Parot (2021–…): Season 1, Episode 2 - Otra vez juntos - full transcript

Isabel and Nieto investigate a new attack. Terrorist Basauri has been beaten up after being released. Rapist Haro takes advantage of his retrieved freedom to spy on Isabel's life.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Attention, ladies,
the upholsterer is in town.

We upholster
all kinds of sofas.

The apartment
is 645 square feet.

It looks out onto the street
but it's very quiet.

The views aren't spectacular,
but it's very bright.

It's fine, I'll take it.

-Don't you want to see the rest?

I'll need two months' security.

-No problem.
-Your face seems familiar.

So you'll just want a standard
one-year contract, right?

I'll pay the full year
but I won't need it.

Let the doorman know
when you're moving in.

I don't need furniture.

Why do you want the apartment?

I'm a writer.

Well, if you need any ideas,
you come to me.

I have plenty, thanks.


Sol. Are you taking a shower?

Hang on.

Wait up, dammit.

What are you doing?

Hold up, man.


What's wrong?

I can't. I can't do this.


You should buy a new bed.

-We could finish on the floor.
-Yeah, right.

My husband would ask me
about the carpet burn.

-He thinks I'm at spin class.

I thought my bad day
couldn't start worse.

Come on, quit complaining.

This is how it always is
with my husband.

I don't get
why you're still with him.

there's more to life than sex.

I have you for that.

-Besides, he's a great cook.
-I'm not exactly a chef.

What about you?

What about me?

-How is the case going?
-Nice try.

How many times
have we been through this?

It's a reporter's job
to ask questions.

It's a reporter's job
to ask questions.
It's a cop's not to answer.
Two years without saying a peep.

It's a cop's not to answer.
Two years without saying a peep.

I ask the questions here, okay?

...after the Parot doctrine
was overturned.

ETA's Alain Basauri,
AKA "Txipi," was freed today,

-architect of a dozen attacks.

-His most famous attack...

-...was a car bomb...
-I should have said infamous.

Do you have a message
for the victims' families?

Mr. Basauri, how does it feel
to be protected by the law?

How's it going, gorgeous?
Good morning.



I'm here to pay for room seven.

How long, a couple of hours?

A week.

I'll pay weekly.

Sheets get changed biweekly,
this ain't the Ritz.

They're clean.

It's just some stains
are hard to get rid of.

It's fine.


How did you sleep?

Not great.

I can't get used to it.

I can imagine.

Everything's taken care of.

-I brought you all you need.
-Thank you.

I'm delivering groceries
for apartment 6A.

Come this way, please.


Tell them I review every form
we send to the IRS.

That's not
why they're here, Dad.


All our costumes and accessories
are at the end of this aisle.

Shall we?

We need this specific model,
we were told you import it.

Yes, it's a great model.

This one.

They're identical.

-They're at the back.
-How many do you sell a year?

-About 10,200.
-Very good. Good sales.

Do you sell more
during Halloween or Carnival?

What is this?
Market research or police work?

We're past Halloween.

Fewer mask sales,
fewer suspects.

-I know what I'm doing.
-Watch your tone.

If it were up to me,
I'd let him kill them all.

The law is the law.
Our opinions don't matter.

"The law is the law".

Like you've had an opinion
that wasn't fed to you.

Have you thought
about the victims?

Can you imagine
what the families of those

who were killed and raped
are going through?

You're a damn robot.

How do I look?

Be honest.

-You look gorgeous.



-Wait a sec.

-Right, lift up your hair.
-What? No.

-Come on.
-Mom, I'm not getting married.

-It's not my wedding.
-It'll make me happy.

-Let's see...

-It's beautiful. I love it.

-It's gorgeous, isn't it?
-It is. It really is, I love it.

-Sure you don't want a lift?
-No, it's fine.

It's just Alicia's place.

I'm nervous.
It's my first party.

Don't worry.

There'll be plenty more.

-I hope so.
-You'll see.

Have a good time.

-I love you.
-Love you too.


-Here's the list.

The list of stores
that sell the mask.

-I'll walk you out.

The meter's
under the kitchen window.


-Okay, that's the last one.
-Great. See you next month.

See you later.

I'm on the way, yes.

Hey, I don't want a fuss.
Tell the gang, alright?

Warning, this is Diesel Extra.

There are 260 stores that sell
the mask in Madrid.

