Parot (2021–…): Season 1, Episode 10 - Una foto contigo - full transcript

Nieto tries to prove that Isabel is being victim of a plan against her. Haro tackles Sol while in hiding to fulfill the last step of his vengeance.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Don't move.
I'm not going to hurt you.

I swear. Take it easy.

-Who are you?
-I was attacked, I'm injured...

-I decided to take refuge here.
-Don't you have a home?

-I live on the streets.
-I recognize you.

I've seen you somewhere.

I have one of those faces.

I know who you are.

You're one
of the Parot doctrine ex-cons.

I was attacked...

by a guy in a monkey mask and...

I'm hurt,
I won't make it very far.

I'm just asking you
for a few hours.


Think, Nieto, think.

Do you have hydrogen peroxide
or anything to disinfect this?

-No, there's nothing here.

It doesn't look good.

There's no gangrene.

-How do you know?
-It doesn't smell rotten.

You can smell
dead flesh quickly.

I'll go.

I don't know if you like tuna.
I hate it.

Yes, that's great. Thanks.

It's yesterday's bread.

It doesn't matter. Did you tell
anyone you saw me here?

No. I can keep a secret. the morning.

The Cabinet
is assessing a new system

for fixing electricity prices.

The CPI has dropped 0.2%...

I brought you gum, too.

Isabel Mora, the cop
who killed a man last night,

remains at large.

Roberto Plaza,

the ex-con identified
as the masked killer,

is still on the run.

The police warn
he is dangerous

and injured.

As we mentioned,

the Cabinet is
analyzing today the order

that will set
a new system for...

Get out of here.

I brought something to eat.

Or you can go find your own.

Want help slicing the bread,

You shouldn't have the radio on.

I like to stay informed.

I won't let you arrest me.

Isabel Mora...

You're a murderer, I'm a cop.

...fled from the scene
of the crime last night,

having been stopped
after shooting

a middle-aged man
with a firearm.

Looks like I'm not
the only one who's screwed.

-I'm not a murderer.
-I didn't say you were.

The radio did.
We're one and the same.

You and I are not the same.

...the alleged Ex-Con Killer
in the Parot case.

Plaza took off after...

If you arrest me,
you're screwed too.

How are you?

What are you doing here?

Well, a father worries
about his daughter.

Of course.

You never had a father.


I always wanted to know
who he was.

You don't need to worry
about that anymore.

Whatever happens,
I'll be here for you.

Why would she do
something like this?


I was sick, Sol.

And when people aren't well,
they do unforgivable things.

But in the end, we all have
to pay for our actions.

Can I ask you a favor?


All parents have a photo
of their daughter, you know?

And I don't have
too many things to be proud of.

Would you?



Hang on.


Thank you.

-No worries.
-This is very important to me.


Well, I'll be going.

-We'll talk?


I have something to tell you.

She was right.

That son of a...

This is the CCTV
from the parking lot

where Nieto leaves his car.

He helped her escape.

This morning,
I followed him from his place

and he went straight
to Isabel's house.

I know him well,
he's been my boss for years,

and something's not right.
That's why I followed him...

Isabel was hiding at his place
before she took off.

Isabel was hiding at his place
before she took off.
I didn't say anything...
out of respect.

I didn't say anything...
out of respect.

I don't want to hear it.
You know what you have to do.

How much longer are you thinking
of hiding out here?

As long as it takes.

You won't escape.

I can't leave, but you're
not going anywhere either.

I was imposing justice.

Justice for those they raped,
killed and butchered.

And yes, I'm one of them
but thanks...

thanks to what I've done,

I've gone some way
to repaying my debt.

What are you talking about,
repaying a debt?

There's never
a justification for murder.

-Isn't there?

I had to do
what the police failed to do.

And who asked you to?

"Time served." Some tagline.
Where'd you get it?

You think yourself a hero,

You think yourself a hero,
I seem to be for some people.
You should be one of them.

