Pacific Blue (1996–2000): Season 3, Episode 5 - Excessive Force - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

hey Cory could squat like a last night

oh yeah

Brandon well what's he like oh you

really expect me to be your inside

source now that she's my roommate yeah

you bet I do okay six-foot-two

total stud amazing blue eyes and oh

you're not gonna believe this but this

is true he's a brain surgeon each other

good thing oh yeah she came home Harold

messy smile on her face she was bored

stiff TC God your knee is he


get the money out of the drawers who's

the manager I'm the manager we just hope

it it's very


we take a little walk through the bulb

we know it's on time lines open at 9:00

change the last night won't open until

till noon you were responsible for that

intelligence can't have two tellers

windows then we fall back


attention all black and white this into

blue unit 211 in progress

the first site Bank shots fired report

of automatic weapons is 153 responding



about the time


officer down at 16th and ocean I repeat

officer down








yeah well you're coming with me and

that's the end of the conversation

you know how seasick I get besides you

don't need me there to watch you and

your friends chase Marlin and drink beer

just call me once a night and let me

know you haven't fallen overboard it's a

couple's Helen it's for couples big two

who do you want me to see David the man

who loves you

oh right right I remember him

compassionate and caring that's not

who's across from me now look do you

mind if we discuss our personal problems

in the privacy of our home what home

David we don't have a home anymore we

have a place where we eat and sleep and

coexist sit down sit down I'm not

finished with you yet you have got to do

something about your constant anger or

my anger maybe I'm angry because you

don't give a damn about making me happy


sit down I'm a police officer back off



breathe easy Chris she's gonna be okay

how do you know I just do just got off a

shot sooner hey you know what had you

not kept firing victim I'd be dead

Robert quest FBI agent Cassidy

Tony Palermo he's gonna be okay you up

to speed yep three and body armor using

a Taser

officer Kelly shot one of them he took

it in the neck they escaped in a white

van a memo is Sacramento San Jose three

and armored using a cage spraying

bullets and cops are gonna have a care

in the world

sounds like our guys let me show you

this bloody glove up here


mom Oh Jessie hi honey

o blessed thought sorry

oh my contacts are killing me I have to

get a new pair yeah right

don't these are cute just please tell me

you're not gonna marry officer creepy Oh

Jessie why does every shopping date with

you always have to start this way

because every shopping it always starts

with you looking miserable I don't ever

remember you getting too stressed out

with dad don't blame this all on David

mom part of the reason why I went to

live with dad in the first place was

because I didn't want to be anywhere

near David he's a super creep

that's not fair Jessie you don't even

know the man I know he can throw you

around the living room he's under a lot

of pressure he loses his temper just

like your father

dad never did this I I don't think we're

gonna find her summer wardrobe today

I'll call you


lieutenant dad I need to talk to you I'm

really busy right now got the ballistics

report back am I gonna tell us much we

don't already know dad it's really


Jesse whatever my office important to

you okay it was just a flesh wound

where'd you get shot I got shot I've

been here that I got shot in the butt

yeah let me see what is that I can't sit

down you just screwed three months of

planning little brother look just drop

it all right I don't work at the damn

bank I told you I want to wait outside

don't ever lay a hand on me again

or you'll do on Jason cops and the feds

are gonna be on full mobilization

everyone with the badges on the streets

looking for us let him look they're

covering all the exit routes which is

why we're gonna stay cool what do you

think of that strategy we never stayed

before they never missed the vault

before little brother I'm not your

little brother

okay there's barely three years between

us yeah about four lifetimes he's not

angry with you Paul he just can't

believe he was shot in the face by a

girl cop shorts you know she is you

don't work on it guarantee if Bill Gates

didn't install the computer equipment at

the Santa Monica Police Department my

little sister could break into these

protective files just find me the

information so she shot you you shot her

partner let it go you're setting them

all standards now Paul let's take a

little pull and find out who was in

charge here she hurt me nobody hurts me

I got it officer Chris Kelly you sure

this is the right address what are you

gonna do what do you think I'm gonna do

I'm gonna make that little blonde cop

whine and beg for mercy before I blow

her head off


sorry we have to talk about bomb to a

