Payitaht Abdülhamid (2017–…): Season 1, Episode 6 - Episode #1.6 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

-What on earth is this? -An explosion.

Almighty God.

All on horses!

Hiram is on the move!

Chase him!

They're coming.

Dismount the horses!

Leave them!

Cover Ömer!

On the lightning faster than the bullets!

On the mountains containing lead in!

On the one allowing the vengeance!

On the god letting the bullet hit!

I swear on them!

I'm gonna kill you! You dog!

You can't run away from this!

Important news, general.

-What's that, general? -Here you are, general.

The train coming around Çatalca..

..was exploded.

I couldn't see the explosion.

You missed a real feast. You shouldn't have slept, Sara.

Gunpowder, fire and smoke.

-What's the feast in that? -The fire on Abdulhamid.

The smoke is Ottoman Empire.

The train exploded.

Now, railways share will hit the bottom..

..while ours hit the top.

Mr.Herzl pocketed the sultan's money in the stock market.

And he says "unfurl the sails" now.

If I even also found the Jewish bank,

..the destination will be Jerusalem then.

What about a celebration?

Drive, Herzl!

Towards the Great Jewish Country!

Come in.

My sultan.

The threat got eliminated.

The vehicle is waiting for you. Here you are.

We'll go to the capital with a coach.

Who is responsible for that? Do we know?

If our sovereign gives permission,

..we can investigate it.

No need, general.

No need.

Thankfully, general Mahmud informed me about the assassination,

..before the incident.

It's my duty, my sultan.

Preventing the assassination was also our duty, but..

..I couldn't. I feel grieved!

-Don't worry, general. -My sultan. But..

The explosion was confirmed.

They exploded an empty train.

We got news about the assassination.

But we didn't know where the bomb was.

So we invited general Kemaleddin.

We don't know where the bomb is, my sovereign.

How can we stop it?

The telegram was sent.

The train is waiting at the Çatalca station.

62 kilometers of railway.

Captain Celal is searching, but..

They can't find the bomb before the explosion .

It must be underground.

And would be exploded with a remote line.

We'll sacrifice, Kemaleddin.

-Sacrifice what? -An empty train.

We'll sacrifice.

A train was loaded with coal which would die near Sirkeci.

The train is empty.

You'll go to Çatalca..

..and bring my wife and her companies here by coach.

Yes, my sovereign.

We sacrificed an empty locomotive.

But we saved tens of lives.

What they want from your wife, my sovereign?

Why did they make such a plan?

It's not about my wife, general.

It's about the railway machines in the same train.

If they had exploded the train,

The machines would have got wasted.

The shares would have hit the bottom.

Our money on railway shares would have got wasted.

Someone else would have earned money.

Neither my harem nor machines..

..have got damaged.

Thank god.

So we preserved the value of the aid money..

..that general Mahmud invested in shares.

Their cruelty has come to nothing, my sovereign.

Thank god.

The one attacking us should know..

God the revenger..

..will take us into servive for the vengeance against the cruels.

-Amen. -Amen, my sovereign.


-Where is the girl? -Don't worry. She's safe.

But If I hadn't come timely,

You would probably, to silence her..

No. Lady Bidar.

To provide her with better treatment..

Cut the bullshit, Seniha Sultan.

We both know that you're here..

..because you don't want her to speak.

How could you get involved in such betrayal?

I knew general Mahmud made mistakes.

But you..

I'm wounded deeply that you're his accomplice.

Our sovereign will also feel sad when he learns.

Not at all, Lady Bidar.

I've always wanted our sovereign's safety.

Is that why you tried to convince Murad Effendi to become sovereign again.. making use of our sovereign's sickness?

You'll answer for all in front of our sovereign, Seniha Sultan.

This way. We're going to answer.

What happened?

The dog ran away. But I shot him.

Our sovereign's wife and child were in that train.

What kind of trouble is that?


I'm coming from Yildiz. Our sultan sent us.

Don't worry. The train was empty.


That's the information from the palace. I don't know the rest.

Thank god.

Take them away.

They'll come to clean the wreck and line.

-We can do it with them then. -Okay.

Be careful.

Mean Hiram will come after you for revenge.

What did I do, Ahsen?

Disgraced myself.

How can I look at his face?

Calm down, my sultan.

Everything has a cure in this life.

Tell me. What happened?

I couldn't..

I couldn't stand it anymore.

I wrote a letter to general Kemaleddin.

I confessed my feelings.

Is that all?

Do you regret you said you love him?

Or.. He did something to upset you?

He didn't even write back.

We came across in the hallway.

He didn't even look at my face.

Were did you come across? I mean.. Were you alone?

Mr. Celal was there.

Oh my sultan.

Don't you know that men keep their love as a secret?

They don't want anybody to witness the fire in their hearts.

It's impossible not to love you.

You mean..

He didn't show interest because he was with Celal?


Have some rest.

You felt cold too much.

French music..

..has always excited me.

That's Albanian work.


-They call it Butcher Tune around here. -Yeah?

You'll see the real feast in Vienna.

I can't return to Vienna now.

Melike. I can't leave her here.

Sending an ordinary girl to palace to poison the sultan was clumsy, Sara.

You can't get through the gates of palace now.

But Melike is in the palace.


Give everybody one more drink.

Not on me.

But on this idiot who will get down in the market.

Okay. Don't disgrace me.

If you had believed me, you wouldn't be disgraced.

Didn't I told you if the sovereign made a move,

..the railway shares would increase?

Excuse me.

You said that railway shares would increase.

I think you're wrong.

I heard that there was an explosion in the railway.

I came here from Sirkeci.

They dynamited for mining in somewhere.

The train and the machines are safe and sound.

These eyes saw it.

Are you one of..

..genius traders who invested in ship shares... my friend?

While we planned to explode the sultan's train,

..he tied us to the railways of the train.

I gave all the savings of Jews.. Abdulhamid with my own hands.

I feel dizzy.

While we dreamed of ship shares,

..Abdulhamid overwhelmed us.

Red sultan removed the hope from my heart.

He dragged my name through the mud.

We're broke now.

If you keep smashing the table, can't even foot the bill. Gather yourself up!

He's very sad.

Tolerance him.

I'll pay for the damage.


We've come safe and sound, my sovereign.

Thank god who put us together.

Thank god who gave me you two.

-My flower sultan. -Which flower?

A bunch of every flower in the world.

Then I can present your gift.

What's the matter with you, Sabahattin?

What's the matter?

A disaster. My father.

