Party of Five (2020–…): Season 1, Episode 2 - Margin of Error - full transcript

A fearful Valentina turns to religion in the hopes of getting her parents back; Emilio tries to do right by his father by dismissing Oscar of certain duties, which only offends Oscar and leaves Emilio to run the restaurant on his own.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on Party of Five...

Do you want me to fail you?

Do whatever you want to do.
I don't care.

Your rules are full of shit.

How are these children
being parented?

Are they being parented?

I'm required to report
those concerns

to the Department of
Social Services.

Look, Mami and Papi
weren't much older than us

when they came here,
and they managed.

With a lot less
than what we have.

I'm a good girl
because my parents
made sure of it.

Val: (sniffles)
And I still need them.

I'm gonna need them
for a very long time.

‐Former ruling stands.
‐(bangs gavel)

They're gonna
split us up!

Hey, no they're not.
We won't let that happen.

(all crying)

No one is going
to split us up.


You know I'm
earthquake phobic, right?

I got a linen delivery
in 15 minutes.

‐Can't Oscar...
‐No. A. A. meeting.

So fine, take off.
I've got this.

No. I have to talk to
the doctor to see if
I can work out a...

a payment plan.

Jeez, how much
does a booster shot cost?

Emilio: Well, we already have
an outstanding balance here.

Plus, we're still
paying off the lawyer.

Um, so, do you think
the doctor could prescribe
something for Val?

‐Something to help her sleep?
‐No, she's 12!

Well then you think
he can prescribe something

to help me sleep
through her not sleeping?

Excuse me, may I ask,

which one of you
does he belong to?

Both of us.

I mean, you know,

Both of us.

Well now, how does
that work exactly?

They just, spin the sperm
so you never really know?

No, we're‐‐ we're
we're not a couple.

No, no, no.
We're brothers.

All three of us.
He's our little brother.

Oh, well isn't he lucky then
to have his two big brothers

looking after
him today. Right?

‐Today and every day.
‐Our parents got deported.

(clears throat)


(church bells ring)

I really can't think
of anything.

Take your time.

Really padre,
I don't think I've
sinned at all.

But if God's trying
to figure out whose
prayers to answer,

does it really matter
if I've been good at all?

I mean my siblings,
they're sinners.

Emilio is always taking
the Lord's name in vain.

Lucía too.

And Beto lets me watch
R‐rated movies.

Even though he promised
Mami and Papi only PG‐13.

So, that's on him. Right?

Val, may I ask,

are you getting
enough sleep?

Sure. Some.

Not a lot.

Do you think if Emilio is
100 percent without a sin

that has an effect
on God changing
the DACA rules?


How'd it go?
Do you feel any better?

No. Not really.
I might feel better

if you weren't lying
to Mami about going.

What if you just
went once or twice?

Just to let God know
you're thinking of him.

I'm not going in there.
What's the point?

It's not gonna
change anything.

You don't know that.
It might...

You can't pray
them home, Val.

I mean, you are welcome to.

But me? I don't
believe in miracles.

Yep. Family dinner
together almost every night.

Gloria: Really?

Yup. This is our
5th straight day

of home cooked meals.
Pretty good, huh?

‐Lucía made...


Gloria: You don't sound
so sure. (laughs)

Beto: She's becoming
quite the cook, Mami.

You'd be proud.

Mmm. You'd be
surprised how well

‐Beto's gotten
at doing laundry.
‐Ha, yeah...

(Gloria speaks Spanish)

Yeah! Um, so...

how'd the job search go today?

Ah, I had an interview
at a nice hotel today

to be, uh... ah!
What's that word?

The reservation...
the reservationist?

They say my English help but,

I'm not so good
with the computer.

As soon as your mother
finds something,

we'll start sending
more money home.

‐ Mm‐hmm.
‐ You'll see.

‐ (Javier speaks in Spanish)
‐Where's Rafa?

Oh hey!

Mr. Rafa here,
had a great day
at daycare.

Yeah, Ines says he's
definitely done with biting.

I told you he was
just teething.

Oh Beto! What happened
to your test?

‐Did you get it back?
‐ Yeah! Um...

Drum roll...

I got a B+ !

‐ Drum roll!
‐ (laughs)

Choir of Angels!

That's a miracle!

I'm so happy for you, baby.

All thanks to your sister, yes?

Mmm. I take all the credit.

No, I meant
Valentina's prayers.

Unless you decided
to go to church too. Hmm?

Hey mi amor, my heart
hurts when you're not
being honest.

