotiations,
it would have been something else.

So how'd it go?

In exchange for reading your lines,

that reporter gets what,
a one-on-one with me?

Something a lot more valuable.

He gets access to your number two.

Oh, is that what you are?

- I didn't say that out there.
- You didn't have to.

You put me in a bad position.

I did you a favor.

The way I see it, you already
have too many secrets.

Good night, Ms. Pearson.

See you tomorrow.

Man in control.

You looked good out there.


Why don't we go for
a drink and celebrate?

- Good night.
- Night, Derrick.

Will you do me a favor?
Tell Nick to pull around.

I need to talk to him.

I should go home.


I wanna put my kids to bed tonight.



I said okay.

Good night.


So what is the name of
that little old lady in Zoning?

It's Ida. What's it to you?

I can't very well hire
an assistant who doesn't know

everyone in City Hall.

You never know
when I might need something.

You wanna hire me?

I do.

What happened to me learning
from this and growing up

and all those other pearls
you threw at me earlier?

Like you said, that was earlier.

You've had plenty of time
to grow and learn.

I wish you would have
come to me sooner...

- Oh.
- Uh, yeah.

It turns out, I already got
another offer, so...


Honey, I invented that move.

But if that's how you wanna play it

and risk missing out
on all the action, well...

Okay, okay, you know what? I want it.

- Yeah?
- Yeah, of course I want it.

- Okay. Mm-hmm.
- I want it.


Why are you doing this?

I mean, for real, like,
besides the fact that

you don't know where anything is.

For the oldest reason in the book,

you remind me of me.

Everyone deserves a second chance, Yoli.

And this job that I have now, it's mine.

So when do I start?


Angela, is everything okay?

Yeah, everything's fine.

Police are back in the
neighborhood, doing what they do.

Do you wanna come inside?

No need for that,
I just wanted to pay you back

for the groceries you brought over.

I can't take that. No, that was a gift.

A bag of food isn't a gift,
Jessica, that's charity.

I can buy food for my own children.

I never said you couldn't.

You know, part of the reason
I live where I live

is so my kids can go to St. Michael's.

Did you know that?

I'm doing that, and I just got
into nursing school.

That's fantastic, Angela. But...

But take it anyway
'cause it's the only way

you know to show love?


It sounds harsh,
but you and I know it's true.


What would you like me to do?

That's the thing,
you don't have to do anything.

I saw you on TV.

You wanna save the city,
that's good on you.

But we were surviving
before you got here,

and we'll be surviving after you move on.

I'm trying to get to know you.

Then try to get to know us.

We don't need charity,
we don't need expensive steaks,

and we definitely don't need
to be saved by you

so you can feel better about yourself.

- Aaron.
- Aaron.
