Patria (2020): Season 1, Episode 6 - Patrias y mandangas - full transcript

The hunt for Joxe Mari intensifies when he's placed on the Most Wanted Terrorist List.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
-Hail military ETA!

-Free the Basque Country!

-Hail the Free Basque Country!

Till victory!

Till victory without rest!

Till victory without rest!

Till victory without rest!

-Till victory without rest!
-Police are killing!

Police are killing!

Police are killing!

Police are killing!

Till victory without rest!

Till victory without rest!

Hail military ETA!

Hail military ETA!

Hail military ETA!

Hail military ETA!

I know the instruction which
ETA's members not on record receive

is never to take their lives,

they have instructions
to defend themselves...

Juani unburdens praying, but...

They're surrounded and can't...

-Josetxo is depressed...
-Their only chance is to give in.

-He won't get out of bed.
-...called for caution in Congress...

He finally opened the shop today.

You have to go cheer him up.

Juani told me that if you go
and give him a hug,

-he might cheer up.
-C'mon, c'mon...

-If you can't do that for a friend...
-Josetxo isn't my friend.

Okay, whatever.
Don't go if you don't want to.

I'll tell Juani that you refused.
That's that.

It's okay, fuck, okay.
But shut up. Please, shut up.

...and mourns the loss
of human lives...

Damn, Josetxo.

Goddamn it.

I figured you'd come.

You owe it to your wife and mine.

I don't know what to say.

Finally there's one that doesn't lie.

Come over here.

If you're hungry, grab
what you want from the counter.

-I don't have bread.
-Don't bother.

They're all lying, Joxian.

The police,
the leftist nationalists...

all of them.

They can't use the truth.

The French police caught
one of ETA's bosses...

with a lot of information.

There have been many arrests.

Jokin thought they'd catch him.

He got paranoid...

and killed himself.

The funeral had to be their way.

They grabbed the boy...

and threw their patriotic number.

His death came in very handy

to use it with political intentions.

Like they use them all.

Sheep, that's what they are.

Genuinely naïve.

And Joxe Mari too.

They get into their heads,
then give them a gun,

and they go kill.

Later, they think they're heroes
for having a gun.

They leave the job,
the family, friends...

They leave it all for
what those exploiters tell them to do,

leaving widows and orphans
wherever they go.

-Don't say that around here.
-I'll say whatever the fuck I want!

-Look at Txato, no one talks to him.
-You should, you're his friend.

-They'd do the same thing to me.
-What a country of liars and cowards!

Joxian, listen to me
and go find your son.

It's not that easy.

If I had known where Jokin was,

I would've told the police.
I would have a son now.

He'd be in jail.

I wouldn't care if he didn't want
to talk to me.

You can leave jail one day,
but you can't leave the grave.

Good evening.
As was expected,

terrorist Jokin Etxeveste Burgos'
suicide yesterday

has led to incidents
in the Basque Country today

and protests by
the Basque nationalist left...

You've killed him, bastards.

-You're early.
-...burnt buses and cars...

Were you able to cheer up Josetxo?

Not an inch,
he brought me down with him.

It's been the violent response
of the radical left...

Don't ask me again
to go see him.

...of ETA's Donosti cell,

whose three members,
dead in yesterday's shooting...

I can't wait for the police to catch
Joxe Mari and be over this.

San Sebastian, yesterday's
early morning. The radicals...

-I can't stop praying to San Ignacio.
-nationalists and riot police.

That the police catch him.

The French one, not the Spanish.

So he can be in jail for a while,
stay out of trouble...

-and then return to me.
-...set a bus on fire...

When I said that you got angry.

The situation in Bilbao was...

What do you know
about what a mother feels?

What about what a father feels?

...fired several shots in the air
to prevent a youth group...

The target should be far from home,

so once the mission is finished,
you go back to normal life.

-Can't we keep the ammo at home?

It has to be in the forest.

If we get caught,
other comrades can use it.