A disaster. Lady Bidar set us up.

She was there when we went to take the girl.

-Where are they now? -I don't know.

She put her in a coach. The palace, probably.

That Abdulhamid..

He's making me destroy what I've built sor far.

Firstly, he prevented me from giving the railway tender to the British.


He forced me to expose the plan of bank association.

-Did you speak about the train? -I had no choice.

He jumped on me and wanted me to speak.

If I hadn't given information about the train,

-I would be exploded too, now. -Alright.


What now?

Both Herzl and I and you are broke.

What we did collapsed on us.

You know what, Sabahattin.

I sometimes feel like..

..I'm in a fight that I will never win.

Every bullet I fire at my enemies..

..finds me reflecting from their chest.

So? Will we give in?

Giving in..

..isn't in my dictionary, Sabahattin.

The girl..

..who Sara placed at the palace.

What if her memory returns?

It will be wonderful.


That's France. I wish we lived in that village.

If I didn't have the responsibility for my nation,

Our Anatolia has better villages.

I also have a gift for you.

I'm fatter now, of course.

You drew me less fat by pulling punches.

You're always beautiful.

I did nothing.

I only cared about our country.

You have nothing to tell me, Seniha Sultan.

You can discuss it with your brother now.

Have a seat.

Come in.

Yes. Lady Bidar.

-Welcome, Fatma Sultan. -Thank you.

-How are you? -I'm fine.

We missed you.

I hope that you and the baby are healthy.

They're fine. Thank God.

It seems Paris did good to them.

We can take better care of Lady Fatma Pesent here.

I had my chamber prepared for you.

-You shouldn't have bothered. -Don't mention it.

You can be comfortable there.

Why did you come?

I wanted to see Lady Fatma Pesent.

I'm very glad that she is healthy.

Our sovereign did this.



By your leave.

Lady Fatma Pesent is here.

I didn't want to upset our sovereign, but..

You'll come here to get in his presence together tomorrow...

..or they will bring you by force, Seniha Sultan.

It seems you revived.

What did you do in the telegraph office?

I did my last move.

New hope. New chance.

Where did you send a telegram?

My sworn Jewish brothers living in Jerusalem.

I told them to move.

What do you think you are doing?

Did you lose your mind?

Keep you hand off, first.

You can smash your own table.

But you can't collapse..

..the new order in Ottoman over all of us.

-They won't let that. -What do you want me to do?

I lost all the money of Jews.

While planning to found Israel, I seemed like a fraud.

Parvus is ready to give you all the money you need.

Accept it.

Without their help, couldn't even set up a tent.

Jews won't be servants of anyone.

They'll find their bank and country with their own money.

Very bloody news will come from Jerusalem soon.

And sultan will desperately watch the lost of Palestine.

Sultan can discipline Russians with British..

..and British with Germans.

But Jews can gather all the nations..

..and make them attack on Ottoman, Sara.

-Why are you staring, Sabahattin? -Surprised.

You eat so much after so many incidents.

Any indigestion?

Come and sit. I'll tell you something.


If you're in the battlefield,

..your stomach should be full.

Because they don't set up tables in the battlefield.

Among all the smell of blood, gunpowder and burned meat.. need to keep eating.

Why? Think about it.

Because the battle doesn't wait for you.

You aren't in the battle anymore, general.

Because you lost it.

What's going on, Seniha?

What's going on?

Seniha Sultan. What's going on?

Lady Bidar learned everything.

What did our sultan say?

He doesn't know yet.

Bidar enjoys my downfall now.

She will tell my brother tomorrow.


The greatest news. Tomorrow.

Shut up, Mahmud!

It's all because of you, after all!

It's over now.

Everything is over.

Nothing is over, Seniha Sultan.

How, Mahmud? How?

Bidar knows about the letter to my brother Murad and the girl.

Let her know.

We also know that ones who exploded the train..

..put a huge amount of money in Bidar's brother Mehmed's account.

Remember, Seniha Sultan.

I gave the information..

..that saved Lady Fatma Pesent's life.

So he won't push me so much these days.

I'll build everything from the first point.

What about Bidar?

The receipt of the betrayal will shut Bidar's mouth.

Trust me.


Praise be. May god bless his soul.

He must be performing dry ablution not to stay impure.

My dear god. Save him from..

What's up, general Tahsin?

News from Khazar Turks, my sovereign.

The Jews out of Jerusalem.. the order "open the blue note".

The journalists around..

..set off towards Jerusalem.

There seems to be big news.

They'll take revenge..

..for the money lost in the market.

They made such an attempt.

Think, general.

Think how big our punch was.

What's your order, my sovereign?

I want to relax, first.

Then find out who lost money in the market.

In the name of god.

Call Kemaleddin and Celal in.

Tell them to prepare their letters of resignation.

Yes, my sovereign.

Do you also want to prepare?

Please, general. Don't, for god's sake.

If I get fired, what will I do?

Don't ever give voice to the praises in your heart.

Do you want our sovereign.. hear your praises and embarrass him?

Forgive me, general.

We'll see.

Be ready for getting fired, anyway.

Get prepared.

A telegram came from master Herzl.

Are we gonna do this?

Didn't we promise ones who helped us get married?

Weren't our children born as sacrifices for Israel?

Do you hesitate?

Come on.


Documents regarding that.. were dismissed from your duty.

Write the date of today. And sign below.

Years ago, there was immigration from Budapest to Jerusalem.

Our sultan ordered us to follow the immigrants carefully.

And he placed a Khazar Turk Jew among them.. our detective.

Around the dawn, care from our detective.

To take revenge of the money they lost in the market,

..they did their great move.

Will they slaughter Muslims in Palestine, my sovereign?

They can't do this.

They will have themselves killed.

Those are deviant Jews.

They risk death to found Israel.

So-called Muslims will kidnap Jews.

But ones who will really kidnap them are British detectives.

They have cross under the robe.

They'll slaughter Jews.

Then there will be..

.news that Muslim killed Jews in Palestine.

They'll ask European countries to intervene.

Jew's desire for land.. Palestine will be legitimate.

Maybe, a country.

If kidnapped, they must be dead by now.


They'll kill Jews.. their religious holiday, Purim.

Thus, the influence on the newspaper will be greater.

You two.. will go to Jerusalem.

You have 4 days.

You'll spend 3 of them on the road.

One day left.

In that one day,'ll stop the massacre.

You won't make contact with our soldiers..

..but with Turkmen guards of Jerusalem.

This is your mark.