shopping day today didn't you know oh

not bad for a punching bag what are you

talking about

her left eye that happens to be turning

a nice shade of purple you're saying

David did this you don't know him dad he

abuses mom real bad why but he told me

before she said she could handle it but

you know I don't think she can anymore

and she'll kill me if she finds out that

I told you she won't dad


know what Tony

I have tried knocking but is this an

official visit

should it be Jesse told you I should

have known that it would take something

like this to get you to come here for

one one in progress one pb3 responding

what would it have taken just to have

you come here knock on the door and see

what I was doing all by herself how

about an invitation for an occasional

call what difference does it make

I'm all right I feel responsible I

introduce you to David for God's sake

he's a good man he just has a temper you

know that slaves gotten worse he has a

lot of anger he doesn't know what to do

with it I know he doesn't want to take

it out on me I'm just here that's bull

you'd have to put up with it people you

can talk to Helen places you could go

this is my home

and she's not going anywhere

David what the hell are you doing here

Tony trying to get Jessie's mother away

from the guy who's beating her did you

tell him that I I didn't tell him

anything she didn't have to her I speaks


she was gardening she stepped on a rake

the handle came up and smacked her in

the eye I drove her to the emergency

room is that right honey yes you did you

walk out of this house right now just do

it I promise you won't hurt you you got

a lot of nerve Tony coming into my house

and talking to her that way she's your

ex-wife right now what's doing why can't

I have dinner to me

I'm fine Tony it happened just the way

David said it was a stupid gardening

accident so unless you're gonna drag her

away and that's gonna have to be through

me I suggest you get the hell out of

here Tony cuz you're not welcome here

anymore the sun's bothering my eyes


you touch her again you're gonna deal

with man

the FBI is matching facial

characteristics from Chris's sketch with

their national registry at this point

time they've got 182 mug shots already

any of this interest to you lieutenant

or should I just put it in a report stay

on it

keep working with the FBI you doing okay

you seem kind of preoccupied one dead

an officer wounded civilians terrorized

news crews on my door cept the mayor's

office is crawling up my back why would

I be preoccupied uh-huh

anything else Tony I'll see any morning


the suspect fitting the description of a

robber was caught on videotape during a

gun store heist in Austin Texas shotguns

9 millimeters and one ak-47 do you have

a name

no but the descriptions more detailed

than ours we should get effects in about

an hour work officer McNamara

Thanks what do you get

well these eyewitness reports pretty

much narrow it down for us let's see we

have three perps firstly white black

Hispanic or Asian depending on what your

preference is they were wearing hats

clown faces ski masks they were tall

short carried lace or salt rifles some

of them carried flamethrowers and let's

see-oh every single witness can ID them

for a nice fat reward what your new bike

is here

it held a special I'm not going out on

that what's wrong with it it's very

attractive the seat

you see anything wrong with a seat looks

comfy to me like a rolling armchair

forget it take it away I gotta go you

gotta go

wait I have just what you need seriously


I gotta go take an aspirin


you'd like this in danger get out of

town today


we've got to stop this Jessie get out of

here no mom please come with me

you know I think take your mother's

advice I think you better get out of



please Jesse leave us but you returned I

wouldn't buy to see mom

he was drunk I saw him hit her back Lori

Jesse I'll make sure your mother's safe



but now I'm gonna make you suffer please

just let me live up oh come on

okay man now you can't beat a woman

Helen where is he some kind of steak up

except they wouldn't be back till

morning it's just you wait and you hope

and you forgive do you have good moments

and you try to make them into whole days

and whole weeks

oh how could I have been so stupid

you're getting out of here now

I have a bag packed I just wasn't sure

where to go


look at this place did you get a good

look at the guy who's our bank robber he

didn't bother wearing a ski mask this

time my grandmother made me this yes you

didn't think he'd be leaving an

eyewitness do you think it was the same

guy who warned you this afternoon

no different voice but definitely one of

the other two I wanted to pass these

down to my kids you okay Clark I'm fine

I'm gonna kill this guy

great roommate huh only been here for

three weeks I've already trashed the


hey where do you see one of my parties

oh well my father always said never cry

over anything that can't cry over you

you know the two of you can't stay here

