Paranoid (2016–…): Season 1, Episode 4 - Episode #1.4 - full transcript

Bobby travels to Dusseldorf where he and Linda meet Marquita, who tells them that a very scared Ruben rang her several times asking to see their son in the week before he died. Sheri leads them to Bairam Kocak, a drug dealer who says that Ruben supplied his gang with stolen prescription drugs. Back in England Lucy is visited by Crowley, her former psychiatrist, who wants information about the case but she tells Nina and Alec, who go to see Crowley, Alec voicing his suspicion that Jacob was set up to appear to be the killer though Crowley denies any involvement. Nina and Alec also track down the Ghost Detective, a former doctor, and his invalid wife but they are attacked by a hooded gunman who escapes on a motor-bike after starting a fire.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
I've decided to inflict Bobby
on an unsuspecting Düsseldorf,

because we need to find the man
in the hoodie.

He got what he wanted, the pages,
now he's flying back to Düsseldorf.

If anyone can wake Detective Felber
from her slumber, I suspect Bobby can.

Now given that he burned those pages,
our German suspect

is possibly the only person
who knows what was on them.

I say possibly,
and I hope you're all listening to this,

because there may be
two more pages out there.

Angela's father handed them to a man
passing himself off as one of us.

Nina has christened him
"The Ghost Detective".

Now, I know there's some of you
who would rather I didn't do this,

but I'm going to go to the press
with this fellow's photofit.

We need to find him,
because he may be our only chance

of finding out
what it was that Angela was typing.

[cell phone ringing]


Alec, where are you?

Michael's doing a press conference.
He's going after The Ghost Detective.

What? Ugh. No, no, no. He can't do that.

Look, Nina, I'm just--
[stammers] I've arranged to meet him.

He got in contact, okay?
But he didn't show.

He must have seen it.
He must know we're coming after him.

Alec, you can't keep flying off
on your own like this.

Get back here.

[car engine revving]

[car door opens]

He had to do it, didn't he?
I'm gonna tell him.

Alec, please.
Michael's not bearing up too well.

How come you didn't tell me
you were gonna meet The Ghost Detective?

I thought I'd get the pages.

Just one meeting, and it was done.
I didn't want to mess it up.

And he's jumpy. Who can blame him?

So have you spoken to him
to arrange a meeting?

No, I just got a message.

Okay, like the other messages,
but just to me.

Saying he wants to meet up.

I think it's 'cause he saw me
at the hospital. He trusts me.

Okay. I see that.

Can we just agree on something?
No more secrets.

I'm sorry.

Well, you know what?

Because of what Michael has done,

we're just gonna have to find
The Ghost Detective first.

-[scoffs] And how do we do that?
-Do you know what I think?

Somewhere in that magic mind of yours,
you know how to find him.

-What do you mean?
-You're sort of fixated on this bloke.

I think, buried away in there,
there's something you know.

Trust me. You know.

His name.

He called himself Detective Galen.
Why choose that name?

It's gotta mean something.

We called him The Ghost Detective.
We shouldn't have done that.

He called himself "Detective Galen".
Galen, ancient Greek.

The top man
at the beginnings of medicine.

-A doctor?
-Or an anesthetist or a nurse.

We'll call the hospitals.

I'm doing Parkrun on Saturday, Alec.
It's a lot of laughs, you should try it.

Yeah, always wanted to do it.

Alec, we should go to the hospital,
see who it is.


Hi there, Linda.

Nice to meet you, Bobby.

-You were taller on Skype.
-Yeah, yeah. Pleased to meet you, Linda.

Uh, do we have the DNA results yet
on the hoodie man

or the, uh, the bald bloke?

How very English.

Come on, Bobby.
Not this one, Bobby.

[car honking]

Welcome to Düsseldorf.

Don't let her fix you up
with any blind dates while you're here.

-She can't bear a man being single.
-I have a gift for matchmaking.

Oh, Bobby, you like tartiflette?

I make the best tartiflette.
It's with smoked bacon.

-It's amazing, right?
-[Linda] It's true.

He's a great cook.
It's the only reason I married him.

Okay, let's go.

So, um, still waiting on the DNA.

What is it you English say?
"We live in hope."

[Bobby] As far as we know,
the hoodie man is German. He's come back.

He might have killed
both Ruben and Angela.

Sheri said Ruben kept on calling
this woman, Marquita Olivo,

all of the time
in the days before he died.

You spoke to this, um, Olivo?