What? I didn't say anything.

She's probably talking
to Padre Jimenez.

Javier: Eh, Milo,

you've got Diego
washing the front windows

‐every other day, yes?
‐Emilio: Mm‐hmm.

What's this Marta tells
me about a problem...

Did you forge your grade?

‐You did.
‐Javier: I only
want to help.

Is that a C‐ ?

Emilio: You don't
have to talk to Marta...

Just wanted them to have
a little good news. You know?

I don't‐‐ I don't mean to
seem like I don't trust you.

It's just...

No one listens
to me around here.

Why should they?
It's their restaurant.

I'm just a waiter.
I only want to help, Emilio.

I know, Papi.

I know. It's fine.

(Javier speaking Spanish)

Uh, I don't, uh‐‐
Oscar does that.

Wait, what?

He steals from you?!

Hey, Papi. Can you
put Mami on?

I want us to say our
bedtime prayers together.



(metal gate closing)



Beto, wake up.


Wait, so the rehab
place just came

in the middle of the night
and kidnapped her?

Her parents set up
the whole thing.

Jackie's mom was
missing maybe like...

six Oxys.

She said the bus ride took,
like, a day and a half.

They weren't even
allowed to listen to music.

Can you imagine?
A day and a half on a bus?

I would literally die.

Wouldn't you?

No, actually.
I'm pretty sure
I wouldn't.

They stick people in buses

who don't steal
their mother's pain meds.

Ya know?

(laughs nervously)
I'm sorry. I didn't mean...

What happened with your
parents is totally different.


Can I help you?

I‐I just wanted to say hey.

Girl: Okay?

Um... hey?

To Lucía.

I've been texting you
and you haven't responded.

What's going on with you?

Nothing's going on with me.

I'm having lunch.

I see.

Well sorry for
bothering you.

See you around, I guess.

Sure. See ya.

So, how long is Jackie
gonna be in there for?

She claims she's
breaking out this weekend.

And get this, taking
an Uber home.

How much do you think
that's gonna cost?

I bet you like
3 or 4 grand, easy.

Did you count 'em?

We need to?

The guy dropped them
off in a big bundle,

‐you know I assume
it didn't matter‐‐
‐Never assume.

Sometimes they'll
shortchange you

a couple of
dozen napkins

and then claim
you lost them,

and then tack them
on to your bill.

Don't worry about it.
You'll get it.

Hey, Oscar.

Um, I was wondering
if maybe you and I

could stagger
our hours a bit?

You know, like, you could spot
me on the early side of things

and uh, you know I
could stay later.

Well how 'bout
you do mornings

cause I have my meetings

and then I'll come
and close up.

Right, right. But I
was thinking about

doing the receipts,
you know? Just to like,

educate myself,
or what not.

So, ah, yeah maybe we
plan on doing that
for a while.

You know, you taking off
after dinner service and uh...

me doing the drop.

What's the matter, kiddo?

You don't trust me?


No, it's...

C'mon, man.

You kiddin' me?

Of course I trust you.

(phone rings)

(people speaking Spanish)

You should go home.

No, no I can't be...

near a bed or sofa

cause I'll just fall asleep.

I'll stay here.

Study for physics.

Yeah, excellent plan. Seems
to be working out perfectly.


How much homework
are they giving you

that you can't
sleep at night?

It's not that.

It's Val.

She wakes me up.

Every night.

She has nightmares.

She wants to talk
so, we talk.

And then she falls
back to sleep and I can't.


Val has nightmares
every night?

About your parents?

Post traumatic nightmares.

Masters student
in Psychology. Remember?

That's right! You are.

I mean, it's not my field,
adolescent psych, but...

I can do some reading.


How about we try
and figure this
out together. Hmm?


It's a plan.



Padre Jimenez!


I never see you
now it seems like
you can't wait.

Thanks a lot
for telling on me
to my mother.

I didn't. She asked,

and I said she should
talk to you.

Though, for the future,
if you want someone
to lie for you,

you should probably choose
someone other than a priest.

You don't seem to have
a problem lying to my sister.


Why would you tell her that

a prayer is going to bring
our parents back?

‐She's scared!

And‐‐ and you're
selling her on some,

forgive me,
bullshit miracle.

Giving her hope

when there isn't any.

I've never told your sister

that prayers will
bring your parents back.

And you and I both know
that nothing will bring
your parents back

except a change in what
this country believes.

All a 12‐year old
can do is hope for that.

If it doesn't happen,
it doesn't.