And now... let's hit them hard.

Hi, two lattes.

There you go.


What happened?!
Fuck, a car exploded outside!

Don't go out!

Go inside, it might blow up again!

Stay here!

Ambulance! Someone
call an ambulance, please!

-Someone call an ambulance!
-Sons of bitches!

Sons of bitches!

Sons of bitches!

Sons of bitches!

What are you doing here?

The light isn't on
and the coin isn't in the mailbox.

Let's go.

-What's wrong?
-Renal colic. It's worse if I move.

Where were you?

-Why didn't you turn the light on?
-Because I barely made it home.

Where does it hurt?

We can't let doctors in the house.

It's very risky to take her outside.

We have to do something.
If she dies, it'll be worse.

C'mon, Txopo, hold on.

Open up, shit.

Let's go now.


-It's freezing! What the fuck...?
-Go back to the flat. Go now!


Is that the hospital?

There's a girl here in pain.

I don't know, on a bench
at the Ondarreta beach gardens.

Hurry up.

Where you going on the bike?
They said it might rain.

I know, that's why I'm wearing this.

You're not 30 years old anymore.




I want some flowers.

These right here.

-Thank you.

What in the world!

-Don't worry about that, Joxian.

You can't ride your bike inside,
but it's okay to walk with it.

Are you sure?
I left the lock at home.

It's okay, c'mon, let's go.

I wasn't sure you'd come.

Well, here I am.

You're a man of your word.

You and my daughter set me up.
I kept my promise,

I hope you keep yours
and don't tell Miren about this.

You can rely on that.

Your daughter always says
you have a tender heart.

Txato will love those flowers.

-Alright, alright...
-He's going to be jealous

-about you riding the bike.
-Cut it out.

Oh, I thought you brought it
as an homage.

I've been waiting for years for him
to be moved to our town, but...

we haven't dared, since they might
cover him in graffiti, like others.

Aren't you going to tell him
what you told me in the garden?

I thought that was why you came.

-Can you give me a minute, please?


-I'm going to go now.
-Already? So fast?

Okay, okay. It's okay.

Joxian, it really makes a difference
to me that you came.

Cervical cancer, very advanced.

How much time does she have left?

According to Arruabarrena,
three months tops.

Does she know?

hasn't talked to her yet.

He thinks it's better if I tell her.

I should've insisted that she went
to her check up sooner.

Don't torture yourself. I bet mom
knows more than what she lets on.

I promised dad on his funeral day.

But I haven't been up to it.

Soon no one will remember
what happened.

That's the way things are.

-All is forgotten in the end.
-I know,

but we mustn't forget.

Not us.

The terrorists
Joxe Maria Garmendia Uzkudun

and Carlos Vázquez Teixeiro,
alias "Patxo" from Galicia.

With another member
of the organization would form

the so called Oria command.

Since yesterday they're on
of the most wanted terrorists' list.

-Law enforcement consider them

perpetrators of several attacks

including the murder of businessman
Ramiro Guevara Ortiz,

shot dead in his own pub
and who ETA accused of drug dealing;

as well as national guard
José Manuel Rodríguez Sánchez,

who was killed by the bomb on his car.

Oria command would be responsible
of the murder of the carrier

Jesus Mari Lertxundi Altuna,
as well as various vehicle thefts

and the bank robbery at Renteria
last summer.

-Hi dad. It's me. Put mom on.


Lies, it's all lies.

The police and the
Spanish government are lying,

and the TV also,
because it's their TV.

-The news is only telling lies!
-Mom, listen to me.

How's dad? How are you?

How should I be?

I know my son

and I know Joxe Mari is no murderer.

Liars! Liars! Assholes!

And now, when they catch him,
they'll kill him,

because the blame's on him now.

He'll turn up dead on the roadside,
like the other guy. Fucking liars!

Murdering fascists! They'll kill him!

-Yes, yes, I saw it.

Yes, that's why I called.
I can't believe dad...

