Patlabor: The New Files (1990–…): Season 1, Episode 13 - Danjon futatabi - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
"Labour" is the common name
for robots developed for industrial use.

Their use became widespread
in construction and civil engineering,

but Labour-related crimes
sky-rocketed as well.

To combat this, the Tokyo Metropolitan
Police created a Patrol Labour unit:

the Special Vehicles, section 2.

This was the origin of Patlabor.

Somebody notices that
girl who came rushing in,

pushing against the waves
of people crashing by.

Fanned by the city's winds,
she does a silent dance just for fun,

making yesterday shine.

Even on days when sadness drops
by for a visit,

you stay in step,
staying true to yourself.

Red-hot glory...

When you believe in that
far-off future,

that's when you're even greater.

I want to tell you everything
I'm feeling now, 'cause...

Mobile Police Patlabor

Abyss: the eternal darkness,
a place where none venture.

Even in the embarrassing history
of the SV2,

this story stands out as one
which must not be repeated...

one which has been sealed
in the depths of the underworld.

The Dungeon Again

Nile Crocodile Habitat:
Africa. Mutant.

Shiro! Cleaning time!

[White Crocodile Gives Birth to Gigantic Pearl]
And in other news, experts have authenticated...

[White Crocodile Gives Birth to Gigantic Pearl] a pearl
found in a crocodile pen at the municipal aquarium.

[White Crocodile Gives Birth to Gigantic Pearl]
Experts at the aquarium agree with their findings,

explaining that it is a urethral stone,
coated in a special mucus...

excreted within the crocodile's body,

and, despite its extraordinary nature,
one cannot deny that it is a real pearl.

And in other news...

Wait, isn't that the one?

Right! The one
from the sneak thief case!

Yes, it almost took
out the Second Unit!

It's that horrible white crocodile!

The demon of the underground Iabyrinth!

Really? It's the same one?!

It laid a pearl?

That pearl is estimated at ¥2 million!

Well, isn't the crocodile, itself,
city property?

Yes, that windfall couldn't have come
at a better time.

Yes, it's like the goose that laid
golden eggs.

They're just urethra stones,
but still...

Man, I wish we had one
of those crocodiles...

Two million, man! Two million!

If we had two million...

We could fix up the overnight room!

We could build a recreation room!

Or even a dried fish plant to do
everything from fishing to packaging!

We have plenty of room!
We could dig a pool at the back!

And we could catch all the goby we need
to feed it!

It lays eggs once, no, twice a year?

We could start breeding them!

A white crocodile farm!

Well, it doesn't mean that all
of them have urethra stones.

Well, we could make them lead irregular
lives and force-feed them booze!

Let's do it!

Let's start work on
a large-scale plan!

The White Crocodile Breeding Plan!


You imbeciles!

Technicians are supposed to have
their feet firmly planted on the ground!

I can't believe you're worked up
over a crocodile gallstone,

or pearl, or whatever it is!

You aren't here to make dried fish
or raise crocodiles!

You're here to hone your skills,
your minds and the minds behind them!

If you have time
for stupid daydreams,

you have time to polish
every bolt here!

And it may be hard for you youngsters
to understand,

but there are some things
best left alone.

Never forget that.

Answer the man!

Yes, sir...

No matter the time or place,
the temptation of gold and danger...

grips people and never lets go.

[Keep Closed]

This instance was no different.

Chief! The seal's been broken!

Sir! I can't find Unoyama,
Sasaki, or Komatsuzaki!


They took three construction helmets,
portable floodlights,

alloy and metal-head screwdrivers
with them!

Read it.

"Please don't look for us.

We will not see the blue sky again,
until we have found at least one pearl.

Glory to the SV2 Maintenance Squad!

May Daedalus watch
over our party's path!"

That's all!

That fool...

Bring all the bags of cement we have
in the storehouse!

Uh, Chief? What will you do
with them?

What else? I'll bury the manhole
so they never come out!

But that's crazy!