If you die a martyr while saving the hostages,

..the dismissal papers your signed.. the evidence that you aren't connected to our country.

My sovereign.

How can we find where they hid the Jews.

Assuming we did, how can we get in?

We'll face with killers determined to kill,

..and Jews waiting for the death.

I'll explain everything, boy.

I'll explain everything.


Listen carefully.

Countless telegrams from our brothers..

..who donated for the Jewish bank.

But I can't answer because I lost their money against Abdulhamid.

All our plans don't work.

-Either our plans are terrible.. -Or..

Or what, Mr. Herzl?

You play a double game.

I never betray my friends.

-I try not to doubt you. -Good.

Please tell me, though. Why do we always fail?

As you know..

..our opponent wrestler is Abdulhamid Khan.

The dogs that we send on him.

They're scared and run, first. Then they bite us.

We have only one shot.

The girl who Sara placed in the palace.

I won't continue with your clumsy plans, anymore.

What will you do, Mr.Hezl?

I'll play my own game that I set years ago.

What kind of game?

British detectives disguised as Muslims in Palestine.

They'll kidnap our Jewish brothers..

..and execute them.

With the blood drained from..

..a few innocent Jews.'ll make a new account.

The people who you call "a few""..

..will draw all the attention to the Jews.

Of course.

The world will lend a hand against the cruelty.

And the money flowing in abudance will get into your empty safe.

Good. But..

Are you sure that..

..Abdulhamid doesn't know about this plan at all?


My brother carry death silence with them.

I wish it would happen as you said..

..and you would ride out the storm.

Don't worry. The time is on our side.

The holy Purim day is four days later.

It means.. You'll kill..

..the innocent Jews in their religious holidays.

I call it "fortunate".


You shouldn't have bothered, general.

You will bother, actually.

But I hope god will help you.

I hope so.

You heard what our sovereign said.

We should be in contact any moment.

Give us your blessing.

I give it. But it's the second.

We also got upset like this while you were going to London.

But you returned safe and sound.

Even successfully.

You also have general Kemaleddin now.

See you, general. We have a long way.

-Good bye. -Good bye.


Among the Jews,

..our sovereign's detective who sent the news to us.

Bring him back.

Yes, my general.

Good bye.

Have a safe journey.


Search all the bags.

Search everyone.

This one sent news to Istanbul.

Send telegram to Mr.Herzl.

Write that we caught Abdulhamid's detective.

The telegram who he had on him..

..says two detectives are coming from Istanbul to prevent us.

What the? It's not mine.

Where are you taking me?

In the name of god.

May god give abundance..

..and grace on this table.

-Amen. -Amen.

Thank you.

My god.


Sit, Asiye. I can handle it.

May god be please with you, girl.

May god give everyone..

.. a bride like you.


Please make delicious coffee to drink.

I can make it, Asım.

I can also make it for you, Asiye.

Would you like to drink, Ömer?

-If you wouldn't mind.. -Not at all.

My beautiful sister. I can also drink.

Do you have any information about..

..the explosion last night?

Not a big deal, Asım.

Search for mines.

May god protect our country's power.

-Amen. -Amen.

Surprisingly, you know about everything.


They are coachmen.

-They must have heard from someone. -No, husband.

They're trying to become detectives.

They can give information about every incident.

God give me patience.

-Shall we go out, Yusuf? -I will drink coffee.

The work is waiting for us, brother.

Let's go out.

Oh great! You have a good job.

We need to find a familiar and good girl from around.

I wanna see Ömer getting married.

Your son has stars in his eyes.

He's after the palace girl.

What's wrong, my beautiful girl?

Why crying?

It's nothing, Asiye.

I got upset when coffee got spilled.

Don't be. Coffee can get spilled.

Your tears shouldn't.

I'm sorry, Hiram.

I'm crazily sorry.

You lost your eye.

I lost my money that I have my eyes only for.

I heard of it.


Gather yourself up. I need you.

I need to take my revenge.

Keep it for yourself, for now.

You know better than me about Ottoman's sensibilities.

You'll make a list.

A death list to break peace in the capital.

You opened up my horizon by saying "death".

I have an advice for the list.

Eggs with onion is missing.

Our sovereign is having breakfast with Fatma Pesent Sultan.

We offered the eggs with onion there.

I can also have it prepared for you.

You know I don't like onions.

The table is enough. You can get out.

Is our sovereign not here?

He is having breakfast with Lady Fatma Pesent.

It seems Lady Fatma Pesent..

..has come.


Your fiance has also come.

You are in a bad mood.

You also want me to have it, right?

Why is that?

I thought you would feel happy. She's your fiance.


I'll break the engagement.

For the first time in my life,

..I felt someone in my soul so warmly.

Although I don't have profits,

..I want someone's good for the first time.


You also need to eat. You know.

I carry a child.

You carry the whole nation, my sovereign.

May god make me deserve my nation.


What about the name?

Our child.

Fatma if female.

Hamid if male.

But Abdulhamid.

How much did they pay in general Mehmed's account?

Much, mother. Much.

How will you get the document from the bank?

The customer privacy. They won't give it.

They won't. True.

Lady Bidar also summoned me.

How can I get rid of this trouble?

It's all because of your father.

And he gave us false hopes for the document the bank won't give.

The bank won't give.

The the payers will give, mother.

I'll get the document.

Don't worry.

And trust your son.

Then it's time to tell Lady Bidar..

..about the disgrace of her brother.

My sovereign. I sent them.


And we detected who invested a huge amount of.. in the ship company.

Sara Hedaya.

Let's see if Jacob Herzl knows this person.

Invite him to the carpenter office.

Yes, my sovereign.


Sultan must have learned my name by now.

I can't walk freely in Istanbul, anymore.

While we're trying to found Jewish country,

..sultan will make us all Muslims soon.

What's that in your hand?

From Jerusalem.

British caught an Ottoman detective among the Jews.

It means Abdulhamid knows about everything.

He sent two detectives.

Give up on this.


We'll wait for the detectives.

When they reach Jerusalem, they won't know this.

And they will die with our Jewish brothers.

And the newspapers will say..

Two detectives die while slaughtering innocent Jews.

That evidence points to Red Sultan.

Abdulhamid must have prepared..

..the dismissal letter of those two detectives by now.

You think I didn't think that?

We are two steps further than Abdulhamid this time.

-Where? -I'll meet general Mahmud.

My sovereign.

Jacob Herzl is here.

Let him in.

Here you are.

You palace has many rooms.

But I see you here all the time.