tonight I could stay at my brother's you

wanna come along Chris can stay at my

place I'll be fine


still fill his hands all over my body

mind if I take a shower help yourself

pot of coffee or should I open a bottle

a merlot would be very welcome I've got

just the right vintage waiting for a

special occasion you mean like being

alive that's exactly what I mean hey why

do you think one of the robbers born yet

I don't know it's been bugging me all

night I'm glad he did you mean your

money went beyond me and a motto motto

fight you guys got a knife outweighs you

by about a hundred pounds hey I'm all

over the underdog thanks for this TC


natsound looks like it's gonna fall I

better take my shower



when's Jesse coming home her friend is

having a sleepover she wanted to be here

I thought you might need a little time

she has questions Helen she doesn't

understand how you let someone do this

to you

she's not the only one right Helen I I

don't suppose you have any wine sure

your place looks really nice to me

I like what you've done with it so you

can thank our daughter for that oh I

love this picture David made me put all

mine away what else does he made you do


so how do we work this Jesse's roamers

well it's Jesse's room you could have my

metal I'll take the couch it hardly

seems fair Helen what isn't fair no it's

not always about what's fair Tony

sometimes it's about admitting that

things happen because you let them it's

like the end of a marriage

well I've done enough crying to float in

the Rose Parade your mother used to say

oh don't tell me I've become like my


I don't want Jesse to become like me

always choosing the wrong man oh yeah

I'm sorry I didn't mean that I know what

you meant

Tony yeah I can't thank you enough



I was wondering for a moment you might

come knocking on my shower door so was i

I'm miss UTC I've missed what we had

between us

maybe it's still there

yeah but we can't do anything about that


Stan you waiting circumstances we all

feel that way tomorrow

I know thanks for bringing me here


I feel safe sort of my partner




now why doesn't this feel like it's 5 to


she knew what was coming she knew I was

there to kill her

how could she know you're hurt she threw

me through the damn window Paul we

should get a hospital man you don't

think they monitor the ers that's

different and you got I'm just trying to

help you want to help case the bank and

get the right information is what bank

you didn't tell us which one the same


that's insane oh it's genius its last

bacon talent expect us to hit I'm out

Jason you Scout the bank tomorrow take

my share you bail on your own brother


and while I'm alive no awake Jesse honey


I live a lot closer than your brother

does you should crash in my place you

have enough problems up your own right

now I don't want to hear about the Elvis

special bicycle seat again you gotta

admit it's pretty funny as fun as the

four times I've gone head first into a

dumpster when I split my pants open oh

when I got cursed by the voodoo witch

doctor when it crashed a waverunner

saving your butt oh when Hans ray wished

to his little GT dance bike thing one

inch away from El Capitan which one I

thought it was all funny yeah then why

always me because no one rides with such

daring and reckless abandon of Victor

Deltora please do not try to flatter me

seems the least I could do seriously

we're all really pretty worried about


that Jessie yep some me or does she look

less than happy a lot less maybe a few

minutes I want you back at the firehouse

hey so what happened last night I was

attacked I trashed the apartment and I

went to sleep in between all that at T

C's oh well I attacked him I trashed his


clothes were flying furniture was

knocked all over

you wouldn't even believed it I barely

even made it here I crawled into the

office really no but yeah bad about it I

always think about it



thanks for keeping her here Victor

nothing to it

deep down inside she knew she needed to

talk to you how she wants to avoid me

stick off before I was awake I don't

think it's who she wants to avoid good



we always had a deal remember the

problem we talked about it yeah well

that deal was between me and you didn't

include mom


don't you take care of her dad to sleep

with her listen something universe plan


you know you got divorced okay you put

me through that now you just happen to

fall into bed together because you're in

the same place

that's nice what am I supposed to do be

happy for you Jesse so are you and Mom

getting back together or what just we

don't even know


no okay I just can't answer that

question right now

fine hey Jesse



what price fame one day you walk into a

bank guns blazing people cowering next

day you come back in you're at the back

of the line we got to rent the copsis

time you cross angle surveillance camera

that's it wrong with these people

like it or not Jason's on to something

they do not expect this to knock twice

at this place I think we can pull it off