But if it does?

And Val thinks she
nudged it along just a bit.

Then what's‐‐
what's the harm in that?

I don't think
you're angry at her
for praying.

I think maybe you're angry
that she might find some peace

in prayer, when
you have none.

And I'm happy to talk
to you about that whenever
you want, Lucía.



Hey. You ready?

How'd it go?

With the padre ?

You know, awesome.

I saw the light.

‐Let's go.
‐This is Matthew.

Um, Matthew. Lucía.

Nice to meet you.

Come on, Val.

Um, he's from...
I'm sorry. Where'd you say?

Just, back east.

Val: He took a bus
for days and days.

And hitched. But...

Yeah. Mainly took the bus.

Do your parents
know where you are?

I hope not.

I don't understand.
Why would‐‐

I'm sure that's
kinda, like, the point.


Let's just say
I'm on my own.


Us, too.

Come on.


I keep forgettin'

that you weren't
around all those years.

When your father was
giving me a second chance and

I was helping him
get this place on its feet.

It's my fault for assuming

that you and I were
as close as he and I were.

‐Oscar, I didn't mean to
offend yo‐‐
‐Listen, it makes sense

that I'm just a
another employee to you.

I don't wanna be
treated any different.

You treat me
the same as
everyone else.

Okay. Fine.

Which means, I'd like
the overtime I'm owed.

Eight hundred dollars.

I'd appreciate that
by Friday.


I'm gonna check in
with Mami and Papi

and I want
pepperoni, cheese

and extra mushrooms
when you order.

Next time someone else
needs to take her.

I need your notes.

‐For physics class.

Actually, you know what?
Forget your notes.

I need your brain.
Can you help?

In time for this test?

I'm good. I'm not that good.

Look, I need
to pass tomorrow.

Or else I have to take this

whole freaking course
over again.

Which means
summer school.

And summer school means

I won't be able to work
in the restaurant

which would save us
a lot of money.

Money that can go
towards Rafa's daycare‐‐

Beto! Stop.

I take the test
7th period.

You take it 8th.

It's all multiple choice.

And Mateluna never
switches the questions.

Meet me at the bottom
of the stairs between periods.


I‐I don't know.

I don't know.

You don't remind me of you.



I'm on 4%, you mind?

Yeah, I can't risk
my ex calling

and it going to voicemail.

Because then I don't get
to tell him to go to hell.


What'd he do?

Fell in love with the girl
who gave him his tattoo.

Which, and this is very ironic,

was my name.

Yeah. Above his heart.


Oh I just,
I just pray...

that it gets infected.


Ugh! Don't you just wish
you could like

pop an obsession
out of your head?

Like... a bagel
out of a toaster.


‐What? What mental playlist
you have on repeat?

Let's see.

Am I gonna make
this week's payroll?

How likely is
the lawyer to sue me?

If I stiff her on the bill.

And who left those
3 whole salmon

out of the walk‐in last night?

And how much is that
gonna cost me?


what'd you use to
obsess over?


Song lyrics.

How many more
gigs do we need to play

till I have enough cash
to get my Stratocaster back

from the guy I
sold it to on Craigslist.

What was the name
of the girl I kissed
the night before?

And so there were girls...

One or two.


Well, I mean,

I'm guessing you've
aged out of that. Right?

Look at you,
you're running a restaurant.

Taking care of four kids.

Who has time for girls, right?


♪ Is my love too much ♪

♪ Is it just enough
for you ♪

♪ For you, cause
feelings are hard ♪

♪ To find, cause
it's gettin' late ♪

(car horn beeps)

♪ Would you like to stay ♪

♪ Girl let me
change your mind ♪

♪ If you wanted to, girl ♪

♪ We could cross that line ♪

(banging on door)

Did you forget
to set your alarm?

It's 7:15.

Can someone
help me with the baby?

(baby coos)

Bathroom's yours, Luce.

He's all set.


Ah, except I can't find
any clean socks.

You have to
scrounge around.




(water running)

Would you rather
blow me off

or pretend
I'm invisible?

I mean, it's entirely up to you.

Now's not a good time
I've gotta go meet‐‐

Yeah, no, it's never
a good time, Lucía!

Jen, Sophie and I
are like this close
to giving up on you.

Well, then, maybe you
should just go ahead
and do that.

I'm sorry.

It‐‐ it just hurts too much
to be around you.

So what? Now you're besties
with Henry and Megan?

I mean come on,
Jackie DeLauren?

Who got hauled off
to that wilderness camp?

