Paper Girls (2022–…): Season 1, Episode 7 - Some Kind of Burping Trash Hole - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
"Whence come I and whither go I?

That is the great,
unfathomable question,

the same for every one of us.

And science has
no answer to it,"

Max Planck said,
and he's correct.

Because ultimately,
it is not up to science,

nor our teachers, not even our
parents... sorry Mom and Dad.

Only we, fellow members

of the class of 1994,
can decide who we become.

Here's another turn of phrase
that I am fond of.

"A roll's a roll,
and a toll's a toll.

And if I don't get no tolls,
I don't eat no rolls.”

Little John speaks these words
at the toll bridge,

because the success of
his livelihood is directly tied

to the success of his very life.

We, too, have the freedom
to choose vocations so vital,

to resoundingly answer
the question

"What will I become?"

Answer well,
and these choices will feed us,

sustain us and fulfill us.

Mail it in,
and no rolls for you.

So choose wisely, class of 1994,

because "with great power
comes great responsibility."

That's from Spider-Man.

What time is it?

Where are you guys going?

Don't worry about it.

Open your present.
You got a present

from your father and I.
Honey, make sure this is in zoom

'cause this is good.
You see that?

For all those cold winters
in Cambridge.

It's great, Mom.

Only seven more years.

It's just so horrible. I...

Dear Lord. Look, there's nothing
to do, so just find a way

to shut up already, all right?

Hey, Mac, look,
I'm glad you told me, okay?

I'm sorry that came out wrong,

but you really don't think
we should tell someone?

Like, it doesn't have
to be Erin and Tiff,

but at least an adult.

And what good would that do?

Play it out. Really play it out

and tell me what you think
happens if we do that.

I don't know, but you could get
medicine and treatment and...

- From where? The hospital?
- Yeah. Maybe.

Yeah, assuming they don't,
like, institutionalize me

when I try to explain who I am,

and assuming that they don't
have a record of me...

I don't know... dying there,

then what am I looking at?

Months of awful chemo

that we already know
didn't work seven years ago.

- Mac.
- I say fuck that.

But maybe you don't have it yet.

Isn't that a thing with cancer?
Catching it early?

We can't just do nothing.

Sure we can.
We're doing it right now.

Mac, in this case, doing nothing
isn't doing nothing at all

'cause it's really just
letting the worst thing happen.

Yeah, well,

maybe you should have
thought of that

before you yanked me out of 2019
and away from my doctor brother.

Mac, that's not fair, okay?

I saw that lady.

She was at your brother's house.

Look, I know.

And according to Dylan,

there was no guarantee
that he could treat it anyway.

It's just...

it's like it's happening,

but it's almost impossible
to believe.

Doesn't even feel real.

Well, then maybe
that's the first step...

Making sure
you feel it's real so that

you will take it seriously, Mac.

So what can we do about that?

Zoom in, honey.

There we go. That's...
Oh, I like that. Uh, okay.

10:45. Nice.

Watching it already?

What? It's my life,
too, isn't it?

You wouldn't be curious?

This is, like, success porn.

One: ew.

And two: I don't even know
what that's supposed to mean.

I'm proud of us.

That girl is totally
full of shit.

- What are you talking about?
- How much time you got?

Seven years.

This speech is amazing.

We're valedictorian.
We're about to go to MIT.

I am literally watching
one of my dreams come true.

Even if Dad's camerawork

- kind of makes me dizzy.
- That girl on the video?

She's about to get hit with
a Mack Truck full of reality.

Who are you this morning?

Look, your friend is right.

You're gonna be here
a little longer

than we both thought, so...

why don't we take a walk down
to the coffee shop real quick?

But you have
a coffee maker here.

Oh, um,

can we bring you anything back?

They have pretty
good muffins and

maybe bagels, I think?

I'm good.

There are also Pop-Tarts

if you want one.

Look, I'm not giving you rules.

That's sure what it sounds like.

Christine? One muffin?

Why is there just, like,
old furniture in here?

"Boundaries" is maybe
a better word.

It's like somebody's
weird college house,

but inside a restaurant.

The big three.

One: no more going
through my shit without asking.

Two: bedroom... off limits.

if there's a towel hanging

- from the door, it means knock.
- Why?

Like, because you might
be naked or something?


Just knock.

Okay, Mom.

That's a weird way
to feel about stuff.

What if I told you
that was a perfectly fine way

to feel about stuff?

That there's

no one right answer at all
when it comes to feeling things?

I'd say that's a lot
to get from a coffee mug.

- What?
- You're so focused on who you should be

and how to get there
that you have no idea

what you really like,
really want,

- or who you really are.
- Oh, my God. Would you stop it?

Roll your eyes
if you want to, but, remember,

I'm you,
so I already know the answer.