I seem to be for some people.
You should be one of them.

I know your suffering.
I tried to kill your rapist.

It was what I wanted most
and I think you did too.


"It was what I wanted most..."

Why would you say that?

Why was it what you wanted most?

Because you're the real reason
I started all this.

What do I have to do
with you, Plaza?

And why are you in my house?

-What is it?

-You have to come with us.

You're under arrest
for harboring

and aiding a murder suspect.

Let's go speak
to the Commissioner first.

I want to speak...
Take me to the Commissioner.

Sol, the radiant sunbeam
who has lit up my life.

So I can publish this, right?

Isabel will lose her shit
when she sees this.

Perhaps it will help her come to
her senses and turn herself in.

You know we have to pixelate
the kid's face, she's a minor.

It's a shame. We look great...

I'm going to file for custody.

She'd live like a princess.

A nice fairy tale
for your viewers.

Your show today will be a hit.

-What's that?

-What are you doing?
-Checking the hens.

Why did you take this?

Answer me.


-About time. Listen to me.
-Where's Isabel?

No idea, but I can prove

-she's the victim here.
-I have proof

that you helped her escape
in your car.

-That doesn't matter.
-You'll get three years

-That doesn't matter.
-You'll get three years
for harboring a criminal,
and 13 out of the police force.

for harboring a criminal,
and 13 out of the police force.

-You've screwed your life up.
-I need my phone.

Yes, so you can warn her that
we know about the car.

No. It's to show you
that Julián López de Haro

-is responsible for everything.
-Enough crap. Where is Isabel?

-is responsible for everything.
-Enough crap. Where is Isabel?
Haro has an apartment
with monitors

Haro has an apartment
with monitors

where he watches and records
everything at her place.

I saw him put something
in her milk...

He planted
the newspaper clippings.

Look at my phone,
I took photos of what I found.

If Isabel were innocent,

If Isabel were innocent,
you wouldn't have had
to help her escape.

you wouldn't have had
to help her escape.

I didn't have the evidence
I have now.

Get my phone, dammit,
have them bring it.

-Where is Isabel?
-I don't know!

Commissioner, Plaza was spotted
near a village in the mountains.

-One hundred percent.


If we go much longer
without water,

they'll find a couple of dead
bodies when they show up.

Shut it.

How long since
you drank something?

-I told you to shut it, please.
-There's your answer.

No time
when you're on the run, right?

The lake.

If you leave, I can run.

I'm not going. You are.

Aren't you worried
I might escape?

I've got great aim,
it's up to you.

Civil Guard, freeze!

Civil Guard, freeze!


Freeze! Don't move!

Bring me Nieto's phone.

Thanks, bye.

Did you get the parcel back?

I'll come home now.

Come on, Nieto, pick up.

...we have another exclusive.

The rape of Isabel Mora,
16 years ago,

bore fruit with the birth
of a little girl.

In light of her mother's
sudden disappearance,

this program
can exclusively reveal

this program
can exclusively reveal
Julián López de Haro
will file for joint custody

Julián López de Haro
will file for joint custody

of his daughter.

Don't move.

I couldn't wake you up.

You son of a bitch!

Those are your first words?

It was all you.

I was good, wasn't I?

-Just to get revenge?

Don't play it down.

I could have killed you
when I got out.

But you would have
suffered too little.

everything someone has

is far more satisfying.

Isn't that right, Isabel?

It's not the same.

You raped me.

That's a matter of perspective.

That of the rapist
and the victim.

Do you know
what they do to rapists in jail?

I don't feel sorry for you.

It's mutual.

They say the love for a child
weakens us, blinds us.

I don't get it.

You could have fled,
forgotten about the kid.

But you didn't.
So predictable, Isabel.

-What do you want to do with me?

You'll die here.


-It's rough, huh?

Real rough.


I need to get out
of here somehow.

Open, I'm taking him.