-She had a migraine.
-So let's go and see her now.


-What did he say?

Does PC Waters know about us?

-Did you tell her?

No. Why would I tell Megan?

-Why not?
-It didn't come up.

If he's a doctor, that explains how he got
in the hospital to come and see me.


You could bring it up.

[Alec] You want me to tell Megan
that you and I are seeing each other?

She just invited you to Parkrun
right in front of me.

Can I just say, we're an inch away
from finding The Ghost Detective,

who right now might be in mortal danger,
and you're fretting,

because Megan invited me
to a Saturday morning jog?

You're right. I'm talking shit. I'll stop.

So about how many people
work here, Mindy?

Uh, 4,586.

[Nina] And I'm guessing
there's also agency staff?

Mm-hmm. We spend 9.4 million pounds
a year on agency staff.

Oh, that's a lot of people, isn't it?
With the point four.

The man we are looking for,
he's around 50-ish.

Well, that age group, uh, 51 to 55,
is just over ten percent of our staff.

And white Brits are 78 percent.

So I guess you're looking
at ten percent of 78 percent.

[Alec] Or is that 78 percent
of ten percent?

-Uh, unless they're the same thing.

Uh, 19 percent are male,
so that does narrow it down some more.

How about you take a look at the photofit
and tell us if you recognize him?

To be honest that could look
like a lot of men that age.

There's nothing distinctive, is there?

How do you hold
all that information in your head, Mindy?

Well, it's my job.

You know, 17 operating theaters,

45 staff changing rooms,
1,820 car park spaces, one helipad.

Well, here's hoping
we don't need the helipad?

-[Nina] I'm here as well, you know.

In fact, I'm the senior officer.

So, Minty, if you could just acknowledge
that I exist,

that might help things along.

Uh, Mindy...
This man, he's not wanted for a crime.

The opposite.

He has information we need,
and that's why we're trying to find him.

I figure if he worked here long enough
to walk into wards without sticking out,

you'd know his face, right?

Probably, yeah.

Oh, and Minty... [sighs]
I should rethink that bra if I were you.

That's what you might call
a little too eager to please.


[door opens]

-[doorbell ringing]
-[dog barking]

[child yelling]

What are you doing?

A note telling Marquita
we'll come back tomorrow.

Why would you do that?

[car engine starting]

Hey, she wanted to help us
in there. Why did you have to go

-and stamp all over her like that?
-She didn't identify him, end of story.

All that stuff about "18 percent of blokes
like to look at my pert little arse".

I mean, come on.

All she wanted was to point
her perfectly beckoning 36Ds at you.

-So, what's the matter with you?
-What? Me?

Look, Alec, if I'm in the way... I mean...
If other women are gonna--

-If you want to back off--
-Nina, stop.

I betrayed The Ghost Detective, okay?
It's doing my head in.

I feel sick. Right now,
I'm not feeling romantically inclined.

I just don't need this.

-Oh, where are you going?
-I'm gonna apologize to Minty.

Mindy, I just want to apologize
for what I said before.

-It was totally out of order.
-That's okay.

-And thank you for that information.
-That's all right.

Mindy, what if I said to you,

forget that photofit we showed you,
forget that this man is...

78 percent of ten percent
white male of a certain age profile.

What if there was someone, you know...

Someone who lodges in your mind,
because they were different,

something not right,
someone who... sticks out.

-Well, there was Mr. Fairweather.
-Right. Because...?

Well, he does look a bit
like the photofit. Not much, a bit.

But I couldn't really imagine
he would do anything wrong.

He wasn't one of those doctors
who took advantage.

You know, the... the lusty lusting thing.

-So why was he different?
-[Mindy] Because he suddenly left.

You know, just whoosh and he was gone.

Years and years to become a surgeon,

and then, all we heard
was something bad had happened.

[cell phone ringing]

-[Lucy] Where are you, Bobby?
-Yeah, uh, Düsseldorf.

-Why are you there?
-Because I saw him up close.

The German, that's why I've come here.

So, uh, would I be right in thinking
that the walk has been postponed?

Yeah. I meant to call.
But I was sent out here sort of suddenly.

Bobby, you have to learn to hear
when I'm teasing you.

Try to assume that I'm not telling you off
unless I'm telling you off.

Uh, Lucy... Uh, when I get back, um...

Well, are we...? [sighs]

You-- Me and you.

I'm a bit old for this. But are we...?
What do you reckon?

I keep seeing your face.

It's a lovely face.

When you get back, we'll go for that walk.

