Pacto Brutal: O Assassinato de Daniella Perez (2022): Season 1, Episode 1 - A Noite que Nunca Acabou - full transcript

Young actress and dancer Daniella Perez disappears after filming scenes of a soap opera written by her mother, Gloria Perez. Hours later, her body is found, and the revelation of the killer's identity shocks the country.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
I always wanted to tell this story.

I always wanted
the truth of the case to come out,

for this story to be told
the way it happened

and not for it to remain
being told as a cheap soap opera,

like a cheap serial,

which is how it remained
in people's minds,

like a cheap serial.

December 28, 1992.

The body of the 22-year-old actress
was found in the West Zone of Rio.

And the actress was struck
with such violence

that Daniella Perez's heart was exposed.

It's been 30 years since Dani's murder,
and I can't understand.


Every day, brings new twists to the story

which is proving to be stranger
that anything on TV.

The police have a suspect in custody
for the murder of Daniella Perez.

The actor Guilherme Pádua,

who plays Bira in "De Corpo e Alma."

From the beginning,

the police worked
to prevent this crime from being solved.

Because, in fact, no one was interviewed.

There was a group of detectives.

We had a mission every day.

- Did she get off the car?
- When she recognized him, she got off.

- So he hit her outside the car?
- He did.

- Murderer!
- Thief!

And, as usual,
the killer blamed the victim.

A fictional story had to be created
to keep on selling.

- Justice!
- Justice!

He was Leopard
and today he is a murderer.

I won't risk myself
for this kind of money.

You must pay me a lot more.

He was an expert in seduction

for any age, sex, and place.

Guilherme's tattoos have drawn
a lot of attention.

Just imagine.

The wife's name on his penis.

This method, in that place,
under these conditions...

It's ritualistic!

It was premeditated.

A really possessive, compulsive
relationship between two psychopaths.

I know those stabs were for me.

This is my wife!

Great beloved!

What did you say, honey?

Hold on, I want a picture of you
with the Pacific.

Come with uncle, come!

Dani, show Nanda.

Come on, Pedrinho. There, look.

Over there, wave goodbye.

The year 1992 was coming to an end

and for all of us back home,
it felt like a magical year.

A year of luck, you know?
Everything was going right.

Rodrigo went to college,
he was doing well.

Dani was doing well in her career.

I was writing
my first 9 p.m. solo telenovela.

I had returned to Globo.

Life seemed like a beautiful, open road.

There were only
good things on the horizon,

and all of a sudden, it all exploded.

The paths got closed.

We found ourselves completely stunned.

The horizon was gone.

My goodness! It's blurred.

Why is it blurred?

What's going on?

I have to stay still for a while.

It's fine now, you may do it.

We had a very happy childhood.

We spent the holidays together,

with my first cousins,
at my grandparents' house.

We were very close-knit.

My sister always protected me,
defended me, supported me.

She was incredibly sweet.

If there was music playing
as I entered the apartment

I knew: "Dani is at home!"

It was always like that,
Dani was joy personified.

She would move the furniture aside
and start dancing.

It was always like that
at Gloria's house.

Gloria too, she always danced very well.

It was a very happy house.

She was experiencing
a time of freedom, you know?

No longer depending on her family
or anyone else,

passionately in love,
dreaming of having children.

All the challenges we had to overcome,

we conquered that year.

You know how it is
when we walk through life and say,

"Gee, everything is working out."

Isn't it? And suddenly,

the 28th ran us over.

It literally crushed us all.

And what strikes me is
that it was an absolutely ordinary day,

which started out completely trivial.

And then you keep thinking,
"Why these life-changing days,

that throw your life off a cliff,

turn you upside down,
don't give away a sign?"

I remember I woke up,

I was in a hurry to write the chapters,

because it was December,

and to be able to enjoy the holidays,

I had to advance those chapters.

On December 28, 1992,

we woke up, had breakfast,

made sweet love like every young couple,


She worked at Tycoon,
and I worked at Projac.

She had her car.

We went out together,
because I shot in the morning too

until the afternoon.

And we were rehearsing a play
at night, about dance.

We wanted to showcase

Dani's talent in all dance styles.

I remember Dani
arrived at lunch time.

She came with Marcela.
I didn't even sat with them that day,

because I was focused
on finishing those chapters.

One of the reasons she went to Gloria's

was that she wanted to buy a car.