Crazy, my eye!

No fool who would go down
into this hole...

with stupid ideas
in his head is any man of mine!

I'll use them as human sacrifices
to the reclaimed land!

Your unit is on semi-standby?

Sure, but we had a double disaster
down there last time.

There's nothing we can do about it.


No way shall I go down there!

Can't you give us a hand? You're the
only ones who have been down there!

I still have nightmares
about it sometimes.

Come on, Shinshi! Say something!

I'm sorry.


Even if I wanted to,
the captain has already said no.


We'll do it, Captain.
Let us go down there!

I know that our last quest ended
in humiliation when we ran out of there.

But that was due to our
going down unprepared...

and with a complete lack of information
about what was down there.

In other words, it would be premature
to look only at that outcome...

and say that we failed due to lack
of ability.

What's gotten into him?

I don't know...

We were ill-prepared and ill-equipped
to deal with that horrible monster,

but not this time!

That bitter experience
has made us tougher!


And? And what?

This time,
there'll be six people going down!

Six people!

Six people going down!

Six! Six! Six!

Six! Six!





What difference shall that make?

Please, Captain!
We don't have a second to waste!

Sure, what the heck.


Hurry up! We don't have much time!

Don't bother saving anything!
If they die, it's all over!

Yes, sir!

Come on, let's just forget about it.

Everything's ready!

Captain Goto? You have a phone call
from Inspector Matsui.


Goto? Ah, those hunches
of yours are always on the money.

Fumihiro Tadayama, age 42.

After being apprehended by your unit,
he was given a psychiatric evaluation.

He has no relatives to look after him, so
he's been kept at this hospital, but...

But he escaped?

Yes, two weeks ago.

I bet he went right back
into that Iabyrinth. The thing is...


Well, he wrote something weird
on his hospital wall before he left.

My grave-keepers, I have arisen
in search of revenge and my amulet.

Ota and I shall take point.

Hiromi and Kumagami, you're behind us.

Noa and Shinshi, you watch our backs.

Hawkwind calling Trevor.
Now transmitting visuals.

Trevor here. Picture nominal.

Goto here. I have some news,
and it isn't good.

Tadayama escaped from the hospital.

Did he come back here?

They say it's a strong possibility.

Roger. Now beginning search.

That dumb fool didn't learn
his lesson...

Into the dungeon again...
The cast is all together again.

Let's go!

Shinohara? Hold on a second.


Could you tilt your head
to the left a little?

Oops, that's too much.
A little to the right.

Up a little.

Okay, perfect! Keep going forward.

Something's written up there...

You could stay down there your whole
life and still not get bored.

It doesn't let you get bored.

What're you talking about?

"Children under the age of 90
must be accompanied by parent, guardian,

priest or demon. No exceptions."

It's here!

Eat lead!

Shinohara! What's going on?!

What happened?

It was a trap!

Ah! I can't believe we fell
for it!

Okay, people.
Let's hear a damage report.

Kumagami fainted, but she's not hurt.

I can't find her scanner.

I can't find my medical kit.

My floodlight's broken.

Mine, too. The VTR camera
and the radio are busted, too.

Ah, we're hurt bad.

And you're the one who hurt us,
you idiot!

Did that old man set all this?


What should we do?
We can't contact HQ,

so should we go back up
and then try again?

Come on! We can't waste any time!


Anyway, we don't know the way back.

What? You didn't make a map?!

I hate mapping things.

Hiromi, you take care of Kumagami!

Noa, trade places with Ota!
Having him in front shall get us killed.

Say what?!

Move out!

Most of the causes
of self-destruction,

and especially of adventurers
in a labyrinth losing their way home,

come from within.

The party, having lost much
of their equipment in an...

unexpected encounter with the enemy,
have already lost their peace of mind.

The farther they proceeded, the more
this was spurred on by the dangerous...

traps devised by their faceless enemy.

Wrong answer

I knew we shouldn't have come
down here!

I... I...

