Patlabor: The Mobile Police (1989–1990): Season 1, Episode 18 - I Love Noa-sempai - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
The AV-98, aka the Ingram.

6.02 tons. 8.02 meters high.

SCB powered. SCLM drive system.

Armed with a 37 millimeter revolver
cannon and stun baton.

Designed specifically for police use to make
a psychological impact on the community...

deterring criminals while
making the public feel safe.

This is the Patrol Labor.

Yume wo sutenaide me wo sorasanaide

Futari no ai mo kumoru yo

Utsumuita kata wo dakishimeta keredo

Samishisa mune ni tsumotta

Yume wa kimi no buki no hazu da yo

Nee dakara kurushimi mo kirinukete itte

So never cry itsu mo kimi wo mitsumeteru yo

Fair na ikikata no kimi ga suki

So never cry itsu mo kimi no soba ni iru yo

Dakara mata asu e kakedashite

I Love Noa-Senpai

They aren't coming.

They were supposed to be here already!

Are you sure you got your facts straight?

I'm positive!

I overheard Goto on the phone.

Kana Matsumoto will
join our team for a whole week!

Who's Kana Matsumoto?

What?! You don't know her?

She's only the most popular
singer in all of Japan!

Izumi's more interested in
Alphonse than in idol singers.

So, why is such a big star
joining our team, anyway?

She's going to learn to pilot an Ingram.

Next week, HQ is having a
Labor safety parade in Aoyama.

Kana's going to lead the entire
parade in an Ingram.

If this works, it'll do wonders
for Division 2's reputation!

We'll get half-decent bonuses!

Then we won't have to scavenge
around like rats anymore!

You'd better be right about this!

I think they're here!

At attention everyone!

Good, you're all here.

I guess you've heard that we're
training a new member this week.

This is Honorary Officer Kana Matsumoto.

Oh, yeah, guys! She's here!

L-O-V-E! We love Kana!

On behalf of Division 2,
allow me to welcome you.


...Isao Ota, s-s-serial number 0001, age 24!

Happy to be at your service, anytime!

Thank you, Ota.

Here's your mission:

You will teach Officer Matsumoto
how to pilot an Ingram.

Officer Izumi, I appoint you
as her teacher.

Who, me?

If you don't want to, I'll trade places with you!

You're too reckless!

What did you say?

Come on, let's all get along,
and follow lzumi's lead in the training.

That's all. Dismissed.

I'm looking forward to working with you.

Move that carrier!

You lazy bums can skip dinner tonight!

I'm sure you've read the manual,
but there's the main power switch.

The pedals over there operate the legs.

These levers control the hands and arms.

Uh, Asuma...

Relax! You'll be fine.


This is dangerous. What if
something happens to Alphonse?

Come on, it's just an initiation.

The halls will ring with the victorious
voices of Division 2!

So shut up and help.

It worked, Asuma.

I turned on auto-pilot during the deck-up.

But wait, that's cheating.


A beginner needs to gain confidence.

If she's nervous, there's no way
she can learn this in a week.

Was it this one? Maybe this.
Wait, how about this?

No. This? No.


Please, God, let it be this one!

All right! I'm ready!

Roger. Just relax...

Move the Ingram into the carrier.

I know you can do it.

Famous last words.

Commence operation!

Here I go!

You're the greatest, Kana!

Okay. Now here...


Oh, no!


Watch out!

Let go!
Watch out!

Look out!




Oh, don't cry.

You turned off your autopilot.

See, take a look. It's this switch here.

I'm no good!

It happens all the time, with beginners.

Well, not really.

I mean, don't worry! You'll get better.

Stop crying!

Your wounds will heal on their own time.

But you realize, it will take hard work
to fix these scratches on Alphonse!

That's enough for today. Bring the crane!

They're all just spoiling her!

You can put up with it for a week.

But she did manage to put up
her hands as she fell.

She may actually have some talent.

Now even you're on her side!

