Pagan Peak (2018–…): Season 3, Episode 4 - Episode #3.4 - full transcript

While new evidence leads to an Reichsbürger, Gedeon continues to search for Koschlick. In the process, he is increasingly plagued by hallucinations. Ellie and Rafael get into an argument.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -














What's your name?

- You are
police? - Yes.

- You are
police? - Yes.

- You are
police? - Yes.

The Austrian
police does not work here.

So what do you want?

- Oskar Koschlick,
- What is this?

You broke into my
house because of Koschlick?

I swear, I just want to find him.

I have a gun.

Don't do anything
that would make me use it.

Come on, Roberto. Untie him.

Go on.

Hurry up.

Mr Koschlick lived
here for about six months.

When was that?

two-and-a-half years ago.

He was quiet.

And he wanted to be left in peace.

Somebody sold
one of these paintings.

It was mailed form here.

Tell me what you know.

I could have told you that.

I sold it.

Mr Koschlick had a heart attack.

The ambulance took him to hospital

- Is
he dead? - No.

Not as far as I know, anyway.

The problem is, he
didn't pay me, not even a Euro.

I called the hospital.

They only told me that
Mr Simic wasn't there anymore.


Mr Koschlick also
calls himself Simic.

Or vice versa.

Somebody sent a letter saying
they wanted to buy "the Sleeping Boy".

So I sold it.

Are you okay?

Was Koschlick mean to you?


"While police remain in the dark
about the motives for the two murders,

much evidence points to a common
thread." That's not what we discussed!

Ms Stocker...

- How did you find me here?
- We had a deal.

I don't know what you mean.

You promised not to write about
anything before it was official.

Come on, it's a front-page story.
I'm not going to miss out on that.

A cheap headline that could
hinder our investigations.

- Everyone will know we discussed it.
- I get it.

You still don't have any
concrete clues, right? No leads.

Yeah? So, do we have a deal?

What deal? This ends right here and now.

Gedeon Winter is meeting
Mrs Gössen today or tomorrow.

She's to get information.
I think it's an address.

- How do you know that?
- I have my sources.

When? Where?

It's not been decided.
Today or tomorrow.

I'll contact you when it is.

Wait. I want something in return.

I have an audio recording on which
Gedeon Winter talks about a weapon.

Do you know what that's all about?

- Where did you get it?
- Sources.

- I want to listen to it.
- No, no, no. Give and take, Ms Stocker.

I'll tell you when I find out.


This is the bullet we found
at the Eberharter crime scene.

As you can see, it's badly deformed.

As you can see, it's badly deformed.

Forensics haven't completed
their investigations.

But we've been assured that we will get
the report this afternoon at the latest.

Officers spoke to Mrs
Dorfmeister again yesterday.

It seems that Mr Dorfmeister had
made enemies amongst the protesters.

It seems that Mr Dorfmeister had
made enemies amongst the protesters.

At the beginning of March, he was
treated in Accident and Emergency

for lacerations, bruises and contusions.

At the time, he said he was
beaten up by unknown assailants,

but didn't press
charges, which is unusual.

but didn't press
charges, which is unusual.

OK, that's it for now.

Thank you.

What Turek wrote about Dorfmeister,
you think there's anything in it?

Maybe. No idea.

What you said at the meeting yesterday,
your theory, it's very similar to this.

What are you getting at?

Nothing. Just that
there are similarities.

I haven't got time for this.

Hey, come on!


Hello. Hi. We'd like to speak
to someone who's in charge here.

Are you a lawyer or a police officer?

Ellie Stocker, Traunstein CID.

OK. German law enforcement doesn't have
the power to investigate or remove us.

Ben Heller, Salzburg CID. I do.


Then it'd be best if
you spoke to our lawyer.




It's too coincidental for a fire to occur
just before the repurposing application

and for almost all the
documents to be destroyed.

How did you know about
these documents anyway?

Because I know people who were involved
in producing the environmental report.

Why aren't they supporting you?

Because suddenly, they want
nothing more to do with it.

Heinrich Dorfmeister long refused
to sell his land to the Gössens.

But in the end, he did. What do
you think persuaded him to do that?

It's all connected.
Money rules the world.

They want their fucking luxury
bunker. It's a conservation area.

That's the scandal
we're protesting against.

Who sold what land to whom
is of no interest to us.