You seem calm.

You're right,
I can't get out of here.

Is the fight gone out of you?

I'm more worried
about other things.

Like what?

The pain of those left behind.

I don't follow.

Look, you're smart.

Let's strike a deal.

You think you're
in a position to negotiate?

Send my daughter
a farewell message,

and you can rape me again.

I just want to tell her
I'm okay.

Not to worry,
that I'm in a safe place,

and I managed
to get out of Spain.

I don't want her living
with the agony of not knowing,

always looking for me.

That destroys you, it kills you.

I've seen it
in so many families.

I want her to live believing
we'll see each other again.

To have a happy life,
not like mine.

Do this one, tiny, thing and

you can have your way
with me again?

I accept the deal.

Tell me what to write
and I'll get it to her.

-The message comes first.

Business then pleasure.

By the way,
this phone is a burner.

In case
you were planning anything.

I just want to send a message
to my daughter.


Four, three, two,
eight, nine, nine.

Correct, our daughter's number.

Now, the tear-jerking text.





Sol, honey.

What's wrong, sweety?

She's gone.


I won't see her ever again.

-She'd never leave without you.
-She has, she's gone.

"Tell Grandma
I'll always remember Rome.

Our time together in Rome

when I was a girl."

What happened in Rome?

We never went to Rome.

Why would she say that, then?



What's wrong?
You're scaring me.

When your mom was a little girl
she loved playing detective.

She'd always leave me notes

written in code she'd invented,
and I've still got it.

-Here. Find a pen and paper.

-The 'R' is 'H'.

'O' is 'A'.

'M' is 'R'.

It's Haro.

Let's set the mood, shall we?

There's nothing romantic
about this.

Smile a bit, won't you?

It'll be over
before you know it.

I'm not going to smile.

I said smile, dammit.

I'm not an animal.

They ignored that fact
at my trial.

You think it's different
if you don't use violence?

-You're a monster.
-Don't call me that.

Put the damn dress on.

Despite it all,
you're still gorgeous.

-Save the compliments.
-Very well.

Let's get to it.


All of it.

Better asleep than awake, right?

Lie down, I don't want you
to crack your skull.

You won't remember any of it
when you're dead.

A bit of music?

Who'd have thought
we'd end up together?

Life's a funny thing.



I'm here, honey, it's over.

I'm here, my love, I'm here.

Come with me, come on.

-Call for help.
-Try and get up.


It's okay, honey, it's over.

Nieto, over here.

What the hell's this?



He's taken her.

-He's taken her!

-I don't know.
-Take it easy, we're here now.

See what you get
for playing me.


No, please!




You son of a bitch!

Go ahead, scream.

Who's going to hear you?


This is
the end of the road for us.

Now we're even.


It's impossible to comb
every blade of grass.

Even if we had the entire force
at our disposal,

it's impossible.

I need Julián López de Haro's
vehicle license plate.

They can't locate Haro's car.


Would you risk burying her
in the forest in broad daylight?

Anyone could see him
and alert us.

-Say that again.
-Anyone could see him.

No, Haro is meticulous.
He'd never do that.

Haro is an aristocrat.

He must have land.

He must have private land.

Quick, call his father.

Come on, quick.

Let's split up.

Come on, men.

This side,
let's head down here, too.


Over here!

-Bring the shovels!


Get a crowbar, quickly!

Get a crowbar, quickly!



Bring be a crowbar, run!


Here, lay her here.

-Put her here.
-Come on.

-Put her here.
-Come on.


-Just here.


Call an ambulance, now!


Breathe. I'm here.

I'm here, it's okay.

British Airways flight 7110

to La Coruña.

Boarding is now open

at gate D58.

Don't move, you son of a bitch.

I'll be out in ten years.


Please, don't do it.

Put the gun down, please.

How are you? Better?


How are you?



You're not like other moms,
you know?

I know.

You deserve better, right?