-And see what that tells us.
-I've got to go.

[woman laughs]


I read about you
being a witness to the killing.

So it's been on my mind
to see if you're okay.

Uh, Jacob Appley was one of my clients.
It was such a shock to the whole town.

You're talking like Jacob Appley did it.
He didn't do it.

Well, uh... No, I didn't mean that.
That poor man...

Why do you want to know
if I'm okay, Chris?

Well, I hear you're doing really well.

A Quaker...
"There is that of God in everyone."

-Yes, it's an intriguing concept.
-Yes. A Quaker.

If you're gonna be a bastard, Chris,
at least be an honest bastard.

Oh, Lucy,
try to see what's in front of you.

I heard you had a disturbing experience,

and, given your history,
I wanted to reach out to you.

Oh, you drop in a mention of my history.
You did that so deftly.

So now we know why you're here.

You're seeing that policeman.
Uh, what is he called? Day?

You know perfectly well what he's called.

Please stop pretending
that this is a normal conversation.

-How do you know that I'm seeing Bobby?
-Is it a casual thing?

Because with your new life, Quaker-ism,

I thought the promiscuous encounters
were behind you.

It's not casual. Oh...

Well, I mean he seems like a decent--

Well, he's a little
on the anxiety disorder spectrum

but, um... [chuckles]

Does he know about your past?

Have you told him?

All right, he doesn't know. Okay. Okay.

Does he tell you what's going on
with the investigation?

No. Why are you asking me that?

Well, you were there
when Angela was killed.

And that's what brought you
and Detective Day together.

He must confide in you or...

What he's doing in Düsseldorf,
for instance.

You want me to tell you what Bobby...

Tell you about the investigation?

Or you can find out.

Why? Why does this matter to you?

Uh, it's best you don't worry
about me or my reasons.

Uh, it's best you concern yourself

with what's the right thing
for you to do...

under the circumstance.

Do you get that?

Mr. Fairweather? Hello?

Hello? Mr. Fairweather?

He's gone.

[indistinct chatter]

How's the migraine, Marquita?

This is Detective Bobby Day from England.
We're hoping you can help us.

Uh, Ruben called you lots of times
in the days before he died.

Why did you hide from us, Marquita?

I was gonna come in to see you.

Adne, will you please take Ledley
over to the swing?

Come on, little one.

Marquita, do you know
why Ruben was trying to get hold of you?

He wanted to see Ledley.

I only told Adne last night
who the father of Ledley is.

-I just needed a day or so to do that.
-It must have been about the same time.

Angela, when she had her baby...

Did you know about her?
That she was having a child too?

You didn't speak to Ruben at all?

No, I...
He hadn't seen his son for over a year.

-Mommy, come play with us.
- And then he calls, like 20 times.

-I wasn't gonna speak to him.
-[Linda] Twenty times?

That's a bit desperate.
Did he sound desperate?

He left messages, yes?

When I heard about Ruben's death,
I went back.

Uh, I listened to the messages.
Maybe it was me. He sounded scared.

Do you still have them?

No. I was too ashamed to keep them.

Ruben was scared.

He wanted to see his son,
and I didn't even call him back.

-How did Ruben meet Angela?

What's funny?

-Not funny, just so Ruben.
-[Ledley] Mommy! Mommy!

I told him he had to do something
about his drinking, his drugs.

I told him he had to see someone
about that.

Angela was Ruben's doctor?

[man] Good day!



Steffan Fairweather.

Cardiovascular surgeon,
he resigned two and a half years ago.

-Whoosh, just like that.
-Retired at age 45.

Which is unheard of 'cause most surgeons
are hitting the big money by then.

His wife is wheelchair bound,

but we don't know
the story there yet, sir.

-[Megan] Sir...

You know that picture that we saw
of The Ghost Detective on TV?

-You mean the E-Fit?
-[Megan] Yeah.

-Well, we've had loads of calls.
-Glad to hear it.

But this one bloke said he saw a man

up on the cliff tops
with a woman in a wheelchair.

Do you know what, Megan?
I've underestimated you.

And find where he has put the pages!

[Steffan gasps]

[gasps] Oh...

I'm sorry. I can't.


I'm sorry.


[gasps] I'm sorry.

[Linda] It's a pity
she erased those messages.

-Marquita. On her phone.
-He was asking for his son.

-[door closes]
-What are we gonna get from that?

Just confirmation.

Hey. Bobby, this is Walti. He's gay.

Linda, come on.