While keeping our mind busy with the state affairs,

..I want to keep my hands busy with wood.

Would you like to try?

Here you are.

It's the occupation of Noah.

Sara Hedaya.

Do you know her?

I do.

She either my son's friend..

..or his partner.

Do you know her face?

I saw her once.

After all, he imprisoned me after he met her.

Bu sure of this. She is a colleague of the devil.


Thanks, Jacob.

You can keep resting in the palace.

We appreciate you.

The sultan.

You saved my life.

You are just like your grandfather Beyazid.

He saved the Jews who Christians exiled.

We appreciate you.

God rest my grandfathers' souls.

By your leave.

We know who holds..

.. the strings of the puppets attacking us.

She is a hitman like Herzl.

But I know well my enemy behind them.

Who, my sovereign?

The expelled Satan that didn't grovel.

They hear nothing but Satan's whispers.

It's fight between faith and devil, general.


Whose hand is this?

Who is that soldier of Satan?

Let's ask general Mahmud.

Do you know her?

Or let me ask like this.

How much do you know her?

My sultan.

If I know her,

..Seniha Sultan wouldn't keep me alive.

Forgive me, my sultan.

Sara Hedaya. in Istanbul.

You'll bring her to me.

Learn who is if you don't know.

Meet her.

You'll bring her to me.


You've arrive, finally.

The road to answer is hard to walk, right?

You seem determined to put me the gallows.

Our sovereign will punish for your betrayal.

I just think you won't get in this palace again.

But it will be a reasonable punishment.


You can tell him the girl is alive.

No need to worry.

But I don't want you to mention my name.

Losers can't bargain. Just curious.

Are you saying that trusting what?

You think general Mahmud planned everything.

You're wrong. Deeply wrong.

I've got a document, Lady Bidar.

It says the ones who tried to steal our country's money in the market..

..put money in your brother's account.

The payer is a woman called Sara.

You can ask our sultan if you like.

He will say that woman is involved in the market issue.

Come in.

Our sultan is here.

What's up, Bidar Sultan?

Forgive me, my sovereign. But I want to show you someone.

This way, please.

How so? This girl..

Let me explain, my sovereign.

While doctors were checking for the death certificate,

..she moved a finger.

They told me instantly.

And I sent her to an all-equipped hospital.

Because I don't know who tried to kill her,

..I kept this as a secret.

Even from us.

Forgive me, my sovereign.

I hid her because I thought.. wouldn't help you find the killer.

But I know you have two inspectors to check the incident.

They couldn't find evidence.

What about the doctors?

She recovered from death.

Thank god.

This news made me happy after Fatma Pesent came healthily.

If we have two guests who made our sovereign happy,

If you let me,

I'd like to organize a dinner in the honor of Lady Fatma Pesent.

She also may wake up by then.



Whichever document you have about my brother, have time until the dinner.

But only for you. Not for your husband.

When she wakes up, you husband will be done.

What are those moves?

To be sure I'm not being followed.

You also seem so scared. Obvious from your clothes.

Your girl. Miss Sara.

She really lost her memory.

She banged her head during the accident.

And she told Sultan where the poison was.

I knew something went wrong.

Otherwise, Melike would have do her duty.

I don't know, but..

It's said she treats Abdulhamid like her father.

When her memory returns,'ll see the father and daghter.

How is your past..

..with Melike, Miss Sara?

Her whole past is about me.

Then she will remember all when she sees you.

The hatred is the most effective medicine for the memory.

When Melike sees me,

..she will rememer..

..she used to live to kill Abdulhamid.


We need to find a way to get you in the palace.


But how?

The world famous Nana.

Miss Sara!


The world famous tailor..

..Nana is in Istanbul.

Do you..

..know about needlecraft?

I prefer to remove, not to stitch.

Why did you ask?

I did, because..

General Mahmud..

..can get a world famous tailor.. the palace for Abdulhamid's daughters and nieces.

Miss Sara.

I think you should..

..learn tailoring.

I know tailor Ester from Salonika.

-Good. -Wait.

Get better soon, brother.

Your mouth seems broken.

You talk about anything, anywhere.

My god. Did I lie?

-What's the matter, guys? -Nothing.

Just Yusuf's empty words.

He talks about the inappropriate.

I exposed the lover, Ferman Agha.

That's my mistake.

I have this in my heart.

No need to talk about and reveal it in public.

Even if..

..the rosewood denies it's a rosewood, can't convince the thorns of it.

God bless your tongue, Ferman Agha.

I don't know.

How can I show my interest in her?

How can I know if she's interested?

Leyla's mother dies..

..and they serve meals next day.

Leyla gives the meals..

..for the guest by herself.

When Mecnun hears, he runs there.

He sees that everybody is in the queue.

He gets a plate..

..and gets in the queue.

Mecnun's intention is not to eat..

..but to see Leyla.

When it's Mecnun's turn..

..Leyla looks at the plate..

..and the hands holding it.

She hits Mecnun's head by the ladle.

Mecnun gets out of the queue when he takes the hit..

..and comes again.

This repeats a few times.

A mortal one tells Mecnun..

"Leyla despises you."

"She hit your head by the ladle."

"But you still get in the queue."

Mecnun says..

"If she wasn't interested in me.."

"Would she hit my head by the ladle?"

My Ömer.

Before you get hit by the bable, can't know.

We used to chat before.


Yes, my prince?

I told my mother about my interest in you.

How dare you?

Do you know you're crossing the line?

I'm saying the same thing.

Wihtout hesitation, we shall find..

..peace in the happiness climate.

What else should I do to show my interest in you?

You're my only purpose.

And you can't run away from it.

You aunt is coming.

Abdulkadir, my boy.

Your fiance is looking for you.

-Ester brought the tailor in Istanbul. -And?

Ester is Jewish.

She has a son, dentist.

I wanted her to get me in the palace with tailor Nana.

Did she accept?

She did. But by one condition.

What is it?

Ester wants her son to become sultan's dentist.

She says he's very good at it.

And I said I knew one of the loyalist generals of the sultan.

And I promised to handle it.

Impossible now. We'll see later.

But we'll definitely find a way.

I need to have new clothes sewed, deserving this place.


They all are worn.

It's an excuse.

You want to go to the fashion house, in fact.

You flutter to see the general again.

How does Bidar know about the letter?

Which letter, aunt?

How many letter are there, Hatice?

The letter that you wrote to your father.

Who told her?

Who told Bidar?

You're talking about a letter that was never written.

The letter you asked us,

..but we didn't write.

A letter that was never written.