I don't understand, why
does she have to use Alphonse?

Unit 3 is being used for parts
and isn't operational.

And Ota has customized his Labor
too much for a beginner to handle.

Excuse me, lzumi-senpai. May I come in?

I'm so sorry about today.

I feel terrible about what happened.

I'm just no good with machines.

I can't even set the clock on my VCR.

But I really want to pilot a Labor!
Please don't give up on me!

Well, Senpai? What's your answer?

Oh, well.

Training is hard, so you'd better knuckle down.


Thank you!

I knew you were nice the moment I met you!

I just love you!

Hold the gun in your right hand.
Aim carefully... and squeeze.

Remember, the first shot guarantees victory!

Now, watch how a master does it.


He's in a really good mood.


Nothing to it, really!

Come on. Get on with it.


This one's for lzumi, with love.

Here I go!

What in the world was that all about?

Just an innocent crush, like the way
girls get crushes in an all-girl school!

I'm sure that's all!

I'd be surprised if she could skip
a bullet like that on purpose.


Are you okay with this?

Yeah, it's perfect timing.

We needed to use more ammo
to justify our budget, anyway.

That's not what I meant!

If you're so busy training this entertainer,
what happens if you're mobilized?

Oh, is that what you're worried about?

Don't worry.

HQ is really gung ho on this parade.

The media's going to be there
in force to see Kana.

So our fearless leaders have
made this a top priority.

We probably won't be called out
for a while, Shinobu.

What if something big comes up?

Then they probably won't call MY division, right?

Hello. Ryu here.

Is the target in sight?

It sure is.

We just smuggled some missiles.
Now you want to kidnap a girl?

I don't get it, Boss.

We're going after something big.

This girl is just the first step
towards that goal.

Don't disappoint me.

Fight! Fight! Fight!

Senpai, haven't we had enough of this?

No chance!

A pilot's top requirement
in operating a Labor is endurance!


I'll get through with wisdom and bravery.

Can't we just quit for today?

Too soft!

If you don't work hard,
ll won't lend you Alphonse!

We're already halfway to
the Shanghai Restaurant.

Come on!











Put some feeling into it!



I'm not hearing you!


Fight! You okay back there?


Grau Bear

Coming, coming!

Hello? Special Vehicles, Division 2.

What? You've kidnapped Kana?!

You'll need to hand over an
Ingram if you want her back.

Who is this?

You don't really expect me
to give you my name?

So what's your answer, yes or no?

I'm back!

Something the matter?

What'll it be?!

Very funny, ya sick prankster!

Kana is right here!

Nice try, but I'm not a fool.

Whatever! I'm hanging up.

Whatever! I'm hanging up.

You Japanese like to say that
"haste makes waste".

Is Kana Matsumoto really there?

You're getting on my nerves.

Hold on! I'll check it out.

Stop pulling pranks on the police!

Does this have to do with me?


Hey, are you alone?

Weren't you with Noa?

I lost sight of her. Isn't she back yet?

It was dark and you grabbed the wrong girl?!

I couldn't tell them apart from behind.

Kidnapping a cop won't do us any good.

Losing the entertainer would
have embarrassed the police...

and they would have
traded an Ingram for her.

But they won't trade now.

I'm sorry.

Oh, well.

Maybe I can rely on the forgiving
nature of the Japanese.

There's no choice. We have to do it.

Noa's life depends on it!

You can't give them an Ingram!

Izumi is a police officer!

She should've committed suicide
as soon as she was captured!

Zip it!

It's all my fault!

If only I hadn't lost sight of her!

Don't blame yourself, Kana!

Hello? This is Officer
Asuma Shinohara speaking.

Ah... Officer Shinohara.
I'm willing to discuss...

You'll get your Ingram!

Don't you dare hurt Noa!
I mean, Officer lzumi.

You'll go for it?

I don't lie.

Yes... midnight.
The burger shop on the landfill.

Got it.