They had only Raul's car
and Raul's motorcycle.

And she had to get the money
at her mother's house.

She was anxious because
she was already paying for the car.

And I was worried

because we were not
in a good financial situation.

And the debt was in dollars.

And she would say,
"Mommy, this car was made for me.

I am really happy. I want this car.
I'll be able to pay for it."

The I gave her the six thousand dollars.

And kept working on the chapters.

She left, because the doorman called

saying that her car
was making fan noises,

so she had to go downstairs,
and they left.

And another thing I keep thinking

is the missed opportunity
to be with her for the last time.

"Why didn't I get up from the desk?

Why didn't I pause?
Why didn't I sat to lunch with her?"

But I didn't.

We got a mechanic,

went to the auto repair shop,
he worked on the fan,

and she went to work.

She called me later,
when she got there,

"I just arrived, he fixed the fan."

Around 6 p.m., she called me.

"So, did you make
the down payment for the car?

Did you manage to buy the car?

"No, Sandra, there was no time.
But don't worry.

I'll go straight home when I finish here,
it will be fine."

"But Dani, it's dangerous.

You've got a large sum of money
in your purse, for God's sake!"

The telenovela breakthrough:
Daniella Perez!

Daniella Perez is 22 years old
and is on her third telenovela.

Yasmin, from "De Corpo e Alma",
is breaking hearts.

People started to call her
"Brazil's Sweetheart".

Everybody was talking about her.

Life in Brazil revolved
around the 8 p.m. telenovela.

The country would stop to watch
the final chapters of a telenovela.

The telenovela bears a strong influence.

Cultural influence.

It is also a mirror of society.

You stayed by your mother's side

when she evicted my father.

But I told her not to do anything.
I still do it, Yasmin.

I played opposite Dani,

and there was also Bira.

Guilherme de Pádua began his career

in the theater
in Belo Horizonte, in 1987.

He came to Rio three years ago

and, after a few cameos,
he got his big role,

Bira, from "De Corpo e Alma".

When his character got close Yasmin,

who was doing well,

he was taken to another level.

He started appearing on magazine covers.

He was invited to debutante balls.

Chapter 141. Scene 5, 17, 19, 31, 3.



When I finished shooting,
I drove by Tycoon

and the parking lot was empty.

I thought, "Dani has gone home already".

But I got home, and Dani wasn't there.

How come?

I waited for a while.

She was delayed.

After ten minutes
I thought she had a flat tire.

There was nobody at Tycoon.
It was a straight path.

"I'll take the path along the beach."

I drove along the beach to Tycoon,

drove back along the beach too,

I returned by Av. of the Americas,

to see if I could find her car.

If it was a flat tire, I would find it.

I didn't.

She must have gone to the rehearsal.

Then I drove to Shopping da Gávea.

"Is Dani here?"
"No, she's not."

Then I called Marcela.

"Have you heard from Dani?"
I said: "She called 15, 20 minutes ago,

she had finished shooting
and was on her way home."

"Well, she didn't."

Around 9 p.m., I received a phone call

from the group that was rehearsing
with Dani and Raul,

asking if she was at our house.

And then, we started

to worry: "Where's Dani?"

There were no cell phones at that time.

People called from landlines.

Time went by, and she would not show up.

That's when Raul comes in,
very nervous, talking loudly.

I heard Raul's voice
coming from the hallway:

"Gloria, something happened.
Dani never made to rehearsal."

She had never disappeared like that,

without telling anyone.

There were many kidnappings
in Rio at that time,

so we feared it might be the case.

Around 10:30 p.m., my father called me.

"Look, Dani hasn't checked in yet."

Then I got really worried, "I'm coming."

Gloria called me.

It was late at night.
She asked if I knew where Dani was.

I said, "No, I don't know.

I saw her this afternoon,
but I didn't shoot today."

Because Gloria knew
I was always with Dani.

I was terrified
because there was no reason,

there was no way.

If Dani was late, everybody knew
something had happened.

For a dancer to miss a rehearsal,
she must be dead. Really.

We were all wondering
where she was.

Something serious might have happened.

And at that moment, I told him,
"Maybe she had an extra scene?"

And I called Caco,
who was the telenovela director.

Caco told me
that there were no extra scenes,

but that, when he was leaving Tycoon,

he had seen Dani, Marilu
and Guilherme leaving.