How can Bidar know about this?

She can be listening to the doors.

She can get meanings from what she doesn't hear,

..not what she hears.

Can't she have tried you?

Did you accept you wrote a letter?

Lady Bidar baited you..

..and you ate it.

You think that she tried me?

She didn't hear of the letter from us.

If she didn't hear from you either, means she baited.

Besides, I feel offended.

Why would we do this.. our benefactor who brought us here?

I think you shouldn't.

Because you know..

If you lose your aunt's protection, will have to return to your old palace.

It's said you dediced to sell the waterside residence, general Fuat.

I did. You know my family is crowded, general Osman.

Besides, there are many poor people who count on us.

Donate a little reasonably, general.

You can have the trouble of poorness, otherwise.


My sultan.

The biggest poorness is untroubledness, general Izzet.

What is the poorness of the untroubled man?

The poorness of him.. to deal with..

..his own trouble, not someone else's.

You all should have troubles, generals.

You've done generalship so far.

Your duty has been so.

What about your servitude?

You will carry troubles.

If you deal with it properly,

The reward..

..may not be in the state book.

..but will be in the holy book.

My sovereign.

We can carry mountains if you like.

Then carry the black continent..

..Africa, general.

You're responsible for the innocent children..

..exploited by the West.

-General Fuat. -Yes, my sovereign.

You have Turkistan. The land of Oghuz tribe.

This country can stand because Turkistan gets our back.

-Don't forget this. -Yes.

-General Izzet. -Yes, my sovereign.

You're responsible for Damascus.

It's your homeland. You know its problems.

General Tahsin.

You're responsible for Anatolia.

-General Riza. -Yes, my sultan.

You're responsible for Balkans.

Don't let tough river flow for nothing.

Don't let Austria and Russia..

..abuse our Albanian and Bosnian brothers.

Yes my sultan.

-General Ethem. -Yes, my sovereign.

-You're responsible for Basra. -Yes, my sovereign.

-General Nureddin. -My sovereign.

-You've got Crimea and around. -Yes.

You distributed every land, my sovereign.

Except for Hejaz.

I have got it.

Mecca and Medina is on my shoulders.

Don't worry.

You'll serve those lands as servants..

..not as generals.

You'll help by the orders of god and the prophet.

We said once we had a dream.

You'll turn that dream into the truth.

You'll turn Islamic lands into gardens of the peace.

May the almighty God..

..make you successful.


General. Forgive me but where?

Move. I'm already late.

Late for what, general?

For the presence. Generals were invited.

You aren't invited.

And you aren't in the consultation committee.

What the fuck are you saying?

Watch your mouth.

Yeah, Miss Sara. Draw carefully, as I showed.

Cut it.

What are you doing?

You wasted the fine cloth.

You can't do this, Madam Sara.

These clothes are expensive.

Even if all the clothes in this shop get wasted,

..I'll learn it, Ester.


I appreciate you because you invited me too, general.

Even though you're not an ambassador,

I know about your interest in the relationship between..

..the countries, Carasso.

Welcome to you all.

We didn't have time for you for a while.

If you'll excuse me..

I'll start my words by talking about..

..the decisions of the Ottoman Empire on some issues.

The misfortune in the Hejaz railway..

..couldn't deter our country.

The Ottoman Empire.. still after it with determination.

Sultan Abdulhamid Khan!

Victorious forever! Attention!

I hope you've come..

..with information to increase your reputation.

-Did you find Miss Sara? -My sultan.

I had hotel and restaurants checked.

But I couldn't find anything.

And the mean Hiram isn't around.

Ömer shot mean Hiram.

He may have killed the heathen.

Hiram is nothing, general.

We need the ones behind him.

I'll find, my sultan.

I swear I'll find.

Let's listen to you now.

-With your excuse. -Go on.

A firing disaster happened in the USA.

Our sovereign knows about it.

Apart from the houses collapsed,

..our forests also burned.

Our sultan is sensible about such things.

By his order,

Necessary helps will be sent to the USA.

Thank you very much.

American State is glad that Ottoman is always with us.

Thank you very much.

Unfortunately, British state doesn't think so.

Why is that?

Our goverment is dealing with..

..the fishermen rebellion in Belfast for days.

Our country knows about it.

We also know that.. try to suppress the revolt by violence an tyranny.

And we don't give consent to tyrannize your people.

The rioting fishermen are Irish.

Ottoman gave food aid to Irish in the time of famine.

We think it's relevant to the riot.

What do you mean?

Our government is investigating who is behind the rebels.

But.. We suspect..

If Ottoman sultan made a move,

..he wouldn't do it with fishermen.

He would give a strong smack, Lord Richard!

You're trying to..

..suppress the fishermen riot by violence for three days.

Ottoman Empire..

..won't let any countries to tyrannize to its people!

Inform your government clearly.

And don't talk about..

..your illusions.. this council without evidence.

Who is Asiye?

The mother of the man who took my life.

He loves her in his eyes.

Don't act emotionally. It's business.

And leave the piano alone.

She is loved much in her neighborhood.

She's like a mother for everyone.

If we kill her,

..we can create rage in the neighborhood.

The imam of Geyikli mosque.

His community admires him.

A dead imam would be good.

Shoemaker Suleyman.

He get every orphan dress in the capital.

Deadbather Galip.

He has to be in the list.

After killing so many people,

..there shouldn't be anyone to bury them.

When did you become such a ferocious killer?

In the abbey of Vatican.

There was a priest.

He always beat us.

I prayed god to take his life every night.

Beating in daylight. Praying at nights.

Then I found a way to talk to god.

I cut that priest.

I was able to talk to god then.

My sins..

..must have drawn the attention of god and black Pope.

Because they hired me.

As a killer in the company.

-In Vatican? -Yes.

Keep your personal problem till the end.

First, you'll kill the safe director of Ottoman bank.

Then Abdulhamid should appoint a man who we want.

Then.. What was that? Ömer?


You'll tak you revenge.

Are you studying, miss Sara?

Tailoring is a hard art.

My hands have many holes.

Pity on your beautiful and elegant hands.

Couldn't you convince Abdulhamid?

I did. Didn't Ester tell you?

They invited the dentist to the palace even on the first day.

In fact,

..I lost my healthy tooth to convince Abdulhamid.

Let me show.

I twisted my healthy tooth before getting in the presence.

I forced hard and made it bleed.

And then..

..Ester's son Sami pulled it out.

-It's a pity. -Of course.

It was a healthy tooth, after all.