-that he did it.
-I know, I know.

Do you think your sister saw it?
I don't know if she has a TV.

She probably did,
but she has exams now.

Okay, I'll call the bar below her
and tell her right away.

Yes, do that.

Have you been loved by any woman
like this in Germany?

I don't understand.

Doesn't matter.

You're so fucking hot.

I'm so lucky.

I'm so fucking lucky.

It's so sad that you have to go back.

Will you come visit me?

Of course, my love,
I'm not letting you get away.

As soon as my finals are over.

Yes, come.

I believe God.

"In God," you say "in God."

I... believe... in God.

And you?

I don't know, but since I'm going
to live with you in Germany,

I'll be a Lutheran like you.

Come here.

-Thank you!

-So nice of you. Thank you so much.
-You're welcome.

Flowers for your birthday, and this...

because you're pregnant.

-I'm finally going to be and uncle.


Who told you?

Mom and dad, of course.

They really can't keep a secret.
I told them I wanted to tell you.

-C'mon, open it.
-Anyway... okay.

Your book?

-Thank you, I'm thrilled.
-That's great.

Dedicate it to your nephew.
I'll put the flowers in water.

Okay. But how?
Do you have a name already?

-Yes. Restitute.
-C'mon, seriously.

Endika or Aitor, those two.

-I like Endika a lot more.
-You do?


-"Endika" then?
-Endika it is.

-I'm writing "Endika" okay?
-Go ahead.

Plus, it's my first dedication.

Let me see.

Did you hear Joxe Mari's news?

He has I don't know how many murders
on him, including Txato's.


I hope he's caught and isn't
part of any more atrocities.

I think he's done plenty.

A woman from town called
to congratulate me.

I almost sent her to hell.

-I called mom and dad right away.

Mom was over-aggressive,
saying these things...

I think she's learned
all the banners.

She's defending her son.

I might do the same in her place.

-And dad was quiet, as always.
-Of course.

At least with Joxe Mari not around,
he can read the Basque Daily.

-Will you write to me?

As soon as finals are over and
I have my degree, I'll visit you.

I love you. So, so much...


-Klaus, c'mon, hurry up.
-Don't go.

No, no, don't go.

I love you.

What's up, "Aragonite"?
You're a sight for sore eyes.

Hi Jose Carlos.

What've you been up to?

Busy with finals.

Okay. But you'll have to rest
at some point, right?

Do you want to hang out?

I can swing by tonight.

"I miss you".

I want to squish him.

I want to squish him.

-Hey, did you pass?
-Yes, fuck, I'm graduating!

-See you later.
-Good luck.

Dad, I did what you asked.

Now I'm free.

This is the last one.

-Give it to me.

Open the door.

Mom was worried
you hadn't come back yet.

I said I had to arrange some stuff
before leaving.

I figured, college stuff.

Heart stuff. Give me the backpack.

I'm not going to stay
in San Sebastian.

I'm moving to Germany.


Does mom know?

For the moment, only you know...

Mom's lonely and that worries me.

I told you she started going to
the cemetery to talk to dad's grave.

She goes because it's for free.

She's excited about you being
a lawyer. Did she tell you?

I hate Law.

Well, I don't go to the hospital
for fun either.

-We have to make a living.
-Yes, but it's not the same.

Besides, I see my future far away
from here. I met someone and...

I'm going to give it a try.

-You seem very happy.
-Does it bother you?

Not at all.

I'm just saying to try to think about
mom, she's having a hard time.

Can I ask you a question?

Of course.

-Since dad died...
-He didn't die, they killed him.

-Same difference.
-To me there's a big difference.

Since he was killed,
have you ever laughed?

I might, I don't remember.

Have you turned away from happiness?

I don't know what happiness is.

Maybe it's a science you control,
you seem an expert.

But I'm not,
I just focus on breathing,

I do my job and take care of mom.

-You can't stop talking about mom.
-I'm worried.

Such a good son.
Me, on the other hand, not so much.