Let's call Marilu.
I called her, and no one answered.

I said, "She is not picking up."

And Raul said, "No, she's at home,

because she turns down the phone volume.
I'll go to her place."

I could no longer ride the bike,
I was too nervous.

Gloria lent me her car.

We went to Marilu Bueno's house.

It was in Copacabana.

When we arrived in Copacabana,
Raul and Duda got off the car,

and I waited on the street.

I asked, "Have you seen Dani?"

She said, "I was going
to hitch a ride with her.

But when I left,
she was in the parking lot

talking to Guilherme de Pádua,

and there were some kids
who wanted to take pictures."

People would wait

at the Tycoon parking lot
which was allowed, so...

It wasn't really allowed,

but there were kids,
people who came from far away...

It was not unprecedented

to have kids there
to take a picture with an actor.

Caco gave me
Guilherme de Pádua's phone number.

A woman answered,
called him, he came to the phone,

and I explained that Dani
had not made it to rehearsal,

we were all very worried, and he said,

"Maybe she went to visit a friend."

"How come? What friend?

Did she tell you she was
visiting a friend?"

"No, but she might."

Do you know when you start to think
that person is completely idiotic?

I was anxious to hear some news.

I just wanted to hang up
and call someone who knew something.

Then he said, "When I left,

she was taking pictures
with a group of fans."



The deputy on duty that day
was Deputy Cidade.

I was at the police station

to get my keys.

At that moment, a patrol car drove in

reporting an abandoned car
in Recreio dos Bandeirantes,

close to the Rio Mar condominium.

It was a remote, very dark place.

It was a strange situation,
because the car was abandoned.

That area was really very deserted.

Today, at Avenue of the Americas,
there is a traffic sign,

there's the BRT,
but back then there was nothing.

We used to live
in the Rio Mar condo, at Barra,

and in that year of 1992,

there had been a mugging
in a street nearby.

On the first street.

The police told us

if we noticed any suspicious movement
of cars or people,

we should call the numbers he gave us.

Hugo da Silveira was a lawyer,

and a businessman in Porto Seguro,

who often came to visit
his daughter and grandkids.

My father came to Rio after Christmas

and had gone to visit his mother
on that day.

But he took my two kids with him,

and they were really excited
to see "Karate Kid",

that was going to be on TV.

And then, after the telenovela,

the telenovela was ending,

and, soon after, the movie will be on.

So he decided to take the grandkids
at the scheduled time

to help deal with their anxiety
over the film.

When he was coming
from Av. of the Americas,

he saw two cars parked, empty.

There was no one inside.

He thought it was suspicious,
in the dark, at that hour.

He decided
to write down the license plates.

I had a caretaker

who worked for me and slept at the house.

The caretaker was nearby,

so I said, "Go, Jamilton, go with him."

Jamilton was driving the car,
and he was in the passenger seat.

He left my street and turned right
towards Av. of the Americas.

The two cars were parked,
one behind the other.

He wrote down the license plate
of the car behind.

Drove ahead, made a U-turn,

went back the same way,

and wrote down the license plate
of the car in front.

The first car was an Escort,

and the second one was a Santana.

While driving back

to write down the license plate,
he saw two people inside the Santana.

He drove very close
to the Santana's passenger side.

The car's headlights had already
shone from afar,

and he saw a young woman.

He could not see the driver
because the car was facing forward.

The driver was next to the vacant lot.

He saw a woman,
but he knew there was a man too,

it was a man's figure.

When he saw a woman
and a figure that could be a man,

he thought what anyone would.
It's a couple.

They must be dating.
Each of them drove their car.

It's dangerous, but... He relaxed.

He returns home and tells his daughter,

and also the condo manager.

This manager,

who was also a neighbor,

was intrigued.

Something was happening.

And the manager said,
"No, let's go see this."

But when he got there,

he went with some other people,

there was only one car,
which was Raul Gazolla's.

There was a car parked,
with no one inside.

I honked. No one was there,

we came back home and that's it.
I decided to call the police.

The police went there,

in a patrol car and saw a car.

And this policeman
who was there to man that vehicle

until arrival of the police authority,
anyway, the records...

He was a military policeman, armed,

and chose to go into the woods
to avoid being left exposed.

And then he trips on Daniella's corpse.

We went to my building.