There are 260 stores that sell
the mask in Madrid.
-What a pain.
-That's great news.

-What a pain.
-That's great news.

-What a pain.
-That's great news.
Do you know how long it'll take
to check them all?

Do you know how long it'll take
to check them all?

130 for you, 130 for me.
A full week apart, minimum.

Yes. Excuse me a moment.

-He's struck again.
-Who's the victim?

A member of ETA.
He's conscious in hospital,

so hotfoot it down there
and take a statement.

Yes, sorry. Go on!

They're just treating him.

-He'll be right out.

That's how the system works.

Wasting public health resources
where they shouldn't.

You're like a broken record.

The same thing over and over.

Having to work with you
is bad enough,

without having to endure your
anti-systemic rants all day.

National Police.

-You're a bit late.

We're here to take a statement.

We need information to
identify your attacker.

Height, complexion, accent...

I saw his face.

-Was he wearing a monkey mask?
-No, his face was exposed.

Can you describe him?

Graying hair, scruffy beard.

About 5'11'', green eyes.
He had a mole on his cheek.

You don't miss a trick.

Shame you decided to be
a terrorist and not a cop.

Is he one of these?

-This one.

Juan Martín.

His wife died in the attack
on the mall.

She was
seven months pregnant.

I want to bring
charges against him.

After what you did to him?
The nerve...

-I've paid my dues.
-I'm not filing a report.

This isn't over.


Stop right there!


You're under arrest
for assaulting Alain Basauri!

Is this bastard going to show?

I wouldn't come out
if I had a house like his.

-My knees are sore.
-Come on, don't be lame.

It'll be worth the wait.

He'll give us
a reason to celebrate.

You'll see.

He's coming.

-He's coming out, run! Go on.
-Let's go.


We just want to ask you
some questions.

-Good morning.

How do think your 12 victims
are feeling now?

-It was 12 girls, right?

Some were minors.
Why did you do it?

-Sorry, I have nothing to say.
-You were rich, successful.

-Why ruin those girls' lives?
-Would you let me speak, please?

-Of course.

I comprehend the interest in me
and the nature of your work,

-but I won't comment.
-You must...

I'm asking you
to respect my privacy.

I plan to enjoy my freedom
with total discretion.

Thank you.

Put it together right
and there's a good cut.

That's it. Right.

Make it look
like he lost his cool.

Okay? Right, yes, great.
Chat later, ciao.


-It won't stick.

You should have bought new glue.
You should do things properly.

I know, Mom. There's a lot
I should have done and haven't,

so let's not get into...

Right, come on.

You didn't sleep a wink
last night, did you?

Here we go.
I don't want a therapist.

You choose, therapist or mother.

I won't ignore it.

I can see in your face
what you're going through.

I won't discuss this anymore.
It's in the past.


You could prescribe me
some tranquilizers.

No way.

You're fine, but you need pills?
Makes sense.

You're fine, but you need pills?
Makes sense.
-Where are the nails?
-Nails? A thumbtack will do.

-Where are the nails?
-Nails? A thumbtack will do.

-I don't have thumbtacks.
-Isabel, look...

You don't have to talk to me.
I can recommend someone.

I don't want to bring up
the stuff we went through.

Crap doesn't go anywhere
until you clean it.

That's a good tagline.

Call a company,
they might make you rich.

The door!

-Happy Saints' Day.
-Happy Saint's Day, honey.

Thanks, Grandma.

We'll have
the cake tonight, okay?

I'll pick it up after work.
We can celebrate here.

What's there to celebrate?
Seems like a waste of time...

Well... you should have seen us
with the banner.

Your mom wanted to surprise you
but it was impossible.

I have something for you.
I think you'll like it.

-What's taking so long?
-It's not here, it's gone.

-Maybe it's somewhere else.
-No, I put it here.

I left it here this morning.

See what happens
when you don't sleep?

You're all over the place.

-Did you take it?

-What are you on about?

First you hit me,
now you call me a thief.

-Enough, let's calm down.

Maybe you left it
in a cupboard...

No, I put it here.


-He's identical.
-That proves nothing.

Get in there and do your job.

Take the mask off.

Help him.

You can leave now.

Come and sit down.


So far, we have you for assault
and attacking an officer.

So far, we have you for assault
and attacking an officer.
That's nothing.
You're wanted for two murders.