Lest Abdulhamid get suspicious..

First, I fired my own arm.

Then, I lost my healthy tooth.

And your beautiful fingers blistered bloody.

Miss Sara. I think..

..we should finish this as soon as possible.

Because if we don't,

..we will be gradually finished..

..piece by piece.

After I get in harem and Melike sees me,

..we'll got saved, general.

Be sure of this.

I hope it will happen like you say.

I hope Melike will remember when she sees you..

..and our efforts won't be for nothing.

I got that, general Mahmud.

As soon as Melike sees me,

..her past will whisper her to kill the sultan.

I hope so.

My girl.

Wasn't it clean already?

And there must be some dust in the working carpenter office, right?

Forgive me, my sovereign. But I feel bored.

And I try to beautify the things you spend time with.

Can I get out and look for my brother, my sovereign?

You brother is being sought everywhere.

The outside is dangerous for you.

The ones who sent you can hunt you down.

You're right.

Come with me.

When I'm bored in the palace,

..I don't go out, but I bring the "out" here.


The capital.


What is the other side?


Now, Üsküdar.

Did you see the Maiden's tower?

Oh. I see.

-I also know the story. -Yeah?

Tell me.


A soothsayer came to Byzantine King.

He told him that his daughter-to-be-born..

..would get poisoned by snakes and die.

Years passed.

The king had a daughter.

To protect his daughter from the snakes,

..he built that tower in the middle of sea.

But the poor girl couldn't run away from her fate.

They used to take meals in baskets to the tower.

They say a snake got into a basket one day.

The story has a bad end, my sovereign.

I hope mine won't have a bad end.

I hope the snake called the past won't poison me..

..and I won't hurt you.

Neither tower..

..nor sea can stop the fate.

But praying.. the most effective armor against the badness.

If we didn't pray, we wouldn't be safe.

Seniha Sultan.

-What's this? -Whoa!

Don't you know the world famous tailor Nana?

It doesn't concern me, Mahmud. I have no time for tailors.

My sultan.

The wife of my life.

I will handle Bidar Sultan.

It's time for you to gain love of your nieces in the palace.

How, Mahmud?

From their uncle to them,

I say..

We should get the world famous Nana in the palace.

We should have dresses sewed as the girls like.

Presents from general Mahmud.

And you should also have a fancy dress sewed for you.

Seniha Sultan.

My Seniha.

My Seniha.

My Seniha.

Kindness got through rolling mill,

..created your figure.

Wine drained from the bottle..

..created the red on your cheek.

My Seniha.

Oh Mahmud! Oh!

They think I look at views through this.

I look at my nation.

For example..

I check if Urfa man's shop is full.

If his kebab shop is empty for two days,

..I send my soldiers in the third day.

And our soldiers eat well.

Here is the dog of Kuruçeşme.


She wanders at nights.

She was pregnant recently.

We took him to the vet school that our sovereign opened.

He got four puppies.

How good you are.

I care about my nation's peace.

Their happiness.

They call me tyrant.

They insult and want to kill me.

What if you kill Abdulhamid?

I've lived enough.

I'm only afraid of the death of my country.

I'm afraid of this.

My sovereign.


But strong.

Did you get any information?

Who is that young man=

Armenian Onnig.

He lost his leg in an accident.

He walks with his mom's help.


We have one purpose, general.

To make them live.

Make the people live.

So will the country.

Good evening.

You are the safe director of Ottoman bank, right?


-Yes? -Good.

-Move. -What are you doing, sir?

I'm doing my job.

Every job should have a good part, right?

Giddy up!

You know how to be a great country, general?

With a happy nation.

A happy nation..

A nation who tries to make animal, flower and even a stone live.

A nation who makes nest for birds in the walls of mosques.

We'll fight to make them live, general.

Even ones who come to kill us..

..will find life with us.


Move. Move.

You move too. Move.

News from Herzl.

We'll do everything as planned.

Two Ottoman detectives will leak in.

We'll wait until they arrive.

Does everyone know everything?

Even our children know why they will die.

Then celebrate your holy day as your last worship.

It will never be our last worship.

All the Jews in the Israel country..

..will keep praying for us.

Their each worship will enlighten our souls.

Yeah, yeah. Move.

I was gonna ask if you're looking at the sea.

But it's pitch-dark.

I listen to waves even though I don't see.

Even feeling the existence of sea makes me relieved.

The situation in which our country will be if we fail..

..upsets me.

If we die there,

..we will give evidence for the newspapers.

You forget about the dismissal letters.

Don't worry. Our sovereign thought about everything.

I hope we will arrive in time.

I hope so.

What is that?

The dismissal letters of two Ottoman detectives..

.. who went to Jerusalem.

Did general Mahmud take them?

You think we work only with him in the palace?

We have other men for such simple tasks.

Abduhamid can't escape my trap this time.

I was gonna pray. But it seems you closed.

The mosques in the capital don't get closed.

Here you are.

But you are a priest.


Kemaleddin and Celal will arrive..

.. in Palestine soon, my sovereign.

We need to make contact, general.

Install a portable telegram line in the incident scene.


We'll also make our Jewish people live, general.

They will come to kill.

We'll go to make them live.

What are you doing, priest?

I need to kill you, imam.

But you seem to be good man. I don't wanna you to go to the hell.

Look. If you kiss this cross, will go to heaven with Jesus' lambs.

We believe that we'll go to heaven..

..with god's mercy, priest.

Why did you do this evil to yourself, heathen?

Your path is evil.

God is unique..

They want to kill us, general.

But they don't know..

..each death goes to the resurrection.

I read the ritual, my sovereign.

You want to worship with the essential.

God is mightier than anything.

Save us, god.

What did they want from those poor men?

He's the safe director of the Ottoman Bank.

Cevat Effendi.

My Galip! My Galip!

My Galip.

Father! Father!




What if the night touches the sky?


And Islamic marks on its eight corners.

Our star is done.

Waiting for your orders. Go on.

We're here to save the kidnapped Jews.

We need to make Turkmens move.

Turkmens are always ready.

Oghuz tribe is at our mighty Khan's service.


Can we learn where they got kidnapped?

We can.

We can but how can we save them?

They'll kill them all as soon as you enter.

We don't know with which shape to enter.

But our sultan will contact us..

..when preparations are done.

-How is Oghuz Bey? -Oghuz Bey?

Our sultan is pretty fine.

Your sultan is our bey, sir.

Whatever. Let me gather Turkmens.

I'll try to learn where they are.


Complete the preparations of the portable telegram line.