Okay, Great and Powerful Oz,
how about this?

I know exactly what I want.

I want to get out of Stony
Stream, I want to go to MIT...

Which we do... and ideally,
I'd like a fellowship

or a research grant
to do something...

...I don't know...

- Those are Carol's dreams.
- You mean Mom?

- Come on.
- Look, right now you think all that success

is gonna make you whole,
make you feel different,

but I'm here to tell you,

you're just gonna be you
when you get there.


- you're gonna be me.
- Mom is smart.

Mom wants me to be independent
and to do my best.

Even if that means missing out

on everything
that's going on around you

because you are so focused
on the future?

Is that what you really want?

Your life to be lived
for the approval of others?

Is Mom not proud of you
for some reason?

Is it your hair?

- What did you do?
- You're misunderstanding me.

What I'm telling you
is a good thing.

It means you have time.

Time to dance, time to play,

- time to date a couple idiots.
- Like Russ?

Exactly like Russ.

Russ and I aren't
gonna get married

and do the whole kids
and mortgage thing.

It's just... fun.

Fun is good.

Hell, more than that.
Fun matters.

Having real friends matter.

That's the speech
someone should have given

at the end of high school.

I have fun.

I have friends.

- What?
- They're your coworkers.

Why are you saying all of this?

You did do something,
didn't you?

What happened?


I just...

I want you to have the
head start that I didn't have.

And frankly, I'm jealous.

It took me reaching my twenties
to realize this,

and now look at me.

Yeah, Mom must be thrilled.

Look, there's no easy way
to say this,

but she is not
who you think she is.

You just love blaming Mom
for your problems, don't you?

You're adopted.

Stop it. It's not funny.

There is absolutely nothing
to feel bad about.

this is a good thing.

We find out our sophomore year.

- You're messing with me.
- Translation: Carol waits

19 years to be honest with you
about who you are.


I'm giving you a gift.

Stop messing with me.

I think you know, deep down...

that I'm not.

You're sure this is the one?

It's where
my grandmother is, so...



You're so going to Hell,
by the way.


Jews believe we all go
to the same place, so...

Grandpa, Grandma,

Cousin Rhoda, Aunt Sally.


I guess that's my grave.

What do you think
I look like down there?

I mean, am I just bones?

Well, depends on
how good your coffin is,

but I'd say your eyeballs
are definitely gone.

Oh, good Lord.

Yeah, worms eat those first.

You're fucked up.

People don't notice
'cause you're quiet,

but you're fucked up, KJ.

Bet they buried you
in a dress, too.

- Okay, stop.
- Just saying.

Not even a full date.

No birthday, no... death day?

Could Dad not even
spring for that?

Geez, things must have
been tight.

Someone's coming.

Come on, let's go.

That's my stepmom.

Why would...

Mac, let's get out of here.

This is the true story...

- Of seven strangers...
- Picked

- to live in paradise.
- Can't believe

you haven't seen this.

My mom doesn't

let my sister and I watch MTV.

Find out what happens...

Well, that's... censorship.

Oh, my God!

How old are these people?

Like, my age. I think
they have to be at least 18.

My sister is 19.


Wait. She's not allowed
to watch MTV?

I think she's joining
the military soon.

She's, um, training
to become a helicopter pilot.

I'm gonna get a Pop-Tart.

You want?

Am I wearing a sign
that says "Feed me Pop-Tarts"

or something?

Oh, uh, hey, remind me.

Who are all you girls again?

Janice is... Tiff's cousin.

And which one's Janice?



Oh, yeah. Cool.

And you guys are
just friends of hers?

Yeah, from... boarding school.

Janice wanted to show us
all her cousin's life

in the big city
for a couple days.


The big city?

This isn't even Cleveland.

It's, like, the one cool part
of Stony Stream,

which is maybe, like,
half a block from the...


Oh, all right. This again.

Hey, what's up, man?

You from 7B? Look, we have
to have the TV up this loud

because my girlfriend...

- She's hard of hearing.
- Larry!

What the hell
are you doing here?

I'm looking for, uh...
Tiff Quilkin.

Well, neither of them
are here right now,

and even if they were, they want
nothing to do with you.


Uh... you're one of them,
aren't you?

Do you know this guy?

I need to show you something.


If I'm not back in five minutes,
bring your baseball bat.

I don't have a baseball bat.

Ooh. Aah.

So, will the older Tiffany
be back soon?

After those two visited me
yesterday, something

- really freaky happened.
- I watched you die two days ago.

Did you know that?

What are you talking about?

You got lasered
by the Old Watch,

burnt into nothing.

Anyway, what goes around
comes around, I guess.

Hold on. I know a lot
of weird things probably happen

in the future,
but they haven't yet,

so, I mean...