That's nothing.
You're wanted for two murders.

It wasn't me.

If I got a dollar every time
I heard that,

I'd be living it up
in the Caribbean.

There's a dollar in the corner
to get you started.

One of the cops dropped it,
didn't even realize.

The Caribbean is real nice.

They gave us these bracelets
on our honeymoon there,

we could eat whenever we wanted.

There are these weird turtles
with beaked mouths.

What are you talking about?
Don't you understand?

You just decimated the guy
who killed your family...

There are two unsolved murders
and you're a perfect fit.

-Yes, I get it.
-You wouldn't know it.

Stop talking about turtles

and how great
your life was before

and focus on now,
because you're pretty screwed.

-Give me something to go on.
-I've got nothing.

I've thought about
how I'd do it for 20 years.

Planning what I'd say to him.

How I'd kill him.

Whether it'd be quick

or if I'd make him suffer.

It's all that kept me going.

But I felt nothing.

It was as if
I were beating on someone else.

They told me
it'd get easier in time.

But that's not true.

The pain and anger
are always there.

The check, please.



No, give me another one.

Make it two.

It's on me.

Best part of the day, right?

And I'll bet you've earned it.

Sorry, I'd rather be left alone.

You seem tense.

-Stressed out at work?

I asked to be left alone.

What part don't you get?

Fair enough.

Unpleasant girl.

-I told you...

-Your bag fell off.

-I'm sorry. Sorry, I apologize.
-No problem.



If you're throwing it out,
I'll take it.

Knock yourself out.

-Is it chocolate?

Is it chocolate?


Move away from the glass.

You were very brave, Isabel.

Thanks to your report,
we found other girls

who had been drugged and raped

but didn't remember
their attacker.

His house was full of photos
and belongings of you all.

He collected you,
as if you were trophies.


I need one last push from you,
so we can send him to jail.

-Are you ready?
-I want to leave.

-Isabel, wait.

Hang on.

If you'd like to go get some air
you can come back.

-Yes, later.
-No. No!


That man needs to pay
for what he's done to you.

You and the other girls.

It's just a second.
You must be strong.

Only you can bring him
to justice.


Hands down, look straight ahead.

Is that him?

-Is this the man who raped you?

-Are you sure?



You can take him away.

Day 12, Tuesday.

I went to see him today.

I've decided
to keep him isolated.

He's suffering with anxiety
and guilt disorder.

He's entirely dependent on me.

-What's up?

I can't find my keys.
I looked for them, but...

I can't find my keys.
I looked for them, but...
I can't find them.
Let's not make a big deal of it.

I can't find them.
Let's not make a big deal of it.

-I'll just take your key.
-How did you lose them?

Maybe I dropped them,
it happens.

You couldn't find Sol's gift
this morning either.

Everything's been
misplaced today.

Hey, what's that on your sleeve?


It must have happened
when I dropped the cake.

It doesn't matter anyway,
my daughter thinks I'm the worst

so some bum is enjoying
the cake as we speak.

I knew it.

I knew if I came for the keys
you'd look at me like that.

And here we are again.

Why don't you sit down?

-On the couch? No way.

Not on the damn couch.

In a chair,
while I go find your keys.


Is this your dinner?


Hey... Why don't you and Sol
come stay for a few days?

Hey... Why don't you and Sol
come stay for a few days?


I'm an adult,
I have my own life.

-You can't always protect me.
-Of course I can.

You can't, that's the problem.

I don't know where I end
and you begin. You're...

You're like...

You're like chocolate.

That's stuck.

You're always stuck to me.

And I'm fine. I'm pretty happy.

-It's just keys and a gift.

-You're happy?

You've never had
a healthy relationship

with a man in your life.

This is a great time
to talk about my sex life.

I'm not talking about sex.

-I'm talking about feelings.
-Mom, that's enough.

I don't care.

You're like
a vulture circling its prey.

I'll call you.


What are you doing in the dark?

It's such a beautiful day.

Look what I've brought you.

I know you love them.

Leave me alone.

Isabel, stop this.
You have to eat.

-Leave me.
-Come on, look.

-At least try one.
-Just leave it.

-Come on, honey, please.
-Leave me alone!

Don't touch me.

Please, don't touch me.

Right, get ready.

-Get ready, we're going.

We're leaving.

No. No. No!