Did you know that Tobias
Dorfmeister pressurised his father

into selling his land
to Gössen Construction?

Not heard anything about that?

I only know what was in the newspapers.

One more thing,
Dorfmeister was attacked.

He said it was someone
here from the protest camp.

Can you tell me anything
about that? Got any ideas?

You know we'll check the personal
details of everyone who's here.

To be quite honest...

I couldn't give a shit who says what.
We're protesting for the environment.

Some folks don't like it.

People are stupid. They don't realise that
an ecological disaster is unfolding here.

Everyone wants unspoilt nature,
but no one wants to fight for it.

They only know nature from
their Instagram accounts.

Because they can take photos of nature on
their phones, they think it's protected.

You think this is how
I imagined my life?

I'd like to lie in a bath at night too,
in a scented cloud of essential oils.

My back hurts from
lying on a fucking mat.

I have a constant cold and my
menstrual cycle is disturbed.

I'm not like the others.
They love being here.

They think it's a romantic
adventure. To hell with romance!

I chucked in my job at a law firm

and now have a bladder infection
instead of a relationship.

But what we're doing here is really
important and that's why I'm here.

You didn't answer the question.

How should I know? Maybe because
we were an inconvenience to him.



Eight o'clock tonight. You know where.



Good morning. Your son didn't
turn up for his shift today.

He didn't phone in sick. I just
wanted to make sure everything was OK.

I don't understand.

He didn't say anything
to the contrary to me.

He should be at work.

OK, please tell him he should
come here as soon as possible.

Yes, I'll tell him.

Thank you.

Don't ask, don't ask.

What have you got?

Yes, well, the bullet we
found at the Eberharter scene,

we can definitely say it
was fired from a revolver

which was stolen a year ago from
a police warehouse in Rosenheim,

along with other weapons and ammunition.

The main suspect at the time was Andreas
Haas, a former Armed Response officer,

who outed himself as a "citizen of
the Reich" and was removed from duty.

He was convicted of the robbery,
but the weapons were never found.

There were also various
reports of assault

and threats against
opponents, sex offences.

He's on file in Austria.

He was guest speaker at a
meeting that lasted several days

which was disbanded because of
suspicions of Nazi activities.

It was all organised by the
Austrian Staatenbund group.

It's full of esotericists, conspiracy
theorists, occultists, neo-Nazis...

Yeah, yeah, I know
about the Staatenbund.

Where's Stocker?

She's on her way with
Heller and Armed Response.

We couldn't get hold of you.


Find out if Markstein has
any connection to Haas.

Even if he only went to the same
school as a friend of his, anything.

Hey, Gedeon...

Are you OK?

Keep going, keep going.

We're going in.


Look out! Contact!



- Lie down!
- Police! Hands up!

- Don't shoot. The dog won't hurt anyone.
- Take it easy.

Hands behind your back,
hands behind your back!

Hands behind your back,
hands behind your back!

The dog won't do anything.


For the record,

I, Andreas Haas, reserve the right,
in the event of a violation of the law

by officers, individuals,
authorities and the like,

to charge the sum of 5,000 euros,

or 500 euros in the event of harassment,
surveillance, reprimands and the like,

or 50,000 euros in the event
of the use of violence...

Want it in cash right away?

Or can I transfer it to you?

The "free state" rejects
banks too. That's stupid.

- The bill will be on its way.
- Yeah, OK.

You were found with a gun. That's
illegal possession of firearms.

What do you need it for?

Not for collecting money if
someone like me doesn't want to pay?

Immediately starting with a
threat. That usually works.

The correct thing to do is to tell the
detainee why he is in police custody.

- I forgot you were one of us once.
- No problem.

That's enough. You're a prime suspect.

And you were convicted of possession
of firearms. You know what that means.

Yes. And I'm sure you know
I don't recognise your state.

That's why you storm my
house with the heavy brigade.

What's the gun for?

I use it to defend myself
against intruders on my territory.

Just for the record, we seized
your laptop from your car.

This is murder, Mr Haas.

I'd start by co-operating with
the authorities you don't recognise

or you'll soon be in a remand prison
that doesn't exist in your ideology.

This is the point where I stop
talking and wait for my lawyer.

He can do the talking for me
with people I don't recognise.

Fine. Suits me.

I've heard you have an Alsatian.


I'll say hello to her for you.