What? You're hiding it now?
It's too late for that.

It's good to meet you, Walti.

I found Sheri for you.

-Oh, good.

Uh, Ruben's girlfriend.
If Ruben was scared,

Sheri might know what he was afraid of.

-But we have to move. She's leaving town.
-So go.

[woman over PA, indistinct]

[cell phone ringing]

-Hi, Lucy.

There's... There's a reason I'm a Quaker.

-Yeah, you said.
-You never asked the reason.

What, are you okay? You sound different.

Where are you?

Well, now I'm in a station.
We're looking for a woman who can help us.

Can we talk tonight?

Yeah, yeah. Yeah, of course. What is it?

I like you, Bobby.

What are you doing, Sheri?

-I'm going back to America.
-On a train?

Well, I'm going to Paris to get my things,
and a job... to make some money.

-You can't go, Sheri.
-I can't stay.

-We need you to help us.
-If I stay, I'll drink.

Here, Sheri, have some sweets.

Eat them all.
It will stop the rattling for a while.

Listen, Ruben was afraid
in the days, maybe weeks before he died.

You are our best hope of finding out
what was spooking him.

Will you help us?

What is it, Sheri?

Just... not used to kindness.

I want to tell you something about me.

It will only take a minute, honest.

Because I was on a Skype call last week,
waiting to be connected, and...

I saw this face...

there, on the screen...

some scary person, and...

[chuckles] And it was me.

-And I didn't realize I looked like that.

-Well, you look just fine to me, Nina.
-No, let me tell you.

[stammers] It's not an accident
that I'm doing this job.

When I was 15, I was out with my dad...

And he went down.


He just hit the ground, heart stopped.
Did you know what kept him alive?

Chance. [chuckles]

There was a doctor there,
a cardiac surgeon.

On the forecourt of a car dealership.

See I don't really know
how to explain it, but...

When I started to believe
that my dad was gonna be okay, I...

I decided to become a police officer.

Yeah, I can see how that makes sense.

I get confused around men.

I'm convinced they're gonna leave me
like, yeah, right now.

-So I kick and bite and scratch.
-Hey, but your dad didn't leave you.

I knew you were gonna say that.

You're the strongest man I ever knew.


The Ghost Detective is a doctor,
a cardiac surgeon.

-[sighs] I wasn't expecting that.

Scared... Ruben is scared.

Afraid... [sighs] Afraid of anyone--

-There was nothing?

Just... Just this one guy.


That's good, Sheri. You're doing great.

-So, what was this guy's name?
-I was drunk.

-But you met him?
-I was drunk.

But Ruben was scared of this fellow?

I was pretty drunk.
I don't remember anything at all.

Just where we met him.

How about you tell us one thing
you remember from that night, Sheri?

The beer was the best.

-The Altstadt.
-The Altstadt.

[indistinct chatter]

He told me to...

well, wait there in that bar.

Uh, but I didn't. Well, I did, but...

I got restless, and I...
I went looking for him.

-You came on the street here?
-He was talking to a man.

-What? The man he was scared of?
-No, they were... friends.

-They were friendly.
-But you said he was scared.

We're here, because you said
that Ruben was scared of this fellow.

-Isn't that why we're here?

-So Ruben was afraid?
-No, uh... But, uh...

And this is the bit that isn't clear.

The man wanted Ruben to go with him,
but... but Ruben didn't wanna go.

-Go where, Sheri? Go where?
-In a building, I think.

Okay, a building on this street?

My head hurts.

[sighs] His picture's on TV.

He's scared. He can't go home.
He's on the run.

He didn't come up here to admire the view.

He has got to go somewhere.

We'll talk to family, friends, neighbors.
Somebody knows something.

He's got a woman in a wheelchair with him.
He's not exactly invisible.

We did this to him.

Bollocks. He's bright, educated.

He sent us those cards.
He started something.

He's got the pages.
Give us the bloody pages!

He said to me, there's a reason
why he's doing this the way he is.

And I see it now. It's his wife.


We can stand here
and feel sorry for him,

a bit of Freud, a bit of Shakerags,
or we can find him.

[handbrake engaged]

[metal sliding]

[line ringing]

[phone ringing]

This is the place.
This is where Ruben met the man.

Hey. Can't leave me alone, huh?

-Bobby, I can't see you anymore.
-What are you talking about?

Take care, Bobby.

Lucy, wait, hold it.

Look, talk to me. What--?
Um, what's happening?