When we arrived at the building,

the doorman came to me
and said, "Mr. Gazolla,

a police officer from the 16th came here

and asked for you to go
to the police station."


When I arrived at the police station,
I didn't see her car.

I told the police chief,
"Look, I'm Raul Gazolla,

Daniella Perez's husband.
A policeman came to my house."

The police chief, a young man,
very serious, said,

"Are you her husband?"
I said, "I'm her husband.

Something happened? Is she here?"

Then he turned
to Marilu Bueno and said,

"Are you her mother?"

She said, "No, I play her mother
in the telenovela."

"I want to talk to you."

I said, "What do have to tell her friend
that you can't tell her husband?"

He said, "Sir, keep calm."

"Just what I needed!"

They went inside.

And then, the policeman
that came to our house said,

"Mr. Gazolla,

I was the one who found your wife's car."

I said, "You found my wife's car?
What do you mean?"

"Yeah, I found it."
"My wife is not here?"

"Do you know what happened?"

He said, "No."

He did not tell me anything.

Then I thought on the spot,
"Dani has been kidnapped."

I called Gloria and said,
"Gloria, Dani has been kidnapped."

What did I do?
I called Guilherme de Pádua again,

because I remembered the group of fans.

In a kidnapping,

having information
about strange people around was crucial.

"Guilherme, for God's sake,
something happened to Dani.

Her car was found in the woods."

Then he promptly said, "She left alone."

That did not feel right.
He didn't ask, "Where? What woods?"

He didn't ask anything.

I mean, in a way,

he was telling me
he has something to do with it.

But I was so distraught,
wanting to know,

I just thought it was awkward,
hung up the phone

and called Sandra Regina

asking her to call him

to see if she could get any information
about the group of fans.

Then I called, "Is Guilherme there?"

"No, he went down to buy some medicine."

I found it weird, but never mind.

I said, "Because Dani hasn't showed up
at the rehearsal,

she's not home,
nobody can find her."

"Gloria called me already,

but we don't know what happened.

But we are very worried.

And as soon as you
know something, call us

to calm us down,
because he's very worried."


And then information started to come

in small doses, so to speak.

At first,

the police said that her car
had been found in a woods.

Then, later,

the story evolved
to a body being found in that woods,

but no one knew who it was.

Obviously, at that moment,

everyone was already desperate,
out of their minds.

"Where did it happen?
Where was this car found?"

"It's near a hospital called Rio Mar."
"I know where it is. I'm heading there."

Then Marilu came to me.

Marilu said: "Raul,

you have to be strong,

but Dani is no longer with us."

Then I got desperate.

"What do you mean, she's no longer here?"

I ran to the policeman and asked him:
"Is the car badly damaged?"

He said, "Damaged? No."

"Isn't the ceiling damaged?"
He said, "No."

"The car did not flip over?"
"No," he said.

"Does the car have any dents?"

He said, "The car is not dented."

"My wife has been killed, man."

What a crazy thing.
Then I asked, "Where is she?"

"No, you can't go,

you can't touch her, you can't..."

I said: "I'm not going to touch her.
I just need to see my wife."

From there, we went
with the police to this place,

at Recreio dos Bandeirantes.

Nowadays it is completely developed,
but at the time,

it was a bleak, dark, scary place,

not really a place where you want to be.

When I got there with my father,

there was no one but a patrol car

with two policemen.


I got out of the car,
the guy touched his revolver,

and I said, "I'm a doctor.
I'm the uncle of a girl who disappeared,

Daniella, and I want to see
if the body is hers."

I immediately recognized her car.


The policeman held up a flashlight

and guided me. "This way," he said.

When I walked in front of her car,
I kicked a key.

I heard keys rattling
and said, "I kicked a key chain."

Then, suddenly,

he threw the light on Dani's face,

I jumped over the corpse.

It was ice cold.

That's when I saw that she was dead.

At that moment.

And when we got there,

a policeman came out of the woods,
behind the car,

and Raul and Duda entered the woods.

I was crying, desperate,
when I saw Dani's body, I stopped,

I looked at her very serious

and said, "Oh, my God!"

I went back to Rodrigo and said:
"Rodrigo, it's not Dani."

At that moment,
I thought it wasn't her,

it was someone else,
and I held on to that thought,

despite having experienced all that
up until that moment.

I thought it was someone else.
Raul saw that I was in disbelief.