If you hurt my dog,
I'll hurt you. Trust me!

That's nice.

A threat. Well, then,
now we have something.

We'll talk to your lawyer then, right?

The only thing we have
on this arsehole right now

is that he probably owned the gun
that was used to shoot at Zacher.

In other words, his lawyer will
be here in 30 minutes at most

and will, if he can
convince the prosecutor,

take Haas away with him
in exactly 31 minutes.

Time is short. We need to
copy his laptop's hard drive.

That's illegal.

Got anything?

I've tried to find a link with
the murder victims, but no joy.

Haas has a tattoo on the back of
his hand, some kind of Nazi shit.

Also fits in with the Satanists.
Maybe there's something there.

Tell me what's up with you.

Where do you go all the time?


...when I have something
to say, I'll tell you.

- Stocker.
-Ellie, Haas's lawyer is here.

That's her.


Nice to meet you, but I'm
afraid our acquaintance ends here

because I'm taking my
client Mr Haas away with me.

On what legal basis?

On the basis that
there is no legal basis.

Neither Paragraph 115A nor 128 of the
Code of Criminal Procedure applies.


I'll send you the bill
then, just like you said.

Gedeon Winter and Mrs Gössen
were or are in contact.

Do you know anything about that?

I can't comment on that.

We think you can.

You took your suspicions to
Prosecutor Swoboda several times.

"I'm sure that Gedeon Winter
is in contact with Mrs Gössen."

Does that sound familiar to you?

At which point the prosecutor
asked you how you knew that

and you answered, "Because I just know."

It sounds like you knew more. It'd be nice
if you'd share that knowledge with us now.

I didn't know. I just felt sure.

Female intuition.

I never witnessed such a meeting.


But why don't I believe you?


- Ellie, stop, stop!
- Hey, are you crazy?

- Go away! Get lost!
- I need to talk to you.

- I've lost him now.
- Who?

Gedeon. He's meeting Mrs Gössen now.
It would've been the proof I'm needing.

How was I to know? You're avoiding me.

I can only speak to you if
I jump in front of your car.

Why today of all days?

Sorry I didn't arrange this with you.

I really can't be bothered with this!

Tell me what it is. I don't believe
it's because he made a weapon disappear.

Yela's death isn't Gedeon's fault,
yet you act as if he killed her.

Ellie, you're not behaving rationally.

You know what I'm looking for and that
was my chance. Don't you understand?

How can I understand
if you don't talk to me?

It's the worst time. There's
a right time for everything.

But you never find the right time!

When is the right time?
I risked my job for you.

I was thrown off the
task force. What for?

- I didn't force you.
- No, you didn't.

- Rafael, I'm sorry.
- About what?

The fact that someone loves you?

I can't do this.

I can handle being off the task force,

but I can't live with not
being part of your life.

We have two murders. No leads.
Gedeon is doing whatever he wants.

We do the same job. No need to explain.

I just have one question.

Do you love me?

- Please, I...
- I get it.

I failed to see something
about us, that there is no "us".

There's only you. You, you.

You welcome anyone who's useful to you,

but anyone who dares to not play
by your rules gets dismissed.

I failed to see that.

You don't even like yourself.

So how can you love anyone else?

What's up?

Did you see what you wanted to see?


Gedeon Winter.

-That's not enough.
- What else am I meant to do?

Put you in the car
with Winter and Gössen?

You have to do some
of the work yourself.

OK, I've got something for you.

There's a link between Ina
Meyer and Tobias Dorfmeister.

-What does that mean?
- It means what it means.

If you want to know more, dig deeper.

OK, then...

You don't look well.

What's so interesting about this
artist's health insurance documents?


It took some effort to get this
information at such short notice.

I trust that I can
continue to count on you.

We'll see.

What do you want?

Oskar. Oskar Koschlick.

Does he live here?

- Never heard of him.
- Are you sure?

- Very sure.
- He used this address.

- It's in his medical records.
- I should know!

- Simic, Simic. Does a Mr Simic live here?
- No!

You should work out
who you're looking for

before you creep around
my garden at this hour!

I'm calling the police.

Listen to me!

- Where is he?
- I told you. There's no one here!

Get out of my house, please!

I've no idea what you want.

I live on my own here.
There's no one here.

Now stop snooping
around in here. Get out!

Out of my way!