Make contact with the capital.

You don't seem to have lost big money in the market, Sara.

Do you expect to me lament?

I can't imagine you..

..crying and banging your head to the walls with messy hair.

Only thing that I won't do for money.. to cry for money.

I need the document of money.. deposited in general Mehmed's account.

Let general Mehmed think..

..from where and why the money came..

That money will come to us eventually.

Thanks, Sara.


Finally, it's done.

It look beautiful, my sovereign.

But.. Will it be okay for the young man's size?

It will, general.

The measure of a good carpenter.. his eyes. It will.

Give Onnig this as a present.

Yes, my sovereign.


Sit, wife. You're tired.

What's wrong, mom? Why are you staring?

At your beauty, my son.

Did you see Zeynep's situation that day?

I did, mother.

Not a big deal.

She just spilled coffee.

Besides, she is very talented.

Yeah. I'm telling the same thing.

Zeynep is very talented.

She spilled coffee not because of her clumsiness.

But because she heard that you have another one in your mind.

What do you mean?

Her words are clear, son.

Zeynep is a beautiful girl and has nobody.

And Yusuf is like your brother.

-And her feelings are obvious. -Mother.

I've always thought you are a good match.

I wish to see your marriage and leave you in safe hands.

You know. We're old enough.

May god give you a long life, mother.

But I've never thought about that.

You should also stop saying such things.

Ömer. Son.

If you have someone in your mind,

..dealt with her, first.

Let's not keep Zeynep waiting if you don't want.

Don't keep her waiting, mother.

That's what I'm telling.

Get inside. I have something to do.

See you in the evening.

Ferocity in the holy Purim day.

The innocent Jews living out of the Jerusalem walls..

..with Red Sultan's orders..

..were bloodthirstily slaughtered by barbaric Muslims.

You seem so sure of the accuracy of news.

We write the news first..

..and then make it real.

Our newspaper will write this firstly from Vienna to the world.

-Where? -To the palace.

You fight the sultan by sewing dresses for the girls?


I'll sew dresses for the girls..

..and a shroud for the sultan.


I hope you are fine.

I'm as fine as Oliver Twist.

-Oliver Twist? -The orphan in the book.

Unless a good man adopts him,

..who knows what evil will happen to him.

Don't read such books.

Then you dream.

You say my delusion is enough for me.

No. I mean..

Look. Really..

When I found your picture,

..I got afraid at first.

But then I saw there was nothing to be afraid of.

Why did you get afraid?

I thought the man was your husband.

If he was your husband, and I..

-I should get going. -If he was my husband,

..I would be afraid too.

Here it is.

The document of money that..

..Sara Hedaya deposited in general Mehmed's account.


We should want refund of the money from general Mehmed later.

You can, general.

But this is the lock of the Bidar's tongue.

When she sees the document,

..she will be mute.

We can shut Bidar Sultan up, but..

What if that stabbed fat girl speaks?

I see I'm not at ease again.

There are effective methods to shut people up.

And very easily.

How so, mother?

You'll see, son.

You'll see and get shocked.

My lady. Tailors are here.

Let them in.

Here you are.

Seniha Sultan.

Here are the tailors I mention you about.

Welcome, ladies.

Coffee? Or going straight to the palace?

I think you should go straight to the palace, Seniha Sultan.

You had better not keep the girls there waiting.

So be it, general.

This way, ladies.

Come on. Take it easy.

Take it easy.

-Father.. -I got miss Sara in harem.

-She will find the girl. -And she will remember everything.

What if Sara gets caught?

Let her see miss Sara first.

Then if Sara gets caught, doesn't matter.

That's it.



What's up, Ömer?

You must have the information, my sovereign.

But they slaughtered 4 men successively..

..and hanged their corpses on the aqueduct.

I know.

The police are investigating it.

But our information is incomplete.

I believe that something else is behind this.

Why do you think so?

There was cross on the each corpse's forehead.

Two of the victims used to live in our neighborhood.

I knew them.

They were clean people.

I didn't get information about the cross.

Let's ask general Izzet.

They're coming.

My girls.

Let me introduce. Tailor Nana..

..and Ester.

A gift from general Mahmud.

You choose the clothes.

I'll prepare the meals in the kitchen.

Tailor Nana will sew such..

I heard that you sewed for the women Versailles palace.

Don't you like my dresses?

Not written crosses were drawn on the victims' foreheads?

Is there such information, my sovereign?

There is, general.

If someones slaughters Muslims and draws cross, corcerns the caliphate.

I dismissed the police chief who sent this journal.

You're responsible for this personally.

Yes, my sovereign.

Be careful, boy.

You hurt mean Hiram.

Don't worry, my sovereign.

If I have that hangdog again,

..he can't escape.




Turkmen Bey.


-What the situation? -The Jewish hostages are a little far.

In a building.

There are armed men outside.

They can kill everyone if they hear gun shot.

We don't know how to enter.

We don't know either for now.

Our sovereign will send instructions.

-They may have killed them by now. -No.

I don't think so, captain Celal.

Their feast will begin in the evening. We still have time.

Did you find sketch of the building?

From the state archive.


Even if we enter,

..we can't engage in combat..

..whithout knowing the locations of British.


We'll wait for the orders of our mighty sovereign.

Why are we here? I wanna play outside.

You'll play in the gardens of god soon, boy.

Take my bloody picture well.

What about the picture when you die?

Our pictures will be on the walls as the founders..

..when the Israel is founded.

All get prepared for the last meal. Come on.

Dress your Purim costumes.

Be careful!

It's not good for you to work with such newbies.

I'll take care of you, my sultan.

My sultan. The table is getting ready.

-You're expected to the meal. -We're tired, anyway.

We'll continue after the meal.

Come with me.

Your table is ready in the kitchen.

You too.

Do all the women stay in this harem?

We don't like unnecessary curiosity here.

Do you believe now?

I know you don't like..

..keeping silent because of papers.

But you have nothing to do.

Assuming I kept silent, Seniha Sultan..

What about when she wakes up?

You can't know how much I want her to wake up.

Come in.

Our sovereign is on the table.

Let's go. Come on.

I prepared delicious meals for you.. the honor of Lady Fatma Pesent's arrival.


Shirt kebab.

Preserved in water with vinegar for 5-6 hours.


Uzbek rice.


Akike in jug.

Just like Lady Fatma Pesent likes.

With plenty of mastic.

You showed your skills again, aunt.

As desserts after the meal..

..I had Uludağ pare prepared.