I'll come alone with the Ingram.

Let's ask HQ. Better call for backup.

And what's HQ going to protect? An unlucky
policewoman or a top-of-the-line Ingram?

The Ingram, of course.

So, we'll have to do this on our own.

We can't even tell the captain.
Remember, Noa has to come first!

I understand.

We won't give them lzumi OR the Ingram!

Kana, you wait here.



Don't be so pushy!


Kidnapping me isn't going to get you an Ingram!

You're a gutsy young lady,
but I'm afraid you're wrong.

I am?

Excuse me. Clam up!

Some errors were made,
but I still managed to close the deal.

I'll strip it for parts and sell it to a foreign army.

The autostabilizer alone will make me rich!

Merchant of Death!

I'd get a better price if I threw in the pilot!

Be quiet, and you won't get hurt.

Welcome! The menu's right above.

Uh, well...


You bastard!

We have a special on hamburgers.


How about a nice, hot cup of coffee?



DISK Would you like fries with that?


I'll ask you to pay in advance.

Thank you. Come again!


You'll get yours!

Don't let him spot us!

I won't.
Don't let him spot us!

Shinohara here.

Subject is heading for Urayasu.

Roger. Wait until I get there.

Over there.

Halt! Where's Noa?

Ouch! Let me go!

If anything happens to me,
I can't guarantee her safety!

And if you've done anything to Noa...

I'll kill you.

That's enough.


Asuma, I'm sorry!

Release Ryu.

What's taking Ota?


Izumi, I'll avenge your death!

I'm not dead yet!

I'll be your pallbearer!

Let me go!

Your powerful Ingram
has been rendered helpless!

Ryu, get on board our Ingram
and eliminate these pests!

Okay, Boss!


Keep your grubby hands off my Alphonse!

My Alphonse would never do that!

Senpai, I did it!


What's going on?

Asuma! Kanuka!

Back off, minions of evil!
Don't you see this crest?

You've fallen into our trap!

Help me, Boss!

You're not going anywhere!

Help me!

Are you all right, Kana?


Never underestimate the Japanese police!

Oh, boy, now the captain's going
to find out for sure.

You mean, he doesn't know about this yet?

How stupid do you think we are?

I'm sorry.

I'm just glad you're safe.

Everything will be fine... probably.

That's not playing fair,
hiding a pilot in the Ingram cockpit!

All's fair in the name of Justice!

Senpai, I've decided to set you free.

It's obvious that Asuma is nuts about you.

No! It isn't like that at all!

Yeah, what he says!

Will you shut up?

Hurry up, before the captain sees us.

What are you all up to?

You're sure early. I've got hot coffee on.

And I picked up fries, too! Any takers?

Dakishimete Midnight Blue

Konya reiji no bus ni nottara

Midnight Blue

Ichido kiri nara dekiru hazu dakara

Yume ni hikizurare

Ore wa ase mamire no lonely

Hanashi aite no TV switch hipparu

Ashita ichinichi wa

Akogareta machi no gomi no naka

Hayaku main street no sawaritai no sa

Manazashi dake wa itsu demo

Ue wo muiteru tsumori

Tatta hitotsu no michi dakara

Dakishimete Midnight Blue

Konya reiji no bus ni nottara

Midnight Blue

Ichido kiri nara dekiru hazu dakara

Midnight Blue

Konya reiji no bus ni nottara

Midnight Blue

Ichido kiri nara dekiru hazu dakara

This story is fiction...
but in 10 years, who knows?

Plans are now underway to build a vast
underground city called Tokyo Geo-city.

It all started with one little hole
in the artificial underground highway.

Into that hole we tracked
some deadly terrorists,

and we encountered
a giant, black shadow.

Ingram #2 is trapped!
You'll have to go on without me.

Next episode:
"Shadow in Geo-Front"

Target locked on!

Next episode: Shadow in
Geo-Front Target locked on!

Next episode:
Shadow in Geo-Front