-Are you saying that I don't care?
-No, no.

No one is demanding

or holding anything against you,
don't you worry about that.

A bit before 10 a.m.,
a hundred Civil Guards

closed Morlans' Street

and the hills surrounding it.

It was the neighbors,
at around 5 a.m.,

who heard gunshots and machine guns.

The operation remains ongoing.
According to nearby sources...

-What happened?
-Shut up.

...has surrounded
the three-story building

on number 53 of Tolaretxe Street.

The Civil Guard just confirmed

that three members
of ETA's Donosti command,

whose identity is unknown
at the moment,

have been killed
in the Morlans' neighborhood

after a gunfight
with Civil Guard agents

that lasted more than four hours.

Goddamn it!

-They'll come for us.
-We have nothing to do with them.

We don't know each other,
we're not their fucking backup.

-I can't see anything.

We might share a link.

We'll hide in Mount Igeldo.
Txopo stay. We'll return tomorrow.

-Why does she stay?
-Because they don't know about her,

-but we do, and she can inform us.
-It's a good idea.

-What if you have another renal colic?
-What the fuck?


I'm sure the civil guards are
putting the pieces together.

Are you getting paranoid?

I ran into a guy in the elevator
the other day. It's the second time.

I don't trust coincidences.

Look at Morlans.

I bet you it started as a coincidence
and now look.

That's how this works, Patxo,
don't think twice about it.

Damn, that's beautiful.

If the wind blew away the smoke,
we'd see it better.

It's too bad about the smoke...
If only the wind would move it.

-I'm going to bed.
-Don't you want to stay till the end?


I'm leaving, Mom.


Train bound for Berlin
leaving at 4 p.m.,

at platform number 2.


Coach number 2.

What's his name?

Klaus Dieter.

Klaus Dieter?

Train bound for Berlin
leaving at...

I wish you had let me tell her
I was going to Germany.

You shouldn't have said anything,
I was going to write to her.

Don't tell me next time. I don't like
keeping secrets from mom.

You made me look bad.

We argued a lot last night,
she didn't even say goodbye.

I'm old enough, you know.

I know perfectly
where I'm going and why.

I don't have friends here.
What do you want me to do? Rot alone?

Live with mom?

Have roast chicken on Sundays
and some tears for dessert?

You're being very unfair.

You should go.
What are you leaving behind anyway?

A broken family, a murdered father.

Mom and you stay here.

But not dad,
I keep dad here with me.

-Will they pick you up at the station?
-Of course.

Send a letter,
so we have your address.

And if you need anything,
any paperwork, let us know.

Nerea, don't forget about writing to mom
and giving her a call.

Bye, little sister.


Train bound for Berlin

leaving at 4 p.m.,
at platform number 2.



Klaus Dieter.


He's my boyfriend. And who are you?

I thought he was my boyfriend.

I'm sorry.

I'll call Wolfgang.

He has a room for you, okay? Wait.

You can have him all for yourself,
girl, the whole package.



The terrorist organization ETA
has been decapitated.

This evening, near Biarritz,
an unprecedented police operation

was able to arrest ETA's number one

and three of his closest associates.

Good evening.
Ten alleged ETA militants

have been arrested today
by French police

in a major operation.

According to French
Home Affairs Minister, these arrests

are a great success
for French police

on the eve
of the Barcelona Olympics.

But Spanish Home Affairs Minister...

ETA will never be the same again.

I spent two weeks
in the French Basque Country and...

-Who's in charge now?
-A few of them, but they don't agree.

-Did they give you instructions?
-They're completely lost.

What's wrong with you?

My father's very ill.

I don't think he'll last long.

How did you hear?

Because I went to see him.

Goddamn it!
You're a fucking moron!

-What was I to do? He's my father!
-Are you dumb?

-You mean I shouldn't...?
-What if you're being followed?

-Everybody stay still! Down!

-On the ground!
-I said on the fucking ground!

Don't move!