I hope you'll enjoy.

It seems you exaggerated while setting the table.

"Making people eat and saying hello are good actions."

..our prophet said.

I'll get off my diet today, for your sake.

May god give abundance for every table in the Ottoman Empire.

-Amen. -Here you are.

Why are you not eating?

You aunt made it with her own hands.

My soul is hungry, Sabahattin. They won't feed me.

What's wrong again?

I talked to my mother.

-I'll break my engagement with Pakize. -Hmm.

It was obvious because you never wore your ring.

Right choice, brother.

You're young.

You'll see many women.

I already saw one.


While making a right choice,'re doing wrong again.

Why is that?

While there are many women in the world,

Choosing one and devoting your life..

..and turning the other down.. bullshit according to algebra.

Besides, marriage is the biggest enemy of freedom.

It seems you have no intention to get married.

I need to be 35 first.


But then..

..I'll find an angel and marry her.

She must be very beautiful. Very beautiful.

With a slim waist. Very slim!


An antelope.

Yes. I'll marry an antelope.

You'll see.

An antelope.

My sovereign.

I hope you liked it.

God bless your hands. They're delicious.

Enjoy it.

I want to remind you a custom then.

What is that?

Our sultan grandfathers used to ask their guests' wishes.. such zestful tables.

And they used to order if they were appropriate.

It seems you have a wish.

I'm listening.

I feel very sorry for the wounded girl, my sovereign.


Thank god, she is healthy.

She suffered a lot. I say..

We should give great news when she wakes up.

If you think it's appropriate,

..I want that beautiful girl to be my daughter-in-law,

..and a wife for my son.

Of course, we will..

..accept such good intentions.

Thank you, my sovereign.

Because the girl is under the protection of Bidar Sultan..'re responsible for the engagement.

Of course.

All praise belongs to god.

-Enjoy your meal. -Thanks, my sovereign.

Tailors are here. Do you want them to sew for you?

Thank you. No need.

Let's continue, girls.

Both general Mahmud and I..

..have many troubles for the peace in harem.

Enjoy your meal, Bidar Sultan.

I haven't eaten Uludağ pare.


What's the situation?

Almost there.

Meals must be about to run out.

We have little time.

What kind of people are they?

They take the children to the death.

Even with a feast.

They will go to heaven by turning this world into the hell.

They think so.

Everyone getting involved in this is perverted.

Finally, we're celebrating a Jewish feast in the capital.

No power in any place can't stand against us.

It's not our success.

But Ottoman's tolerance.

Where is Sara?


..wonder about her costume.

Are you here for Sara or the Purim day?

Of course, for Sara.

I don't believe in holiness of such a day.

How dare you say so about a feast in our book?

Don't, Herzl. You know well.

We're talking about a feast..

..which was written by a woman called holy Ester..

..and was decided to be taken in the book later.


"Beliefs can stand only with fabricated verses" father said.

I think you're from his religion.

But you two ignore something.

The fabricated verses..

..will take us to the promised lands.

I can't see Sara among the masked people.

I didn't tell you if she was here or not.

My non-believer friend.

And I won't tell you..

..with which costume Ottoman sovereign is here.

Is Abdulhamid is here? I don't believe you.

-Sara? -No Sara.

If no Sara, no sultan.

Kâf 16.

Sin 34.

Alif 8.

Taw 66.

It's over, general.

God bless your effort, Celal.

We'll wait for the answer now.


-The situation, general? -My sovereign.

My sovereign.

The sketch of the building is done.

But Kemaleddin and Celal don't know how to enter.

These poles are too thin.

They can't hold the building.

Where is the water line?

Over here, my sovereign.


The hostages aren't inside the building.

My sovereign. But..

The information says so.

Besides, armed men are waiting outside the building.

The hostages are absolutely inside.

The hostages aren't inside the building, general.

Under it.

There is water cistern under the building.

Even if someone tries to enter,

..until he reaches..

..the Jews will be slaughtered.

Boys mustn't have realized that. Let me inform them.

Let me tell them to take this into consideration.

News from the capital.

There is a water cistern under the building.

The hostages must be being kept there.

Things got complicated.

How will we enter, Celal?

I don't know.

We'll wait for the orders.


Yes, my sovereign?

They have to enter without engaging.

What's your order?

Tell them to wear the clothes we gave them.

Yes, my sovereign.


Our girls are tired.

-Shall we continue tomorrow? -As you wish.

Do you wanna stay here? Or..

You wanna go home?

It would be good to stay here.

Zülfet. Arrange rooms for the women.

Where are you, Melike?


-Watch around. -Okay.


I think we came to wrong place.

We were told that Purim day would be celebrated here.

But It seems we are late.

No. You aren't late. Come.

They're down there.

They aren't sworn, but the detectives.

If they knew they came to die,

..they would run like hell.


-There must be bathroom in this palace. -Look at me.

Don't make any troubles.

What troubles, Ester?


Happy Purim day again.


..It's time to sacrifice for Israel.

For the great Israel country..

..which will be founded between Nile and Euphrates.

They don't know..

..great Israel will be a small graveyard.


Time to sacrifice for Israel!

How was your day, Seniha Sultan?

It was beautiful for all of us, Mahmud.


But when the fat girl speaks,

..these good days will be history.

Don't worry. I got her under my protection.

They can't make her speak now.

How could Bidar Sultan let that?

I didn't want from Bidar..

..but from our sultan personally.

For what reason?

Let's say congratulations.

I wanted her to marry my son Sabahattin.

The fat one?

Fergman Agha's coffee won't let me sleep.

Not because of coffee, Ömer.

-You can't sleep because of excitement. -Why?

You will marry Zeynep.

I told you. You're in love.

I recognize a lover from his eyes.

-Are you spying on? -No.

I wouldn't do such thing. You were talking loudly.

And I heard. Should I cut my ears?

Cut them. That would be good.

You lose weigh a little.

If you don't mock my naive body,

..I will be happy, Ömer.

Really? Move!

The door is open, father.

Didn't you lock the door, stalwart?

I locked it, master.

I was gonna do with your mother's blood.

But I don't have the recipe.

When I draw a cross on your forehead,

..we'll be even.



You take the right. I take here.

For great Israel!

For our children!

To die for the lands promised in the Torah!

We were expecting you.

We killed sultan's detective. Not it's your turn.

Finish them!


Do you wanna take revenge from Abdulhamid who killed your father?

I want nothing else.

Melike. Remember me?

Her name is Ahsen. Not Melike.

Sara Hedaya.