Look, I've really gotta go.

No! Eight years of friendship,
but you're dumping me

to hang out with those losers.
I wanna know why, Lucía.

(student chatter)

Yo, Beto!

(student chatter)

(bell rings)

I mean, how are they
even your friends?

You think they understand you?
They don't know you.

That actually helps.

Why? Because you get
to reinvent yourself?

‐As what?

Someone who doesn't
give a shit?

Cause you can pretend
that's you to them maybe,

but I know it's not.

Look, all I know
is that being angry

feels better
than being sad.

I can be angry, too.

I‐I am angry.
I can be angry with you!

No. You can't.

The things is, first,
you have to lose something
that really matters to you.

Yeah well, I lost you,
didn't I?

(bell rings)

You'll have 45 minutes

to complete the test.

Starting now.




If you had to choose between
taking Beto or Lucía on a trip,

would you let them decide
who got to go

or would you choose the one
that you currently like better?

Uh, well, is it
a camping trip?

Because if that's the case,
I would not want to take Lucía.

The thing is,
I'd rather take Beto,

but I don't think he can
afford to miss any school.

Yeah, well...


(door slams)

Well, where you
planning on going?

Mexico. To see
Mami and Papi.


Did you know if you
stay over a Sunday night,

you can get two round trip
tickets for only $600?

Okay well, that's $600
I don't have.

Well, I do!

You have $600?

What'd you do?
Knock off a liquor store?

I found it.

You found $600?

$940, actually.

In the back of one of
Rafa's drawers rolled up
in one of his socks.

Val, that's not your money.

Yes it is.

Of course it is.
I found it.

Obviously Mami and Papi
left it there for safe keeping.

And we can use that money
for other things.

But two minutes ago,
you didn't even
know about it!

Right, but now that I do,
you're not going to
blow it all on vacation!

Visiting our parents
is not a vacation.

It's not a necessity!

It is for me.

Well, it's not gonna happen!


(bell rings)

(indistinct chatter)

I'm so sorry.

Bey! Beto!

(people speaking Spanish)

Hey. Oscar.

Sorry you had to
wait for it.

‐Thank you.

Hey uh, Oscar,

did you happen
to find a wallet?

Jorge said a customer called.
Left her number.

But she may have
lost it then.

‐A leather‐‐

I didn't find a wallet.

Okay. Well if you do...

Did you ask everybody else
if they found a missing wallet?

No. Jorge just
mentioned it to me.


Did Boss ask you
if you found a wallet?

Wanna check my pockets
before I leave, Emilio?

Oscar, I'm not
accusing you of anything.

I don't have
a problem anymore.


I stopped drinkin'.

I don't gamble.

I don't steal.

All I do is work hard
for your family.

For your father.
For 10 years.

So that you could
have the life

that you wanted to have.

What are you doin'?

I deserve respect.

And without that,

you can have your money

and you can
have your job.

Tell the kids I love 'em.

Hey, so, I was gonna say
thanks for the ride last night

but I thought ride
seemed kind of‐‐

Look, I'm dealing
with shit.

Do you need something?


Uh, just the specials.

‐(phone rings)
‐Here you go.

‐(Rafa cries)
‐How much time do we got?

‐Less than a minute.

Uh, let‐‐ let's just
not say anything about

you know, the‐‐
the test?


You don't think I should
tell them I flunked

before I even had
the chance to cheat?

‐Val, are you coming?!
‐(video call ringing)

You don't have yell,

I know what time it is!

Let's just not‐‐

Upbeat everyone.


(video call ringing)

Hi guys!

Uh, we're all here!

How was your day?

Papi is a big hero
at his work!

Tell them, Javi.

Ah, it's nothing.

I put out a grease fire.

Eh. Some hero.

Aw! Put Rafa closer!

(speaking in Spanish)

Gloria: Hey Beto,
how was your test?


I don't get the grade back

for a couple days

but I think we're all
gonna be very happy.

And I have Lucía
to thank for that.

I am very proud of you
and you too, mi amor.

We were full at the restaurant

all day, Papi.
All day.

There was even
a wait at lunch.

How about that.

We've done so well

that they don't
need us anymore.

No. No!

It's not true. You should
come home right now.

Okay? Right now!

Cause Emilio's an asshole.

‐(gasps) Valentina!
‐ What?!

What? Well that's
what he is.

He acts like
he's the boss of me

when he's just
my stupid brother

who doesn't know anything.

Oh... what happened, Emilio?