You haven't done anything wrong.
I hope you'll forgive me.

No. What... What do you mean?

[phone lock clicks]

All right. Come on, folks.

He's out there in his own car.
This fellow is not a criminal.

How hard can it be to find him?

There's only so many places to run to
in this country.

We got his registration.
Now let's go and find him.

[Lucy] Chris Crowley, Dr. Crowley.
He was Jacob Appley's psychiatrist.

-He came to see me yesterday.

I haven't spoken to him for years.
He just turned up.

He's involved. All this, Jacob, Angela...

What makes you say that?
That he's involved?


I don't know.
He knows that I've been seeing Bobby.

He said that I should find out
what Bobby has been doing in Düsseldorf.

I should find out and tell him.

Crowley is asking you to find out
about our investigation?

Let's go back because--

Can you explain to us, please,
why Dr. Crowley believes

that he can get you
to give him information?

He was my psychiatrist some time ago.

A psychiatrist knows things,
every bit of a person's life.

He's saying he'll use that.

Has Dr. Crowley threatened to use
something he knows about you?

I came here because, um...

What happened to Angela, I--

I had to tell you even though I'm scared
of what he might do.

Tell us how Crowley is involved in this,
Miss Cannonbury.

I don't know.
All I know is what I've told you.

Talk to him.
I'm asking you to find that out.

We will.

You said he might do something.
What is it Dr. Crowley might do?

There's, um...
There's... There's something...

Uh, there's something...
that I'm ashamed of.

What I want to do is to hide away.

But I came here.

You were a witness in a crime
that Bobby is investigating.

Do you realize now
what this might do to his career?

-What this might do to him?
-You don't like me because of Bobby.

I didn't choose to meet Bobby like this.
I didn't pursue him.

He came to me.
I saw someone who is struggling.

I like Bobby. He's likeable.
I'm not going to apologize for that.

But I will leave Bobby alone now.

Find out about Chris Crowley.

[Sheri] It was around here
Ruben met the man.

[sighs] Lucy, come on.

-Call me, talk to me.
-[Sheri] It was definitely around here.

Sheri, are you sure
you saw something?

Yeah... definitely. Yeah... I think so.

Alec, we can talk to Crowley tomorrow.

-We have to find Steffan Fairweather.
-Are you coming with me?

[car door shuts]

That's him! That's the man Ruben met!

[Lucy] Stay back, Sheri!

[in German] Stop, we just want to ask you
some questions!

[all panting]

[Lucy, in German]
We want to talk to you.


-[Walti] Bairam Kocak.

-You know him?
-Drug dealer.

The jump was spectacular.
The landing was not so good.

When Angela Benton was killed,

there was an effort,
quite a professional effort,

to make it appear
Jacob Appley had done it.

What we're asking, Dr. Crowley,
is why was Jacob chosen?

Well, how can I know the answer to that?

-You were his doctor for... How long?
-Eight years.

There was a deliberate attempt

to make it look like Jacob
had some kind of schizophrenic attack.

-So he was chosen for that reason.

The killer dressed up like Jacob,
so he must have studied Jacob.

-Oh, I see what you're saying.
-So why him?

Because, um...

Uh, well, he lives nearby?
[stammers] I don't--

Sorry, I don't know why you're asking me.

We should look at Jacob's medical history.

Well, why should that matter
if he's the victim?

We're not here to tell you why it matters.
We're here to tell you what we want.

Did you speak to Lucy Cannonbury
about this investigation?

I went to see her to see how she was.

Did you ask her to find out
about our investigation?

Find out?

No. That's bizarre, isn't it? [chuckles]

-Is that what she said?
-Hello, darling.

Am I interrupting something?

Mrs. Wayfield, uh, we're... we're just
questioning Dr. Crowley. So if you--

-Would anybody like a drink?
-No, no. No drinks.

Why are you doing this?

Why are you using my mother like this?

-Alexander, don't speak like that.
-Well, why now, Mother?

Why has he got his hooks
into you again now?

-I want you to leave here right away.
-Well, I'm not ready to leave.

Why are you being so excitable?

I'm a policeman.
I'm here on police business.

I can see what it does to you, darling.
It doesn't suit your personality.

Enough! I will deal with this, Alec.

-Dr. Crowley, we're going now.
-Yes, look, I'm sorry about this.

If... If I can help you with Jacob Appley,
I will.

-Just tell me what it is you want.
-I want you to leave my mother alone.

We want to see Jacob's medical records.

And if we have to get a court order,
then we will.