...there's time to fix them?

Maybe. Maybe not.

I want to do the right thing.

Uh, I just...

The STF... every-every...
everything they told me, uh...


Th-This is the right thing!
How could I...

There-there has to be a reason.

I mean, oh, God.

It's okay. Just...

Burned up instantly? Jesus!

Oh, Christ.

I'm sorry, okay? Just...

All of this has been
really hard for everyone.

And... I-I didn't mean it.

- Wait. I don't die?
- No, I...

I just... I-I didn't
mean it like that.

Like, being so harsh about it.

- So I do die?
- Yes.


Is that my bike?

Is it?

It fell out of some kind of... I
don't know how to describe it...

It's like some...

burping... trash hole,

but, like, you know, a rip.

Sort of like the foldings
Heck and Naldo use,

but smaller, kind of...
raggedy and broken.

A folding?

And it's still there
on the farm?

- You know my farm?
- I was there.

Three days ago.

Well, yeah, I mean,
it's right there in the field.

Take me there.

- I want to see it.
- You sure about that?

I'm not even sure I trust myself
after what you just told me.

What are you gonna do?

Kill me twice?

It's just perfect.

Oh, my, honey,
you look so beautiful.

I don't know, Mom.

- Is it... is it too much?
- Mm.


Transfer secure. Identity code?

Verify. Blue. Second Mark.

Blue-Red. Red-Blue.


Why are you calling me?

I'm an Emergency
Level 8 contact.

D-Describe it. Color,
approximate diameter.


Cup of coffee? Okay.

With a piece of detritus
from another timeline?


Wait, you have-you have
a traveler?


Jesus. You're serious? Kids?

What's your location?

Why would she bring me flowers?

Her, of all people?

Half the time I knew Alice,
she was passed out on our couch

before I even got home
from school.

And when she wasn't
fighting with my dad,

she was just, like, gone for
days without any explanation.

She hardly even seemed
to notice Dylan or me at all

unless we, like, stole some
of her cigarettes or something.

And now she's the one
who remembers my birthday?

It's your birthday?

Yup. July 5th.

I'm a Cancer.
How great is that?

Well, maybe she changed?

Didn't your brother?

Yeah. No, yeah. He mentioned
something about that.

Like, her being really cool
when I got sick or something.

But, man.


Well, when I saw myself
at that party,

I was really unhappy at first,

'cause it wasn't
what I was expecting, but

maybe I couldn't
see myself the way

everybody else around me could.

So maybe it's like that, with...

- Shit.
- Boy!

Watch it!



Hey, let's...

Let's get back to the others.

You want to hear something
that'll blow your mind?

Check this out.

We are gonna spend
the next seven years

opening up your world.

Can you believe it?!

She's still awesome!

- Are you insane?
- What?

- Are you insane?
- What?

Do you think I care about
Whitney Houston right now?

Like, your plan was just
to buy me a frickin' scone,

tell me I'm adopted,
and then we come home and listen

to "I Wanna Dance
with Somebody"?

That's the whole point.

Tell me you would have guessed
this is the same woman

who sang
"Saving All My Love For You."


I know that this is hard,

but it'll be easier
in the long run.

I hate you for telling me that.

Hey, I really do get it.

I don't think
there's a way for us

to skip through the pain
altogether, but I think

that you can move
through this faster than I did.

And if I can,

I want to give that to you.

And I think what we really
need to move through

is this.

The weirdo hair,

the flashy-light-computer music,
the partying.

You decided
to be like this, not Mom.

And newsflash: it doesn't last.
It's a phase.

So I want to give you that.

Okay, 12-Year-Old Me.

I'm not only 12,
thank you very much.

I've been to the future, and
in the future, we're not this.

You saw me in 2019?


But I did some research.

We have an institute.

An institute?

What kind of institute?

I don't know, exactly.
We weren't there long enough

to find out as much as I would
have liked, but it seemed,

you know, established.


Well, it definitely wasn't

the Institute
of Flashy Light Computer Music

and Sleeping Until 10:45 a.m.

You're lashing out.
Of course you are. So did I.

- Do what you got to do.
- Oh, my God.

And another thing:
MIT isn't someone else's dream.

It's ours... yours and mine.

I've been thinking about it,
and I don't care what you say.

That's what I want.

Nobody told me to go there.
Not Mom, not anyone.

Maybe you don't remember,
but I do. I want that.

I'm sure it feels that way
to you now,

but you have no idea
what MIT is really like yet.

What is it, then?
What don't I get?


Things are just different
when you're older.

- Uh...
- No. You know what I think?

I think you need
to stop screwing around

and go back to MIT.

And there's Carol again.

Re-enroll. You could
probably still be back

in time for the fall semester.