hey I'm back Paul I seen your brother

put a nice picking of people he liked a

whole lot better gain enables right here

in LA folks you're saying that Officer

Kelly stood over at your place and

nothing happened Tony I'm itself

obviously there's still something there

wait are you saying that when two people

have feelings for each other they can't

stop themselves from acting on those

feelings even if they know it's the

wrong thing to do I'm just saying maybe

it's hard to tell what's right or wrong

certainly circumstances arise uh-huh you

mean like when one of them's been

through a very traumatic experience

exactly I guess when two people have

cared that much about each other it

never completely goes away no it doesn't

maybe because what was there was real

so bad



that's him

this is Joe pb7 form of assessments

heading north



if Jesse time she doesn't know how to

cope with what's happening we should

only be helping her with that good but

we don't know what's going on

maybe we're just remembering what was

good and forgetting everything that

drove us apart come home with me Helen

she doesn't feel safe there you're

staying here with me you got a problem

with that let's take it outside a

problem isn't with you Tony it's with

myself Helen please come outside just

for a minute

wherever you wanna sit are you saying

from the main I'm sorry darling yes it's

just like you said I've been filled with

rage and it's no excuse I should never

have laid a hand on you and I never will


I'm gonna get help - I mean I've already

made the phone call words are one thing



I want you to come home please just give

me a chance Helen to show that I can

change I love you darling

III don't know David I need you and if

you come home to me

I'll never give you another excuse to



and thanks for taking care of her Tilly


that's him which one want to try to kill


the one I shot Jason Brent positively

ID'd is the man who hit the Austin Bank

store not to mention suspected in 12

bank jobs over the past few years and

who's the guy in the black jacket that

warned me the one is spotted this

morning coming out of the bank gotta be

his younger brother Paul petty criminal

record he's first up to the big time you

think he's got cold feet how cool could

they be he shot up a bank two days ago

with automatic weapons they're going to

rob it again that's why we're back there


I checked the bank records and see right

here they changed the time lock again

it'll open 9:15 tomorrow morning just

like it should've two days ago what

happened now you stuck a walk cleared my

head there's something you're not

telling me yeah I still think this is a

bad idea

oh you have been a drag on me since the

day you were born Paul but I have always

pulled you through hello hi water but

you get weak-kneed on me tomorrow I

swear I'll leave you I won't do it

you'll do what I tell you to do

tomorrow morning little brother you can

pitch in the big leagues you're a


of all these you're on your sibling just

gotta grow up one day might as well be


did you still car for this afternoon

just sweat what happens this afternoon

officer chris kelly bank manager says

the boss scheduled open at 9:15 tomorrow

morning he's waiting for us now briefed

on the plan who else is gonna blanket

the nearby roof tops for federal agents

dads are going down to see let's hope

they don't take any badges with them

I still can't shake the image of our

bullets bouncing off their armor

you ready lieutenant and for the feet of

the neck head if we have to they're not

invincible we'll just hope they don't

get any bolder than they've already been


this guy's not stopping

trying to run us down





[ __ ] your weapons do it drop the guns

drop the guns hands in the air put your

guns down now caught man just tell us

what you want Jason now do it once you

let it go drop the damn gun do it now if

she dies

get the door Paul don't embarrass me

little brother

time to go

say goodbye [ __ ]

drop the gun do it put it down do it

okay yeah couldn't let it go on any

longer I'm sorry


Helen Johnny I would have told you this

in person but I knew how you'd look at

me when I said I'm going back to David

please understand I'm giving him the

second chance you and I never had


I can't believe I let Brent draw down on

me he came up from behind there was no

way i time to fire my gun

you could have happened to me in there

could happen to any one of us at any


Chris thank TP

hi what's your company


I'm fine so that hurt

how about all wrong I'll bite that's fun


she wines your mother come back to me I

thought I did but I'm not sure either

one of you can handle it neither am I

dad you really think she'll stay with

officer creepy doctor lays a hand on her


suddenly benefit it out and why should

we because your mother

oh shoot I gotta go to a Don meeting

pimp for seven o'clock latte some kind

of code for something I shouldn't know

about why are you so suspicious here

are you okay yeah thanks alright see you