He sighed.
I said, "No, sorry brother.

It is Dani's body over there,

but it's not Dani."

On that day, I became sure

that we have a soul,

because it was a lifeless body there,

that had been Daniella's.

Anyway, I just wanted to know,

"What happened

to make someone kill my wife?"

This is the route that became
really imprinted in my memory,

from the police station to the location,

because I was completely in denial.

I kept saying to Nilson,

"It cannot be not her,
because people know her."

So, when they say "the body" is not her,

it cannot be her and I kept...

That group of fans the other mentioned.
She must have been kidnapped.

I was emotionally invested
in the possibility of a kidnapping.

As we drove by Av. of the Americas,
we saw a light in the middle of the bush,

just a speck of light.

"It's there!"

We went in.

As the car was coming to a halt,

I saw the sneakers.

I jumped out of the moving car.

I got off the car and ran out there.

As you run,

the image comes into focus
until you see the whole person.

She was there,

and standing beside her,

staring pensively at her,
was Deputy Cidade.

I only saw him.

And then I...

had an urge to say, "Get up!"

You think your arrival is magical
and you can get her out of there.

Then my hand touched.

This tactile contact
with death is horrible.

My hand recoiled, horrified,

because then you feel what happened.

That's when you realize what happened.

The ice-cold touch.

When I went to touch her,

I felt a hand on my shoulder
and saw a policeman behind me.

I heard Deputy Cidade saying,

"Leave it, she is the mother."

And then...

Oh, people.

You feel like picking her up,
putting her back in your womb, you know?

Back in the nest.

Because then you realize


that you don't have a child,
you are born with a child.

Because, after a child is born,

you can no longer remember your life
without her presence.

You can't tell the corner she was in,
but she was there.

You remember yourself as a child,

as a teenager, when you didn't even think
about having children,

but she was there.

You go over your life,
and her presence is always there,

in your feelings.

In that moment

that I wanted
to pull her back inside of me,

that moment was so hard
that I asked the deputy...

She had her eyes open.

I did like this.

It is hard to close your child's eyes.

They didn't fully close, just a little.

And then I didn't feel anything else.

An unbearable pain makes us numb.

You don't feel anything anymore.
I was filled with emptiness.

I was an aimless brain,

trying to understand, trying to realize
that it had really happened,

that it was true.

You feel isolated.

You no longer...

You don't...


Just a moment, please.

Suddenly, people started to arrive.

That's also part
of the horror of that moment.

People arrived,
who you haven't seen in a long time.

People you don't know. Strangers.

Photographers trying to take pictures.

Forensic technicians.

I stood up and asked Deputy Cidade,
"What happened?"

He said, "Knife."

Then he said,
"But there was another car here."

I went there and fell apart.

My father was holding me,

"You can't touch her
because it is a felony,

and we have to know how it happened,
so you cannot touch her."

When I got there and saw the body,
I was terrified.

To see Dani in that place.

And that's when, I imagined,
because, during the day,

she had gone fetch the dollars
at Gloria's house.

I put everything together in my mind.

She was mugged, they took the dollars

and left the girl in this terrible state.

Because her chin was turned.

Punches, bruises, it was brutal.

I wanted to know what happened.

It was understandable
they hadn't taken the car,

because the car keys
were lost on the floor.

When my brother arrived
and got out of the car

he accidentally kicked the keys.
That's when they found them.

I asked Deputy Serrano
if they had found her bags,

because that would indicate a mugging.

He said that no bags
had been found there.

He even opened the trunk of the car.

They took pictures.

And we saw
that there were no bags inside.

Everything led us to believe,
at that first moment,

that it had been a mugging.

About 3 a.m.,

someone rang my doorbell.

We went to see what it was.

My husband answered the door
and it's Deputy Cidade,

accompanied by another policeman,

and he said, "We're here
because there was a murder.

The condo manager said
that someone from this residence

wrote down the cars' license plates."

My husband went upstairs,
woke my father up,

my father came down with a piece of paper
with the two plates written down.

The process begins with his testimony.

The body was discovered, sure,

but the process begins with his testimony

on a manual typewriter, at the time,

at his daughter's house,

where he gave evidence.

He described the woman he saw.
He had no doubts it was a woman.

She had a round face, straight hair.

And the license plates.