-Why are you here?
-Didn't you hear the bell?

-You didn't answer my calls.
-Make yourself at home.

I was in the shower,
as you can see.

And you better have
a good reason to be here,

-I've had a really crappy day.
-I do.

You're getting water everywhere.


Basauri is on
the Córdoba highway.

You turn up at my place
at 10 o'clock at night

to tell me a free man
is going to Córdoba?

He should be headed north.
Something's up.

He can go wherever he likes.
He's free.

He was headed north
when he was found.

He must have changed his mind,
decided to head south.

Why? To celebrate his release
with a swift rebujito cocktail?

-How do you know where he is?
-A buddy up in Control told me.


Right, a guy responsible
for 12 attacks

threatens us,
tells us "this isn't over",

and my biggest concern
is getting a warrant?

No problem. I'll go alone.

No, wait.
You're not going alone.

I'll go with you.

Forget your makeup,
we're in a rush.

Hello, Father.

I wasn't expecting you.

You look good...
for being fresh out of jail.

Sorry to disappoint you.

You'd rather I looked sick?
Covered in blisters?

Or bald, perhaps?

Well, I'm not.

I see you're not penny pinching.

Should I be?

Your mother chose that crockery.

It's nice.

-She had good taste.
-You killed her.

After what you did
to those girls,

your mother got sick.

She died thinking
she'd failed as a mother.

Yes, I saw her obituary
in the paper.

Did you know... that prisoners
have full access to news?

You're heartless.
We gave you everything.

Love, protection. Everything!

Let's leave the past behind
and talk about now.

Are you here to kick me out?


That's all you
care about, isn't it?


I know exactly
where I stand, Father.

I might be a heartless criminal

but I'm no fool.

-You get nothing when I die.
-You think I don't know?

Your mother left you the lot.
This house, shares...

You're rich.

She was a saint.

God rest her soul.

-I wish you were never born.
-Well, here I am.

Shall I call a taxi...
or your driver?

-It says he's here.
-In the middle of nowhere?

I don't know, I can't see.

There's a light.

Take it easy!

It's alright.

Stay calm.

Stay calm.




-Quick! Get him out!
-He's tied up!

Nieto, he's tied up.

-Get out. Get on the ground.
-Get down!

Come on!

Come on! Let him go!

-Get over there!




Are you alright?


For the love of God.

Say what you like,
it changes nothing.

Shut up, Nieto.

Go to the hospital
and get a damn check-up.

-I'm fine.
-Like hell you are.

-You're a mess.
-It was my fault.

He was protecting me.

-She protected the terrorist.
-Isabel, don't move.

What's going on here?

What's going on here?
The monkey escaped
while you protected each other.

The monkey escaped
while you protected each other.

Neither of you thought
to go after him?

This case is
about catching the killer.

You should have gone.

You should have left Basauri
where he was.

Isn't she off the TV?

-You're the commissioner, right?

I want to file a report.

I want the police out looking
for my attacker, now.

-I'm sorry, but protocol...
-Screw protocol.

It's a miracle I'm alive.

I couldn't remember my name
for the last five hours.

speak to the person out front...

The person out front is a moron
who asks stupid questions.

He asked if
I remember my attacker's face.

If I'd have seen that bastard,

I'd have gone after him myself,
you get me?

I think the police
know how to do their job, Ana.

What happened to you?

Nothing the press
needs to know.

I'll be the judge
of that.

-Ana. Ana, was it?
-Yes, Ana Hurtado.

Come with me to see
if we can speed things up.

-This way.
-Thank you.

-You know her?
-Of course.

Everyone does,
she's a famous journalist.

I didn't know who she was.

I'm heading home.
Enough mistakes for one day.

I'll go speak to our prisoner,

let him know
he's no longer a suspect.

A bit of good news in his life.

Now, he can carry on
living the life of Riley.

He refused dinner.

What was it today?

-Steak and chard.

Open up, quick!

Get him down!

You damn bastard...


Get the belt off.

He has a pulse.

Call a doctor, Isabel!

Get an ambulance!



I won't let you go, you hear me?

I won't let you die.

I won't let you die.

I won't let you die.

Are you okay?

Alright, take it easy.

-An ambulance is on its way.
-The ambulance is coming.


What a day.

You've been quite
the savior today.

Suits me, right?

Oh, Father...

Haven't you had enough?