I don't know if Unoyama and the others
could've survived all that.


I think I've seen that door before...

I'll never forget it! That's Tadayama's
lair! The demon in the Iabyrinth!

That sneak thief! We'll make him pay
for what he did to Unoyama and the men!

We'll force our way in!

All hands, prepare for combat!

Hi, Asuma.

"Hi", you lout?

After we risked our lives to find you,
how can you sit there...

slurping noodles with that man?!

- Stop it!
- You can apologise with your life!

Okay, let's hear it.

Oh, okay.
This man saved you when you got lost.

He looks weird, but he seems
like a nice man.

Forget about that.
What about the pearls?

The Dragon's Tears...
The old man told us all about them.

He says that there's lots and lots
of them on the floor below us.


Lots and lots!

Okay, what say we go find them?


Hey, wait a minute!


What do you think?! Our job was
to find those three?

Yes, and we've completed that mission.

The rest is extra.
Above and beyond. Icing on the cake.

I won't do it!

What? Those pearls are worth ¥2 million
each and they're right under our noses!

Shinshi! As a man, don't you want
to give your wife a pearl to wear?

These are the size
of ping-pong balls!

You'd never be able
to buy something like that,

even if you put money away
until the day you retired!

Well, you have a point...

Noa! You wanted some of that FRP
high-polymer wax for your Labour?

You could buy it by the drum! The drum!


You sent away for a catalogue last week,

saying that you wanted a
grenade launcher?

Hiromi, you said you wanted to replace
the vinyl in the greenhouse?

Lots and lots!


Can I use these
to make a double chain pearl necklace?

Make it, make it!

Can I buy that high-polymer wax
by the drum?

Buy it, buy it!

I want a grenade launcher
as a side-arm!

Shoot it, shoot it!

Vinyl for the greenhouse!
Wire for the chicken coop!

Fix them, fix them!

A recreation room! The overnight room!
A dried fish plant!

Build whatever you want!



What's wrong?

Crocodile... eggs?



I just thought of something.

Well, what?

If there are so many eggs here,
that means...

Here they come!

Run for it!

This is why I said I didn't want to look
for the pearls!


It's all because of you!

Come on!

They have more stamina,
but there are more of us!

Split up and lose them!

Got it!

I said to split up!

I wanted to go to the right!

Stop it! At the next branch,
Ota and Unoyama shall go left!

Keep an eye on Tadayama, Hiromi!

Ah, they are persistent!

Move it!

Are you stupid?!
Why'd you run this way?!

Stop complaining! Do something!


I think we're heading downhill!

I just noticed that myself!

My legs are going forward
by themselves!

Let go!

Let go of me, you morons!

I can't stand you, but we're
in the same boat! Together forever!

A-Asuma! The maintenance squad's
the heart of the SV2?

No way...

This can't...

be happening!

Men endlessly repeat the same
foolish mistakes,

setting in motion a drama of desires.

But will anyone ever learn
from those stories?

With a sense of deep regret and
admonishment, I am writing this tale-

this forbidden tale
which must never be disclosed-

on a word processor that the lonely king
of the labyrinth,

Fumihiro Tadayama, used
to write his own diary of madness.

And as for what happened
to us afterwards...

To tell you the truth...

we're still down here.

Even if the winds of
time push me from behind,

I want to go my own way.

Yes, you can search the
whole world over,

but there's only one dream
for the two of us.

Oh, let's make that dream come true
a bit at a time...

until it shines in all the colours
of the rainbow.

I always want to be joined
in tenderness to you...

in my 100-carat heart.

This story is a work of fiction...
but in ten years, who knows?

What's wrong? You were
in such a good mood yesterday!

Something strange is going on.

Ever since you met that girl
from your old high school,

you haven't been yourself!

Every time I meet her,
strange things happen...

Memories and illusions...

It's a mysterious, amazing story
in the snowy city!

Next time!
Snow Rondo!

Target, locked on!

Snow Rondo