Raul called me
in the middle of the night, desperate:

"For God's sake, come here!
There has been a tragedy.

Dani was murdered,

and I need you to come here to help me."

I was alone at the police station.

My only relative there was Raul.

People were arriving, one by one.

And then a blue Santana pulled up.

I went over there,
thinking it was my uncle.

At the time, he had a similar car.

When I got closer,
I noticed it was Guilherme.

Guilherme and his family.

And I saw Guilherme comfort Raul,

I saw Guilherme hug Raul,

Raul was distraught, asking him...

"Guilherme, what happened?

Who were those people taking pictures

and signing autographs at Tycoon?"

Then he moved backwards,
raising his arms,

his eyes wide-open, scared.

There was a pole, he stopped,

I was on top of him: "Who were they?"
He said:

"They were kids.
It wasn't them. They were kids."

Then I dropped him.
He was not my friend. It never had been.

I remember him saying,
kind of with open arms,

"Brother, what happened?
What happened?" and hugged him.

That's one thing
the Gazolla cannot forgive.

Guilherme moves away from him
and says something like,

"I am here for you, anything you need.

Call me if you hear anything."

He stayed a while, standing there crying,

"My God, that's madness!"

He looked very emotional,
very indignant about it all.

He said, "How could this happen, my God?
How could they do this?

This girl is an angel."

It was his words.

He hugged me too
and he didn't even know me.

And I don't know why,
I looked at Guilherme's arm.

And his forearm

was scratched by a woman's nails.

That caught my eye.

I kept it to myself.

And it was recent
because the wound was still open,

kind of "bloody", you know?

And he was wearing
a short-sleeved T-shirt.

Deputy Cidade told me,

"This type of criminal
always returns to the scene."

He really came back, not to the scene,

but he went to the police station,
where her family and friends were.

He went to show solidarity.

At some point,
Deputy Cidade asked me to go inside.

He had a list of actors

and a pencil in his hand,
maybe a pen, I don't know.

He went over the list,
"Cristiana Oliveira, Fabio Assunção."

Doing like this.

Suddenly he said, "Guilherme de Pádua!"

Just like that.

When he did that, we got startled.

You are talking
and moving the pencil like that,

suddenly, "Guilherme de Pádua!"

He must have been involved somehow.

There was no time to consider,
"It was him."

Because the deputy promptly said,

"Don't say anything,
don't open your mouth

because I can only enter his house
after 6 a.m.

No one will believe he did it,

he'll be warned, he'll flee,

he will avoid being caught in the act
and won't be arrested.

Don't tell anyone."

And we did not tell.


According to the law,

no residence can be entered

at night, before 6 a.m.

If both cars were at the scene,

there must be a connection.

He would have to explain

why his car was at the scene,

where the victim was found.

And then we had to face the funeral.

We drove to the chapel and, on the way,

the day was dawning,
and people are starting a life.

And you get amazed to see
that nothing has changed,

the world remains the same.

You are no longer there,
it seems you don't belong,

you are no longer
part of that daily life.

That's how I felt.

But life remained the same.

Some were jogging,
others were going to work.

And you realize

that nothing shares
what happened to you.

When we arrived at the cemetery,
they were putting Dani in the coffin.

I stayed there the whole time beside her

and I remember
that I kept my hand on her face,

as if the finger wanted
to keep it, you know?

That touch,
that tactile sensation, forever.

Imprint that feeling on your skin.

And then Marcela arrived

and she told me: "Gloria, I wanted
to call Guilherme de Pádua

because when he came by
the police station yesterday,

to pay his respects,

he left very devastated,
he was very upset,

he told me that I can call,

to call him
when the burial was scheduled

and where it would be,
when we had this information,

because he insisted
on being by your side."

Do you know what it's like to hear this
next to your dead child?

Then I put aside my emotions.

I could only hear Cidade's voice
in my head saying,

"If he gets away with it,
we cannot arrest him anymore."

And then I reached into my bag
and gave her a telephone token.

She went out, called him,
came back a few minutes later,

and said, "The police are there."

And people were coming,
more and more people were coming.

Rodrigo came in

and jumped back,
not wanting to get close.

I went to him, grabbed his hand,
"Come see your sister."

He took one look and ran out.

He couldn't bear to stay there.

Today, after all that, I think,
"I should have entered the bushes,

I should have stayed longer
beside the coffin."