No, there is really no need.
I will supply them. Of course, I will.

Tomorrow, you will present yourself
for questioning under police caution.

You can't treat this man this way.

My son has his own personal reasons
for behaving like this. It's unfair.

You think
Chris is taking advantage of me? No.

I'm exploiting his kindness.
I turned up here uninvited.

I played on his sympathy.
I know what I am.

And I know what you think of me.
But do not blame him.



[Walti] Bairam, is it okay with you
if we speak in English?

Because we have a nice
English detective with us.

It's him there. Bobby Day.

And you know
how the English are about language.

Everybody has to learn theirs.

[Bairam sighs]

-Bairam, how is your foot?
-Are you taking the piss?

Oh, so your English is pretty good.

Bairam, you knew Ruben Locana.

Ruben? No. Locana? Mm-mm.

I don't know this person, not me. Mm-mm.

You never met him? Never spoke to him?

No, not at all. Mm-mm.

[buckle clicks]

Are you okay?

Talk to me.

Alec, we'll get Crowley.

I don't know what he's got to do
with this,

but he's skin-creep guilty of something.



-Are you there?
-I don't want her there with him.

She can look after herself.


I found pictures of my mother,
when I was young.

You mean... Pictures?


[sighs] That's heavy.

-Are you saying he took those pictures?
-I don't know.

Tomorrow, we will get him.


[car engine starts]

Hey! Alec!

It's a website called Buff.

It provides local advertisements,

forums for jobs, housing, things for sale,
and lots of personal ads.

-You mean sex?
-Oh, I mean sex.

People say where they are
and what they're up for.

You seem to know a lot about this site,

-I bought a gazebo.

Not all gay men are promiscuous,
you know.

So, um... This site, you found something?

-Ruben had a page on here.
-You had three boyfriends at one time.

That's not promiscuous. That's unfaithful.

One of them was almost ex.
One of them was non-sexual.

So, what's on this page?

I remember that gazebo.
It fell down when you had a barbeque.

-Um, yeah.

This site has "friends".
Now I looked at Ruben's friends.

"Bairam Kocak."

It's so beautiful
that criminals go on the Internet.

It's like they want to help us find them.

I printed up some pages
on Ruben's profile.

[Linda] So come on.
Let's go, Bobby, come on.

This is you.

This is Ruben Locana.

Not so good for me, huh?

Not so good for you.

-[Bairam] Immunitet?
-[Walti] Speak in English.

-[Walti] So our guest can understand.
-[Linda] Immunity from what?

-From prosecution.
-Why should we do that?

If I tell you something that--
Hey, I won't be the man in a good light.

You are already the man
not in a good light, Bairam.

-Ruben Locana was killed.

You haven't come here to have a cup of tea
and give us a few tip-offs.

Bobby, you're not allowed
to ask questions.

Yes. He is not allowed to ask questions.

Ruben was a top-end medic. Why would he
buy drugs from a lump of piss like you?

Bobby, you have no--Zuständigkeit?

-[Walti] Jurisdiction.
-[Linda] Jurisdiction.

Yes, he has no jurisdiction.
And no questions from the English.

-Listen, you drug dealing loser...

-[Walti] Bobby...
-No jurisdiction! No jurisdiction!

[Linda speaking in German]

But he is right, Bairam.


Look at me.

See that in my eyes?

That's what the truth looks like.

I will try to get you immunity.

So tell me.

You think that I'm Ruben's dealer, huh?
Ruben was my dealer, okay?

-Go on.
-Ruben could get all kinds of medicines.

Hard-on pills, diet pills,
drugs to make you sleep, make you wake.

It's a big business.

This is why Ruben is in his pool, dead.

[phone ringing]

Alec, where are you?

A neighbor just told us that Fairweather
borrowed her caravan sometimes.

It's in a field by Welsh Lane,
up towards Winsford Flashes.


[engine revving]

[door handle rattles]


[shovel clatters]



What are you doing?

-[footsteps on roof]

Hey, I'm police!

I'm the police!

[gasps] What are you doing?


[pants, gasps]

[shudders, gasps]

Oh, God.


[Nina] Let me out!

[groans, grunts]

[engine idling]


[gasps, coughs]

[both coughing]

Get out of sight. He's still out there.



What was that?

[engine revving]

-Is he gone?
-[both panting]

[both exhale]

I told you! I told you all! Stay away!

You'll bring them to me!

Look what you've done!
I've lost everything!

No one is safe now.