Nothing! We just‐‐

We're having
a little disagreement.

Oh yeah? About what?

It's really‐‐
It's nothing.

Alright? Luce, can you
please check on her?

Really, you're
asking her?

‐Pfft. Why not me?
‐Well, let's be honest.

You're not exactly great
at follow through. Are you?

Beto, don't start.
Not now.

What's going on there?!

Nothing! Nothing!

Um, really look, guys.
It's nothing. Actually,
you know what?

I'm getting a call
from the restaurant.
Can I call you guys back?

‐Your dad's shift start
in an hour‐‐

It'll just be a few. Bye.

‐What is wrong
with you guys?!
‐Us two?!

‐What did you do to Val?
‐Nothing. Okay I‐‐

‐You had no right!
‐Oh come on!

Look, she's just
disappointed that
I said no

to her taking
a trip to Mexico
by herself.

‐Give it a rest, okay?!
‐No, no.

As somebody who's
been recently screwed over

‐by a member of this family
let me just say‐‐
‐Go to hell, Emilio!

‐Okay you know what? That's it.
‐Beto! Do you wanna know
what happened?!

‐Because I can explain.
‐Really? You have a good
excuse for screwing me over?

All I asked was for you
to help me study.

I didn't ask you
to give me the answers.
That was your idea.

‐And I swear Bey,
I wrote them down. See?

‐Only Olivia cornered me‐‐
‐No. What difference
does it make?!

You didn't show up,
and I failed.

Maybe you didn't?
Maybe you did better
than you think.

I may be dumb,

but I'm not dumb enough
to think I did well.

You're not dumb.

I don't get things.

And it may be easy for you,
but seriously something...

something's wrong with me.

Because I sit in that
physics class

and it's like somebody's
speaking a foreign language,

which might as well
be god damned Spanish

cause I don't understand
much of that either.

I'm in trouble.

Only now, it's
everyone's problem,

cause if I can't cut it
academically, they'll be
on all of our asses.

That just makes the pressure
a thousand million times worse.

But you know what?

Last night, I actually slept.

Even with Val's elbow
in my ribs.

I slept.

Because my really smart sister
was gonna give me the answers.


Go away.

You weren't gonna
bring that up to them.

We agreed.

You don't think
they're upset enough?

They wouldn't be
if you'd let me visit them.

If it's their money,
then they get to decide.

(Emilio grunts)

I spent it.

Already? On what?!

Well, I owed Osc‐‐

Uh... some guy at
the restaurant
some back pay.

You're still gonna
see them at Easter.

Okay? You, Beto,
Lucía, Rafa...

Just like we planned it.



Do you think it's
possible that

I found the money
because I prayed
for a miracle?

I don't, uh...


Next time I go to church,
I'm gonna be more specific.



(video call ringing)

Ugh, god...


Hey, I was‐‐
I meant to call.

Sorry about that
before, with Val.

Gloria: It'll get easier
with her, mi amor.

Just give it time.

Yeah... Papi go off
to work yet?

Mm‐hmm. (scoffs)
I'm a little jealous of him.

Having a place to go.
Full of distractions.

I don't know what to do
with myself when he's gone,

and this place
is so quiet.

I'm not used to
a house this quiet.

Val was desperate
to come see you next week.

And I told her no.

That's why she
was so mad at me.

She found some money
in one of Rafa's drawers.

Some cash.

And she was planning on
using that money

to buy a plane ticket.

I totally forgot.
I knew I tucked it
away somewhere

but I couldn't
remember where.

Thank God you find it.

And that money is
yours to use, Emilio.

However you see fit. Okay?

But, why wasn't that
money in the coffee can
in the kitchen?

Why was it hidden?

Where'd that money come from?


Your papi , he...

He always has
so much on his mind,

so many big worries that,

sometimes, he
doesn't keep track.

Of little things.

Small difficulties are solved
with a little money and...

There was all that cash
at the end of the night

swept up into
the bank drop that,

very occasionally, when I
was there helping to close up,

I‐‐ I would
take a ten...
from that pouch.

Sometimes a twenty, but
never more than that.

Was no harm in it.

Just a little here and there
that he never missed.

And I put it aside.


I mean, what were
you saving it for that
you couldn't tell Papi?

You, Emilio.

I was saving it for you.

Remember all those visits
that we hug you goodbye

and I would slip a little
something into your
shirt pocket. Hmm?

That was for your rent.

That Papi thought
it was crazy
for you to pay

because you could have
been living with us.

At home.

Or gas money so you could
drive places to‐‐

to play your music.