It was hard.

And the funeral was madness.

There were hundreds of people outside

wanting to say a last goodbye.

Life is over. Ended.

Never more.

It destroyed the family.

My aunt died there. My father died there.

We died there.
Everyone died a little there.

We survive.
We became survivors, but it ended there.

Dani's little coffin was already there.


Gloria was standing.

You have to...

get some strength because...

because the mother was suffering
more than everyone else.

At that time, I don't know,

I understood a person who has faith,

although their prayers
have not been answered.

I prayed to all the saints.

I asked God to undo that, you know?

I asked Martians, if they existed,
that they would intervene.

I asked the Time.
Had I the strength to reverse time?

I believed everything.

You know when you turn
to all the faiths in the world?

All of them.
It was a very hard moment

because I felt like almost exploding

from so much concentration on that plea,

"Turn back time.
Go back to yesterday morning.

If interplanetary beings exist, come."

"If there is a God, come."

But it wasn't like that,
it didn't happen.

Friends, relatives
and fans of Daniella Perez

keep coming to the actress's wake.

The chapel grew more and more crowded.

Milton Gonçalves said to me,

"We have to bring it forward.

People will end up trespassing
and it will end in tragedy."

I kept saying, "Just another
half an hour. Two more minutes."

I didn't want to anticipate anything.

I wanted to have her there
even if it was like that.

At one point,
the chapel almost began to sway.

We felt like it was swaying.

And so it went.

Give us each day,
forgive us our trespasses.


Hail Mary, Full of Grace,
The Lord is with thee.

Blessed art thou among women,

and blessed is the fruit
of thy womb, Jesus.

Holy Mary, Mother of God,

pray for us sinners now,
and at the hour of our death.


Five o'clock in the afternoon.
The actress is buried in Rio.

The coffin is covered with the flag

of the Caprichosos de Pilares
samba school,

where Daniella Perez
was to perform this Carnival.

Tears from friends,
and cheers from a crowd.


- Justice!
- Justice!

Raul's mother,


at a certain point during the wake,
she comes to me,

"Frota, you won't believe it.

The police already know
who killed Daniella."

Gazolla was sitting...

The people left and we closed the door.

He was sitting with his head down.
He cried compulsively.

I knelt between his legs

and I hugged his belly.

Tony Tornado was behind him
giving him a massage.

And Mauricio Mattar sat on one side
and takes his arm.

Another person sat down
and took the other arm.

So he was pinned down.

Norma came in front of us here,
between me and him,

and told him, "Son,

the police already know
who killed Daniella.

Guilherme de Pádua."

At that moment,
he stood up with all of us.

We grabbed the Gazolla like this

and he raised everyone.


He was howling.

Howling in such a way,

when I remember,
it breaks my heart, you know?

He broke the entire chapel.
He was gnawing.

There was a pillow on a bench,
he was gnawing at that pillow.

He yelled.

"I talked to him!

He had the courage to go
to the police station and talk to me!"

And after that fit of rage,

of emotion, of longing, of love,
everything he was feeling,

he fell to the ground
and remained in a fetal position.

It was going in my head,

"I'm going to chew
that motherfucker's neck.

I'll chew it, man.
I won't even touch him."

I became an animal.

I was filled with hatred.

I know it's not a good feeling,

but you can't avoid it at that moment

you know your wife was murdered,

and the killer was her co-worker.

There was more to that story.

It wasn't just
that a co-worker killed her.

There had to be a macabre story
behind it. And there was.

A lock of Dani's hair had been cut.

Her wedding ring had disappeared.

It was the last full moon night.

The victim was sacrificed.

She must have been unconscious
because she wouldn't go there.

My last scene was with her,

and Guilherme was sort of lurking around.

He was watching the scene.

She couldn't take that guy anymore.

That damn coward.

Investigations continue

to determine if there was an accomplice.

Go there and get Paula arrested.

They let her slip through their fingers.

I went to the police.

"If there's a scam,
I will go to the press today."

Actor Guilherme de Pádua is released.

When he left,
there was already a national commotion.

The whole of Brazil stopped.

It was really complicated.

The entire Rio police force
was searching for Guilherme Pádua.

You become afraid.

When you shoot at night,
you go home freaking out.

You could be the next victim.

Someone needs to stop Clearway Law.
Public shouldn't leave reviews for lawyers.