I don't know.

I'd take you over anyone else
a thousand times.

Just the way you are.

At least life's never boring
with you, right?

You're silly.

Silly girl.

Do you want pizza or a burger?

I have to go to the station
for a while.

Pizza it is, then.

I love you so much.


Love you, too.

Little one.





Thank you.

Goddammit, Haro.

He's brain dead.

The devil takes care of his own.

The devil...

Nieto, you coming to celebrate?

No. I have too much to do here.


-Who's that?
-What are you doing here?

You should be resting.

No, not yet.

I'll rest when I have
all the answers,

and I haven't found them yet.

Roberto Plaza...

has just slit his wrists.

We found this.

"You gave me a reason to live.
I love you."

But... Plaza had no family.

Well, this points to
a personal relationship.

He told me he'd started
all this because of me.

You were with him?

Yes, at the lake house.

At first, I thought
it was coincidence.

At first, I thought
it was coincidence.
He said he'd ended up
holed up there at random

He said he'd ended up
holed up there at random

and it seemed strange.


A few days ago,
there was a noise complaint

at a boarding house downtown.

Your mother was there.

At the boarding house?

A noise complaint?

She was with a man.

They didn't find out who.

But it was where
Plaza was staying.



How are you?

I don't know where to start.

Were you in love with him
or was it purely physical?

No, we weren't lovers.

I know you met up
at a boarding house in the city.

Where we bumped into
each other that morning.

Once, when I was very young,

I read a line in a book.

"If justice doesn't exist,
you have to make your own."

I thought it was nonsense,
an awful thing to say.

Then I had you,

I raised you,

helped you grow...

You'd spend all day laughing

and I couldn't wait to get home
from work

just to hear your laughter.

Until that day,

when I found you
in the bathroom,

after what he did to you.

I seriously considered
killing him.

But that makes us animals.

The system is good,
it works.

Mom, what are you saying?

When the man who raped you

was released
without serving his time...

-...when a court decided

that was alright,
that it was fair,

that sentence
I'd read all those years ago...

-...began to make sense to me.

If justice...

does not exist...

you have to make your own.

I've been working
with victims for years.

I've seen their suffering.

I've listened to them.

I know the void, the devastation
left behind after...

a murder, a rape or...
a massacre.

You didn't know
he was the killer,


Tell me you didn't know
he was the monkey.

I told him to do it.

I'm the criminal.

The person responsible
for ending the lives

of all those men... is me.

No, no, no...


He asked for my help

and I used him.

I gave him the mask,

the targets...

the cards with the tagline.


-You have to arrest me.

-You have to.

I won't
and you can't ask me to do that.

Because it's my fault.


Don't you ever think that.

You are...

You're my life.

The thing I love most
in the world.

My girl, my love.

But I did this.

I don't want to lose you.

No, you won't lose me.

I don't want to lose you.

Think of all
the good times we've had.

Nobody can take that
away from us.

Come here.

That's it.

Everything will turn out fine,
you'll see.


I love you.

I love you too, honey.

I love you.

-Have you seen the file on...?
-Yes, check...



Excuse me.


Do you remember
when you asked me

how you could justify murder
and live with it?

You can't.

He's nothing now.

-It's all over.

He's still alive.

This isn't living.

I could disconnect him.

You could.

-But you won't.

One member of the family in jail
is more than enough.

Yes, more than enough.

Someone has to be free,

to take your mom
her key lime pie.

You think this is a good time
to make jokes?


And now what?


It might not be the best time
for what I'm thinking.

Say it.

How about dinner at my place?

That's what you wanted to say?


That would be the most surreal
declaration of love I've heard.

The setting and the beeping
don't help but...

-life isn't perfect.

And if you have to wait
for it to be,

you end up with nothing,
it passes you by.

My mom used to tell me that.

-Shall we go?

Wait outside a second.
I'll be right out.

I won.

I'm going to be happy.