And that guitar you sold.

Don't you remember?
That one with the‐‐

with the strange name?

My Stratocaster.

You loved that thing so much,
I couldn't bear the thought

of it belonging to
anyone else but you.

So I gave you the money
to buy it back.

(door knocking)

Ms. Mateluna.

Uh, I'm sorry
to bother you,

I‐I'm here to talk to you
about my brother's test...

This isn't...

We can talk on
the other side
of the weekend.

You can't fail him.

I‐I haven't even
graded the test yet.

He knows he failed.

Which means there is
no way he can pass the class.

Which means he won't
be able to work at
the restaurant

or help take care
of our baby brother‐‐

He should have
thought of that

before he took the
exam. Not after.

But he did think of it.

And he asked me to
help him study and I...

let him down.

It's my fault.

But the consequences
of his failing,

they're all of ours
to deal with.

The whole family.

Let me understand,
are you asking me

to give him a grade
he doesn't deserve?

To pass him when
he did failing work?

To be honest,

how well my brother
understands physics

has very little to do
with the rest of his life.

What has everything
to do with it is...

how well he‐‐
we can keep
our family together.

The world hasn't been
very kind to us lately.


it'd be nice if someone could
show Beto a little forgiveness.

Actions have
consequences, Lucía.

And even if I can't teach
your brother physics,
I can teach him that.

Some of us do things
as they are supposed to be done.

We take time.
We do the work.

We come to
this country legally.

I'm sorry that what
your parents did
put you at risk.

Even though its makes
things worse for the rest of us

who have to prove over
and over again

that we have the right
to be here.

There are no free passes.

Not for your parents.

Not for any of us.

And not for Beto.

(door creaks)


(door squeaks)

Where'd you go?


I just took a walk.

Do you know what
margin of error is?

We learned about
it in physics.

You did maybe.

It's like,

build an allowance
for small mistakes.

Wiggle room.

I don't think
we get any, Bey.

It sucks.

But it's how it is.

So, is this gonna
be on the next test?


If it is,

I'll make sure
you understand it.

I'm gonna help you, Bey.

Every day after school.

I'll help you study.




Oscar, wait!

I ain't got nothin'
to say to you, kid.



I haven't made a lot
of amends in my life.

I figure you're a good person

to teach me how
to do this one right.

Last night she didn't
even come in my room.

Not like I got much sleep

I just waited up for her.

Well, she could have
slept through the night.

She comes to me
to make her feel safe.

No way could I've made her
feel safe last night.

Especially, if she heard
me and Lucía going at it
about my test.

I failed.

Today, I got put on
academic probation.

So not only does Emilio have to
sign off on everything but,

now they're gonna
be watching us.

I could blow it
for all of us.

So she has the right
to be scared.

And to know that I can't
make it better for her.

What you don't realize
is that not one of those kids
in that school

can do half the things
that you do.

At sixteen, you're doing the job
of a mother and a father.

And compared to that,
physics, it's a piece of cake.

I think you're incredible.



Could I talk to you
for a sec?


I don't wanna
lose my place.

My family has a restaurant.

A few blocks away.

I can take you to get
a meal there?

It's all right.

You sure?

Why you askin' me?

I mean,

why you askin' me
and not say...


Or her?

I don't know them?

You don't know me.

I think maybe I do.

I just didn't pay attention
the way I should've

when we met.

And I'm sorry about that.

I'm used to it.
It's okay.


It's not.

You've obviously been through
some serious shit.

And‐‐ and,

I was thinking...

Most people
don't really understand

that where you've ended up,

it's not your fault.

It's not something you did.

It's not a reflection
on your character.

And, well...

I'm going through
the same thing.

Which is why I thought
it would be nice

if we could, like, hang, talk?

Because at the moment,

there's not a lot
of people in my life
who really understand me.

Don't you have a family?

‐Well, yeah. Of course.

Not, of course.

You have a family.


♪ Dancing bodies
in the crowd ♪

♪ We moving till we sweat ♪






Do you mind?

Thank you.


Is it, straight?

Are you sure you
want it that high?

Yeah, I want it around just...

kinda out of reach.

I don't want it so close
it's gonna make me sad

that I don't
have time to play it.


You know my name.


It's just that you said that
sometimes you wouldn't

remember the names of
the girls that you'd‐‐


Yes, I know your name.

Okay. Cool.
Well I should...

get back to work.

Remind me...

Oh, I'm Emilio.


Time to go?


(prays in Spanish)