- It's not gonna happen.
- Why?

I can't go back to MIT
because I got expelled, okay?

I knew it.

I knew it.
All of that nonsense

you were spewing
in the coffee shop?

You were just making excuses
because you blew it.

The woman who was my role model,
my support system,

who gave me lectures
about truthfulness

and doing the right thing
ended up

being the biggest liar
of them all,

so, no, it was not great
for my concentration.

Don't blame Mom for this!

I may only be 12,
but I'm pretty sure

they don't expel you
from school for being adopted.

Like you said, you're only 12.

No shit, Sherlock!

But at least I own
who I am and what I do.

If I'm being honest,

it's really the only good song
on this album.

What's up?

Where's Erin?


My friend.

Chinese, was here when we left?

- Russ?
- What's up?

Where's Erin?

Oh, she left.


She took off
with some guy she knew.


Goddammit it, Russ!

It's okay.
She's one of the good guys.

It's here.

Pleasure to finally
meet you, by the way.

I hope it's still here.

Foldings don't typically
last very long.

Where are the others?

Hell if I know.

You did
the right thing by calling me.

I was just following protocol.

All this stuff
wasn't here before.

- I don't think this is a folding.
- I agree.

At least not like any I've seen.

It isn't like the one that came
through, either. Heck and Naldo.

What we got here
is a Class 2 Time Rip.

Can you travel through a rip?

Afraid not.
Don't worry.

These things tend
to repair themselves

and disappear pretty quickly.

Then why is this one still here?

I don't know,

but you better hope
it goes away soon

and nothing else comes through.

What else can come through?

Nothing good.

I'm good.

Maybe you should start
eating a little healthier?

And, you know, stop smoking,
get some exercise.


I ride a bike for a living.

You know what really
gets me about Alice?


It's just surprising, you know?

She actually wanted me to live.

Why is that surprising?

I don't know. Just...

Maybe, like you said,

maybe more people
seemed to believe

I was worth a shit
than I thought.

I think you're worth a shit.

And I want you to live.

Happy birthday.

There you two are!

We were waiting for you guys.
We have to go.

Erin's in trouble.

Come on.

Is that Erin's bike?


- You piece of shit!
- It's all right. She's right...

- she's right around the corner. It's all right.
- Where's Erin?

Guys, it's okay. It's okay.

Are you sure you're okay?

Man, this is weird.

We watched this dude get smoked.


There's something
you guys have to see.

- Hey, we know you.
- It's that chick

- from the red pickup truck.
- Okay,

- what the hell is going on?
- She's STF Underground,

like Larry.

Screw this. I'm out.

Yeah, we're not falling
for this shit again.

- Let's go.
- Wait! You have to see this.


- My TRC-218.
- Holy shit.

Is that the one with channel 14
or 30 crystals?

- 30.
- Damn.

- Low power.
- This was my dad's.

So, is this all came from 1988?

It's a pretty even mix
of detritus

from the girls' trips
to 1988 and 2019.

But it's not a folding.

Are you sure there's no way
we can time-travel through it?

I don't even know
if you'd want to touch it.

Let's find out.

Oh, uh,

are we sure that's a...

- Whoa!
- Okay.

That's kind of funny.

there's something in here!


What's up her butt?

It's the dang cats!

- Look at this!
- Come on, MeeMaw.

Now there's a wild cat
in the house?

That's not a cat.

It's an XK-11 recon probe.

No shit.

Recon? Does that mean

that thing can see us?

Afraid so.

- Dang. I didn't get to see.
- Don't!

This probe is sending a signal
across the ages

to the bigwigs right now,
live and prime time.

It's what I figured.

- The bigwigs?
- Take a guess.

- The Old Watch.
- Old Watch.


Keep an eye on that, would you?

So the Old Watch
knows they're here?

What is this? Whoa.

Uh, are you sure
that's a good idea?

'Cause, with the...


You should all probably
wait in the living room.

I just...

- Uh, is this protocol?
- Whoa.

Start the clock, folks.

- You mean...
- My guess?

Hour, tops,
before Old Watch troops

drop down on our asses
like a hailstorm.

What happens then?

They execute these little girls

- for violating the time travel ban.
- Okay.

- What?
- That seems a little harsh.

They're just kids. I suppose

it's out of the question that
we try to explain the situation?

The Old Watch
doesn't chat, okay?

They'll bring down
the Cathedral,

ablute the surrounding area
and kill anyone who's from,

you know, out of town.

Why does every stupid thing

have to have some kind
of stupid name?

What's the Cathedral?

The Cathedral is what the Watch
calls their command center.

A-a mobile HQ that oversees
the entire timeline.

- When you put it that way.
- Well, what can we do?

Only thing we can do.

We run.